Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
Rex Angersays:
September 14, 2021 at 6:32 pm
I will also mention that I even went to the trouble of getting my own Goretex rain jacket.
Goretex does indeed save lives…
Back in the 1970s, the issue rain jackets were so bad that I saw a Reserve private who found one in the bush take it to the Q-Store and hand it in!
The Church Is About To Be Forever Changed
Sep 8, 2021
Return To Tradition
The aim of this new Synod of Synods among the Bishops is to cement the Changes of Vatican 2, to make a de facto Third Vatican Council happen.
Top Endersays:
September 14, 2021 at 6:14 pm
Has lesson been learned from defence debacles?
When Defence Minister Peter Dutton and Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne visited Indonesia, India and South Korea there was one subject that each of the three regional nations would have had difficulty raising – the fact that Australia is squandering around $400bn on three massive defence equipment purchases that add little to regional security.
Just as bad, we are being hoodwinked into becoming almost totally dependent on overseas supplies to maintain whatever contribution this equipment may make.
Most of the Dutton-Payne discussions would have been on regional issues like Covid-19, the role of the US, the rise of China encompassing the Australia-China trade war and the dangers in the South China Sea and Taiwan.
In an era when the region may need to rely less on US defence power, the ability of Australia to spend such vast sums could have been a major plus for the region. Instead, the submarine, frigate and Joint Strike Fighter/F-35 programs show the region that we lack clear direction in defence and, long term, cannot be relied on for meaningful help.
Part of these scandal(s) is the lack of accountability. It should begin with chrissy and turdball and go through the ADF bureaucrats and ranking officers who contributed to these terrible decisions. Nothing ever fucking happens to these bastards. Campbell should go on principle since he over-saw the sick persecution of the SAS and other troops; besides that he is the ugliest, cross-eyed sob to ever pull on spurs.
Help me out here.
Does anyone notice something seriously amiss with this map?
there’s a tab at the bottom for 28 day and total infections
The NSW Scum Party declares that democratic checks on tyranny can occur when tyranny is implemented.
This is bullshit. They can do it on Zoom or FaceTime.
At the same time, one Army Reserve Platoon commander noted that, of his whole platoon, there were five issue rain jackets……
click on global map
What am I looking for, Zippy?
look at the distribution of red dots on the global map.
what do you notice?
Next step is for vaccine passports to require authentication – biometric or pin linked with your Commonwealth digital ID.
Watch for the stories of people ‘abusing’ the ‘apps’ of the ‘celebrity coffee shop owner says unvaccinated people are borrowing other people’s phones to get in, DEMANDS the government do something!’ kind.
Six months, tops.
Once that’s implemented the ‘passport’ will morph into your one true ID and be linked into everything and be required everywhere. Everything you do, where you go, who you’re near will be stored. QR codes aren’t going away, but eventually the app will start reporting back location data – if it isn’t already so they won’t matter except for the physical compliance they encourage. Ironically non-compliance with QR codes is creating the power head for that soon.
E.g Facebook, Gumtree, Ebay, Coles online, etc will integrate with your digital id before you can login. The tech is already there waiting to be turned on.
Opening a bank account will obviously require you to authenticate through it. Getting a job will require you to authenticate yourself with it. Credit and data companies will start to aggregate and share data and create social credit scores to stop ‘trolls’ and ‘fraud’ using the new single id to join their data, HR companies will use those scores to auto cull job applicants, banks will use them to inform credit scores, tech platforms will use that to ban and pre-ban people joining.
This is about 10% of what it’s going to look like.
Coronavirus killed no more people than the usual colds and flus and lockdowns crippled the economy so people couldn’t live normal lives and do risky things.
Excess deaths?
They were estimated.
Ah, you mean like closing state borders and shutting down healthcare?
My neighbours across the road fly their RVN flag every now and then along with the Aussie flag. I have no idea how they vote nor am I going to ask but they were out with the rest of us in the driveways on Anzac Day morning last year.
Let’s jam out shoes into the machinery.
Sabotage! I’m in!
Solid analysis
Zog-All in Oceania, and even in China there is very little. Sporadic reports in Russia and a serious lack of any truly reliable data across most of Africa.
