Sheesh Duk, throw down a /sarc tag if you’re going to drop this sort of cold cut
My pleasure.
Douglas Murray Addresses the Mass Murder of Christians in Syria | Direct Address EP. 6 I am still thinking of…
This is unbelievably foul, yet you can’t stop watching. 😀 Where’s arky? https://x.com/OntWtf/status/1900348808690589867?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1900348808690589867%7Ctwgr%5E0eac7096d9dd30bef0594551254c79ef43326cae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F
Lilo, have ever considered, for even just a minute, that most here feel the same about your clever observations?
Go back and check the upticks.
“No grandies this weekend after all. I am bereft. And cranky”
Calli…am sorry to hear.
LOL! Perfect! 😀
You wrongly assume that “the right” is, or should be, one homogeneous mass.
Since we are getting details of ppls insides and what’s wrong with them, I want to put it on record that my insides are fine. The outside is a bit worn though.
BTW Lilo, how’s that second arsehole Stixs ripped you working out?
Northern Territory Police have charged a man over an alleged sexual assault of a young child in East Arnhem.
The 31-year-old man was arrested at a remote community on Tuesday following investigations by the Child Abuse Taskforce.
The alleged assault occurred on October 24, and police believe the child was known to him.
The man has been charged with indecent dealings with a child under 10 years old.
He has been remanded in custody and is due to appear in the Darwin Local Court on December 15, after his first appearance on Thursday.
An obvious sign of such ‘endarkening’ is when people can happily discuss & even agree on hot topics for days, weeks, months & years, when talking with those they believe to have a handle on, and yet totally freak out when an “uncontrolled” “outsider” pops in to say the very same things that’s perfectly acceptable when the “controlled”, “insiders” says ’em.
It isn’t the information that’s objected to (as it’s acceptance, when delivered by ‘acceptable’ people, proves), but that it’s delivered by “unknowns”.
For starters there’s always the terror that the Ruling Dictators are having another purge of old allies who are no longer useful in selling The Current, Approved, Narrative.
The first duty of narrative controllers is to nail foul lies to “unknowns” who refuse to yield to The Narratives.
Selling a Narrative means presenting ‘the other side’ and ‘beating it’.
This goes on a lot on social media, often with one professional propagandist running both the ‘winning’ & ‘losing’ characters.
No matter how good the ‘losing’ argument is, it will stumble, fail & fall before making the kill shot against the bad argument that’s been set up to ‘win’.
But, when there’s an “unknown” also speaking in The Narrative, well, it can tend to spook the whoreses …
Perfectly fine by me, Ba-Ba-Ba-Bundy.
I am not trying to direct traffic about whether or not other people get jabbed, if and how they might protest against vax mandates or lockdowns.
Others are.
Dickless uptickers mostly.
Sancho Panzer is a NATO peacekeeper.
f off bitch.
I lost. You gloat. That is how it is to be.
I have no additional bottoms Ted.
Stix does seem quite upset, though.
I didn’t take a whole lot of notice.
Was it something I said to him?
LOL. A Queen Bee lays down the law.
Sort of.
And you can F off too Dragger.
No. You tried to interfere in an ongoing stoush/feud/Struth-trying-to-relieve-his-own-psychological-pressures-in-his-unique-and-longstanding-and-thoroughly-unappreciated-manner. This was never going to end well.
No. It is not our fault if a participant in Tha Game fails to request an annotated copy of Tha Roolz of Engougement beforehand, and/or fails to twig from the way the others are en-gouging.
I told you that a double-plugger armed Catallaxy is a polite Catallaxy. You consciously got in the way of a thong aimed at someone else’s forehead.
Either plug back, or plug off and shout encouragement from the sidelines while quaffing your beverage of choice…
Wow! I thought you were just mucking around, Suggestion.
I might have to look a bit closer.
Don’t blow your foofer valve becaude you interfered in the operation of another foofer valve, A Suggestion…
Look at this bastard: Remove distortions’: Mathias Cormann calls for fossil fuel subsidies to be abolished
Which of course is a standard left talking point. It also explains why over the last 20 years my relationship with the lieboral party has gone from rusted on/kool aide drinker to disappointment to dislike and now to outright hatred.
Calm down. It’s unruly, rude , chaotic and abusive at times but the Cat does the job.
