Sheesh Duk, throw down a /sarc tag if you’re going to drop this sort of cold cut
My pleasure.
Douglas Murray Addresses the Mass Murder of Christians in Syria | Direct Address EP. 6 I am still thinking of…
This is unbelievably foul, yet you can’t stop watching. 😀 Where’s arky? https://x.com/OntWtf/status/1900348808690589867?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1900348808690589867%7Ctwgr%5E0eac7096d9dd30bef0594551254c79ef43326cae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F
I am surprised at your whitewater fuckwhithery.
believe or not, and i do care, and i am a legal investigator.
Zippy thats only 3 or 4 gone out of how many? Young lady I know was getting $36 hr a few years ago for answering the bloody phone. She knew it was a bludge. Her real job was organising trips for the boss so they didn’t clash with other gigs. Boss flounced from one place to another for differing events but always picking up a good handful of opm on the way. These bastards get into jobs that gives them access to all these commissions and committees that pay on top of the vast amounts for doing very little at all.
I recall seeing a study that rang alarm bells on this late and lazy training. Problems including incontinence because early bladder control was not established was one of them.
My three stepped out of cloth nappies at almost two for the oldest, not much over one for the youngest. And why wouldn’t you? Horrible soggy old things even after a single “wee”. Disposables wicking away discomfort have retarded the child’s desire to be free and grown up.
The planet is fine, the inhabitants are fucked.
I know of a few victorian scumbag politicians that are bedwetters.
Just back from seeing my specialist doc, a super-smart Indian woman, and her ‘well woman’ clinic. She did my recent abdominal surgery and she is such a honey. Hairy came with me because I have been really unwell for four weeks now, and since I got in touch with her in desperation two weeks ago she has slowly been doing some differential diagnosis testing of various sorts while the GP Clinic has refused to take face-to-face patients. They do tele-medicine, which has been useless, worse than useless in fact as their nonchalance about me has driven me crazy. Go to Emergency has been their only advice, when I know that Emergency wouldn’t have any sort of handle on my prior conditions and would be starting investigations from scratch, because that’s their procedure, leaving me with an appointment in two weeks at whatever specialist clinic they wanted to start with first, the end result being that I’d be sent home with Panadol.
Now she’s convinced of a diagnosis, she’s going to contact my new GP (sadly missing O’Orish who has gone back to Ireland) and she intends to make sure I now get the right specialist referrals for further ongoing treatment. She’s put me back on antibiotics (a further course of these was denied to me by the GP’s telephone clinic) and anti-inflammatories and already I am feeling better.
Lizzie hasn’t had a decent night’s sleep in four weeks and she’s been fading away before my eyes, Hairy chimed in during the consultation, confirming that I have been wracked with pain overnight every night, taking strong painkillers and clutching a hot water bottle to my middle, and more or less unable to function during the days. I was welling up with tears over the top of my mask as he expressed his love by taking charge when I was almost beyond talking.
He is an absolute darling to be so concerned for me, and he was right to insist first off that I dump the GP tele-medicine fiasco and go to her (she is costly but hands-on) for all further help. I suspect the NHS in Britain has probably killed people via its strong insistence over a long period on telemedicine; it’s only happened here sporadically, but I have been one of the unlucky ones to suffer from it. I pity other Australians who have had no Hairy to care for them and suffer poor medicine in silence. I wonder too if the crowding in Emergency is also tele-medicine driven.
Does he write his own headline font choices?
Headless Body in Topless Bar could hardly top his uber-bold ‘right-wingers are loonies eh’ headlines.
The Memsahib received better medical advice in Emergency, then she did from our local medical centre.
The Fabian Communist High Court of Australia cannot STOP States from shutting each other out.
Good to know.
As a legal investigator, what are your thoughts on Bosi maybe turning his focus on expat Aussie men living in SE Asia preying on young kids, instead of banging on about red shoe pizzas.
A target rich environment.
Everyone knows 93.1% of expats living in Asia are fiddlers.
I’d think about voting for that.
Churn in hospitals you say?
That is not everyone’s experience.
Disposables wicking away discomfort have retarded the child’s desire to be free and grown up.
Plus the parents no longer have the kids winging and pestering them to remind them life will be much easier if the kid can go by themselves.
Notice how the awful awful plastics of disposable nappies never seem to get much traction with the greenies?
They bring it up every few years but it dies a very quick death.
Im assuming “Green mothers who refuse to use disposable nappies…ever” is the loneliest page of facebook.
November 5, 2021 at 3:44 pm
Yes, my devoted admirer?
Good to hear you’ve had a successful diagnosis, Lizzie. You aren’t alone in being fobbed off. You just have to plug away and not accept it.
Hard to believe in a so-called first world country. But that’s what you get when all your doctors are basically government employees via Medicare.
One of the best things about the new modular nukes is that each high rise in the city will have the opportunity to generate its own power.
I’m sure the residents of each building will all be in favour of this.
Well done Hairy.
My wonderful but aging fast MIL and FIL have somewhat the opposite issue; the FIL was a very highly regarded medico; the even more highly regarded scientific MIL is now unable to get a word in edgewise as the medical males settle her fate between them, as she perceives it. Conflict over noses in others beeswax appear very unhappy when serious issues require very considered participation in decisions..