From Rosie’s link – The Age:
Romain Ragonnet, infectious disease modeller at Monash University raised serious concerns over such online groups and said keeping people subject to strong restrictions for longer than required could see people turn to groups like these to make up their own rules.
“There is fatigue about lockdown and other restrictions,” he said.
“The worst scenario you want to avoid is people not complying any more and people making up their own rules, that’s when you end up with a very critical situation. These online groups are the perfect example of people who are just tired of restrictions.”
What? People tired of restrictions and not complying? Something must have happened to that poor man for him to see the obvious – maybe he’s been in lockdown too long.
Dot, no law is mentioned in the article.
It is “just” NSW Govt. “helping” businesses who will only admit fully vaccinated people.
Getting the upgraded QR code check-in system will be “voluntary”.
And yet massive vaccine application in Australia, where the corresponding areas in Russia and China and so forth are lacking.
Yes, they could but then they would not have the cover of not able being to do their job. Parliament’s closure absolves them of the government’s excesses because, you see, there was nothing they could do.
Credit / Social Credit data analysis and verification is the new oil for the liberal party / corporatocracy which is why the liberals are running this so hard in Australia. Equifax and big credit and banks are pushing hard for this stuff. So is the security state, public health, etc.
It’s a revolution baby.
1.4 billion people. virtually nothing, how is that even possible?
I noticed high income nations, basically cucking themselves with a test of low reliability to usher in stultifying tyranny, unnecessary compulsory medicines and medical apartheid.
As if you’d treat Equifax as anything other than a joke. Their IT security is like Yahoo! or “password”.
September 14, 2021 at 8:48 pm
What am I looking for, Zippy?
look at the distribution of red dots on the global map.
what do you notice?
Not many in Chynerr?
If you believe that …
Very easy. 😉
You don’t provide any data except exactly what you want to show.
When it is politically convenient, you show massed tent hospitals and welding apartment doors shut to ‘quarantine’ your population.
When it is politically convenient, you suppress and discredit any suggestion that your district Committees and Commissars are struggling to quell riots or mass displays of non Party-approved discontent.
And you hide it all from your own people even harder than you hide it from outsiders, and throw a patriotic bone or three with talk of invading Taiwan. Or cracking down a bit harder on the Tibetans and the Uighurs.
The Great Firewall of China does work both ways, after all…
New Zealand 28-Day: 1,040 | 1
Totals: 3,967 | 27
China 28-Day: 978 | 1
Totals: 107,549 | 4,849
From the “Australian.”
Vigano: The Faithful Must Resist The Vatican Priests of Baal FIXED
Sep 7, 2021
Return To Tradition
The actual letter from Archbishop Vigano that I uploaded this morning then got magically and mysteriously transformed into something about St John Bosco. Go figure
If you are a closet anti-Semite already, that is.
Hmmmmmmmm….. ?
Can’t say I am an anti-vaxxer, but you know, vaccines need solid evidence and evidence of safety.
Kind of like the shenanigans pulled on horse paste.
This is usually a pre-cursor to a … “Look what you made me do. You brought it on yourself.”
When you pass 80yrs then you cannot be scared because most do not reach 90. I’m content with that. Dementia would be far worse than dying IMO.
I therefore can decide to not vaccinate. My life, my decision. I refuse to bow down to our NSW heathen political leader.
I can remember a time from my youth that we who attended Church would contribute funds to the sending out missionaries to heathens. Now they rule.
All numbers out of china are total bullshit, but my nose tells me there’s a bit more to this story….
it’s not like the numbers out of china are out by only an order of magnitude
And what about our privacy rights.
The problem isn’t the law it is the rag called The Constitution.
Some interesting surf photos:
How about telling them your medical history is none of their business?
the real virus is in your head
and no, I’m not even joking
How about making the 1-iron a useful tool
Mask-wearing and vaccine passports may be needed for years as NSW reports 753 cases.
I reckon this shit has got another 2 years in it. A mate reckons 3 years.
All depends on whether or not Australians decide to wake the fuck up or not.
@ Matrix-
Sounds like you are trying to make this a wedge issue.
Are you sure that is what you wood like to do?
(I admire your drive though. And your efforts to slice through the hacks’ efforts to putt us all in our place…)
A lot of people spend a lot of time and money over their lives TRYING to reduce their mental faculties recreationally.