“f off bitch.”
Clearly “LIFT YOUT GAME” doesn’t apply to yourself.
That escalated quickly.
And this from someone who wanted people to “lift their game” a mere half an hour ago.
“No more invective” I think was the catch-cry.
Lilo, do you think we have forgotten how you treated Lizzie when she was on the cruise early last year?
Being harrumphed at by a Trotskyist shill.
Friday night on the FlashCat.
Snap Cassie.
Zero self awareness.
I am not sure why the tough-as-nails Queensssland bread van guy needs all this white-knighting.
…and O’Bama paid their credit cards…
If there was any justice in this world, ”foofer” valve would be spelt phooffa.
I lost panzer. Lift your game is not possible.
ergo I change my mind to match the rules as the cat use them.
Invective is the go to communication method.
Oh by the way. F off.
Do tell Ba-Ba-Ba-Bundy.
Whatever your story is, I am sure it will make riveting reading for all.
This ”Á Suggestion” person seems awfully angry. Who is he or she anyway?
It may be that those north of the Tweed are starting to sense the sights turning their way. It is disconcerting.
You have my sympathy. It’s very hard to resist once the screws start to tighten and you’re excluded from everything.
Sancho Panzer
kindly stop bullshitting.
cuddle pooftas all you like but do not expect me to.
Maybe Nick can jog your memory?
Delta A:
Silly girl, you don’t retrieve a body from the top of Mt Warning – you just chuck it off the side and let it bounce to the bottom and thence – if you’ve kicked it just the right way – into the ambulance.
Extra points if he doesn’t get hung up on the doors.
Really unsure why my thoughts on child protection in SE Asia upset you so Piglet.
I would have thought that, as a principle, that would have universal support.
To be clear, I am suggesting due process for those who are charged as a result. Not some sort of summary justice administered by The People.
Nick is busy running my scented candle division at the moment.
Go on, don’t be shy Ted.
Thanks, but if it’s all the same to you I will follow the advice of my specialist.
Your specialist would know what about covid or the vax, exactly? With the medical profession having been threatened to keep quiet about side effects so as not to discourage getting vaxxed, you’d rely on anything any of them said about the vax?
How’s the sore arm and tingles? Microclots? Better hope none of them make it to anywhere important.
Too good to leave on the back pages.
You have no inkling of who that might be from Dead Cat days?
The explosive anger is a hint.
Who accused St Ruth of being a dumb working class Queenssslander?
That’s outrageously outrageous!
sancho panzer
Obviously you know the way of the vax.
What’s a microclot?
What are the symptoms?
Explosive anger is a very wide field.
I’m makin’ a list.
And I’m checkin’ it twice.
Too good to leave on the back pages.
Well that narrows it down to either Santa or the Lord High Executioner.
why are you so obsessed about the love you long time trade in SE asia?
Go Ba-Ba-Ba-Bundy!
Nice work.
I think you just reinforced the thought that arses are puckering north of the Tweed.
Anastasia’s comin’ for youse!
Not really obsessed.
The incident in WA with the little girl got me thinking how much of this stuff goes on around the world completely unencumbered.
It struck me that the Australian government could do something to disrupt Australian expats engaging in this sort of stuff, and it is something a minor party can really leverage.
The majors would be very wary about not being seen to act.
all the really good three letter acronyms are taken
Someone mention Zeppelins? Bern, it’s not too late, they haven’t tapered yet.
china in focus
00:56 Customers fight while panic-buying in China
02:33 China: prices officially listed for organ donations
06:31 China: police threaten electoral candidates
07:41 Human rights lawyer’s license cancelled
10:17 Pentagon: China nuclear threat level doubles
11:37 China may not attack Taiwan soon: U.S. general
12:50 U.S. detained China’s top solar firm products
14:11 ‘You are not alone’: EU lawmakers tell Taiwan
16:16 South Korea eyes end of war with the North
This is too intriguing to leave on another thread: Two posts at Eugyppius here and here indicate that COVID appeared in China in Spring 2019 and was spreading in Europe by September. As he says:
What a disaster this has been.
hey panzy
you ever figured blokes that understand SE Asia might actually like the place.
You think the jink is real in SE Asia???
What about the dirty filth in Australia?
