
I have often wondered what it must have been like for ordinary people in Russia, China, Germany, Cambodia, Korea, Iran, and other countries, to wake up and realise they were living in a country that had been overtaken by a sinister, fringe, and radical political ideology. Did they think the political madness would pass and everyone would finally come to their senses? Perhaps some people were bewildered, bamboozled, puzzled, confused and overwhelmed by the radical change. I am sure some understood what was happening, but no doubt most people thought they could wait it out. As a student of history I understand how radical ideologies, once they obtain power, be it through elections, revolutions, or coups, never waste any time consolidating power and never waste any time implementing radical social, political, economic, sexual and racial agendas. The left are masters of this. It happened very quickly after the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917, and it was replicated fifteen years later in Germany when Hitler was appointed chancellor in January 1933. And once in power they never voluntarily relinquish power. They use state apparatuses to propagandise, to indoctrinate and to groom. Communism, Nazism and Fascism enforce their agendas by grooming.  All totalitarian ideologies groom, they are experts at it.

In democracies like Australia we do not have the excuse of sudden radical ideological change (although the jury is out with this current Albanese government). No, instead we have allowed radical and fringe ideologies to gain influence and power slowly, by infiltrating and corrupting our mainstream political parties, government departments, media, academia, education, entertainment, charities, even religious groups. This process of infiltration and corruption has been slow, but it has been highly successful, and it is now entrenched. And nowhere has this process been more successful than with the whole LGBTQI+ ideology. What began as a genuine and sincere campaign for equal rights for gay men and gay women has now morphed into a sinister campaign for the compulsory acceptance of radical queer theory, and as part of this compulsory acceptance, the push is to normalise sexual perversion and to breakdown societal and sexual taboos. Queer theory is unapologetically revolutionary in its desire and intent to destroy heterosexuality (or as they prefer to call it, “heteronormativity”), to destroy the family, to destroy biological reality, to destroy male and female, to destroy our Judeo-Christian heritage, to destroy religion and to destroy consent laws. In queer theory, all children, even infants, are regarded as sexual beings who can consent to sexual activity. LGB has now evolved into LGBTQI+ and it’s the last three letters and the plus symbol that now runs amok through western societies. I call it LGBTQI+ fascism and this fascism is now entrenched across western societies.

I live in inner-city Sydney and the city is currently hosting “WorldPride,” a festival promoting global LGBTQIA+ pride. Sydney is currently drenched in LGBTQIA+ pride propaganda, there are banners, flags and murals everywhere, almost every shopfront displays the LGBTQIA+ pride logo and flags, walking through David Jones today I noticed how even the ground floor of the store has been painted with LGBTQIA+ pride colours. It is everywhere, you cannot escape the propaganda. Building facades are painted and daubed with pride colours, one hotel near Hyde Park has LGBTQIA+ pride ribbons hanging for metres down the front of the building. Footpaths, steps and roads have been painted with the LGBTQIA+ pride colours. As I walked through all of this today, I became increasingly bewildered, puzzled, disturbed and irate, and then I realised something, it was akin to walking through Berlin in 1938, where the swastika and other Nazi imagery were omnipresent, in 2023 I walk through Sydney’s streets and stores and the LGBTQIA+ pride colours are omnipresent.  Just like the Nazis used the swastika as a symbol of its sinister ideology, just like the Soviets used and the Chinese and North Koreans still use murals and military parades to symbolise and promote totalitarian ideology, the LGBTQIA+ pride colours are also designed to intimidate, to indoctrinate and to promote, and all of this is a message to ordinary Australians that they no longer have the reins of power in this country, that power now belongs to fringe, radical ideologues.

I felt sickened by the display today, it is everywhere. I now live in LGBTQIA+ land. This has nothing to do with equal rights for gay men and women. This is state sponsored grooming and indoctrination. I will have nothing to do with it. Yet if I dare protest, I am the reactionary, the bigot, the homophobe, the transphobe, the racist, and the Nazi. And all of this will only get worse, so I am prepared for the day when I hear a knock on the door and I will be confronted by police who will question why I refuse to celebrate LGBTQIA+ pride, why I think paedophiles are dangerous and should not be allowed near children, and why I believe in biological reality. The police will probably say that they want to check my thinking. I am ready for all of this. And do not laugh, such police visits are already happening in the UK.

Once upon a time East Germans lived in Stasiland, Australians now live in Prideland.

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February 17, 2023 1:10 pm

The left are masters of this. It happened very quickly after the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917, and it was replicated fifteen years later in Germany when Hitler was appointed chancellor in January 1933.

Wait, are you saying the Nazis, (aka the National *Socialists*) were leftists?? … oh …wait….