As the ‘Conspiracy nuts’ warned at the time, it was always about Tracking & Tracing Individuals movements & other related Bug Testing.
Nearly a year ago our whole household was put into 2 week isolation because one of us used a Myki Card on a Melbourne Tram, that a “Covid Positive” person had also used their Myki Card on hours earlier.
And now here we are, with all these ‘unrelated’ tracking & tracing systems we’ve been voluntarily ‘opting into’ ‘for our ease & convenience’, reminding us that there are records of all the times we haven’t used our mandatory “Covid Passports” …
… nothing to worry about though … it’s not as if there’s UN backed Dictatorships popping up all over the world, using all these records we can’t access, against us …
Driller is swept off of his feet busy and doesn’t have a second to stoush troll.
Piggles, explain.
Hey Panza
If you know some folk who play and you haven’t reported it then you are a despicable dirty dog shit.
Obviously you play.
AOC’s Chief of Staff Admits the Green New Deal Is Not about Climate Change
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti admitted recently that the true motivation behind introducing the Green New Deal is to overhaul the “entire economy.”
Saikat Chakrabarti (born January 12, 1986) is a political advisor and software engineer. He was formerly the chief of staff to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the U.S. Representative from New York’s 14th congressional district representing portions of The Bronx and Queens in New York City.[1]
On August 2, 2019, he left Ocasio-Cortez’s office to run New Consensus, a group to promote the Green New Deal.[1]
It’s becoming the pandemic of the vaccinated.
Targetting “Rich Old White Men”?
Middle Americans driving F-250s?
Thanks DB – I’ve put the entire post up ob my FB page which is read by 3 people 🙂
It may help.
I don’t know any personally, but the number of old expat grubs being rolled for kiddy fiddling in SE Asia on a regular basis is probably the tip of an iceberg.
How about “no Aussie pension unless you submit to local police checks on a regular basis”?
That might flush a few out.
I think I’ll write to Bosi and suggest it as a policy.
Maybe propose it become a capital crime.
Rones, ronery
How do you feel being publicly humiliated by the driller? He’s always trying to cover for you.
Mrs Panzer’s princess niece was doing the whole “poor little Tarquin (aged 3) isn’t toilet trained and just won’t do it”.
(Just another ‘how hard is my life’ fucking drama).
She went to some specialist who said “It just takes time. That will be $250 thanks”.
Until she found out that the child care centre that Tarquin was enrolled in and due to start in a couple of months charged something like $25 per shitty nappy change.
Tarquin was promply tied to the pot for the next three days until training was satisfactorily achieved.
Well theres a few sorts who live in SE Asia.
The reprehensibles and artists.
Those who have married local and usually buy a pub or something while their super pays the rest.
And those trying to find a place a damn site easier to set up a business than the shithole of Australia.
John of Melbourne:
Damn good video, John.
And yes – she is very pretty, which is a pleasant distraction.
love your international police work/
you are filth who doesn’t tell anyone till far after the event.
Hiding the process in plain sight, both the UK government and our own NSW and Victorian state apparatuses (?) boast about their Behavioural Insights teams.
Nudge Units to be sure.
Fucking hell … can I ever be a citizen ?
‘Morning Star Bear’ is the name Carrie Bourassa chose to express her ‘indigenous’ identity. Bourassa, a professor at Saskatchewan University and one of Canada’s top health experts, has spent years claiming to have First Nations heritage. But she has now been outed as a bog-standard white Canadian. She has also been suspended from her university post and has stepped down as scientific director of the indigenous wing of a Canadian health body.
Bourassa previously claimed to have a grandfather who was a member of the Métis group, a people with mixed indigenous and white heritage. In a TEDx talk in 2019, she said she had suffered from racism as a child and that the spirits of her ancestors were present on stage with her.
One of Bourassa’s colleagues, who is herself from a First Nations background, became suspicious when she noticed that Bourassa had started wearing more traditional-looking clothes, particularly when appearing in public. She also noticed that Bourassa had started claiming to have two additional First Nations groups, the Anishinaabe and Tlingit, in her heritage.
But in Oz, Bruce Pascoe™ keeps on keeping on…
Spiked magazine
LOL. So the clot shot passports will serve a function haha.
ABCcess with its usual deep dishonesty at work..
Unequivocal headline…
Stating Donald trump was avoided by the successful Republican candidate.
But in the article..
While he was endorsed by Trump, and reportedly spoke with him regularly on the phone, Youngkin never hitched his wagon to the former president or even campaigned with him. The most Trump got involved was with a single late phone rally that was closed to the press and the public.
Some commentators have already dubbed it the “Trump in the Spirit over Trump in the Flesh” approach.
So apart from the endorsement, the regular phone calls and one rally, Trump was avoided…
Gosh, Lizzie, so pleased you are resolving your problem – the worst possible time for any ailment at all, let alone a serious one!