It’s a bit weird when you think about it: When you are at the height of your mental powers you can’t wait to destroy them with drugs and alcohol. then, when age and nature start naturally eroding the old brain cells it’s all “Oh no, I need drugs to give my brain more clarity”. Why weren’t you think that when you were chucking down rum and cokes, snorting whizzbangs and shoving goofers up your arse?
Humans are shit.
Lionel Hutz, NSW attorney-general.
Naw, that was Hazzard.
Now as ‘Elf Minister, he can give away those dreadful Smoking Monkeys.
As so to discourage Hospitals from owning them, of course.
Just scrolled through a bit of this arvo and this evening.
Attention srr. rrsrsrssrs.
You are a screeching imbecile, a Radio Rental nutcase with no sense of situational awareness. You are a cross-posting freakshow who demands attention, and who screams in victimhood when you get it.
You are a pretentious virtue-signaller, insofar as you portray yourself as a latter-day Joan of Arc tied to the stake with all the world against you. This stage of yours can be identified by when you turn the volume up on how busy you are educating the greater world (of which no occupant is smarter than you) while doing the normal things people do, like raise children.
You use ethnicity as a cudgel against some but not others, which makes you a coward as well. The following is not an exhaustive list of reasons why I will continue to take the piss out of your puppy-killing pizza-eating conspiracy theories:
1. Not all your dogs are barking.
To quote an intelligent man yet to depart from this mortal, pizza-laden coil:
That’s not at all a kind way to describe the NSW Fire Brigades!
The Victorian Metropolitan Fire Brigade and its Union (post its dirty deal with Dan to try and engulf and take over the CFA), perhaps…
Just chipping away until it is ironed out.
Just don’t mention birdie.
wifelet suggested 18 months ago that the DNC is on this plague with china. I laughed at her.
Let’s recap the story so far.
Defying a ban on gain of function research by the US government, the DNC’s favourite doctor was paying china to graft deadly spike protein onto highly contagious cold viruses.
Trump is kicked out of office by the cheating the virus enabled.
China has a traditional vaccine before the virus spreads.
The west however choses an experimental mRNA vaccine that targets the spike protein and proceeds to force the vast majority of its population to get jabbed.
The WHO, a chinese controlled cesspool of socialists has ready made solutions for “health passports”(ie chinese social credit) because the “vaccine” doesn’t really vaccinate.
The DNC begins its program of converting the USA into a socialist state.
No one is talking about a vaccine for the delta variant, but endless “booster” shots for the alpha virus.
the chinese covid stats are not even not credible. we are talking 2 orders of magnitude out. it’s almost as if they started vaccinating really early on…
This will enrage srr.
Jewish comics telling Gentile jokes.
Pity to leave this behind the page turn:-
Spot on.
Full on pizza delivery guys wearing red shoes in tunnels.
The Bogey-man of the Cat.
Sadly, srr demonstrates that such craziness is par for the course here…
If Jews telling gentile jokes are offensive, don’t tell her about Seinfeld in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with Mel Brooks (very funny).
Let alone, The Producers.
A quick glance at Dash-Cat reveals Bird trying to cosy up to ussr.
The brown-shirt faction.
I can’t think of a time when Mel Brooks hasn’t been funny.
the other weird shit, is phase 3 trials were all conducted outside of china, almost as if just for show.
Hey, I don’t mind the crazy.
But the Bird-ness has no place here.
Brooks could make his executioner and sentencing judge laugh.
It has no place anywhere.
my drive is fading
Paging Professor Sutton. Professor Sutton to the Coroner’s Court, please (the Hun):
If there’s any upside to this at all, it’s that in all likelihood the noos would not have run this piece a year ago.
Srr is a good ‘un.
Dunno why you guys don’t ease up.
Really, Srr is the worst you have totolerate?
She ain’t Bird. She ain’t Monty. She ain’t fucking Numberwang. Or IamPenis.
If you HAVE to go after SRR, maybe, just maybe the truth is that you have to go after SOMEONE.
Nope. Srr started first.
Goofer went up rectum unprovoked.
Do you want Bob back?
If you keep this up I can arrange that.
Keep your money for your Model A bug-out car, and blammo for the .303.
