The Vaxxine Wars are just about to begin

Adults are left to make decisions for themselves. Forcing children to take these experimental vaxxines when they are at virtually zero risk of harm from Covid is beyond insane.


I am all in for a market economy, but when competition is virtually ended – see HCQ and Ivermectin – and where open discussion of all aspects of the treatment of Covid is forbidden – again see HCQ and Ivermectin – means we are dealing with governments made up of complete idiots who show no apparent regard for the health and welfare of the communities that put them into office.

And this is just the start: Mass Protests Against Vaccine Mandates Sweep Across The Globe.


“People have to be able to exercise free power of choice. Without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion,” one protester in New York said, appearing to be referring to rule one of the Nuremberg Code. “In other words, everything that is happening now violates the most basic principles of law and ethics.”

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November 5, 2021 7:08 pm

Och! Aye!

There’s a LOT of it about!

Once more, per “Ian Watson”:

If you have to be persuaded, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized.

If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance.

You can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 5, 2021 7:12 pm

A potentially fatal vaccine for a flu with a 99.8+% survival rate & harmless to healthy kids.

What’s not to like.

November 5, 2021 8:03 pm

masks, lockdowns, mandates are all driven by WHO which is nothing but a branch of the CCP.

November 5, 2021 9:17 pm

Zipster is, I think, right. Two posts at Eugyppius here and here indicate that COVID appeared in China in Spring 2019 and was spreading in Europe by September. As he says:

To begin with, this new chronology shows that our impressions of the first wave were all wrong. The upside of those waves, as they washed ashore in each of our countries, was an artefact of increasing diagnostic capacity and the ramping up of mass testing through March and April. In many places, true infections were probably already receding as capacity increased, generating false case peaks where the two lines came to intersect. This was certainly the case in Germany, and it fuelled exaggerated views of SARS-2 transmissibility in those early months that have remained with us ever since.

The new chronology als shows that standard views of the transmissibility and pathogenicity of SARS-2 have been wildly exaggerated. Community spread went unnoticed for months in Italy and France and surely elsewhere in Europe too. Some doctors noted strange bilateral pneumonia cases in their elderly patients in the last months of 2019, but there was no obvious hospitalisation or mortality signal until very late in the winter. The earliest identified cases in Italy are all concentrated in the northern Italian pandemic epicentre, but the lesson is that it took multiple months for these early infections to reach critical mass. The Lombardy outbreak wasn’t seeded in the middle of February by Patient 1 from Codogno. All of this mind-numbing discussion of exponential growth has obscured the intriguing fact that the earliest stages of the pandemic, in the absence of all restrictions, unfolded very slowly indeed.

November 5, 2021 9:28 pm

Forcing children to take these experimental vaxxines when they are at virtually zero risk of harm from Covid is beyond insane.

At any other time in history, such heavy handed fascisim would be regarded as exactly that and the perpetrators dealt with summarily via a noose.

However, we are blessed to live in both staggeringly stupid and interesting times*. To me, this “vaccine” mania appears to be child abuse on a grand global scale, especially of boys.

If men like biden, johnson, morristeen, castro jr, micron, horseface and Standartenfurher schwab are the best of, then god help us. 🙁

*In a chinese sense.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
November 5, 2021 9:30 pm

The odds are against us purebloods.
For the moment.
Why would a Christian, with heaven to look forward to, let someone stick that poison in them?
It’s a test of faith.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
November 5, 2021 9:50 pm

The odds are against us purebloods.
For the moment.

For the moment yes, but we know who wins in the end.
We only need to hold the line.
Always fight for what is Good, True and Beautiful

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
November 5, 2021 10:18 pm

The most fundamental difference between left and right is collectivism versus individualism..

The left always invokes benefits to everyone else when what they really mean is their own benefit.

Ergo, individualists are honest, and collectivists are bullshit artists.

Anyone who has to emphasise their virtue is making shit up.

