Memo to journos: Please don’t share your medical history

Andrew Bolt, evening after evening touts vaccination. Overwhelmingly those in hospital for Covid are unvaxxed he says; those dying are unvaxxed and so on. And, too boot, he is on the record as effectively supporting medical apartheid. OK, he’s not nearly so far gone as Covid crazies like Greg Sheridan but it’s troubling nonetheless.

Why watch him? He’s good on identity politics, on the ‘stolen generations’ factoid, on climate change hysteria, on transgenderism and men with no shame pretending they’re women in order to win women’s sporting contests, on the perversion of children’s education, and so on.

I just don’t get it. It’s not hard to understand that these Covid vaccines are not like any other. They’re based on novel technology. By definition no longitudinal clinical trials have been undertaken. As I pointed out in a previous post, pregnant women have been recklessly advised to take one or other on scant evidence. They don’t prevent people catching and passing on the virus. And their effectiveness rapidly wanes. Witness the experience of early starter Israel; memo to Bolt and his ilk, not late starter Australia. Be journalists!

On reflection, I can’t recall any commentator on Sky News, whatever the slant of his or her views, who hasn’t shared their personal medical history and told me that they’ve been vaxxed. Who hasn’t, as well, said that they’re pro-vaccine, whatever in the world that means? Are they pro-aspirin too? On the other hand, I can’t recall anyone telling me that they haven’t been vaxxed. Does anyone know of someone? Rowan Dean maybe? I don’t know.

Worth noting. In all of this Steve Waterson, writing in The Australian, is a heroic standout. Such an evident clash of civilisations in the one place and time: Waterson (Reason) and The Australian newspaper (Going rapidly Woke).

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September 24, 2021 5:27 pm

It’s easy to forget that filters – any filters – need to be either cleaned or replaced on a regular basis.

Cassie of Sydney
September 24, 2021 5:37 pm

“Why watch him? He’s good on identity politics, on the ‘stolen generations’ factoid, on climate change hysteria, on transgenderism and men with no shame pretending their women in order to win women’s sporting contests, on the perversion of children’s education, and so on.”

Peter, I’m not sure he’s that good. I don’t think he’s particularly good on anything. He’s weak. He strides the middle of a lot of stuff. He’s like a vanilla milkshake. The only thing he was ever, rightly, strong, decent and correct about was George Pell and I thank God he was..and yes, he did suffer for it. Bolt also suffers from TDS…last week he called Trump a liar. He talks over people….he’s not strong on anything actually.

I think Chris Kenny has been quite consistent and I don’t mind him. As for Credlin, she’s a joke. Rita’s good as is James Morrow and Rowan of course.

“On reflection, I can’t recall any commentator on Sky News, whatever the slant of his or her views, who hasn’t shared their personal medical history and told me that they’ve been vaxxed.

I don’t think Rowan has revealed his “vaxx” status. To be fair to Sky, they’re under a lot of pressure….but that should make them come out swinging….we’re surrounded by cowards and quislings.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 24, 2021 5:47 pm

Bolt is a disappointment. And I don’t think he is very brave or bright.
Haven’t read or listened to him since his total debacle in that farcicle trial in Melbourne.
I may have unintentionally misled readers on another thread. Apart from outsiders I use sky for the races, Motorsport and some other sports.
In fact I don’t think much of the people running SKY. They are crystals. Go to pieces under pressure.

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
September 24, 2021 5:58 pm

Mr. Bolt, a Dutchman, “I know, you should, just about describes him.” Most people forget the bottom line with all the drama going on around us but it’s this — The Government has indemnified both manufacturers of the approved so called vaccine from legal liability if a recipient has a side effect– and one supposes that “death” would also be defined as a side effect. That says it all so never ever forget that about this Claytons vaccine until a few years have passed. Read about thalidomide for old blokes like me saw the results of it in kids long ago so maybe this vaccine is a rerun.

