Open Thread – Weekend 27 Nov 2021

The Calumny of Apelles, Botticelli, 1495-6

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November 27, 2021 12:08 pm

I think they’re foolish to refuse the vaccines…

Why bother railing against our lunatic Premiers and then describing the unvaccinated as fools?
I don’t get it.

November 27, 2021 12:10 pm

Defeated by HUGHIE bike riding-wize & banned from swimming by dum parrot-head I decided to put the tree up! .. wasn’t really fussed this year as none of the grandees will see it 1st hand leaving, most likely, only my youngest daughter turning up between now & down-she-comes time but it is gonna be YO HO HO time short-lish & so wiv nuttin’ to do before the TV fitba starts …….

November 27, 2021 12:16 pm

Why bother railing against our lunatic Premiers and then describing the unvaccinated as fools? I don’t get it.

I suspect he inserted it – or was requested to do so by his editor – to avoid the taint of “anti-vaxxer”.

November 27, 2021 12:18 pm

Just back from Horseland! 🙂

November 27, 2021 12:19 pm

They have got good at this.

Clinical trials? Hold our beer

November 27, 2021 12:19 pm

I genuinely struggle with people who are attracted to politics. From Guild elections onwards.
Politics isn’t the attraction nowadays .. troughin’ is …… LOL!

November 27, 2021 12:20 pm

300+ now in Wagga

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
November 27, 2021 12:29 pm

So this is what a protest looks like.
Nice crowd

Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
November 27, 2021 12:29 pm

Big in Melbourne! BIG.

November 27, 2021 12:32 pm

Africa has attracted the attention of the WHO with its low infection and 4.1% of death stats from Covid 19. If the African mutation is ultra infectious causing hysterical panic around the world ( just imagine what Dan and Annastacia will come up with )what does Africa do that the above and western governments refuse to do.

local oaf
November 27, 2021 12:40 pm

Just back from Horseland!

Sounds like the place to go if you need the goodies pronto.

I got mine (Eraquell pellets 35g = 140mg Ivermectin) from eBay a month or so ago (on the advice of the good Dr Duk)

Please let us know what they taste like etc. Fortunately, not needed to try it yet myself.

November 27, 2021 12:41 pm

Big in Melbourne! BIG.

Wish I was there! Bugger!

November 27, 2021 12:43 pm

Defeated by HUGHIE bike riding-wize & banned from swimming by dum parrot-head I decided to put the tree up! ..

My wife insists on putting the tree up in late November every year despite my objections that it isn’t even Advent yet! This year I didn’t even bother arguing as any cheering distraction from the reigning madness is welcome. Come early evening (only a very short twilight in these latitudes) I switch the tree’s lights on, even when she’s not here due to work commitments, and enjoy a mint julep in front of it. I can almost feel my blood pressure going down!

John H.
John H.
November 27, 2021 12:44 pm

November 27, 2021 at 10:47 am
Also a reminder that millions of Americans were deliberately prescribed the most addictive opiods known to mankind by tens of thousands of doctors at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry and the regulators did nothing for a decade.

Mass addiction is a viable and acceptable business model in pharma.

“Dopesick” has just been released by Disney and is based on the book Dopesick Nation. It is about the opioid epidemic. “Dopesick” is the term used to describe the feeling of withdrawal. The book was very well researched and highlights how much influence Big Pharma has over the medical profession, the courts, and the government.

November 27, 2021 12:51 pm

influence Big Pharma has over the medical profession, the courts, and the government.

If we paid them Jizya would they leave us alone?

The amount of pills Americans take is frightening. What are you taking each day? Nothing. Look at you like they just spotted your horse drawn buggy out front.

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 12:52 pm

today is the 27th and the day after Thanksgiving for 2021; time to cross me off Biden lotto.

November 27, 2021 12:54 pm

Sounds like the place to go if you need the goodies pronto.

They had plenty of stock to, no questions asked, but I did wear my cowboy boots for the occasion!

Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
November 27, 2021 12:57 pm

The Melbourne protest is so big that there are micro-protests within it. Main event’s at Parliament House (Spring Street / Bourke Street). Another space has been cleared a hundred meters west on Bourke, and yet another at the corner of Bourke and Exhibition.

Drones are up – the footage should be revealing. The press will be working overtime to lie this one out of existence.

For the record, it’s serious business, but nevertheless a massive street party full of families, cheery jokers and all the best of Australia. Or, if the many flags are any indication (welcome, PNG, welcome, Solomon Islands!), the best of the world.

Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
November 27, 2021 12:59 pm

On the move now, west along Bourke Street.

Led of course by a far-right-extremist Jamaican with a bongo and a spliff.

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 12:59 pm

So pleased to see a bright shiny day in Melbourne; up here is cold, wet and yukky. I’m watching Rukshan.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 12:59 pm

The amount of pills Americans take is frightening. What are you taking each day? Nothing. Look at you like they just spotted your horse drawn buggy out front.

Yeah, they’re good at Gaslighting their clients.
Dentists aren’t bad at it either, try telling them you’re in excruciating pain a few days after a Root Canal.
“But you can’t be, i’ve already removed the nerve in that tooth” sez he.
Inquiries about Cavitations draw a similar respons.

November 27, 2021 1:03 pm

(welcome, PNG, welcome, Solomon Islands!)

If the Wontoks are there and Vikpol try any shit it’s going to get real exciting real fast!!!

AFP were totally out of their depth advising on policing in PNG.

November 27, 2021 1:06 pm


Mrs just got test result, positive, in summary:

Little Bloke – unvaxxed – mildly sick – POSITIVE

Mum – vaxed – quite sick – POSITIVE

Dad – unvaxxed- mild cough – NEGATIVE

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 1:09 pm

I can’t remember who put up that tool to get around paywalls but it just worked on areff’s link. thank you.

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 1:10 pm

Dad – unvaxxed- mild cough – NEGATIVE

you’re not trying hard enough there, rick.

November 27, 2021 1:12 pm

Bit of censorship apparently going on today in regard to rally/protest live-streams. Google even stuffing with searches more than usual. This reminds me of that flawed argument I read the other day about: if nobody looks at it, the moon is not there. Never mind the tides, the winds, the seasons, trees fruiting…the like. Ah the joy of Morrison/Dutton’s cognitively retarded “national security” state!