…then I realised something, it was akin to walking through Berlin in 1938, where the swastika and other Nazi imagery were omnipresent….

Careful, AHPRA sent me a show cause letter where one of my listed COVID crimes was ‘anti-semetism’ – based upon my comparing the ‘othering’ of the Vax resisters to that of the Jews in Berlin in 1936….

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 17, 2023 1:13 pm

Bloody well said Cassie. I too am utterly sickened by all of this and I’m glad I’m not in Sydney at the moment visiting my grandies. These perversions are on the brink of becoming compulsory for all of us. Part of the plan to depopulate the world, perhaps?

February 17, 2023 1:19 pm

Sydney is currently drenched in LGBTQIA+ pride propaganda, there are banners, flags and murals everywhere

The Fascists love their big flags, big murals and big brother.

Australia is f’cking sick, the place seems to have gone over some sort of tipping point.

February 17, 2023 1:23 pm

Excellently said, Cassie.

I for one refuse to acknowledge or respect gay “pride.”

February 17, 2023 1:27 pm

Its insidious.

The idiotic head of my daughter’s new HS parent’s committee couldn’t wait to gush the ‘extra special welcome to the alphabets’ or some shit during a parent’s zoom call the other night.

I nearly barfed.

She’s probably groomed her child into a mutilating sex change… poor kid.

February 17, 2023 1:38 pm

He was right, of course.

That’s why they hated him.

February 17, 2023 1:59 pm

Well said Cassie. Another aspect of this totalitarian coup is that the homos have appropriated the language. Aspirational words that were used to inspire people are now applied to their perverted lifestyle. Gay? Pride? Pride in what exactly? Sodomy? FMD

February 17, 2023 2:01 pm

Most disturbing is the enlistment of children into this cause with the acquiescence or even enthusiastic support of their parents, given that it is within living memory that any parent who placed their child under the influence of sexual deviants and perverts* could have expected a knock on the door from child services. Many Australians appear to have lost all moral sense.

* I use those terms quite objectively according to natural law and not pejoratively.

February 17, 2023 2:05 pm

I was once called in to do a senior contract placement in a large city council. Let’s say I was known for cleaning things up. The arts, civic events, recreation and a range of other similar responsibilities were included in the portfolio. I soon learned that the department had been totally infiltrated by the gay/left mafia. Grants inevitably went to mates, contracts went to mates and anyone internally within the organization who had questioned this was undermined or set up. With the aid of a trusty auditor I went through the place like a dose of salts. Almost 70% of non fixed budget was being blown one way or another – non existent research, studies that never happened, lots of cocktail parties, consultations, cars, travel, more cocktail parties etc. During the course of the assignment I flew up to the sunshine coast on the Aus Day weekend to see an elderly aunt. We went to an arts event sponsored by the local council and ran slap bang into two of my “staff” who were “moonlighting ” as consultants and running a series companies in cahoots with mates inside other councils! The network is vast. After completing my report I had a briefing with the CEO who confided that unless two councilors didn’t get back in, it would be hard to get the numbers to change the culture, although I later heard that a few staff had “resigned” and one had been charged by police for embezzlement.

February 17, 2023 2:24 pm

Queer theory is unapologetically revolutionary in its desire and intent to destroy heterosexuality (or as they prefer to call it, “heteronormativity”), to destroy the family, to destroy biological reality, to destroy male and female, to destroy our Judeo-Christian heritage, to destroy religion and to destroy consent laws.

Cassie, this is a bloody brilliant post! Everything that you have said resonates massively. And indeed, the signs and symbols that the “Alphabet” menage plaster everywhere in our public spaces speaks to their fascist heritage.

They have learned their Gramsky lessons well. I have thought this for some time. They are ruthless and unafraid. And they are like this because they have completely abandoned all sense of “fair play” and respect for opposing philosophies. I had to confront these fascists professionally years ago and found it quite unsettling. They are completely humourless and fixated with their program. And when confronted, their hostility is boundless.

At the end of the day, it seems that they have control of the “social narrative”. I don’t think for a moment that their essential philosophy is held by the vast majority of ordinary working Australians. But sexual confusion amongst the young is being cleverly fostered by the “vibe” and this is not confined to the well-off in the community.

It is hard not to feel a little defeated by this assumption of our cultural mores. I have to say that I feel I am watching “Rome burning”!

February 17, 2023 2:32 pm

Most disturbing is the enlistment of children into this cause with the acquiescence or even enthusiastic support of their parents, given that it is within living memory that any parent who placed their child under the influence of sexual deviants and perverts* could have expected a knock on the door from child services.

