Open Thread – Weekend 27 Nov 2021

The Calumny of Apelles, Botticelli, 1495-6

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 28, 2021 6:53 pm

Ok, Rabz, here you go. I heard this one in Coles on Friday. First time in a long time.
Your challenge is this: close your eyes, click the link and listen to the whole track.
Then, before opening your eyes again, work out who the singer is.

She can sing rather wonderfully, when she puts her mind to it.

November 28, 2021 6:53 pm

Carpe yes I have seen it not just in Thailand or from whiteys, for the record I have nothing against the modern Japanese. IMO they have atoned for the sins of their great grandparents.

However their history in the 1930 & 1940’s is far from stellar like the Germans who engaged in similar behaviour on the Russian Front.

Delta A
Delta A
November 28, 2021 6:59 pm

Best Man did a trial run of his new baked ham recipe today. Had it de-skinned, clove-studded and in the oven at 9.15 am. First baste 20 mins later.

Neighbour arrived at 9.50 with a minor repair job for him and remarked, “Lunch smells nice.”Job done, she left, to return at 11.oo am, ten minutes after ham was removed from the oven. “Hmm! that looks fabulous.” Best man sliced a plateful of ham and sent her on her happy way.

He then cut another plateful to take to Darling Daughter and her ravenous tribe. She thanked him, then thanked him again an hour ago before pouring out a garbled story about how wonderful the ham was, and she’d be grateful for another plateful because kiddies sleepover after school performances, or something.

Best Man has promised two more trial runs before the main event. Yum!

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 28, 2021 6:59 pm

The man is a moron.

Was probably promoted beyond his pay grade the moment he left the Front Bar of a country pub.

Winston Smith's Keyboard.
November 28, 2021 7:00 pm


Instead of anything with ‘pure’ or ‘blood’ in the expression, how about ‘normal’ or ‘normie’?

Control group is good for me.
Subsection “fat and grumpy old farts.”

November 28, 2021 7:00 pm

That the Rittenhouse verdict was the motivation is MSM spin.
This dumbarse never heard of Rittenhouse.

Are you on crack? A cursory view of the bastard’s space chook and other public media show he was outraged by the Rittenhouse verdict, was an active BLM shithead and that his BLM mates are claiming this as a response to the Rittenhouse verdict. Idiot.

November 28, 2021 7:00 pm

“They’ve now called it the Australian Association for Uncrewed Systems to be gender politically correct,” she said.

eat shit and die

November 28, 2021 7:04 pm

Bruce – seriously? I soon as I heard Madge open her mouth, it was obviously her.

Her first hit. Magnificent. 🙂

November 28, 2021 7:10 pm

Third World Network problems.

In SE Qld.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 28, 2021 7:10 pm

Not good being captured by the Japanese in WWII:

A steady invasion would also have meant the end of all of these Prisoners Of War in a systematic series of executions. Already, 35% of POWs were dying – a grim figure compared to those captured by the Germans during the war, with 0.9% there losing their lives. One analysis states: “Of the 140,000 Americans held by the Japanese, 34 percent – 47,000 – would die in captivity.” Of 22,376 Australian prisoners of war captured by the Japanese, 8,031 died – 36% of those held.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 28, 2021 7:10 pm

it’s always music time, I tells ya!

They should be ashamed to use that track name. 🙁

Kate Bush – The Kick Inside (1978)

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 28, 2021 7:13 pm

The nukes were more than justified.

Don’t have the reference handy, but certain Japanese historians estimate that, had World War Two lasted another six to nine months, anywhere up to ten million Japanese would have died from starvation or disease.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 28, 2021 7:18 pm

it was obviously her

I like Ray of Light too, and the baseball movie she did with Geena Davis.
Her recent Instagram photos not so much…

Winston Smith's Keyboard.
November 28, 2021 7:19 pm


It’s been a great boon to have lived through this and see people for what they are.
Better to have one solid, proven mate than a hundred charming phoneys blowing smoke up your arse.

Wot the Arkysaurus bellowed.
No one needs a nicotine stained freckle.

November 28, 2021 7:21 pm
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 28, 2021 7:22 pm

And you don’t think this is happening? A friend (unvaccinated) was “uninvited” to the annual Xmas Party of a group of friends by the highlighted note at the end:


November 28, 2021 7:25 pm

Hey, Groove Armada! Tinta called – she wants her image* back, thanks …

*Miss leopard towards the end, not the crazy hot brunette …

November 28, 2021 7:26 pm

Rabz says:
November 28, 2021 at 6:25 pm
How many more years of this bulldust?
Many, many more, it seems.

