Guest Post: thefrollickingmole – In praise of massive taxes on the rich

Still Life with a Turkey Pie, Pieter Claesz, 1627

No I haven’t gone insane, I seriously praise the people who have released the Pandora Papers and want every truly wealthy person named to be exposed to swinging rates of tax, and the various vehicles used to protect income and wealth exposed to the tender, barbed, acid spewing red hot phallus of government.

I want trusts removed, foundations providing lifelong “board fees” and trappings of wealth removed from 2nd and 3rd generation richlings and retrospectively taxed into oblivion.

Charities also must be ruthlessly taxed as massively as possible, from Red cross through to the local cat/Dog rescue, they must be taxed at the highest rate possible.

I want a Tobin tax, a death duties and housing capital gains taxed annually.

Deductions for all manner of things to be just scrapped, churches taxed to the hilt.

There must be nothing which is left to protect anybody or anything from swingeing levels of taxation as their wealth increases.


Because the truly wealthy have insulated themselves from the effects of taxation.

Look around, the people pushing hardest for actions which will impact on average peoples living standards are generally wealthy as Croesus.

Foundations set up to assist people 70 years ago are vehicles for their grandchildren to virtue signal while “earning” 6 or 7 figure sums on activities which hurt people now.

Churches which saw charity as a core function now see pandering to government as a core mission.

Aboriginal royalties must be taxed and pensions cut if the income warrants it.

I am over any moderation in this issue, the wealthy, by being able to shield themselves and each other from the effects of policies they wish to impose must therefore bear the absolute costs of what they want to implement.

For too long people on the right have seen the wealthy as natural lovers of liberty and freedom, not realising they only ever envisaged that freedom for themselves and theirs, with no skin in the game of course they will look to grand projects such as saving the world from weather as a “legacy”.

Even better, when the policies they encourage or go along with actually damage any emerging competition or push the market their way they can actively profit more from their destruction.

The rich must be taxed at high enough rates they begin to question the size of government again, seeing it as a savage insatiable money pit rather than as a co-conspirator against the plebs.

The only way left to educate the well off is a financial Ludoviko treatment:

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October 13, 2021 6:09 pm

Give everyone over 65(? ) the old age pension.
Then tax everyone over 65 on ALL income for a start.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 6:16 pm

The Democrats, party of poor oppressed lefty billionaires of America, are currently trying to overturn Trump’s restriction of the SALT deduction. Yep, they’re attempting to lower taxes on the rich at the same time as they are proposing to increase taxes on everyone else. If you could turn lefty hypocrisy into electricity it’d be too cheap to meter.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 13, 2021 6:27 pm

I was curious how you would justify your post.
As I read through I was agreeing with your points.
Tax those silver spoon socialists until the pips squeak.
The world will be a better place.

October 13, 2021 6:29 pm

I wish I written this post, but it’s the Moles.
I’ll leave him to justify himself.

October 13, 2021 6:31 pm

Start with Malcolm Turnbull.

October 13, 2021 6:37 pm

Wonderful idea Mole. Let’s convert investment into consumption for the needy. The “needy” being generational fuckheads on the lamb. That was we de-nude ourselves of investment and begin to sell the silverware for consumption.

Also, if it’s your money and you’ve earned it, who are you or anyone else to be directing traffic on what someone can own. Each of those rich people earned my by doing something people liked. Good on them.

Also, what’s the big fucking deal about BVI’s anyway?

October 13, 2021 6:40 pm


That way….


earned money…

October 13, 2021 6:44 pm

Who needs Mole anyway, when we have Karl Marx.

Accumulation of wealth at one pole is at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole


There must be something rotten in the very core of a social system which increases its wealth without diminishing its misery


Money degrades all the gods of man and converts them into commodities.


Capitalist production, therefore, develops technology, and the combining together of various processes into a social whole, only by sapping the original sources of all wealth – the soil and the labourer.


Exchange value forms the substance of money, and exchange value is wealth.