More sexual corruption in Australia than SE Asia you foul fuck.
We are up to the part in a Guy Ritchie movie where somebody with a pommy accent goes, “Who the fuck are you?”
you been hanging out in patong again?
there is already systems in place to deal with underage prostitution in these countries. why are you concerned about expats there?
just goes to show that a bioweapon does not need to be particularly deadly to be extremely effective.
Isn’t that an indication that they don’t actually vote at all? That the Dem. machine votes for them.
Maybe they are not “stupid”. Maybe they are disenfranchised.
No, no, no! That can’t possibly be. On the Old Cat, munty repeatedly assured us that only Republicans engage in voter suppression and vote harvesting.
just follow up a viral release with a social media campaign and prepared WHO management plan and voila self combustion of western economies.
I won’t speak for anyone else. These are my views:
I mocked St.Ruth because he focused, quite specifically, on Victorians when the Andrews purge was at its height. Regardless of who, and their personal circumstances he derided every single one of them. For not ‘standing, fighting and if necessary falling’, which was also the Faulty mating call at the time.
The problem with that was that St.Ruth intended to do none of this himself, throwing out offerings like ‘socialism has sat me on my arse’ while not asking, but demanding that everyone stand his way, and fight his way. And no other way.
I mocked St.Ruth because he took it upon himself to simultaneously portray all Quenthlanders as a warrior poet race, who would never stand for such malarkey. He would brook no argument on this, despite not being a Queenslander himself.
I mocked him for using SovCit terminology again and again in his daily epistles, and his hectoring from afar. When questioned he held up the Convoy* as proof of his ability to lead the dumber common man onto the path of wisdom, and I further mocked him for saying ‘I’ve had guns pulled on me by the Feds’ which turned out to be anything but the case, by his own admission.
I also mocked him for his stories about carrying a hard copy of the Constitution in his truck (which turned out to be not his truck) and waving it at anyone with the scent of TyRannY about them while threatening to ram border checkpoints in someone else’s truck.
I mocked him for his lightning-quick clinging to nutters including Faulty and Bosi (although to his credit, he says he’s ditched them both – although he still uses language straight from the A1 ‘despatches’).
I mocked him for demanding everyone else throw their livelihoods and businesses they worked their entire lives for in the bin on his say so, while he went to work – thus enabling the same TyRannY.
I mocked him for branding everyone in the country who did not resist exactly the way he wanted them to as traitors, before wishing blood clots and death upon them.
Every towering Matterhorn of a statement he thunders from the pulpit morphs into, under the bulb of casual scrutiny, a suburban BMX track.
And perhaps most importantly, the Most Reverend St. Ruth Thunberg had the colossal temerity to set out how and why I should commemorate Anzac Day.
There’s more, but this is the guts of it.
*Brilliantly described by someone on the ExCat as a ‘cavalcade of cartes’, in reference to a Crusade.
This is known as ‘leading from the couch’.
Is anyone in Australia allowed to say, Muslims cannot dance?
Well, we wouldn’t know that for sure would we?
Simple fact.
Pay offs are way easier in low income countries.
It doesn’t mean officials in those countries are inherently more corrupt.
I mean, an offer of AUD 500 to an Aussie copper probably doesn’t get you far, but in parts of the world where that is a month’s salary …
you’re still obsessing about it, is there a particular incident you want to share?
It does…
Israel Prepares To Launch Giant Missile And Aircraft Detection Blimp Dubbed “Sky Dew” (4 Nov)
Observation balloons are back, now with radar. Nice reuse of old tech, especially since the IDF have local air superiority to protect it by.
Knuckle Draggersays:
November 5, 2021 at 9:30 pm
Bruce. Also handy to have the baddies concentrating on a cheap big well defended target while the drones etc hover miles above.
Sort of thinking how observation balloons became big flack traps for those trying to shoot them down.
“A Man’s Home is his Castle”
Expound, peoples, on this quant zeexist concept. 🙂
quaint, FFS
Leaving the blockquote fail aside:
So….. you can help me if it is worth a polish?
Help me with what?
Do they speak English in ‘what’?
Of course. Silly me.
This is where your medical experience shines through, Winnie. 🙂
KD at 9:30.
Quite so.
Except for this:-
Not quite every single one.