September 24, 2021 6:02 pm

I turned off Bolt for good after he refused to consider that there was massive vote-tampering in the last U.S. election, and effectively told Trump to suck it up and shut up.
Anyone and everyone who gives aid and comfort to Biden and his cronies is no conservative or right winger in my opinion.
Aside from that, in recent years I get the strong impression that he is becoming more and more equivocal, trying to be more even-handed to the left, maybe in the extreme unlikelihood of gaining their respect.

September 24, 2021 6:09 pm

Why watch him? He’s good on identity politics, on the ‘stolen generations’ factoid, on climate change hysteria, on transgenderism and men with no shame pretending their women in order to win women’s sporting contests, on the perversion of children’s education, and so on.

He’s good on those poor idiots o the bottom of society being used as Marxist tools.
But I no longer give a shit what “side” any of these fucking bozos are on if they can’t do the simple thing of standing up for basic rights and freedoms.
It’s been near two years now.
How much more?

September 24, 2021 6:09 pm

Be journalists!

Lost cause. They are dinosaurs, sinking into the corporate tar pit or perishing through lack of viewers.

That term is now “fluid”, and is increasingly finding its way to independent broadcasters with little equipment and backing but much…much clout.

The internet has changed everything.

September 24, 2021 6:33 pm

I gave Bolt the flick once he went on television. Wrote relatively sensible stuff in the paper but completely unsuited to the screen. The Prince still watches and I occasionally turn off my noise cancelling headphones and catch fragments but not a thing that changes my mind.
He’s weak and ineffectual. Big media and Big Tech have destroyed him.

September 24, 2021 6:49 pm

As much as I love cutie-pie Rita, I’m tiring of Sky’s three hours of the same program now. I rarely watch more than 20 minutes or so. The desperation to hold the Sky loyalists while clunkily lecturing them is obvious and annoying.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 24, 2021 6:52 pm

Every day we get the stats on new “cases” of covid. This is, apparently, a very important thing.

We don’t get so much about the overall numbers of hospitalised and the ICU admissions with covid, but we get a lot about how they are overwhelmingly unvaccinated. This is, apparently, a very important thing.

It seems to me that the dog which isn’t barking in the night is the proportion of “cases” who are unvaccinated. Let alone the proportion of “cases” who contracted the virus through contact with unvaccinated/vaccinated. I certainly haven’t seen those stats publicised.

Could it be that that information wouldn’t help the narrative?

September 24, 2021 6:55 pm

This is no reflection on Rita but Alan Jones is missed.
Before he bowed out for knee surgery he was pulverising Andrews and Beriazicklian.
And he has been proved right. Their lockdowns have undoubtedly killed people and they won’t stop because they have to ‘win.’ This is the sick pathology at the crux of contemporary politics.

September 24, 2021 7:25 pm

In defence of Bolt, he fought back when attacked on Lygon St.

September 24, 2021 7:36 pm

I like Bolt.
He is a good man in a world gone to shit.

September 24, 2021 7:41 pm

Bernardo proudly declares himself as unvaccinated. Bolt sucks as solo act, he really needs a interlocutor.

WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
September 24, 2021 7:41 pm

Missed Alan Jones (returning next Monday) – nobody can skewer a politician like him.

Chris Kenny also I enjoy, he argues with logic and passion.

The others I can take it or leave it – Bolt not all, he has never presented well on TV.

September 24, 2021 7:42 pm

Bolt is controlled opposition. He has a show because they let him have a show. He gives conservatives the feel-goods that they actually have at least one guy on their side on the MSM. He is worse than the lunatics on the ABC and others because he pretends to have our back. This was exposed when he threw Larry Pickering under the bus. Tim Blair is another wolf in sheep’s clothing.

There is nobody, absolutely nobody in the mainstream media who is not owned by them. So wake up.

September 24, 2021 8:12 pm

Adam, the 2020 election steel made people like Bolt and Eliot expose themselves. Controlled opposition is a very apt description.

September 24, 2021 8:14 pm

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence could see what was happening on election night last November.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
September 24, 2021 8:40 pm

I made the mistake of reading a Jack the Insider screed in the Australian today, part of a series apparently on how people who are ‘anti vax’ are liars, because!