FMD, he was a fucking moron.

October 13, 2021 6:46 pm


If the rich were content to just be wealthy, enjoy the fruits of their labor and otherwise leave the rest of society alone then there would be no issue.
Whats done with the money I dont care, because about a year after this started wealthy people would suddenly rediscover their inner John Galt anyway.

But for a long time the wealthy have seen fit to deform society to whatever pet nightmare has entered their heads.

And you seem to be missing the point, buried as it is.
Until the truly wealthy feel pain from the government instead of having it as a vehicle to restrict competition and “improve” everyone else they will continue to support its increasing reach and power.

Eg: Bill Shorten.
In what sane world is a turd married to one of the richest chaps in Australias daughter leader of a workers party.
Supported by daddy warbucks.

October 13, 2021 6:50 pm


Heres a start..

Greens bank $3.9m in donations including $600,000 from Graeme Wood

Being the non discriminatory chap i am i cant just single out individuals.
So all the rich must suffer.

John Brumble
John Brumble
October 13, 2021 6:51 pm


Just to be clear. What you want to do is to increase the power of a body that provides and secures the wealth of a certain group of people and you think that by doing so, you will -decrease- the wealth of those people?

I say this in the nicest possible way:
Are you an idiot or a fucking idiot?

October 13, 2021 6:58 pm

Ok the satire bit people are missing..

What I am saying is the growth and merger of government and big business is related to how useful they are to each other.

The only way a wealthy person will “revolt” is if they see the expansion of government as a net cost.

I dont want government bigger or better funded, I want all the comfortable certainties of “Ive got mine” torn away which will lead to a reduction in government.

October 13, 2021 6:58 pm

If the rich were content to just be wealthy, enjoy the fruits of their labor and otherwise leave the rest of society alone then there would be no issue.

Even this is symbolic of the yellow star. Why can’t a rich person have a stupid opinion and can only have an opinion that conforms with yours? Where’s your floor and ceiling in terms of wealth and opinion?

Whats done with the money I dont care, because about a year after this started wealthy people would suddenly rediscover their inner John Galt anyway.

But you’re not just punishing them, your actually punishing all the punters rich or not because wealthy people became wealthy by offering something people want… to lots’ of them.

But for a long time the wealthy have seen fit to deform society to whatever pet nightmare has entered their heads.

Not all. Some have, but rich people can do stupid shit too. Rich people aren’t always the smartest, but they’re just good at following process to get rich. One hi-fi store worked, so lets set up the next one and then the next and so on. They possibly have no idea what capitalism means and why it benefits society.

And you seem to be missing the point, buried as it is.

No, I’m not.

Until the truly wealthy feel pain from the government instead of having it as a vehicle to restrict competition and “improve” everyone else they will continue to support its increasing reach and power.

You want communism in order to punish a category pf people you don’t like. Mole, that’s communism!

A little history will show you those arguments were exactly what those Soviet c..ts sold to the Russian punters. 50 million dead and how did that go?

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 13, 2021 7:01 pm

October 13, 2021 at 6:46 pm

I agree with you frollicking mole — I have spoken with friends of late, may of them very comfortably off, all working from home, none who’ve suffered any financial loss, any personal disruptions to life, all living in suburbs insulated from the travails of those living in Local Government Areas of concern. Few have shown any sympathy for those who are prevented from leaving their homes, under curfew and unable to go out and earn a living, while trying to home school children and worried about a ‘vaccine’ which is experimental, no sympathy for those whose lives have been disrupted beyond endurance, whose businesses have tanked and whose work of decades has been all for nought.

The attitude of these friends has revealed to me those who would’ve sheltered Anne Frank and who those would’ve handed her over to the Gestapo. I am ashamed.

October 13, 2021 7:03 pm


From your list…

I knew her dad. He was the older bro of someone I went to primary school with and have known him since then although we lost tracks. The dad was a really good dude.

