Adult Human Female
This is interesting to watch, especially if you can last the distance. Very interesting in parts. On the other hand, look at these people trying to put that genie back in the bottle. Like they never conjured it in the first place. The executive and judiciary will be next.
Guest Post: Santissima Trinidad – Comments on Indigenous Voice Co-design Process Final Report to the Australian Government
Note: p.17 – page number. P.100/272 is the .pdf number, 2 higher than the written page number I’m a very, very long term regular reader and rare contributor. I’ve been through a proggie vengeance attack cycle for public commentary before. So the above is a throwaway nom de plume. Any future contributions of mine will…
A constitutional change that we all can agree on.
This year, constitutional change is in the air. But like so many previous attempts to alter the Australian Constitution, this one – the creation of an Aboriginal Voice – is being shown to be every bit as controversial as most earlier attempts at change. In medical parlance: “the patient is not looking good.” But the…
‘No Vaccine Mandates?’ – Pull the other one.
This week, former Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, in the jargon of the media, sat down with Sky News journalist, Sharri Markson. Though the interview covered a range of subjects, there was only one area that interested me: vaccine mandates. In the interview, Morrison asserted that he and his Government never supported widespread vaccine mandates. Neither,…
Some thoughts on mothers, drag queens, trans, groomers & grooming
Why are parents, and in particular mothers, taking their children to drag queen shows and drag queen story hours in public libraries? This phenomenon of provocative drag queens performing in front of children was unheard of as little as five years ago yet now, probably because we are living in the middle of a woke…
Nietzsche’s foreboding insight
From the outset, it must be said that German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a troubled individual who suffered a wide range of afflictions during his relatively short life. Having said that, in the preface to his work ‘On the Genealogy of Morality’, Nietzsche wrote: What if a regressive trait lurked in “the good…
Perversity under liberalism
This is a rather good thread on the pseudo-medicalization of psychological conditions that are often, in other instances, nothing more than perverse sexual fetishes and I recommend it to you. One of the interesting aspects here is the status of perversion under liberalism. To put it bluntly, liberalism not only lacks the philosophical and moral…
I have often wondered what it must have been like for ordinary people in Russia, China, Germany, Cambodia, Korea, Iran, and other countries, to wake up and realise they were living in a country that had been overtaken by a sinister, fringe, and radical political ideology. Did they think the political madness would pass and…
Sliding towards polyamorous ‘marriage’
It was clear during and following the public discussion of gay ‘marriage’ that there was no in-principle argument among the majority of its proponents that could present a stumbling block for polyamorous ‘marriage’. If people could not recognize that marriage was a union of the opposite sexes, given its ends, how could they further recognize…
It’s time to celebrate men and masculinity
There is a Yiddish word I am sure many here have heard of before. The word is “mensch”. Mensch, in its original meaning, is not a word to be used flippantly. Calling a man a mensch is a serious compliment, to be used sparingly, it’s a word of praise that extols the virtues of a…