One of Trump’s senior advisors warned him not to appoint ACB to SCOTUS.
One of Trump’s senior advisors warned him not to appoint ACB to SCOTUS.
Yikes! I can do whole fish, but not an entire school looking at me!
And buggery. Ask Lawrence of Arabia.
Have you heard of Rheimetall, Saab, and the like? They could certainly could service their requirements.
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Happy solstice one and all.
The “voice” will be written into the Constitution, which means it will have to be passed by a referendum.
Stand by for an advertising campaign, featuring all the old lies and discredited bullshit. “Our indigenous brothers and sisters weren’t counted in the census/ weren’t Australian citizens/ didn’t have the vote until 1967 – put things right, and give them a voice now…
Invoking the mass society wide conspiracy that creates the concept of “santa” for children, in service to the mass society wide conspiracy to lie to society’s other children – the grown up ones.
Leave the children alone!
Someone ask Palawhatever which vaccine Santa has had.
There’s a birthday cake moment right there.
The Liberals are going the way of legislation because they know a referendum would be contentious and could be lost.
Rex – Now there is a fun business idea. Wooden trainsets with Li-ion powered locomotives. The batteries these days are sufficiently powerful you could get a fair bit of time on the rails in a battery-powered model train locomotive. Add a USB socket to charge it and you have a nice ecofriendly Christmas 2022 toy to sell the progressives and their kids.
Well, well, well.
I’m beginning to think there is something in the vvaxx that makes people stupid and compliant.
Rambler, a few years ago I read an article that raged about fluoride in the water being put there to make the people docile and compliant. The writer stated that the Nazis used it to make their people easier to manipulate. At the time, I was so annoyed with this blogger whom I had previously enjoyed reading, that I erased the bookmark and have never looked at that blog again.
Now, I am wondering if she were actually onto something. Same idea, different delivery system.
missed that.
do you need anything Arks?
Doing Good work.
My Gran used to set wasp traps in her garden during the Summer to keep us kids from being stung.
An empty milk bottle with a teaspoon of jam swirled around with a cup of water. Set out in the sun, half an hour later the bottle would have half a dozen of the horrible bastards, stupidly trapped and buzzing angrily, or stickily drowning.
Heaven forbid that the people should have a say on legislation that effects them!
Yesterday was even notabler! Never again will there be an event like it.
(From Steven Hayward’s TGIP which has lots of fun graphs this week.)
I didn’t get to plant those solstice lilies either. Too hot. Will do it today.
aren’t as important to the MSM as tornadoes in Kentucky
Same day a tornado hit an Amazon warehouse in Illinois killing six workers.
Amazon workers who have to check in the their phones before they are allowed to work.
Meaning if you were stuck under a pile of rubble & alive, you didn’t have your phone on you to call anyone.
Compare the coverage of that to the sneering coverage of Kentucky.
Read the replies to Anastasia’s cringe christmas tweet.
I noted yesterday it’s definitely a thing now that covid karens have become a mob and are turning on and attacking their foolish creators for not being ideologically pure enough.
Some of the highest liked tweets:
Lynch mob! Lynch mob! Lynch mob!
We’re all good thanks.
Happened over 5 weeks ago.
Immediate situation dealt with.
I’d be a bit pissed if I was actually sick and stuck in a line with a thousand others just wanting to tick a box so they can have Christmas dinner with the family.
The government remains somewhat cautious.
Perhaps they’ve got a more reliable pollster than Mr. Leibler.
H B Bearsays:
December 22, 2021 at 10:13 am
The poorer they are, the less they favour the Democrats.
So WHO did vote for him?
The dead. No cost of living issues in the grave.
Sad news: Geoffrey Luck, a wonderful bloke and journo to the end, passed away in the night. The only people pleased about this will be the ABC, which the national broadcaster’s former European correspondent showered with a sad contempt for the depths it continues to plumb.
Angry Christmas Karens. I don’t like the sound of that.
We need WW3 or similar to get the sheep to hyperventilate over something else.
And paying for temporary accomodation on a daily basis after the house fire. Can’t work, no vaccine.
Have I missed something? What is this about?
According to the WaPo, Manchin presented the WH with an offer that included the vast majority of the Buil Back Better Bill’s provisions but Biden – or whoever it is who makes his decisions – rejected it.
Well played!
Luck certainly wrote some great (and measured) sprays on the ALPBC for Quadrant. A reminder of how far it has fallen.
Three holes in the ground.
I thought OK the Doherty modelling might be like climate modelling – hyped and three or five times worse than the worsest real world case.
Whoa did I underestimate just a little or what? Try this for running around in hysterical circles screeching woe!, woe!:
Leaked modelling predicting 200,000 daily COVID cases labelled ‘highly misleading’ by CMO and ‘completely unlikely’ by the PM (Sky News, 22 Dec)
Two hundred thousand cases a day? Holy hyperbole Batman! That’s enough to give everyone in Australia the sniffles in four months. Better buy up boxes of tissues now before there’s a shortage.