Roger, at least ten years ago our family learned that one of the daughters – a lesbian -of our in-laws had fostered, with her lesbian partner, an eight year old boy. The first thing they did was dye his hair and give him a punk haircut. This, of itself, was not enough to have him rescued, of course. But their subsequent lifestyle apparently was – because he was soon after retrieved by the Department. Whether that would happen now – I don’t honestly know.

February 17, 2023 2:32 pm

Nature will sort ’em out.

The first batch of “women” with prostate cancer must be due.

Along with the “men” with ovarian cancer.

Good luck to the treating oncologists.

February 17, 2023 2:49 pm

Viktor Orban is the only world leader who has identified the threat and is actively doing something about it.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
February 17, 2023 3:04 pm

Spot on thanks, Cassie.
The GayBC, needless to say, has gone berserk with queer promo pieces. Two things they have chosen not to report:
(1) the closure of the execrable and discredited child-mutilation factory at the Tavistock Clinic in London
(2) the results of the recent UK census which had for the first time a question on sexual orientation, and which revealed that 1.5 percent of the population identified as LGBTQI+. Even the BBC, woke as it is these days, reported this.

Have a think about (2), folks. ONE point FIVE percent, not the ten or even twenty that the queer lobby, armed with the corrupt and degenerate pseudo-science of the Kinsey Report, likes to claim. Talk about the tail wagging the dog.

February 17, 2023 3:21 pm

They took the word “gay”, so I never use it.
Then they took the rainbow; that was cunning.
Taking “pride” will be their downfall.

This post is much appreciated.
Cassie of Sydney is a warrior.

February 17, 2023 3:22 pm

I was always remember the line by the Joe Jackson in the song “Real Men” ,
“If there’s war between the sexes then there will be no people left”…sort of make me think the sexes will join forces, they can only push so far.

I thought it was interest from Joe Jackson.
“It’s a song about the age old battle of the sexes. I think your average male has had his masculinity and supremacy threatened to the point where he’s not sure what it is he’s supposed to do. Intelligent, forward thinking, in the sexual arena, is being done by women. It’s all about the way stereotypes have reversed, turned upside down and become meaningless.

– Joe Jackson in a 1982 interview with Billboard

I think Elbow attending the gay pride will be his undoing.

good post btw

February 17, 2023 3:31 pm

Ok, our mining town has about 130 permanent residents.

In that time, to my knowledge we have had 2 sets of openly gay ladies living as a family group.

Amount of shits given by everyone else.
Zero point zero, zero.

I have no knowledge of anyone elses preferences bar the usual banter and dont care.
(except for one chap who was arrested onsite for some kiddy stuff he was doing on the computer- didnt get jail time so I assume looking not touching)

Homo hodowns are not the same as being treated the same as everyone else, they are deliberate provocations designed to force people to “choose a side” with all th subtlety of a brick to the head.

Its not enough not to care, you must show fealty, at least publicly or be cast into the outer darkness.

I had a chat with the young pilot of the plane yesterday (about 21) and his impression of 1970/80/90’s Australia is it was a sexist oppressive hellhole where women were beaten into silence behind closed doors and gays were lynched to the approval of the crowd.

Hes been carefully educated into the ‘dont listen to anyone over 40″ cult.
It is cultural marxism, the war was lost when they allowed people to infest the universities with the various grievance studies departments, effectively funding social cancer who have, amazingly, never solved any of the grievances they harbor.

February 17, 2023 3:37 pm

Viktor Orban is the only world leader who has identified the threat and is actively doing something about it.

And Putin of course – which rather explains his lockstep demonisation by the west.

February 17, 2023 3:49 pm

Pride comes before the fall.

February 17, 2023 3:52 pm

Cassie, I wandered into town today (from Sleazy Hills) for my first optometrist appointment in four years and must admit I didn’t even notice all the pride crap everywhere.

Presumably I’ve developed “selective blindness” in that time.

February 17, 2023 4:06 pm

Mak Siccarsays:
February 17, 2023 at 1:13 pm
Bloody well said Cassie. I too am utterly sickened by all of this and I’m glad I’m not in Sydney at the moment visiting my grandies. These perversions are on the brink of becoming compulsory for all of us. Part of the plan to depopulate the world, perhaps?

Mak, the Alphabet people are Morlocks and they plan to literally eat our children, the Eloi.
Yes, the plan is to depopulate the world, one child at a time. Although lately, time seems to be of the essence for that mob. The terror is escalating across most of the Western World.

Spinning Mouse
Spinning Mouse
February 17, 2023 4:26 pm

Great post Cassie.

We seem to be insulated from the overt displays in sunny Qld, but the nonsense is seeping through the school system and bureaucracy.

Robert Sewell
February 17, 2023 4:56 pm

I’m speechless.
Four posts I’ve written and deleted each of them.
So much for the Enlightenment.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

I think Elbow attending the gay pride will be his undoing

I do not concur.

