So I’m An ‘Anti-Vaxxer’?

For my own reasons, I don’t intend to get the Covid-19 vaccine – not that it’s any of your business.

Before you start referring to me as an Anti-Vaxxer, perhaps you’d like to volunteer for some of the more exotic vaccines that I currently have running through my veins. Japanese Encephalitis and Anthrax immediately come to mind, but there are others. I’ve had to staple two little yellow International Vaccination booklets together, in order to fit them all in. Hell, the Anthrax vaccine isn’t even approved for public use in Australia, provisional approval or otherwise, so you can keep your virtuous bile to yourself.

Did you know that all the Covid-19 vaccines being given to everyone in Australia are only under provisional approval? Do you know what that means? Try this:

The Provisional Approval pathway, in contrast to the priority review pathway, enables a time-limited registration of a promising drug, based on preliminary (usually phase II) clinical data. If approved, the drug will be available for two years and the drug’s sponsor can apply for extensions up to a total of six years. Typically, the final stages of clinical trials (phase III) that address the safety, quality and efficacy of a medicine can take several years. By accepting applications for assessment before these trials are completed, a medicine could be brought to market potentially years sooner than under previous processes.”

So, it’s a means to fast track a drug that might save lives. One would think this process was designed to make new drugs available for Cancer, etc, to be given to individuals who were facing near-certain death. Does Covid-19 meet this criterion for the majority of the population? I’ve had cancer, I’m supportive of this provision, but I’m not convinced it’s appropriate for a medication that they want every Australian to take. It’s certainly not appropriate to coerce people to take anything released under it.

Did you know that typically the development of a vaccine takes about 10 years? Want to know why this is? Try this:

“This is because vaccines must pass a series of pre-clinical studies (usually laboratory based), clinical trials in humans, and approval processes before they become available for use. The steps of the clinical trial process are known as phases. Any vaccine in development must progress through each testing phase to make sure it is safe and effective.”

So, a Provisional Approval shortcuts these stringent requirements. Are you familiar with the safeguard criteria that are in place to try to limit the risk of this shortcut? Try these:

“The eligibility criteria are designed to ensure that only medicines providing the most benefit to patients will be provisionally approved. The criteria also require sponsors to demonstrate that they can provide additional clinical data to confirm safety and efficacy within the provisional registration period.

The eligibility criteria are:

  • New prescription medicine or new indications medicine
  • For treating a serious condition
  • Favourable comparison against existing therapeutic goods
  • Major therapeutic advance
  • Evidence of a plan to submit comprehensive clinical data.”

Do you know which two of these safeguards/criteria have been removed to allow Covid-19 Vaccines to gain the already stripped down Provisional Approval shortcut? Try this:

“The eligibility criteria are:

  • New prescription medicine or new indications medicine
  • For treating a serious condition
  • Favourable comparison against existing therapeutic goods
  • Major therapeutic advance
  • Evidence of a plan to submit comprehensive clinical data.”

So, in summary, a vaccine is being administered widely, even coerced into people, based on the three criteria:

  1. It’s new and designed to counter Covid-19,
  2. Someone’s deemed Covid-19 a serious condition for the entire population,
  3. There is a plan to submit comprehensive clinical data sometime in the next 6 years.

If you’ve had the vaccine, you are part of that ongoing clinical trial.

Do you have any inkling what might happen if that ‘clinical data’ turned up something unexpected? I’d no more load the entire Government of Australia into a solitary aircraft than I’d juice up an entire population with a concoction that we know precious little about, for exactly the same risk mitigation reason (though I’m seriously reconsidering the Government scenario). The insignificant risk that Covid poses to most of the population, makes this decision even more daft. If you want to worry about overwhelming the hospital system, I suggest you pray to whatever deity you believe in, that the vaccines don’t result in a systemic and wide spread problem.

Before you accuse me of being anti-science, take care to know your audience. Do you have at least undergraduate qualifications in Science? I know I do. Once we get past that little call to authority, you need only answer one question for me; Are they following the science when they demand 10 years worth of testing before releasing the average vaccine unto the public, or are they following the science when they can shortcut it down to 12 months? If the science is so strong with what has transpired, why not remove the standard approval process for vaccines and pharmaceuticals, and replace it with the abridged version?