Bob would smile as he bankrupted you, and feign self-righteousness all the way…
Have anyone heard of these cheesy youtube Dhar Man clips.
My new favourite thing is watching Dhar Man reaction clips.
Especially black people laughing at them.
Nah, she’s a bitter slag who regurgitates every conspiracy fur-ball she finds in the dingiest corners of the web.
And, seeing as how we’re all so into free speech and all, I guess we will be just havin’ a crack at whoever we feel like havin’ a crack at.
Thanks for your interest.
This is a Dhar Man vid.
14mill views.
You’re a bitter and twisted man Leigh Lowe.
Why don’t you have a rum and coke, a wank and a ciggie and relax for once.
You don’t have to be a passive aggressive prick all day.
And he wouldn’t even have the good grace to stick to the agreed price, and boast about gypping you for 40+ years afterwards.
You wouldn’t want that…
It’s Aggressive Passive, Arky…
You don’t have to tell me about being aggressively passive.
I’ve done sweet fuck all all day.
That’s Dan, you arse.
The Passive-Aggressive Police are late to the party today.
Plenty of it about earlier which went unreported.
Thanks, not that’s.
totally changes the meaning of the sentence.
You threw a party and didn’t invite me?
You shit.
Which reminds me.
Why did the good Perfesser ban ussr?
I think we got very close to the answer earlier this evening.
It’s always just bubbling under the surface with those types.
I thought it was missing the appropriate voice and actions…
I’m laughing hard enough to get funny looks.
Jesus Christ you people.
It’s Pagressive Assive.
Don’t make me come down there.
What is the rule now in Viktoristan?
Country folk can travel, but not into Yarragrad? Or Vicki-verka?
Probably verboten on the orders of the Stair-Master…
Passive Agressive= progressive
And WTF was that darman caca?
I was waiting for something to happen other than the child with the worlds smallest windpipe to be bummed by the turbaned bull as his mother cheered him on.
Sounds like some smoking-hot dusky maiden of mixed Hispanic and Adeni or Yemeni extraction, playing some irredeemably conflicted smoking-hot dusky maiden on Colombian daytime TV…
I’ve had far more Bell’s and ginger ales than is good for me, but that’s not going to stop me having another.
You bastards write entertaining stuff and shit because I’m nthhgdrdcjmgvm,cfjk.
Sounds like another high tide sandbar party tonight, eh?
the whole stand-point politic about ‘those types’ of people is as idiotic as a feminist’s stand-point gibber.
you people just proved ssr’s point.
you’d be better served if yous said nothing.
I saw the footage of the dance party evacuation on the news.
Funny as fuck, including a bloke hanging on to the side of a tinny.
Near the back.
Count your toes, mate.
tomorrow’s bells are probably better that tomorrow’s 100 pipers
The “those types” jibe was a direct whack at ussr, who has been “those typing” for 24 hours straight.
Those fucking thypes.
I hate ’em.
Going to make the woman a Bells and ginger ale.
I have no ulterior motives.
Heads will be exploding at their ABC:-
Of course, Shadow AG Doofus demands to know who has contributed.
No doubt so the ABC can hatchet them too.
by “those types”, do you mean VXnated or un-VXnated?
Can you burn one of those?
My “feedback” to Jacqui Lambie.
And it’s 100% true.
Dear Senator Lambie,
You stated on social media “People are getting agitated out there. The 20-30% of anti-vaxxers out there – I? t?h?i?n?k? y?o?u? a?r?e? g?o?i?n?g? t?o? f?i?n?d? “u?s?” c?o?m?i?n?g? a?t? y?o?u? l?o?c?k? s?t?o?c?k? a?n?d? b?a?r?r?e?l?”.
Congratulations. You’ve achieved your first domestic violence victim of your campaign. A friend of mine who’s unvaccinated (for her own reasons) has had to flee her share house because of uncontrolled aggression from a male co-tenant vacc-worshipping loon. She’s now living in the spare room at my house till she can sort out her life. Stirring up mob hatred of unpopular minorities has had an undistinguished pedigree at least as far back as Jews being herded into boxcars in Germany in the 1930’s. Try looking at the real science before joining the totalitarian impulse to destroy anyone who thinks for themselves.
