My IEA article on Covid in Australia

The Institute of Economic Affairs in London [the IEA] has published an article of mine on Dealing with Covid-19 in Australia. Most of it will be old news for us in Australia but I end with two paras on what needs to be done now:

Covid is disappearing as a lethal problem and is rapidly fading back into the pack as a serious disease affecting any but a relatively small handful of the population. In fact, most of those who are positively tested, are simply asked to go home and quarantine for two weeks.

What must now occur is that the Covid dogs are called off, genuinely serious cases should be dealt with in hospital as would occur if it were a bad case of the flu. Other than that, we should go back to business as usual, at least as was usual prior to March 2020. There should be no vaccine passports. No mask mandates. Our borders should be open to travel, especially our state borders, whose closure has been particularly absurd. Individuals should be permitted to do what they feel is best for themselves, as we all get on with our lives.

Unless the plan is to lock us down forever until Covid disappears, there is no alternative but to open our borders and our economies while doing what we can to care for those whom the virus infects.

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Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 5, 2021 3:29 pm

It was always about control. The premiers and police just pushed the envelope.
So many people with vested interests vying for their share of the pie.
Even the treacherous Canberra curs in defence got in on it. That fascist General making a declaration that we all,woulda be double vaxed before Christmas. Over his dead body.
And a totally useless Prime Minister hasn’t helped thing.

October 5, 2021 3:55 pm

What must now occur is that the Covid dogs are called off, genuinely serious cases should be dealt with in hospital as would occur if it were a bad case of the flu. Other than that, we should go back to business as usual, at least as was usual prior to March 2020. There should be no vaccine passports. No mask mandates

Yet all of those things will happen/are happening in Australia because Australia’s democracy is simply a traditional custom, not a guaranteed constitutional right.

If we are a serious democracy, there needs to be a second constitutional convention to fix the myopia and blind trust of the first — for example, to allow a federal government to override the closure of state borders to guarantee the free flow of interstate commerce and freedom of movement.

October 5, 2021 3:55 pm

I am almost convinced that my country has stepped into a deep wombat burrow and been sucked into an unfinished Lewis Carroll story named The Glass Coffin. Up is down, restraint is freedom, and the medically literate practice witchcraft. Leaders alternate between spinning clockwise and anti-clockwise; on the spot and leading nowhere. A great percentage of followers applaud in rapture, equating movement with achievement, because they sound similar when spoken. “Had our wise leaders not spun so hard and so fast,” their congregation states, “we would all have fallen to the ground!” When asked to explain how this form of gravity works, they froth and bubble and jabber that “You want everyone to fall! You’re a Grounder, a filthy Grounder!”

On the orders of the Gravity Controllers, the population is prompted at first, then persuaded, then compelled, to dig into the earth, in search of a mysterious box, in or beneath which – it is never quite clear – the answer to the greatest mystery of all will be revealed. Neither the box nor the mystery are detailed, leading every member of the population – in particular, the Elites – to imagine their own answers. The only additional clue is that the box is fragile.

Is it just my tapeworm, or are we living this?

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
October 5, 2021 4:04 pm

I believe the plan is to vaccinate us until morale improves, or we die. Whatever comes first.
That is now pretty clear, especially since they are going after our children. This is not about logic, rationale, or what is good. This is about progressing with the road to hell, reshaped into a world where the cabal has full control over the economics and people so they can “make the world a better place”.
We cannot discuss or argue with them. We only have to say “no, we will not comply”.

Hold the line, do not give in, do not quit your job, do not inject yourself or your family with that concoction. And here is something; we are winning the battle, every day you hold that line is a day they grow more desperate until they collapse.

John Bayley
John Bayley
October 5, 2021 4:14 pm

The current debacle is the result of a much longer journey than ‘just’ Covid.

I would recommend Peter & Ginger Breggin’s new book “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey”. It provides a comprehensive overview of what Covid is, the drive to ‘vaccinate everybody’, the overall objectives, and who are some of the main characters behind the drive to modern fascism.