I appreciate he’s had his own existential health issues of late, including almost having to have his todger amputated, but he has become a ghastly, toxic individual. If his bile didn’t suit the narrative de jour I expect they would have had to cut him loose by now. Disgusting POS.

September 24, 2021 8:43 pm

In all of this Steve Waterson, writing in The Australian, is a heroic standout.

I’ve only read three columns of his but they have all been magnificent. In my eyes, clearly the best journalist in Australia.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
September 24, 2021 8:47 pm

I think Bolt realises he cucked out on 18c/defamation and has never forgiven himself. I know his employer didn’t support him, but if he had any integrity or genuine commitment to principle he would have fought it off his own bat – he would have had more than enough public support to keep fighting. Ever since he has been cowed on most things that matter. Yes, he physically defended himself when attacked in the street – but that was fight or flight kicking in.

Cassie of Sydney
September 24, 2021 8:48 pm

“Aside from that, in recent years I get the strong impression that he is becoming more and more equivocal, trying to be more even-handed to the left, maybe in the extreme unlikelihood of gaining their respect.”

Correct……he wants to be liked by people who loathe him.

Cassie of Sydney
September 24, 2021 8:52 pm

“if he had any integrity or genuine commitment to principle he would have fought it off his own bat – he would have had more than enough public support to keep fighting. Ever since he has been cowed on most things that matter. “

Two and half years go, just after Pell was gaoled, Bolt and Sky came under sustained attack from far-left progressives…..all because Andrew Bolt dared to suggest that Pell was innocent…which he was. Bolt was called a “pedophile” apologist and a lot worse. I stuck my neck out for him. I regret that….why? Because I think he’s got no balls, he’s constantly fellating his enemies. He’s no warrior.

September 24, 2021 8:57 pm

Bolt is a disappointment. And I don’t think he is very brave or bright.

No, Bolt is brave. Or he definitely was back in the day. His exposure of the ‘stolen generations’ and ‘climate change’ hoaxes along with his support of George Pell made him an enemy of the radical left. He has been physically attacked for his views. Similarly, his reporting on Islamic terrorism made him a big enough target that he had to move house.

He’s no coward, but his idea that conservative ideas could beat the left with polite reason alone, has proved a fallacy. Trump broke him. He would rather be on the side of the establishment than support the great man. Now he’s just flailing about in no-mans land. Sad.

September 24, 2021 9:20 pm

The Trump episode has made so many phonies out themselves.

Cassie of Sydney
September 24, 2021 9:25 pm

“He’s no coward, but his idea that conservative ideas could beat the left with polite reason alone, has proved a fallacy. Trump broke him. He would rather be on the side of the establishment than support the great man. Now he’s just flailing about in no-mans land. Sad.”

I think you’ve said it best Jupes.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
September 25, 2021 8:57 am

Is Bolt a good man?
I think the answer is clearly no. It is plainly obvious that supporting medical apartheid is evil, therefore he is complicit in supporting evil. He is actively pushing the false agenda, which some people will listen and die because they listened to him. Furthermore message continues to provide money to the Pfizer billionaires, Bill Gates and support other wicked people.

It does make one think about whether Bolt is actually a Freemason and controlled opposition.

September 25, 2021 9:30 am

he wants to be liked by people who loathe him

Including, bizarrely, that grannie killing sex pest, Cuomo.

Disclaimer – I used to love brawling on his blog back in the day before newscorpse had to shut such activity down (for our own good, of course).

Total bummer, man.

September 25, 2021 11:18 am

Correct……he wants to be liked by people who loathe him.

Cassie, I believe that that is even more so true in the case of Morrison, and it has been of no avail to him.
Instead it has blown up in the PM’s face, and now a great many conservative and right of centre people loathe or have lost all respect for him, in addition to those on the left.
It happens when you ditch your or your party’s principles, à la Turnbull and Julia Banks.

  1. Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x