I have no idea if our city GP practice is seeing person-to person. Neither I nor husband has been to see them for at least 6 months. Husband had a sudden lump appear – which, by incredible good fortune, we had seen to by a specialist & whipped out within 2 days. More by just sheer good luck (cancellations) than planning. As for me – I haven’t seen a medico (& don’t blood well want to!) in some 2 years.
I have previously boringly outlined on this blog our daily combined fruit/vegetable/vitamin juice every morning. It continues – & I have added CoQ10 to the Vit C,Vit D3, & Zinc. I also have 3 bottles of Quercetin on hand in case we get symptoms of the dreaded lurgy. Quercetin is almost unprocurable – so it is saved like gold. Something must be working, as every cut and abrasion acquired on the farm (many – I got tangled in the electric fence the other day!) is healing at a very fast (and strange) rate.
BTW Still have lots of Ivermectin (pour-on) used for the cattle. Also on hand for ABSOLUTE emergency. I am hoping for the approval of the human tablets by the TGA eventually – as there is a group of Aussie physicians trying very hard to do just that.
BTW We also take anti-histamines every day up here. And not simply because the pollens are very bad this Spring (& they are!) – but after hearing about the experience of the Indian Doctor, Dr. Shankara Chetty, in South Africa, who has successfully treated literally thousands of COVID patients successfully with anti-histamines. He believes the cytokine storm is an allergic immune inflammatory reaction from the virus debris. He has concluded this partly because it manifests almost precisely on Day 8 of infection. Anyway, he has not lost a patient! He combines the anti-histamines with steroids.
Husband also takes Cartia – low dose aspirin daily.
and what does your encyclopaedia say about grace?
Top Ender:
Are you really selling them?
Got photos and price list?
How do you know it’s not either of the meds that works and the other doesn’t?
We must be ruthless in weeding out fake bears.
Fuck off srr.
Red [Shoes] are not my colour.
And if some bugman chooses to exploit an integrated ticketing and fare system to fulfil some cause, what is it to you or I?
That is something they have to take up in Eternity with Him. You know, the same fellow you keep publicly declaring isn’t Big Enough to look after and protect all of (and bring Home) His children (presumably including you) every time you break out your tinfoil mouse pad…
If the Drop Bear bounces, it isn’t a Drop Bear…
You. Soup. Nazi.
More nuts than conspiracy. Go back to working on your manuscript of Gulag Archipelago.
It’s not servo quality video, but it’ll do:
Behaviour Panel’s Greg Hartley Explains Alex Baldwin’s Bizarre Roadside Interview – Viva & Barnes
Viva Frei
Speaking of persistence with medical types.
I spoke to my GP earlier in the week about vax side effects.
Just got off the phone from a “follow up”.
More “meh” and “give it another week or so”.
Until I said, “Oh, OK. No worries. I’ve got an appointment with my specialist next Thursday. I might see what she thinks then if it doesn’t improve.”
The two words docs hate to hear … “second opinion”.
Suddenly it was all concern about the tingly/numbness thing and the stiff arm.
“Yes, yes. That shouldn’t persist beyond 2-4 days. I’ll write to the specialist. Now you’re not due for number 2 for at least five weeks. Let’s monitor it. Maybe look at alternatives. Moderna. Novavax. Interim exemption. Mumble mumble.”.
Professional jealousy is the hot button.
According to theosophy those who work against human freedom eventually lose the conscious ‘light’ loaned to them, ultimately resulting in those types of ‘humans’ failing and ending up in darkness.
I think this madness will need to run its course. Not unlike the USSR under Stalin, or Cambodia under Pol Pot.
What I failed to add was that this was a beautifully timed pop-culture reference by Miss Anthropist.
I tips me Blackhat to ye…
My GP didn’t even know about Novavax until I told him (in around July).
They seem to not make it their business to know things, which is bizarre.
Even I check out new cultivars regularly, and they don’t even matter.
November 5, 2021 at 9:15 am
Relative travelled back with the Red Roo the other night within Queensland. From him up sides, lounge is empty and bar well stocked. Cabin staff were very friendly.
Downsides and why he’s giving air travel another spell for a bit. Flight in (fully flex fare) cancelled and he was bumped to Jetstar without the frills. Changed a fully flex fare on way out that incurred a fare difference that turned out to be a half empty aircraft. Doesn’t expect a full meal but the snack given out was the $5 Cheese and crackers you get on Jetstar Menu. The last a hill which I told him he was an idiot to die on due to the optics and which he complained about, no bar service on a late afternoon flight.
Apparently both VA & QF doing the Recognised custodians BS, Jetstar not yet.
Calm down piglet.
I don’t know anything specifically about an individual who hasn’t been caught, but it’s pretty obvious that many Aussie expats move to SE Asia for cheap sexual exploitation, not all of it freely consented to and/or with adults.
I just reckon it would be a winner policy for someone like Bosi to pursue instead of this pie-in-the-sky red shoe pizza thing.
Put the clamp on Aussie pensions and benefits until expats submit to regular probity checks.
Sure, a bit of an imposition on liberties, but justified if it weeds out a few fiddlers don’t you think?
Mine knew about it alright.
Seemed supremely confident there would be enough “for selected applications” within a few weeks.