February 17, 2023 5:18 pm

Cassie: congratulations on a splendid post.

A few years ago Quadrant published a series of articles on transgenderism by Dr John Whitehall, an eminent paediatrician, he said that there used to be a few cases a year of children presenting with the belief that their gender was incorrect. However, in his experience most of these cases resolved themselves in the passage of time. Surgery was never recommended.

A few weeks ago I watched a podcast by Jordan Peterson, (I can’t provide the link), who predicted that the transgender craze will cease abruptly, when the first lawsuits are filed. I fervently hope that all of the so-called experts who recommended surgical reassignment — and the surgeons who performed the operations — are found to be liable for huge damages, if not guilty of manslaughter of children and young adults who committed suicide following gender reassignment. From what I read on the Internet, the first lawsuits will come before the courts in the near future.

February 17, 2023 5:28 pm

Paul notes in writing to the Romans that men are intent on throwing off their Creator and worshipping nature – men cannot believe in nothing. But as civilisations careen further down that path, God gives them up – ie it is an action of divine judgement – but couched as “be careful what you wish for”. They are given up to unnatural affections – seeking to do things with their bodies they were never designed to do. From a purely logical point of view, it looks like an insane activity.
So while we may well tolerate and do good to people so inclined, we should always be aware that there is absolutely nothing defensible or normative about that lifestyle. It is no surprise then that the formal accceptance of this lifestyle into the social fabric is not an end, but a beginning of lots of creeping further downhill. And this is not an indictment only of that lifestyle – as Paul noted, it is an act of judgement on whole peoples who have no place for the one who made them and sustains them. The unthankful.
If it is an act of judgement, and if we have come to applaud it openly, what do you think the end game of that will be?

February 17, 2023 5:32 pm

ABC: 17 days of pride celebrations. Longer than the Olympic Games.

February 17, 2023 5:45 pm

Brilliant, Cassie.

…and then I realised something, it was akin to walking through Berlin in 1938, where the swastika and other Nazi imagery were omnipresent, in 2023 I walk through Sydney’s streets and stores and the LGBTQIA+ pride colours are omnipresent.

The analogy is air-tight and perfect.

A measure of how far the new nazism has gone is that the American State Department is now orchestrating the overthrow of the Hungarian government for being Christian. And its being quite open about it too because it knows the media is salivating about the prospect of Orban being Romanov-ed.

February 17, 2023 5:45 pm

I received an email from David Jones today full of the Pride propaganda. I had some sort of video showing the trannies prancing about.
Message to myself: don’t shop at David Jones if I can avoid it.
Hopefully enough people think the same way.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 17, 2023 5:54 pm

Complaining about pooftas in Sydney is so gay.

February 17, 2023 5:57 pm

Not sure if it will be his undoing but I’m guessing his handlers are a little concerned about the ‘optics’ of old Magnum Mouth sashaying along Oxford St while Australians are losing their homes, food prices are skyrocketing and Aboriginal women are being bashed.

February 17, 2023 6:03 pm

February 17, 2023 at 5:28 pm
Paul notes in writing to the Romans that men are intent on throwing off their Creator and worshipping nature – men cannot believe in nothing. But as civilisations careen further down that path, God gives them up – ie it is an action of divine judgement – but couched as “be careful what you wish for”. They are given up to unnatural affections – seeking to do things with their bodies they were never designed to do. From a purely logical point of view, it looks like an insane activity.
So while we may well tolerate and do good to people so inclined, we should always be aware that there is absolutely nothing defensible or normative about that lifestyle.

The last sentence here resonates with me as an explanation for why it is that those that adopt this lifestyle are constantly hitting everyone else in the face with it. My guess is they are trying desperately to convince themselves, but know somewhere in there innermost, that they are not at peace with themselves. It is like a dog chasing its tail, frenetically trying to stop the itch but incapable of ever scratching it.

February 17, 2023 6:07 pm

in there innermost,

in their innermost, fingers not brain did it.

Robert Sewell
February 17, 2023 6:18 pm


From what I read on the Internet, the first lawsuits will come before the courts in the near future.

Good news, Artur.
My special hatred in this world are the people who abuse kids who they have gotten the trust of.

February 17, 2023 6:31 pm

When Tennis Albo marches in the poofy parade, I hope there are a few raucous voices yelling “here comes the gimp!”, or “where’s ya gimp suit?”

February 17, 2023 6:35 pm

An unlikely but possible saviour for the west, is the much sought after war with Russia by the USA.

