• The Bob King Report

    Please distribute to your network those sections which may be relevant. Regards, Bob King QUICK SUMMARY OF WHAT IS OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS:- LOCATED or ADVISED THIS WEEK 21/2/24 Brigalow Peaking Plant, QLD 4/3/24  New Vehicle Emissions Standard PREVIOUSLY 12/2/24 IPCN Hills of Gold Wind Farm 14/2/24 Gippsland Offshore Marine Survey 16/2/24 Draft ISP 16/2/24 Victorian Transmission 19/2/24 Gelliondale Wind, Vic 19/2/24 Senate  Protecting the Spirit…

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #93

    Music was his passion. Survival was his masterpiece. The Pianist (2002) is an account of the true life experience of Polish pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman during WWII. This is a truly heart-wrenching story of one man whose family perishes in the Holocaust and about his survival over solitude, deprivation, starvation and terror whilst in hiding in…

  • The Gates of Gaza

    ¹ Samson went to Gaza, and there he saw a prostitute, and he went in to her. ² The Gazites were told, “Samson has come here.” And they surrounded the place and set an ambush for him all night at the gate of the city. … ³ But…at midnight he arose and took hold of…

  • Maybe things aren’t (really) falling apart ?!?

    Our side is too quick to celebrate the odd battle won. The enemy is infinitely resilient; unflaggingly indefatigable; obsessively single-minded; never asleep forever awake. The referendum victory against the mass of federal and state governments, giant corporates, sporting codes, churches, celebrities and assorted elites, was indeed singular. To borrow from Paul Keating it might be…

  • Rafe’s Roundup Feb 3

    Australians for Science & Freedom] Free Speech Union of Australia Quadrant  The Energy Realists    IPA Net Zero  Aust Spectator    Jo Nova  Centre for Independent Studies  Conservative Vagabond      The Monarchists    The Free Press    Bettina Arndt    Menzies Research Centre  The Sydney Institute    IPA     Mannkal   Taxpayers   Alexandra Marshall `    Australian Inst for Progress  The Conservative Party  CPAC

  • Rabz’ Radio Show February 2024 – Twenty First Century Tunes 2001–2020

    Cats, the first two decades of this century saw the release of some magnificent tunes and albums. The first decade featured much electronica and dance music including the many Ministry of Sound compilations which always take me back to long gone legendary venues like Soho in the Cross, which was best attended on a Saturday…

  1. The Kamikaze took out the vast majority of the firefighters, and because it was assumed they’d deal with the fires,…

  2. John H.  September 25, 2024 9:47 pm  Reply to  Winston SmithWinston, would the USN passively detect a torpedo launch?The oilers rely…

  3. Vicki, it has been raining here since late afternoon, yesterday. Inside work only today. It is also windy and freezing.…

  4. What a nice headline! Entire German Green Party Leadership Resigns over Election Failures as Public Rejects Mass Migration, Climate Hysteria…

  5. Most likely a relative of the dead boy, or someone doing a service for the family. Either way, a good…