I had lunch with a bunch of retired colleagues* and they are all pessimistic about our future. Nobody thought we would be travelling anywhere outside of NSW for years.

*All vaccinated otherwise none of us would be allowed into a restaurant. However, at another function last month in a restaurant kids were allowed in, no questions asked. If school kids are a danger to their teachers why are they not dangerous to restaurant staff and other guests? None of this makes any logical sense.

Winston Smith's Keyboard.
November 28, 2021 7:28 pm


JC – trust me, relationships between siblings are complex.

Very effing complex. Decades long complex.

You think you had troubles?
I had 35 brothers and sisters – I only spoke to 4 of them after I left home.
And thank Christ for that.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 28, 2021 7:29 pm

However their history in the 1930 & 1940’s is far from stellar like the Germans who engaged in similar behaviour on the Russian Front.

The Germans executed rapists from their own troops, the Russians made theirs heroes

November 28, 2021 7:30 pm
November 28, 2021 7:32 pm

None of this makes any logical sense

Welcome to modern life – which is self evidently rubbish.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 28, 2021 7:38 pm

Hey, Groove Armada!

I generally like Groove Armada although that track is a bit bland. But I’m indebted to you Rabz because the sidebar put up a track from a rather good and unsung Aussie band, who’d I’d completely forgotten about. Here’s one of their tracks:

The Temper Trap – Fader (2010)

November 28, 2021 7:40 pm

None of this makes any logical sense.

Logic has nothing to do with politicians or bureaucrats. They only have brain farts that don’t stink.

November 28, 2021 7:42 pm

As a test case for going back to “Normal” circa 20019, I am losing faith in Israel.

From jabbing kids to putting up the shutters in a week.

Dan the Man will have a trouser tent at work tomorrow.

November 28, 2021 7:43 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
November 28, 2021 7:45 pm

Bruce of N

Your comment about the effect reading about the Japanese treatment of Australian PoWs reminded me of another comment on a related subject.

One of the Japanese failures at Pearl Harbor was missing the US carriers. One of the carrier task groups was commanded by Bull Halsey. He returned to Pearl soon after the raid, at a time when the wrecks on Battleship Row were still smoldering. Contemplating the damage from his bridge, he said (very firmly, I suspect) that “When this war is over, the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell”.

He did his best, though he did miss an opportunity in late 1944 to add to the total.

November 28, 2021 7:47 pm

Life can be a lot more rewarding and safe when you cut some family members loose.

I did, putting up with some people is more than my stomach could stand. Not sorry in the slightest.

November 28, 2021 7:49 pm

Dan the Man will have a trouser tent at work tomorrow.

Yes!, another opportunity to fuck them!

November 28, 2021 7:50 pm

has anyone ever nailed Katie Hopkins

My offer was rejected.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 28, 2021 7:50 pm

He did his best, though he did miss an opportunity in late 1944 to add to the total.

The “Where is, repeat where is Task Force 34? The world wonders?” matter?

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 28, 2021 7:50 pm

Top Ender

Of 22,376 Australian prisoners of war captured by the Japanese, 8,031 died – 36% of those held.

A significant percentage of those were killed when US submarines sank prison transports that the Japanese had not marked, notably the Montevideo Maru and the Rakuyo Maru.

November 28, 2021 7:53 pm

Madge must have got onto a good line if foetal plasma lately, for the infusions.

November 28, 2021 7:55 pm

Heston Russell just told Chris Smith that he is gay. Blow me down with a feather.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 28, 2021 7:57 pm


Yes, though in the longer run it probably made little difference, as many of the ships involved, particularly Yamato, were sunk later. In Yamato’s case with very heavy loss of life.

November 28, 2021 7:59 pm

A significant percentage of those were killed when US submarines sank prison transports that the Japanese had not marked, notably the Montevideo Maru and the Rakuyo Maru.

As well as the Junyo Maru, sunk by a HMAS Tradewind off of Sumatra.

November 28, 2021 7:59 pm
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 28, 2021 8:00 pm

Report: The Fully Vaccinated Account for 81% of the COVID Deaths in the UK

We can probably all agree that the Grim Reaper generally takes the elderly and comorbid Covid sufferers and leaves the under-60’s largely unmolested.

In the UK, the 60+ cohort is 93-96% vaccinated, which obviously means the unvaccinated make up 4-7% of the significantly ‘at risk’.
And yet they score about 19% of the Covid deaths.

