Author: Peter Smith

  • TULIP versus ruinous Labor

    Christianity isn’t as straightforward as I once thought it was. Ignorance is bliss they say. I am not sure about that but the more you learn about Christianity the more complex it gets. True, Christ’s death on the cross and His  physical resurrection, and the grace this brought, are true unchanging tenets of the faith.…

  • Australia ain’t what it was

    Australia voted for the non-existent Palestinian state to be accorded (almost) full membership of the UN. Even the UK didn’t go that far, abstaining, along with 24 other countries. Eight honourable countries voted with Israel to oppose the resolution – the USA, Hungary, PNG, Nauru, Micronesia, Palau, the Czech Republic and Argentina. Australia was part of…

  • The beach which banned vanilla ice cream

    There is a well-known duopoly model in economics which explores what happens when two ice cream sellers occupy a beach. The two ice cream sellers will tend to congregate at the centre of the beach. If either of them were to move they would give their competitor an advantage in being closer to a larger…

  • Plibersek’s Big Chance

    Still maybe suffering from relevance deprivation syndrome, Tanya Plibersek will make the most of this new opportunity to trip the light fantastic. Hint: we should be concerned. She’s in charge of saving critters and all kinds of plant life; of resuscitating nature. The “initiative” is called Nature Positive. The goal: to halt and reverse the…

  • Climate Cultism Begets Despotism

    There is one part in Homage to Catalonia when George Orwell observes that for a time he and his socialist comrades-in-arms in the Spanish civil war enjoyed true brotherhood. Socialism is an ideal where people share each other’s troubles and joys and each other’s worldly goods. You can understand its attraction. It’s just not compatible…

  • What To Do, Hollowed Out and Still Spewing CO2?

    Our obsessive minister for climate change and energy Chris Bowen seems intent on ridding Oz of manufacturing. All unintentional mind. Collateral damage, as it were, from demolishing foul CO2-spewing coal-power stations, and marginalising and driving out its fellow pollutants oil and natural gas. Incidentally, history will thank him because it will be written current-day university…

  • Hairless Apes

    Just been rereading Tom Wolfe’s wonderful book The Kingdom of Speech (2016). Read it if you haven’t already. You won’t be disappointed. It’s all about why and how human beings developed the ability to speak and whether there are rules which apply across different languages. Wolfe entertainingly covers the debate between naturalists Charles Darwin and…

  • Being gay isn’t anything to write home about

    I see that a new museum has just opened in Darlinghurst in Sydney in a disused police station. Its focus is queer history and culture. Qtopia it’s called. Apparently some gay demonstrators were thrown into the cells at the very same police station in 1978. So it’s a bitter-sweet sweep of history which, no doubt, will…

  • A dunkelflaute day in Sydney town

    It’s Monday 1pm in Sydney. My flat is dark as the rain comes down from a heavily clouded sky. I look out my window. It’s still. There is no movement of leaves on the trees. I’ll guess. Any wind and solar power in the vicinity is generating a fat zero. I am in the dark…

  • On a trivial trial of aging

    Age and indignities go together. In the grossly overregulated state of NSW I’m now required to have my doctor sign off on my fitness to drive each year. Hoons on the road requiring institutionalisation are however free of medical or psychological restraints. Anyway, I learned to my shock that my doctor had retired at Christmas.…