Perhaps sending the youth of the West ,and that will include Australia (AUKUS), whatever they call themselves, off to die in some forsaken part of Europe or even mainland USA might have a redeeming effect effect on their value systems. Maybe not and it will just be a huge culling, either way .. can’t see the downside.

Another symptom of “Rome Burning” possibly

The USA is certainly doing their best to provoke Russia and China into first strikes so they can go batcrap crazy war footing.

*Victor Orban is now in the same position Ukraine was in, in 2013 with the USA funding violent opposition and protests. I doubt it will lead to the same outcome though, Orban is not corrupt and has no weakness easily exploitable.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Not sure if it will be his undoing but I’m guessing his handlers are a little concerned about the ‘optics’ of old Magnum Mouth sashaying along Oxford St while Australians are losing their homes, food prices are skyrocketing and Aboriginal women are being bashed.

Quite so.
Though this requires his handlers to be rooted in reality, & not casually dismissing those losing their homes & worried about food prices as “bogans” or “selfish bigots”, as for Aboriginal women being bashed – that’ll be handled by telling any channel/station/press that if it is reported the govt will pull lotsa advertisings from them.
…. thus solving the “Aboriginal women being bashed” problem.

February 17, 2023 6:50 pm

Pogria, I think the popular useage is, “Bring out the Gimp”.

I don’t think it ends well.

February 17, 2023 6:50 pm

I wandered into town today (from Sleazy Hills) for my first optometrist appointment in four years and must admit I didn’t even notice all the pride crap everywhere.

Shoulda gone to Specsavers.

(Sorry, couldn’t resist!)

February 17, 2023 6:53 pm

I’m guessing his handlers are a little concerned about the ‘optics’ of old Magnum Mouth sashaying along Oxford St while Australians are losing their homes, food prices are skyrocketing and Aboriginal women are being bashed.

I believe he’s already been told by the president of the ALP that the optics aren’t playing well out there and to pull his head in.

Whether Albanese, whose hubris reminds one of Ardern or Sturgeon, is capable of acting on that advice is another matter.

As Rabz noted, pride comes before a fall.

February 17, 2023 7:12 pm

A few weeks ago I watched a podcast by Jordan Peterson, (I can’t provide the link), who predicted that the transgender craze will cease abruptly, when the first lawsuits are filed.

This seems like wishful thinking.

I had a chat with the young pilot of the plane yesterday (about 21) and his impression of 1970/80/90’s Australia is it was a sexist oppressive hellhole where women were beaten into silence behind closed doors and gays were lynched to the approval of the crowd.

He will be redpilled one day, unfortunately, likely through a divorce.

February 17, 2023 7:35 pm

Elbow first PM “trough boy”.

February 17, 2023 7:50 pm

When the gay marriage vote was in progress I had many heated arguments on The Cat with well meaning but deluded individuals here who had absorbed the propaganda concerning the sodomites. And they are sodomites so call them what they are.

My recounts of sodomite behavior were dismissed with scorn. My explanations of how sodomites recruit and trap young men into their evil world were labeled as being untrue at best, (many accused me of being a liar). People assumed it was untrue because it was the complete opposite of what you were being sold with your friendly neighborhood fags next door who dress really nicely and throw great dinner parties.

And so the majority of you voted yes for sodomite marriage and that was it. The floodgates were opened and now yes, you are living in the sodomite version of Nazi Germany. Today’s Australian newspaper has an article about the Murdochs giving a million bucks to a sodomite museum and then urging corporations to give generously to the fag community. Just why large donations to the sodomites are needed in the first place is not explained; it is simply assumed that the average reader understands that if tomorrow you decide to start sticking your penis in men’s bottoms then suddenly you are deserving of cash donations from the rest of the country.

Now you are living in sodomite world. Have fun with that. Some of us warned you but you didn’t listen.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 17, 2023 7:58 pm

I’d love to see Albasleazy sodomised on his float in Oxford street.

Thanks for the post Cassie.

February 17, 2023 8:03 pm

Now you are living in sodomite world. Have fun with that. Some of us warned you but you didn’t listen.


February 17, 2023 8:05 pm

I’d love to see Albasleazy sodomised on his float in Oxford street.

If he’s not up for being sodomised he’s not really celebrating diversity is he?!

February 17, 2023 8:05 pm

I’m guessing his handlers are a little concerned about the ‘optics’ of old Magnum Mouth sashaying along Oxford St while Australians are losing their homes, food prices are skyrocketing and Aboriginal women are being bashed.

All the opposition has to do in their election ads is to show those images and similar ones of the other lying clowns with minimal commentary and then add a one-liner to the effect that only you the voter can fix this.

Of course, that assumes the libs have enough brains to exploit it, which I doubt.

February 17, 2023 8:22 pm

Looks like my previous comment is stuck in moderation . . .