We’re talking about Jacqui-Jackie here.
Not too smart.
But rat-cunning.
Life a year from now
they don’t get it.
a cautionary tale, a fable, a batman movie
it’s all netflix to them
Sancho Panzersays:
September 14, 2021 at 11:51 pm
September 14, 2021 at 11:59 pm
You’re right.
But sometimes a rant is therapeutic.
More “making it up as they go along”.
Victorian Health department deputy secretary Kate Matson on Tuesday said authorities were still gathering information about the death of the man in his 20s. She said she did not know whether the man had underlying health conditions but expected his death to be attributed to the virus
I know nothink, but Covid killed him!
Hmmm….looks like there’s smoke coming out of the engine here…
Another pisstake ad for Australia
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Patrick Blower.
Christian Adams.
Paul Thomas.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Gary Varvel.
Even with all of this deceit and manipulation, there is something uniquely disturbing — creepy even — about becoming accustomed to seeing political and cultural elites wallowing in luxury without masks, while those paid small wages to serve them in various ways are forced to keep cloth over their faces.
It is a powerful symbol of the growing rot at the core of America’s cultural and social balkanization: a maskless elite attended to by a permanently faceless servant class.
The country’s workers have long been faceless in a figurative sense, and now, thanks to extremely selective application of decisively unscientific COVID restrictions, that condition has become literal.
Glenn Greenwald rips into AOC overnight.
Full column.
It’s turned into a full blown Hunger Games.
Norm Macdonald dead.
Fuck you 2021.
Also, the Clintons finally got him.
Victorian opposition pressures government for a road map out of perpetual lockdown
Americans can currently travel domestically without a ‘vaccine passport’ Fauci wants to say no, who elected him?
bigger than the health department, allegedly
paywalled Australian article on Dan’s 1.7 million social media follower’s
Thanks Tom. Leak is consistently excellent.
Heard a story yesterday that suggests Victoria’s contract tracing call centre has been offshored.
Callers have been demanding to speak directly to covid ‘contacts’ from a child care centre, don’t care if the contact is a three year old, they must be spoken to directly.
been there,, done that
I meant Spooner.
Too damn funny but I live in this dank, pee pee soaked, Kafqaesque joke of a prison colony, masquerading as a real country.
No! It’s not true!
I feel like a young Luke Skywalker sans a hand.
Feels bad man.
Darwin Awards.
Poll: 39% of Young Adults May Remain Childless Because of Climate Fears (14 Sep)
That’s in the US. Give it a couple generations and America will be owned by the Republicans.
Meanwhile in the Daily Tele there’s this article:
Top doctors pen urgent letter to Scott Morrison (paywalled)
One guess what that deadly thing is. If you don’t want to guess just look at the url and it will tell you. So will they, over and over and over ad nauseum, despite zero real world evidence of any of they stuff they’re moaning about.
Interestingly I tried to find the story elsewhere via DDG and couldn’t. I suspect an edict has come down from the Murdoch kiddies to the knuckle-draggling Tele recalcitrants that ‘thou shalt run a global warming horror story every day’.
Slight correction, the 39% poll was for 10 countries, but the article is from Newsmax in the US. I can see them increasing their viewership even more in wake of the woke Murdoch kiddies.
Very disturbing, especially as the elite aren’t even pretending to hide it.
When I go into a restaurant or cafe and masks have to be worn, I either don’t bother to wear the mask or take the mask off as soon as I sit down. I do it as a tiny bit of rebellion. But that is different to what is going on at these Democrat parties. These are the people making other people wear masks but blatantly not wearing them themselves.
They are not doing it as an act of rebellion but as an act of entitlement. They are no different to the worst of the European Royals back in the day.
Early in the morning.
I initially interpreted that as 39% of young adults are too worried about nature to have a root.
Anyone seen that AOC Hispanic dumb blonde wear a tax the rich dress to a $30k per ticket wankfest?
It is flattering butt…she’s like an American Marie Antoinette.
Salty has more.
Why yes. Yes it is!
Not just “back in the day”. Saw a similar photo of the Queen at a garden reception just last week – all the “dignitaries” maskless and the servant class in face nappies.