A society that’s fanatically obsessed with disease is certainly not healthy. – Zuby.
Bloody hell! There are some seriously unhinged people out there!
And they not only get to vote, but have to at least turn up at the polling station to have their name ticked off. They’ll make sure they use their vote, to “make sure their voice is heard” or some such nonsense. These are the crazy women (and they seem to be mostly women) who will vote for the likes of the new cabal of “Voice Of” candidates. No wonder the country is in trouble.
House fire. Five weeks ago. Everything fine now.
Mentioned it once on here while drunk late at night a couple of week ago. Bit stressful at the time. Upside is that people have been beautiful.
Good friend now temporary custodian of Model A.
Neighbours fleeing to Sydney in Jan and letting us move in there.
Up side of adversity is you find out who is who and what is what.
All is good.
Insurance companies evil.
200,000 a day would definitely ensure heard immunity.
But a slightly slimmer heard.
Beginning? I thought you were brighter than that.
Arky, that’s terrible news.
I hope no-one was injured and that your little girl is not too traumatised at the loss of her home.
I can’t believe that anyone would be so heartless to use this in any way against you. It would damn their character forever in the eyes of decent Cats.
Sincere best wishes for a brighter new year for you and your family.
As I’ve posted many times, 2009-2014 the British Medical Journal and Cochrane played a pivotal role in uncovering the unbelievable scam that was Tamiflu (chick-soup in a pill) and the corruption of the WHO, FDA and european regulatory agencies and their links to pharma companies during the 2009 Swine Flu “pandemic” that enabled that whole thing to happen.
The contempt and anger that these groups and pharma industry has for them after the total fisking they gave the public health apparatus and its unbelievable corruption during that time was palpable.
So this time around instead of letting that happen again, Facebook and co have simply “fact checked” BMJ and shadow banned Cochrane . And so effectively deplatformed them.
And dumbo dumbies will still literally run around saying “all the science says so!” and people who try to post links to highly reputable journals and scientific review organisations get “fact check” and “you can’t do that errors” and a completely manufactured narrative is created.
Vale Geoffrey Luck.
December 22, 2021 at 11:12 am
Well, well, well.
Well, well, well, the (one way) Conversation benefited with some millions.
Yes, all good. Nothing now worth talking about.
Sorry for being slightly withdrawn on here, protecting myself.
Will note however, my comments policy predated fire, so anyone butt hurt about getting deleted on one of my threads should know it was intentional and I’d do it again.
Two are not connected.
If anything I have been more nicer to people on here since.
Arks – sorry to hear about the fire and the subsequent struggles with bloody insurers, if that’s any consolation.
Something else for the little bully snots to grind away at.
from someone who scolds people like this
I know we’re supposed to extend an olive branch to the idiots who took the vaccines.
But if you’re standing back with stupid look on your face trying to find justifications for your previous silly decision while they line five year olds up for this, please wake the hell up.
Your stupid jobs aren’t worth this.
Good to hear, Arky.
Unfortunately the claims handling recommendations from the Banking RC don’t come into effect until next year. But you’d think they’d have their processes in place by now. Document everything!
How many bloody times can you hit the point of your elbow!
Three times in a week and now it’s swollen and that looks weird.
There’s got to be a law that dictates the times you damage a body part you don’t normally injure.
Christmas Disaster Bingo:
1. Islamic terror attack on Carols by Candlelight.
Because people who sing in public should be punished.
I will tell you this, a lot of people lost homes due to storms around here a couple of months ago.
They are all forced to apply alongside dozens of others for very limited supplies of rentals at rising prices, and bidding wars.
Those unvaccinated are really in a bind.
We’ve been incredibly lucky and well looked after by friends and even complete strangers.
There are some great people out there.
December 22, 2021 at 11:39 am
Have I missed something? What is this about?
House fire. Five weeks ago. Everything fine now.
Mentioned it once on here while drunk late at night a couple of week ago. Bit stressful at the time. Upside is that people have been beautiful.
Good friend now temporary custodian of Model A.
Neighbours fleeing to Sydney in Jan and letting us move in there.
Up side of adversity is you find out who is who and what is what.
All is good.
Insurance companies evil.
Thanks Arky, sorry to hear about this. Good to hear that you are receiving plenty of support.
I just spent about 10 minutes sitting outside my local cafe watching the world go by. Downtown Hobart. Current indoor mask directive but NOT outdoors. 26 active cases in the state, all in iso.
By my count 90% of people wearing masks outdoors. They really are afraid and we really are rooted as a society.
Delta Asays:
December 22, 2021 at 11:42 am
Arky, that’s terrible news.
I hope no-one was injured and that your little girl is not too traumatised at the loss of her home.
Something else for the little bully snots to grind away at.
I can’t believe that anyone would be so heartless to use this in any way against you. It would damn their character forever in the eyes of decent Cats.
Go back over the last few weeks, and look at some of the comments directed towards Arky, even though Dover made a guarded reference to Arky having some problems.
