I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had a gutful of people telling me the current covid vaccines in Australia have gone through all the trials (albeit expediated) that other, more traditional vaccines have. It just isn’t true, and Health Department ads in major newspapers saying so, doesn’t automatically change that.
Government departments and government-funded organisations all over the country went into PR overdrive with these vaccines, none more so than the NCIRS (National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance – a close cousin of AusVaxSafety and PAEDS). This organisation is “primarily funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments”.
They came out of the gates strongly with a webpage explaining both the ‘traditional pathway’ for vaccine development and the ‘pandemic speed’ development of Covid-19 vaccines. You have to look carefully to notice the most relevant bit around ‘provisional approval’ in the pandemic speed pathway.

Right, so according to these diagrams, they’ve both gone through Phase 3 testing before release to (or on) the public. Bless them, they even tell us how this could be, in such a short timeframe:

But the very next paragraph reveals the unavoidable truth:

However, as there are limited safety data, full registration of the vaccine will only be given after extended safety monitoring, which will take several years (refer to Figure 2).
Hmmm……yes. Sounds like an acceptable standard under which to introduce mandates for its use…not!
It appears, from Figure 1, that an inherent and desirable part of the conventional Phase 3 Trial, is the ‘extended safety monitoring’. The time it takes under ‘conventional’ conditions is a feature, not a bug. They imply that themselves by the ‘provisional approval’, and no amount of prevarication can change that. They even state it in the accompanying wordage: “there are limited safety data”.
THE COVID VACCINES ARE STILL BEING TRIALED…on us! Worse still, we are being forced to participate. For the vaccine boosters out there, don’t bother coming at me with the line, “you’re not being forced”. It makes you look dumb, pathetic and desperate.
What does the Australian Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council say about trial participation?

Despite the coerced consent given at the vaccination hubs (a fig leaf of legal coverage), you can hardly call being put out of work, and socially ostracised, a the basis for ‘completely voluntary’. As for “no adverse effects” on their “relationship with their doctor”, what a shame it doesn’t include ’employer’. Many of us might still have a job.
Is it true that the Pfizer vaccine trial only went for eight weeks?
Everything is voluntary.
Including being bundled into an army truck by the ADF and taken to COVID prison…
At some point, people will have to find the Will to say “No” to the government…
Petrol, I have no idea.
Genuine facts about this stuff is a rare commodity nowadays.
It’s concerning how many people think that the jab is out of its trial phase. When I explain it’s not, it either goes two ways, horrified or they are so worn out by it all that they’ve already thrown the towel in long ago. My days at the moment are educating people how big the last protest was in Melbourne, their reactions are of shock to see the shear number of people there and that maybe we may still have a fighting chance.
Mater, typo.
I don’t wish to be picky but it’s a blemish on an otherwise excellent post.
Thanks Baba. Fixed
The early literature (probably removed now) was clear that the vaccines were approved after about six months of testing and no more than 12 months. Compared to the usual 10-151 years.
What was also part of the deal world wide was the implementation of legislation that made it impossible to sue pharmaceutical companies if something went horribly wrong with the vaccines. Without this, there would be no vaccines (if you can call them that) at the moment.
And it’s governments now that are paying out for unforeseen health issues, not Big Pharma.
That’s 15 years, not 151 years.
Another example of privatise the profits and socialise the losses, bemused.
In what seems an eternity ago – but is only perhaps 8 months ago – I was at a social function and was asked by a medical friend whether I had booked (as you did then) a vaccination (AZ only available then). I said no, to which, he replied with some surprise “Why not?” I replied that he of course would know that safety requirements required years of clinical trials. He merely nodded, & he and his wife changed tables. Said it all.
BTW we still maintain the friendship & communicate by phone, but “the war” is never mentioned.
Does anyone remember the final season of Torchwood?
Prescient or what?
I think that this is a massive gamble by the elite, a gamble with billions of lives.
