Flyingduk discusses Novavax over at South Australia in Focus
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More trouble in the green paradise
How one disaster leads to another, the crisis in European high tech caused by the energy fiasco. European silicon output shrinking, metal smelters closing as electricity prices quadruple. For high tech nerds and market watchers, the chip situation worldwide. But don’t worry the EU will legislate to fix it! EC president promises European Chips Act…
SA the wind leader running on gas and coal
Approaching breakfast-time SA is importing half of its power from Victoria and 94% of the local generation is gas. The turbines are running at 2% of capacity and providing 5% of demand. Victoria is generating a small excess of power but not enough to prop up SA without help from Tasmania and NSW. The Victorian…
“A massive fraud has been visited upon a fearful and credulous public”
From David Solway at The Pipeline: Something Wicked Really Does This Way Come. His first para: After almost two years of intensively studying the chemistry of viruses, the nature of the Covid pandemic and the policies adopted to combat it, I’ve concluded, as have many others, that a massive fraud has been visited upon a fearful and…
How many in England and Wales died solely from COVID without any underlying causes between 2020- 2021 Q3?
Following a FOI request, the Office for National Statistics released the following figures: 2020: 9400 (0-64: 1549 / 65 and over: 7851) 2021 Q1: 6483 (0-64: 1560/ 65 and over: 4923) 2021 Q2: 346 (0-64: 153/ 65 and over: 193) 2021 Q3: 1142 (0-64: 512/ 65 and over: 630) In total, 17, 371. The usual quoted statistic of deaths within 28 days of a positive test over the same period is 137,133.…
Covidiocy may be about to end
Are we beginning to see the beginning of the end of Covidiocy? First this: England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions. Undoubtedly pushed along by the fact that no one in authority takes Covid seriously, only the media and the population. That is why all over the political class there are so few who…
WolfmanOz at the Movies #5
“Bond. James Bond” And with those 3 words spoken after 8 minutes into Dr. No, a cultural and movie icon was born, 60 years ago ! Initially created by writer Ian Fleming in 1953 in which the American singer Hoagy Carmichael was Fleming’s vision of the character. But when the first Bond film Dr. No…
To Boosters and Beyond
It was reported today in NSW that thirty-two people had died with covid in the previous 24 hours. Five of those who died had received two jabs plus a booster. That’s 16 percent. Less than the 28 percent of adults who’ve received a booster in NSW. That gap seemed to instil cavalier confidence in CHO…
I guess the Qld government could sell more coal and gas and charge more for electrickery flowing down the interconnects?…