• Weekday Reading #9

    An Expression of Contempt for the Electorate (Quadrant) Among the many consequences of the making of a pandemic order is that, at the Premier’s command, any individual in Victoria will be at risk of being detained, having his or her movements restricted, and being moved from place to place. The Premier will have power to…

  • Weekday Reading #8

    The Loss of the Ennobling Principle (The PostLiberal Order) MacIntyre’s excellent thesis is that we have turned the concept of dignity into something for which it was not built, and we’ve turned away from an objective account of justice which Cicero defined as “giving each his due.” The paradox is that we’ve lost both justice…

  • Weekday Reading #7

    How COVID Lockdowns Handed Global Warming Extremists The Tools To Crush Freedom (The Federalist) But there’s a major problem: While it might have felt like a return to normalcy, it wasn’t. We’re not going back to normal — at least not without a hard and vicious fight. Why not? Because the past two years have…

  • A Coat of Paint

    Update: The Vic Bar Association has since released a press release confirming my opinion here. They point out that under this bill, individuals who are detained [are unable to] seek a merits review of their detention by an independent court. [All they have available to them is an ]Internal review by a person who is employed…

  • Who’s better?

    I didn’t say he was the new Winston Churchill. I  said Scott Morrison is the best political leader in the world right now. Let’s compare him with that brace of Treble-J clowns: Jacinda, Joe and Justin. Scott Morrison is so far ahead of that crew of far-left grifters, I cannot believe there was any issue with…

  • No, it isn’t, Josh.

    Why is representing Perfidious Dan in a Nazi uniform offensive? According to Frydenberg, because (i) it shows a lack of understanding of history; (ii) it fuels hatred and danger; and consequently, (iii) has no place in public debate. Regarding (i), he doesn’t actually explain how the analogy lacks historical understanding. The Nazis are infamous for…

  • John Ray, dissecting leftism

    Great to see John J Ray on the blogroll, he is a great unsung hero of the resistance and he deserves to get full recognition before it is too late for him to see and hear it. Check out his sites and take advantage of the arsenal of weapons that he has forged to help…

  • Flat White ScoMo’s climate modelling is even dodgier than his climate policy

    The government went to Glasgow to sell its net zero emissions by 2050 policy to world leaders. The policy was based on heroic assumptions like green hydrogen becoming the cheapest source of electricity, and solar power, which presently costs $70 per MWh as long as suppliers dictate demand, falling to $15 per MWh. Now we…

  1. Now it’s the turn of the climate grifters. It’s Surreal: Trump’s Freeze on Climate Money Sows Fear and Confusion” (paywalled…

  2. What great sport it is watching Elizabeth Warren take the terminal swan dive off the cliff of sanity. There must…

  3. The Palestinians have rejected five offers of a “Two State” solution since the late 1930’s. What makes anyone think they…

  4. Yes, as I said last night, it has more than a hint of mum leaning out the kitchen window at…