December-January I think was his best guess.
I think JC might be right.
There might be riff-raff vaxes and Business/First queue vaxes.
I was a nice bloke until you took the jab, JC?
Oh, and how’s the real cost of dealing with China, with hindsight?
As much as you city poofs like to think you’re above us country bumpkins, in reality, you’re just sad insulated fucks, constantly bombarded with bullshit, carrying chips on your shoulders and scared of what you don’t understand beyond the city limits sign.
There, I said it.
@ Calli-
The average GP is trained only to go as far as taking a history and push a pill or a cream.
Everything beyond that is a Specialist or Hospital job, and that is out of their hands as far as the script is concerned.
Like so many other professions in Australia, treating it as a job rather than a vocation (or worse, a passion) gets you regarded as either a eccentric to be indulged, or a nut who needs to be watched.
Even in such an enthusiast-heavy environment as the rail industry, where the fact I started as a steam locomotive driver for the sheer joy of it is something most of the professionals do not get. The older guys are either nostalgic, or hated getting dirty and sweaty so much they legit think I am crazy…
The Director’s rego number is no biggy.
It is basically to stop shonky dickheads walking away from the wreckage leaving creditors and employees high and dry and setting up another company again in the same business under a tweaked variant of their name.
Really not much different to a TFN or ABN/ACN.
I hope they will have to isolate for two weeks. We can’t put anyone at risk!
How is the component cleansing on the bread van going St Ruth?
Is it fully de-Chinked yet?
H B Bear asks:
November 5, 2021 at 2:39 pm
Newspapers are in the business of Narrative Confirmation.
We see it today in the Australian’s reporting of the Chloe Smith Abduction.
The only truth anymore is in the photography.
In the reporting of the recent Trial of a policeman who shot a woman dead, it was hard to work out what the real storey was, so many bullshit Narratives had to be shored up and patched over.
A couple ofbthe photos of persons entering and exiting the Court made the situation plain, though.
Probably not too many left in defined benefit schemes now.
My mum had one but mentioned it ended for all new entrants to the PS after she joined.
Dad was on DFRDB in the service but I believe that is closed even to contributions these days, my mate is MSBS and over 20 years service. Apparently he can start to draw on that at a healthy rate at 60 if unable to work with a war service pension so he reckons he’ll be right.
The 15.4% ones are just plain super schemes from what I heard. Once the moneys out it is out. There would have to be some in treasury salivating at all the people on defined benefit schemes to fall off the perch so that the rest of Costellos future fund can be raided…
Hardy, harrr, harrr!
Our exulted “PM”, merde be upon him, threatened the recalcitrant by using Novavax as a “booster” only.
Another Adjustment of Expectations? I hope so for the Cats who are waiting.
It is good when the baddies rush to put themselves on the same lists.
Razey – yep, I expect it to join Y2K, carpal tunnel syndrome and kangaroo paw at some point. Taking longer than I thought but that might just be the world getting stupider.
Most male townies, I must admit, have in their possession, all the skills men need to survive equivalent to that of any teenage girl………
That’s why that chip is there.
Yet I can come into their world and order a cheap coffee, not walk until da widdle green man tells me to and walk while playing with my phone.
Great skill set, if you want to be in that shit house environment.
Oh, but think of the art galleries, and da culcha!
I am getting the impression it might be #1 and/or #2 if the wheel is squeaky enough.
Piss off St Ruth.
I could change a flat spark plug if I really had to.
How hard can it be?
Rockdoctor at 6:05 – might be a few windfalls around for the last man standing depending on the trust deed. For my sins I got tasked with trying to deal with a defined benefits plan for a company we bought. No one was budging.
California zipline worker sacrifices himself to save woman stranded in middle of ride: Drops 70ft to his death rather than let them both fall under combined weight
RIP. What a mensch.
A 15-digits identifier gives ABRS the capacity to monitor 1 quadrillion directorships.
Good work.
What has happened to Cathay?
As discussed earlier, Palaszczuk (that’s a Ukrainian & Belarusian surname, not Polish btw) is now flagging exclusions for the unvaccinated.
A horrible, horrible woman on so many levels.
Fact check: True – ask George Carlin
Look at this bastard:
Remove distortions’: Mathias Cormann calls for fossil fuel subsidies to be abolished
On monday, notice the local woolies was a bit short in the vege dept. I thought maybe it’s because of the weekend.
today friday, no lettuce, no beans, numerous vege sections half full.
staffing problem? delivery problem?
Closure of pilot bases in Australia and elsewhere and cancellation/non renewal of visas.
I’m so very sorry, roger. It was bound to happen, given the success of southern states of grinding down the people.
The next step will be to keep the borders closed indefinitely until an arbitrary % comply.
of = in
Just in case the grammar fairy visits.
He might as well be saying “let them eat cake”.
I will test again dover, am i blocked?
My GP doesn’t know everything, but his strength is that he admits it.
Prior to the amputation, he was visibly shaken by my condition and, having tried one or two unsuccessful options, referred me to an elderly physician who, I believe, has seen it all.
Immediate, drastic change in treatment, furious fight to prevent the inevitable. The rest is history.