Apart from mOnster, the distaste of Victorians here for the Hunchback was universal and they all resisted his bullshit in their own way.
But those perceived as being sympathetic towards the Ranting of Breadvan Man were spared his Wrath.
However, others who did not bow before Van Man were attacked mercilessly.
your the best pooftA
This one’s for military type Cats – everyone has heard the horror tales of veterans claims rejected by Department of Veteran’s Affairs, but there is a book released regarding “The Repat Racket” by Malcolm Smith, with a chapter about some of the shonkier claims made to D.V.A.
– a 90 year old man’s death can be considered war caused.
– a tap on the shoulder could leave a man a shattered wreck for life.
– a deceased veteran can have two widows. (My favorite was the veteran who left behind THREE widows…)
YOU and the Austrian root rat must love…
According to the Credkin, this is why we need more gliberals on the world stage.
As if we aren’t an enough of a global laughing stock.
Coles has a host as ads on allready.
Are they high?
Is it wrong to focus on child abuse for a day or so?
Here’s the thing.
Almost every arrest of this filth in SE Asia turns up years, even decades of undetected abuse, and many are only caught through pure luck.
This tells me there could be extensive undetected abuse.
Worth a look.
Worth ratcheting up the pressure.
Not sure why this would bother people. I am still talking about proper due process, not a Bosi Posse of The People.
Christmas ads spellwrecker… Christmas…
You seem … not quite … you know … that thing.
Weird ‘itlerist times, peoples. 🙁
Existing under ‘oose arrest now for over five months.
Nothing like those wonderful erstwhile freedoms that western liberal democracies supposedly gifted you, to make you want to watch a very big weekly dose of pure pop muzak, until you die. 🙂
Lift your game people.
(Have I missed anything?)
I worked from home today.
I spent two hours listening to the Peoples Pundit go through the elections.
Once you get past him sounding like Frank Grimes (Homers arch enemy) it’s fascinating the data projects he undertakes.
In the US, there is a big enough population for these data driven guys to be supported.
Zero chance of that in Oz.
Please Explain: Is Natural Immunity Good?
Nov 5, 2021
Vaccine inventor Professor Nikolai Petrovsky from Flinders University on what natural immunity is, and the policy responses around it.
This is a segment from a long form interview with vaccine inventor Professor Nikolai Petrovsky which you can watch in full at: https://youtu.be/9x2ieHuj8zU
My game is fine.
I’m leaving it right where it is.
Don’t mess with success (as we city slickers say).
Wot Knuckle Dragger said.
With the addendum that his understanding of the rail and road freight industries is at least 45 years out of date, if it was ever rooted in reality at all.
And I distinctly recall that Struth has only ever been able to defend or prove his assertions by calling people names, ‘destroying’ them. And then hiding behind the points of others (without ever understanding them in the first place) and screechily declaring victory.
Okay, do I take it then that sniping is the go?
However you want to try and frame it, twostixs ripped your throatmate a new one.
& Italy lied,
but you seem anything!
You need to specify which one.
I lifted a chess set, a cricket bat, 3 large boxes’ worth of Warhammer 40,000 miniatures and something I am pretty sure was the Driver’s-side Rear Leg Actuator from a Woolly Mammoth over my head for at least an hour.
All I ended up with was confusion and sore arms.
Thanks, Suggestion…
The Vortex – Church Militant Wins!
Premiered 7 hours ago
Church Militant
Just a heads up for residents of Trashdanistan thinking of heading to the country or interstate, particularly SA.
Our little town has seen a boom in prices of, I reckon 20% – 25% this year, and the ‘time on market’ is plummeting. Rural properties typically used to sit for three months or longer before selling. Houses are now selling within 2-3 days of listing, at or above the top of the quoted range.
We are not a million miles from the SA border, and I think it is probably spilling over into South East SA.
well yes actually it’s a bit … unusual to keep going on and on about it… just saying.
it’s not like the world isn’t falling apart, we are inexorably heading towards nuclear war. inflation is rearing its ugly head and the government has stripped us of all rights and freedoms. and you are bothered that some expats are banging yellow pussy.
er… ok
I lifted my game of Squatter and all those tiny sheep went everywhere.
This game lifting is not all it’s cracked up to be.