They may be lucky this time. If so, then they will be even more bold with the next vaccine – the one for obesity, and then the one for anger, and then the one for non-compliant thoughts. With the new mRNA technology, there are no limits to the target malady.
Eventually a calamity WILL occur, and the lack of testing will let through death on an unimaginable scale. Like I say, maybe not this time, but it will occur, now they are off the lease.
A lot of precedents set in the last 20 months.
Where clinical trials are concerned I much prefer my spot in the control group.
A thought crossed my mind, having adverts saying that “these “vaccines” have been tested and approved like all other vaccines”, is false advertising and it appears the governments can get away with that!
“And it’s governments now that are paying out for unforeseen health issues, not Big Pharma”.
Only if you can prove without doubt the cause.
Israel now approving kids after a 4 month trial.
Not one “expert” on the planet knows where we will be 24 months and 3 shots (mixed and matched in various combinations)! later.
If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.
An endocrinologist I have been visiting for nearly 20 years has told me that if I am not fully vaccinated by the next time I see him, I can no longer be his patient. Given that my last two consultations have been over the phone this strikes me as laughable. I have continued to see him over the years more because of his friendship with my previous GP than for any other reason – but to me the thinking behind this is utterly wrong. Hippocratic oath, anyone? Relationship with doctor indeed!
Mater, I think the mendacity really kicked in when Scummo appointed General Frewin as the head of the vaccine roll out.
In converging military capability building, logistics and goal setting (forgive my obvious lack of understanding of the right military expressions) with a plan for a widespread “medical” intervention of the population, has to re-balance safety toward efficiency.
When old style propaganda is thrown in – a significant tool of the military- truthful reporting and adherence to advertising standards tend to become less of a concern.
And on the messaging side of this debacle – the military oversight and depicting the country as (almost) on a war footing – may begin to answer why no msm outlet will make any negative report on the vaccines’ risk to human health: “loose lips sink ships.”
CharlieP, same with us.
If anyone’s interested in Pfizer’s negotiations with various govts, do a search of WION (an Indian news channel) and Argentina & Brazil. (I still can’t link).
13 young women went to a restaurant in Melbourne. all 13 were double vaxed. 11 of the 13 have now contracted covid. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-25/covid-exposure-warning-dinner-party-superspreader-risk/100624140
This makes a mockery of mandated vaxines to keep your job.
“What was also part of the deal world wide was the implementation of legislation that made it impossible to sue pharmaceutical companies if something went horribly wrong with the vaccines. Without this, there would be no vaccines (if you can call them that) at the moment.”
Don’t blame ’em – I would have done the same thing. If you don’t have “standard” trials/testing, you can’t know your exposure to risk and may be setting yourself up for going broke. Not a good look for an international multi-billion dollar company!
I wonder what the level of graft was to get this protection through?
I think we’ll find that a calamity IS happening already.
This may be an avenue for legal action against the pharmaceutical companies, the government, or maybe against the media as the publishers of the adverts?
The data is out there that these jabs are not “safe and effective”, nor are they either “fully tested” or “approved” in the normal sense of the word. Anyone with even a scrap of conscience can see the truth and would not support advertising the lies. On the basis of what a reasonable person would understand, they are peddling dangerously false and misleading crap.
So those peddling these untruths should be held responsible for their lies, their false and misleading advertising. Isn’t that the case under the Nuremberg Code?
Meanwhile, in Israel …
Health minister suggests fourth vaccine dose amid rising fears of fifth COVID wave
“It’s not unreasonable [to think] we’ll need a fourth vaccine,” said Horowitz in an interview with Channel 12, after Health Ministry data indicated that 9 percent of the new cases diagnosed Tuesday had received the third booster dose.
Some commentators have referred to the current rise in infections as the “children’s wave.”
Fauci could always get a job at the MCG moving goalposts …
Fauci Prepares to Move the Goalposts—AGAIN
“Previously, Fauci said that being “fully vaccinated” meant receiving two shots of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines or a single shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Fauci is now saying that being “fully vaccinated” may mean getting a booster shot as well.”
