Covid Nazis
This is slightly edited taken from Law in Nazi Germany with only a single word change required to make the point: Unvaxxinted physicians were de-certified, and were no longer allowed to treat vaxxinated patients. The unvaxxinated were prohibited from cinemas, the opera, and concerts. Unvaxxinated children were banned from public schools. Robbing the unvaxxinated became legal.…
Live from Melbourne
From The Age: Pepper balls and stinger grenades: The weapons police are using against demonstrators. Police also now have access to drones to monitor gatherings and a mobile riot truck to record confrontations and identify offenders to be arrested later. Ashton told me at the time the weapons were for “major incidents of public disorder, demonstrations…
Monica Smit
I had never heard of Monica until now, but have just received this in an email. If you aren’t aware of Monica Smit yet, you may want to be. Monica started Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) last year as an individual going live on Facebook. RDA has gone from strength to strength in leaps and bounds…
Ivermectin pro and con
With the emphasis on the word “con” in all its various meanings: New restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19. Dated September 10, 2021. Today, the TGA, acting on the advice of the Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling, has placed new restrictions on the prescribing of oral ivermectin. General practitioners are now only able to prescribe…
Is China really threatening to attack Australia with nuclear weapons?
What is one to make of this? Furious China issues bone-chilling warning subs deal could ‘make Australia a potential target for a NUCLEAR strike’. Chinese state media has warned Australia will become a ‘potential target for a nuclear strike’ after it acquires nuclear-powered submarines. As part of a new three-way alliance with the UK and…
Just because it never ever worked before is no reason not to try it again
Both of these are about public spending as the road to economic growth, as in there is no such thing. GREAT MOMENTS IN CENTRAL PLANNING: Watch: Insane footage shows China blowing up 15 skyscrapers that had sat vacant for nearly a decade. Flashback: 34 Unforgettable Photos Of China’s Massive, Uninhabited Ghost Cities. Plus this. Amity Shlaes on Biden…
How accurate is this!
This is at genius level. Meanwhile, on the front page of The Oz today are these. How to deter China from invading Taiwan And ‘Irresponsible’: China blasts nuclear subs deal in Australia, UK, US ‘forever partnership’ It’s a dangerous world out there and it’s not getting any safer.
Recent reports on serious problems with the vaccines
Here’s some background: Lara Logan drops dynamite Fox News segment on Biden’s sweeping vaccine mandates. On Thursday, “President” Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. broke another of his promises by requiring vaccine mandates on most, but not all, American citizens. The next day, Fox News aired a terrific seven-minute segment by Lara Logan titled “Mandate Nation,” and it’s really…
Violence against women
The headline story in The Age today was, “Jab blitz to target city’s north, west”. And this is what it said right there on that front page. Victorians [not women, but Victorians] who are more than 24 weeks pregnant will now be able to get priority access at state-run vaccine hubs. Not only are they…
The New World Order is taking shape
This is beyond cynical. The real issue is what do they know they are not telling the rest of us: Members of Congress, their staffs will be exempt from Biden’s federal vaccine mandate. While President Joe Biden is using a legally questionable statute to enforce what is essentially a vaccine mandate on the American workforce,…