My point is: don’t aim for a GP who thinks he knows everything and embroils you endlessly in the system. Be thankful if your guy admits that he doesn’t know and refers you on.
Noticing the same here for the first time since the 2020 madness.
Most likely staffing shortages in the logistical chain, Zip.
Youngkin in Virginia got the highest % of black votes ever by a republican: 13%. Which means 87% of black voters still vote for the demorats who opposed the end of slavery, fought against emancipation in the Civil War, set up the KKK, opposed the 14th amendment, assassinated Lincoln, opposed the civil rights act and have practised soft racism by low expectations while destroying US cities and predominantly black neighbourhoods. Weird, eh?
Please play in the traffic on Victoria Rd.
Cali, exactly but I’d be more wary of the CCP access to personal data from the bookings.
Our esteemed governor, previously our diastrous CHO, has already floated 95%+.
I suspect her nominated successor pulled the pin because he has both a brain & a conscience.
The Nurses Video Removed from mainstream video
This is on Rumble, 7 min. During a demonstration in S.A. a nurse is clearly and concisely stating what is happening and the media is listening. Truly outstanding.
Rockdoctor, the cancellation of Western pilots was both a message and the tip of the iceberg. No matter how you spin it, HK is finished.
I don’t want to transit through there again.
Youngkin in Virginia got the highest % of black votes ever by a republican: 13%. Which means 87% of black voters still vote for the demorats who opposed the end of slavery, fought against emancipation in the Civil War, set up the KKK, opposed the 14th amendment, assassinated Lincoln, opposed the civil rights act and have practised soft racism by low expectations while destroying US cities and predominantly black neighbourhoods. Weird, eh?
Yeah but the Demonrats give them da welfare.
I went to see my former GP (since retired) a few years back after being crook for a few weeks.
Some blood tests showed up “something bad”.
He thought it was a particular problem but wasn’t sure, so shunted me off to the ED at the private hospital down the road.
Diagnosed that afternoon (turns out it was something else equally serious with very similar symptoms).
Up on the hoist within three days and fixed (hopefully permanently, but that is my five year and hopefully final scan in March).
If he had thought he knew it all I would have been on the merry-go-round for weeks or months, and maybe with a much worse outcome.
Isn’t that an indication that they don’t actually vote at all? That the Dem. machine votes for them.
Maybe they are not “stupid”. Maybe they are disenfranchised.
Before getting keen on Novavax:
Possible pre diabetes and kidney damage.
Large-scale COVID-19 vaccinations are currently underway in many countries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here, we report, besides generation of neutralizing antibodies, consistent alterations in hemoglobin A1c, serum
sodium and potassium levels, coagulation profiles, and renal functions in healthy volunteers after vaccination with an
inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Similar changes had also been reported in COVID-19 patients, suggesting that
vaccination mimicked an infection. Single-cell mRNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMCs) before and 28 days after the first inoculation also revealed consistent alterations in gene expression of many
different immune cell types. Reduction of CD8+ T cells and increase in classic monocyte contents were exemplary.
Moreover, scRNA-seq revealed increased NF-?B signaling and reduced type I interferon responses, which were
confirmed by biological assays and also had been reported to occur after SARS-CoV-2 infection with aggravating
symptoms. Altogether, our study recommends additional caution when vaccinating people with pre-existing clinical
conditions, including diabetes, electrolyte imbalances, renal dysfunction, and coagulation disorders
Yes, they’re doing everything they can, like sacking thousands of nurses for refusing to be jabbed.
I see Struth is so butthurt about his slurs being returned with interest, that he is now randomly ‘destroying’ anyone and everyone who is not him again.
By the way Struth, those pesky City folk generally know how to turn off GPS transponders…
No, no.
Apparently all they know how to do is order exotic coffee, follow green man walk signals and use their phone whilst walking.
Hang on- I got this backwards.
It should be:
Like so many other professions in Australia, treating it as a vocation (or worse, a passion) rather than a job gets you regarded as either a eccentric to be indulged, or a nut who needs to be watched.
No, he’s just returning the fire directed at him.
Jeees, the cat has not changed one whit. A bunch of bullies, ganging up on anyone with a different view.
Invective is the last refuge of the incompetent.
Lift your games. Argue the point. Be persistent on your point. Don’t be deflected into invective if your arguments are not accepted.
In the way drug dealers used to give a “taste” of their product in order to get someone hooked.
Is that 13% of black votes cast?
Or 13% of enrolled black voters?
Or 13% of the black population of voting age?
All very different things.
Yeah, I know, right?
But it’s all St Ruth’s got so cut him a bit of slack.
So, based on my experiences as a bush kid in the Big Smoke, I can clearly and categorically say that Struth-And-Reconciliation can’t even get his abusive stereotypes correct.
I’ve yet to see even the most expensive city dweller order anything fancier than a latte,* practically ignore traffic and traffic lights alike (whether on foot or in vehicles) and the phone zombies get themselves taken out by lamp posts, gutters and each other on a by-the-minute basis…
* And yet one of my blue-collar train driver buddies likes macchiatos…
And sometimes you see it all at once!