November 5, 2021 10:27 pm

There are currently 3 choices regarding the ‘vaccine’ for the average person.
Submit: Take the ‘vaccine’
Resist: Do not take ‘vaccine’
Cheat: Present the required paperwork that says you have taken the ‘vaccine’

Everyone should be free to make their own choices.
Of course, when you are facing permanent unemployment and restrictions on your daily life, I can understand why people would take any one of these paths…

November 5, 2021 10:29 pm

The odds are against us purebloods

How did this even happen? I used to have a very uncomplicated and comfortable middle class life.

Now I’m (almost) experiencing indignities that were historically visited upon various “Out groups du Jure”, Sacré bleu. 🙁

Hey, you monumental morons, I will never submit to being in an “out group” and when all this idiocy over, you’d better hope I don’t come looking for you – and not in a good way. 🙂

Because I will.

Chris M
Chris M
November 5, 2021 10:38 pm

“Beyond insane… we are dealing with governments made up of complete idiots”

Whilst some may be a bit silly I don’t think they are all idiots, That’s an easy cop-out. There is instead an agenda – a global force behind all this with evil intentions.

We live in the time of iron and clay mingled Steve. It’s all gonna crumble in time and that will be a most epic event to behold.

November 5, 2021 11:08 pm

I live in one of those cities. I’m seeking a religious exemption.

Let’s go, Brandon.

Mark M
Mark M
November 6, 2021 6:39 am

What happens if Israel fails the stress test?

Check that graph.
Is it the start of the next wave?

“The next countries on the list for a similar scenario are not necessarily those with highest vaccine coverage rates but those with fast/aggressive implementation of mass vaccination (and will now do 3rd boost + to kids) …
we all know which countries we are talking about.”

November 6, 2021 6:55 am

Complete idiots?
This is actually denialism.
We can’t win until we drop this rot.
You can call all evil stupid and you have a point.
It’s stupid because it’s regressive.
But the force causing the action is evil.
Greg Hunt is evil.
He worked with the WEF for two years and won awards.
Now tell me…….would he be stupid or would he be implementing their agenda?

November 6, 2021 6:56 am

Your child is nearly 200 percent more likely to be struck by lightning than to be felled by Covid.

And yet despite all this, members of the FDA advisory panel still thought that injecting children who have virtually zero risk of serious Covid with these inadequately tested substances is a good idea.

To endanger the health of children in the absence of a medical justification and for the sake of profit is a travesty of unspeakable proportions.

November 6, 2021 7:37 am

November 6, 2021 at 6:55 am

Complete idiots?
This is actually denialism.
We can’t win until we drop this rot.
You can call all evil stupid and you have a point.
It’s stupid because it’s regressive.
But the force causing the action is evil.
Greg Hunt is evil.
He worked with the WEF for two years and won awards.
Now tell me…….would he be stupid or would he be implementing their agenda?

The UN Agenda pushers training to mock the opposition as ‘stupid’ (to discourage others from settling their minds to thinking about the validity of the intelligence they share), is also a handy ‘tell’ as to who of your ‘friends’ on social media are UN Agenda pushers.

A related ‘tell’ is how they’ll fill pages of empty, bitchy & bullying nonsense, attack anyone who queries their purpose in doing so as being a ‘humourless spoil sport’, yet in an instant come out serious guns blazing against anyone should they do something like, remind lurking readers that the time & space wasters are also admittedly proud personal investors in the industries forcing their killer Jabs on children via Govt Mandates.

November 6, 2021 7:40 am

We’ve essentially lost in Victoria, unless you’re fortunate enough to have an independent income and can ride out the current government coercion it is almost impossible to not get jabbed, for those with mortgages and dependents you will lose your job and after that your home and likely family. If that’s not maximum coercion by government and an unelected official (the CHO) I don’t know what is.

Where are our ethicists, our human rights people, our doctors and pharmacists are willingly injecting people who they know full well don’t want the procedure?

You would think that our doctors would refuse to jab those who make it clear that they are getting it only under duress, but they jab away.

I’ve seen some good arguments in Quadrant and elsewhere about how all this is in violation of the constitution, but where are these specialists in the actual fight? Why aren’t they mustering resources and plaintiffs and going to court?

The average person, like me has little or no power, a massive fine and/or imprisonment will destroy us but we are willing and able to take part in demonstrations and court cases but where do we go? Who do we look to for leadership and knowledge and resources?