In much the same way that Struth ‘destroys’ people on a daily basis, yet he is the only one who leaves here in a huff afterwards?
Appreciated. I want it in English.
Stix, as I have said before, is one of the best writers here. However, on this occasion he overlooked that the Quenthlandy-laughing-at was a direct result of a) St. Ruth draping himself in the banana flag, and b) his ‘er, um, ah’ when Pallashay turned out to be every bit as maniacal as Andrews, and that there was very little standing and fighting in George Street, Brisvegas.
No, no- Snipping.
Make sure that you keep your pinking shears sharp…
Keep going on?
I think I raised it yesterday and it probably would have died a natural death, except piglet took exception to it for some reason.
Although piglet takes exception to a lot of stuff, so …
wow fkhead sancho panchez
I see above that the blanket statement has been made that Oz me who visit/live in SE Asia are probably kidee fidlers.
This is a shocking slur on our friend & (hopefully fondly remembered) former Catallaxian, Yobbo. I’m horrified & shocked by proxy on his behalf.
If you really want to know what triggered me to thinking about that topic (apart from the girl in WA), it originally crossed my mind a few weeks back when Sir Ron Brierley (although I think the “sir” might have been rescinded) got 14 months in jail for possession of thousands of child abuse images on his computer.
Arrested on his way to Fiji.
He is 84 years old.
I’d hazard a guess that this is not a hobby he just took up in retirement.
yep you did and today… again was there a specific story you wanted to get off your chest?
Worth pursuing safeguards was what was said.
Considerable more evidence to support it than the red shoe pizza theories advanced here with very little comment.
See 10:38.
St Ruth – FFS, we are all (except for those who don’t like you or me speaking for them) very unhappy about the fascist idiocy we have been gifted with over the last 21 months.
Keep the powder dry, Squire. Do not don the red shoes. Do not slag off various commenters because you feel you can and it makes you feel good for a very short period of time.
Expending your energy abusing those who feel the same way about big stupid government as you do, is counter productive, man. 🙂
You rang?
BTW, it’s ‘Panzer’ not ‘Panchez’.
you might have noticed that they knew to look in his laptop. have you ever been asked to have your laptop or phone looked at by border officers? I bet the answer is no.
obviously they knew, so again there are systems in place to catch these people and they are pretty effective. so I don’t know why you are fixated on it.
The dark side is strong in the vaxxies tonight.
Their games it is that must be lifted.
Divisive splitters.
Pure luck.
He got dobbed in.
After how many years?
Definitely a tip-off.
No way was his stop, & subsequent search of his USBs & hard drives a “random” stop.
However, what am I missing here:
He was charged with having almost 50,000 images of solo children (i.e. no pairs of children & no other people in the photo) on his various USB/drives.
There were no images of children being abused, molested, or otherwise interfered with.
One, and only one (1) of those images was of a child with no clothes on.
So why’d he get so long in the calaboose & such a stern barking at from the judge?
Anyway, I still think I will write to the minor parties about it.
PHON seems red hot on child protection, and Bosi has his theories too.
They can only bat it out of the park if they don’t want to touch it.
Is not worth wasting pixels on.
no. google et al report on searches without warrants
There’s a blast from the past. What happened to him?
apple, google and others report on illicit image content again without warrants
Ah, where did you get that “harmless images” from Sal?
His lawyer tried a lot of spinning on the steps of the court, but that wasn’t what was read into evidence.
Do you think he got 14 months for possession of grade six school photos?
apple now even reports on whats on your device without warrants, so does microsoft
err, on the subject of the Bosi.
He was a personage I presumed was a “mate” and was capable of low level incursions into big stupid braindead lamestream mass meeja shibboleths. To paraphrase, about the Croempverts: “I wouldn’t trust her to feed my dog”.
I’ve seen the man hold an audience on a figurative string, among gliberals such as the Yabbott, Molan and Craigo Kelly. The room was spellbound when the Bosi was expounding. He was the only one who gauged the mood in the room.
How he’s managed in the interim to fall off the flat edge of the earth, I have my hypotheses about. It may involve a certain loved one in his family. Which means we should stop squawking triumphantly and think about how happy we’d be if it happened to us.
Frank Furedi | ‘The Kids Aren’t Alright’
Nov 5, 2021
John Anderson
John is joined by Frank Furedi, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Kent, for a fascinatingly broad Direct interview.