Why bother hiding it now? They appear to have absolute power. I’m astonished we’re still permitted to notice it.
East German police defend ‘game-changing, life-saving’ internal passports.
Boris Defends Vaccine Passports, Calling Them a ‘Game-Changer’ and ‘Life-Saver’ (14 Sep)
There will not be a vax passport under a government that I lead…
Warren Brown again for me, Tom.
Broelman needs a boot up the jacksie.
Broelman is David Rowe without the talent, watercolour skills or nuance.
That Gen Miley “treason” in Woodward’s latest book may be a set up. Miley would have been a core deep stater and untouchable – all scandal quashed… going behind the back of or countermanding CIC orders is not good.
So given its come out, and combined with the fact that it turned out he actually called PRC and told them he’d give them warning if any attacks on them were afoot … that is treason.
I am guessing that the Dems have realised that Afghanistan ain’t going away and that it’s going to be real bad … and so they have found their scapegoat. Miley will be hung out to dry- it’ll be his bad advice to blame for it all…
Just an apropos of nothing over a coffee.
About these Covid Vaccines which are are under ‘Provisional Approval’, meaning they needs to provide detailed clinical data within 2, 4 or 6 years.
Surely the requirement to collect data is to determine if it is safe to use it on others who develop the medical affliction, at a later date. If everyone’s already been forced to have it, why bother?
If it’s already been injected into every Australian, isn’t it a bit fucking late?
Seems pointless to me.
PS. It also seems a corruption of the process, which was clearly put in place as a ‘Hail Mary’ for terminal patients.
I like this take:
Australian truckie protest:
That Norm Macdonald was a real jerk.
I noticed Professor Frazer, when interviewed in March 2020, thought a vaccine could be developed in year.
Being in the business of vaccine development seems to me he’d have a pretty good handle on what was involved to propose that as a realistic timeline.
Seriously don’t want to get vaccinated, then don’t get vaccinated but stop pretending you have special insights into ooh aah future diabolical consequences.
And as people have noted this coronavirus might be novel but none of the concepts used to develop the vaccines were.
There is an excellent ‘who wore it better’ on twitter.
Aoc and a chickafila bag I think
Recall Newsome! Maybe not….
At my age and slightly above average health (not 40 years ago), the vaccine is more risky than the bug.
That AOC dress wan’t by the same designed who did Melania’s controversial and reeeeeeee inducing “I don’t care. Do you?” jacket?
Amusing if it was.
The Treason Party
David Horowitz
Have they, or have they not, bypassed the normal approval process?
Have they, or have they not, edited the already fast tracked approval process?
Are they, or are they not, trying to get EVERYONE to have a vaccine which has been ‘approved’ under this compromised process?
Norman Swan: Ian Frazer, you’re not painting an optimistic picture of a vaccine in 12 to 18 months.
Ian Frazer: Well, the good news is, as you’ve pointed out, that there are at least 80 known vaccine experiments going on at the moment, including five that are in human trials, so that we’ve got the best possible chance of getting something. I guess the slightly less good news is that the reason we are doing all these different methods is because there isn’t an obvious winner. And I think it would be fair to say that because of the safety issue, and the safety issue is a real one, even if we get something which looked quite encouraging in animals, the safety trials in humans will have to be fairly extensive before we would think about vaccinating a group of people who have not yet been exposed to the virus and therefore might hope to get protection but certainly wouldn’t be keen to accept a possibility of really serious side effects if they actually caught the virus.
Some of those consequences are with us now. No need for a crystal ball.
Just spent a bit of time watching the first two episodes of the BBC’s new submarine serial Vigil.
Do Not Waste Your Time!
That was in April 2020.
Yale Study – Common Cold can protect against Covid
I’m in the clear then. I had a cold a couple of weeks before this last, interminable lockdown.
What you’ve decided to do with your own body is completely up to you, but I notice that some people are getting decidedly twitchy when I post indisputable facts about it, combined with a little bit of commonsense.
I get the feeling that some were not as well informed as they thought they were.
Misery loves company.
Yale Needs To Be Fact Checked!
NOW – Protesters against mandatory vaccinations chant “F*** Joe Biden” on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City.
In Patriot news:
U.S. top general secretly called China over fears Trump could spark war -report
So they could shoot first?