A long book (998 pages all up), referenced throughout and very well worth the $13 for the Kindle edition.

For those who don’t know him, Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger are both medical doctors, with a long history of uncovering pharma & big government collusion & corruption.

John Bayley
John Bayley
October 5, 2021 4:17 pm

@ Judge Dread:

Precisely so.

It is the next & modern iteration of the same old ‘isms’ that have murdered so many in the past.

Yet with the majority of the population fast asleep, it looks, alas, like we will need to re-experience the fact that while history does not repeat, it sure does rhyme.

October 5, 2021 4:20 pm

If we are a serious democracy, there needs to be a second constitutional convention to fix the myopia and blind trust of the first — for example, to allow a federal government to override the closure of state borders to guarantee the free flow of interstate commerce and freedom of movement.

Given the general popularity of border closures during the “pandemic”, Tom, I’d suggest the chances of getting the two majorities required to make the changes necessary to s92 in order to override the HC’s previous decisions in favour of state’s rights are slim.

October 5, 2021 4:22 pm

One absurdity I’ve just become aware of is that, if you are currently auctioning a house in Victoria, the agent can put up a hoarding on your front fence advertising the property, but is prohibited from putting the date of the auction on the hoarding. The date can be found by anyone with internet access, but somehow transmission will be limited if we don’t put it on the hoarding? What mouth-breathing six-figure-salary mong in a Spring Street office dreamed this one up?

October 5, 2021 4:26 pm

every day you hold that line is a day they grow more desperate until they collapse.

Very true, and well worth remembering when all seems lost, as it does at times.

The darkest hour is just before dawn.

October 5, 2021 4:29 pm

There should be no vaccine passports. No mask mandates. Our borders should be open to travel, especially our state borders, whose closure has been particularly absurd. Individuals should be permitted to do what they feel is best for themselves, as we all get on with our lives.

Spot on Steve. The key to this is to stop the Covid porn. No more press conferences and no more release of daily case / hospitalisation / death stats.

If they did that, no one would notice the Chicom pox.

October 5, 2021 5:19 pm

October 5, 2021 at 4:29 pm
Spot on Steve. The key to this is to stop the Covid porn. No more press conferences and no more release of daily case / hospitalisation / death stats.

I would agree. Just think we had a bigger flu death in 2017 and everyone went about our business.
Steve, I have now seen the “the Stockholm Syndrome” analogy used over and over again to describe Melbourne ‘s psyche. I haven’t seen a believable poll in the past six months. Maybe this is not the case and it is a meme dreamed up by Dan’s propaganda team to put us further down i.e. if everyone else is happy with him I must be the one out. My personal poll of supermarket workers, coffee servers and people I see on my walks over the fence, says that there is a lot of anger in the community and that this meme flies in the face of what people currently think. But they are scared of expressing it because they don’t want to seem out with the majority. And those that are willing to shout it out have nowhere to shout. We have effectively been muzzled.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 5, 2021 5:25 pm


I would agree. Just think we had a bigger flu death in 2017 and everyone went about our business.

Take away the 600 to 700 killed in nursing homes in Victoria and NSW last year, essentially by government incompetence, and the actual death rate is so far below a normal flu season as to expose the stupidity of this whole disaster.

October 5, 2021 6:52 pm

anybody know what limitations there are on ‘Emergency Powers’?

or can this shit just go on forever?

October 5, 2021 7:34 pm

What Tom and Jupes have quoted is the gold standard of truth.

My anger and resentment towards Gladys, now Perrotett; Worboys, Elliot & Hazzard is white hot.

They represent nothing but bucket mouthed, ratchet jawed fake everymen spewing torrents of paranoia and authoritarianism.

October 5, 2021 7:35 pm


You have to refer to Federal Human Rights law.