Who leaked it.
What is that persons name? What position do they sit in? What personal benefit did they receive from doing that? Why does nobody care that ‘public health’ is fully of political intrigue, high secrecy, leaks and back channel operating that makes diplomats look like open and frank icons of probity in comparison?
December 22, 2021 at 11:42 am
As I’ve posted many times, 2009-2014 the British Medical Journal and Cochrane played a pivotal role in uncovering the unbelievable scam that was Tamiflu (chick-soup in a pill) and the corruption of the WHO, FDA and european regulatory agencies and their links to pharma companies during the 2009 Swine Flu “pandemic” that enabled that whole thing to happen.
The contempt and anger that these groups and pharma industry has for them after the total fisking they gave the public health apparatus and its unbelievable corruption during that time was palpable.
Big Pharma and Big Tech are arseholes.
Speaking of which…
FDA Reportedly Set to Authorize Pfizer, Merck COVID-19 Pills This Week (Newsmax, 21 Dec)
The Merck one works by inserting a wrong nucleotide into the RNA thereby stuffing up protein production. There might be a few other RNA sequences in a human body which are stuff-uppable I suspect. The wiki says “Molnupiravir inhibits viral reproduction by promoting widespread mutations in the replication of viral RNA by RNA-directed RNA polymerase.” Nothing like the smell of a few mutations in the morning.
The Pfizer one is widely known as Pfizermectin because it’s a protease inhibitor, like the-drug-which-shall-not-be-named. I suspect the price charged will be slightly higher than that of horse paste though. On balance I think I’d take the Pfizer effort, so long as my bank account doesn’t suffer too-serious side effects.
Dan & the Feds have worked out a solution for that.
You’re getting c. 100 000 new Australians down there next year.
The thinking is that mass immigration will stimulate growth which means revenue which can be used to address the infrastructure bottleneck that the last wave of mass immigration produced.
If only we had a voice to parliament. Constitutionally enshrined, even.
I am not surprised since the BMJ has had some very good articles lately sceptical of Branch Covidian alarmism.
Bruce of Newcastle:
We’ve been telling them this for nearly a year now, why don’t they listen?
…what we need is the TGA before Parliament. Why Pfizer was approved and alternatives like Sputnik, Novavax and Covaxin have not or will not be needs to be exposed.
Herd immunity.
Not heard immunity.
I really should stop googling Amber Heard.
Sorry to hear about that Arky. Good luck in all things financial/work/repairs in the New Year.
This could set Ed off BoN.
The Merck one works by inserting a wrong nucleotide into the RNA thereby stuffing up protein production.
Phosphates at a biological level and we all know GYPSUM is a by-product of phosphate fertiliser production.
You left out incompetence.
The Doherty Institute’s modelling has been proven wrong time and again, which means they are operating with false assumptions – GIGO. Thankfully, the government seems to have stopped listening to them.
I think you’ve made the shortlist for ‘Biggest Internet Understatement for 2021’ there, Arky.
But as you said, it is good to know who your friends are… 🙂
You mean, my dandruff could solve Australia’s plasterboard shortages?! 😀
She’ll shit in the bed and blame you for it…
Excellent level of mask non compliance on Melbourne public transport today.
It’s vital.
Gypsum is the Illuminati of minerals.
Let’s not forget Astra Zeneca, whose CEO Pascal Soriot is Sydney based with ties to government figures. Now, they may have all had good intentions, but why did we go so strongly for AZ early on?
You had a house fire that required you move out?
That’s shit for Christmas.
Any injuries?
You didn’t lose the Leetle Girls Christmas prezzies, did you?
And replaced them with which bunch of equally hopeless catastrophists?
One of the last of the proper journos at their ABC.
Great thread on the front page, Arky.
Once again it proves that people here have a high expectation of broad cultural and political change yet can’t sway the mongs in their own families and friends on one critical point.
The fight starts at home.
So, if a vaccinated Aboriginal who was stolen as a child is walking along the footpath, do we have to get off and genuflect as they go past?
Will they get state subsidised smokes and beer?
We need to know this stuff – wouldn’t want to offend, you know.
These academics are going to be so cancelled it isn’t funny.
Early humans hunted the largest available animals to extinction for 1.5 million years (21 Dec)
Humans ate the megafauna?! Say it ain’t so! It was supposed to be dastardly climate change that did them all in, not innocent first people types. Fortunately the researchers all seem to be Israelis, who are fairly used to being treated like heretics.
It’s a silly argument. ‘Vaccines work’ because his past experience with whooping cough. This is as sensible as arguing that the ‘war works’ re Afghanistan because WW2.
Seemingly not, going by what Morrison said this morning, which was dismissive of the fear mongerers. He’s had a couple of medical heavyweights in his corner too, Professor Peter Collignon & Dr. Nick Coatsworth have both criticised the Doherty figures in very blunt terms, with Collingnon saying he wouldn’t even trust them on the benefits of mask wearing.
