Have done that and loved every second of it. Wonderful place.
Have done that and loved every second of it. Wonderful place.
BJ, I don’t know of a single Jew who would bundle a distressed animal into their car boot, transport it…
So, It Was A Cover Up Then
Jesse Watters Primetime 3/12/25 FULL END SHOW HD | BREAKING FOX NEWS March 12, 2025
Correct. As I noted yesterday. Stewart J’s judgment gave me hope some sanity is still present in the Judiciary.
My understanding was that it wasn’t a refusal of service, but an inability to provide the service requested. “Baking a cake” is simplistic. The two men wanted a Wedding Cake. They maliciously chose the Christian bakers to make a point. When told they couldn’t do the product as requested, the legal tangle ensued.
Here’s the thing. Yesterday I said that Sketchers are refusing service for the unvaxxed. Pretty bald, no excuses.
To make that refusal equal in kind to the baker case, it would go something like this:
I’m going to be mother of the bride but I want something comfortable for my feet. Sketchers shoes are great, but they don’t match my outfit. I know! I’ll require Sketchers to make up a pair of shoes that match my outfit, maybe have them cover the shoes with some nice satin and perhaps some trim.
What!? You won’t do that? Reeeeeeeeee! Discrimination! Where’s my lawyer?
But no, they just refuse to serve the unvaxxed.
“Farmer Gezsays:
November 17, 2021 at 8:01 am
TaliDans new attack dog, Andy Meddick, accused Avi Yemini in parliament last night of being a “known neo-nazi reporter”
Jewish neo-Nazis, that’s new.”
I thought our upper house here in NSW was a joke, with the sole exception of Mark Latham, but then I look at the freak show which is the upper house in Victoria….Fiona Patten, Andy Meddick and Samantha Ratnam.
Next think you know we will have to look over our shoulders before changing lane. ? (imagine a smiley face here if the one I put in doesn’t show)
Could be saved yet!
The bastards are running out of syringes.
What a lot of pricks.
How’s XiPoohbear going to handle the Aussie raw prawn? Bon.
Just to rub it into these “Experts” and their fucking models.
Reminds me of the doggerel from the Wars of the Roses:
The Three Numpties.
Oh dear.
We have vays of locking you up.
In the bakery case, those suing the baker were actually longstanding customers known to be gay by the baker. He only refused to bake them a custom wedding cake. So you have a major difference with a blanket ban on serving the unvaxxed. And the principle in each situation is different, in the bakery case it’s conscience, in the unvaxx case it’s, putatively, safety. There is no pointed ignoring the grounds in each case by simply hanging everything on a unconditional right of refusal which nowhere exists.
Jar Jar Binks x3
I guess the obvious question would be – did the baker do custom wedding cakes for other customers?
If he did, then my Sketchers argument topples over and JC’s assertion remains.
On that note did anyone see the restoration of a lighthouse on an island 10 miles off the coast of Portland Maine. When the job was closed in the owner made lunch, lobster $4 a lb. It was a few years ago but really. Why does everything cost so much in Australia? Paying lazy fucknuckles to sit around doing nothing and import medieval fucknuckles to wipe their bums cause their too lazy to. Then the imports do nothing. Rinse and repeat.
Is that supposed to be Biden in Rowe’s cartoon? He normally draws him wearing sunnies. When I saw the picture I thought it might have been meant to be Trumble, except that makes even less sense.
Does any other cartoonist draw Biden with the degree of suave, mental clarity, and of being not only a few steps ahead of everyone he knows but that he knows it, and so do they?
Do the people who read the AFR not have access to TV and the internet?
Not quite, part of s49 (IIRC) allows for an exemption on public ‘elf grounds
So, that fits nicely for the govt. Not so much for the people.
Always look down in the bowels of any Act, there are always “except for…” clauses. I spent the better part of a 70 minute lesson teaching this concept, and ‘no Parliament may bind another’s to a year Civics class. Eg they were using the Qld Human Rights Act to bolster their claims that Bikie consorting laws were invalid, because they did not read the entire act which had an except for laura border, which was vague and discussion followed on whether the bill was even worth the paper it was printed on.
We can’t have any level discussion about it till the state coercion is removed from one side.
Rather liked the Park Distance Control on a previous car.
You could pretend you were Maverick trying to get good tone.
The current one uses old school audio based parking technology.
Of course, but the mere fact you do custom cakes doesn’t mean you’re obliged to make whatever is requested. The size of the cake, the ingredients, the vulgarity, etc. can all provide an opportunity for a baker to refuse. That’s why the grounds of the refusal should not be ignored; in fact, they are key. My position is that the presumption should favour the person being asked to act in some manner; and that this can only be defeated on the merits.
Indolent says:
November 17, 2021 at 8:09 am
‘Tis strange to my Anglo-Saxon eye, Indolent, ‘tis French.
I looked up high, I looked down low,
Each part I looked at would not flow,
Not words or letters have I seen,
At least not ones that I could glean.
(Dave, your about, ‘tis mine). (Emoji high fiving, and with grin)
Unbelievable news from Alex Berenson, reported above. So more people died in the vaccine group, 21 not 15, than the placebo group, 17, in the major Pfizer trial and this was not reported. This will not end well.
+1 Dover.
The wedding cake clients did get in the door to discuss their order with the baker but were refused because of the singularity of the cake’s design which was not a usual product of the bakery and were antithetical to the religious beliefs and conscience of the baker.
The unvaccinated are being denied by the state – a third party – to enter the premises on grounds unrelated to the goods/services on offer and despite their actual health.
Next stop…
Diogenes, hope all is going well in your (new) neck of the woods!
Hence the dire emergency ambulance siren political screeching.
