g2p-g4 check, king takes pawn white queen takes black queen.
g2p-g4 check, king takes pawn white queen takes black queen.
Condition of employment in Australia. The more rotten the better.
My meds are prescribed for six months except the heavy duty painkillers which are two monthly but not on PBS…
Lovely evening in Perth. Missus watched MAFS (no idea why)> I copied my CDs to an SSD. Slowly decluttering.
Yep. Rampant tyranny. Politicians have been assassinated for less.
I doubt if he would understand anyone voting against it, still less anyone shooting him.
The interesting thing is from overseas data the biggest anti-vax cohort are Lefties, especially including highly educated ones.
So Dan may be about to receive a tiny amount of blowback when the realization sinks into those people’s minds.
DrBeauGan says:
September 3, 2021 at 5:25 pm
Yep. Rampant tyranny. Politicians have been assassinated for less.
I doubt if he would understand anyone voting against it, still less anyone shooting him.
I don’t think that’s a problem – isn’t he “negotiating” with 3 cross benchers in the Vik upper house to continue the state of emergency forever?
The social credit system has begun.
Remember the good old days when we used to talk about the tyranny of the CCP like it was something far away and unrelated to us?
Try putting it in Law you bat eared mong.
I’m pretty happy to stay “locked out” of any venue or business that goes along with this insanity, I’ll lock out, wayyyyy past the time you beg me to come back.
I have a long memory, and I hold a grudge.
A bit unseemly to be standing in front of everyone and ejaculating into your pants.
At least that’s what it sounded like.
Moving Nano Parasite Worms On Masks and COVID Tests
It’s all very well to scoff, but what are these?????
Principles trump nano wrigglers.
It doesn’t make sense to me if say NSW won’t follow the Hunchback’s rules. What, he’s going to ban people from NSW from crossing the border if the NSW government isn’t as strict? Really?
Also, if the 70 to 80% are vaxxed and the rest don’t want to be, why is he concerned then if they get very sick and die?
The perfidy of this man is staggering.
gaw damn … I love that word
As I wrote in a post last week, the Danes are removing all COVID restrictions incl. vaccine passports having reached 71% vaccine coverage and this clown wants to institute once we get to 70-80% coverage. That makes no practical sense; he simply wants to punish. It is just malicious and punitive.
What xunt of a man.
From my observations Dan is playing catch up.
For instance ag workers (read that as fruit pickers, shearers, process line workers) up here are not permitted to car pool unless vaccinated.
I am 99% sure that in order to be allowed travel down to Vic and harvest for my clients I will need to be vaxxed, or forego approx $120k of income.
In compliance with the precautionary approach, should there not be a comfortable safety margin added to that 70-80%? A goal of anything less than 105% of the population vaccinated seems not only reckless, but lazy, and, dare I say it – unAustralian.
The same must be said about lockdowns and lockouts. If our safety parents were truly committed to their role, they would give permission for their compliance arms to implement lockjaw, rather than the namby-pamby methods employed so far.
As tyrannies go, it has all been a bit Sesame Street to this point.
And today McGowan said he will look at a “roadmap” out of restriction when we hit 80%, which could be in November. So he might consider opening the domestic border sometime “well after Christmas” next year!
So another Christmas without our daughter? Fuck you, McGowan!!!!
Sorry, that’s well after Christmas this year …
Indeed, Arks. Likewise.
Any business still staggering on after these schlockdowns would be insane to attempt to dictate terms to potential customers. If they previously had my custom they will never regain it, even if they later recant. Those that never had my custom in the first place (such as those purveyors of toxic sludge SPC) will be held in even more contempt.
We could do a lot worse than to widely publicise any bunch of arrogant imbeciles attempting this high handed stupidity.
May they all go tits up, big time. is currently running a poll and one of the questions is: “Should businesses be allowed to close their doors to the unvaccinated?”
Of the 2081 responses to at the moment, 64% say “yes”. That’s what we are dealing with here. Ok, its a small sample and its on but nevertheless it shapes the narrative. Governments have been doing their own private polling and wouldn’t move on this unless they thought it had ‘popular support’.
Get over to the site and vote ‘no’.
Speedbox it’s still 2/3 pro. What a disgrace