Bar Beach Swimmer, it’s only the knowledge that there are likeminded people out there that keeps me sane. Pressure from family and friends increases. I will not be bullied by Dan Andrews and there is so much information out there that these vaccines are not as advertised. Yet try to argue the case with the converted and you hit a wall. They don’t want to know because it calls their decision to take the jabs into question.
Why would any right thinking person get that poison injected into them?
It’s unAustralian.
FDA (which is a revolving door for ex-pharmaceutical CEOs and the like) is looking to seal the Pfizer Comirnaty “trial” for 55 years. It’s totally fine, nothing to see here.
From mems link
A pandemic of fear and stigma pretty well sums it up.
“Mild symptoms” aren’t enough to declare a pandemic.
This digger, at the freedom march, is a hero …
This may be an avenue for legal action against the pharmaceutical companies, the government, or maybe against the media as the publishers of the adverts?
Bushkid, what’s the bet that under the health emergency legislation all bets are off on that one!
CharlieP, +1 – sorry to hear that.
The NSW Premier decided to change the goal posts and not let us re-emerge from our government imposed ostracism until 15 Dec to “unify the community.”
What sort of government blames one citizen over another for their right to decide what
medicalexperimental treatment to accept, impose restrictions on those who won’t and threaten their livelihoods to try to force their acquiescence, remove important safety measures to expedite total acceptance, waiver controls that are designed to protect people from untried and not properly tested products and take away the right of everyone to go about their lives as they wish and without fear and reprisal?Yes, that’s been their get-out card all along, or so they would have us believe.
At some point though, there has to be a reinstatement of decency, common sense and actual (even retributive) justice. Yeah, I know I’m dreaming, but we have to keep pushing for that. Without it, we’re truly stuffed.
There is no longer any excuse for any politician, bureaucrat or anyone at all in the media to be unaware of the harm being done by these jabs. No excuse at all. They are now all complicit.
At first they came for the Aboriginals, but I said nothing, as I wasn’t Aboriginal …
Dave, representative of the Sovereign Tribe Confederation, united in their call for universal assistance, as the government is using army to detain them in quarantine and force jab the un-jabbed …
A totalitarian one that not so long ago was criticising the like of China, North Korea et al for their human rights abuses.
What would all these (Western) governments be doing differently if they intended to murder 90%+ of their citizens (kids included).
Serious question.
Bushkid, the only real answer to this is the thread that begins with the marches is fed through the ballot box and presents at the law courts.
Mark M
The army coming for aboriginals is bullshit.
It may all be moot.
Dr Vernon Coleman – An Old Man in a Chair.
Video: https://vernoncoleman.org/videos/finally-medical-proof-covid-jab-murder
It’s the 22nd November 2021 and this is the moment when the jabbing has to stop.
A couple of hours ago Darren Smith, the editor of the excellent The Light Paper, sent me a paper from the medical journal Circulation which proves that the covid-19 jabbing experiment has to stop today. I believe that any doctor or nurse who gives one of the mRNA covid jabs after today will in due course be struck off the appropriate register and arrested.
The journal Circulation is a well-respected publication. It’s 71-years-old, its articles are peer reviewed and in one survey it was rated the world’s no 1 journal in the cardiac and cardiovascular system category.
I’m going to quote the final sentence of the abstract which appears at the beginning of the article. This is all I, you – or anyone else – needs to know.
`We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination.’
That’s it. That’s the death bell for the covid-19 mRNA jabs.
The endothelium is a layer of cells lining blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. T cells are a type of white cell.
We always knew these jabs were experimental. My video in December 2020, just under a year ago, warned about these specific risks. I read out a list of possible adverse events published officially by the American Government.
But now we have the proof of the link.