November 27, 2021 1:17 pm

Dad – unvaxxed- mild cough – NEGATIVE

you’re not trying hard enough there, rick.

I know! My job hangs on getting this bloody thing and her I am negative!

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 1:19 pm

Ah the joy of Morrison/Dutton’s cognitively retarded “national security” state!

It’s Morrison and Joyce’s baby.
Scotty is losing the Backbenchers with his Trumpian bullshit, so it’s only a matter of time before he joins Tony Abbott on the park bench.

November 27, 2021 1:20 pm

Biden orders travel ban on South Africa, other countries due to coronavirus variant

“The Biden administration said Friday it is restricting travel from South Africa and seven other countries because of fears about a new coronavirus variant…”

Lest we forget. Joe Biden smeared Trump on Feb 1, 2020 for exactly the same thing:

Joe Biden
United States government official
Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. This new “African Ban,” is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.

You see it was all ‘wascist’ when Trump did it. The world press screamed their lungs out about it. But not so much now for some odd reason.

November 27, 2021 1:21 pm

The weekend Oz is worth it for Watersons column alone

OK you tight arses here it is

A friend told me from Canberra last week that obedience to Covid regulations in the nation’s capital has all but disappeared, now the ACT has passed the 95 per cent double-vaccinated marker and speeds towards a projected 99 per cent by Christmas.

“Hardly anyone bothers to see if you’ve checked in or bothers to inspect your vaccine certificates,” she said. “It’s almost become an honour system.

“You’d love it,” she laughed, having detected over the past 20 months that I’ve not been the most ardent supporter of our pandemic countermeasures.

But I don’t love it. Like many others, I’ve been hoping for an end to the ill-conceived overreach and cowardly hysteria that has poisoned our lives; but this looks very like the false ending I feared, drawn out like a tone-deaf parody of the last bars of a Beethoven symphony.

I can’t remember when the restrictions were supposed to be lifted. Was it at 70 per cent, or 80? Was it by the end of June, or two weeks after some curve was flattened? Maybe it was when we had enough new hospital beds, when the old and vulnerable were made safe, when the moon was in Sagittarius, or when Birnam Wood came to Dunsinane. The goalposts have been moved so often they should be on castors.

So instead of returning our lives to normal with a clear, decisive ­declaration as sensible nations around the world have done, our QR codes and contact tracing, our emergency powers, our lockdown provisions, our border closures and travel restrictions will gently fade into disuse, where they will fester just below the surface until the next vicious, simple-minded dictator slimes his or her way to power and, fancying a little social engineering, revives them.

They’ll be like the 13th century English laws that could fine you threepence for not practising archery on a Sunday, still on the statute books when I was at school – although not as quaint or useful.

When NSW hits 95 per cent, or on December 15, QR codes, happily, will only be required in “high-risk settings”.

It’s hard to see what risk, of any altitude, exists once almost everyone is fully vaccinated, but don’t question the imaginary science.

That tells us the following venues will remain high-risk: hospitals, aged-care and disability facilities. Oh yes, and gyms, places of worship and at funerals. And beauty parlours, for they are dangerously Coviddy places too.

Anywhere else feel a bit high-risk? Why, pubs and bars, naturally; and registered clubs and nightclubs: better keep the drinkers checking in, just in case caution is not present in sufficient abundance. And severely Coviditious indoor music venues. But that’s it. Otherwise, free as a bird.

And no one will miss those awful masks, will they? Unless they’re on a bus, of course. Or a train. Or sunning themselves on a ferry. Or in an airport, or on a plane, or serving someone in a restaurant while unvaccinated, for the fiendish virus knows where best to lay its ambush. Everywhere else, mask-wearing will merely be “strongly encouraged”, with state-sponsored paranoia outsourced to shopkeepers, restaurateurs and any other businesses, allowed to make up their own rules for admission and continue to demand vaccine certificates.

Please note this is in (relatively) relaxed NSW, whose stupidity shines like a beacon of tolerance and wisdom amid the moronic cruelty that has infected the rest of the country.

Elsewhere, our politicians demonstrate the adroitness of stage conjurers, misdirecting their audience, twisting words and turning meaning upside-down while patting themselves on the back. It’s “cases”, though, not any human agency, that lead to restrictions and lockdowns, as though the dolts who issue the orders have no choice, no role, no responsibility.

They then offer their patronising thanks for “all your hard work”, or for “doing the right thing”, which for many amounts to dodging their draconian fines, then trudging into the nearest pharmacy to be vaccinated against losing your job.

As we reclassify as pariahs the few who have refused the vaccine (but who, like almost everyone else in Australia, are also uninfected), the vitriol is warmed up.

Never mind that they are a risk primarily to themselves; our putative superiors demonise them as moronic conspirators lapping up deranged theories spawned in the darkest corners of the internet.

I think they’re foolish to refuse the vaccines, but the real derangement is displayed by the authorities, whose spiteful campaign long ago crossed the boundaries of human decency.

In Victoria, as vaccination levels increased, so did the impositions on those who remain unvaccinated, and on business owners, who have been ordered to check customers’ vaccine status. The Premier, who has covered himself from head to toe in whatever is the opposite of glory, bragged triumphantly that he would bar the unvaccinated from all but essential shopping venues “for the entirety of 2022”.

“Whether it’s a bookshop, a shoe shop, a pub, cafe, a restaurant, the MCG, the list goes on and on,” Daniel Andrews said.

“You will not be able to participate like a fully vaccinated person, because you’re not a fully vaccinated person.” So there!

His counterpart in Queensland has decided the fun will end for the lepers on December 17, regardless of the state’s vaccination rate. QR check-in, judging by the state government’s Covid website, looks set to continue forever. In the other states – oh, who cares.

Even the has-beens with no political currency slither out to spew their bile upon the sinners. Former NSW premier Bob Carr suggests the unvaccinated should be charged for their medical expenses should they catch Covid and require treatment: “You pay for your wilful stupidity,” the nasty pseudo-intellectual said, “not the rest of us.” Who’d be next? Cancer sufferers who used to smoke? Drinkers with swollen livers? Paralysed motorcyclists who took that last corner too fast?

Human folly must indeed be hard to fathom when you believe yourself incapable of error.

On the national canvas, mysteriously, any criticism of the states’ conduct throughout the pandemic has been muted, at best.