Perrottet Government moves to extend COVID-19 emergency powers until 2023 (16 Nov)
Given the disaster the “vaccines” are turning out to be they just might have an actual emergency on their hands: one they themselves caused. Of course we all know who they will blame.
Spooner rules
Final word. I prefer that my cake has not been rogered in the back room.
Well…. maybe they are displaying him in an approving fashion then… No?
Actually we have no major difference.
1. If the baker knew the two pillow biters it makes no difference as it’s not even incidental.
2. And the comparison between conscience and safety is spurious too.
3. It’s refusal of service. That’s all we need to know.
You either support a philosophical position warts and all or you end you like a colander.
This is why I’m suggesting some of the commenters (not you) here really belong with the greens. The hatred shown for commercial enterprise by some suggests almost no space between some of the idiots here and Adam Bandt.
Don’t get me wrong. I support the right to refuse service for whatever fucking reason. For instance, Driller said years ago he doesn’t want to serve wogs at his bar. That’s totally fine with my philosophical underpinnings. It’s your property and you should be able to serve whomever the fuck you want.
I gotta . Later
Before I take off .Just to remind the aviator and all round entrepreneur, Hallward Hughes that I posed a bet to him last night over his cancer prediction. he may have gone to bed and didn’t see it. We escrow. 🙂
It may be that the rush is on not prevent cases, but to eliminate a healthy control group.
Look at what is going down in US and Europe
This is a train wreck.
JC did you write the hit piece on Karl Denninger yourself or just reproduce it without attribution?
What was that term Terry McCrann used the other day? ah, yes, “Wall Street vermin”.
Drudge has a few more shocks as well.
That’s not true. It defeats the claim that their refusal is mere discrimination and based specifically on the grounds of conscience.
I’m not comparing them. I’m saying people actually have different grounds for refusing service at any one time. No one literally refuses service for no reason; so to say this is neither here nor there makes no sense
But I don’t support an unconditional right of refusal. I think people have a conditional right of refusal, that the presumption is in their favour, but this can be defeated in this or that situation on the merits
How Fanatics Took Over the World
This is from the Brownstone Institute and has a certain level of optimism. It also identifies George Bush as insisting on a whole-of-society plan in 2005. Obviously, this relates to the U.S. and similar things must have been happening elsewhere. There is a strong stench of Lysenkoism.
Which reminds me has our Dear Leader announced today’s tractor production figures?
Anyone seen my missing comma?
If we had a democratic most votes wins system would those cross benchers be there?
Today is the Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary – Patron of Bakers.
Breaking: Jamie Kah wins her Victorian Supreme Court appeal against her two-month ban for misleading the kangaroo court racing tribunal, which means she is free to resume riding on November 25 after serving her original three-month ban.
The unvaccinated are being denied by the state – a third party – to enter the premises on grounds unrelated to the goods/services on offer and despite their actual health
And the business may want to serve the unvaccinated – at the moment no-one knows because the state won’t allow the preliminaries of the transaction – that is, the customer entering the premises to discuss their purchase – to take place. So the transaction is being denied to both sides, and whether or not both parties want to make a transaction, by the interference of the state.
I reckon ZK2A snitched it. He’s always chucking commas around willy nilly.
They are still the elected representatives of the Victorian people, as is the muppet elected in Western Australia, on a platform of “Daylight saving.” “Daylight saving has been trialed in Western Australia three times, and rejected at referendum four times, in forty years…
Thank you, P.
You just reminded me that stir-up Sunday is this weekend. Time to go shopping for fruits, nuts and every good thing.
Oh, did I leave out the attribution. I would have thought that a massive brainiac would have seen it was in quotes.
Denninger is a massive loser and has been since 2008. Trust you to find him informative.
Vermin now.. coming form Queensland whitewash? Wow!
Hughes, formulate the cancer bet and I want to see it this afternoon. Stop fucking around. The bet!
gov controls production
This is simplistic. The issue is not just cancer. If the immune system is impaired, any and all opportunistic illness or underlying issue can take hold.
Grigory, you are anti-Scriptural.
Jesus drove the money-changers and merchants out of the Temple in Jerusalem because they were not meant to be there. The Outer Courts of the Temple were for the people to approach an offer up their prayers and sacrifices to God through the priests operating on their behalf. It was never intended to be where they purchased the guilt, sin, atonement or fellowship offerings (blood, grain or wine) they wished to make.
Can you find me a single Old Testament reference to the old Tabernacle and subsequent Temples in thr Law of Moses, that allowed for the purchase and exchange of currencies in a holy place?
Jesus Christ (God with skin on) coming to Earth to save Mankind and reconciling His people to Him through taking on their sins and being an eternal sacrifice in their place, never had anything to do with reconciling mere physical debts.
The concept of Jubilee, a symbol to the Israelites of God’s loving intent to set free all people who turn to Him, from the consequences of their rebellion and sin against Him.
Leviticus 25:8-10 NLT
“In addition, you must count off seven Sabbath years, seven sets of seven years, adding up to forty-nine years in all. [9] Then on the Day of Atonement in the fiftieth year, blow the ram’s horn loud and long throughout the land. [10] Set this year apart as holy, a time to proclaim freedom throughout the land for all who live there. It will be a jubilee year for you, when each of you may return to the land that belonged to your ancestors and return to your own clan.
If Jesus came only to enforce the forgiveness of mere physical debts, then His entire life and actions and words on Earth mean nothing and make no sense.
If you can understand that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law of Moses [Romans 10:4 NLT
For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God.], then everything He did on Earth makes sense.
Dear Josh Frydenberg,
I note that the other day, after the protest in Melbourne last Saturday, you sent out the following tweet…
“I don’t agree with Daniel Andrews Pandemic Bill. It’s overreach & has rightly been condemned. But placards depicting the Premier in Nazi uniform is offensive & wrong.