Lift your game Panzer.
Lift your game Anger.
Yair righto.
What’s their names, then?
I don’t know about anyone else, but the constant snipping on the open forum is becoming a bore.
Lift your games.
I didn’t know DB had appointed a Chief Censor?
Lift your own.
You have no skin in this fight.
Go back to extolling the virtues of Joe the Georgian and his brutal Soviet aristocracy (Paradise at Pistol-Point) at JC.
November 5, 2021 at 6:59 pm
Thanks Eyrie,
I’m not an expert, but is Novavax an “inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine” or similar enough that the study is likely to apply to it?
Are you really selling them?
No Winston, just a fairly poor attempt at humour.
Mrs TE of course would like me to get rid of my weapons collections (x3) but I have no intention yet.
I am of course unclean in terms of Victoria already, as I have three Third Reich weapons which are banned there. Not sure if that has put their value up.
the power of free money
Lift your game Anger. IT IS NOT A FIGHT.
We are supposed to be adults having a discussion.
After reading Dovers post on antigenic original sin, I now have become very sceptical of all vaccines.
JC @5.28pm
Re : Indian Dr Shankara Chetty who treats COVID patients with anti-histamines & steroids.
Answer to which drug works? Judge for yourself:
Inflammation is certainly a sign that something is wrong, Vicki. I have just had four weeks of massive pelvic inflammation and it has been no picnic. I think you are being very sensible in your approach to your health, gaining information and keeping remedies on hand for immune boosting and treatment. I wish you every success with it and your choice to avoid any experimental vaxx. I felt I had enough problems with my pelvic issues and high blood pressure and my age to warrant taking the jab risks.
To explicate: I have a long-term condition that can be both trivial and yet can quickly become life-threatening. It is an inflammatory condition of the bowel made worse by multiple adhesions from peritonitis as a child that have caused a lot of diverticulosis which results in occasional severe attacks of diverticulitis: at its worst, a bacterial abscess and intersussception – a serious intestinal blockage; at its best, a mild malaise and pain. There may be an inherited aspect. Our daughter aged 4 months nearly died of intersussception (a terrible weekend), my late brother was on one occasion urgently hospitalised with severe diverticulitis and my mother suffered from it all of her life. It is actually a not uncommon illnesss, complicated in my case by my early childhood history. There have been a few years in my life when it has halted everything, I collapse, respond to antibiotics, and yet no cause is found unless the history of the condition is known. As a youger woman, it was usually fobbed off as some sort of female problem, salpingitis or endometriosis etc. whereas it was not that at all. Thanks Calli for you encouragement to persevere even today; women often do get so poorly diagnosed; most of us have tales to tell there.
The problem with my condition is that its presentation can be very diffuse, which is why towards the end of this recent bout I doubt if Emergency would have picked it up. Everything’s complicated because I have had numerous necessary abdominal procedures over my lifetime, the last being for an ovarian cancer scare this year. Further procedures are very strongly not recommended, it took well over an hour under anaesthesia to free enough adhesions for the ovarian removal to commence, and there was other structural involvement also, making nearly 4 hours under.
Immediate antibiotic treatment is essential for good control of this condition. Unknown doctors though are loath to prescribe until they are sure what it is. After a lifetime of it I am sure what it is, so is my specialist and I now need a full medical work-up from a gastroenterologist to get the piece of paper to take on trips with me to ensure I get rapid and immediate treatment and not get given the ‘no unnecessary antibiotics in this practice’ run around, which has happened too often before. O’Oirish, btw, was always happy to give me antibiotics, including to take away with me. He trusted my judgement.
Well, here we are. No wonder Arky closed comments on his anti-doctor rant and sent us geriatrics back to the OT to thrash it out. 🙂
So, what did you do in the Great Trucks vs. Trains War, A Suggestion?
I can’t even recall you chiming in on behalf of Team Zeppelin…
“In the way drug dealers used to give a “taste” of their product in order to get someone hooked.”
Chronic welfare is as addictive as heroin and just as catastrophic.
Are you truly a Cat, A Suggestion?
Rex, Sancho,
Don’t bother with that vulgar struth fellow. He probably can’t even tie a decent cravat.
“Are you truly a Cat, A Suggestion?”
Methinks A Suggestion wants to be “the Cat”.
I’d say so, though the figure is probably arrived at by exit polling.
Anyway, the election was fought on social issues, though the Republicans are likely to erroneously interpret the result as a successful outreach to black voters.
calli, you have a new recruit for Stitch and Bitch.
Snip, snip, snip.
David Davies MP will be hosting an online forum to discuss with legal experts the implications of the permanent pandemic Bill from 5.00pm – 6.00pm on Fri 12 November live from the Vic Parliament.
You are most welcome to participate.
Book here by 11 Nov. https://trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=833286&
Didn’t realise it at the time, but a previous doctor was right into the referral kickback game, to the point that he’d recommend a scan/x-ray/ultrasound/specialist appointment for the slightest ailment. After a while (and several hundred dollars’ worth of useless referrals), we stopped taking him seriously, and only saw him when we couldn’t get anyone else.