How could anyone with any kind of voice stay silent as Australian police officers battered the citizens they are supposed to serve and protect? How could they watch the shutters come down on so many livelihoods without seeking a better solution? How could they see the light of ambition and enthusiasm fade in the eyes of our young people and think throwing more pretend money at them would preserve their self-­respect?

We’ve waited for a denunciation of this insanity from our federal leaders, hoping they might urge some decency on their worthless state counterparts.

But from the PM down, those elected to enunciate and promote the values of the nation, to inspire and guide us, to stiffen our resolve in difficult times, have virtually abandoned their posts, if not their prime positions at the bubbler of public funds.

We know you don’t hold hoses or anything else of value, but you could and should have been loudly and regularly damning the criminal fragmentation of our society.

Do our national representatives endorse the premiers’ and their health bureaucrats’ savage blundering, or do they fear the electoral consequences of speaking out against them?

Either way, they are unfit to call themselves “leaders”, as devalued as that term already was. You’d search in vain for a sense of shame.

So while the elderly tremble in their care homes as the vultures circle over and around them, our politicians have overseen another assisted dying program for the businesses and dreams of thousands of Australians, fuelled by a winning combination of incompetence, greed and spite.

It’s a stain on our history that all their crocodile tears will never wash out.

November 27, 2021 1:23 pm

“rosie says:
November 27, 2021 at 6:37 am

leading cardiologist says cluster collapses likely coincidence
… *eye roll* … really, still using that pathetic old pitch that even comedians slammed to death long ago …

‘… when a Scottish brunette in rectangular glasses and a Lab Coat says …’

‘… they’ll forget everything except the Scottish brunette telling them that’s why they’re not getting enough sex …’

Mitchell & Webb – right up there with, “Are We The Baddies”, ‘Selling Toothbrushes’ –

November 27, 2021 1:25 pm

I can’t remember who put up that tool to get around paywalls but it just worked on areff’s link. thank you.

What tool is that?

November 27, 2021 1:25 pm

Central Maroochydore is chockas. Parking super difficult to find. People walking to Cotton Tree Park. Going to see how close I can get.

local oaf
November 27, 2021 1:33 pm

What tool is that?

I can’t remember who first posted it, but works for me almost every time.

local oaf
November 27, 2021 1:33 pm
November 27, 2021 1:36 pm

Cotton Tree. Hard to estimate the crowd because I can’t get to a commanding position. Just doing a walk-through & scan for anyone who stands out.

November 27, 2021 1:51 pm

Dover putting up photos on Twitter of the protest

November 27, 2021 1:53 pm

Cotton Tree, Sunshine Coast. Good turnout. Rain holding off. A bit hard to hear the speakers though, and I’m only about 70 metres away. Two plain clothes just walked up. No bodycams though, so there must be others here filming.

November 27, 2021 1:56 pm

Cool sign: Fight for freedom like you fought for toilet paper.

November 27, 2021 1:57 pm

A bird attacking a drone overhead.

November 27, 2021 1:59 pm

I got as far as Brunswick, dropped off someone doing something else and then piked. Traffic into city was horrendous.
Some family going in to Melbourne and one to a qld rally.

awesome photo of Melbourne march here.

November 27, 2021 2:02 pm

My guess for the crowd is between 2,000 & 2, 750.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 2:03 pm

I know several Cats who are at the Sydney rally…Tinta, Rabzy, Dragnet. Sadly I can’t be there because I can barely walk.

November 27, 2021 2:03 pm

Jeez this is a lot of phones.

Apple Could Sell 10 Million iPhones This Weekend

Apple should sell more than 10 million iPhones over the Black Friday weekend, as demand for the iPhone 13 continues to exceed supply across the planet, Wedbush Securities analyst Daniel Ives asserts in a research note Friday.

208,000 an hour
3470 a minute
58 a second.

That’s just huge numbers.

November 27, 2021 2:04 pm

Scotty is losing the Backbenchers with his Trumpian bullshit

See children, this is why you dont take the green acid.
Now step around the naked poo smeared bearded hobo yelling on the streetcorner.
And whatever you do dont make eye contact

November 27, 2021 2:04 pm

Sadly I can’t be there because I can barely walk.

Why, what happened?

November 27, 2021 2:05 pm

His name is Daniel Andrews.

Let every one of his sins he inflicts on others via his Dictatorship, spoken about here or anywhere, carry his actual name.

That old ploy of pretending to admonish public figures doing ill by using a nickname so that those admonishments never come up in a Web search, is now way beyond being excused as ‘funny’.
It effectively gives the evil extra cover.
We can’t afford to do that anymore.

November 27, 2021 2:08 pm

Whiskey tourism

The 275-plus whisky selection makes Stock & Barrel a must-see.

Yet another reason to look forward to our freedoms being restored.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 2:08 pm

The Sydney crowd is huge and the Melbourne crowd looks massive….so tonight and tomorrow on their ABC, in the Malcolm Guardian and in Fauxfax I predict we’ll see such commentary as….there was only a few thousand protesters in attendance and secondly all those protesters flooding the streets of our cities and towns are ALL anti-vaxxers, far-right and neo-Nazis.

I’m sure on Insiders tomorrow Patricia Skankelis will tell us breathlessly how hateful and extreme the protesters are.

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 2:09 pm

can someone put up a link to rukshan, I seem to have lost him on telegram

November 27, 2021 2:09 pm

I’m sure dictator Dan the stairmaster man is loving today’s turnout.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 2:10 pm

November 27, 2021 at 2:04 pm
Sadly I can’t be there because I can barely walk.

Why, what happened?”

JC, it’s why I’m having surgery on Monday week, it isn’t life threatening….to repair a knee.

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 2:12 pm

what happened?

Delta A
Delta A
November 27, 2021 2:12 pm
November 27, 2021 2:13 pm
Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 2:13 pm

And you know what’s nice…the rain has stopped here in Sydney for the rally. Divine intervention.

Delta A
Delta A
November 27, 2021 2:14 pm

Snap, Tiges.

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 2:14 pm

thanks, Delta & Tiges!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
November 27, 2021 2:15 pm

Standing at the Treasury Gardens. We’re half way in the crowd and they’re still coming.
Cheers inside like the MCG.

November 27, 2021 2:15 pm

Snap, Tiges.

No worries, amazing scenes in Melbourne.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 2:15 pm

“Bar Beach Swimmersays:
November 27, 2021 at 2:12 pm
what happened?”

