Guest Post: Twostix – May you live in interesting times

Elegant Gathering in the Apricot Garden, Xie Huan, c. 1437

Reading twitter, the media and professional class are absolutely shitting themselves at the sight of the working class organising and thousands of strong backed men marching. It’s all sneering “disgusted” and lots of nervous revulsion about “thugs”.

They instinctively know that their class’s protector: this ugly new paramilitary police force, isn’t nearly strong enough to hold this back if it goes further. A paper tiger. It is structurally weak because it is the manifestation, the perfectly crafted fighting force product of the 2020’s professional class’s worldview. I’m certain on the freeway in that firing squad of storm troopers that idiotically lined up randomly on the road, that I saw at least one small female form underneath the Safety Sally pads, special-ed looking helmets, and armour and assault rifles painted in playschool colours.

They say every revolution sows the seeds of its own demise, this one sows petite young girls into its counter-revolution storm trooper brigades.

But more existentially, as a group, they know that they – the urban professional class have spent the last 30 years aggressively emasculating and feminising the 0.1 sons per female that they have bothered to have. If manhood is a scale, at one end weak body intellectualism, at the other mindless thick brow physical boganism, they dialed the needle all the way to the intellectual end, and then cranked it even harder. Hen pecking and torturing the last drop of masculinity out of their sons and men, turning them into strange facsimiles of scurrying eunuchs of old. On the other hand the working classes are at a far more natural position in the spectrum, comfortable with aggressive physical action, happy to have a conversation and a bit of a think.

Which means that behind the extremely thin blue (nearing-black) line that they’re crouching in fear behind, there isn’t a quiet mass of square jawed chad upper middle class rugby playing sons, battle ready, ready to hit the streets and brawl with these prolish workmen if they cross the bridge into their world. As there was in the various class wars of last century. No, there’s a new dynamic at play here that we’ve never seen before, not for thousands of years at least. The bourgeois, the ruling class and the establishment classes by and large have no men of their own to go out and defend this new social order that they have created and now seek to guard, from an old fashioned physical confrontation.

Interesting times.

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Cassie of Sydney
September 22, 2021 11:34 am

Superb post Twostix.

As I wrote last night, I watched Avi’s video and found it very interesting, you could see the Melbourne cops trembling with fear yesterday. After all, resident ABC slag Patricia Karvelas, on Twitter yesterday afternoon, described the men as “full of toxic masculinity”. Of course, of course. I think the parasitic ABC scum were a little unnerved by the events yesterday.

Just think, those cops have had such an easy ride being Dicktator Dan’s very own paramilitary force, no doubt they’ve enjoyed the power derived from pushing elderly women to the ground, hassling Jews wanting to go to synagogue, cuffing a mother in her home for a Facebook post and so on.

As I wrote last night that I didn’t see any cops yesterday or on Monday beckoning the protesters with the words ‘come on, pu**ies’, like they did last month to ordinary men and women protesting. I wish they had yesterday, I would have liked to have seen the response.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 22, 2021 11:45 am

Let them take a knee, the capricious curs.
Policing is supposed to be done without fear or favour.
These week dodging noodle necks proved they can’t fight crime.
They are good for nothing bullying bludgers.
Politicised puff balls.
Dangerous when in numbers and armed.
Until they come across some people bigger stronger and braver than them.
This won’t end well.

September 22, 2021 11:47 am

View this observation in action in real time:

Be sure to have the sound on for the full experience.

Authoritarian thug bullies, who finally meet people who aren’t afraid of them go mad with impotent rage.

Be careful.

But not too careful.

September 22, 2021 11:49 am


One of the things to come out of the CFMEU brawl that I’m loving is the warning voiced yesterday that vaccinated construction workers will be considered scabs and will have to run the gauntlet on building sites.

And ChrisM over at my blog has made a very good point just now: will it be a case of all’s forgiven now that the “Nazis” have to repair all the damage from the earthquake?

