“Former US president Donald Trump was right …”

Now there were words I have not seen in any newspaper anywhere, possibly ever. Yet there they are in today’s Oz in Adam Creighton’s column: I caught Covid and it was no big deal – providing a perspective equally rare in this day and age. Here’s the full sentence:

Former US president Donald Trump was right last July when he pointed out that encouraging people to be tested when they weren’t especially sick was a waste, inflating the perceived risk of catching the virus, not to mention the financial cost and the disruption to the lives of close contacts.

The article goes on to point out just how astonishingly wasteful this expenditure has been.

The US has conducted more than 620 million tests since the pandemic began, even more per capita than test-obsessed Australia. At a cost of a few hundred dollars each, when the whole chain of Covid ticket clipping has been tallied, that’s more than $US100bn spent on testing in the US alone.

$US100bn!!! And as pointed out, the PRN test has massive numbers of false positives. But as he also points out, the true positives are almost nothing to worry about either.

The virus is already rampant in the US, as it is practically everywhere else. Does it matter if someone flying to the US has Covid when practically half the country already has had it? In short, got Covid, who cares.

Ran into a friend on the street just yesterday who almost first up told me he had been vaxxinated and will get the booster in January. After all, he said, I don’t want to die. I suppose not, but who wants to live in such morbid fear either? I will conclude with this from Adam’s column, which is my own conclusion as well.

It has been 21 months of rolling restrictions in what can be described only as the greatest, and arguably one of the most destructive, obsessions in world history given the economic and social chaos governments have caused. We urgently need to move on.

“Urgently” is putting it mildly.

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Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 7, 2021 12:17 pm

Axiomatic that the Donald was right.

December 7, 2021 12:31 pm

Is Adam the first j’ism worm to turn? Who’s next? And how many will?

December 7, 2021 12:32 pm

Adam’s always been pretty reasonable, I think.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 7, 2021 12:35 pm

that’s more than $US100bn spent on testing in the US alone.

Krugman will be positively tumescent at how much of a boost that is to GDP!

His cleaner will have to wear gloves next time she goes to his apartment, and would do well to bring the industrial bleach.

December 7, 2021 12:53 pm

Of course the real problem with all this testing is the false positives.

Here’s a simple interactive that helps you understand the magnitude of the problem: https://www.bmj.com/content/373/bmj.n1411/rr

Even if the test only has 0.5% false positive rate, for the rate of infections in somewhere like Australia, (NSW – on average 260 new cases in 59k tests per day on average ), a large proportion of the positive test results are false.

December 7, 2021 12:57 pm

So he’s only just realised this. It gives me absolutely zero confidence in him.
At least a year and a half too late.
Who has been buttering his bread?

December 7, 2021 1:12 pm

Former US president Donald Trump was right

Operation Warp Speed?

December 7, 2021 1:44 pm

I don’t know why you’re all dumping on Adam Creighton.

22Jan21 “Trumps record on the economy is strong”

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 7, 2021 1:59 pm

I don’t know why you’re all dumping on Adam Creighton.

Could it have something to do with him being a fwit?

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
December 7, 2021 2:11 pm

So he’s only just realised this. It gives me absolutely zero confidence in him.
At least a year and a half too late.

I confess I have no idea who the man is, but please be aware that if we want to reach a point of sanity, it is going to depend on people ‘only just realising this’. One, two, three years ‘too late’ – but better late than never and welcome.

There’s a lot of misinformation out there and we’re all going to be ‘only just realising this’ at various times on various issues. We need to extend grace to one another.

December 7, 2021 2:40 pm

“extend grace”
What rubbish. The media was up to its eyeballs promoting this. In what world were the deaths of a few 80 and 90 year olds lead stories?

Bubbles of Grafton
Bubbles of Grafton
December 7, 2021 2:45 pm

Adam is one of the good guys. He & Terry McCrann always spoke against the government’s moves, especially the lockdowns . The two of them recognised from the beginning, the secondary health effects along with the financial hole we were digging for ourselves.

December 7, 2021 3:36 pm

Here’s another from Adam
No accounting for Covid-dumb fearmongering

Brilliant American lawyer Alan Dershowitz recently claimed that Covid-19 was “worse than smallpox”. Not as bad, not almost as bad – worse.

The distinguished professor is an intellectually honest, courageous man, given he endured excoriation by fellow Democrats after arguing Donald Trump had not incited violence on any reasonable reading of the law.

Yet Dershowitz’s claim about Covid-19 was idiotic, as the most perfunctory research would reveal.

It’s an extreme manifestation of a shocking decline in critical faculties among intelligent people when Covid-19 is being discussed.

December 7, 2021 3:52 pm

I don’t know why you’re all dumping on Adam Creighton.

duncanm – you are right about Creighton.

Creighton, Steve Waterson, Chris Kenny and Nick Cater (all writing in The Australian) have been pretty much the only newspaper journos who were sceptical of the COVID panic from the beginning.

December 7, 2021 5:14 pm

With all the absolute bullshit, lies and outright propaganda being scattered around for nearly 2 years , I find it difficult to believe he’s had an epiphany.