Great post Cassie – superbly written in your usual indomitable and frank style.

Like so many, I’m just so over the whole LGBTQI+ schtick, and as you have correctly pointed out, this has now morphed into an insidious fascism that has also now grown some very alarming tentacles of enlistment of children.

This is not going to end well.

February 17, 2023 9:05 pm

February 17, 2023 at 6:50 pm
Pogria, I think the popular useage is, “Bring out the Gimp”.

I don’t think it ends well.

Hi Calli, I know the original line, one of my favourite movies of all time. My line of thinking was, “he’s already going to be out there”. For what it’s worth, I reckon his “girlfriend”, is actually his beard. :O

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
February 17, 2023 9:09 pm

The LGTBetc movement has an absolute hammerlock on corporate Australia. It viciously dispatches dissenters. Every office I’ve worked at is awash in rainbow items – rainbows used to be a covenant between God and man, now completely appropriated . The best hope is a comedians like Chapelle. And even he’s wavering. But ridicule seems like the only way back. And the Ts are already destroying the Gs.

February 17, 2023 10:34 pm

a salute … heil dickless

February 17, 2023 11:31 pm

Julie McCrossin on the news tonight. From an old profile:

Six years after she was diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer, she says cancer caused by HPV (human papillomavirus) is on the rapid rise.

HPV is the name for a group of more that 150 related viruses, many of which are transmitted via vaginal, anal and oral sex.

‘I had oral sex, and a little bit of HPV must have lodged in my throat. I didn’t know until they told me I had throat cancer,’ she explained.

‘There’s no shame in it. It’s ordinary sexual behaviour… there’s no embarrassment in talking about cervical cancer, but there is embarrassment for people to talk about cancer in the throat.

Can’t see that coming up in the celebrations.

‘Ordinary sexual behaviour’ another lie.

February 17, 2023 11:37 pm

How long before the “pride flag” takes its mandatory place alongside the other two protest flags behind Canberra lecterns?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 18, 2023 12:15 am

Elbow first PM “trough boy”.

In search of Trough Man, an icon of Sydney’s 1980s gay scene

I post this (slightly dated) link not in condemnation of homosexuals, but of the ABC’s casual normalisation of a fairly hectic perversion.

I am reliably informed that this guy was rolling around in the portable urinals at Mardi Gras just before Covid. Obviously he would become a cultural icon for the National Broadcaster.

February 18, 2023 1:53 am


Tennis Albo marches in the poofy parade

Is this a mixed metaphor?
He’s Tennis Albo at the Open only.
He’s ANAL at the gay parade

February 18, 2023 4:50 am

Male homosexuals rule the left with an iron fist as feminists are now finding out. The trans movement is their crowning glory, pushed by the power-drunk male homosexual fringe.

As a propaganda device, the threat of being called an anti-homosexual bigot is as powerful as the racism button is in America.

In politics, modern Australian homosexual thugs leave Hitler’s Brown Shirts in the shade — as so skilfully depicted by the late Bill Leak.

February 18, 2023 5:31 am

Nature will sort ’em out.

The first batch of “women” with prostate cancer must be due.

Along with the “men” with ovarian cancer.

Good luck to the treating oncologists.

I can actually see men claiming to be women for treatment. I have heard of cases of breast cancer in born males, rare, but it happens. There are treatments and drugs available under the PBS and Medicare, but only to women. Ditto support services. Ergo, if you are a bloke with breast cancer , identify as female PDQ.

February 18, 2023 5:58 am

The ABC kids had a program entitled Mardigras and Me introducing children to the rainbow people yesterday afternoon. Drag Queens and all. How low can the ABC go in trashing Ita Buttroses professional reputation .

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 18, 2023 7:41 am

I just got up, swept away the last cobwebs off of sleep with a hot shower and drew deep the invigorating aromas of a double espresso. I opened the Cat, saw the headline, and immediately guessed it was Cassie.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 18, 2023 7:42 am

PS That is a good thing.

February 18, 2023 9:05 am

dopey says:
February 17, 2023 at 5:32 pm
ABC: 17 days of pride celebrations. Longer than the Olympic Games.

They will soon realise they have underestimated the time they need to rub it in our faces. Next year it will go right up to Good Friday.

February 18, 2023 9:07 am

They must have run out of flags & advertising .. nuttin’ at all around Fairfield .. strange considering we is soooo “diverse”! .. LOL!

February 18, 2023 9:17 am

I believe he’s already been told by the president of the ALP that the optics aren’t playing well out there and to pull his head in.

My sources in the workforce tell me that Pauline Hanson cartoon’s image of Albo in the Sam Smith gimp suit has gone viral to much mirth everywhere. You don’t have to worry about getting “unacceptable” political jokes on work email when most of these are circulated on personal phones yet still allowing fun in the office.