Earlier this month we welcomed 62 new medical interns to Austin Health. These new doctors will rotate through our services and gain valuable training, experience, and support from our medical, nursing, and allied health staff.

We spoke with two of our new starters to get to know them better and see how they’re finding their first few weeks on the job.

Radiation Oncologist – Dr Jonathan Tomaszewski

Dr Jess Chiodo-Reidy explains why she chose to become a doctor.

“My dad died of brain cancer when I was 21, and this was my first significant exposure to the healthcare system,”says Dr Chiodo-Reidy.

She always considered becoming doctor, but her experience with her dad made her realise just how rewarding this career could be.

October 13, 2021 7:05 pm

But listen, who gives a shit about gerbil warming. If they’re that concerned, just keep pushing nuclear energy. The American and British left have folded on the issue when it comes to nuclear.

October 13, 2021 7:06 pm

I dunno JC. If big pharma is lying at all about this, I see nothing wrong with disgorgement of profits on top of keeping personal income taxes.

October 13, 2021 7:07 pm


Would Zuckerberg have thrown the election to the Dems if it didnt benefit him?

Should one chap have enough wealth & political influence to do so?

We now have billions of dollars being thrown at climate mitigation which will commiserate humanity for decades.
Funded by an alliance between big business and government.

Thats going on right now.
And the biggest proponents of it will not only have enough money to insulate them and theirs from the effects, they will profit from it.

Would you like to justify that?

October 13, 2021 7:10 pm

immiserate… thank you spellwrecker.

October 13, 2021 7:10 pm

I dunno JC. If big pharma is lying at all about this, I see nothing wrong with disgorgement of profits on top of keeping personal income taxes.

Okay, you want to hand over money from those “lying” pharmas to the Let’s-Go-Brandon Administration. Okey Dokey. That’s because the Let’s-Go-Brandon Admin will use the money in a much more effective way.

October 13, 2021 7:18 pm


Do you think the Dems (or any party) might hemorrhage money and supporters and lose office every time they squeaked about a tax rise or budget blowout if the comfortable were also hit?

Mentioned above…

Is that just?

October 13, 2021 7:21 pm

The end game of this is everyone will want to see a small, low spending, low taxing government.

Not to make government bigger.

And a weaker, smaller poorly funded government would be too busy managing what little it has rather than thinking of new ways to ‘save the world”.

October 13, 2021 7:21 pm

Would Zuckerberg have thrown the election to the Dems if it didnt benefit him?

I think so. At least that’s my opinion. Fuckerberg knows that Senator Pocahontas was much more dangerous with an idiot in the White House than with Trump. I think Fuckerberg and the rest of these autistic idiot savants were frightened of Trump for the reasons the read in the MSM. Fuckerberg works most hours of the day. He doesn’t have time to read alternative stuff to the MSM. His reading list would be the NYTimes and the LA Times.

Should one chap have enough wealth & political influence to do so?

No one does. That’s the fucking point. Crooked outspent, Trump 3 or 4 to 1. She lost even though nearly all of Silicon Valley was in her pocket. They had to cheat to take the office away from him.

We now have billions of dollars being thrown at climate mitigation which will commiserate humanity for decades.

I’m not sure. If we get moving on nuclear we’ll be okay. Actually more than okay, it could be a golden age.

Test the tempo of where I’m coming from. The closet heterosexual , Adam Bandt went nuts over the nuke subs thing. How many people really listened to him? He was ignored for the most part because I think even here we’re getting to the stage that people don’t fear nuke.
Funded by an alliance between big business and government.

Thats going on right now.
And the biggest proponents of it will not only have enough money to insulate them and theirs from the effects, they will profit from it.

I’m not so sure they will profit if they’re sticking money into windmills and plastic panels. Renewballs are NOT going to work and if fuckers have stuck money into it, they will lose every cent. Renewballs won’t work because they can’t.

October 13, 2021 7:21 pm

Tax and nudge, eh? Sorry, but I’m against such an approach in principle.

How about we just reduce tax on the poor to middling classes?