Years of ashtanga yoga and unsupervised weights have destroyed my knees.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 2:16 pm

Thank you Delta A and GoTiges!

November 27, 2021 2:17 pm

local oafsays:
November 27, 2021 at 1:33 pm

Thanks. Now I can be the know again.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 2:19 pm

Geez…just looking at the faces in the Rushkan feed, I see lots of white supremacists and racists….NOT…..all I see are black, brown, white faces……….ALL Australians.

The MSM needs a reckoning.


November 27, 2021 2:23 pm

I second what BHL says, it’s big here in Melbourne.
A mass of humanity.

November 27, 2021 2:26 pm

Quite a few Cats sitting here under a tree in Fitzroy Gardens.

Good representation.

November 27, 2021 2:27 pm

Nope. My crowd estimation didn’t take into account the change in density from the fringes where I was to the seated crowd in the amphitheatre. I’ll say 3,500.

With one heavily tatted exception, I didn’t notice anyone who wasn’t average.

I did get confirmation from a reputable source that yes, the nurses’ demo tomorrow at La Balsa Park, Kawana is at 10 a.m.

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 2:32 pm

Something new and interesting is happening in Australia, and though brought about by these government mandated controls of the people, will ultimately cause our political class much angst. I’m watching the Rukshan feed (via Delta & Tiges, thank you) and people in Melbourne on a Saturday afternoon a few weeks before Christmas, when usually all that would be on their minds would be Christmas shopping, Christmas parties and going out. Instead, they’re patiently listening to a lady explaining our Constitution. Such a scene probably last happened prior to Federation when people were interested in creating this new country.

Wonderful stuff!

November 27, 2021 2:33 pm

I’m off to Perth’s Forest Place in hope of another rally. I shall be the bloke wearing a bow tie and smoking a cigar.

November 27, 2021 2:36 pm

Have bailed from the Wagga march.
Once we all got back to the park the hippie started singing and I knew it was time. ?

About 500+.
Everyone I spoke to said it was their first time marching for anything.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 2:38 pm

“Wonderful stuff!”

Truly wonderful.

northshore redneck
northshore redneck
November 27, 2021 2:39 pm

some scuffles in Sydney, unclear why

November 27, 2021 2:39 pm

Have bailed from the Wagga march.
Once we all got back to the park the hippie started singing and I knew it was time. ?


1% of the population marching in a town that is conservative is pretty good.

November 27, 2021 2:40 pm

“Yet another reason to look forward to our freedoms being restored.”

They were given up in good faith.
If we are lucky, we won’t need guns and such to get them back.
Hope we are still the “lucky country”.

Old bloke
Old bloke
November 27, 2021 2:44 pm

With all these western nation athletes dropping dead everywhere, the Chinese, Russian and African states will take all the gold, silver and bronze medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

November 27, 2021 2:48 pm

Rick, I feel for you. Just stop and take a deep breath.

Near your loved ones. 🙂

November 27, 2021 2:50 pm

Just back from the demo – absolutely bloody magnificent. Massive crowd, fantastic atmosphere and much respect form my fellow protesters for the ‘Shut Down the ALPBC” t-shirt.

The rain holding off was a nice touch as well.

November 27, 2021 2:50 pm

Between China being China, the IOC being the IOC (trans eligibility), and covid being covid, who’d want to compete at the winter Olympics this time around?

November 27, 2021 2:51 pm

some scuffles in Sydney, unclear why

Didn’t see any thing like that. Always some arsehats wanting to stir up trouble.

Collectivists, no doubt.

November 27, 2021 2:53 pm

Also of note in Wagga.
All shops asking for vaccination status.
No nice sit down meal and coffee this trip.


November 27, 2021 2:53 pm

Junior cricket duties prevented me from attending today but the family delegation reports crowds and good hand-made signs again.


November 27, 2021 2:54 pm

Well that was my first ever protest, way more ppl than I expected. crowd very mixed.

Winston Smith
November 27, 2021 2:54 pm

Moderators – feel free to pass my contact details to rickw if asked.
Me too.

November 27, 2021 2:54 pm

Lots of hotties as well. Probably more women than men in the crowd.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2021 2:54 pm

November 27, 2021 at 1:57 pm
A bird attacking a drone overhead.

A copper up a tree?

November 27, 2021 3:00 pm

Lots of hotties as well. Probably more women than men in the crowd.

Same here.

And, ditto.

November 27, 2021 3:01 pm


Please Cassie, as head prefect would say, it’s not that type of blog.

Has anyone got video of the protests?

Old bloke
Old bloke
November 27, 2021 3:01 pm

Paul Joseph Watson – New COVID Mutation Has Only Produced “Very Mild Cases”

South Africa’s Chief Health Officer will probably be looking for a new job come Monday.

November 27, 2021 3:09 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2021 3:09 pm

Has anyone noticed that predictions from the usual suspects that these demonstrations would be “superspreader events” seem to have died away? There was a bit of song and dance by Vicco Liebor and in the MSM right after the CFMMEU protest in Melbourne, but it seemed to come to nothing in terms of cases, and then not much that I have seen reported since.

November 27, 2021 3:15 pm

china in focus

01:08 U.S., Taiwan seek #Microchip cooperation
03:55 Evergrande shareholders sell shares, at big loss
05:15 China’s state-run firms limit use of WeChat
07:30 Countries consider a diplomatic boycott of Olympics
08:41 Seattle man returns home after 4 years as a hostage
09:40 China censors story of tennis player Peng Shuai
13:13 Jailed Chinese activist’s lawyer briefly detained
15:09 HK imposes South Africa travel ban over new variant
15:47 5 nations’ marines conduct Indo-Pacific drill
17:15 Japan takes active defense against China threats

November 27, 2021 3:17 pm

Who would have thought….Cassie taking the knee.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 27, 2021 3:20 pm


November 27, 2021 3:23 pm

I question Alec Baldwins involvement is this.

Georgia webcam model, 27, accidentally shoots herself in genitals with 9mm handgun in ‘pornographic video gone horribly wrong’

I wonder if she was using protection, ie full metal jacket?

