The more you gets the less you eats
Suppose ten workers are employed to fulfil a continuous contractual obligation one of whom goes on irregular walkabouts – to risk using a politically incorrect term. That is fine because among the nine reliable workers there are those who are ever ready to fill in. Suppose two or even three workers become prone to downing…
From darkness to the promise of light
Surprising, is it not, that Joe Biden is not calling on the military to prevent a fascist from gaining the presidency. What is not surprising is that Trump sees his revenge on those who spread calumny after calumny about him and who waged continual lawfare on him only in terms of being successful in making…
The Sweetest Victory
Here is the popular vote (in millions rounded to the nearest thousand) for the winners and losers in U.S. presidential elections from 2000 onwards, including the latest figures (Nov 8) for 2024. In brackets I have put the total percentage of the vote of the two candidates combined. You can check my numbers here. 2000…
And it is a bit of a stretch to suggest that this was a cunning ploy by the US to…