• Andrew Norton on higher education policy

    Andrew Norton (the only classical liberal in Carlton) has made a career out of keeping an eye on developments in higher education after a spell as the editor of the Policy quarterly at the Centre for Independent Studies. This is a meditation on 25 years in the business. Twenty-five years ago today I started my…

  • Gary Johns and Karl Popper on ethnic self-determinism

    Gary Johns has written a lucid and compelling book to support the resistance to The Voice (The Burden of Culture, Quadrant books.) He points out that the demand goes far beyond fixing obvious problems to something very different – the demand for self-determism for ethnic and racial minorities. Popper sounded an alarm about this movement…

  • Downside of EVs. Not enough power

    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/12/29/energy-crisis-risks-dooming-electric-car/ EXTRACT Western societies are charging into the electrification of transport and heating without actually providing the electricity. This cannot be wished away. In January, the then secretary of state for trade in Britain, Anne-Marie Trevelyan, told Parliament that “we are going to be requiring up to four times as much electricity” to meet demand for…

  • Congratulations to the British Free Speech Union

    This is the summary report of the activities of the FSU in 2022. Congratulations to Toby Young and his colleagues. BTW Toby has a regular column in The Spectator.

  • Blackouts – the new normal?

    Early in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, Winston Smith watched his fellow citizens react to an announcement that the government was “raising” their chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. Winston remembered the announcement from the previous day, however: the government was reducing the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. He marveled as everyone all celebrated what…

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #51

    Is cinema dying ? As I write this last post for the year, a feeling of melancholy and sadness is with me as I write about what I believe is that movies and the thrill of going to the cinema and luxuriating in the magic of the big screen appears to be dying. There was…

  • Abundant cheap renewable energy? Imagining will make it so

    Drove to Melbourne and back a few weeks ago. Haven’t driven interstate for decades; haven’t owned a car for about eight years. Could I still drive? Still not sure because the Hume Highway offers little challenges. Two generous lanes, dual carriageway, all the way. Rest areas aplenty. Not long out of England, many decades ago,…

  • Lake Election Contest: Summary of Case and Result

    Here is a pretty detailed rundown of the case presented by Lake and Hobbs’s defence, as well as a summary of the judge’s decision. Worth a look while you have some time on your hands over the holidays.

  • Open Thread – Tue 27 Dec 2022

    Cabins along the Loing Canal, Sunlight Effect, Alfred Sisley, 1896

  1. Nurses get bloody good money when the total of shift allowances etc get taken into account. I don’t see what…

  2. It is rarely a lawyer who is a party to a proceeding. Defamation does tend to attract the “It’s the…

  3. that misplaced possessive apostrophe is as originally published. albansleazey’s mob wants to control your language, but they don’t even know…