Frank unpacks where he thinks society has gone wrong – blindly focusing on ‘safety’, setting our children up to fail in various ways, replacing traditional morality, unduly growing the role of the state and much more. From Big Tech to universities to Covid-19, no topics are off-limits.
Frank Furedi is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Kent. He is the author of 25 books, including most recently ‘100 Years of Identity Crisis: Culture War Over Socialisation’. He regularly comments on radio and TV in the UK, and has been interviewed by the media in Australia, Canada, the United States, Poland, Holland, Belgium and Germany.
A long-time friend of the program, Frank was one of John’s earliest
Conversations guests, first appearing on the show in April 2018.
00:00 Intro
00:26 Introducing Frank Furedi
01:45 Moral engineering
03:05 The state replacing parents
06:34 Understanding gender dysphoria
08:08 The identity problem
11:04 Introduction to ‘Scientism’
14:58 Sidelining morality
21:30 The ‘morality’ of Big Tech
25:44 Class divides through Covid
28:40 The crusade against the past
33:11 Preserving ancient wisdom
36:44 Poor mental health among children
39:57 The medicalisation of ordinary experiences
43:30 Safety as a moral norm
48:04 Politics and public health
53:06 Legislating away problems?
55:56 Solving the problems our youth face
1:01:50 Conclusion
Stop the sophistry.
Then consult an optician.
I wrote “images of .. children” – This is not the same meaning as harmless images.
No. However I struggle with what it was about the images got him thrown into the Ironbar Motel + such a rebuke from Hizzoner.
I am mindful that a great pile of the charges (or evidence) against Rolf Harris was “thousands of images of women, found on his computer”
Turns out that’s exactly what they were, images of women. The charges were bullshit, withdrawn at the commencement of the trial, coz there was nothing suss about the images, & they were mentioned with ominous overtones & “possibly” of children, purely to taint the jurors minds.
I acutely conscious of the depravity & evil of the legal profession, & the wanton indifference of the judicial fraternity.
Well said, Squire.
Last heard of several years ago, living in Thailand.
you’re still obsessing…. can we drop it already
If he was Jack from accounts payable, maybe so.
But when you aspire to high office you can expect scrutiny.
And, of late, he has failed under that scrutiny.
So, if he allows another batshit crazy monologue to fall from his lips, expect it to be pulled to bits.
FFS, we have all had stresses in our lives without resorting to that SovCit lunacy.
Daily Mail.
Martini, Ratzinger, Kasper, Bergoglio
Nov 5, 2021
Church Militant
Sancho Panzer
always root ratts
Still here.
Taking the night shift again?
Panzer – I’ve said my piece in his defence.
The last time I saw him was at the Crown on a Friday night in Sydney in late 2019 – some cats present that night – jupes, tinta, cassie, dragnet, beery, lizzie. His lovely wife as well.
It was a good night. 🙂
I’me waiting how their law never protects us.
What do you think commo???
#madsydneecatz 🙂
We’ve had too many elected to the Senate in recent years wearing a cloak of conservatism who have either been abject disappointments (Jacqui-Jackie) or deadweights (Bernardi).
We can’t afford any more.
Lead me away … 🙂
How dare you!
I demadn sitsidfiction.
Can You Pass This 1895 8th-Grade Exam? Not with Your Modern Public School Indoctrination
Nov 5, 2021
Bill Whittle
An 1895 8th-grade exam from Salina, Kansas, provides vivid illustration of how far our schools have descended from “the 3 Rs” of reading, writing and arithmetic, to three very different R-words. Bill Whittle explains the consequences of re-focusing schools on indoctrination, an investment of learning time which holds little to no value in the marketplace. He adds a fourth R.
(You’ll find a link to the test at https://bit.ly/1895exam )
Ive split my dirnk down my shirtt.
Ive falen and cant getup.
From memory, Jacquie Lambie was elected to the Senate as a member of Clive Palmer’s Traveling Circus.
She resigned from that party, to sit as an independent. That’s when the by – election for her seat should have been called…
and the itallians have admitted only 3+ dead from covid instead of 130 plus,
Not quite.
No by-elections for the Senate.
Parties get to appoint replacements when senators appointed under their banner die or retire.
