Israel Alone
At my Anglican church each week there are prayers for world peace. I assume this occurs in all Christian churches. Praying for peace is admirable but a complete waste of time. Christians familiar with the Book of Revelation should know that. The world will end warring. World peace will never arrive. A practical prayer, steeped…
Guest Post: Seething – Long Distance Messaging
Aside from noting the uncanny resemblance between our media class and the fictional Ellen Ripley’s Aliens – also the topic of my Pan-Galactic Reproductive Preference Studies Doctor of Philosophy – I’ve never given any serious thought to the possibility of extra-terrestrial intelligent life. I have, however, pondered during my now-frequent moments of bafflement at the…
War, War or Jaw, Jaw? It depends.
Saw Andrew Bolt interviewing former US general Jack Keane in the week. Keane is now chairman of the Institute for the Study of War. Bolt often has him on and they madly agree with each other. Both are firmly on the side of Israel and its need to be given arms and free air to…
In order: My grandparents did for 50+ years. Ad homs are not an argument. They’re also water off a duck’s…