Rod Stuart
Rod Stuart
December 7, 2021 5:20 pm

That the PCR test cannot be used as a diagnostic tool has been known for years.
Just imagine the reams and mountains of data displayed on graphs of the “cases” and the “morbidity” as being pure unadulterated NONSENSE.
I reckon less than 30% are awake to this scam.

December 7, 2021 9:24 pm

$100 billion ?

Take your hand off it!

December 7, 2021 9:26 pm

The Great Man was right about just about everything.

December 7, 2021 9:30 pm

Just got my letter from Scomo urging me to get me and my family’s booster shot.

Adam Creighton should have a word with him.


December 7, 2021 10:31 pm


I got my letter last week. I saw it was from the government, realised whatever it was about was not worth my time opening it, so threw it in the bin.

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 8, 2021 7:20 am

The media have buried lots of important stories lately, like the Laptop From Hell, and the efficacy of antiviral treatments instead of experimental vaccines.
The evolution of the MSM into a mostly left leaning conglomerate is detailed by Steve McCann at American Thinker. It’s a longish article tracing the way things became misrepresented all the way back to the 1930s in the FDR era.

December 8, 2021 8:18 am

Those too afraid of dying are too afraid to live.

December 8, 2021 8:57 am

King Arturius

#JimmyDore on #UFC CEO saying he, his family and 40 other people got better from #Covid19 thanks to ‘#DrJoeRogan’ ?????


Mark M
Mark M
December 8, 2021 10:28 am

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is offended that George Christensen used the analogy of gulags to to Josh’s China Flu quarantine camps.

Josh might like to read about the ‘Gesundheitspass’:


Also, ScoMo at Penshurst school press conference today talked about how he is about getting Australian families together for Christmas.

Not sure what planet ScoMo is on, but, here in the country he leads, he is overseeing the division of Australian families through mandated jabbing of a failed flu medicine and demonising those who choose not to inject the experimental kool-aide.

December 8, 2021 10:57 am

“It has been 21 months of rolling restrictions in what can be described only as the greatest, and arguably one of the most destructive, obsessions in world history given the economic and social chaos governments have caused.”

In Australia, as well as in the EU etc etc, Govs have restricted peoples right to earn a living in defiance of UN Charter on Universal Human Rights.
No one cares about this, no mention that I have seen in the MSM. Not even when Aboriginal people were forcibly detained without due process, even when they had tested negative to the disease in question. When some “escaped”, they were arrested and fined.

Imagine what is going through your head at this point –
“You can’t leave your home, even to buy food – but you can get on this bus, and we’ll take you to a place where we will house and feed you for free”.
“You are here because we think you might have a deadly disease”.
“You have tested negative, but must remain here with others who may have this deadly disease”.

Maybe you are saying to your mate: “Fuck this bro – let’s jump the fence, I don’t want to catch this disease, and we will if we stay here!”
So you do, thinking “If we go walkabout, who’ll miss a couple of black fellas anyway, and they won’t find us”.

Who is being reasonable here, and who is being unreasonable?
Why does the UN not have anything to say about this flagrant breech of human rights of indigenous peoples?
Where are the human rights mouthpieces now? Why so quiet?

Like many others, I was coerced into getting the jab because otherwise my job was at risk. Another breech of human rights. And what do we hear from the champions of human rights? Crickets. HRC has told me in writing they cannot do anything to prevent a state gov from breeching my human rights – then what fucking use are you?

Winston Smith
December 9, 2021 4:48 pm


I got my letter last week. I saw it was from the government, realised whatever it was about was not worth my time opening it, so threw it in the bin.

I read mine because I needed a larf.
So I read it, and realised I needed firelighters too.

December 9, 2021 4:55 pm

If it’s not Nazism, it’s hard leftism with these fucks.

Forty years ago a wild-haired young Hamburg leftist called Olaf Scholz was campaigning for the overthrow of western capitalism and denouncing NATO as “aggressive and imperialistic”. Today he is Chancellor of Germany after an ideological metamorphosis.

Scholz, 63, comes into office with a more polished CV than any of his post-war predecessors: interior minister and then mayor of Hamburg, general-secretary of the Social Democrats (SPD) under the chancellorship of Gerhard Schroder, and most notably finance minister for the past four years under Angela Merkel.

Merkel was supposedly of the Right. How could the frump ever hire a communist as Fin Min? FMD.

Winston Smith
December 9, 2021 5:04 pm

Maybe you are saying to your mate: “Fuck this bro – let’s jump the fence, I don’t want to catch this disease, and we will if we stay here!”
So you do, thinking “If we go to the pub, who’ll miss a couple of us anyway, and they won’t find us”.

Slightly edited, but what could be more Australian?
I’d have shouted them beers.

John A
John A
December 10, 2021 8:55 pm

Ran into a friend on the street just yesterday who almost first up told me he had been vaxxinated and will get the booster in January. After all, he said, I don’t want to die.

Deluded! Everybody is going to die either of something or of something else!

  1. It’s this one. I’ve been forgetting to post it as my “mascot” People can click to the left (lol) and…

  2. Strange, but as a comparison we are permitting our beautiful culture to be destroyed by Muslim hate without a murmer.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x