It shows a lack of understanding of history. It fuels hatred. It’s dangerous & has no place in public debate. pic.twitter.com/9QN5rj5hym
— Josh Frydenberg (@JoshFrydenberg) November 14, 2021”
Overnight, Victorian upper house member Andy Meddick has smeared a fellow Jew, Avi Yemeni, as a “known neo-nazi reporter”.
In the interests of objectivity, I look forward to a similar tweet by you (unless your opprobrium is selective and I hope it isn’t)…..
“I don’t agree with Daniel Andrews Pandemic Bill. It’s overreach & has rightly been condemned. But Andy Meddick’s description of Avi Yemeni as a “known neo-Nazi reporter” is both offensive & wrong.
Such descriptions shows a lack of understanding of history. It fuels hatred. It’s dangerous & has no place in public debate.”
Thank you
Cassie (a fellow Jew)
Bruce have you put in a bid for Wangi power station? I keep getting sent stuff about it. Interest around $30 mil. Maybe a few Cats could get together? We could start a commune for the vax-free. You could be CAO, Chief Avian Officer. Its a start.
It is thought that the name Stir Up Sunday originated in the Anglican church, when parishioners took inspiration from the Book of Common Prayer. The collect for the last Sunday before advent reads, “Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people”, but was subsequently coined to represent the act of stirring up a good old Christmas pud.
No one would touch a coal fired power station under the NEM.
That’s the whole idea.
Overpriced. In 2014 AGL bought Liddell off of the NSW Government for zero dollars. I wouldn’t want to spend more than one dollar for Wangi, even given local real estate price rises in the Hunter.
Guess who was in government at the time.
Vaccines saved me from getting “real sick” I just had to have my leg amputated.
Words fail me.
I had to double check.
No. Not a Monty Python sketch.
Just a reminder.
The group most under control by the states/government, prisoners, remain free to choose to be vaccinated or not.
People working for a living do not.
From 1 December 2021, all persons requiring entry to correctional facilities (unless exempt) will need to be at least partially vaccinated (first dose) against COVID-19 and
From 1 January 2022, all persons requiring entry to correctional facilities (unless exempt) will need to be fully vaccinated against
Anyone requiring entry to correctional facilities will need to provide evidence of their vaccination status from 1 December 2021. Refer to Services Australia for the best way to access proof of your COVID-19 vaccination.
This Direction applies to any persons who enter a correctional facility in any capacity unless exemptions apply.
Not enough tigers. 🙂
He was in hospital because the vaccine caused a clot that led to his leg being amputated.
If he didn’t have the vaccine, he wouldn’t have been in hospital to catch covid.
I guess losing a leg was just a flesh wound.
Wooden swords, I trust.
Before anyone scoffs, remember this: Musashi killed Kojiro Sasaki with a bokken.
According to Hallward Hughes , the vaxes also cause penis shrivelling. It’s a new side effect he found at Karl Denninger’s site, market trixter. Ask him.
Hopefully named for the sound they made, right? 🙂
That article is the most flagrant and incredible example of gaslighting idiocy. He would not have been in the hospital but for the vaxx. He was in an environment where everyone, supposedly, is vaxxed, regularly tested, and hygienically cleaned. He is vaxxed. Still gets COVID. The staff gaslight him into believing but for vaxx things would have been serious. Apparently, a blot clot requiring amputation of a leg is not really serious.
This is beyond stupid.
No wonder you’re so upset! 😀
Using parliamentary privilege to slander a citizen.
Noteworthy that a proponent of animal rights has little understanding of human rights.
Carpe will know if the Nipponese do onomatopoeia.
Not worried by this.
Some of us can afford a bit of contraction
I haven’t had the vax.
All inbound travellers to be required to present a HPV/cervical cancer clearance certificate at the port of entry?
We can show the world!
Kyle Rittenhouse Asked To Step Outside And Defend The Courthouse While Verdict Is Being Read
becoz it makes your spouse look like Palacechook.
I’m sure the lovely Delta has a differing view on this. She’ll be head over heals at the news, so to speak.
This is from the Brownstone Institute and has a certain level of optimism. It also identifies George Bush as insisting on a whole-of-society plan in 2005. Obviously, this relates to the U.S. and similar things must have been happening elsewhere. There is a strong stench of Lysenkoism.
Very interesting- back to the Bush filth era. How much do our current and former pollimuppetts here in Australia know about this I wonder.
Best toon today:
[Can everyone just tone it a little down please?]
I didn’t say the clot shot CAUSES cancer. By inhibiting your immune system the cancers which naturally occur in the human body quite often, probably only a few cells at a time , may not be eliminated in time.
Now look at the Dr Ryan Cole video, or even, spend some time at http://www.market-ticker.org and find out what Denninger ACTUALLY says, which you don’t appear to have done.
You are arguing from a position of ignorance as usual and degrading the signal to noise ratio of the blog.
Keep in mind that Mr Merrick of the Animal Justice Party is just peachy with the idea of massacring billions of bats and birds using wind turbines.
Yet another lefty totalitarian hypocrite.
The Windsors make trailer trash look respectable.
Prince Harry issued a 15-point list of demands Tuesday to drive leaders and the tech industry in the fight against fake news.
And even her maj has blown herself up. Fuck off saxe coburg tampons.
Avoid where you can- After my Pfirst Pforced Pfizering (Let’s go Mark!), my Pfennig-whistle spontaneously developed so many Pferforations, I needed to take up Clarinet lessons in order to learn how to hold it…
I was deeply Pferturbed.