If my stance against universal Covid vaccination, medical coercion, my hesitancy to accept this vaccine, or my staunch resistance to expose my fully vaccinated children to it, makes me an ‘anti-vaxxer’ in your eyes, then so be it. It’s a lazy label, and it merely represents your lack of principles and/or critical thinking, your susceptibility to propaganda and/or your dearth of research skills.

Do your worst, Jacqui!

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September 14, 2021 6:31 pm

For my own reasons, I don’t intend to get the Covid-19 vaccine – not that it’s any of your business.

Before you start referring to me as an Anti-Vaxxer…

Too late, Mater.

Our despicable MSM are already doing so.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 14, 2021 6:33 pm

The carrot isn’t working.

Whirlpool Raises Employee Vax Incentive To $1,000 (13 Sep)

The stick isn’t working.

Clearer messaging needed to target vaccine hesitant (Sky News Oz, today)

Maybe our pollies and CMOs should read the bit about Balaam’s donkey in the Bible.
Just saying.

September 14, 2021 6:37 pm

Are they following the science when they demand 10 years worth of testing before releasing the average vaccine unto the public, or are they following the science when they can shortcut it down to 12 months? If the science is so strong with what has transpired, why not remove the standard approval process for vaccines and pharmaceuticals, and replace it with the abridged version?

I am prepared to consider that existing regulatory requirements are OTT.
And yes, everyone is part of the clinical trial, clearly. And the sample is currently 5.7 billion and rising. So good so far it must be said.
I don’t think you are an antivaxxer mater, but maybe a bit caught up in the coercion aspects of State responses, which are truly scary.

September 14, 2021 6:37 pm

Your best post yet.

September 14, 2021 6:39 pm

The donkey was smarter, Bruce. And more honest.

September 14, 2021 6:41 pm

I don’t think you are an antivaxxer mater, but maybe a bit caught up in the coercion aspects of State responses, which are truly scary.

Hard not to be if you have a functional brain.

September 14, 2021 7:02 pm

“And the sample is currently 5.7 billion and rising”

5.7 billion have been vaxxed? I don’t think so.

September 14, 2021 7:25 pm

Awesome work.

September 14, 2021 7:27 pm

I’d no more load the entire Government of Australia into a solitary aircraft than I’d juice up an entire population with a concoction that we know precious little about, for exactly the same risk mitigation reason (though I’m seriously reconsidering the Government scenario).

As long as the plane was guaranteed to crash I’d do that in a heartbeat.

September 14, 2021 7:29 pm

I don’t want to believe, I want to know
–karl sagan

September 14, 2021 7:35 pm

“And the sample is currently 5.7 billion and rising. So good so far it must be said.”

My understanding of “So far…” is nowhere near the equivalent of “Long term”.

And choosing to vaccinate children with these exempted from phase testing ‘vaccines’ could turn out to be our worst nightmare.

September 14, 2021 7:39 pm

Howsoever you come at it, from whichever angle, the entire indemnified scheme that is the COVID injection, is, at best, wrong – which is not the same as saying that individuals ought not be free to choose to have the injection.
But there is something of a latent existential horror in the COVID injection enterprise and in the manner in which that enterprise is universally wielded.

September 14, 2021 8:00 pm

I am getting concerned about how the anti-lockdown movement is becoming conflated with the anti-vax movement.

This seems to be coming from elements who are trying to hide the appalling lack of scientific support for lockdowns.

(From my personal perspective, I am anti-lockdown, but not anti-vax.)

September 14, 2021 8:10 pm

Russia has managed to steal mRNA tech, why has china not?

I refuse to believe they don’t have it, seems to me they have chosen not to use it and resort to a traditional vaccine. why?

September 14, 2021 8:10 pm

My understanding of “So far…” is nowhere near the equivalent of “Long term”.

Or even “medium term” for that matter.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 14, 2021 8:15 pm

So many chicken little the sky is falling scares in my lifetime.
Swine flu, the world is cooling/heating,avion flu, you name it.
I’m immune to all these things.
I don’t need your stinking non effective vaccines.
No koolade either you fascist scum.
And stop using my flag as a face mask Morrison you piss weak bastard.

September 14, 2021 8:22 pm

Eyrie, it’s 5,729,471,422 doses. (According to John Hopkins’ dashboard)
The number faxed would be much less than that, as some have had a 2nd booster shot already.