Sorry to hear it Arky.
As usual I’m not tuned in as well as I should be.
Most folks of good standing don’t advertise their adversity. The BiL lost his brand new hay shed with two thousand bales of hay two weeks ago. We found out over three days later from someone else.
No injuries.
Firies we’re great, saved the joint. Unliveable though.
Going to start stripping out the kitchen back to the wall studs in the new year. Currently doing a few hours every day clean up outside, spent the last few days lifting and scrubbing pavers.
Hundreds of pavers.
I see pavers in my sleep now.
Yep. The instinct is to clam up while the brain processes the shit you have gotten in.
But I’m fundamentally a blabberer.
So if the first injection of Fauci Water (PBUH) didn’t work,
and the second injection of Fauci Water (PBUH) didn’t work,
and the third injection of Fauci Water (PBUH) didn’t work,
then why do they think the fourth injection of Fauci Water (PBUH) will work?…
Whoa up, Delta.
I don’t think anyone was doing anything of the sort.
I gave a “WTF?” because it was the first I heard about it.
Apparently it was mentioned a few weeks back in passing and I understand Dover made some oblique reference to it, but not everyone reads every comment on every thread.
I made a lame joke about dodgy Christmas lights which was only intended to lighten things up a bit.
I get it that Arky, as he says, might be a bit sensitive in the circumstances.
But probably best to direct that at the insurers.
The upside is, he will probably get a builder quicker via insurance than if it was a regular reno.
I am also reminded of a hilarious running gag from a certain Sci-Fi comic about genetic re-engineering.
She’ll be right.
But next, they’ll have to define what the heck they mean by “voice to parliament.”
First Peoples are careful stewards of the environment,
not remorseless predators who don’t know the meaning of extinction.
Doc Faustus:
Saw a similar device in a pub just the other day.
Plastic cordial bottle cut in half and bit of beer poured into the base. Put the top half upside down into the base as a funnel.
Flies get in.
Flies get pissed.
Flies get drownded.
Bottle goes in the bin at the end of the day.
Rinse and repeat.
It has no legislative weight.
But it is the hook that an activist judiciary will hang everything on.
Hehe, just had a look at the Oz, first time for a while.
Therein I see this article:
Troy Bramston’s political must-reads for 2022 (Paywalled)
It’s got an image of his fave 8 books of the year, so I opened the image to take a look.
ROFLMAO! My sides hurt.
Arky- that must be hell. A fire in the home must be like a big subconscious fear rising up to hit you in the face- I hope you’re all genuinely OK.
Bad thing about timber houses is, they can burn. Good thing is, you can Lego them apart a bit and remake, which could be a bit of fun if you’ve got time, funds, and materials.
Best of luck, Arky.
Who is gray connolly and why do hundred year old boomer grandmas keep linking to the fat retard?
His twitter feed is establishment conservacorp mediocrity defined.
Actually, to ask is to answer right.
Also I recall notafan linking to him calling anyone who didn’t vaccinated and was against mandates ‘traitors’ and linking them to WW1 objectors…you know, all those Australian catholics who smashed the state attempt at forcing them.
Disappointing Twostix.
You’ve gone nearly a week without resorting to “boomer”.
And suddenly we get a relapse.
Oh well, keep trying.
Seriously, though.
Christmas tree lights are a serious hazard.
Turn them off well before you go to bed so the heat dissipates.
WW1 and WW2 worked because of sound and coherent strategy and will from all the Allied leadership involved.
The tactics slowly got better, the more the US fought and weeded out the unsuitable ORs, NCOs and officers from its armed forces.
Same in Korea.
The reverse was true of Vietnam, where strategic uncertainty, dithering and reluctance from the White House and Pentagon down to actually prosecute the war they eventually shook up the entire society.
Panama, Nicaragua in the late 80s, 1991 in the Gulf and Haiti saw a reversal of this paradigm, only for it to return with a vengeance in Mogadishu and the Balkans.
And we copped a vicious repeat in 2001 Afghanistan and 2003 Iraq, where the subsequent occupations and counter-insurgencies were bogged down and prevented from even a timely withdrawal by a complicated mix of misdirected professional pride, wokism, nigh-on treasonous leftwits in all levels of authority (including the Presidency) and good old institutional inertia.
Had the US and Allies dared to fire the unsuitable and promote up the capable AND had the temerity to pick a strategy and stick to it, the last 20 years would have gone very differently. The ‘Surge’ and ‘Sunni Awakening’ in 2007-08 and the subsequent strategic changes might well have been the pattern for the entire conflict…
Extensive close-up research into a variety of maps of Tasmania?
From one interview with the big brained mind of “gray connolly” who can’t figure out why people don’t want to get vaccinated with vaccines that don’t do shit for us:
What a mess!
“Well, I mean, I’m first generation Australian”….ooooooooh. Now I get it.
A couple of people have told that a common one now is these rechargeable tools that have replaced the 240v ones.
People leave them on overnight, overcharge them, voila.