The mRNA jab is, remember, known not to stop people catching covid. And it is known not to stop people spreading it. I don’t believe anyone disputes these facts.
And yet vast numbers of deaths and serious injuries have occurred among people who have been jabbed. Look at the item entitled ‘Updated: how many are the vaccines killing?’ on my websites.
Now we have the evidence to stop the jabbing programmes.
In the study quoted in Circulation, a total of 566 patients aged 28 to 97 were tested. They were equally divided among men and women.
‘At the time of this report,’ says the author, ‘these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vaccine.’
At the very least, the use of these jabs must stop now. Immediately, until more long-term tests are done.
If there were any journalists left in the mainstream media, this news would be lead item on all TV and radio programmes and be on the front pages of all newspapers.
Thank heavens for free speech platforms such as BNT which enables me to bring you this news.
I’ve said for a year that this jab was an experiment – certain to kill and injure.
We’ve always known that to experiment on people without their full consent and understanding – after disclosing all the risks and potential side effects – is a crime.
Now the evidence exists that must stop this experiment.
If the covid jab experiment continues after today then we know for absolute sure that this is not a medical treatment, it is a cull.
Please share this video immediately with everyone you know.
Thank you.
If the powers that be do not fully inform the aborigines of their risks from all angles, then treating them like children and withholding food and travel, etc until they get it means that “forced”is an appropriate term for administering the jab.
How about this? Fuck you and your vaccine. Fuck you and your mandates. Fuck you and anyone who looks like you.
For anyone wondering about where this is headed, this lady hits the nail right on the head:
Bar Beach Swimmersays:
November 25, 2021 at 8:56 am
Mater, I think the mendacity really kicked in when Scummo appointed General Frewin as the head of the vaccine roll out.
I am not entirely confident that Frewen knows the difference between taking the initiative and exceeding his authority.
November 25, 2021 at 10:31 am
FDA (which is a revolving door for ex-pharmaceutical CEOs and the like) is looking to seal the Pfizer Comirnaty “trial” for 55 years. It’s totally fine, nothing to see here.
How long did it take the FDA to assess the trials information before giving EUA? It should take less time to clear the reports for release.
DDinAus at 11:49 am
I am as interested as any other thinking person to bring to an end this experiment with mRNA vaccines so called. But let us take a breath for a moment and read AHA’s Expression of Concern about the article in Circulation:-
It is to be hoped there is substance after all in the original article.
Not so fast Dr Vernon Coleman. The American Heart Association has a problem with the Circulation paper.
I am not entirely confident that Frewen knows the difference between taking the initiative and exceeding his authority
On the Department of Defence website. Mission: to get us all vaccinated 2/7/21
The federal task force charged with delivering the COVID-19 vaccine rollout has set an ambitious target: that every eligible and willing Australian is vaccinated by the end of 2021.
That’s the plan of Coordinator General of Operation COVID Shield Lieutenant General John Frewen, who was appointed to the position in June.
Lieutenant General Frewen and his team of military planners are supplementing Health Department staff with their proven understanding of large-scale logistics and contingency planning.
Appointed with three key priorities – improving optimisation and coordination of the rollout, building public confidence and ensuring a safe and efficient rollout – Lieutenant General Frewen said the team was pushing the limits of its plan to find potential points of failure.
“I’ve set the team an ambitious goal, which far exceeds the minimum. By giving them that, we’re stress-testing and validating the current model,” he said.
“In a few weeks, you’re going to start seeing ad campaigns to motivate people who are now eligible.”
Into August and September, there will be additional places to get the vaccine. By October through December, Lieutenant General Frewen said he would use every possible means of getting the bookings completed.
“We want to inspire the nation to get it done this year – get it done in 21,” Lieutenant General Frewen said.
He said the team was fully engaged with the Health Department public servants and contractors who had been “living the rollout” to ensure it was optimised and where it could be accelerated, using the military appreciation process.
