“Why are we made to be bouncers?”

Here’s something unexpected: Dymocks hires security after jump in assaults on staff over COVID rules

A popular bookshop in Melbourne’s CBD has been forced to hire security guards to guard its main entrance after employees were attacked by customers refusing to follow Victoria’s COVID-19 rules, with one worker being pushed down an escalator.

Pretty gruesome story, but perhaps a lesson here about what really matters to those who have been kept in lockdown. Why are liquor stores open to the public generally  but not book stores? You can’t even go to the library unless you are vaxxed. As one of the co-owners of Dymocks is quoted as saying:

There was a big divide between essential services and non-essential retail when it came to enforcing the restrictions, with authorities putting less of an onus on essential businesses to follow the rules.

“We are booksellers, we are not security guards. Why are we made to be bouncers?” Mrs Traverso said.

“It’s one week into this mandate. People are just not able to cope with it. They are just sick of it. We are nearing 92 per cent fully vaccinated. Enough is enough. Just give up those stupid mandates.”

Of course, the supposed rebound in the economy does not quite tell the story since business costs to monitor who comes in and who does not may look like an increase in economic activity to a statistician but it’s not in any way an improvement in our living standards.

Johannes Leak Commentary Cartoon for 02-12-2021

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December 2, 2021 12:30 pm

It’s about compliance, nothing more.

December 2, 2021 12:31 pm

Well said, that lady.

December 2, 2021 1:09 pm

Cut people off, then cut off a means to cope with that bastardry.

What could possibly go wrong.
I myself will be ecstatic when we finally spiral back to the 18th century.

The actions of the state so far have made me go from a generally supporter of laws and norms to a person happy to see those smashed.

We are ruled by ruthless scum, spivs and chancers.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 2, 2021 1:56 pm

I regret that I could only give you one like. Spot on.

December 2, 2021 2:22 pm

It is indeed, pointless, stupid bastardry.
It imposes additional costs only on businesses that were forced to shut for months and months under lockdown.
People can waltz in and out of Aldi several times a day, and they often sell books and many other ‘non essentials’.
There is no risk reduction and no science in forcing non-essential businesses to police this government nonsense.
I have a short list of cafes restaurants that don’t bother me with compliance checks and show a screen shot of a vaccine passport at two other places I occasionally visit (but don’t qr code for).
Yet apparently Dictator Dan is polling well.

December 2, 2021 2:25 pm

Those that hid Anne Frank were criminals, those that arrested her and dragged her to the gulags were just doing their job. Is just doing your job an acceptable excuse?

December 2, 2021 3:04 pm

Yet apparently Dictator Dan is polling well.

The polls are bullshit Rosie.

December 2, 2021 4:06 pm

On the subject of being made to be bouncers … here’s a heads-up I found for admins:
High Court in Voller [2021] HCA 27 confirms by 5:2 majority:
• all people and organisations that maintain their own websites and social media pages, including non-media companies, not for profits and government bodies; and
• all websites and social media pages, not just Facebook;
Are liable for publication of defamatory material.
A number of major Law firms went crazy: See eg Gilbert& Tobin and HWL Ebsworth
I would particularly draw your attention to paragraphs [30] and [32] of the judgement:

[30] … any act of participation in the communication of defamatory matter to a third party is sufficient to make a defendant a publisher.
[32] … a person who has been instrumental in, or contributes to any extent to, the publication of defamatory matter is a publisher. All that is required is a voluntary act of participation in its communication.

December 2, 2021 4:56 pm

Of course, the supposed rebound in the economy does not quite tell the story since business costs to monitor who comes in and who does not may look like an increase in economic activity to a statistician but it’s not in any way an improvement in our living standards.

The idea that the real economy has “shrugged off” Kung Flu is a fantasy invented by Labor-Greens urgers in this morning’s Australian.

The real economy is being strangled by government border shutdowns and restrictions on the movement of citizens. It doesn’t, for example, include the fact that the Labor governments of WA and Queensland have destroyed 90% of the Australian domestic tourism industry, throwing hundreds of thousands of people out of work.

The only Australian boom industry is ballooning government debt, which is saddling Australians with tens of thousands of dollars in future tax liabilities per household.

December 2, 2021 5:02 pm

The polls may or may not be bullshit, Rosie.

December 2, 2021 5:25 pm

The only Australian boom industry is ballooning government debt, which is saddling Australians with tens of thousands of dollars in future tax liabilities per household.

Malice in Blunderland.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 2, 2021 10:43 pm

The acquiest have bent over to their political masters. Now they realise they’ve been fed a shit sandwich and they don’t like it.
Cry me a river.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 2, 2021 10:44 pm

Begone spellchecker. Back to whatever dark pit you came from.

December 3, 2021 9:24 am

December 2, 2021 at 4:06 pm
On the subject of being made to be bouncers … here’s a heads-up I found for admins:

The danger in this is that if (for example) you wish to shut down a site like this, then – under these rules – all you need to do is to post something deemed false / misleading / incorrect and it’s left up (coz free speech) the courts will back suing the site into oblivion.

We have seen a myriad of “fact checks” confirming something false etc that has later been shown true. I’d bet that these fact checks will be exhibit A’s when the ruling is made!!! [And and another question … who will be doing the ruling?]

December 3, 2021 10:22 am

Rorschach says:
December 3, 2021 at 9:24 am

Yes, absolutely correct.

December 3, 2021 3:13 pm

” Why are liquor stores open to the public generally but not book stores?”

More pertinent question is:
Why were hairdressers closed, but brothels were not.

December 3, 2021 3:20 pm

A store I went to last week who had a dedicated door person checking certificates last week wasn’t bothering at all this week.

  1. b) there will be a change of government in a few months to the SFLs who are much more MAGA-aligned…

  2. I’ve never seen anything like it. I can’t imagine any human alive today has seen anything like it.  It is…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x