Yearning for B.C.

One of my sons-in-law runs a carpet repair business. He has established rules which he hopes will allow him to continue to earn a living. For example, customers can make arrangements to leave their keys in a particular spot so that the repairers can enter and do the job while the occupants either leave home or ensconce themselves in another room.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the strata committee of the apartment building where I live in Sydney has just announced that renovations to two apartments cannot resume because zero contact between workers and residents in common areas can’t be guaranteed. Imagine the effect of this abundance of playing it safe across all apartment buildings – on electricians, plumbers, tradesmen generally, never mind the anguish of those living in apartments with half renovated kitchens and bathrooms.

Like delta, the madness spreads. From health bureaucrats, to politicians, to the media, to the police, to strata committees and, of course, to scolds on the streets. Hard to remember what it was like in the B.C. era. “Yes son, we didn’t wear masks then.”

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August 22, 2021 12:03 pm

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the strata committee of the apartment building where I live in Sydney has just announced that renovations to two apartments cannot resume because zero contact between workers and residents in common areas can’t be guaranteed.

Agent Smith,

I read some of the Covid rulz the other day on DHHS.vic website.

In there it stated that Strata Titled are considered “occupied” until they are ALL without human presence … or words to that effect

… I’ll see if I can locate it again.

Cassie of Sydney
August 22, 2021 12:19 pm

Will there be an A.C.?

August 22, 2021 12:22 pm

read it and weep … there are hundreds of pages of this gibber

This is my favourite:

Additional resources

The FAQs on this page are not being updated during the current restrictions.

Learn more about How we work: metropolitan Melbourne
Learn more about How we work: Regional Victoria

August 22, 2021 12:23 pm

Will there be an A.C?

there will only ever be CC … probably with a version number …

August 22, 2021 12:25 pm

Will there be an A.C.?

Jeannette Young today opined that QLD might open up to all other states when 80% vaccination was reached.

In her next sentence she hedged that statement about with undefined unknowables.

I suspect that much will depend upon the polling and the focus groups.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 22, 2021 12:31 pm

In the BC era life was nasty, brutish and short.
Gladys has the nasty and brutish bits covered.

August 22, 2021 3:25 pm

We descended into this madness because we relied on experts, who weren’t elected and can’t be unappointed. Our elected politicians are cowards who profited from their cowardice out of public fear because they handballed responsibility for their decisions to experts unworthy of the name.

Not even Alexis de Tocqueville, though a visionary, imagined that democracy would be ended by the incompetence of experts on the public payroll.

Australia is now a failed state. I don’t see it recovering public trust now that the people know what their ruling class is capable of.

August 22, 2021 4:02 pm

Tom, I think it’s just a trial run for ‘climate lockdowns.’

Cassie of Sydney
August 22, 2021 4:53 pm

“Tom, I think it’s just a trial run for ‘climate lockdowns.’”

As do I.

August 22, 2021 5:20 pm

miltonf says:
…I think it’s just a trial run for ‘climate lockdowns.’

Off topic I know, but I’m imagining a thriving black market for petrol ration coupons.
Though presumably they would be digital coupons (as would the mileage allowance for non-electric cars), so there goes my idea for an easy-shifty.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 22, 2021 5:45 pm

“I suspect that much will depend upon the polling and the focus groups.”

Yes, that is where the real science of it is found.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 22, 2021 5:46 pm

“Though presumably they would be digital coupons (as would the mileage allowance for non-electric cars), so there goes my idea for an easy-shifty.”

Just a small example of how easy things are to trace in a digital world, Muddy.

However, thankfully petrol can still be siphoned from one car to another. Law of physics.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 22, 2021 5:48 pm

Although when I think about it, if they worked on digital odometer readings they would smell a rat then, so anything purchased could have its usage digitall traced. Yikes – even toilet paper!!

We’re doomed.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 22, 2021 5:50 pm

I’m not sure that a Strata OC could stop you getting essential work done if you vacate the premises and if due care is taken concerning moving through common areas. The definition of ‘essential’ can be quite elastic I have heard.

August 22, 2021 7:23 pm

…I think it’s just a trial run for ‘climate lockdowns.’

that would be a declaration of war

August 22, 2021 10:15 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
August 22, 2021 at 5:48 pm

anything purchased could have its usage digitall[y] traced. Yikes – even toilet paper!!

When you use the last square, it exposes (no pun intended) some type of cheap emitter, the signal of which is picked up by satellite, and your usage of that roll calculated and registered. If you’ve used it sparingly, within the acceptable time frame (2 squares per day?), your Responsible Consumer Record is refreshed (again, no pun intended) with permission to purchase about 4-roll pack (single ply for conservative voters, double ply for others).

I’m still sniffing (no pun etc.) a blackmarket opportunity…

August 22, 2021 10:16 pm

about = another.
Thank goodness it’s Friday.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x