November 6, 2021 7:45 am

As one of those coerced and threatened by Daniel Arsedrews into having the Vaxx in order to earn a living I will NEVER forget. I make no excuses for submitting, I don’t have the security of a property in the country to fall back nor huge savings in the bank. I can tell you this though, come the reckoning I will be front and centre to defend the “Pure Bloods” from danger.

November 6, 2021 7:47 am

What sfw Johnson said. Rimmit.

November 6, 2021 7:52 am

Italy Makes a Stunning Announcement About COVID-19 Death Toll

Italy’s Institute of Health now counts only those who died from COVID-19 has having died from COVID-19, reducing COVID-19 deaths in the hard-hit country from over 130,000 to fewer than 4,000.

November 6, 2021 8:12 am

Stop sooking srr. Free speech isn’t about say anything you like and expecting other to just nod in agreement. And if you need to distort reality to feel special and the that’s a problem you need to deal with.

November 6, 2021 8:13 am

Crazy, I’m 100% with you, I got the first jab on the very last day I could so I can keep our rickety ship afloat. I’ll never forgive Labor or the Libs for this, never.

November 6, 2021 8:32 am

Several of Canada’s largest legacy media companies failed to reveal nearly $2 million worth of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals funding that a leading pediatrics professor from Alberta has received while pushing for vaccination of 5-11-year-olds

November 6, 2021 9:28 am

Crazyoldrana, I also was forced to vaccinate, the alternative is to impoverish my family and take away their future.

I will not forgive or forget.

My belief in choice has backfired though, as my teenagers have decided to get vaccinated, both so they can work. It upsets me but it is their choice.

My husband is not vaccinated but he is retired and as we live in NSW, he is going to wait. As a family we are not visiting places where you must show vaccination status. My father (who does not have a smart phone) had his vaccination certificate rejected at the local services club. He and his partner are also now going to refuse to go to places that require vaccination proof. The business are suffering and a number of local hospitality businesses are on the brink of permanent closure.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 6, 2021 9:30 am

Judge Dreddsays:
November 5, 2021 at 9:50 pm
The odds are against us purebloods.
For the moment.

For the moment yes, but we know who wins in the end.
We only need to hold the line.
Always fight for what is Good, True and Beautiful

“For all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, men (and women) of the West!”

November 6, 2021 9:57 am

November 6, 2021 at 8:12 am
Stop sooking srr. Free speech isn’t about say anything you like and expecting other to just nod in agreement. And if you need to distort reality to feel special and the that’s a problem you need to deal with.

Report comment


Right on, sir.

I actually like a lot of what are posts but she goes guano mode of you don’t like a comment.

November 6, 2021 9:59 am

If you are religious, you should pray for the ambo from Batlow, NSW.

His case is being heard now in the NSW SC, his reason is that religious exemption had no practical difference to any other exemption in terms of risk management.

November 6, 2021 10:20 am

“…we are dealing with governments made up of complete idiots”

No – they’re not idiots, but they think you are.

“I make no excuses for submitting, I don’t have the security of a property in the country to fall back nor huge savings in the bank. I can tell you this though, come the reckoning I will be front and centre to defend the “Pure Bloods” from danger.”

I was in a similar position. No-one in government – elected or appointed – wants to even look at the travesty of this mandate.
State MP – can’t help and passed to fed member
Federal MP – can’t help (and doesn’t WANT to!)
HRC – can’t do anything related to State Governments
NSW Omsbudsman – can’t do anything
NSW Governor – awaiting a reply

November 6, 2021 10:53 am

So easy to call propagandists out from under their rocks.

What’s funny is that they still believe they’re only recognised for what they are by those who voice such an opinion and that the silent readers & lurkers aren’t getting a valuable education in learning to instantly see all their plays, ploys and ridiculously desperate cries of, “SQUIRREL!! Sooky Poo Bum Eeyore Squirrel!!”

That pointing out how Pro-Jab Propagandists work, gets more heated reactions than pointing out the deadly, global, Nuremberg Violations being forced against healthy children, tells you just how much more the propagandists care about their themselves than anyone else.