We could then eliminate the tax-welfare churn that they have to endure.

That would be a good start.

Then we could give every net tax payer a vote every three years on a limit to government expenditure, providing them with several options and an indicator of what each would mean for them personally income tax wise.

Governments would be given no choice but to trim their cloth accordingly.

Using the same method we could also limit government subsidies to renewables, e.g. “How much extra tax would you be prepared to pay p.a. to fund renewable subsidies?” Make it binding.

October 13, 2021 7:22 pm

thefrollickingmole says:
October 13, 2021 at 7:18 pm


Do you think the Dems (or any party) might hemorrhage money and supporters and lose office every time they squeaked about a tax rise or budget blowout if the comfortable were also hit?

Mentioned above…

Is that just?

I loved that. TI was Trump’s masterful plan to fuck over the blue states against the Reddies.

October 13, 2021 7:30 pm

The real problem is progressive tax on middle income earners which seriously stops them from getting ahead. I’ve also observed complete lack of concern for people who’ve had their lives wrecked by some in secure ‘essential’ jobs which makes me wanna puke.

October 13, 2021 7:32 pm

Milton is right. Progressive taxes destroy upward mobility.

JC. Who do you trust more; Janette Young or Joe Brandon?

October 13, 2021 7:34 pm

It’s also vomit making that a checkout chick’s taxes go to keep Leigh Sales parasite filth in the style to which she is accustomed. Feudalism much.

October 13, 2021 7:35 pm

The real problem is progressive tax on middle income earners which seriously stops them from getting ahead.

Inbdeed; I was also going to suggest a flat tax rate. It’s a “no brainer”.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 13, 2021 7:35 pm

Sorry Mole And Arky. I was discombobulated.

October 13, 2021 7:41 pm

the satire bit people are missing..

very nice work mole

I see you’ve caused an outbreak of stuttering.

October 13, 2021 7:42 pm

Which group in society bears the most disproportionate impact of sin taxes, for example?

There are few things on this planet I find more galling than middle class inner city parasites lecturing and immiserating poor people because of the “regrettable choices” the latter might be prone to, just to try and make their lives somewhat more bearable.

Hypocritical sanctimonious wankers – exhibit A: Simon Crapman.

October 13, 2021 7:43 pm

Who was it who said taxes are for little people

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 7:44 pm

Nudging really doesn’t work on me.
It works on information-poor people though.
Their fault they’re ignorant, not mine.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 7:46 pm

I understand the sentiment of this.

As for..

“For too long people on the right have seen the wealthy as natural lovers of liberty and freedom, not realising they only ever envisaged that freedom for themselves and theirs, with no skin in the game of course they will look to grand projects such as saving the world from weather as a “legacy”.”

I have never ever viewed the wealthy as natural lovers and defenders of liberty and freedom. In fact the bedrock of prosperous western nations traditionally was the working and middle class…it is they who defended liberty and freedom. Liberty and freedom allows for aspiration which is probably why the wealthy loathe both.

October 13, 2021 7:49 pm

Nudging really doesn’t work on me.
It works on information-poor people though.

It’s detestable, Bruce. Unethical abuse of citizens by government.

October 13, 2021 7:59 pm

In fact the bedrock of prosperous western nations traditionally was the working and middle class

Correct and these people are under attack from the elites. See Christopher Lasch Revolt of the Elites.

October 13, 2021 8:00 pm

I have never ever viewed the wealthy as natural lovers and defenders of liberty and freedom. In fact the bedrock of prosperous western nations traditionally was the working and middle class…

The history of the anglosphere, beginning in England (obviously), is largely the history of the devolution of power and authority from the rich to the middling and latterly the working classes.

October 13, 2021 8:02 pm

But for a long time the wealthy have seen fit to deform society to whatever pet nightmare has entered their heads.

It’s not specifically the wealthy, there is an entire class of people who want to inflict some version of their utopia on the rest. These people fail to understand freedom and liberty and their own despotic self nature. To make stuff happen though, the despot gravitates to big money, government or the billionaire class. A fascist like schwab has the ears of both all in the name of the common good.