February 18, 2023 9:20 am

shatterzzz says:
February 18, 2023 at 9:07 am
They must have run out of flags & advertising .. nuttin’ at all around Fairfield .. strange considering we is soooo “diverse”! .. LOL!

It’s the other way around, you live in a diverse community, the rainbow flags are for the “diverse” communities.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 18, 2023 10:04 am

I didn’t even notice all the pride crap everywhere.

Rabz Daaahhling, you must SIMPLY get down to the gorgeous Opera House and feast your eyes on its beautiful rainbow colours. Lights up the evening and your life!!!!
Oh and don’t forget the ultra-splendid Beach Party at Bondi. It will be sensational.
I am so looking forward to catching up with you as we march across the Sydney Harbour Bridge for global equality. Wear the sequins you naughty boy! We might even rub shoulders (giggle giggle) with a sistagirl or brothaboy.
Hugs and kisses, OSC.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 18, 2023 10:16 am

Adam says:
February 17, 2023 at 7:50 pm
And so the majority of you voted yes for sodomite marriage and that was it. The floodgates were opened and now yes, you are living in the sodomite version of Nazi Germany.

My cursory reading of the Cat makes me doubt your analysis. I get a strong feeling that the majority of Cats who post here voted against SSM.
However you are right – the waffenSSM have taken over.
Remember the old days when “I better leave before homosexuality becomes compulsory” was a joke?

February 18, 2023 10:50 am

Great post, Cassie. This is every year in the US during June for the whole month. Promoted by almost all corporates, local, state and federal authorities.

February 18, 2023 11:29 am

That’s a brilliant article Cassie. Well said.

Angus Black
Angus Black
February 18, 2023 11:59 am

I really don’t care where anyone wants to put his/her “bits” provided s/he does it in decent privacy and no one except consenting adults is involved.

Good luck to you all.

For heaven’s sake just get on with it…but, irrespective of your lifestyle choices, leave me out of it.

February 18, 2023 12:13 pm

I haven’t noticed any gay pride hereabouts; if I do I should think it rather pathetic. A tiny number of twisted sickos demanding we respect them for being twisted sickos. It isn’t going to happen, the best they can hope for is the terminally fashion conscious pretending to admire them.

At some point the pendulum will swing back and we’ll be hanging the poor buggers. The extremes always provoke a reaction. You have to be a bit dim not to see this.

February 18, 2023 1:48 pm

How long before the “pride flag” takes its mandatory place alongside the other two protest flags behind Canberra lecterns?

It’s a very good question. Local councils and state governments already display ‘pride’ flags outside their/ our offices. The State government, here in Victoria, funded the Victorian Pride Centre to the tune of $25M. The local council gifted the land. It’s bound to happen sooner or later.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
February 18, 2023 2:49 pm

Meanwhile the breadwinner in a single-income heterosexual family is taxed into penury, as if he (or she as the case may be) had no other calls on his or her income except a new pair of sequins for the Mardi Gras. Why? To force the parents to commit the kids to collectivist factory farms.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 18, 2023 4:14 pm

Angus Blacksays:
February 18, 2023 at 11:59 am
I really don’t care where anyone wants to put his/her “bits” provided s/he does it in decent privacy and no one except consenting adults is involved.

Good luck to you all.

For heaven’s sake just get on with it…but, irrespective of your lifestyle choices, leave me out of it.

And don’t expect me to “celebrate” it.

February 18, 2023 5:26 pm

Captain and I did not vote yez
Great post Cassie

Louis Litt
February 18, 2023 11:07 pm

What would their idols of Marx, Lenin, mau, Castro, etc be thinking if they saw this.
I recall decades ago watching a doco on the gaybc on socialism in Australia.
The final sentence being spoken was that man should be free of working on machines and should use their time in art , music and philosophy.
This is the link, lbgetc has nothing to do with socialism but for the last part – not working.
This is hedonism – sex gone bad as in king Lear.
Can anyone explain to me why country people are branded like the characters in Deliverence but urban homosexual rapists are deemed intellectual re the family Adelaide , Lou reed records maralyn Manson etc

February 19, 2023 11:33 am

Captain and I did not vote yez
Great post Cassie

Me neither. It had a bloody barcode on it.