Emperor Xi sleeps soundly knowing that the US is in safe hands.
If worst comes to worst we can all blame President Trump for authorising Warp Speed. Maybe he is part of the cabal, after all.
Or Big Pharma for killing off nearly all future sources of profit in order to make a profit now
If you don’t trust the process don’t get the vaxx.
Despite all the hype not a single western country is apparently dragging unwilling patients down a hall.
I’ve been told Free To Air television is wall to wall get the jab.
For that there is a very simple solution.
Biden is on a hiding to nowhere.
Grow up and open your fucking eyes!
all class America
Irony that as AOC goes to a party wearing a very expensive tax the rich gown, she and her colleagues are trying to reinstate the tax exemption for the rich that Trump removed:
Biden Allies Sour On Taxing Rich As House Dems Eye SALT Cap Handout (14 Sep)
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
We clearly have a government problem
more evidence that the pandemic in Victoria is very selective
Fuck. Me. Dead.
Textbook definition of treason.
Victoria close to 70 percent single dose. What’s the plan Dictator Dan?
When I said yesterday that Jupes had a gun to held to his head and a needle to his arm, I was only being figurative.
He didn’t have a real gun to his head. He didn’t need to. The “gun” was the coercion used to make a supposedly “free” decision. Because as an unvaxxed person in his part of France he could only forage for food or medicine. And had no hope of returning home.
The needle, of course, was real.
VAERS Covid Vaccine Data to 3/9/21
John Milionis doing sterling work as a citizen journalist
The spirit still lives
My eyes are open.
I’m well aware of the pressure points.
As for international travel unvaccinated.
Is anyone the slightest bit surprised that isn’t an option.
Yet no country claims 100 percent vaccination rates so if your objective is sincere and worth holding, you don’t.
Mendacious bullshit!
So, had I remained in NSW , I would not have to make the decision between my job and the jab, and be unemployable in my chosen field because it’s mandatory health order. I might not be dragged down the hall, but it is the next thing too it.
Two episodes?
One was enough.
And not just because of the room for a pony* sets.
*H/T Hyacinth Bucket.
In a little over 24 hrs I am certain to find out that in order to cross the Victorian border and carry out my business I have to get the shot. It is already mandated for truckies and is already the case for Qld re harvest contractors and allied workforce.
Monetarily speaking it’s about 40% of my annual contract harvesting income and I still have a family with children at school to support so it’s not exactly a hobby.
So you can shove your twee little comments and sanctimoniousness up your arse.
It’s coercion and nothing less.
Cheered on by gutless windbags like you
Many here will remember your post on the Old Cat, either the day Sinc announced the closing or the day before, where you basically said you’d accept anything the state proposed in order to end what’s going on.
Once upon a time, not that long ago, this would be massive news. Frothing at the bung, every talking head talking, dire predictions, fingers pointed, senior military handing in their commissions – very, very huge.
The US Administration would be in turmoil internally – and in damage control internationally.
OK then.
It’s funny how notafan operates. Spends days weakly pretending to be against this stuff then BAM one comment and that all washes away and we see it’s all feeble double talk bullshit. Always just one day behind the state apparatus
A bog standard Ole covid karen with the added delight of being a massive hypocrite.
She’ll be first to get the passport, as she was first to get vaccinated. Can’t wait to don the white 3/4 pants, sandals and get to coffee club Coffs Harbour, and isn’t it nice and uncrowded now!
Rosie says:
July 25, 2021 at 8:52 am
Well so am I Mater.
I want out, and if a vaxx percentage is the only way for politicians to save face , that will have to do.
I can’t wait until end 2022 elections in Victoria.
I see Broelman has obediently fallen in with the progressive line that Ivermectin is a horse medication.
Question is whether he knows that it has also long been in use for humans – in fact, considering conditions in Africa, I would expect it has been administered to far more humans than horses. There are many medications that work on both humans and beasts.
Perhaps, for him, the fact it was used on animals first somehow leaves its stamp on it – that it is more for horses than people.
But then I wonder if her realises that just about every medicine he has taken had first to be shown to work on mice – in the lab.
Well, mice are an evolutionary step or two above left-wing cartoonists. Mice at least have backbones.
