Open Thread – Weekend 13 Aug 2022
9%+0%=9% not zero
What has troubled me of late is that the American pseudo-government seems to think that after 9% inflation a 0% increase leaves you where you were. Actually it leaves you 9% behind [9+0=9%]. Getting back to zero inflation doesn’t start you at scratch.
I’m back
Been away with an illness which I still have. It’s not Covid and it’s not communicable, least ways on a blog. My wife warned me that she will put up with it as long as my political views have stayed the same. She’s one in a million! We shall see.
Meme of the Day #53
Strictly speaking, I’m not sure that it’s a Meme, but I did LOL!
Reviving the letters to pollies
Two years ago the Energy Realists started sending briefing notes to 800+ politicians across the nation and we recruited some letter writers in almost half the 151 Federal House of Reps electorates to send follow-up mail to their local MP. The letter-writing program did not proceed because it did not yield enough interesting replies. We…
Open Thread – Tues 9 Aug 2022
The 43 percent law spells the end of new fossil fuel developments
There was a case last year. Australian Federal Court judge Mordy Bromberg sided with a group of eight female teenagers and their litigation guardian (an eight-six-year-old Catholic nun), intent on stopping a particular mining development in New South Wales. They brought a class action arguing that the federal minister for the environment had a common-law…
Rabz’ Radio Show August 2022: Dub, Ska and Reggae
Not claiming to be an aficionado of any of these genres, Cats. The ol’ saying, “I don’t know what I like but I do when I hear it” applies here. Dub – a very idiosyncratic genre. However, there be giants. Lee “Scratch” Perry, King Tubby and the Mad Perfesser, among others. After absolutely loving UB40’s…
Mater’s Meme of the Week #1
Open Thread – Weekend 6 Aug 2022