If it is for your own good … then you are locked DOWN.
If it is for the greater good, well … then you are locked UP.
Easy-peasy, right?
If your mind is a fortress, then who keeps the key?
If it is for your own good … then you are locked DOWN.
If it is for the greater good, well … then you are locked UP.
Easy-peasy, right?
If your mind is a fortress, then who keeps the key?
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
And if it is for Your own good, you are locked IN.
And because it is for Their own good, you are locked OUT…
Locked down. Locked up. Lockjaw?
Hmmm, injections of tetanus for heretics?
(Could tetanus be substituted for capsicum in non-lethal projectiles?
No, I think it needs to enter the bloodstream. Bugger. I thought there might have been a commercial opportunity there).
It’s a good question. So many battles take place in the mind before they become a physical reality. And the temptation is to give in before it comes to the crunch.
I call it Home Detention or Supermax Home Detention depending on whether you live in say Blacktown or Bondi
Which is why morale is so crucial.
From the army on the battlefield to the civilian population at home.
Hence the cruciality of subversion.
The Soviets mastered it, such that their program in the West continued as if on auto-pilot after they themsleves had fallen. Pure genius, albeit evil.
Up. Down. Got it. Now explain how the left is always right and the right is always wrong.
Newspeak double plus good..
Once people lose the vocabulary to express themselves the Fabians have won.
The blythe misuse of words angers me. And I are strong of arm and thick of head. Though my fulsome praise to the modern education collective.
If you dunno where the key is, then … you’re locked IN
just sayin’