On one such occasion, Best Man mentioned a chest pain which gripped him at the start of his mountain climbs, but subsided after ten minutes or so. Doctor dramatically oohed and gulped and said BM could have a heart attack and drop dead at any moment. Referred him immediately to a cardiologist for a stress test. We privately rolled our eyes and decided, not this time.
And so Best Man continued his epic climbs (while I indulged in less strenuous activity) and he even conquered Mount Warning. Two weeks later he saw a trusted doctor who thought that the stress test wasn’t a bad idea. One more week and his chest was sawn open for a double bypass.
So the shifty GP was right, after all. BM could have dropped dead at any moment until the op. We’ve often wondered about the logistics of retrieving a body from the the plug peak of Mount Warning. Fortunately, God didn’t want him just then.
I suggest we could have adult conversations and you reply with this snippy outburst.
I suggest you look in the mirror. Something about a mote in your eye.
Lift your game. You generally post interesting posts. Stop snipping.
can’t I just have a oneGov QR tattoo ?
A true (or at least honest) Cat understands that a Catallaxy with a double-plugger readily to hand, is a polite Catallaxy.
And if a Cat chooses to apply a Double-Plugger directly to the forehead of another, it is not advisable to step between them unless you wish to join in.
And if you attempt to give another Cat face-tinea with your dirty metaphorical thong, like Struth does on a daily, wordwalling basis, then all bets are off…
An here comes Dragger. Running to add to the abuse.
LIFT your game.
There are not enough oligarchs in Australia.
I cannot comply, for I have no scissors with which to snip…
“I suggest we could have adult conversations and you reply with this snippy outburst.
I suggest you look in the mirror. Something about a mote in your eye.
Lift your game. You generally post interesting posts. Stop snipping.”
You’re not the censor here.
Thanks, Dad.
Oh. Did you mean sniping?
We Gentleman Farmers must stick together in these terrible times.
Growing conditions are tough, and the market still seems to favour Ruffians and…. Footballers.
Don’t know about others but I won’t be lectured to by someone who wrote that he/she/ze would happily choose Joe Stalin and communism.
Pleeeeeaaaase….spare us the sanctimony.
That vs heart problems. What a choice.
Still, novavax will be safer the mRNA. Rather then forcing your own body to mass produce the pathogenic spike protein, the novavax spike proteins are generated outside the body and then injected with a known QTY.
A Suggestion suggests:
Rex Anger is a Narrative Promoter.
The Narrative is:
Don’t worry, be happy [+ Liberal Party bad].
I can’t see how Struth challenges this narrative, so we could be looking at a World Championship Wrestling type scenario.
And in totally unrelated news just in, it’s been 51 years since Queensland’s last Cracker Night.
Bjelke- Joh cucked early on that one, perhaps that’s why he was allowed to stay in office so long?
They have rehab for drug addicts.
Very few, I would suggest. Certainly, going by the undercover findings of Project Veritas none of the scientists developing these Frankenstein vaxxes are keen to actually use them.
That is actionable.
They have rehab for drug addicts.”
Yep…..far worse.
Lift your game Anger. IT IS NOT A FIGHT.
We are supposed to be adults having a discussion.
I only come for the fights; and head prefect’s flights of fancy.
After a lifetime of it I am sure what it is, so is my specialist and I now need a full medical work-up from a gastroenterologist to get the piece of paper to take on trips with me to ensure I get rapid and immediate treatment and not get given the ‘no unnecessary antibiotics in this practice’ run around, which has happened too often before.
Lizzie – that is the absolutely best protection for yourself in emergency situations. Nothing worse than trying to convince practitioners that you REALLY DO know what is wrong with you as you have experienced it before.
But what a burden you and family have with what certainly seems to be an inherited predisposition to inflammatory bowel conditions. I know what incredible discomfort they can cause & how difficult they are to get back under control. My very great sympathy.
The gut is a spectacularly complicated area. A couple of years ago I had a continuing diarrhoea which GP & then gastroenterologist could not diagnose. Started with a gastro virus but would not resolve. PCR could not detect parasites. I had a bout of food poisoning years before which generated a similarly continuing problem which was diagnosed as probably sensitivity to gluten or dairy. Everyone thought it was similar.
However, it was annoying and debilitating. Friend was currently having morning glass of celery juice – which was a real “clean out”. Thought I’d try it. Certainly did – eliminated larvae of fruit fly out of bowel- something totally undetected by the PCR!!!
All this probably too much information! But it does show the unreliability , I think, of PCRs. Incidentally, I don’t eat fruit – especially my delicious figs – straight from trees on my farm now!
David Davies MP will be hosting an online forum to discuss with legal experts the implications of the permanent pandemic Bill from 5.00pm – 6.00pm on Fri 12 November live from the Vic Parliament.
You are most welcome to participate.
Book here by 11 Nov. https://trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=833286&
NHS in the news again
And welfare, more than drug addiction afaik, passes from generation to generation.
BTW – further to the cleansing celery juice – problem disappeared soon after!