With the Wupox currently running at 1 million active cases in the UK, this seems a fairly reasonable reason for the elderly Brits to get/keep jabbed.

But, hey, I’m not a trusted blogger…

November 28, 2021 8:01 pm

Correction, that should read HMSM Tradewind.

November 28, 2021 8:05 pm

has anyone ever nailed Katie Hopkins

Sacré bleu – she is neither a preferred siren nor an English Rose.

This is an English Rose. 🙂

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 28, 2021 8:05 pm

living my life as if my head ain’t a complete sieve

Awesome! They’re really good, a ripper track. But next step is to go the full sieve…

My Brain Is Like a Sieve (1988)

Remarkable album, no dud songs on it at all. This is one of the B side level tracks, but turned up to 11 in the car with a good stereo is superb.

November 28, 2021 8:08 pm

Crossie – Heston is still one heck of a guy. Gave some spectacular dress downs of those who wanted to label all Special Forces as murderers. And does great work for vets.

November 28, 2021 8:15 pm

Rickw, if you’re around, the HQ V8 Belmont at this morning’s meet:


November 28, 2021 8:16 pm

Baba says:
November 28, 2021 at 6:11 pm
But I do gree with other Cats: family is everything. Disagree with them, laugh at them and even resent them… momentarily, but not enough to sever lifelong ties.
No. This is exactly the attitude that these psychopathic turds exploit.

That was my own experience. Some bridges need to be burned for our own sanity. That those left behind on the other side might be family just reinforces the fact that every arsehole is somebody’s family.

November 28, 2021 8:17 pm

English Rose #1 for me, Rabz, even if she had a strange concept of Slavic grandmothers.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 28, 2021 8:18 pm

Life can be a lot more rewarding and safe when you cut some family members loose.

Needs to be done in moderation. Too easy to look up and find there is no one left. Applies to friends also. Like everything, finding a balance is the key.

November 28, 2021 8:18 pm

Does anyone know someone with the first name of Heston who isn’t gay?

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
November 28, 2021 8:21 pm

Report: The Fully Vaccinated Account for 81% of the COVID Deaths in the UK

Because, as the report states, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective.
You idiots. Vaccination is meant to reduce deaths not to maintain proportionality.
Here is another excuse from the UK Health Security Agency: vaccination has been prioritised in individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease. Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-COVID-19 causes,
Lies, dammed lies, and Covid statistics.

November 28, 2021 8:21 pm

Bruce – it’s all about the constant burden of making sense, Squire. 🙂

November 28, 2021 8:21 pm

For people in the high risk group, rapid antigen tests are available now online and most pharmacies.

November 28, 2021 8:23 pm

NKP – Heaven for me is both of them, belting various tunes out.

Nothing like a bit of contrast, which is wonderful.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 28, 2021 8:27 pm

Sacré bleu

Katie Hopkins always reminds me of Janet English from Spiderbait.

She’s Awesome

(Might’ve changed the title slightly for accuracy…)

November 28, 2021 8:27 pm
November 28, 2021 8:28 pm

Yo! 🙂

November 28, 2021 8:29 pm

vaccination has been prioritised in individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease

What, like serving military members and children?

Btw – I spoke to a serving member at the rally in Adelaide yesterday – he said a number of them were refusing to undertake ‘policing’ duties like hotel quarantine security, and he knew of at least 6 soldiers at his base who had myocarditis after vaccination.

November 28, 2021 8:31 pm

For people in the high risk group, rapid antigen tests are available now online and most pharmacies.

except in SA where they are, of course banned (hint – govt needs to keep control of the testing process)

November 28, 2021 8:34 pm

New COVID-19 variants ‘inevitable’, says Perrottet

thank god we have politicians to keep us informed

Winston Smith's Keyboard.
November 28, 2021 8:36 pm

The Germans have owned up to their national crimes, made abject apologies, educated their children about their bestial activities, and paid compensation to the surviving victims.
Japan has airbrushed their behavior out of the histories, refuse to make apologies that are acceptable to their victims, do not educate their children of their actions, and refuse to even admit to the existence of Comfort Women, nor have they paid compensation to these poor girls – many of whom were shunned by their own societies.
To Hell with the Japanese.

November 28, 2021 8:39 pm

Ye prefigures himself as the lamb but also prophesises about himself.

November 28, 2021 8:40 pm

Regarding POW losses to friendly-fire submarine attacks, I ran across an interesting webpage discussing three such incidents involving Commonwealth troops in the North Africa campaign. Posting it here in hopes that it might be of interest to our military buffs.