I was thinking about this the other day with reference to Grenada (1983) and Barbados (2021). I wonder when the first Chinese or Russian base gets authorized?
Sancho, that comment was not directed at anyone in particular. It should have had a big IF in it: knowing the situation, IF anyone tried to make mileage out of it, then they are scumbags.
I realize that and I’m sure Arky does, too. It was funny: classic LL.
I think everyone is a tad tetchy after two difficult years. It’s easy to misinterpret written comments. Now, more than ever, we need our waggish Cats to keep us smiling.
The European Federation for tourist and heritage railways had a sobering article on the matter- Effectively 3 mines provide most of the UK and Europe’s heritage steam railways with fuel- One in Wales (Which is set to close in 2022, and the envirofascist lobby in the UK is campaigning jlhard to male sure it never reopens), one in Poland (all output diverted to domestic power and heating for the winter due to the current gas crisis- Thanks, Vlad!) and one in Siberia (Entire production from November/December 21 thru May 2022 already purchased by China).
And that is just one (albeit very public and deceptively productive) microcosm of their economy…
The article sort of figleafs it all by saying there is plenty of oil about, and at worst there are biofuel (i.e. woodchip) imports available.
However, both require very large volumes of each fuel (especially wood due to its higher moisture content and lower energy density), and considerable and expensive infrastructure and firebox engineering changes to be able to reliably burn it.
Yeah, I left my cordless drill battery on in the shed for a couple of days recently.
I now use a timer plug to turn it off after a two hours, which is plenty to get it to full ergs.
Can’t be too careful.
Had a mate experience exactly that, with a set of Ryobi-compatible Chinese knockoff batteries.
Had them charging, smelt something burning, then a loud ‘pop.’ He found the swollen cells, whipped them off the charger and out into a breezeway. And shortly afterwards they started to explode violently.
Yeah, Rex.
A bit of spitzen-sparken and two litres of mower fuel in a plastic container with a bit of debris laying around and away she goes.
It doesn’t need legislative weight, and the abundant activist judiciary won’t need to lift a finger.
The ABC and their cohorts will simply run the line that the “voice” wants/disagrees (strike out which is not applicable), run the normal campaign of attrition, and eventually whatever tossers rule (chosen deliberately) us will just give in because it’s easier.
In other words, no change, really.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, but pleased to hear that they are slightly in the past… well, some of them.
If I can help…
Sometimes I reflect that we Aussies are very much like the frog in the gradually heating water. Things have become so oppressive over this two year period, that in many ways we have lost sight of the degree to which we have lost our freedom….and our way.
Bret Weinstein & his wife Heather Heyering, have an Australian filmmaker friend, Mike Mayna, who has written a very moving précis of his Melbourne experience during lockdown, his escape to Western Australia, & his most recent decision to leave Australia entirely. It is a salient reminder of just how outrageous the assumption of complete government control has been.
But Leigh Lowe! Even Gray Connolly himself doesn’t like boomers. Sorry I’m just keeping up with the conservacorp Jones’s.
Sorry – typo – Weinsteins’ friend’s name is Mike Nayna.
stix – given statements like the one above, are you sure connolly’s twatter account isn’t a pisstake?
You can help me drink some beer in the new year.
the lunacy continues
The gender gap in computer science is hurting U.S. businesses
Probably right.
But even when it isn’t written into law, the judiciary will use “the voice” to decide “the intent” of the legislation.
Maybe that is what the politicians want.
The US model.
Write vague laws which invite challenge, knowing that an activist judiciary will lean left, leaving the legislators with plausible deniability that it was never the intent of their legislation (even though they left the door wide open).
In this I have little skill, but can bring to bear vast enthusiasm.
Charlie Manson and “Dr” Timothy Leary were greatest generation. Shows you can’t generalise.
Humans ate the megafauna?! Say it ain’t so!
Only white humans.
They made long distance hunting raids to Asia, Africa, the Americas and Australia and exterminated the megafauna that the non-white prehistoric humans were nurturing sustainably.
Unvaccinated in NSW could foot the bill for their COVID medical expenses:
Speaking of frankenvaxes- I have a lot of respect for those who have refused it but I expect equal respect for those who have been bullied and blackmailed into accepting this assault upon the private person. Scolding people whose personal and financial circumstances are unknown is not cricket.
Anthony Fauci Says Unvaxxed Relatives Not Worthy Enough to Attend Family Christmas Gatherings
December 21, 2021 | Sundance
KD, we sell our pups online. I would recommend anyone doing this talk to the breeder, request pics or videos of the pups the month or two following birth so you get a sense of them developing in the custody of the breeder. Only ever give a deposit prior to pickup. Follow their social media and look at their customer reviews. Also good to get vet info of the dog and their microchip info; if they’re dodgy they’ll be umming and arghing about that.
QLD covid update:
447 active cases
Of 79 people being treated in hospital only one is experiencing COVID symptoms.
I can only presume the other 78 are being monitored because they have other serious health problems.