Yea, pretty much and then you went all “Queensland” on me. With the first hint of disagreement you went with the “wog” tag as an ethnic slur. All because I made a personal fucking decision and had the vax. Seriously, what the fuck is it with some of you peripheral rednecks up there and ethnic slurs? You know what really gets to me, it’s the fact that you’re so peripheral and feel you need to made ethnic slurs in order to appear taller than what you really are. You’re a midget.
Nope, firstly your view on China and what we should do is stupid. Also, you were critical of me even though you’re not exactly “purified”
Okay, I can live with that. Can you live with the fact that you’re peripheral redneck idiot though?
At least say why dover.
Cormann seems to have slipped straight into (presumably tax free) life at the OECD. Unsurprisingly.
Suggestion.. STFU and stop annoying everyone.
No. Lift your game.
I wonder how many of the elite are actually jabbed?
Fuck all. To important to inject with experimental vaccines.
New page so ….
David Davies MP will be hosting an online forum to discuss with legal experts the implications of the permanent pandemic Bill from 5.00pm – 6.00pm on Fri 12 November live from the Vic Parliament.
You are most welcome to participate.
Book here by 11 Nov. https://trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=833286&
Panzy makes connections to Bosi…
What about The Black Shag, Cormorant?
A hand into a glove.
Which tells you all you need to know about Cormann. He was made for the job.
Overall, not a bad tanty Suggestion.
A bit drawn out though, somewhat repetitive though and a bit snippy. Bit of a shotgun approach. I thought you could have smiled a bit more as well.
Competitive, but you haven’t got the X Factor. I’m afraid you won’t be going through to the finals in Sydney.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk…
You could always, you know … fuck off.
It is ‘sniping’ not ‘snipping’.
Dragger. lift your game.
I can’t even recall you chiming in on behalf of Team Zeppelin…
/ Helium use intensifies…
I want sky pirates.
Bugger the plain jane rail/road warriors.
“”H B Bearsays:
November 5, 2021 at 7:49 pm
Cormann seems to have slipped straight into (presumably tax free) life at the OECD. Unsurprisingly.”
Surely he snipped straight into it?
All this sniping and snipping…
Anyone pinked yet?
Before July 31, you said you were going to be a lot harder on a few of the shills and urgers on any new iteration of the Cat.
What happened?
No. Lift your game.
Thanks, but if it’s all the same to you I will follow the advice of my specialist.
lets go Brandon Australia
If you were a multimillionaire would you?
Can we have a dedicated “LIFT YOUR GAME” thread?
Lift your game.
The Media Watch Dog mauls Simon Holmes a Court and The Ponds Institute. Woof woof.
So Piglet.
You’re not a fan of my plan to put the weights on all the expat pedos in SE Asia?
There must be thousands of them.
Personally, I think most lone males who lurk around SE Asia for great lengths of time are probably a bit suss.
Wow, everyone wants a slap-fight with Rexy tonight! 😀
Share the love, Grigory. The others need it too.
Or was the rubbery layer of connective tissue on top of your steak (i.e. Fascia) too hard to chew through tonight, so you thought log on and engage in some gypsum-fuelled wrongology instead?
Thanks Ed. I really need to lift my game. I’m just too nice at times and need to do more.
You waited until [Ed] October to surface….
I’m ready
And now it’s my turn to build
Uplift, get swift, then drift
Off … and do my own thing
Switch up
Change my pitch up
Smack my bitch up
Kool Keith, 1988, Give the Drummer Some
where is monster?
So I’ve been censored for calling out invective.
So be it.
Panzy knows Australian pedophiles in SE Asia yet does his best to associate his mates with Bosi.
“So I’ve been censored for calling out invective.”
Where have you been censored? You’ve been called out for being a bore.
Here’s a suggestion…..
Yeah JC, lift your game.
I did like “peripheral redneck idiot” at the bottom of the previous page.
Very nice.
But there’s just not enough of that sort of high class NY style drive-by.
Your choice
How have you been censored? None of your comments have disappeared.
Censored means zapped.
Ah, no.
If you repeat the same phrase often enough, the spaminator identifies it and blocks it.
Arky’s Ten Thingos:
3. Thou shalt not play the victim.
‘The ability to berate everyone in reach who doesn’t wish to speak about what I want to speak about, and and to do so without question or comeuppance*.’
*Love that word.
Sod off Cassie.
It appears that invective is the standard here.
I tried. I failed.
All hail the mighty free speech – regardless of consequences.
If you want to know why the right is failing? Look at yourselves.
panchez knows pedophiles
Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling said in a Wednesday news release he has filed criminal referrals against five election commissioners after an investigation found they may have violated state balloting laws during the 2020 election cycle.
Speaking of victims.
No grandies this weekend after all. I am bereft. And cranky.
Tomorrow the weeds in the garden will know my wrath!
Look, your command of English is limited.
Allow me to correct you:-
“Panzer suspects that pedophilia is rife in SE Asia, judging by regular arrests of Australian expats on such matters. Panzer would like to see action to disrupt this activity and will lobby minor parties to that effect.”
Not sure why that upsets you so, Piglet.
“Sod off Cassie.”
Piglet angry.
Suggestion disappointed.
Oh well.