The tragedy of the POWs killed at sea

As well as:

SS SCILLIN (November 14, 1942) Italian cargo/passenger ship en route from Tripoli to Sicily with about 815 Commonwealth prisoners-of-war on board, was torpedoed by the British submarine HMS Sahib 10 miles north of Cape Milazzo in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The Sahib rescued 27 POW’s from the water (26 British and one South African).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 28, 2021 8:42 pm

The Guitar

Marvelous! I had to look up Guy Clark. As a result I can offer this one by Johnny Cash, who sang a Guy Clark song and used it as the album title too.

Johnny Cash – The Last Gunfighter Ballad

Good stuff! There’s so much fine music on the Internet.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 28, 2021 8:50 pm

Yo! ?

She should do a duet with Brett Lee.

Ok, yes, I should go away and hide now.

November 28, 2021 8:51 pm

Rickw, if you’re around, the HQ V8 Belmont at this morning’s meet:

Nice! Thanks! Mine had the 202 and three on the tree. If you left the choke out you could just about sit there and watch the fuel gauge go down. I ran the coolant system to failure on that thing several times, all you ever needed to do was fix what broke and fill it up with coolant again.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 28, 2021 8:52 pm

He did his best, though he did miss an opportunity in late 1944 to add to the total.

And the world learned that no matter what you have in the water with you, you never, ever fuck around with USN Destroyer and Escort captains with their backs to the wall…

Drachinifel admirably covers the subject of the Battle of Samar and the (mis)adventures of Taffy-3 here:

November 28, 2021 8:52 pm

6 soldiers at his base who had myocarditis after vaccination.

One way to fix your enemies pool of able bodied men.

November 28, 2021 8:59 pm



Please close the polar warp gate after you.

November 28, 2021 9:00 pm

Nice! Thanks! Mine had the 202 and three on the tree. If you left the choke out you could just about sit there and watch the fuel gauge go down. I ran the coolant system to failure on that thing several times, all you ever needed to do was fix what broke and fill it up with coolant again.

LOL, sloppy gear shift hanging in 1st on occasion was a pain as well with the 3 on the tree. Angry beeps on Melbourne roads when you jumped out to re-centre the gear linkage in the steering column at the firewall all round. Older guys tended to just laugh at you, probably borne of bitter experience.

My stromy had an oversize power bypass jet, overtaking was good but I reckon I could see the fuel gauge move every time I executed it as well.

November 28, 2021 9:02 pm

They Know That We Know

Nov 28, 2021
Lotuseaters Dot Com
98.4K subscribers

Carl explains what the reaction to the Waukesha Massacre tells us about the left-wing movement in the United States.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 28, 2021 9:10 pm

rickw says:
November 28, 2021 at 8:52 pm
6 soldiers at his base who had myocarditis after vaccination.
One way to fix your enemies pool of able bodied men.

CCP destroying the West without firing a shot – between Biden & “COVID”, Western Civilisation is being destroyed. Still be plenty of the world left for Emperor Xi.

November 28, 2021 9:26 pm

Old kunt of the day…

Benjamin Louis Cardin (born October 5, 1943) is an American lawyer and politician serving as the senior United States senator from Maryland, a seat he has held since 2007. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously was the U.S. Representative for Maryland’s 3rd congressional district from 1987 to 2007. Cardin served as a member of the Maryland House of Delegates from 1967 to 1987 and as Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates from 1979 to 1987, the youngest person to hold the position in history. In his half-century career as an elected official, he has never lost an election.

Fuck off old kunts.

November 28, 2021 9:28 pm

congress really must smell of stale piss (or worse)

November 28, 2021 9:30 pm

Politicians Rule Australia, not Courts

Nov 28, 2021
30.3K subscribers
Public health and conflict of rights in Australia are considered ‘political questions’, not ‘legal questions’ for courts to decide.

This segment is from a full interview with Constitutional Law expert Dr Ben Saunders from Deakin University:

November 28, 2021 9:31 pm

Angry beeps on Melbourne roads when you jumped out to re-centre the gear linkage in the steering column at the firewall all round. Older guys tended to just laugh at you, probably borne of bitter experience.

that made me smile.
the olde XP falcon used to do that too.

driver’s side window was held up with a strategic screwdriver and the steering box was so shot that car was impossible to drive in a straight line

there was so much shit in the petrol tank that if you ran it low on fuel it would pick up silt and block the carby.

happened on the way to work as an apprentice at 06:30 one morning.
country road to the steel mill … some other mill workers picked us up

went back at the end of the work-day
never saw it again.