Going off reservation doesn’t count.
I’m well aware of that, thank you. Isn’t it time that going “off reservation” meant that the likes of Jacquie faced her electorate?
Thanks, Vicki. Thankfully, it’s not the dreaded Crohn’s Disease, nor any unspecified Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with me though, nor any parasitic hangover from travels or fruit trees (parasitology is what we used in the MPH to call the last resort of the diagnostically desperate, lol). It’s definitely a specific focal infection for each instance, can be palpated abdominally when at its peak, and is curable for a given attack with an antibiotic (different types can be trialled, including those that work against anaerobic bacteria). I could go for many years without an attack, then out of the blue another would happen. Without antibiotics is when it gets difficult, as the inflammatory response kicks in and generalises. It can also be masked by a recurring Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) such as I got in hospital this year thanks to incompetent catheter nursing. Getting antibiotics was usually no problem while my Big Sis was still practicing medicine, for I’d call her for a script and thus it was done and dusted. She’s retired now though and doesn’t keep up a Provider Number nor medical insurance.
Without my sweet ‘well woman’ gynaecologist, who extended her whole person view beyond her remit to diferentially diagnose and treat me and who will ensure I get appropriately referred, I think I might have gone under this time. Youse all may have noted a few depressive comments, if so, sorry ’bout that. I said to Hairy tonight I thought a few times I was on my way out, and he replied you think I didn’t think that and had to do something.
it’s just a vax
it’s just a passport
it’s just a director’s rego
it’s just a gag
it’s just a blindfold
it’s just a firing squad
it’s just to stop people saying things
it’s just a tax
it’s just compliance
it’s just about principles
it’s just probity
it’s for your own good
it’s for the greater good
it’s just a centralised database
it’s just a primary key
it’s just a query
Chesterton’s database
…it’s just the way we do things now
It should. If you resign from the party you were a member of at the time of election, the seat should stay vacant till the next Senate or half Senate election. I don’t think you would see it happen too often, certainly not amongst people with fewer job prospects than Emma Alberscreechi.
A two headed personage* in Taxmania has eight times my vote in New South Corruptistan.
*If they both manage to mark the ballot correctlee.
Okay, prove it.
I am not saying you’re wrong. I want you to try and convince me.
Nah dawg…can you imagine staying in the Liberals after COVID and bett zero?
She has.
Twice since leaving PUP.
That’s Tassie.
LizzieB, this is the Cat. No-one ever bleeds alone. All the best for a full recovery.
It is just yet more industry capture. All large corporations benefit. Competition is being killed off.
neither is being microchipped
To exist on this planet is to be blessed with “inflammatory bowel conditions” when contemplating those that think they have some right to rule over us.
Enough. Get those tumbrils a’ rollin’, I tells ya! 🙂
they want oneGov
select * from directors where ideology==unsound
insert probe
I want my QR tattoo now dammit!!
The pre-antibiotic days must have been hell on wheels. Various forms of gut inflammation took a lot of people out – armies were particularly prone to epidemic dysentries. Longshanks comes to mind as one of those felled by dysentry. Then obstructive gut infections and disorders, such as mine, or appendicitis.
Then we move to the top half of the body – the liver, heart and lungs. Full of bugs thriving in conditions of poor human nutrition and sanitation. Even without zoonotic introduced epidemic diseases. The immune system struggling to keep up and so often not making it at least but making survivors stronger. Not to mention issues with the bones, circulatory system and specially the head. So much to go wrong.
After that, you could of course just go mad.
I’m glad to day we have modern medicine and dentistry. And quite a few competent doctors even though you might have to take trouble to seek them out.
New OT up.
“Sovereign” citizen?
Victor Davis Hanson Diagnoses The Dying Citizen
Hoover Institution
Forgot to mention bumping uglies, and all that medically pertains to that.
On second thought, best not. 🙂
Hey, Lizzie!
I will not kneel …
IIRC, Bioweaponry is classified as a psychological weapon rather than a killing one.
The most unused resource we have available in the modern world is the generation who have retired.
They have skills, knowledge of what works and what doesn’t, and they are slowly dying, of loneliness and grief, as ignorant graduates of the Marxist systems of social deconstruction teach our children how to view the world through a distorted prism of politics.