Bongino analyses all the Rittenhouse prosecution lies and frankly illegal tactics. But Bongino is probably smarter then the average juror who no doubt will be impressed with the prosecution’s claim that only a coward and an intending murderer would take a gun and use it against people who were only attacking him with fists, rocks and skate-boards. Ignoring that at least one of Rittenhouse attackers were armed, illegally, Rittenhouse was legally armed, the prosecution summation was clever in a really lying, corrupt way because it pushed this idea that Rittenhouse was a coward and bully, reversing the facts. This plus the intense media coverage based on racism (FFS, everyone was white!) I think will sway the jury. Plus the closing by the defence was weak as Legal Insurrection explains, although I don’t agree that the defence lawyer being angry was necessarily a bad thing.
Legal Insurrection
we are being swamped by morons
Rittenhouse is a political prisoner and this is a show trial.
He can cheerily look forward to months in a cast, then the marvelous shrinker, then a year of intense gym before being fitted and trained for use of a prosthetic. If he’s very lucky, he won’t suffer excruciating phantom that makes one cry out loud, and everyone who sees him will be polite and understanding of his trauma.
PS: I like the ‘head over heels’ bit. Apt, but funny.
PPS: I especially liked the ‘lovely Delta bit.
Keep in mind that Mr Merrick of the Animal Justice Party is just peachy with the idea of massacring billions of bats and birds using wind turbines.
I watched a vid the other day about bladeless wind turbines (yes they are a thing) by some spruiker of “renewable” energy. He had to admit that wind turbines killed lots of birds but made the excuse that far more were killed by cats every year, totally ignoring the types of birds involved. In Australia I doubt that very many large raptors are killed by cats and these are the birds most vulnerable to the eco crucifixes.
Typical green scumbag.
This is Jonestown.
‘lovely Delta‘ bit
The search for William Tyrell’s remains, Tom.
Rittenhouse is being thrown to the wolves, in the same way that Derek Chauvin was, to appease the BLM movement.
They like going after kids too. Consider also Nick Sandmann.
In Australia I doubt that very many large raptors are killed by cats and these are the birds most vulnerable to the eco crucifixes.
Typical green scumbag.
Good point.
Thanks, P. (Blush.)
So much for a virtuous republic and the pursuit of happiness.
They aren’t worried about birds and bats. Or koalas or wombats or frilled neck lizards.
The supposed caring for animals is simply a means to an end. But the propaganda does attract useful idiots who do care about animal welfare and they provide cover quite righteously and innocently.
Greens are the worst type of cult. Almost impossible to leave because the outside is coated in a layer of something beautiful and worthwhile – the glory of creation.
The inside is rotten to the core.
Release the squirrels!
Re Rittenhouse verdict, from what I’ve seen on Poso’s twitter feed, the jury is 10-2 to acquit. The last two are worried about being doxed and targeted if they vote to acquit.
Of course.
History suggests that empires have a 250 year life (John Bagot Glubb did the calculations) and the rot starts from the head & not the extremities.
Not an iron law, but a rule of thumb, as it were.
The US turns 250 in 2026.
The question then becomes the nature of the decline – a bang or a whimper?
The dumbest argument I’ve heard from the #RittenhouseTrial
h/t Posobiec
They do. In a big way. More than us.
Try here, but scroll down to ‘Japanese Onomatopoeia for Animal Sound Effects (Giseigo)’ to get to the lists.
When I was there I used sometimes to take a tram (Hankai-sen) commonly known as the ‘Chin Chin Densha’ or the ‘Chin Chin’ train. Apparently the first part is a rendering of the sound of the metal wheels rubbing against the metal rails as they turn.
I hope this is correct, because the other meaning for ‘Chin Chin’ would require more mental gymnastics than understanding onomatopoeia does.
And coincidently, those clauses allow the government to do whatever it wants, while we have no bloody recourse.
We need to tear this entire edifice down, and only when the government is scared witless of us can it be trusted to govern.
We turn 250 on 26th January 2038, just in time for net zero.
Given that we’ve tied our national security to the US for the foreseeable future we should hope and pray for a drawn out, incremental and predictable decline, esp. in the western Pacific.
We’d also be daft not to develop our own nuclear deterrent as a contingency.
If this is true then wouldn’t every contract with Pfizer be vitiated on that perfidy? And shouldn’t the veterinarian in charge of Pfizer be cattle-prodded into a gaol cell for crimes against humanity?
Yes, but we’ve never been an empire.
Glubb’s thesis was that empires always over-reach due to hubris in the leadership class.
We’ve seen plenty of that from the US in recent decades and the bill for it is coming due.
whatever she stuttered would have been punctuated with many Errrr, Errrr, Errs, and umh, umh, errr, umhs – it’s quite cringe-worthy trying to lie and stumbling so badly because the lies are so ubiquitous and obvious
They’re not far off. Flange squeal (particularly on curves as sharp as trams take) is a very distinct, metallic Shiiiiing noise. Made by every wheelset as the outer wheels’ flanges are pressed by centripetal force and intertia against the side of rail as the vehicle negotiates the turn.
And the supposed inspiration for this great chorus
“The vaccine worked because it saved me in hospital because I caught COVID there, and if I didn’t have the vaccine they said I would have most probably got real sick.”
At any time did the “they” in that sentence define what “real sick” meant in the context of that bloke’s actual health prior the jab of give him the odds for “most probably?”
Yep that’s their plan — not my plan though
I would be grateful if informed Cats could comment on what I understand are called prions in the thread of the ChinaVirus.
I was talking to a pharmacist yesterday (who has lost her job at a major regional hospital for refusing to take the waxx) and I asked about the Novavax but she claims that the prions are the nasty element that a vaccination for the ChinaVirus must include to be effective.
She sent me this link which I have yet to watch in its entirety.
Could we see zombies walking around in a few years?
BTW: she claims 40 nurses have quit that hospital alone
Conspiratorial, yes, but it’s the only motivation that satisfactorily explains what is happening, and how they are behaving.
