Month: August 2021

  • Soviet psychiatry comes to Australia

    New vaccines have a 98% failure rate after 10 full years in development. How can more than a dozen COVID vaccines possibly be ready for prime time? Found here with an interesting video also at the link. On the one hand virtually no one is dying from Covid. On the other hand, there are potentially serious…

  • Get vaccinated, still die, don’t question

    I subscribe to the UK Telegraph. Supposedly conservative. Its readers seem to be at any rate. This email headline came through this morning: “Majority of under-50s of people who died [in England] with the delta variant were unvaccinated.” That means that a distinct minority who died were fully vaccinated. In fact, twenty-four percent. That seems…

  • Mater’s Musings #5: 1 Year, 4 Months and 21 Days too late

    I received this unsolicated SMS message on Thursday. Apparently it went out to 287,000 ‘Veterans’, everyone on DVA’s books and not limited to those who served there. It’s a nice touch, I guess, but in my opinion, it addresses the wrong event and is 508 days too late. I didn’t sign up to make or…

  • Open Thread – Weekend 21 Aug 2021

  • Trump discusses Afghanistan

    This was Donald Trump speaking to Sean Hannity on August 18. Only 6772 views, it says, which is an example of just how powerful and deceitful the media in America now are. Part of the text. This is the greatest embarrassment in the history of our country….  Biden put us in this position. He should…

  • Naughty, naughty Victoria

    This really is over the top. Who is he to get angry? What is he getting angry about? Does he get angry if people catch a cold? From The Herald-Sun: ANGRY DAN WARNS RULES MAY TIGHTEN.  Mr Andrews said the spike in Victoria’s cases was “a very significant challenge, making today a bad day. “I…

  • “Virtue has a veil, vice a mask”

    In 2003, it was ‘profiteering’ and playing on peoples “fears and anxieties” to sell surgical masks under the pretence that they provided “effective” protection against the SARS virus. Individuals and businesses faced fines of $22,000 and $110,000 respectively In 2021, individuals and businesses face fines for NOT wearing or carrying around those very same (dubiously…

  • Roll up your sleeves and ask no questions

    Hopes of the side, Matt Canavan and NSW Liberal MP Tanya Davies were interviewed by Andrew Bolt this week. Abandon hope. Canavan expressed some mealy-mouthed qualification about enforced vaccinations. Davies was completely hopeless, keen to establish her pro-vaccination credentials, her objection to no jab, no work, was focussed on the deficient supply of vaccine available…

  • Guest Post: Vicki Campion on Priority Confusion

    Climate change, benevolent sexism, lockdowns for areas without a trace of Covid-19 – this perpetual war of distraction plagues us whilst the US Embassy in Kabul tweeted a Pride flag, as the Taliban wearing little more than sandals and AK47’s in the scorching sun, readied to attack.The role of the Australian Infantry is to seek…

  • Policy outpaced by events

    As the days and weeks pass, we are learning that the road maps offered by the PM and premiers, particularly, the sign posts of our deliverance from house arrest, do not comport with reality. Zerohedge reports that the most recent study of vaccine efficacy re delta variant is significantly reduced compared with alpha and degrades…