Tomorrow QLD reaches its magical 90% vaccination rate.
Premier responds by expanding the mask mandate from Thursday.
Are the heavens trying to tell me something?
Now released from mandate bondage, I had much anticipated lunch at cafe/restaurant in local town. Superbly cooked battered flathead, followed by (yes, I know I was asking for trouble) orange almond cake with clotted cream – with excellent glass (only one) of Chardonnay.
Boy, was I crook all afternoon. Too rich for my pandemic deprived gastrointestinal apparatus.
Quite so miltonf.
When it is all said and done, it should be a personal choice … either way.
I simply don’t buy this line that the vaxxed increase the pressure on the unvaxxed.
Fuck, once it got to 60%, do you think they were going to say, “Shit! Milton and Sancho are holding out. We’ll have to give it all up now”.
This was going to be pushed through irrespective of whether the holdouts were 20%, 10% or 2%.
Lay the blame where it is deserved.
And that is not elitist “pureblood” snipes at the vaxxed.
It is not only wrong, but it burns a potential source of support.
Yeah well I got bullied and blackmailed in getting it and I am very very pissed off about it.
This is the thing. at the risk of repeating myself, if you have dentist bills, mortgage repayments, mouths to feed etc etc- you didn’t really have any choice at all. Dole money’s not going to pay your mortgage.
Hate to break it to you, Vicki, but our freedoms were always in the hands of politicians and the judiciary to give or take away, which means they are not our freedoms at all.
That’s the result of having an ill-conceived Federation, a Constitution not fit for purpose and no Bill of Rights along with politicians unwilling to address those matters even when they had a majority in both Houses of parliament because they were too jealous of their power.
a simple solution to the indian ivermectin is to order the same from 2 completely different sources. ivermectin has a very distinct taste, slightly medicinal almost sweet. you can just lick the tablets. both sources should obviously have the same taste.
That’s the result of having an ill-conceived Federation, a Constitution not fit for purpose and no Bill of Rights along with politicians unwilling to address those matters even when they had a majority in both Houses of parliament because they were too jealous of their power.
Yes I’m afraid you are right. I thinks it’s been building up to this putsch by the elites for quite some time. It doesn’t seem to be any better in the US though which has surprised me. The congress there is a sick joke- what a corrupt stew of geriatric crooks.
Ran across this the other day, presented without comment. An interview with Charles Manson’s (Alleged) Son-Matt.
And also check as to whether the breeder is registered with the applicable Association/Club.
I kind of made the decision on a balance of probabilities.
I wasn’t happy that the poor security at the Flu Manchu Lab put me in that position.
I have still only had one jab and am hoping for Novavax to come through due to the reaction to the first one.
In a perverse kind of way, though, the second one isn’t a shot in the dark.
As my specialist says, “Forget all the reaction stats for the general population. We know what your risk factors are and it is manageable if monitored properly.”
Yes, but because they have less party discipline their democracy actually functions more robustly than ours does, even if it seems to lurch from one crisis to another. States can also compete with each other much more than here.
Oh.. I guess if you bludgeon your kids to death with a hammer and have the right genes, you’re ok.
Perth mother who killed daughters in failed murder-suicide found not guilty of murder
(not sure how she was going to suicide with the hammer.. but there you go).
‘cos hey,
but if its a dad.. white ribbon the bastard!
Isn’t that transphobic?
Can the trans sue for the suggestion that Macron is one of them?
So very sorry to hear about the house fire, Arky. Hope that it gets sorted out quick stix. I’ve been waiting a year for repairs to a downstairs room that flooded in November 2019. Insurance companies always make you wait. Must be staffed by retired bus drivers.
Still serving cold cuts.
Adem Somyurek MP (@AdemSomyurek) Tweeted:
Michael Donovan is a freak show – a real tyrant on a par with Andrews and an integral part of Dan’s swamp. After initially holding back, I have revised the details in my book that deal with Donovan – he is something special. https://t.co/jpaIeJ2yPE
Too many knots of mutual offence and confusion for me, Arky.
Popcorn and beer, on the other hand…
I think the tactic is to wear you down emotionally and financially until you accept a lowball cash out offer.
Or so I’m told.
We’ll see. Did your lot make you a cash offer?
Go over your policies if you have not done so lately.
Take a look at how much replacement value might really be under current circumstances of supply chains and reluctant builders.
Also go through and tick all the extra stuff you thought didn’t matter before.
they’ll have to define what the heck they mean by “voice to parliament”
And what if that voice says shove your vaccines up your arse?
QLD literally linked reaching an 80% vaccination rate to banning unvaccinated people from society.
Dan’s swamp
Contemplate just how foul Dan’s swamp must be.