Obviously you get exceptions like Soros, a billionaire with a political axe to grind.
Gates, Bezos and Musk seem somewhat less inclined to politics. The same can’t be said for the google boys and Dorsey who are essentially wokeheads. fuckerberg comes across as just a greedy paranoid xunt.

Eugenicists, malthusians, transhumanists all seem to be making a resurgence these days. The first two groups, have certainly been able to influence policy over the last century without being rich.

The current plague of wokeism is another unsustainable phenomena. Really, you have to be an idiot to buy into it for any length of time. The left despite having over-run the institutions is actually in failure mode, we know this because it has resorted to outright and open cheating to win elections. They are desperate to create another generation of social justice warriors to flesh out the ranks.

Unfortunately what happens is people have kids and their worldviews mature.

October 13, 2021 8:04 pm

The point is moot.
It’s going to happen. These rich pricks have taken the asp to their bosoms and it’s going to bite them in the form of whiny little Marxist fucks with weird dyed hair and stupid pronouns.
Look at what’s happening to the oligarchs under Xi. Once their use is done, their “property” will be the state’s.
The only thing that could have preserved them is to have allowed the same sorts of fair opportunities that the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s saw.
But no. They had to wreck education and work. They gobbled up all the places at ivy league universities and played silly identity games or import CCP management class displacement units with the extra places they didn’t want. They offshored productive factories to squeeze a few cents more per unit out of trinkets and shit that are all eventually destined for landfill anyway. They corrupted the media. They broke politics. They made the law and courts so exorbitantly priced that the ordinary person can’t access it without their patronage.
It’s all fucked and ultimately it’s Rabzses’s HOP time pretty damn soon.
Pray to God that you don’t get lumped in with the oligarch class, because once it starts to roll, these things go out of control.
It’s gray man time.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 8:05 pm

October 13, 2021 at 8:00 pm
The history of the anglosphere, beginning in England (obviously), is largely the history of the devolution of power and authority from the rich to the middling and latterly the working classes.”

Correct…which is why England was spared of revolution like in France…England also had free speech.

October 13, 2021 8:09 pm

The left despite having over-run the institutions is actually in failure mode,

No, they’ve won everything, and are in mopping up mode and preparing for the next stage, which is revenge mode.
Our social media comments will destine us for the gulags.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 8:14 pm

Until recently, that is over the last eighteen months and particularly over the last twelve months, I never really understood how revolutions happened. I’ve read a lot of history and I always naively thought…well I live in Australia, a democracy with rule of law, free speech, religious freedom, a solid middle and working class and so on. But this security has gone, I’m angry and I feel a simmering anger among other people…ordinary people…..not the high fliers, not the bankers, not the partners in law and accounting firms, not the bullshit artists with their start ups…people are simmering with rage.

I now understand how revolutions happen.

October 13, 2021 8:23 pm

Correct…which is why England was spared of revolution like in France…England also had free speech.

They also had an evangelical revival in the 18th C..

It has been said that John Wesley is the reason England avoided a French-style revolution or worse.

Overall, we today are largely ignorant of the role Christianity played in incrementally elevating the rights and interests of common folk on the way from the dark ages to the modern era.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2021 8:25 pm

Who was it who said taxes are for little people

Someone who later stood trial for tax evasion!

October 13, 2021 8:29 pm

JC. Who do you trust more; Janette Young or Joe Brandon?

Both Dot. I trust both of them to fuck up every single day. Everyday, every sunrise, they wake up and are fully aware they will fuck something up.

October 13, 2021 8:29 pm

Oh God.

October 13, 2021 8:32 pm

I now understand how revolutions happen.