November 28, 2021 9:32 pm

For all those funny, mischievous and taut li’l Janeys creating havoc in Sydney yesterday – you are the best. 🙂

November 28, 2021 9:34 pm

What is the Religious Freedom legislation good for?

Streamed live on Nov 26, 2021
The Good Sauce
John Steenhoff is the director of the Human Rights Law Alliance and lead counsel on many court cases defending people suffering religious hostility in Australia. He joins Dave Pellowe to discuss the proposed legislation and what merits it has, if any. Would it have helped Israel Folau or Lyle Shelton, or will it protect a Christian photographer or baker declining to celebrate what God calls sin? What about Christian schools and other employers?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 28, 2021 9:34 pm

Indigenous deal to help safeguard culture
Paul Garvey
Senior Reporter

Indigenous groups from around the country will have a direct say in the reform of the nation’s cultural heritage protection systems under an agreement set to be signed by the federal government.

In the latest step taken by the government after last year’s ­destruction of the Juukan Gorge rock shelters by mining giant Rio Tinto, the government will announce on Monday a partnership with the First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance in which a ­majority-Indigenous working group will develop proposals to shape the reform of federal heritage laws.

It comes just a month after a federal parliamentary inquiry into the Juukan Gorge incident slammed state and federal cultural heritage legislation as inadequate and called for an overarching federal legislative framework that would bolster the protection of culturally significant sites.

Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt said the views of ­Indigenous Australians needed to be central to the overhaul of ­cultural heritage laws.

“Indigenous Australians should have the right to determine the heritage that is important to them, the ability to access applicable policies and laws to safeguard that heritage, and the choice of how they generate revenue on their land,” he said.

“As we look to modernise Indigenous protection, it is fundamentally important that we are working in partnership with Indigenous Australians and recognising the rights of traditional owners to manage their land and heritage as they deem fit.”

The alliance will be chaired by Kado Muir, the chairman of the National Native Title Council.

Mr Muir said he welcomed the opportunity for Indigenous Australians to partner in the design of the reforms.

“It is important that our cultural heritage places are recognised and protected on the basis of inherent cultural heritage values, and not as an element of land ­access and development approvals,” he said.

State and federal Indigenous cultural heritage legislation has been under intense scrutiny since Rio Tinto detonated the Juukan Gorge rock shelters in Western Australia’s Pilbara region in May last year.

Rio Tinto had the legal authority to blow up the caves under the controversial section 18 provision under Western Australia’s Aboriginal Heritage Act. Ash and animal bones had been recovered from the floor of the shelters as part of a salvage excavation before the blast, with testing of the ­material showing that the site had been occupied by humans as long as 46,000 years

November 28, 2021 9:36 pm
November 28, 2021 9:42 pm

The Gunfighter (Best Short Film Ever)

November 28, 2021 9:44 pm

Another great piece of research from TIK.

He says u-boats didn’t help the situation, but England almost starved because of other reasons.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 28, 2021 9:49 pm

Rabz, earlier and apropos of the fambalam:

I didn’t want to cut them loose. They placed me in a position that ensured no other choice.

If this is indeed the case – and not telling you what to do – it would then be time to burn those bridges, set fire to anything remaining above the waterline, and mine the approaches. Family can be pricks – even more so than the average punter, and sometimes because they either think or know they’ve got a free run due to ‘family’.

I get along really well with 75% of my family, who I regard as my mother, brother, sister and son. The outlier is the sister, a pompous insecure nursey who is one of those quintessential ‘health professionals’ that everyone’s rightly moaned about for the past couple of years.

Even then we get along all right until she opens her trap. She baits me. I shut her down. She fucks off. The End. Apparently she’s gotten fat too, which is more ammo for me should I need it.

95% of my cousins are dickheads I wouldn’t give the time of day to, and I have some very elderly aunts that wouldn’t recognise me now anyway. That’s it.

For me personally, I take zero notice of the ‘but family’ card. If people want to be dickheads, they can do it on their own. You make your own way, I reckon. Screw those guys (and girls).

In any event, there’s a precedent – half the royal families of Europe were related in one way or other over the last thousand years or more, and all they did was punch on with each other.

November 28, 2021 9:51 pm

Darkest Hour (2017), about Churchill’s self-doubts leading up to Dunkirk (1940), is the best historical movie I have seen for a decade. Even the lefty fact checkers like it. It was on 9 Gem this evening.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 28, 2021 9:53 pm

Watched the end of Darkest Hour, with Churchill giving his “Fight them on the beaches” speech. We have need of his kind, and what do we have? Scotty from Marketing!