February 19, 2023 1:05 pm

I also find that the incessant messaging is annoying. But an analogy that puts a few pride banners up against Nazi signage of the 1930s is silly. Nazis were killing homosexuals.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 19, 2023 7:55 pm

To add to Cassie’s drenched in LGBTQIA+ pride propaganda:
my local surf club has joined the “celebrations” by festooning today’s patrol area with rainbow bunting and a large rainbow siding for the patrol enclosure.
A one-off by my club?
No, all issued by Surf Life Saving NSW to all clubs up and down the coast.
No opinions sought; no membership survey before going ahead; no discussion at club committee level; essentially a compulsory exercise for all clubs to demonstrate State Centre’s wokeness.
Cynic that I am, I’ll bet money is at the root of the clubs’s decision to go ahead i.e. grants, funding, etc will be withdrawn if the “rules” are not followed.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 19, 2023 8:04 pm

Cassie, darling, I am proud to call you my friend. That’s real pride. You are truly a warrior.
As well as that, you always manage to make such very acute historical observations.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 19, 2023 8:05 pm

Heathen says:
February 19, 2023 at 1:05 pm
puts a few pride banners up

Did you not read Cassie’s extensive list of pride propaganda currently festooning Sydney? Did you not look into the 100 (yes Heathen, 100) events being promoted to celebrate “Sydney WorldPride 2023 17th Feb to 15th March”? Do you not know about the closure of Sydney Harbour Bridge on 5 March to show solidarity with LGBTQ people across the world.? Did you ignore the sensational party on Sydney’s iconic Bondi Beach.

A few banners? Pfffttt.

February 20, 2023 6:25 am

February 18, 2023 at 1:53 am

Tennis Albo marches in the poofy parade

Is this a mixed metaphor?
He’s Tennis Albo at the Open only.
He’s ANAL at the gay parade

Boxcar, someone on the OT called him FIFO Albo. I believe that covers him very well. That will be my go-to moniker for him from now on.

February 20, 2023 11:34 am

Boambee John says:
February 18, 2023 at 4:14 pm

Angus Blacksays:
February 18, 2023 at 11:59 am
I really don’t care where anyone wants to put his/her “bits” provided s/he does it in decent privacy and no one except consenting adults is involved.

Good luck to you all.

For heaven’s sake just get on with it…but, irrespective of your lifestyle choices, leave me out of it.

And don’t expect me to “celebrate” it.”

To me, it’s not that they are tolerated, or even “celebrated” – it is that if you were to suggest a “celebration” of the hetero-sexual male and have a “pride” parade for that, you would be shouted down and not allowed to have it! This is blatant discrimination, pure and simple – but because it is against the “majority” it is ignored.
That’s what is no good about the entire thing, IMO. Why should I “celebrate” something I don’t want to participate in, and why when my view is opposite, am I not allowed to “celebrate” my side? Where’s the diversity? Why can I not celebrate my sexuality? Why is my “gender identity” and sexuality described as “toxic”, when these people have their “gender identity” and sexuality celebrated?

February 21, 2023 8:47 am

I mildly disagree, I think this source is reputable.

The police established lists of homosexually active persons. Significant numbers of gay men were arrested, of whom an estimated 50,000 received severe jail sentences in brutal conditions. Most homosexuals were sent to police prisons, rather than concentration camps, where they were exposed to inhumane treatment. There they could be subjected to hard labour and torture, or they were experimented upon or executed.

An estimated 10-15,000 men who were accused of homosexuality were deported to concentration camps. Most died in the camps, often from exhaustion. Many were castrated and some subjected to gruesome medical experiments. Collective murder actions were undertaken against gay detainees, exterminating hundreds at a time.

Of course the Nazis concentrated on Jews but the other factor is there is not and has never been a significant proportion of the population that is gay.

I am not sure if the flags and banners is like Nazism. It does seem mindlessly conformist. Refuse to put on a gay ribbon in June (aping America mindlessly) and see what happens though.

It’s more like living in a bizarre version of The Crucible.

February 21, 2023 8:49 am


The super-straight support group on reddit was hilarious, never said anything offensive but it got banned. You could be super straight or super gay. “Mere” straights and gays will date a transsexual if they are subjected to enough peer pressure.

Gay movement? It’s all trans nonsense now.

February 24, 2023 4:17 pm

A bunch of you take offence at remarkable things. It’s tacky; camp in often the most tedious sense, but sinister? I’ve seen more pointed criticism of the whole thing coming from ‘Right of Centre Gay Twitter’ than is set out above (in summary, much of the promotion treats all gays as engaged in drag; drag can be amusing, but is hardly all pervasive, even in Darlinghurst).

But … you’re upset that _David Jones_ has up promotional material? Have you never noticed the customers? The staff?

February 24, 2023 9:02 pm

Nothing is gay now Pyrmonter.

It’s all trans.

  1. IDF now killing Hezbollah leaders at such an accelerating rate that soon they will only know who their leaders are…

  2. Their primary concern might be the prospect of a successful prosecution and how that would affect his international travel. It’s…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x