The classic explanation would be that revolutions happen when power and property are not broadly distributed amongst the members of a society, leading to the loss of a stake in the system among a majority of people, which is the tipping point at which people will gamble their futures on the back of the sense that they have nothing to lose.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 13, 2021 8:38 pm

Cassie’s got it – all 3 comments above

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 13, 2021 8:39 pm

Arky – do you still think my prediction a few weeks back is still dark??

October 13, 2021 8:40 pm

The stupidest & most short-sighted and destructive policies the Uniparty has adopted over recent decades are those which have made it more difficult for young people to become property owners. Democracy can only survive with a property owning broad middle class that owns a stake in society .

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 13, 2021 8:43 pm

The stupidest & most short-sighted and destructive policies the Uniparty has adopted over recent decades are those which have made it more difficult for young people to become property owners. Democracy can only survive with a property owning broad middle class that owns a stake in society .

With some Uniparty branches, particularly the Dems in the US, I think they’d regard it as a feature, not a bug. They don’t want a large self-reliant middle class.

October 13, 2021 8:49 pm

I now understand how revolutions happen.

18 months ago I told youse that the Commies were making their play.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 8:50 pm

I’m not predicting violence in this country any time soon but next year at the ballot box we will see the anger erupt, we’ll end up with a Labor government given our electoral system….but I’m hoping the senate is a dog’s breakfast for Labor with Lib Dems, UAP and One Nation senators having the balance of power. I will enjoy seeing the smirk wiped of Scumbag Morrison’s face. I want to see the Liberals annihilated federally. For the last twenty years, across the west, ordinary people have been betrayed, it’s time for payback.

October 13, 2021 8:52 pm

With some Uniparty branches, particularly the Dems in the US, I think they’d regard it as a feature, not a bug. They don’t want a large self-reliant middle class.

Which is to say they are anti-democratic.

A trait shared by their Australian, British & Canadian cousins.

This may be a bit crytpic for many, but what we need is a revival of Aristotelianism in the West, and particularly in the anglosphere, which, contrary to its heritage, has succumbed to Platonic ideology.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 13, 2021 8:53 pm

I’m not so sure they will profit if they’re sticking money into windmills and plastic panels. Renewballs are NOT going to work and if fuckers have stuck money into it, they will lose every cent. Renewballs won’t work because they can’t.

Three word phrase. Begins with “taxpayer-funded” and ends in “bailout”.

There were a few under Obama as best I recall. One, I think, had been turned down for “government funding” under Bush because the reviewers said the “funding” wouldn’t stop the company going under by mid 2009, but the head spiv made a big donation to Obama, they resubmitted and the White House said to the reviewers that Obama wanted a quick decision so he could announce the “funding” at a forthcoming visit to the factory.
Result – the company went under in September 2009 (I think) and the government did all its money, but the head spiv walked away pretty much unscathed.

October 13, 2021 8:55 pm

No, they’ve won everything, and are in mopping up mode and preparing for the next stage, which is revenge mode.

I disagree. If they had won everything they wouldn’t need to steal elections. They have skin suited some institutions, but the majority is not with them.

Cultural marxism has bastardised buddhism into a political relativism, focused on power grab. Real buddhism however isn’t purely subjective, things are not what they seem NOR ARE THEY OTHERWISE. The bus that doesn’t exist in itself will run over you and kill you stone dead. This other half of buddhist duality has been expunged from wokeism.

The bus of reality will come and will run over the woke.

So they will try and inflict some marxism through the government, the latest institution to be illegally skin suited, all of which can be reversed, provided of course the parasite does not kill the host. In the US they need to suspend or change the constitution. not going to happen.

There is a desperation to the acts of the left. A last throw of the dice before time ‘s up, the world melts or starves or….

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 8:55 pm

“This may be a bit crytpic for many, but what we need is a revival of Aristotelianism in the West, and particularly in the anglosphere, which, contrary to its heritage, has succumbed to Platonic ideology”

Correct…and never forget that one of Plato’s philosophical heirs was Marx.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2021 8:55 pm

Democracy can only survive with a property owning broad middle class that owns a stake in society .