November 28, 2021 9:54 pm

Vicki says:
November 28, 2021 at 8:08 pm
Crossie – Heston is still one heck of a guy. Gave some spectacular dress downs of those who wanted to label all Special Forces as murderers. And does great work for vets.

Vicki I agree, I just got surprised by the revelation.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 28, 2021 9:56 pm

Watched the end of Darkest Hour, with Churchill giving his “Fight them on the beaches” speech. We have need of his kind, and what do we have? Scotty from Marketing!

Could you imagine the likes of Churchill dealing the Greens?

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 28, 2021 9:57 pm

Then watched the end of Apollo 13, always an emotional moment. One of Tom Hanks’ better efforts.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 28, 2021 10:00 pm

Australian legend Keith Stackpole in The Hun, and on helmets:

One of the worst things to happen to cricket. I’m not sure I would wear one even if playing today. They encourage batsmen to take their eyes off the ball, hence far more are being hit. If you actually watch the ball, you will rarely, if ever, get hit.

Excellent observation, and 100% accurate.

November 28, 2021 10:01 pm

Delta A says:
November 28, 2021 at 4:41 pm

The only way one can know if their wedding guests have been vaccinated is to ask them. Perhaps it could go on the invitation under RSVP; Sorry to pry into you personal health issues, but have you been vaxxed?

How deplorable!

All depends where the reception is being held and if any authority happens to check on the numbers and vax status.
If the limit is broken and someone is not vaxed, there could be trouble.

Of course it’s deplorable

November 28, 2021 10:01 pm

Darkest Hour. Apart from the black bloke on the train, well, even Churchill being on a train … Magnificent.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 28, 2021 10:03 pm

Gary Oldman’s one of the most underrated actors going around.

Best by a street was the junkie cop in The Professional.

November 28, 2021 10:05 pm

Gary Oldman as Zorg was brilliant in The 5th Element
Also as an Elvis impersonator in ‘Guns Girls and Gambling’

November 28, 2021 10:08 pm

Matrix, LOL forgot the steering box issues I had towards the end. Driving down Heathcote rd in Liverpool on one of Sydney’s narrow roads made me realise she was shot. The old game kids do when pretending to drive by moving an imaginary steering wheel left and right comes to mind when I was keeping it centre of the lane.

November 28, 2021 10:13 pm

Yes, Jupes, as the American fact checkers concede, they just made up Churchill’s London Underground ride on his way to address parliament, where he delivered his “never surrrender” speech. But they liked it anyway it anyway because it so accurately described Churchill’a concurrence with the common Poms that surrendering to Hitler would have been abhorrent — the option tha appeasers in his cabinet like Chamberlain wanted.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 28, 2021 10:19 pm

Darkest Hour. Apart from the black bloke on the train, well, even Churchill being on a train … Magnificent

Apparently, the only time Churchill ever attempted to use public transport, he became hopelessly lost, and a search party dispatched…

November 28, 2021 10:25 pm

30.3K subscribers
Public health and conflict of rights in Australia are considered ‘political questions’, not ‘legal questions’ for courts to decide.

This segment is from a full interview with Constitutional Law expert Dr Ben Saunders from Deakin University:

Therein lies the difference with the US where human rights are constitutional rights and unless you’re a demorat remain inviolate.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 28, 2021 10:25 pm


Please close the polar warp gate after you.

Fine. 🙁

That reverse !pwoof noise it makes when it seals up makes me feel uncomfortable…

November 28, 2021 10:26 pm

Apparently Pfizer have already announced a new vaccine for the unicorn variant that will be ready in 100 days…
Must be a great business model for them, I wish it were legal for the average person to exploit the world in such a way!

Cassie of Sydney
November 28, 2021 10:27 pm

Uploaded on the New Culture Forum overnight (one of my favourite Youtube channels), here’s Peter Whittle talking to one of my favourite writers and journalists, Julie Burchill. Julie talks about her new book “Why I Loathe The Woke: Puritanical Joyless Snobs Who Despise the Working Class”

It’s great listening and she’s 100% right about the fascist progressive and very middle class woke and as always she’s very funny.

Burchill was sacked from the English Telegraph six months ago when she suggested, on Twitter, a name for the Sussex’s new sprog……Georgina Floydina. Still makes me laugh!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 28, 2021 10:28 pm

November 28, 2021 at 10:19 pm
Mark Dolan: The Omicron variant has all the makings of an omni-con and an omnishambles

Take heart, Zip.