Im sure twatter will not abuse this new power at all, and will be scrupulously going back and labelling all the vaccine loons & health authorities changes to ‘da scienceism’ as well.
Josh Butler
Twitter is releasing new misinformation labels for tweets, including big red “misleading” warnings on content related to COVID, vaccines, politics and altered videos https://t.co/oXtcD4Bcym
November 17, 2021
The real vicim in Sicktoria..
Poor dan.
Speaking of the threats made again the Victorian premier and his family, here is what Daniel Andrews wive, Catherine Andrews, had to say about it last night:
Catherine Andrews
We have received so many beautiful messages today from all over. Thank you. We are reminded that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness will not overcome it. As ever #IStandWithDan #GoHigh
November 16, 2021
Andrews ‘won’t be deterred’ by protester’s threats
Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has been asked about the perceived threats levelled against him by protesters this week, including the display of prop gallows on the steps of the Parliament House:
What I’d say is this there are some people who are threatening me, threatening my family. They are essentially attacking the safety of my family.
Let me be really clear and the message is, I will not be deterred from the work I’m doing to keep every family safe. That’s the work that I’ve been given to do. That’s the job that we have to do.
So there are some out there who are making threats against me and Catherine and the kids. That’s not my focus. My focus is keeping every single Victorian family safe, and I wouldn’t want that the appalling, the disgusting, and the potentially criminal behaviour of a small number of people to detract away from the amazing job that so many Victorians have done.
It is so unfair for a small, ugly mob to be taking attention away from the more than 90% of Victorians who have had a first dose and will soon have had a second dose. That’s where our focus should be. I’m proud of those Victorians and I’m deeply grateful to those Victorians.
Debate is fine. This disagreement is fine, that is a part of our system. What we have seen in recent days and weeks is not fine. It is awful. But it does not speak to the values the views and conduct of the vast vast majority of Victorians.
Someone should have pushed him down the steps.
Debate is fine. This disagreement is fine
He’ll be convicted on postal votes.
It was meant both ways. The way you handled yourself during your ordeal was inspiring, it put my own problems in perspective and you did it whilst standing on one leg. You took us with you and it didn’t seem like sympathy required but an understanding, a statement of I’m doing this so get out of my way. It certainly seems to have worked though no doubt there are times pain doesn’t stop.
WA set to have an all-Labor Upper House forever as Bill to make upper House MPs Statewide MPs (instead of regionally based) passes WA Parliament:
“McClown says regions shouldn’t have more value in vote because of less population.” So, Marky, are we proposing to give back, say, 6 Senate seats?
Most of United Australia party’s videos pulled from YouTube for allegedly violating advertising policy
The uniparties busy “informing” google of the ads.
Three out of every four video ads the United Australia party has posted on YouTube since late September have been pulled by Google for allegedly violating the tech giant’s advertising policies, according to Google’s transparency report.
Labor has previously raised concerns that the UAP was using its platform to undermine confidence in Australia’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, citing videos in which Kelly questioned the safety of Covid vaccines or promoted the drug ivermectin.
In October Labor’s shadow assistant minister for communications, Tim Watts, wrote to Google asking why the UAP was allowed to remain on YouTube given that some videos had already been removed for allegedly violating its policy. In parliament in October, Watts noted Kelly himself had said he had received one strike, and questioned why the UAP was still allowed on the platform.
Watts questioned how many more times the UAP and Kelly would need to violate Google’s policies before being “kicked off for good”.
“Online misinformation has consequences,” he told Guardian Australia. “We’re currently seeing it play out in the extremism* and violent rhetoric** some are using in the recent protests at Victorian Parliament.”
* The assistant minister for communications is a tosspot who thinks protesting a 2 year state of emergency for the Peking pox is “extremist’.
** Mummy the big boy said I was a skidmark on the undies of democracy….
Thank you, GreyRanga.
Transgender women should no longer be required to reduce their testosterone levels to compete in the women’s sport category, new International Olympic Committee guidelines have suggested.
The new IOC framework, which replaces its 2015 guidelines, also concludes there should be no presumption that trans women have an automatic advantage over natal women – a controversial view that reverses the IOC’s previous position.
Old and busted: Women can do anything
New hotness: Why are bio-women so shit at strength based events??
Women, not even the best female athletes in the world anymore.
/Clown world intensifies
Strip maps are not what you may think.
The introduction to C17 and C18 travel within Britain is jolly interesting.
If he is talking about citizens being beaten, shot with rubber bullets and sprayed with pepper spray then I agree with him.
Somehow this stuff is OK but people protesting outside parliament isn’t.
More lunacy.
The longest lunar eclipse in centuries will happen this week, NASA says (16 Nov)
Pity NASA can’t seem to get a rocket there but. Maybe if they ditched global worming, reaching out to muslims and being woke they might manage it.
NASA may not land people on moon again until 2027, not promised 2024, new audit says. (16 Nov)
JD Rucker
Twitter says we shouldn’t watch this.
TaliDan the victim.
What I’d say is this there are some people who are threatening me, threatening my family. They are essentially attacking the safety of my family.
Essentially I’d say this is bullshit.
Show the messages Dr Spin.
Calli 11.23am and otherwheres – you write more bracingly these days and I appreciate it. For the first time in six decades I try hard to pause before opening my mouth in company, and if I’m successful I end up saying merely “I see”. (If I fail to take a moment it invariably ends with someone complaining “you started it!”.)
There is one old friend, one, to whom I can openly talk about this shit, and he’s not well right now. So this place matters.
You and the others raised many concerns before 2021 about government over reach. So I’m not sure what your point is Dot. Apart from oppositionism.
I was agreeing with JC’s statmment. What part of that don’t you agree with?
Tim Watts: Mate, its Tim here.
