The Packham Williams medal
CONTROVERSY RAGES OVER THE WIN BY BEN POTTER AND COLIN PACKHAM Last year the Packham Williams medal competition launched to commemorate the contribution of Colin Packham and Perry Williams to misinformation in reporting on energy issues. Sins of commission abound when false claims by politicians and others are published and there are sins of omission…
King Alfred the Great Awards
The awards launched last year and the the first winners were: The Jacques Barzun Award for history and cultural studies, Keith Windschuttle. The Brian Penton award for bohemian or hippie conservatives, Barry Humphries. The William Harold Hutt award for industrial relations, Gerard Henderson. The Peter Bauer award for economics, Wolfgang Kasper. The Laughing for Liberty award, Barry Humphries. Nominations are invited for…
The curse of politicised priests
I have been lucky. For the last ten years or so I have attended a church without discovering the political beliefs of the two ministers in charge during that time; this despite having been on Parish Council for the past five years and having participating in lots of Bible-study sessions. Alas, after only a few…
Celestial Empire says, No
I’ve been puzzled for a while as to the considerable animus felt and directed towards China but a recent conversation between Stephen W. Carlson and the Black Horse provides a bit of background that is clarifying. Since Nixon went to Beijing, then largely an effort to distance China from the Soviet Union’s sphere of influence,…
Depends if it is smoked, or not. Hickory -smoked camel is pretty good stuff, Roast it low and slow, basting…