It’s bloody hard work. I paved the courtyard out back earlier in the year. Sourced about a 160 free second-hand pavers, cleaned luckily, about 15x30cm each, but had to pick them up (took about 3 trips), put them in the car, and back out of the car and pile them in the front yard until ready to switch to backyard for placement. Then you have to dig a 25cm deep hole around 2.4×4.8m. Then you have to bring the road base (3/4 tonne) dumped on your driveway around back and place evenly in hole, then the paving sand, then pavers again, and then more sand to fill-in the space between the pavers. I think I was sore in the elbows and shoulder for the next two weeks, but damn, that first drink on the pavers was satisfying. If paving was your day job you’d develop a fine set of guns but you’d have hell to pay in those joints by 50.
December 22, 2021 at 1:47 pm
Anthony Fauci Says Unvaxxed Relatives Not Worthy Enough to Attend Family Christmas Gatherings
December 21, 2021 | Sundance
Tell the fascist that there is a German phrase for what he says. Something (pardon my poor German) like Leben unser leben (Life unworthy of life).
Looks like my Gray link was a big hit 🙂
Whooping cough is another vaccine that wanes in efficacy, though not as quickly, could be because whooping cough is caused by a bacterium not a constantly mutating virus.
I can’t believe Morrison is arguing that we got to 90+% vaxx rates irrespective of the mandates.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
I did that.
Our place is solid brick.
Not just the outer walls.
Every internal wall is solid brick/stone.
Ornate plaster work everywhere.
Doors of solid timber with mahogany veneer.
I came up with a replacement cost with the help of a builder.
Yuuuuuge number.
Insurance website bing-bonged me.
“Too high for your suburb”.
I eventually insured it via a broker.
I even queried the builder and he said, “The external brickwork and rendering would take forever to replace. Another example. Those doors. 28 of them including cupboards and robes. I reckon $2000 minimum per door to make them. There’s $50-$60k straight away. If you could get them made”.
His other piece of advice was photograph everything like that which is high end.
Second meeting of the baby cousins this morning. This time Miss Queensland took the initiative and took Master Victoria down in an enthusiastic full body hug.
No injuries reported.
And thanks for reminding me in these days of older ivf mothers how often people we meet when I’m out with my grandson, assume I am mum, not grandma.
Rather awkward.
I can’t believe Morrison is arguing that we got to 90+% vaxx rates irrespective of the mandates.
There are few people in Australia dumber than Scumo.
The point is building costs way more than you think.
A fair to good kitchen with half decent appliances?
$20k to $40k depending in finish.
$10k absolute bare bones for a tiny one, $20k for something pretty nice.
The doors were an excellent example.
Yes, I knew they are high quality, but it is only when you sit down and calculate it out that you get the sticker shock.
My builder mate said that, even if you can’t get them replicated, at least you have a bargaining chip to replace them with something of equivalent value (eg solid timber joinery made doors with a mirror finish gloss paint job, rather than 3-ply and cardboard filler).
And the radio advised me that Victoria’s covid commander is asking people who are not showing symptoms to get (expensive) rapid antigen tests and stay away from covid testing stations.
As usual these massive queues were entirely predictable when the Queensland premier made a 72 hour pcr test post getting your qld permit so stop whining Jereon.
Other tips when you are looking for insurance.
1. Say you think the rebuild will cost $800k.
Put in $1,000,000 and the premium won’t be a lot higher. Certainly not 25% higher.
2. Always insure building and contents with the same insurer. Prevents demarcation disputes (is carpet contents? Or building?)
3. Allow for demolition costs.
How about all those people who voted for him?
Melbourne Public Transport: Poor mask compliance and mask chin wearing continues!
Yes, but because they have less party discipline their democracy actually functions more robustly than ours does, even if it seems to lurch from one crisis to another.
Should we put up with the inconvenience of primary elections to wrest control of preselections away from the bugpeople?
There are few people in Australia dumber than Scumo.
How about all those people who voted for him?
Well, yes, but the alternative was Peanut Head.
He would have been better than the Scum.
Factional infighting would have kept things under control.
Just change things so that corruption in politics is prosecuted with capital penalties.
Looking at the last half dozen …
The US model.
Write vague laws which invite challenge, knowing that an activist judiciary will lean left, leaving the legislators with plausible deniability that it was never the intent of their legislation (even though they left the door wide open).
US laws are similar to the off label usage of their approved drugs.
And that’s a feature of their laws, not a bug (as the Cathedral would see it).
“Oh whoever could have predicted that would have happened”
Only everyone that the deep state was calling a conspiracy theorist & deplatforming before the the law was passed.
If only we had a national body to coordinate these things better.
You know…a cabinet of all state leaders headed by the PM.
Should the vaxxinated in NSW foot the bill for their vaxxine injury medical expenses?
Coal miners disagreed.
Their mindset was summed up by one as, “Morrison might want to attack our conditions but Shorten wants to take our jobs.”
That Billy also threatened the rights of religious folk didn’t play well in some key suburban electorates.
Unvaccinated in NSW could foot the bill for their COVID medical expenses:
Too bad this isn’t being used as the opportunity it is.
Where is a politician or candidate talking about letting Australians self preclude themselves from certain treatments & the associated costs involved.