Google: Hello Tim, how can we help you?
Tim: Look, we’re having a little problem with a UAP Senator.
Google: Yes.
Tim: He’s got a lot of videos countering your and our COVID narrative on your platform and they’re cutting through.
Google: Oh really. Let me have a look if we can pull the vids on spurious misinformation charges. That’s always useful.
Tim: No worries, mate. I’ll leave you to it.
Google: Call again, Tim. Happy to help.
It is deliberately set up that way to make sure that the largest population centre cannot ride roughshod over the less urbanised areas without any restraint.
I wonder what class they inserted into the WA school curriculum that pushed out little things like civics and government.
I would wager most people would not understand why it might be a bad thing.
Perhaps someone could ask them how they think they would enjoy living in an Australia which is just a playground for NSW and Vic.
Report from base camp stupid. Another assault on the peak.
This is the guy who’s saying to people: Look, I don’t give a stuff if you or your family don’t want the jab. You either take it, or you lose your job, can’t do this , can’t do that. Understand. But, look, I say this out of an abundance of caution. And if you don’t like it, tough.
No one in recent memory has been as brazen as this fella. Daylight second.
Indeed. If you ever hear anyone say you can’t do this or that, it could be turned against you. Stop listening to them. Tactically and strategically, they are worthless.
In which my PC bingo card melts.
Community resources are imperative for young sexual minority men with stressful police exposures (16 Nov)
I have a tiny suspicion that black qwerty guys have a whole lot more to fear from their community than from plod. Maybe they too should try to get jobs as diversity officers at Rutgers University. Someone seems happy to pay for them and for “studies” like this one.
See this sharticle of reporting.
The story is not Dans sweeping powers to rule as effective dictator pretty well any time he wants, but people opposing it.
How Daniel Andrews’ beleaguered pandemic bill became fuel for Victoria’s anti-government protests
Protesters have co-opted mainstream criticisms of proposed new laws to play to an increasingly polarised political environment
The Public Health and Wellbeing (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 was being debated in the upper house on Tuesday. The legislation as introduced by the Andrews government would allow the premier to make an indefinite declaration of a pandemic and state of emergency*, give the health minister power to make broad public health orders, and grant authorised officers the power to detain people under quarantine.
It will pass with the support of crossbench MPs, who late Monday announced they had negotiated amendments to the legislation which will address some**of the concerns raised by civil liberties groups.
Last Thursday night a group of protesters also gathered outside the house of Animal Justice party MP Andy Meddick, one of the three key crossbenchers, according to a message posted by him on social media.
Meddick, who said he and his family have received death threats over the legislation, said he is concerned that hostilities towards politicians could escalate to the point seen in the United Kingdom earlier this year, with the alleged murder of Conservative MP Sir David Amess.***
In a group statement with fellow crossbenchers, Reason party leader Fiona Patten and Greens leader Samatha Ratnam, Meddick defended the decision to pass the bill.
“While the official opposition and some prominent shock jocks and tabloid commentators knowingly, dangerously incited and fanned unduly angry civil unrest with lies******, the crossbenchers focused on improving the bill to better protect and support the Victorian community,” they said.
The central theme of the protests has been freedom from government control – over movement, vaccine mandates, and now from laws which have been framed by some legal and political critics as allowing unchecked government interference in people’s lives.
“There is a legitimate fear out there that this puts more power in [the government’s] hands, and there’s been very little effort by the government to communicate what this bill is about to the wider public,” Roose said.
It appears that some rightwing politicians are willing to capitalise on that polarisation, Deakin University lecturer Dr Imogen Richards said.*******
*This is fine, normal and its only those garage nazis who oppose Dans dictatorship.
*** There was a time I would have been against this, now I can only state my wish the eventual cull is thorough and well targeted.
**** And not one independent was brought off with an effective bribe. Oh wait.. Fears new move will make brothels more ‘risky’
There are serious concerns sweeping new laws that will allow booze to be introduced to brothels will create a myriad of issues for sex workers.
****** Truth
******* Or it could be that their deep dark motives are exactly what they state they are.
Everything is nazi.
No one in recent memory has been as brazen as this fella. Daylight second.
A victim and a heroic figure at the same time.
I wonder what the guy with the nebuliser in the quarantine hotel might have to say about Dan’s relationship with truth and the rights of every Victorian?
“3. It’s refusal of service. That’s all we need to know.”
Err, no it’s not refusal of service at all.
They were happy to sell them something “off the shelf”, just not the custom one they wanted made specially for them.
If the “baddies” win and such people are forced to do this stuff, then in future it’ll be: “Sure, we can do that, no problem. It’s just we’re really busy and we couldn’t possibly have it ready before the happy day – are you sure you need it by the 15th? We can certainly do it for the 29th the month after”. Or no advertised pricing for custom cakes and then “Sure, no problem. I estimate the cost as $100,000. Would you like to leave a 10% non-refundable deposit so we can start? Cash only, I’m afraid – card machine is broken, see” Or even “Everyone I know just loves my hot chilli, horseradish and garlic marzipan, so I used that everywhere! Trust me, you’ll love it – especially with the quince paste layers in the cake itself. Yum yum!” Lots of ways around stupid shit like that.
It will be a bang.
This is when you find out what all those young military aged men were brought in for.
Don’t live in Dearborn, Michigan, unless you have an accent and a beard.
This goes for the men as well.
COVID Panic Will Only End Through Civil Disobedience and Mockery
Here you go Dover.
Twitter rolls out redesigned misinformation warning labels (16 Nov)
Isn’t it nice of them to provide such helpful “this is true” labels!
The SBS racists now specialising in anti -normie “aktions’.
Promoting ‘Trans Awareness Week’.
Let the hate for these quizlings boil through you.