The Internet’s Memetic Warfare Teams have already got well inside the panic merchants’ OODA loops…

comment image

November 28, 2021 10:29 pm
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 28, 2021 10:30 pm

Must be a great business model for them, I wish it were legal for the average person to exploit the world in such a way!

Well, there are ways.

Except that you need a damn good lawyer who knows their Trust Fund and Proprietary Limited Company law backwards.

So I guess the bar for entry is a little on the high side… 🙁

November 28, 2021 10:35 pm

One of the Japanese failures at Pearl Harbor was missing the US carriers.

Given the carrier’s were not there, the Japs could have caused the equivalent damage to the US fleet by hitting the fast fleet oilers and instead of sinking the same ships over and over, putting a few torpedos into the drydock gates and bombing the dock infrastructure.

November 28, 2021 10:36 pm

I am the Son and the heir …
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar …
I am the son and heir of nothing in particular

Johnny Marr -the antithesis of a dinobore, even though it could be alleged that he might be.

This is rock ‘n’ roll, peoples. 🙂

November 28, 2021 10:45 pm

I wish it were legal for the average person to exploit the world in such a way

I recommend getting credentialed in anything ‘Sustainable Energy’

November 28, 2021 10:46 pm

Robert F Kennedy Jnr should be enticed here on a lecture/ speaking gig.
It would be impossible to dismiss him as just another conspiracy theorist.

November 28, 2021 10:56 pm

Still No 1 – a Siren, on this Earth. 🙂

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 28, 2021 10:56 pm

Given the carrier’s were not there, the Japs could have caused the equivalent damage to the US fleet by hitting the fast fleet oilers and instead of sinking the same ships over and over, putting a few torpedos into the drydock gates and bombing the dock infrastructure

And we are thus grateful that, be it by the demands of the mitary timetable, or intelligence indicating a USN counter-attack incoming, the IJN never hung around to carry out any follow-up strikes on the critical aviation and maritime infrastructure.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 28, 2021 10:57 pm

Gerard Henderson’s book on the George Pell pile-on exposes journalism’s mob mentality Chris Mitchell

Cardinal George Pell, pictured in 2020. Gerard Henderson’s new book is a detailed but rollicking read that does question why some journalists failed to test the claims of their sources before publishing them. Picture: Victor Sokolowicz

An hour ago November 28, 2021
1 Comment

The release last Wednesday of a book about the media pursuit of Cardinal George Pell, and an earlier decision by The Washington Post to re-edit slabs of its own reporting about Donald Trump and Russia, highlight the need for journalists to reflect on how they are being used by their own sources.

The Post probably helped restore some lost credibility after special counsel John Durham on November 4 charged Igor Danchenko with lying to the FBI over the now notorious Christopher Steele dossier. The Steele material was used by the FBI, the Democrats and the media to build the Russian collusion case against Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign.

This column had outed links between the dossier and the Democrats, but ABC’s Four Corners went on to run a three-part special on the subject in June 2018, grandly called The Story of the Century.

Four Corners has never corrected the record. Nor has it admitted one of its main sources, former Barack Obama security chief James Clapper, had already told a secret congressional hearing he had seen no credible evidence against Trump even before he told Four Corners reporter Sarah Ferguson the opposite.

The Pell story holds similar lessons for the ABC and Guardian Australia, where journalists Louise Milligan (ABC) and David Marr (Guardian) led the anti-Pell pile-on. Media Watch host Paul Barry cautioned last Monday, correctly, that journalists were being used by the police to name potential suspects in the William Tyrrell investigation, many of whom had later been ruled out.

It’s a point Barry has not made about the ABC’s coverage of allegations against Pell and Trump. Yet in the US, journalists led by independent reporters Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald have made exactly that criticism about fake intelligence fed to Democrats-leaning journalists.

Gerard Henderson’s new book – Cardinal Pell, the Media Pile-on & Collective Guilt – is a detailed but rollicking read that does question why some journalists failed to test the claims of their sources before publishing them. Nor does it miss the judges and reporters who could not see what should have been clear to anyone who carefully examined charges that Pell ­molested two altar boys in the sacristy at St Patrick’s Cathedral after Sunday mass in November 1996.

The book also focuses on flaws in the findings of the Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Henderson implies, correctly in my view, that the commission fed into an anti-Catholic frenzy.