This is a teaching moment for conservatives; virtually unlimited legislative power for the former colonies was a very bad idea.

October 5, 2021 10:54 pm

virtually unlimited legislative power for the former colonies was a very bad idea

I did a little research
Apparently only Vik has a 6mo limitation which, they have ignored

Concurrently they administered the polis to calm things down

We are up shit creek

Winston Smith
October 6, 2021 6:19 am


Given the general popularity of border closures during the “pandemic”, Tom, I’d suggest the chances of getting the two majorities required to make the changes necessary to s92 in order to override the HC’s previous decisions in favour of state’s rights are slim.

Several weeks ago, I was thinking of asking DB if we could have a post on a new referendum and what would be our major changes.
Then I threw my hands in the air, said “what’s the point?” The enthusiasm for the lockdowns and border closures would have made it impossible to get any support.
That plus the stranglehold the media has on its own agenda has led me to think that the solution to all this is to let the whole country go tits up.
Learn the hard way or the other hard way.
I’m tired of the whole damn struggle to get people to see common sense.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 6, 2021 7:57 am


Apparently only Vik has a 6mo limitation which, they have ignored

I think it has been extended a couple of times, with the collaboration (at a price) of three “independents” in the LC.

October 6, 2021 8:00 am

I’m tired of the whole damn struggle to get people to see common sense.

Exactly this. Not being able to think critically is a failure of education. And sadly for us, common sense, as my dad was fond of pointing out, is not that common.

Major Elvis Newton
Major Elvis Newton
October 6, 2021 8:01 am

I’d like to believe you, Steve but Morpheus said it best:

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

There are too many saviour politicians and bureaucrats imbued with a Jesus complex who will not let go that easy.

They believe that covid has given their pathetic lives meaning and purpose. That they are “saving lives”.

They will not go quietly. Nor will the biomedical surveillance police state they created.

Mark M
Mark M
October 6, 2021 9:31 am

CMFEU squeals like a pig stuck in mud!

Blames others.

Were CMFEU office elitists fully vaccinated?
We are told Setka had one jab.

But if the union elite weren’t single/double jabbed, why are they demanding members be?

and … if any CMFEU elites were fully jabbed, why didn’t the jabs prevent infection?

Either way, it’s not a convincing argument.

More COVID-19 cases linked to CFMEU building following Melbourne anti-vaccine protest

“There are now seven positive cases linked to the CFMEU building, the union says, with COVID-19 having spread to family members including elderly parents and two babies.

“Due to the actions of these reckless and selfish protesters, many of these members’ families who have been infected are very sick with the Delta virus,” he (John Setka, Victorian secretary of the CFMEU) said in a statement.”

Setka: not the smartest tool in the shed.
A tool never-the-less.

Robert the Irish Scot
Robert the Irish Scot
October 6, 2021 9:39 am


Thank you John, after reading he preamble that the Book Depository displays I have ordered the book.
(I like to keep my library stocked).

October 6, 2021 12:16 pm

I’ve also bought the book, John.

I do fear that this inexplicable, world-wide event, has turned me into my mother…she was a rabid anti-vaxxer (as in no vaccines for us at all as kids) and Big Pharma/ Big Medicine conspiracy theorist. Turns out she seems to have been a woman 40 years ahead of her time.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 7, 2021 9:00 pm

“My personal poll of supermarket workers, coffee servers and people I see on my walks over the fence, says that there is a lot of anger in the community and that this meme flies in the face of what people currently think. But they are scared of expressing it because they don’t want to seem out with the majority. And those that are willing to shout it out have nowhere to shout. We have effectively been muzzled.”
What are Sportsbet offering on the Libs actually harnessing that anger, rather than jumping on board Dan’s totalitarian bandwagon with a few pissweak bleats like “we’d have done it more efficiently”?

  1. Similar, shoulder joint rooted after a vigorous … Sleep. I’m going drugs and rest, I suspect tendon or bursitis as…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x