November 27, 2021 3:25 pm

Some other magic moments from today’s demo:

– A group of four cute girls with megaphones near the St James station exit revving up the crowd with some funny chants about various politicians
– Lots of kids, many of whom would spontaneously burst into the following chant during the march, “sack them all”
– My favourite chant of the day, “You can shove vaccine mandates up your yartz, up your yartz …”

November 27, 2021 3:26 pm

Thank you to all taking part in marches today, well done. Let’s hope the message is getting across.
I suspect the problem for Cassie is that if she could” take the knee” she couldn’t get up again! Happens to me in the garden sometimes.
I recall it being said that children in school have to be educated for jobs that didn’t exist yet. Becoming a Georgia webcam model is truly aspirational – NOT.

November 27, 2021 3:31 pm

November 27, 2021 at 3:26 pm

Becoming a Georgia webcam model is truly aspirational – NOT.

There is an opening there, possibly 2 now, for a bright lass.

November 27, 2021 3:36 pm

ooooh ‘mole, you are a naughty boy !

WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
November 27, 2021 3:38 pm

Mater says:
November 27, 2021 at 2:26 pm
Quite a few Cats sitting here under a tree in Fitzroy Gardens.

Good representation.

Hope to there next week !

Herald-Sun “reporting” 10,000 at the Melbourne protest rally.

I’m guessing you would have to add at least another zero to that number ?

November 27, 2021 3:39 pm

Nothing happening in Perth. Yah boo.

Winston Smith
November 27, 2021 3:44 pm

Humphrey B Bear:

Starting WW III over a virus name would be a bad look.

We try to placate China and the gang of criminals running it far too much.
First it was about the Wuhan Virus, then it was this – The X1 Variant.
When will our leaders learn to stand up for us?
This is encouraging their demands for special treatment – just like the Muslims.

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 3:46 pm

Dr BG,
Were you at Elizabeth Quay?

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2021 3:46 pm

Rukshan link now seems to be down. Is Face Chook playing silly buggers?

November 27, 2021 4:00 pm

No problem with Rushkan live feed on facebook

November 27, 2021 4:01 pm
November 27, 2021 4:04 pm

The evolution of stan grant’s aboriginality as shown in his darkening skin over the years:

November 27, 2021 4:04 pm

Via Rukshan (and Jerry) I was there in spirit.

November 27, 2021 4:05 pm

ps: Can’t wait to see how small the Melbourne crowd was! LOL.

November 27, 2021 4:05 pm

Muddy’s estimate of about two and a half thousand at Cotton Tree seems about right.
Truly crazy place for an event, difficult access, insane parking. You could believe the crowd would double if the location was more accessable.
Observations (Muddy feel free to correct me).
70% families:
Middle aged not many zoomers:
Big health professional, Govt staff, transport, hospitality and small business representation:
Speakers surprisingly non-political – just ‘them’:
No apparent representation from the minor Parties (bizarre):
Very few hippies, tats or man buns.
Anna from Kiev not crucified, amazingly.
Couple of attacks on main stream unions for lack of support.
The white black fellas were painful but not too bad.
Overall the theme was “it’s my body, leave me alone”.
Usual Sunny Coast allocation of stunning …… OOPS, sorry, it’s a family blog.
In summary, very well organised, could do with a little less love and a bit more mongrel.
Funny bunch of “extremists” though.
Next one needs to be at a footy field.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 27, 2021 4:06 pm

From the Oz.

Rallies are also taking place in Adelaide, Darwin, Alice Springs, Perth, Canberra, Newcastle, Ballina, Inverell, Tamworth, Wagga Wagga, Bermagui, Launceston, Bunbury, Albany, Esperance, Kalgoorlie, Geraldton, Carnarvon, Port Hedland, Broome, and Kununurra.

local oaf
November 27, 2021 4:07 pm

The evolution of stan grant’s aboriginality as shown in his darkening skin over the years:

Getting a “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now” message from fakebook, can’t think why!

November 27, 2021 4:09 pm

In reporting the Melbourne protest, 3AW hackette, reports a ‘big crowd’ but then adds that “protesters also encountered opposition.”

And that opposition was?

A solitary unnamed Karen outside Myer who told the hackette the marchers are”selfish”. No audio, just the hackette’s word someone didn’t approve.

How can chairman Peter Costello sleep at night with what Nine is doing?

November 27, 2021 4:18 pm

Dr BG,
Were you at Elizabeth Quay?

No, is that where it was?

November 27, 2021 4:18 pm

Rabz – agree, I didn’t see any agro in the Sydney crowd either.

Husband and I came back to Sydney to see injured grandson, so I also went to Hyde Park from 12 pm to about 1.30pm.

Great spectrum of protesters & clever placards. Thought a bit disorganised – but they may have changed after I left. Got a bit teary when someone sang (or they played) “You’ll never walk alone”…..all that “hold your head up high” stuff!

Was looking for signs of any “Cats” …..maybe next time we should wear some distinguishing sign!

November 27, 2021 4:20 pm

Novavax Developing Vaccine Against Variant That Appeared 72 Hours Ago – Will Be Ready in Two Weeks, Already in Emergency Use Trials in Indonesia and Phillipines

No! Sorry – can’t see how that can be done so quickly. Frying pan into the fire?

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
November 27, 2021 4:22 pm

Sydney (Hyde Park) Millions March rally – impressions
my footage (basic, 17 minutes)

1. Attendance: based on my participation at many City to Surf events (Sydney mass fun run, same start location, 35k-85k runners) over the years my guesstimate is around 50k at today’s Sydney rally, not bad for the weather conditions (also, less than the 80k-100k numbers I saw at the 1996 protest against the Howard firearms laws). I could be wrong.

2. Crowd composition: overwhelmingly anglo/european, smattering of islanders, saw hardly any asians/indians (even though Sydney City is quite demographically asian), one would ask, why is this so? Families, kids.

3. opening speeches were fairly nondescript, nothing inspirational or motivational.

4. As usual the indig industry tried to shoehorn their way in, one of the event MCs tried to get the crowd to respond to his repeated calls of “Always was” with “Always will be”, crowd response was lukewarm/dutiful at best, they also set up a smoking ceremony smack bang in the middle of the road at the start of the march route. Dumb location. (Maybe people tolerate this BS because it’s nowhere near being the main cause they turned up).

5. When ‘marching’ saw plenty of flags and signs, mostly protesting the mandates. Some Christian icons were sighted, did not see symbols of any other faith.