The commission claimed 62 per cent of sexual assaults in religious schools happened at Catholic institutions but could not say if this was an over-representation. At the time being examined, the Catholic system probably educated up to 80 per cent of all children at religious schools. The ABC misreported the claim several times, suggesting 62 per cent of all institutional abuse – rather than abuse in religious schools – was in the Catholic system.

Henderson criticises commission chair Justice Peter McClellan, once a sceptic of royal commissions that might “cause considerable harm to persons unfairly trapped in a blaze of sensationalist publicity”. Justice McClellan had also written on “the fallibility of memory”.

Henderson asks why the commission, police and many journalists refer to complainants as “victims” or “survivors” when that is for courts to decide. Have changes in policing in Victoria ­created an assumption of guilt in child abuse cases?

This is an important consideration. Some of the allegations against Pell in Milligan’s 2017 book Cardinal concern events many decades old, when Pell was a young man. Identity and memory must have been issues. Yet Milligan reports alleged contemporaneous conversations in direct speech.

Some of Milligan’s reports concern alleged offending in public places, such as in a swimming pool in broad daylight. In the St Patrick’s case – and in most of the other matters dropped at committal – there was no evidence of grooming.

One charge Pell was tried on concerned an alleged assault in the cathedral proper, in front of potentially hundreds of witnesses, all of whom saw nothing.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 28, 2021 11:18 pm

the IJN never hung around to carry out any follow-up strikes on the critical aviation and maritime infrastructure.

Admiral Chester Nimitz claimed that a “Third strike” would have delayed the United States counter offensive by a year, and added two years to the whole war.

November 28, 2021 11:23 pm

The 5th Element

LOL – Pol Dot’s favourite hero livin’ large ina true Epic.

November 28, 2021 11:24 pm

Julie talks about her new book “Why I Loathe The Woke: Puritanical Joyless Snobs Who Despise the Working Class”

thanks Cassie

November 28, 2021 11:39 pm

Puritanical Joyless Snobs Who Despise the Working Class

If you were of the “working class” you’d know that this is business as usual.

The working class nowadays (as always) are doing the real work. They’re happy about it and the morons they’re doing the work for don’t even realise the former exist.

This ‘orrible inner city bugman class that has mysteriously emerged out of nowhere* needs to be sprayed. With a powerful insecticide. Before they end up enslaving us all.

*Nowhere being about the last 100 years.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 28, 2021 11:40 pm

This segment is from a full interview with Constitutional Law expert Dr Ben Saunders from Deakin University:

There are few people I would pay less heed to than an academic lawyer.

November 29, 2021 12:51 am

dover0beach says:
November 29, 2021 at 12:41 am

No words.

Stupid ppl do stupid things. Sometimes they pay the price for it, and sometimes the rest of us do.

November 29, 2021 7:32 am

Nurses walk away in droves.

Guess which reason doesn’t get mentioned.

November 29, 2021 7:40 am

This thread is expired.

That thread is pired.

November 29, 2021 9:16 am

I don’t watch Swedish or Australian movies or series – woke propaganda is not entertaining, and I can’t afford a new TV.
But, the Superior Half started watching ‘Rex Anger – With One Eye Open”, and I fell for it; dramatic , complex, well produced and zero woke.
I can’t imagine how it survived the Swedish censors, it lacks all of the mandated content prescriptions:
The bosses are not all knowing soul mother assertive women struggling with a staff of buffoon males;
There is no brave struggling single mum with a deadbeat husband making her life impossible;
There are no victims of male instinctive racism; in fact, criminally, the word racism never arises;
Not one character bats for the other team and there are no c…’s in frocks;
The only illegal immigrants are Russians and they get shot at;
The baddy is not an ex-Swedish special forces soldier suffering PTSD as a result of his two week tour handing out lollies to kids in Kabul.
It’s a good show worth a look despite SBS’s apalling production failings.

John A
John A
November 29, 2021 5:51 pm

Farmer Gez says: November 28, 2021 at 11:50 am

I’ve looked at the vision of the protest but can’t see myself. My legs appear at the back of the big Aussie flag that Rukshan walked under.

Well FG, I was at the other end of that flag, front left just aft of the corner bloke. Had two church colleagues (gracious ladies) behind me.

November 30, 2021 7:48 am

Biden’s Government Vaccine Mandate Just Took a Major Blow

Shock, horror. Is the rule of law making a comeback (at least in America)?

November 30, 2021 7:49 am
November 30, 2021 7:54 am
November 30, 2021 1:34 pm

Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought

Great work!

These fuckers need to be made to realise what they’re playing with.

Nuremberg 2.0 is inevitable!

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x