Wasn’t that the vision the Liberal Party once had for Australia?

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 9:04 pm

“Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
October 13, 2021 at 8:55 pm
Democracy can only survive with a property owning broad middle class that owns a stake in society .

Wasn’t that the vision the Liberal Party once had for Australia?”

Once up0n a time.

October 13, 2021 9:33 pm

I really can’t understand some folks slavish devotion to money .. for 60 of my 73 years I lived in or close to poverty .. As a child growing up in a pit village in County Durham (GeordieLand) poverty was a given, full meals a luxury but as 99% of those around were in the same position you weren’t fussed ..
The I came to Oz took to booze and spent 10 years on skid row .. monies only importance focussed on the next drink ..!
Next up sobriety & marriage .. 20 years of a wife who had a complete fear of money as she got rid of it faster than I earned it! Unfortunately, for me & the kids she seemed to get rid of at least $10 a week more than was coming in!..
Another 10 years as a single parent .. things settled down but what came in was what went out, no one went without but I wasn’t getting richer ..
Rolling on to 2010 and VOILA the kids grew up got jobs, left home and then there was me! ..
Always been able to handle money but never had any to practice and suddenly I got the chance ..!
I’m not wealthy by any means but by 2015 I had got myself into 5 figure savings and it’s just kicked on from there ……
Unfortunately, after so long without I found that the idea that having money meant I could do what I liked fizzled when I realised there was nuttin’ I really wanted to do ..
Sure, i took my round the world trip .. 3 months including County Durham but, to be honest, outside of a very enjoyable 3 weeks in the USA I wasn’t overly fussed ..
That was in 2016 … since then all that’s happened is I’ve replaced all I spent and added more .. but other than grandkids burfdays and Christmas I hardly bother & there isn’t anything I want to do ..
So, apart from being able to meet the bills and shop it’s just mounting up for, I suppose, the grandkids, my kids don’t need it cos they’ve all dun well …
BUT I do have, at 73, the one thing that money can’t buy .. HEALTH!
I’m fitter than I was at 30, can swim 1 or 2 kms (gummint permitting .. duuh!) without any bother or bike ride up to 150kms a day and haven’t taken any pills or medicine in 10 years since getting over Cancer & chemo ….. and that I wouldn’t swap for any extra $millions …….!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 10:11 pm

I now understand how revolutions happen.

Yes Cassie, but if you look at history you will see that revolutions only ever come from the Left. I would even say this of the American Revolution since it took the non-Christians to spark it. The Right has a long Christian tradition, which results in acceptance of government authority (I won’t go into the bible basis, but it is extensive). This is different from Jewish and Israelite tradition, since it is encapsulated in the new testament.

But certainly revolutions come from the Left. In Poland in the 1980s, it came from the union movement. In Venezuela Chavez was lefty. Duterte in the Philippines is a lefty. On the other hand the events in Chile came from a putsch by the Army, as has the situation in Egypt more recently. Neither of the latter two were revolutions.

This is the problem. The Left just loves the totalitarian behaviour of the Andrews Government. And like governments (Sneakers, Ponygirl, Gladys). So there will be no revolution, because the people they are persecuting are from the Right, which is a herd of cats and is based on the Judeo-Christian worldview. When the Left are OK with such stuff the only way is down, to Venezuela level. It’s a tell that there is no rebellion in Venezuela. Instead the righties all took off, leaving the lefties to live in their self-imposed squalor. Unfortunately we’re on a planet where places to flee to are rapidly diminishing.

October 13, 2021 11:01 pm

Three word phrase. Begins with “taxpayer-funded” and ends in “bailout”.

There were a few under Obama as best I recall. One, I think, had been turned down for “government funding” under Bush because the reviewers said the “funding” wouldn’t stop the company going under by mid 2009, but the head spiv made a big donation to Obama, they resubmitted and the White House said to the reviewers that Obama wanted a quick decision so he could announce the “funding” at a forthcoming visit to the factory.
Result – the company went under in September 2009 (I think) and the government did all its money, but the head spiv walked away pretty much unscathed.