Or will the laptoppers take care of that?

Off you go, Paul Murray. Grab a shovel from the ‘man-cave’ and hop to it.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 22, 2021 12:03 pm

Very astute Twostix.
Christine “where’s the wine list?” Nixon’s “feminisation” of VicPol is bearing fruit.

September 22, 2021 12:05 pm

Never thought I’d see the day that the left supported the police against working class men and women (yes, I saw some women marching too), and union members at that!
In fact I wouldn’t mind betting many on the left would love it if the police took very heavy-handed, indeed thuggish action against the protesters, as the police have done against the average Joe and Josephine Public, and even little old ladies and young girls.

September 22, 2021 12:14 pm

The bourgeois, the ruling class and the establishment classes by and large have no men of their own to go out and defend this new social order that they have created and now seek to guard, from an old fashioned physical confrontation.

Excellent observation.

September 22, 2021 12:19 pm

I saw at least one small female form underneath the Safety Sally pads

I quite clearly saw in one news video a petite stormtrooper barbie running along and struggling to keep balance as her oversized helmet and riot armour sloshed around her diminutive frame.

September 22, 2021 12:24 pm

comfortable with aggressive physical action

I can never forget that when James Gargasoulas was running amok in central Melbourne, prior to murdering six people, the only people who made any effort to physically intervene were two Pacific Islander lads. Culture matters.

Mark M
Mark M
September 22, 2021 1:03 pm

I attended the first Coolangatta/Tweed border rally … at one stage as they were walking past, there was a guy carrying a full-size cardboard cut-out of Pauline Hanson, and next to him a person hold up a aboriginal flag.

The stranger next to me said, “There’s something you won’t see everyday.”

We both laughed and agreed.
Strange days indeed.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
September 22, 2021 1:04 pm

vaccinated construction workers will be considered scabs and will have to run the gauntlet on building sites.

Which they can counter by refusing to show their vax passport, and standing in solidarity with the unvaxxed. If they do in significant numbers, Andrews is screwed.

September 22, 2021 1:08 pm

The modern education system turns out Go GURLs that believe they can do anything;
And hollow chested boys who are constantly fearful they are one step away from committing hideous crimes.

September 22, 2021 1:09 pm

I quite clearly saw in one news video a petite stormtrooper barbie running along and struggling to keep balance as her oversized helmet and riot armour sloshed around her diminutive frame.

Reminds me of the female French security guard/policewoman, armed with a sub-machinegun, who was overwhelmed and disarmed by an unarmed Islamist, several years ago.
Fortunately, he was shot dead by some of her colleagues before he could do any harm.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 22, 2021 1:33 pm

Entropy, a mate who is the father of two newly-graduated primary school teachers still living at home overhears them on Zoom lessons all day.
Dinner time conversations are all about them justifying their “every child wins a prize” methodology.
It’s all part and parcel of developing your point – go gurls and weak boys.

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 22, 2021 1:47 pm

Twostix, one of the most perceptive posts evah!

While watching the march in Melbourne today, I couldn’t help but note in one small piece of footage probably 20 odd coppers in full gear with their backs to the camera running towards the CFMEU headquarters. Most, if not all of them, were females; tiny, little, females. I saw similar vision yesterday; a bunch of tiny, little females in full riot gear, they looked like children or midgets.

btw, not in a million years would I have supported CFMEU members marching in the streets. Today it’s a different matter. If they continue for two solid weeks, I think Dan’s done!

September 22, 2021 2:55 pm

Perfidious Dan and his henchbabies have made it clear that all protests are illegal at the moment

Before things escalated, hardhats were still a protected class. Only last Friday 150 construction workers staged a clever sit-down open air ‘smoko’ in a Melbourne CBD street to protest the COVID restrictions on worksites. Cops stood by, watched, did nothing, and waited until it broke up. This was the day before they immediately went full robocop on the anti-lockdown marchers in the Richmond cutting.

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