November 6, 2021 11:21 am

You have nothing to support that claim srr.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 6, 2021 11:25 am

As one of those coerced and threatened by Daniel Arsedrews into having the Vaxx in order to earn a living I will NEVER forget. I make no excuses for submitting

Same for this Anger in WA.

Let’s Go Mark…

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
November 6, 2021 4:55 pm

How did this even happen? I used to have a very uncomplicated and comfortable middle class life.

When I was growing up, we got so many stories about the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall. Each Olympic Games we would watch to see if anyone would defect. It was a horror to think that your government could lock you into your own country and feed you lies. We got this message all the time in Christian circles because of the hatred these regimes had for Christ and his church.

Now, those same horrified people are getting their jabs, their passports, zooming ‘church’, staying home and complying. Those big pharma jabs, being part of the multi-million dollar baby parts industry, by the way. And no religious exemption for you.

If they really cared about conscientious objections, they could have made ‘clean’ jabs available, but they didn’t.

I wonder now if their intent was always to steadily up the vax percentages before they give people back the freedoms they had no right to take. It really is a numbers game, isn’t it? When only 5-10% of the population are holding out, it’s easier to shut them out or beat them down. I’m afraid people like Arky were right about that.

On – – they talk about America staging a walk-out, essentially a strike right across the country in objection jab mandates. I believe they said it was for 3 or 4 days (Nov. 8-11??) and the lady Del was speaking to said that in some businesses 50% + of the work force are still unvaxxed and ready to fight. It will be interesting to see what happens.

If you had told me 6 months ago that our government could force 90%+ jabbed, I would not have believed it. More fool me.

Old bloke
Old bloke
November 6, 2021 8:13 pm

Chris M says:
November 5, 2021 at 10:38 pm

We live in the time of iron and clay mingled Steve. It’s all gonna crumble in time and that will be a most epic event to behold.

Not yet Chris, what we’re experiencing is the rule of Mega Babylon which will fall instantly and dramatically, which will be replaced by the “iron and clay” conglomeration. Mega Babylon, or the Daughter of Babylon to the Prophets, was described as the ultimate and final superpower nation, “the Hindermost of the nations,” so the “iron and clay” mob can’t take centre stage till they are gone.

November 7, 2021 7:42 am

The Italian situation has a further twist.

In the “industrialised” north, there are a LOT pf clothing and footwear factories. Virtually ALL are owned and operated by Chinese “companies”. The huge they are also STAFFED (or were) by a huge force of FIFO workers from China. (Take note Australia and (too-late) New Zealand. The reason for this scale of operation is simple. The Chinese factories can legitimately label goods made from Chinese materials, in Chinese built and owned factories, by Chinese labour, MADE IN ITALY. And the dumb bunny fashionistas will pay a premium for such things. WIN, WIN, WIN, Ka-Ching, so to speak.

THAT is why there was a “cluster” and a “cluster-f$@k in northern Italy.

The Iranians, who, since they ousted the Shah, have cuddled up to the “panda” , run an interesting operation. Hard-core Shia, twelfth imam apocalypse buffs, playing footsie with the “godless” communist Chinese? What was in it for them? China got a “discrete” lab location and Iran got “interesting” military aid? Their increasing “activity” in the Gulf of Hormuz and surrounds may indicate something is cooking.

Satellite photos of several “associated” towns showed a steep spike in funeral rates (associated increase in the appearance of new grave “slabs” and such), late ’19, early ’20.. A “leaky” branch-office lab or a lot of Chinese FIFO workers, or BOTH?

Then there is the deafening silence on the aftermath of the “World Military Games, held, “guess where”? in China, in the same timeframe.

Note also that China locked down INTERNAL movement severely after those games, BUT let a “million flowers” fly all over the planet.

Then, there is “Doctor” Mengele / Falsi. Up to his ears in the bungling and political
creativity’ of the AIDS caper, and now, “gain of function” research in China.

What is an old, almost broke, retired bastard to do about such things?

  1. Further to a good laugh, last night I went to a Shabbat Seudah and a woman with Trump Derangement Syndrome…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x