It doesn’t matter who owns these things or who’s left holding the bag, Neilson. The crap doesn’t work and the money will be lost either way.

Whalehunt Fun
Whalehunt Fun
October 13, 2021 11:01 pm

How cute. Someone actually believes that the truly rich can be taxed.Sure. And unicorns will sing lullabies as they rock you to sleep. Dream on blissfully ignorant one.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 11:51 pm

Taxes, schmaxes. The truth is it’s all about the power. They have it. We don’t. The end.

October 14, 2021 7:26 am

I don’t hate the rich per se. I hate the corrupt. I’m grateful to many rich people who have benefited my life by creating cheap and useful products, and raising the standard of living of humans everywhere.

Like the Swiss guy who went for a walk in long grass in the Alps, got burrs in his socks, thought about it, looked at them through a microscope and came up with Velcro.

Class act. He thoroughly deserves to keep all his profits, in my book – he’s done far more for mankind than he’ll ever get back from it. So if he chose to minimize taxes via Belize, – and I don’t know if he did – good for him.

Maybe we should have a branch of the Tax Department that sorts out the Deserving Rich from the others and apply a different scale?

On second thoughts, that could be disastrous, since the first people the presiding bureaucrats would apply that to would be themselves.

Just minimize the honeypot. As with flu strains, there will always be leeches and grifters … even among the not so rich. (There are a few sitting outside Woolies every time I go there. For their own good, I reach for the fire hose, but there’s none.)

Get serious about the perils of regulatory capture. And about regulation itself, the metastasizing of which always punishes small business. Stick to the basics. Look at John James’ Cowperthwaites’ policy in Hong Kong and rewrite the textbooks accordingly. Minimize and simplify tax and, what the heck, make Australia into a tax haven! Abolish ridiculous Departments like Education (what in the blazes do they do?), Sport (!!) the Yarts, the ABC, quangos, foreign aid, subsidies to all “remote communities” leading “traditional lifestyles” (as if aborigines for thousands of years sat down and waited for the Great Emu to deliver the fortnightly pay cheque). Cut the cr*p about catastrophic global warming and COVID. All this (and don’t get me started) will send the appropriate signal to the grifters: “p*ss off!”

There … a spleen has been vented. I’m getting old and cranky.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
October 14, 2021 8:33 am

Renewballs are NOT going to work and if fuckers have stuck money into it, they will lose every cent.

Um, they’ve rigged it so that every cent they put in they get two back from you. How do you not know this?

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 14, 2021 11:14 am


It doesn’t matter who owns these things or who’s left holding the bag, Neilson. The crap doesn’t work and the money will be lost either way.

But it won’t be their money that is lost, it will be the taxpayer “co-investment”. Do you really think that Cannon-Brookes will risk his own money on the solar farm/Singapore power scam? He will walk away from the disaster with more than he started with.

October 14, 2021 6:26 pm

Great post mole, and subsequent comments. Thanks.

The best part of this post is all the huge thumbs up for it and bugger all for JC’s bitching and whining. No wonder he want’s the thumbs removed!

The rich and the elites in cahoots create labyrinthine tax laws and loop holes for the express purpose of allowing them to avoid taxes. Untold Billions maybe Trillions of dollars squirreled away , hidden from view and prying Govts. The kicker is, only multi (b)millionaires can afford the accountancy and legal costs to make it all work. But work it most certainly does. But not for us plebs That’s a design feature, not a bug.

It also ensures that greedy bloated parasitic Govt’s are going to go hard after the diminished income pie left behind. Govt’s will have their pound of flesh come what may and are going to both tax the easy target PAYG plebs and borrow gazillions in our name in order to fund their atrocious spending addictions.

October 14, 2021 8:46 pm

Twiggy needs to be taxed out of existence.

  1. Likely German Chancellor Rejects Trump, Alleges Election Interference just another eurotrash pollimuppet

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