A Chap of no appearance/religion/Christian convert!!! tries to blow up a kids hospital, but we all know whos the real victim here.
Not from a parody site.
Liverpool’s leaders urge unity amid reports of Islamophobic attacks
Multi-faith representatives deliver statement of solidarity outside hospital where explosion took place
The scale of attacks taking place…
She said she had heard indirect reports of Islamophobia since the weekend. “We haven’t heard directly from people but it’s going around the city that a few ladies have had scarves pulled off, issues like that. So what we are trying to do is get the word out that we are working with organisations including the city council, and that people should report these crimes rather than just ignore them,” she said.
So in short, there have been no “islamophobic” attacks..
Her staff, along with local firefighters, were giving out leaflets from Stop Hate UK that said “faith is welcome – hate is not”.
Western Australia has a population of 2.6 million people, of which 2.1 million live in the metropolitan area of Perth….
No one actually reads that paper, it’s just something left on the table in various businesses reception areas.
“Quick! They’re waking up! Vaccinate them harder!”
Like I’ve been saying for ages this is a class war. An establishment class has been officially born and it now starts cementing its position as the establishment. Labor guy emails Google people: “Hey friend, can you do us a favour? The proles have a party we need to be getting rid of” – they know what to do, The Guardian girl rings any academic on earth: “Hey friend can you give us a little quote? The proles are getting uppity” – academic knows what to say. The Victorian Premier rings his mate in Canberra: “Hey friend can you give us a lend of some soldiers to deal with these Nazis?” – he knows what to give. And the judges watch it all “Sorry nu-prole, the old laws don’t apply, and the new ones aren’t meant to protect you“.
All the same people.
We have already heard leftists sounding the alarm that the right is fighting dirty – with laughter.
They hear in the laughter of “Let’s Go Brandon” something like a threat of violence.
It is not surprising really. I have noticed long since that leftists have trouble with comedy. If they can keep themselves away from political topics they can get by, but when politics comes in hate dominates and their audiences are not laughing but swept up in a frenzy of hatred and malicious joy at hearing their enemies mocked.
“Consider also Nick Sandmann.”
Like Sandmann, Rittenhouse may end up with a multi-million compensation payout from parts of the MSM – assuming he gets off. Paybacks area bitch, aren’t they?
Might as well abolish the Upper House altogether.
Create some hospital beds instead, which WA appears to be in dire need of despite a $5bn + surplus.
TaliDan the victim.
What I’d say is this there are some people who are threatening me, threatening my family. They are essentially attacking the safety of my family.
These are not the ones to worry about – they just the talkers.
I’d be more worried about the ones who do not talk, do not send death threats.
This China thing has crashed demand for grapes so expect many bankrupt growers that haven’t a diversified portfolio and workers on the dole next year.
“What I’d say is this there are some people who are threatening me, threatening my family. They are essentially attacking the safety of my family”.
Mind you, we can discount the fellow who was driven head first into a concrete floor.
He’s still too ill to be a threat …
Of course, people will see the labels and interpret them for what they literally are: Twitter wants us to think this or that, and modify their opinion to the twats accordingly.
When Twatter says something is controversial a normal person will think, “Ah, an idea progressives don’t like.” If Twatter says something is not true a normal person will respond “Oh, I might give this a closer look.”
it’s all about trashing the birth rate
That is the one they always come up with. Never evidence if it is true.
Remember that I’ll Ride With You thing a few years ago where people were supposed to show their support of Muslims by making a point of being near them? I believe at an early stage there was supposed to be a de-scarving incident, although the woman who claimed it eventually admitted that she was afraid it might happen. It never did. To anyone.
But it is the default judgement – “Even though there is no record of anyone doing it, it is the sort of thing Australians would do so you better get apologising!”
This article on the spineless surrender of independence in Australia during COVID is in today’s Australian Spectator under paywall, but I hope they won’t mind me relaying it here. It is by a writer called Kasumi Borczyk, & it superb, in my humble opinion. Beautifully and passionately written.
Catherine Andrews
We have received so many beautiful messages today from all over. Thank you. We are reminded that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness will not overcome it. As ever #IStandWithDan #GoHigh
Has the cyclist that Catherine “Oops where’s that breathalyser” Andrews ran into recovered enough to be able to stand?
If today is a foretaste of things to come, I think “The Babylon Bee” has some tough times ahead.
Still think the flesh wound/amputee is nearly unbeatable, but “The Guardian” always has an outside chance in any stupidity contest.
Mother Lode says:
November 17, 2021 at 1:25 pm
but it’s going around the city that a few ladies have had scarves pulled off
That is the one they always come up with. Never evidence if it is true.
Bit like a few years back when Australians were accused of spitting in the face of certain people of the veil.
That’s not an Australian custom, but it is certainly prevalent in certain areas of the world.
Tyranny and Stairphobia by Dethspickable Dan.
Will it sell?
Just to point out that he has both arms.
I remarked at the time his wound looked gory, but any competent surgeon would restore the arm and hand to it’s usual function with a minimum of fuss.
With this trannie movement in sports, the “ladies” will be getting more than scarves pulled off.
From Project Veritas:
Project Veritas released a new video today featuring an interview with CBS San Antonio [KENS 5] whistleblower, Brett Mauser, who exposes his colleagues and outside corporate partners for promoting a political ideology rather than objective journalism in the newsroom.
You’re a bit wrong footed Hop to it.
These Biden “I Did That” stickers have been appearing at gas pumps all over the US where gasoline prices have skyrocketed since his inauguration.
The adhesive used is particularly sticky and all but impossible to remove entirely. Guaranteed to break the ice at parties and drive socialists nuts.
These Biden “I Did That” stickers have been appearing at gas pumps all over the US where gasoline prices have skyrocketed since his inauguration.
