Open Thread – Weekend 27 Nov 2021
Millions March Against Mandatory Vaccination & Passports
Mater’s Mischief #2: Bang!
Weekday Reading #12
Where’s the Attorney-General on vaccine mandates? (Spectator Australia) This week much attention has been on Coalition MPs and Senators hearing the vox populi following the ever-increasing demonstrations around Australia and demanding that the government do something to stop state premiers and territory chief ministers threatening people’s livelihoods and their ability to participate in everyday life with vaccine mandates…
Understanding conservative thought
My article in the November Quadrant, Conservative Thought in the Time of Covid (Part II), has now been put online where anyone can read it. It is strictly a discussion of political philosophy from a conservative perspective, or from what I think ought to be a conservative perspective. This is not everyone’s interest since this is…
Mater’s Musings #42: Stop the mendacity…it’s in black and white
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had a gutful of people telling me the current covid vaccines in Australia have gone through all the trials (albeit expediated) that other, more traditional vaccines have. It just isn’t true, and Health Department ads in major newspapers saying so, doesn’t automatically change that. Government departments and…
Weekday Reading #11
Remembering Trans Deaths Rightly (The American Conservative) So I decided to research each of that year’s deaths, including by searching publicly available information on local news sites, scouring court records, and calling homicide departments (as necessary). What I found belied the narrative of the LGBT groups—a narrative used to pursue political ends even sympathetic Americans…
Novavax the vaccine for the vaxxine-hesitant
This is my kind of article: Novavax: the good vaccine. It’s not that most of us are in any sense “anti-vaxxers” but lots of us are very reluctant to take any of the currently existing experimental forms now on offer. But there is Novavax which many of us have been looking out for. Who can be…
Daniel Andrews’ Victoria: “a sadistic experiment with unintended consequences”
I hate to dwell on Daniel Andrews but he represents a measure of incompetence and stupidity that will be hard for any future premier to exceed. However, I am drawn to all this again by Nick Cater’s article in The Oz today whose title sets the scene: The tyranny of ineptitude drives more to the…
The real political extremists
She really is a fool of the highest order. Then there’s this: Andrews accuses PM of ‘pandering to extremists’. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has accused Prime Minister Scott Morrison of “pandering to extremists” in the wake of a large protest in Melbourne. On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in Melbourne’s…