Author: Steve Kates

  • This is what doctors are not permitted to say or permitted to do

    So much for free speech and open debate. First there’s this from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Registered health practitioners and students: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, and this is what they state (amongst other things). ‘There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice, and any…

  • Who’s in charge of the asylum? A bunch of tyrannical fools, that’s who

    Surely this time they have gone too far: Now they’re confiscating alcohol delivered to locked-down Australian apartments if booze volume exceeds state-sanctioned limits.

  • The Zelenko Protocol

    I mentioned a while back that Donald Trump while President – and thus before any of the vaxxines had been developed – had had Covid himself and was over it within a couple of days. I speculated that he might have used Ivermectin or HCQ but did not know. Apparently, he had followed what is…

  • The Melbourne Syndrome revisited

    This was an article I wrote exactly a year ago: The Melbourne Syndrome which was published at the American Institute for Economic Research. What remains the most astonishing part is how little has changed. Victoria is still governed by our own version of Captain Bligh who knows only how to order others about while understanding

  • “Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19.”

    In regard to Ivermectin, you really need to read this: Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 63 studies. Very long, very detailed, but this was the bottom line. “Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19.” Anyone who says anything else is [you tell me].

  • They don’t seem to be very worried about covid spreading any more

    VIRGINIA TECH.ENTER SANDMAN. ABSOLUTE CHILLS. @HokiesFB — ACC Network (@accnetwork) September 3, 2021 They’re not even wearing masks. More here, some of it even very rude: VIDEOS: Multiple Stadiums Break Into ‘F**k Joe Biden’ Chants At NCAA Division 1 Football Games. I don’t approve of what they say, of course, but will defend to the…

  • Matthew Guy for Victorian Leader of the Opposition

    And after that, for Premier. So here’s some positive news: Matthew Guy launching leadership coup to oust Michael O’Brien.  FORMER opposition leader Matthew Guy will launch a sensational bid to overthrow Liberal leader Michael O’Brien. Mr Guy’s camp was trying to convince Mr O’Brien to stand down over recent days but will now seek a…

  • “Be well, living in your fascist state”

    I just received a note from a friend in San Francisco. This is how it ends: In the midst of this phase of the pandemic, I’m off to Paris for a 6 week travel spree culminating in the wedding of my stepdaughter in New Hampshire. Planes, trains, buses and automobiles.  Will stay as safe as…

  • “Transitory” inflation is on its way

    I don’t know what I would do without Paul Krugman and his unerring ability to get things wrong, but bless him, there he is again. Krugman doesn’t get quite understand any of this, but he does come close. The issue between the classics and the Keynesians over why recessions occur was over whether they were…

  • A study in cynicism and the modern world

    Here’s the actual title, Diary of an Acclimatised Beauty: Treating, but it really is a study in cynicism and the modern world. Here is the passage that first caught my eye, just in case you were wondering why there are so many covid cases in the US. American hospitals are actually paid 20 percent more…