September 14, 2021 8:24 pm

I am getting concerned about how the anti-lockdown movement is becoming conflated with the anti-vax movement.

We are being divided into the acquiescing sheeple and those dangerous to the new world socialist order.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
September 14, 2021 8:52 pm

Covid-19 is so deadly that Whirlpool has resorted to paying employees a $1,000 cash bonus to get vaccinated against it.

Um, Covid-19 is so deadly that most people have no symptoms at all and don’t receive or require any medical treatment.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 14, 2021 8:57 pm

I refuse to believe they don’t have it, seems to me they have chosen not to use it and resort to a traditional vaccine. why?

Because some nations value their people more than others?

September 14, 2021 8:59 pm

Reposting some solid analysis to back up this great article.

September 14, 2021 9:40 pm

Great post!

I’m not getting THIS vaccine, and for the record I’ve had plenty of other vaccines courtesy of entry requirements to many countries.

September 14, 2021 10:49 pm

Do your worst, Jacqui!

and yet, yelling “fire!” in a crowded theatre verges on criminal .

watch yer mouth Lambie

September 14, 2021 10:51 pm

and all the journalists reading … you too

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 14, 2021 10:52 pm

Mater, great post.

It reminded me of this Bertrand Russell quote:

The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt

Yet in this debate(?) [edit: you mean the manhandling by threats and intimidation of the populace by the political class] no one may have doubt. We are being made into sheep before the slaughter: trusting and docile is the demeanour that they demand.

And in the thrall of government, the media has taken up the cudgel to discredit any opposition. Anyone who will not submit to being jabbed can not be given any credit because to do so must call into question all aspects of the government’s response to ‘rona. So there’s nothing for it, we’re “anti-vaxxers” together.

September 14, 2021 11:10 pm

Yesterday my GP agreed with me that we are in the middle of an enormous experiment, and I told him that I may consider a having a vaccination this time next year.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 14, 2021 11:25 pm

“Yesterday my GP agreed with me that we are in the middle of an enormous experiment, and I told him that I may consider a having a vaccination this time next year.”
For heaven’s sake don’t reveal the name of your GP. The AHPRA has publicly stated that any health professional who questions the vaccines will face “regulatory action”.

September 15, 2021 6:19 am

I have said this before and I will say it again, I will never forgive Gladys or ScoMo for inflicting this on us simply because they don’t want to be blamed for the effects of the flu. Now they can be blamed for everything that happens to people because of the vaccine.

September 15, 2021 7:16 am

This is an interesting interview By Neil Oliver with an Israeli and Indian spruiking the vaccine. The interesting thing about it is how unconvincing their arguments. I’m constantly looking at the counter view to avoid confirmation bias but yet to find anything even remotely compelling. In fact it’s the lightweight rebuttals that convince me (or that dreamy Scottish accent)…

September 15, 2021 7:17 am
September 15, 2021 7:28 am

Excellent post Mater.

Of course you are correct on this, however being right is irrelevant in contemporary Australia. The government will pursue its agenda regardless of facts. They have been doing that for decades on ‘climate change’ and have accellerated the hysteria on covid.

I am currently living in a country with vaccine passports and they are coming to Australia. I have joined the ranks of the weak and gullible and had my first shot. We anti-vaxxers have lost. The tide will not turn on this, especially once more than half the people are vaccinated. Most people will have a vested interested in getting some benefit for their ‘sacrifice’. That vested interest will be at the expence of the unvaccinated.

September 15, 2021 7:50 am

The push to vaccinate teens is criminal.

The stats – especially from the UK – show that covid is just not a threat to them.

They are gaining almost zero benefit, for a significant (unknown) risk.

September 15, 2021 7:56 am

I don’t know how others feel about GLADYS but the more I read/hear about her DEMANDING I get jabbed the more determined I am NOT too! ..This isn’t about what GLADYS thinx is good for me but what I think is good for me!
Originally, it was based on I’m not sick so not bothered but now it’s evolved into I’m too bloody old & stubborn to be ordered around by any corrupt politician(s) ….!

September 15, 2021 7:57 am

I’m constantly looking at the counter view to avoid confirmation bias
I’m trying to do that myself.

