Author: Peter Smith

  • Are the vaccines more of a dud than even we ever thought?

    Wrote a piece the other day in which I questioned whether the vaccines were effective at all. An extreme position to take perhaps. Hmm?  Let’s see. Two neighbours, one vaccinated four or five months ago, one unvaccinated, are both equally obese, have diabetes, high blood pressure and dicky tickers. Having tested positive for Covid, both…

  • The game’s up, but Aussie politicians won’t notice

    Just read the latest weekly NSW Covid Surveillance Report. Among other data covering the seven weeks to 15 January, it provides figures (table 6) for those infected who suffered a severe outcome; i.e., “ICU and/or death.” Of the 614 people concerned 467 had been either double or triple vaxxed. While it is true that 467…

  • To Boosters and Beyond

    It was reported today in NSW that thirty-two people had died with covid in the previous 24 hours. Five of those who died had received two jabs plus a booster. That’s 16 percent. Less than the 28 percent of adults who’ve received a booster in NSW. That gap seemed to instil cavalier confidence in CHO…

  • Geniuses at the Australian newspaper keep on giving

    In my previous post I quoted the Australian newspaper editorial. It’s gift that keeps on giving. I expect that it will go on giving ineptly throughout this new year. This from the last day of the old year: The tragic death of a child who was Covid-positive in South Australia is a devastating reminder of…

  • Virus propaganda, or is it dimwittedness?

    This morning’s editorial in the Australian: “vaccines remain Australia’s best weapon against infection. As chief medical officer Paul Kelly pointed out…two-thirds of people in ICU in NSW are unvaccinated.” There are two things amiss with this sloppy statement. First, vaccines do not prevent infection. These days most people who become infected have been vaccinated. It’s…

  • Free at last! Will it last?

    Freedom Day last Wednesday. Had coffee in a café for the first time in, I don’t know, five months, was it? Had lunch in a restaurant the next day. Oh joy, free at last! My club even let me in on Friday to use the gym. When will this freedom ever end? Well, it could…

  • Kids in the jabbing line

    Where is the outrage? There’s a bit here and bit here from me. But I mean thundering denunciations in the popular press. Vaccinating children aged 5 years and older is an infamy.  But why will they stop there, when there are infants to jab. And, how long will it be before they start separating the…

  • Suffer the Little Children

    Israel started vaxxing young children in late November, as did Canada and the United States. Reports out of the UK suggest it may start there in Spring.  I see from this morning’s news that the TGA here has “provisionally approved” Pfizer for 5- to 11-years-olds. Only one child under 12 years has died with Covid…

  • Pandemic of the Unvaxxed?

    In context of debate about Omicron, Israel’s Coronavirus Commissioner Professor Salman Zarka suggested that compulsory vaccination needs to be considered. Separately, in the same Jerusalem Post article, it was noted that only two cases of Omicron had been confirmed, both fully vaccinated. One with AstraZeneca; the other with three (yes three) Pfizer shots. Just watching…

  • The Continuing Nightmare

    A chap writing for Breitbart thought that the new strain out of Botswana might be called nu. Why not mu, which comes before nu, I thought. As it was, I don’t believe we had gamma before the health gurus plumped for delta. I think there was a flirtation with a new strain lambda, but that…