6. Lots of people filming, even the police doing it (perhaps they are going to process it later with AI to pick out individuals of interest). Some mounted police, Aussie Cossack has some footage allegedly showing a little argy bargy

7. The event did not bring the city to a halt (that’s my definition of being ‘impactful’) and I did not see any any sign of a counter-protest.

That is all.

November 27, 2021 4:23 pm

We were going to go to Cotton Tree, but getting there was a real zoo, so we gave up and went for lunch with the kids/grandkids.

November 27, 2021 4:26 pm

local oafsays:
November 27, 2021 at 4:07 pm
The evolution of stan grant’s aboriginality as shown in his darkening skin over the years:

Getting a “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now” message from fakebook, can’t think why!

Bugger. The point is in the 1980s the ratbag was as white as an albino’s arse; now he looks like Al Jolson in Mammy:

November 27, 2021 4:26 pm

My favourite slogan was written on a balloon – things are so bad even the introverts are here!

November 27, 2021 4:27 pm

A double fenced spot lighted facility next to Brisbane airport one day and the sudden appearance on the internet of the horrors and liberation of the concentration camps of Natzi Germany the next.

November 27, 2021 4:30 pm

Was looking for signs of any “Cats” …..maybe next time we should wear some distinguishing sign!

Vicki – I’ll be wearing one of these (which I did today).

They’re still for sale, by the way.

On a personal note (again), three months ago I was at rock bottom – confined to the cottage for weeks in the middle of winter, no company, no good news and nothing except a weird sort of half life existence.

Now I feel truly invigorated, for the first time since mid June. I used to day dream about being in the sort of protest that happened today. Last week didn’t help, either, given the obvious sabotage – spoke to a guy today who said that his friends were going to catch the train in and subsequently hadn’t turned up, so those vile fascist dirtbags are still ordering “mysterious”, unannounced rail line closures.

However – we will not be stopped, until this hysterical fascist idiocy stops.

I’ve never felt so proud to be a Sydneysider, as I have today.

November 27, 2021 4:30 pm

My favourite slogan was written on a balloon – things are so bad even the introverts are here!

Ahahaha! Perfect.

November 27, 2021 4:37 pm

Over 36 000 at Homebush watching the Matildas play USA .. breaks the Oz (womens) fitba crowd record set during the Sydney Olympics .. the sad news is the girls are down 3-nil with 15 minutes to play ..!

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 4:43 pm

November 27, 2021 at 4:18 pm


November 27, 2021 4:44 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 27, 2021 4:48 pm

the girls are down 3-nil with 15 minutes to play

Sterner opposition than the Newcastle junior boys then.

November 27, 2021 4:53 pm

The Duktor is in

November 27, 2021 4:53 pm

Special mention to John of Mel whose great Freedom sign was clearly visible to us shorties (and oldies) struggling to match the increasing pace of the Cat front runners especially as the march reached its end.
It was like we had our very own personal tour guide ID identifier in the milling crowd.
Thanks John! Greatly appreciated.

local oaf
November 27, 2021 5:00 pm

The Duktor is in

Testify, Dr Duk!

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 5:02 pm

Muddy’s estimate of about two and a half thousand at Cotton Tree seems about right.
Truly crazy place for an event, difficult access, insane parking. You could believe the crowd would double if the location was more accessable.

There is no “better location”.
The entire Sunshine Coast is a narrow strip, anywhere inland is as humid as hell, Cotton Tree is the easiest to access even in spite of the parking issues.
The problem with footy fields is that there are no amenities and no shade for 3,000 people.

Delta A
Delta A
November 27, 2021 5:04 pm

Via Rukshan (and Jerry) I was there in spirit.


Heartfelt thanks to everyone who went along, most to protest for the first time (you extremists, you).

Also, special thanks to those who posted pics and comments from ‘ground zero’.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 5:06 pm

Wagga was in the news many years vago, huge cluster of illnesses in children, OverVaccination initially suspected, but I think farm chemicals or electromagnetic pollution got the blame due to Wagga’s odd topography.

November 27, 2021 5:13 pm

electromagnetic pollution got the blame due to Wagga’s odd topography.

I would like to know more.

Do The Pixies play in your head?

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 5:14 pm

Davey Boysays:
November 27, 2021 at 4:22 pm

great footage!

I especially liked the following signs:

Your fear won’t take our freedom
Lockdowns are for prisoners only
Not a booster; it’s a third attempt.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 27, 2021 5:16 pm

The evolution of stan grant’s aboriginality as shown in his darkening skin over the years:

Stan Grant – last heard of repeating all the tired old bullshit about how his father wasn’t an Australian citizen, and wasn’t counted in the census until 1967..

Delta A
Delta A
November 27, 2021 5:18 pm

My favourite sign from the Melbourne march was (not verbatim): Sorry, did my human rights get in the way of your tyranny?

Still a few SRA signs, but not as many as last week.

Delta A
Delta A
November 27, 2021 5:19 pm

I’ve never felt so proud to be a Sydneysider, as I have today.

Excellent, Rabz!

Great post.

November 27, 2021 5:21 pm

November 27, 2021 at 4:18 pm



Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 5:22 pm

I would like to know more.

You can’t even process the information you’ve been given already.

November 27, 2021 5:23 pm
Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 5:24 pm

November 27, 2021 at 5:21 pm

If there’s one on next week, I’ll let you know where beforehand.

November 27, 2021 5:27 pm

A solitary unnamed Karen outside Myer who told the hackette the marchers are”selfish”. No audio, just the hackette’s word someone didn’t approve.

Yeah, we got yelled at by said individual . Told us we were all delinquents and we should be wearing masks.
A most amusing (and outnumbered) individual.

The reporters had to look long and hard to find an alternate opinion.

November 27, 2021 5:34 pm


Good luck with the knee thingi.

November 27, 2021 5:34 pm

No, Ed Case.

You tell us why (nano?) micro teslas difference in ambient background fields make a difference to anyone’s health.

Tell us why people working with strong electromagnets don’t all die young with horrible health issues.

This will be hilarious.

November 27, 2021 5:37 pm

Bons says:
November 27, 2021 at 4:05 pm

I pretty much concur, Bons, except I raised my crowd estimate later to take into account the seated density closer to the centre which I could not initially judge from my position.

It wasn’t the best place for it (Maroochy traffic is a shocker on a normal day), but then alternatives for large enough, accessible public spaces are few and far between in central Sunburbia.