Likewise. Most people hate to be proved wrong, and will go to any lengths, pick up any stupid factoid or whisper of malfeasance to make themselves right.

I have never wanted to be wrong so much. I still hope that I am wrong.

Mark M
Mark M
September 15, 2021 9:31 am

I’m afraid to get ‘vaccinated’ because then I would have to be terrified of the unvaccinated like Gladys.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 15, 2021 10:29 am

Gladys no longer does the 11 am propaganda shout out as she was getting questions about her, ICAC and her 5.5 million dollar gigilo.
Her ethics and morality are questionable. You reckon I’d do anything she tried to scold me into?
She can sic the state goons on to me. So what? She has already given a harsh period of confinement. If I were hale and hearty my civil disobedience would go further than not wearing a mask and breaking bounds.
Fascists can kiss my arse.

Major Elvis Newton
Major Elvis Newton
September 15, 2021 11:29 am

According to a new paper by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute:

COVID-19 Cases and Deaths among Children and Adolescents, compared to Adults, in Australia (as of 5 September 2021)
Age Group Cases Deaths (% of cases)
0 – 9 years 5,374 0 (0%)
10 – 19 years 7,223 1 (0.01%)
20 – 59 years 36,707 35 (0.1%)
60+ years 8,515 995 (12%)
Total 57,819 1031

And the 1 shown under 20 is actually known to have died from meningitis.

The lying is reaching fever pitch now.

September 15, 2021 11:50 am

September 15, 2021 at 7:17 am


To describe these two as idiots, would be complimentary. Bet neither could mow a lawn. Sew a button back on a business shirt. They are comparing apples and mung beans. Trying to extrapolate understandings of known conventional vaccines that have undergone the usual periods of development and testing to experimental gene therapies.

September 15, 2021 12:43 pm

There are ways to fight back. I implore everyone to do what is in their power.

You don’t need to break any laws.

I happen to hold a fairly snr position at a community club.

When we are permitted to gather (soon, with any luck), the chicken-littles will be clamouring for unvaccinated people to be excluded. They have already started their preliminary clucking (or should that be cuckolding?).

I will fight tooth and nail to allow the unvaccinated to participate freely.. to the extent of opening up a parallel set of ‘all welcome’ activities if the paranoid prevail in the committee.

I am fully vaxxed — but that shouldn’t matter to anyone else, and I refuse to be a passive accomplice in a vaccine apartheid.

September 15, 2021 3:02 pm

“The eligibility criteria are designed to ensure that only medicines providing the most benefit to patients will be provisionally approved.

Excuse my nuanced question but this specifically references “patients.” It doesn’t address non-patients who might get the Coof (or not). It’s one thing to provisionally approve a medicine for existing patients but can this be done for the whole populace?

September 15, 2021 3:04 pm

And, furthermore, the vax is of no use to “patients” (as it’s too late if you’re a patient?)

September 15, 2021 3:20 pm

Hmmmm yeah Mater… it sounds a bit off…

When people get narky at me for not getting it (yet – I may or may not), I say I’m not putting an experimental drug inside of me for which there is no medical cover. So what if I am that “one in a million,” who is going to pay for my wife, kids, mortgage etc… if it’s only “one in a million,” why not cover it?

September 15, 2021 3:21 pm

Surely, it’s not too much to ask the gubberment, if “one in a million,” to cover 25 Australians financial obligations?

September 15, 2021 3:32 pm


September 15, 2021 3:39 pm

Line me up for a VC, minus the inquiries, then lol! 😛

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 15, 2021 3:47 pm

I know you write in jest.
I sent my medals back to His Excellency.
Waiting to hear from the Gladys the Dubious what the rules will be for the unvaxed.
Filthy Fascist filth that she is. Same goes for her whole Government.
I may have to engage her in lawfare.
I hate paperwork. God help the peculating Premier.

September 15, 2021 9:47 pm

This will give me some great ammo, sadly I needed this the other day where I had a conversation with a very pro Jab gentleman. Love the posts keep them up.

  1. A big downside to Biden’s pardons: If called to testify in any legal proceedings, those pardoned may not be able…

  2. There was a guy pardoned yesterday who got arrested today. Not a great look. Jan. 6 Rioter Pardoned by Trump…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x