Lefty-cartoonists (and columnists) do not. They are like seaweed. You cannot see what way water is moving under the surface, but if you watch the seaweed sway in the water you can see the current and the surge, precisely because they offer no resistance. So it is with lefty thought and the likes of Broelman and Rowe.
I’m not arguing that people aren’t being pressured, when I said dragging down the hall, I meant actually, literally.
And the point should be instead of flapping about the evil vaxx people should be flapping about government interference.
If Australians said a hearty no to lockdowns, but they don’t do they?
Civil disobedience is in pockets A few skateboarders here, a couple of no mask wearers there.
Most comply, including the out in the street 20 and 30 year old mask wearers who are at almost no risk from covid.
Are any of these laws/rules/instructions (whatever label they go by) being issued by GLADYS legal? I mean GLADYS should, by rights, not be in the position to make decisions over NSW folks lives given that she should have either stepped aside or been removed whilst the investigation(s) into her involvement in enabling & abetting the scams involving her former squeeze are still ongoing!
How will all this rubbish stand, legally, if/when she is implicated in the crimes ……?
My post about the compromised approval process was exactly that, but you decided to have a dash anyway.
You haven’t answered my question about the approval process. Does the process used for the Covid vaccines have any precedent in our history?
Political, perhaps?
Arc Light is a good read.
ABSOLUTE MUST SEE press conference by Clive Palmer
He says outright what Gladys is doing and why.
Apparently, the TGA threatened to sue Craig Kelly over a tweet releasing a government report showing adverse reactions. The TGA, as a regulator, has a serious conflict of interest promoting a product, namely the vaccines.
The government is threatening to withhold advertising from any media outlet critical of them or giving airtime to contrary views.
He really doesn’t hold back.
So if you were not saying that as a metaphor why say it at all?
Asinine in the extreme.
Just spent a bit of time watching the first two episodes of the BBC’s new submarine serial Vigil.
Do Not Waste Your Time!
The only time in life I have been on a submarine was a Collins class job when the Oz lot were stationed at Neutral Bay (across from where I lived, back then) but one thing I do remember about it was how small & cramped it was ….. Going on VIGIL & my limited (near zero!) knowledge of nuclear subs are they really that big? Those rooms(cabins) & smaller working areas are bigger than any rooms in my house and how high are those ceilings .. never knew submarines were actually underwater hotel size operations ..
First of all mater your habit of keeping ‘dossiers of wrong thinking is creepy, but unsurprising, after the unfounded accusations you threw at me. It seems you do what you accuse others of doing.
When the policy was zero covid and the only solution an endless rotation of lockdowns, I did and still do welcome any pathway our idiot politicians stumbled on to get themselves out of their self created tar pit.
It doesn’t mean I think its a good solution but absent the option to get rid of Andrews via an election it was better than the status quo.
Its not my fault Australia set the world leading target of 80 percent vaxxed.
Though in light of their unrelenting idiocy, unsurprising.
They are counting on businesses enforcing the vaccine passport for them.
They are not saying you need to offer up your medical status to go shopping. Businesses are. That is their right.
Well, it would not be if they were demanding information on who has HIV status but, you know.
Might be worth bombarding businesses with emails telling them that if they demand passports then you will not go there. Businesses that do not require it will be getting your business. In fact, they will be able to cater to the vaccinated and unvaccinated – a bigger market.
And who will be left in their businesses? The Karenesque buffoons who believe they are entitled to tell everyone else what to do, and in a business the business owner will be the one expected to enforce their petty neuroses.
Because quite simply 132 if you really sincerely don’t want to get vaccinated you have that option.
It might cost you something to stand by your principles.
That’s the point of having them.
Despite all the hype not a single western country is apparently dragging unwilling patients down a hall.
a ridiculous and dishonest comment. Sharks are circling me at work too
Well the good thing is Mother Lode, thousands of Australian businesses are saying no we won’t discriminate.
It might cost you something to stand by your principles.
That’s the point of having them.
Yes like losing your job and therefore your house. Easy for some to give lectures.
I keep notes of conversations I’ve had, especially interesting ones.
I don’t find that creepy at all. Good practice, for shrewd operators.
What unfounded accusations?
I tend to use those ‘creepy notes’, so they are usually not unfounded.