I was disappointed not to see any local media, who I was considering harassing. The plain clothes bloke (strapped) I saw was accompanying a woman whose I.D. I could not read, and as they walked towards the centre of the crowd, I noticed she was carrying a camera bag on her back. There was no sound-dude or producer, though. Interesting.

November 27, 2021 5:37 pm

If there’s one on next week, I’ll let you know where beforehand.

Thanks, BBS.

November 27, 2021 5:39 pm

Well it was worth the three-hour round trip to get to Rockhampton today, and worth weathering the heat and nearly 100% humidity. Climate-wise Rocky is a hole of a place!

A goodly crowd, although short of what I expected, given the amount of support there’s been from Yeppoon and the Livingstone Shire Council.

A total cross section of people, young parents with babes in prams right up oldies in wheelchairs, all ages in between, families, singles, groups, a few very recognisable ex-military, some known public figures.

One LG councillor turned up just after it was over – I guess they didn’t want to be associated with it, but needed to “show the flag” just a little.

An increasing number of local governments up here are coming on board with the non-mandate for businesses to insist on serving jabbed-only customers. Good stuff!

November 27, 2021 5:42 pm

Told us we were all delinquents and we should be wearing masks.

Sorry, I got that wrong. The word he used was actually ‘degenerates’.

BTW, this site might be of interest if the protest season continues:

November 27, 2021 5:42 pm


So glad that the protest for you today was invigorating. It’s easy to feel discouraged when you are surrounded by compliant sheep who look at you askance for daring to think for yourself.

I didn’t get to Perth’s protest today as I was called into work. The joys of being on a salary. But I would gladly meet up with any Cats who might be attending Perth protests in the future.

I have remembered another sign from last week that I particularly enjoyed:

“The Great Resist – they will own nobody and they will be unhappy”.

November 27, 2021 5:43 pm

Bigger by some margin from last week.

Yes, by our reckoning too.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2021 5:43 pm

now he looks like Al Jolson

Cohenite – The original story is “50 Shades of Grant” by Zanetti. Unfortunately the original link to it on his blog no longer works. The article itself is around, and the graphic, but not together that I can find. Here’s the graphic.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 5:48 pm

A goodly crowd, although short of what I expected, given the amount of support there’s been from Yeppoon and the Livingstone Shire Council.

Livingstone Shire isn’t Rocky.
Perhaps they shoulda held it in Yeppoon?

November 27, 2021 5:50 pm

Yeah, we got yelled at by said individual . Told us we were all delinquents and we should be wearing masks.
A most amusing (and outnumbered) individual.

Mater, did you tell her she looked overweight? I forgot my mask last year while walking around and then spotted by a Karen who reminded me I should be masked up. I reminded her to lose weight because covid isn’t pleasant for fatties. She wasn’t fat but it don’t matter because all sheilas think they are.

November 27, 2021 5:51 pm

things are so bad even the introverts are here!

Reminiscent of this meme..

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 27, 2021 5:53 pm

BoN, that’s weird.

Obviously, not happy in his own skin.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2021 5:54 pm


How can chairman Peter Costello sleep at night with what Nine is doing?

All that lurrrrvely government advertising money helps.

November 27, 2021 5:54 pm

BTW, this site might be of interest if the protest season continues:

Very happy with my I DO NOT CONSENT shirt from them today. It’s black though. Doesn’t that me an anarchist? At least I was not wearing white shoes.

November 27, 2021 5:56 pm

I’m obviously more tired than I thought. Block quote fail for the second time in a week.

*slinks off, ashamed*

November 27, 2021 5:58 pm

Just popped into the office and a bloke behind me is doing a Rio Tinto cultural awareness course online.

“Population deminished”…
“Small pox laced blankets”…
“White militia”…

FMD, the corporates need to be burnt to a cinder.

November 27, 2021 5:58 pm

Hat tip to all that rallied today!

November 27, 2021 5:59 pm

Here’s the graphic.

That’s the one. Just once I’d like someone to call one of these dickheads like stan the goose out.

November 27, 2021 6:00 pm

“Indigenous still fighting”…

Fuck me swinging, shags.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 27, 2021 6:01 pm

Georgia webcam model, 27, accidentally shoots herself in genitals with 9mm handgun in ‘pornographic video gone horribly wrong’

Which begs the question what would have happened if it had gone right?

November 27, 2021 6:06 pm

it’s a webcam and you could pay for a show. Although this one is out of action, I’m sure she’s wasn’t the only one doing a revolver trick for the revolver sex curious like you. Stick it on the credit card and you’re there. Come back and tell us if your revolver sex urge was satisfied.

November 27, 2021 6:07 pm

And the clinker…

The guy doing the induction is a 62 year old, full blood local indigenous fellow.
Absolutely lovely man who prefers to be onsite with a couple of whiteys who look after him than at home putting up with family that gets pissed and beat up on him. A good bloke who’s getting tired and probably is torn between his blood culture and a white culture that appreciates and nurtures him but isn’t natural to him.

November 27, 2021 6:10 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 27, 2021 6:12 pm

BTW, this site might be of interest if the protest season continues:

Pretty cool site Mater.

‘Transvaccinated’. Snork.

November 27, 2021 6:15 pm

dover0beach says:
November 27, 2021 at 5:40 pm
[…] Bigger by some margin from last week.

Sooner or later people are going to start questioning the official figures of jabbed/un-jabbed if so many are coming out each week to protest and the numbers continue to grow. Yes, there are pro-choice protesters who have had the jab under duress as well, but they won’t all be by a long way.

Got to go, got a very wet and bedraggled horse to feed. Another storm just went through and dumped some more lovely rain on us. At least the creeks are finally starting to run again up here. It’s been “green drought” for a long time now, years in fact. Worth putting up with the humidity and having my work schedule shot to hell to have the rain!

November 27, 2021 6:16 pm

What I appreciate from everyone’s protest reports is that they are observational and devoid of hyperbole.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 27, 2021 6:17 pm


Allegra Spender launches federal campaign (Sky News)

The daughter of late fashion designer Carla Zampatti and former Liberal MP John Spender will run as an independent.

Ms Spender says while she is running against her father’s former party, she is drawing on the values he taught her.

The independent candidate highlights climate change as an economic and environmental priority.

An independent eh? I think if we look under her fashionable sheepskin we’ll find the colour green underneath.