Lieutenant General Frewen said military planning and understanding of large-scale logistics was essential to achieving his goal, because there was no “one-size-fits-all approach” to getting vaccines into “every corner of our vast land”.
The rollout would be underpinned by increased transparency, including supply projections, stock-holding figures and demographic statistics, which the government intends to make public soon.
Lieutenant General Frewen said it would help build confidence and enthusiasm in the vaccination program, allowing Australians to “get back on with their livelihoods” and the freedoms they enjoy.
Communicating the program to Australians, along with stakeholder engagement, was one of the responsibilities that came with Lieutenant General Frewen’s appointment by the Prime Minister.
“We’re finishing the initial stages of the information campaign, with the campaign moving into a ‘rallying and inspiring’ phase,” Lieutenant General Frewen said.
Although fronting cameras at press conferences is not Lieutenant General Frewen’s “preferred environment”, he recognised the need to be able to reach directly into people’s homes, and that the sight of a uniform may be reassuring.
He said like with Operation Sovereign Borders, which was led by now-Chief of the Defence Force General Angus Campbell, the Prime Minister recognised the “cut-through” a military operationalised model could achieve.
“I think the PM’s view is that the military approaches problems and speaks to the nation from a position of complete neutrality. We just want to get the problem fixed, no matter what it is,” Lieutenant General Frewen said.
Apart from ‘a jab in every arm’ being itself a “one-size-fits-all approach”
You can hope, but hope doesn’t get things done. We all have to stand up in any way we can. Not everyone can get to a protest, not everyone now has the reserves of energy or courage to raise their voice, or feels sufficiently literate to write to their MP or council (even if it seems pointless). There is genuine fear of “drawing the crabs”, of being targeted for speaking out. Everyone has seen what resistance can bring down on a person. But whatever resistance any one person can offer is worthwhile.
The vaccines are doing what?
Cliff Boof
Well, that’s it then
“Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are several typographical errors, ………….”
Can’t have that.
Wifey had a phone call from an interstate friend earlier this week and she inquired whether wifey had had her vaxxinations. Wifey said “no” to which her friend inquired why.
Wifey said that she wanted to live for a few more years yet.
Stunned silence, a brief pause in the conversation, then onto some other topic.
@ kae now a SFR @11.39am:
Thanks for posting an update link and good news for our indigenous folk.
Here we see the same thing happening in Australia with the push for the Digital Identity framework. They must get everyone vaxxed for this to happen, without 100% compliance then they can’t get complete ownership of your lives.
Resist the vaxx, protect your families and find some way to protect your assets, this is what they are after.
“without 100% compliance ”
Second attempt after the Australia Card. They won’t stop.
Wyndham Dix says:
November 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm
… read AHA’s Expression of Concern about the article in Circulation…
Cliff Boof says:
November 25, 2021 at 12:59 pm
Not so fast Dr Vernon Coleman. The American Heart Association has a problem with the Circulation paper.
Carefully omitted from these two comments:
Circulation in an American Heart Foundation journal.
So the AHA received a paper and after review published it.
The AHA then received a third party query on the original paper and record the fact of this query so that readers are up to date.
In time the query will be fleshed out, analyzed and further correspondence will ensue.
This all seems normal to me.
What is NOT normal is to suggest that the AHA has a problem with a paper in Circulation.
It is, of course, just a coincidence that two comments are received by the New Catallaxy within an hour of my posting the link and transcript. They both seek to muddy the waters, call the reputation of Circulation into question and lay the blame on Dr Vernon Coleman.
It smalls like a bot monitoring the New Catallaxy, picking up triggers and calling on two tame Morlocks to cast FUD around.
From the CDC’s own Prison Study conclusion abstract
BMJ and Yale on the letter head although it is a preprint and not yet “peer reviewed”.
I don’t fully understand the stats and jargon in the main piece but hopefully more ammunition for a political/litigatory weapon we’ve yet to design and assemble.
Wot about the horse I rode in on?
Are you some kind of Equinophobe?