Australians would be too conformist to do such a thing.
I can’t help but think a mob brandishing several sets of portable/prop stairs (or stepladders as a reasonable substitute) outside Spring Street might have been more effective than mere gallows…
[Not A Pushing Down Another Flight of Stairs Threat]
Our Craig (Thomson) is apparently facing a possible 10 years.
What’s the bet he doesn’t even do 10 days?
Technology breakdown in the Territory!
UPDATE: There are six new cases in the Northern Territory, including a three-week-old baby girl.
One of the new cases was a 36-year-old man who was a household contact of a Katherine case.
He is in the Centre for National Resilience but may have been infectious while in the community.
The remaining five new cases are household contacts in Robinson River.
They include a 29-year-old man, a 23-year-old man, a 21-year-old woman, a 13-year-old girl and the three-week-old baby girl.
All of these cases are now being flown to Darwin to stay in the Howard Springs quarantine facility.
It comes as the NT Government requires anyone who has been in Robinson River since November 11 or in Katherine since November 7 to get tested and self-isolate.
Contact tracers have also struggled, as the information provided on hardcopy forms has been missing or illegible.
Chief Minister Michael Gunner urged anyone checking in to make sure their writing was clear and that businesses keep on top of their lists.
So there’s no chance of him dying?
Nice. Quoting the first few lines of Saint John’s gospel.
She thinks her husband is the Messiah, does she?
What a mendacious, foul piece of work.
Biden Admin Looking to Dump Kamala Harris?
Unfortunately for Joe, there is no vacancy on the SCOTUS and there is a 50/50 split in the Senate so she couldn’t be confirmed anyway. Yes, there is a tie breaker procedure, but it involves the Vice President (her) casting the tie breaking vote. Not even the Republicans are feckless enough to allow her to vote herself onto the Court.
I am betting that Rittenhouse will find it a lot harder than Sandmann to crystallise some well-defined targets and clear causes of action.
It seems Adem Somyurek has provided his vaccination papers to parliament. Let’s hope Dan is having an aneurysm right about now.
The best in the business.
“Contact tracers have also struggled, as the information provided on hardcopy forms has been missing or illegible”.
Police urged a Mr M. Mouse to come forward.
Brad Battin MP
There is now confirmed an email from @VicParliament at #Springst We have all received an email stating the Parliament is getting health advice. I wonder why like every business in Victoria they don’t have a COVID plan? Again it appears by Labor it is do as I say, not as I do.
Brad Battin MP
COVID Alert at @VicParliament more news to come.
How can there be a covid alert when they are all vaccinated?
Geez! .. how WOKE can plod get? .. releasing pix of the suspects wearing masks FFS! ..
No mention ofASPIRING .. it’s a worry .. LOL!
As a non-Victorian, non-consumer of the MSM, I’ve been aware that Andrews fell down some stairs months ago.
What was the official version of the incident exactly?
Are there strong rumours of an alternative cause of the accident, or mostly wishful thinking by right minded citizens?
COVID Alert at @VicParliament more news to come.
Protesters at parliament and now a Covid alert.
Dan and the spin team workshopping hard and fast.
Craig Kelly has asked for an explanation for the dramatic rise in Myocarditis and Pericarditis.
It’s too early for the WZV “vaxxine” damaged organs to have made their way through the system, but keep an eye out ( 🙂 )* for transplant figures above the normal.
* I made a funny.
Chief Minister Michael Gunner urged anyone checking in to make sure their writing was clear and that businesses keep on top of their lists.
Baffling! .. How do you confuse X with something else? LOL!
From the ABC COVID blog…
Now the press conference is over, let’s go back over what we missed.
The outbreak in Darwin and Katherine a couple of weeks ago only yielded 4 positive cases, all close household contacts.
Given that exposure sites included Mitchell Street and the Waterfront, both popular entertainment precincts, the Humpty Doo Hotel and a Melbourne Cup function at the Noonamah Tavern, you’ve got to wonder how contagious this wuflu really is.
I’ve got one he can have. Not big enough to do any damage but we can live in hope.
Not to be confused with The Grauniad-on-the-Yarra which is left on the table of inner city cafes.
I am just staggered that things are so shit and yet I see no coherent opposition to shit things.
Remember the Burke/Lawrence Governments in WA? As crooked as they come. The media spent all their time tonguing the arses of multi-millionaires.
2021? Same.
I while ago I mentioned ‘phone trees’ as an activist tool. Someone sneered they are obviously way outdated, but when the forces of conformity are locking down the ability to voice unapproved thoughts, aggressively different tools should be used to remove the power to silence disagreement.
As gab says:
How can there be a covid alert when they are all vaccinated?
can dethpickable dan answer the question for me?
Governments started whisking people off to ‘quarantine’ camps, sick or not, as a matter of policy without so much as a whisper that it was going to become a thing.
Like in QLD where apparently you get sent to hospital at the point of a gun whether you’re sick or not. At one point there was 10,000 people under ‘isolation’ orders in Brisbane – this was outside of ‘lockdown’ and nobody so much as blinked an eye.
Which in all gives a new perspective of how the atrocities last century happened, people disappeared from sight, and if you don’t personally know one of them it’s just a number isn’t it?
Has dear leader offered the protesters #1000 to stay at home, yet?
Counting down. One…
twostix says:
November 17, 2021 at 2:46 pm
All of the new cases and their close contacts are being taken to the Howard Springs quarantine facility
twostix – do you know what will happen there?
Do they all get forcibly “vaxxinated” ?
Is there any transparency in what happens to them in these concentration camps?
I know nothing about this.
Anyway it wouldn’t happen to good Australians.
Get back to me when the trials finish. FFS.
The trials might be fast tracked due to an emergency.
I hope he votes No.
It’s wicked that COVID. Wicked.