November 27, 2021 6:19 pm

EvilElvis says:
November 27, 2021 at 6:07 pm

That’s an astute comment, E.E.

November 27, 2021 6:23 pm

‘Transvaccinated’. Snork.

I did enjoy that one.

November 27, 2021 6:24 pm
Old bloke
Old bloke
November 27, 2021 6:24 pm

Canberra is very busy changing laws to make class action lawsuits very difficult. Who are they protecting?

Canberra is still messing with class action laws and we need your help

November 27, 2021 6:31 pm

Police Violence in Sydney

This is disgusting. When there are tens of thousands of people, they hold back. When there are fewer they gang up and act like hoodlums against women and children.

November 27, 2021 6:33 pm

How peculiar.

Ive never seen this sort of reporting before.

ABCcess have a bit on the protests..

The segues into 1/2 the article being this instead.

Big heading
Police seek to identify violent protesters

Meanwhile, police said Prime Taskforce detectives were investigating multiple incidents of criminal damage and the release of flares and objects thrown at police and buildings at protests throughout September

Police say on Saturday, September 18, at about 1pm, a man released a flare towards the police at a protest on Bridge Road in Richmond.

They have released an image of a man they believe will be able to help with enquiries.

On Tuesday, September 21, police say a large number of protesters gathered on foot on the Westgate Bridge.

Investigators have been told a man was walking with the group besides a white utility truck before crouching down on the road, and launching what appeared to be a firework towards police officers.

On the same day, Tuesday, September, 21, police say several people charged at the Public Order Response Team and Highway Patrol vehicles on Rathdowne Street in Carlton.

Several cars were damaged.

even more curious ABCcess have posted the police provided pics of the persons of interest, something i cannot recall being done for any of the BLM or other protests where damage was done or police hurt.

A cynical person might almost think their ABCcess was doing its best to generate public opinion that the protests today were violent..

But we know they wouldnt be as mendacious as that dont we?

November 27, 2021 6:36 pm
November 27, 2021 6:38 pm

Here’s the graphic.

shoe polish stan

November 27, 2021 6:41 pm

ABCess – the Glossed Lips Of The Elite.

November 27, 2021 6:42 pm

Gold coast protest.

Max 4000-5000.

I’m very sympathetic to not being critical on this. We’re all learning and criticism has to be constructive.

But if I was going to attempt to destroy a protest movement that would be it.

– idiotic place to hold it – zero parking
– endless stream of retards trying to be the next revolutionary leader screeching into the microphone
– some degenerate hippy faggot singer refularly dropping the F bomb into the mic in the middle of broadbeach in the middle of a Saturday surrounded by hundreds of families with kids and apartments with people watching.
– same guy declaring into the mic ‘I hate the fucking cops…they won’t let me smoke weed’. Special branch Glowmeter starts going off the charts.
– we arrived very late, so late I thought we missed the march. After standing around for an hour listening to the equivalent of a Facebook feed in real life and hippy special branch bro doing his best to destroy the movement I told my boys let’s get outta here. As we leave I hear the woman apologize to the crowd ‘we know you’ve been waiting a long time to march, sorry umm it looks like we’ve gone overtime a little bit. We’re talking to the police about what we can do’.

I couldn’t believe it. Lol some people have been listening to this shit for two hours waiting to march? And now they have to ask the police’s permission to march?

Fuck that we were gone.

November 27, 2021 6:44 pm

Apparently the sunshine coast was much better.

November 27, 2021 6:49 pm

Good report, Twostix.
What I did hear of the speakers up here on the North Coast was middle-of-the-road stuff, though admittedly I didn’t stay until the end.

November 27, 2021 6:55 pm


That’s incredible also quite believable. Our kid lives between Lexington and Third ave. Both avenues there have been decimated. Almost entire blocks of shops were empty. But stuff is coming back fast and the stores are refilling, possibly at cheaper rent, but they are getting back. Madison Ave is arguably the prime shopping street for the non-tourist types. It’s coming back really fast as lots of stores emptied during the ccp virus* peak.
* got it from you.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 27, 2021 7:00 pm

Damn shame on those people ruining the event twostix. Again, it detracts from the genuine public feeling of millions in the country.

November 27, 2021 7:01 pm

– endless stream of retards trying to be the next revolutionary leader screeching into the microphone

Happened in Melbourne, too.

The speeches at the start being hijacked by a number of special interest individuals (aboriginal) trying to use the massive crowd to build their profile.
Unlike the perfect timing of last week, people were waiting around for an hour after the kick off, before the March commenced. The ramblings continued for the whole hour.

Some, including us, got fed up and tried to create some momentum by starting to move off on our own. It separated the crowd a little, but things ironed out eventually.

When we got to the gardens, after a very impressive March by a huge crowd, we were again subjected to some of the most inane shit ever spruiked to a crowd. Many immediately left, which impacted the numbered gathered at the garden. We did.

Summary. The movement is starting to be co-opted by some opportunists. People know why they were there, and it wasn’t in support of a resurgent Aboriginal nation, or a treaty. It seems a crowd numbering in the hundreds of thousands, is too inviting a target to avoid personal agendas, and attempted profile building.

Dump the long winded speeches, allow enough time to for the crowd to build, and get walking. Give them some entertainment at the end.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 27, 2021 7:04 pm

stream of retards trying to be the next revolutionary leader screeching into the microphone
– some degenerate hippy faggot singer refularly dropping the F bomb into the mic in the middle of broadbeach in the middle of a Saturday surrounded by hundreds of families

I thought St. Ruth may have gone to one of the other ones.

I know, I know. Like the German dentist said just after he shot Calvin Candie – ‘I could not resist’.

Seriously. It takes away the message and brands everyone there as nuffies, when they are in fact everyday Australians sick of being fucked over by incompetent malicious dunderheads.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 27, 2021 7:05 pm

The movement is starting to be co-opted by some opportunists. People know why they were there, and it wasn’t in support of a resurgent Aboriginal nation, or a treaty.

A particular, and particularly unpopular, feature of the Darwin events.

November 27, 2021 7:06 pm

Short clips from all over Australia commencing with Newcastle:

November 27, 2021 7:07 pm
  1. Too many bad actors in too many places. And increased “swatting” of conservatives:

  2. Couldn’t choose better countries for displaced Gazans.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x