Having watched the new “Resident Evil” last night, the vvaxxened should pay for the self damage and the zombie rampage damage as well.
Who would be stupid enough to get enjabbenated with a vvaxx from Umbrella Corporation?
What platform Rambler?
I didn’t know there was a new one coming.
And that was a QLD CFMMEU member.
Whatever he may think of his chances of another shot, Shorten is electoral poison in QLD.
Anyone familiar with Step One?
The fat man undies company?
After listing a couple of months ago, today they announce a nasty GST issue that “they are working through with the ATO”.
Code for “Oh fuck!”.
I would not want to be their accountants or auditors.
And we still got one.
You have got to be shitting me.
Rookie error by the sounds of it.
Were they edible undies classified as fresh food for GST?
I have made the decision. I have cancelled my plans to fly to Sydney to see the kids on boxing day.
Horrible decision, but I am simply not prepared to play the lunatic hag’s game.
I’m not going to queue for a day and then beg the QLD fascists for permission to return to my own home.
There is also the risk of actually having passed within 10 miles of someone with a sniffle and having to spend weeks locked up at inflated expense.
You can FO Fat Barbie.
Talk about getting strong doing paving.
Never pick a fight with the following.
Paving stone layers
Those who deliver and stack firewood
Brickies labourers
What other jobs can be added to the list?
I was thinking of making a case for a Bill of Rights.
Then I read the replies above…
These idiots would put the unvaccinated (and in 3 months time themselves, if they didn’t get another dose) into Concentration Camps.
Cmfeu Victoria are running ‘gender equality in the building industry’ ads on the radio.
Didn’t hear any gender equality ads from the teachers union though.
Perhaps job swaps might work.
That’s a shame.
Their undies are quite decent.
Setka thinks it might be easier to sell out and stand over female unionists than male ones?
Sounds kinda true to form for him…
At 4 pm the number of cars queuing at the covid testing station was zero.
It is going to be interesting to see how quickly all those tests can be completed.
At this time of year 72 hours might be a little dicey.
How about starting with gender equality in the VIC CFMEU hierarchy?
You know, leading from the front.
all good. Scott sees the problem
Goodness…two Myles boys on the executive too! Father & son?
What a happy little club we’ve got there.
Would be a shame to see it broken up with a little…affirmative action.
Joe appears to be a top bloke
Biggles is it expensive to insure the A340?
Bummie run’s back!
I hope they are skidmark resistant.
ASX:STP took a 35% hit today.
Only listed a couple of months ago.
I would say the fuck up goes back to before listing.
Anyone who bought into the float (or more recently) is going to be ringing their lawyer tomorrow.
Hahahahaha, maybe they can do the same with Hunter.
White House shakeup: Biden to get new German shepherd and cat as current dog gets rehomed (21 Dec)
As for the new cat he should start a Twitter feed as soon as possible.
It may be worthwhile perusing this.
Better have a look before they come for the kiddies.
Save the children.
Link not loading for me, but a search reveals he’s certainly got a bit of form.
WA announces mandatory COVID booster shots for some workers, extends hard border across country
It’s a scientific consensus!
Time to quote Richard Feynman again:
‘Science is based on the belief that the experts are wrong.’
I looked up The Cochrane Library and a couple of things jumped out:
1. They covered the Tamiflu.
2. They found no studies of adequate quality about the use of Ivermectin in WZV.
3. They are shadow banned by Twitter/Facebook?
Their statement about inadequate quality of studies so far seems legit.
I couldn’t find a Facebook page.
A large British study has been held up by lack of Ivermectin – a drug that is available world wide.
It certainly looks like they are onto something again, but are being silenced.
Why the YT algorithm decided this might be of interest, I don’t know.
But now I am.
What about the obese and the host of medical issues they get. After all, they chose to be fat fucks.
This will be a slippery slope for sure. Plus builds an even better case to leave this shithole permanently.
Potato farmers
Pro line fishermen
Belief, not evidence. Interesting choice of words by Feynman because he was an expert.
“It’s a scientific consensus.”
We wait for your expert opinion…
Something about falsifiable hypotheses please.
I think we are seeing the full blossoming of what has been until been merely an incidental phenomenon.
Semi-Fractal Retard.
An initial retard event (You have to get the vaccine) branches off a new retard event (Santa is vaccinated) which branches off a new retard event (I don’t want that fat fuck near my unvaxxed kids), and so on.
I say semi-fractal because the branches are not duplicates of the branches from which they arose, but they are reiterations of the same logic.
prolly take more than two of youse to do a job properly … just sayin’
The Queen’s corgis don’t bite visitors, they just take a leak on them.
Back in the days of manual woolpresses, you never fought the woolpresser or one of the presshands….
Tim Pool outlines the developing case the demorats are preparing against Trump to either stop him running in 24 or put him in jail. Pool says Trump is a bad person who does good things and is therefore better then biden. Pool is a leftie and reverts to that brain defect all lefties have: