Crypto will bring Trump down. The next impeachment cycle, after mid terms, will be over crypto.
Crypto will bring Trump down. The next impeachment cycle, after mid terms, will be over crypto.
Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Merry Christmas!!!
Best wishes to all Cats.
As Tiny Tim once said: “God bless us, every one.”
ie, I’m a Magus. Bags Balthazar.
Merrrrrrry Christmas one and all.
Merry Christmas, all.
Arky, imagine this. A second hand Barry Crump book, USD120 plus postage!
I did love that book. Maybe I should buy myself a Christmas present.
Merry Christmas everyone. I’ll be on BBQ duty tomorrow and the obligatory mass will be in there somewhere. Enjoy your days.
Just helped set kids jungle gym toys. FMD, 2 mechanically minded men and rubbish instructions. Was like the instruction sheet of old all with chinese script but in English and with few diagrams but no info whatsoever. 3/4 of the book was safety info. Not only that the quality for I found out the price paid was woeful.
Jingle bells,
Batman smells,
Robin flew away.
Wonder Woman,
Lost here bosom,
Flying TAA!
Merry Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas Everyone.. I still have 13 days to go..
Merry Christmas, Cats!
I have no idea why I’m still awake, maybe just enjoying listening to the gentle rain on the iron roof.
Merry Christmas to all the Cats.
I’m glad that this corner of the internet managed to survive 2021.
My thanks to all involved.
Lucky bloody you!
It’s still cooling down in Sandgroperstan’s McGowantown, only to return to 40+ as soon as the sun comes up again around 04oo.
Still, I picked up a shunt shift today and my Boxing Day turn got canned, so I don’t work again until Tuesday. Opa!
Merry Christmas to all.
(Today being the 24th- It’s only 2330 in Sandgroperstan, still…)
China has a sinking feeling.
I have always wondered about this because of the absence of military aircraft. What is the point of all that work and expense if fighter aircraft can’t be stationed on the islands?
Many thanks to the Blog Host, contributors and posters on this excellent blog.
To all Cats and Kittehs, have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends, and a healthy, happy and freer 2022.
Merry Christmas, Vats. Mark Knight.
Cats, even. D’oh.
Peter Broelman.
Graeme Bandeira.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Henry Payne.
Steve Kelley.
Gary Varvel.
Merry Christmas from the warm and humid Mid North Coast of NSW. I hope you all have an enjoyable day whatever you are doing, let’s hope that all this crap is gone for next Christmas.
Over a year since the 2020 election and the evidence is still being uncovered despite earnest attempts to stop audits taking place.
Pennsylvania: Court rules against Democrats, Voting Machines will be inspected – Fulton County.
Of course in other places there has been evidence of machines being illegally and pre-emptively wiped!
Dr. Malone ramps up the warnings about vaccinating children.
Just don’t do it!
Merry Christmas to the Cattish diaspora!
– Hosea 6:2
The latest Rasmussen poll reveals (as others have done) that a majority of American voters believe that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election.
John Hinderaker at Powerline.
Apart from the world going crazy and disintegrating before our eyes,
Have yourselves a merry little Christmas, gals and guys.
Merry Christmas
It’s a beautiful day! Love the painting, too.
Not just an Adoration of the Shepherds, but if you look closely, it’s also an Adoration of the Chooks!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Meat loaf
Brown bread
Ginger beer
Gravy stock powder
Extra chocolates for unexpected visitors
Dang. Forgot to get these yesterday.
The last straw.
I warn that bloke every year. We are good enough to leave you three bickies and a couple of strawberries, I say. Have some goddamn decorum and stop leaving crumbs and shit all over the place when you’re done, I say.
But no.
He’s traded off the goodwill of adults and his popularity of children long enough. I’m staying up next year, and will have a suitable – chat – with the fat manners-free slob.
Happy Christmas to everyone.
*with children*
Mad as hell. Mad enough for typos.
A very merry Christmas to the all the Cats no matter where in this big wide world you might be spending the day. May you be merry and bright and ready for a better year in 2022.
For unto us a Son is born.
You tricker, Dot.
Merry Christmas everyone.
The eschatology of the Nativity and the folklore and traditions of Christmas are fascinating. Especially from the perspective of Christ being beyond time (eternal Christmas) and who witnessed the birth of Christ and why.
From what I have been reading, the baubles on trees are representations of the fruits on the tree of paradise or citrus that represented the gold coins St Nick used to pay off a man’s debts so his children would not be sold off into prostitution (which seemed to be a real thing he did and not just folklore).
That story in itself is an allegory of salvation.
The Brits and Irish used to put faeries on trees to remind the Fey folk not to be sad, for Christ will come for them as well. This makes you wonder why elves got mixed in with St Nick!
The Kriskringle tradition is fascinating. Imagine walking around with a paper crown laden with candles!
That harkens (back or forward) to Jesus at the temple as a child.
The Twelve days of Christmas was originally a memory game for children but recuscsants used it to teach the catechism. Then we have the lights in the windows being representative of accepting to he holy family in need – also another recusant way of covertly communicating.
Your doggo is Santa?
Speaking of miracles, anyone heard of the Loreto Sisters Staircase? Fascinating story .
Oooops… new fred..
Buon Natale a tutti i Gatti e le Gattine.
Family staying in town this Christmas for the first time ever. And the Christmas day service will be online.
Ain’t COVID marvellous!
Still, the weather in the Nation’s Capital looks suitable for a BBQ this evening.
Merry Christmas one and all.
Merry Christmas Cats. Special thanks to Tom for the cartoons each and every morning. I start most days with a giggle or a rant. Much appreciated.
A Merry Xmas to you all !
Christmas greetings to all Cats and Kittehs, and I hope Santa left something good under the tree for you.
Special thanks to Dover for hosting this site.
I assume you’re not paying yourself by the hour. 🙂
Christmas is one of my favourite days of the year – a fantastic family feasting day. I am so lucky that Christmas hasn’t featured family arguments or conflicts for decades and today I’ll be meeting new arrivals to the brood – nephews and nieces attending our family Christmas for the first time.
But I’ll also be thinking of the hospitality businesses in Queensland trying to deal with a state government determined to destroy them. First it was the insane border closures; now it is the new Covid rules, which are forcing many hospitality staff offline and unable to work.
That’s if you have a tourism industry at all. Since he rebirthed demagogic separatism in WA, Mark McClown has spent two years telling the rest of Australia they’re not welcome in the West.
WA should have a tourism industry rivalling the one Queensland used to have before Kung Flu, but resort towns like Broome and Monkey Mia are being crippled by government xenophobia.
McClown thinks he doesn’t need tourism when he’d pocketing billions in mining royalties courtesy of the opportunists digging stuff out of the ground for the state’s biggest export customer, the Chinese Communist Party.
Merry Xmas to everyone who makes this a haven of sense and sanity.
This Will Really Ruin Anthony Fauci’s Xmas
RFK Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci was the No. 1 non-fiction seller on Amazon this week. This is a quick summary of the content, which is jaw dropping in itself.
This is how much they really care about “safety”.
UK Does Not Advise “Vaccines” for 5-11 Year Olds, While the US Starts to MANDATE Them
Ben Shapiro: We Can’t Stop COVID – Here’s the Dark Reason Democrats Keep Trying
Media Says No Shame In Breakthrough COVID After Guilting The Unvaxxed For Months
Media Says No Shame In Breakthrough COVID After Guilting The Unvaxxed For Months
The government is not your God
? ??????????! To all the glorious peoples at the Cat.
I wish us all a day of joy, peace and unexpected Xmas miracles.
Okay, this site doesn’t like Cyrillic.
Merry Xmas to youse* all.
* Not a construction I use often as it offends my grammatical senses but I’m feeling the love today.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Joni Mitchell’s River. Not a new song and not quite a Christmas song, but now released with a new video.
Merry Christmas to all on and reading the New Cat. Many thanks too dover for hosting this haven.
I hope you all have as wonderful a day as I will be.
Merry Christmas to one and all.
Et Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis !
Tom. I reckon Jamie Kah won’t ride a winner today.
Director General Of W.H.O. Says The Quiet Part out Loud, Boosters Used To Kill Children? [VIDEO]
He’s saying it’s better to focus on the elderly. Clear as a bell he says
A rare instance of TheirABC doing something worthwhile – some gorgeous displays of Christmas lights around the world here.
Merry Christmas to one and all!
The flood of information on what is really happening doesn’t seem to have slowed for the holiday season. Perhaps next year it will reach critical mass. One can only hope.
Feliz Navidad para usted y su familia y cualquier ganado que no esté teniendo para el almuerzo.
Ouch! 43C today in Perth — which means that summer will finally arrive in the east next weekend, according to the BOM forecast. Enjoy your Christmas barbies, WA Cats, before you retreat to the aircon.
Indeed it is, BBS.
Sanchez, please no Mexican here.
This is how much they really care about “safety”.
UK Does Not Advise “Vaccines” for 5-11 Year Olds, While the US Starts to MANDATE Them
The very young sacrificing their lives for the oldies in the US. Would it have anything to with the age of the folks in charge of the US?.
I see what you did there, Dopey.
But, yeah, she’s on only one odds-on favourite tomorrow at the Caulfield goat track, so there’s no guarantee she’ll be back in the winner’s circle.
I sense the world’s best chick jockey is concentrating at the moment on bringing new customers into the tent, which often means riding roughies.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year everyone.
Thank you Dover for this site, and thanks too to this sites writers; Mater, Cassie, Peter Smith, Steve Kates and that grouch Arky.
Happy Christmas, you wonderful Cats.
Thanks for that, Doverlord, and thank you for this wonderful website — especially important on the birthday of the son of our creator as satanic evil lurks all around us.
Occasions like today often highlight – at least in our own perception – what we don’t have, or what we have that doesn’t work. For the remainder of the year, we are probably busy enough with the minutiae of life to distract ourselves, or at least temporarily pause that hyper-critical, unproductively analytical part of our brain that consistently repeats the mantra ‘everyone can see your eyebrows aren’t level.’ But then that effort we exert to manage the self-doubts, all catches up to us on such days as this.
For anyone reading who has dreaded today, who for whatever reason is not able to partake in the stereotype – I wish I had helpful advice for you. There is only one thing I know with any certainty, and even that has taken me decades to learn: You are not alone.
I realise that is not overly helpful, but from personal experience, I’ve found that the thought – not based on any measurable evidence – that I’m the only one on the planet who is struggling, tends to be a multiplier for the other, more personal self-doubts.
I had intended writing: “Humans are not machines,” until I realised that machines frequently break down; parts wear out; the design was faulty or not as efficient as it could have been. Aiming to replicate the supposed reliability of a machine is impractical.
Humans are beautifully IMPERFECT.
YOU are not a mistake.
I hope I haven’t lowered the tone too much, but I wanted to acknowledge that sometimes luck, experience, or skill, doesn’t go our way, and life doesn’t proceed the way we had hoped it would.
A handful of years ago, I started life again. With very little. I still have that ‘very little’ but in the long-term, it was a wise decision.
You are NOT alone.
Do the best you can. It will be enough.
YOU are enough.
Still sweet after all these years….
Was supposed to link to The Adoration of the Magpie 🙂
Ouch! 43C today in Perth
Tom, I’m not sure the reality will match the hype but rest assured the MSM will be screaming a big figure from the rooftops.
It’s Australia, it gets hot, people!
Thanks for another year of toons.
Fair Shake says:
December 25, 2021 at 9:22 am
No they are just being sacrificed. Jabs don’t prevent transmission or death. Nothing will “save” those who do not deserve to be saved.
Wise words, Muddy.
To quote from Hawkwind’s Spirit of the Age which I linked a few days ago:
We hear a lot about how Christmas makes some people very unhappy (or unhappier) because it brings about reflection. Reflection can be good, but if it keeps leading you to a place where you hate yourself, that is not true reflection. It is a destructive thought pattern masquerading as reflection.
Quite a few Cats and Kittehs are oddballs in one way or another, and that’s what makes the place so interesting. As Hawkwind said – rejoice in your uniqueness, and consider every weakness something special of your own!
Saw this yesterday.
Vanden Bossche is looking at circumstances the right way. Omicron should be thought of as a live-attenuated vaccine. All jabbing should cease immediately. Give it a couple of months, no more sars-cov2, no more variants thereof.
“Over a year since the 2020 election and the evidence is still being uncovered ”
Democrats are STILL claiming it was the most secure election ever.
I’ve been outside getting some commendations!
Northern magpie family’s two kids hate each other and fight furiously if one gets too close to the other which happens often if they’re hungry and I’m dispensing. They bounce around my feet squawking and pecking and flapping in great tanties. It’s entertaining. Quite like humans siblings!
Oh and here’s the one you wanted to link, Oaf, since my link worked ok.
The Adoration of the Magpie
Having been sent to the outhouse by the Phage editor for going off the lefty reservation it’s the least I can do to throw Leunig a linky.
Bing Crosby & David Bowie – “The Little Drummer Boy (Peace On Earth)”
Merry Christmas.
If you believe in miracles check out the ICU vaccination status for Victoria.
Miraculous adjustments and then no more.
Sorry if this has been posted before – no time to scroll back.
Quite a few Cats and Kittehs are oddballs in one way or another
Wait! What?!?
I thought we’d all straightened out since the last site?…
Likewise most interesting. Recent studies out of South Africa, Denmark and the UK suggest omicron’s relatively dramatic benefit to health systems.
Merry Christmas to everyone and their families.
Not me. I’m perfectly normal. Except when I’m not.
Speaking of “normal”, when did it become normal to trumpet one’s vaxx status in a Christmas catch-up message? Had one this morning and definitely left of field (or maybe not, they’re determined lefties). Had me wondering if I should enquire after their HIV status since they were so forthcoming about private medical matters.
Weirdness stalks the season, Cats.
It’s a wonderful way to put it. I once read something about human made things vs the same made by machine.
and it’s always remained with me.
Oh dear.
Always be careful about question the intellectual capacity of others who think differently to you, Steve.
“Vaccines” they aren’t. Prophylactics, and extremely expensive ones, they might be. Just because the definition was deliberately changed to suit the times doesn’t make it so.
Next time roof reed.
The dead tree Australian was quite strong in its commentators yesterday against the continuing idiocy of lockdowns etc.
Worm turning?
Handing out of Christmas presents. Adults, teenagers and slightly younger in the crew.
Nanna opens present. Large scented candle.
BIL: ‘Is that from Gwyneth?’
Nanna: ‘Who?’
Heir to empire: ‘Ahahahaha -‘
Swift backhand to heir’s ribs ensued as BIL’s commentary sailed overhead.
It’s the little things that make Christmas.
Merry Christmas
I acknowledge and pay respect to the actions, sacrifice, wisdom, traditions, mistakes and curiosity of our ancestors. Their collective efforts over centuries helped evolve our western civilisation, giving birth to the liberal society that makes this site possible.
Merry Christmas.
Everyday foods such as coffee, meat and spices could become luxury items due to global climate impacts and changing tastes.
He paid $US30 for a drawing. It could be a Renaissance work worth millions
Last week, a panel of experts at the British Museum in London delivered a stunning answer: The artwork, titled The Virgin and Child With a Flower on a Grassy Bench, was an undiscovered drawing by Albrecht Dürer, a renowned German artist born in 1471.
Mak Siccarsays:
December 25, 2021 at 10:30 am
Where was commentary like this 12 month ago. Belated but welcome anyway. I’ll say it again for all the good it will do but Chant needs to be removed (Sideways or sacked) and the cohort of white anters with her. Similar with all senior health practitioners in the country.
A relative who is just back from Europe mentioned about this subject that maybe the health authorities over there know better when the subject of Australia’s response came up. Keep in mind some of central Europe haven’t been very good either.
Merry Christmas all again, beers cracked lunch is being cooked!
Looks like BOM are trying to whip up some more fear porn, Invest off Darwin unlikely to make TC status despite favourable conditions being too close to land and giving the top end a well deserved drink.
an undiscovered drawing by Albrecht Dürer
Must get injections.
Must eat bugs.
Must kowtow.
Air flow key to ensuring black soldier fly larvae thrive as a sustainable food source (Phys.org, 13 Dec)
Black maggots. Yum!
Black maggots. Yum!
I’m sure your feathered friends would think so, BoN.
Merry Christmas to all!
Journalists evidently not strong on math (or much else).
Despite QLD CHO advising on case numbers doubling every day (do the math! he said) they breathlessly report “record broken” with 765 new cases.
Nobody in ICU.
Shut up and eat your gruel, peasant.
Merry Christmas to all.
Especially to dover, with thanks for hosting this august site.
And Tom for his daily collations.
Nearly time for the opening of the prawns.
Nature’s little pre wrapped gifts.
Thanks for that piece from Waterson Mak. I particularly liked the bit below – and we now have masks for all indoor situations again due to Kerry Chant the unenchanting. What happened to Dom’s backbone?
I won’t question masks’ efficacy, save to quote Colin Axon, a scientist who advises the British government’s SAGE committee on airborne transmission of the virus. He calls them “comfort blankets”, explaining that medical experts, with their “cartoonish” view of how particles travel, are “unable to comprehend” just how minuscule the virus is. “A Covid particle is roughly 100 nanometres,” he says.
“Material gaps in blue surgical masks”, although invisible to the naked eye, “are up to 1000 times that size; cloth-mask gaps can be 500,000 times that size”.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has some good, old-fashioned Liberal backbone.
Aerosols in the wearer’s breath “escape masks and render them ineffective”, he adds, likening virus particles’ passage through the material to firing marbles at builders’ scaffolding: “Some might hit a pole and rebound, but most will fly through.” But if it makes you feel secure, please keep pulling the grubby rags out of your pocket and popping them on as you head into Woolies.
We in the media should bear a great deal of the blame, and shame, for enabling our leaders’ relentless fearmongering. Apart from reporting their nonsense, which we are sadly obliged to do, editorialising, often by very junior reporters who haven’t seen a lot of the world, creeps into what should be straightforward news items.
It’s allowed to remain there by senior editors who celebrate a momentary spike in circulation or page views while their reputation sinks in the outside world.
’tis the Season over at the ABC News app. The top six articles all share a common theme. Can you guess what it is? You give up? Of course you do! Well, here they are, in descending order:
COVID-19 forcing families to spend Christmas Day in isolation
COVID updates: Here’s the latest coronavirus news from around Australia and the world
Sydney’s Omicron surge has put me in isolation at Christmas again — but this time I probably have COVID-19
Omicron is here, so it’s time for Queenslanders to create COVID preparation kits at home
COVID-19 testing delays and grounded flights keep families apart this Christmas
NSW records 6,288 COVID-19 cases but ICU rates remain stable
Good to see the ABC staying calm this Christmas. Running around screaming with one’s hair on fire is obviously a perfectly reasonable and proportionate journalistic stance to take, given the end-of-days period we are apparently living through.
Hahaha. From the Steve Waterson piece:
Waterson, who’s too old to have been spat out by one of our disinformational journalism schools, has a long-overdue moment self-reflection:
Waterson is the Paywallian’s commercial editor, which means he normally writes about real estate and the paper didn’t think the anti-social frenzy unleashed by Kung Flu important enough to have such a sceptic assigned to the story on the public’s behalf.
The Oz has been one of the worst offenders in proliferating the hysteria of the government health Nazi industrial complex.
’tis the Season over at the ABC News app. The top six articles all share a common theme. Can you guess what it is? You give up? Of course you do! Well, here they are, in descending order:
(I’ve just posted the headlines as embedding all of the links sent my comment into moderation – bah humbug!)
Good to see the ABC staying calm this Christmas. Running around screaming with one’s hair on fire is obviously a perfectly reasonable and proportionate journalistic stance to take, given the end-of-days period we are apparently living through.
Merry Christmas, old friends.
Argument settled.
And only 5 in hospital with mild to moderate symptoms.
Health Minister Yvette Death seems quite disappointed and is worried that “complacency could creep in”.
~6000 cases in NSW yesterday yet;
Even the propaganda arm of the ALP (ALPBC) cannot hide behind these facts. Probably more people were hospitalized from appendicitis than covid.
If only someone had warned you last year that vaccines won’t do shit.
This was predictable, not because it was possibly to know how the vaccines would fail, but because it was possible to see the great number of hurdles: medical, political, sociological, epidemiological and ideological that the vaccines would have to leap in order to succeed. Failure at any one aspect would leave us trapped. That was always the most probably outcome which is why I both stated so confidently that the vaccines would fail, and at the same time said that on the individual level it was up to the individual to assess their risks and decide to take or not take the vaccines.
Daily Mail
lol I think maybe someone over at the ABC realised they were overdoing the Covid scaremongering – the top three articles are still Covid panic/eeyore pieces, but they swapped out 4-6 with an article about Christmas lights around the world, Christmas weather forecasts and something about algae and mosquitoes in and around waterways pestering holidaymakers.
In fact, no more Covid until you’re at number 10 in the stack! That’s real progress.
“complacency could creep in”.
The creeps are in and complacency is a virtue.
The Duxton hotel in Perth denied me entry for not having documentary evidence that I have a rare condition that precludes my wearing a mask. Fair enough, they are bound by state laws, however insane. But they then charged me for cancellation.
If you hear that their entire staff except the porter has died after being crushed under tons of masonry when the building collapsed on them, you will know that my curse has worked.
Same people that are into listing pronouns and castrating their children for the bragging rights.
A reflective time of year, it is fun to imagine the things about the current age that will be ridiculed in thirty years time. Like flairs and new romantic music.
Apart from that, Merry Christmas all.
Having been denied access to the kids for Christmas, I’m spending a short quiet time rewatching a couple of Waldemar Januszczak’s wonderful art history series.
That half pint chubster is a genius presenter. Perfect for recovering from an overly indulgent Christmas breakfast.
This was predictable because- we are governed by a collection of psycho nazis who will exploit ANYTHING they can to a) progress their own wealth at our expense and b) are totally corrupt and incompetent in their jobs. The vaccines proved to be the perfect tool to exploit while they brutalized us, ruined lives and livelihoods. The truly horrific discovery of this whole episode is the number of people who actually actively and enthusiastically support this kind of governance.
Christmas, a long time ago, Santa dropped a record player and a swag of LPs under the tree.
The record player was a JVC the colour of Cafe Bar coffee.
A boxed set of festive songs from around the world.
Val Doonican, because Mum always sung along to him on 4QR.
And for the kiddies, a modern looking record that had a song titled Christmas on it.
Fortunately it was a single disc, abridged version of the album.
(Cats who know their discology should be able to guess the song most likely to have seen the whole lot consigned to the incinerator.)
Merry Christmas one and all.
I wonder when they’ll start reporting hospitalisation with Covid rather than for Covid. That ought to make those numbers skyrocket!
A 9yo runs out in front of a Mack truck, survives but is pretty banged up and on life support in ICU. Tests positive for Covid. Media: OMG OMG OMG Covid positive child in ICU on ventilator! Omicron is coming for the children!!! Govern us harder, daddy!
D’Ath has lost her sting?
Hazzard seems to be getting less hazzardous too.
NSW records 6,288 new COVID-19 cases and zero deaths while Victoria reports six fatalities and 2,108 infections (25 Dec)
So 95% vaccinated, large jump in infections, no deaths, one less ICU patient. I wonder when our lords and masters will work it out?
Merry Christmas to everyone and their families.
Thanks to Dover ,Tom et al
The Duxton occupies the building that used to house the ATO, I believe. Pretty sure that curse has been used on that structure countless times over its lifetime. The curse doesn’t seem to work, unfortunately.
So 95% vaccinated, large jump in infections, no deaths, one less ICU patient. I wonder when our lords and masters will work it out?
Keeping in the BoN mode.
I am in blood
Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o’er.
They’re afraid they’ll be blamed for deaths.
It’s political, nothing to do with health.
Alas no. Just her apostrophe.
Merry Christmas one and all
Well, the vaccines OBVIOUSLY reduce the risk of serious illness and death even though they don’t prevent infection.
But stay away from the unvaccinated because they’re dangerous.
Yes, it all makes perfect sense.
BoN, since you are around, you may remember my comments a while back under the heading of “where have all the little bleedin’ sparrers” gone?
Well, I am happy to report that there is a thriving colony of sparrows in the Queanbeyan CBD. They have discovered outdoor coffee bars and restaurants, and hop around picking up crumbs in the finest London tradition.
That said, there are still a lot less of them than when I was growing up in suburbia.
Merry Christmas everybody. Happy birthday to our Lord and Saviour.
Off to a family lunch soon where covid-sensibility now rules in a once-fearful family.
Hostess (my DiL) had the sniffles three days ago and worried that she might spread Covid to the rest of the family so off to do a test.
Still no result.
So they get into rapid tests. Three different results – positive, negative, and invalid.
So the penny has dropped for them. She has a cold just like the kids did last week.
No need for the entire Government apparatus to regulate our Christmas Day gathering.
This experience has brought home what I have trying to tell them for ages.
Referring back to yesterday’s Polish ‘apres la guerre’ cage fight, I was reminded of one of the most chilling and disgraceful pieces of correspondence I have ever read.
It was from the ever egregious Marshall of the Air Force Portal to Polish members of the RAF.
Reliably translated as:
“Thanks for helping save our bacon old chap”. “Now fuck off out of our country”.
Churchill’s subsequent death sentence passed upon millions of Eastern Europeans was more horrendous in scale but possibly less of a directly careless betrayal.
RAF senior leadership during WWII constantly revealed their 19th Century cultural beliefs and WWI disregard for the welfare of their ‘troops’.
And starlings. They used to wake me up. there was millions of the little buggers.
The curse may manifest itself as the occupants being condemned to work there.
A spiritual, rather than a physical crushing.
File this one alongside Bigfoot, the tooth fairy, cold fusion technology and Epstein’s suicide.
Only mynas seem to be thriving.
Which is curious as they of the starling family.
Nice news Johanna, sparrows are unassuming and fun. Sweeties. One or two try to survive in my local shopping centre but the cult of cleanliness these days means fewer crumbs, and the noisies, indian mynahs and peewees all chase the few morsels on offer as well, wandering around under cafe tables.
When I was at uni, and would go into the CBD, the pavements were strewn with cigarette butts, chewing gum and crumbs of various uncertain origin. Many more sparrows then. Now I think I could eat off our supermarket sidewalks, they shine with cleanness. We have so many health fetishes these days.
I’ve long thought that being a creepy shit carries its own punishment. They can’t ever know the innocent joy of just being alive.
And the bureaucratic temperament likewise: if your world is made of rules and nothing else, there can’t be any room for simple happiness.
Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night.
The ABC has helpfully published a “Covid-ready kit” so you can self-isolate at home and maximise your chance* of becomg seriously ill in the event you are infected. If long Covid, permanent lung damage, blood clotting, ending up on a ventilator, dying etc sound like your cup of tea, Aunty suggests you prepare the following:
Someone who isn’t me has the following kit at the ready:
-enough Ivermectin for a 5 day course @ 0.4mg/kg/day
– shitloads of vitamin C supplements
– zinc and quercetin
– iodine nasal spray
– iodine throat gargle
– blood oximeter
They also have been spending a great deal of time in the sun over the past few months so have very high vitamin D levels.
They reckon I’ll see them in a couple of days after isolating, fit as a fiddle. Probably wouldn’t even know they’d been gone.
*it’s still going to be low, sorry to disappoint
I’ve seen this with Twenty-Eight parrots on the footpath outside the Toodyay Bakery. By the half-dozen or so.
If you can imagine deep green-and-blue birds the size of Eastern Rosellas scrapping like Rainbow Lorikeets over the choicest crumbs and bits of pastry, you have an idea of the spectacle.
I’ve also seen them win fights with Magpies.
In Australia, this is a blank sheet of paper. Or it may as well be. Once you’re hospitalised, it’s not as though the vast majority can expect to get individualised treatment.
Canning Vale also beomg regularly visited by these gorgeous specimens and we have a family of about 4 Red-tails around the big trees near the school as well.
The ‘eggspurts’ say that the Carnaby’s White-tailed Black Cockatoo is endangered cos humans.
In turn, I point up at the trees and declare “There are more now than the 70 or so I counted up there last time, mate!”
So they must be doing alright, and are far more adaptable than they are proclaimed to be…
I reckon they are bigger than Eastern Rosellas. Funnily enough, they might defeat maggies, however they have been defeated in Perth City by imported Rainbow Lorikeets. Booted to the outer suburbs and bush.
How about trying some of this nice remdesivir? Pretty sure it works. You don’t need those functional kidneys and liver, do you?
I see Danandrewstan is still setting the gold standard. 1/3 the cases and 6 deaths, vs no deaths.
Feature, rather than bug.
Slavishly following a Treatment Protocol keeps us all safe…
…From bureaucratic retribution and job loss.
Not quite. If things go south they put you on a ventilator to hasten the demise. Those beds are precious you know.
That does suck.
I’ve seen big flocks of Corellas around Langley Park at times- For some reason not a place the Rainbows like to congregate.
Maybe not urban enough for such a ‘hipster’ parrot… 😉
No the Rainbows are there! They are in the palm trees. Corellas aren’t bothered by them for some reason.
Probably cos grass seed-eaters vs. nectar.
It is kinda funny to hear a lorikeet squeaking, then look up to see a little blue head and pair of beady eyes staring down at you from the crown of a palm tree.
Gives off a kinda “Look upon my works ye mighty and be rooly, rooly jealous!” vibe…
Merry Christmas everyone.
Having a wonderful time here.
Please no jealous comments from those not holidaying away from home..
Not at all surprised. The Cafe rainbow lorikeets regularly take on cockies in single combat, and they win. David vs Goliath for a piece of bread.
Corellas cause their own problems.
Currabubula (a little hamlet in Northern NSW, about 1/2 hour southwest of Tamworth) once had a massive repair bill after several hundred of the buggers descended on the place and tore street light fitting seals and the tennis court to shreds.
Turns out they really liked the adhesive that held the astroturf down- They were getting high on the stuff.
So between the astroturf being utterly shredded up and the tennis met chewed to pieces and light fittings wrecked, that tiny council faced many, many zeroes of repairs and replacement.
Fortunately, they never came back…
Has the food got any better?
One of the staff at my resort told me how they treat COVID patients. They suppress their immune systems. There was more to it but my nightcap was kicking in.
Lunch had an interesting pumpkin salad. I’ve paid for worse.
But, as a whole, no.
women in uniform in Syderney.
Anyone who viewed Dr. Bhakdi’s autopsy presentation above will know that, in fact, everyone everyone is being sacrificed. It’s just a question of how and when. He was ropeable (I’ve never seen such a gentle soul so angry), firstly because exactly what was he was warning about more than a year ago is still happening, but even more because they are now going after the children, in full knowledge of the damage it will do to them.
Immunosuppressed old chap in the local paper urging the young to mask up and get jabbed to protect him.
I’m not unsympathetic to his plight but it’s his responsibility to protect himself in the first instance.
Like me, he can afford to live quite a comfortable life with common sense measures to protect himself without requiring others to sacrifice theirs for the sake of his last few years on this earth.
We have to let the young and healthy get on with their lives.
I’ve told my family and my GP that if I get COVID I am not going to hospital and my treatment will be supervised by my friend who is a Vietnam vet medic. Thank you very much
Surely worth an inquiry to discover exactly what is going wrong. You know…so we can learn something that might benefit citizens in the future. But we all know how inquiries go down in Victoria.
Animals Getting Scared Over Nothing
Some postprandial reading for the day:
Tom Holland, The Myth of Pagan Christmas
Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones and that your Christmas wishes come true.
Thanks for the upload, Roger.
Serious Bible study- fodder there…
And their doing so (by effort, economic activty and taxation), enables the elderly and infirm to have a more comfortable dotage.
Christmas is when it is borne upon me, yet again, that a life of unbridled self-indulgence has its down side.
Santa, 2021
Merry Christmas Cats . I had dinner with son and children ( all adults) last night and brunch with family and friends this morning . Decided I could not survive invitation to sons outlaws after having reaction to booster on Thursday so lunch spent snoozing on sofa.
See comment in Arky’s post this morning for other thing that has also knackered me.
If you’re sad about being alone for the holidays, just remember … Nobody loves you the rest of the year either.
I’m not sad. I don’t love them, either.
The buggers have damaged a whole generation.
Late to the party but whatever…yes the story is wonderful and the movie is available here and there esp for those with a vpn.
Viking Story!
A viking named Rudolph the Red looks out the window and says to his wife, “These clouds look like rain is coming.”
“How can you tell?” His wife asks.
“Because Rudolph the Red knows rain, Dear…”
Min, if you offered me counselling, or recommended me to see someone else for it, I should give you my unrestrained opinion of the idea.
But I shan’t, because it’s Christmas.
Oh, behave, min!
No wonder the elderly are queuing for the booster.
How do you spell “excruciating?”
The man probably has to come to that conclusion on his own, but it isn’t a stupid idea to see someone.
But it has to be someone good.
Very surprised to see large line ups outside testing clinics in BNE this morning.
What’s the point? No results available today , so stay away from others if you are woried. Why spend Christmas in a queue?
little buggers sustained our business through lockdowns 1, 2 and 3
Thank you Muddy, very much appreciated, if you only knew how much.
The Terrible.
Deserving of The Mare of Steel.
h/t The Vikings
Roger, the early Church, the Jewish followers of Yahoshua, believed that He was born on the first day of Tabernacles. I’ve read that even today some members of the Messianic Judaism movement still observe that date and decorate their sukkah with Christmas lights.
When Was Jesus Really Born: The Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus
Watching Ivanhoe what a ripper.
Elizabeth Taylor
Saxons and Normans.
Not a single swear word.
Too much Veuve Cliquot
The Longships
This one
People have dranked the KoolAid all right, in huge numbers, but as the sticker states:
You Can’t Comply Your Way Out Of Tyranny.
Altho tyranny isn’t the right word, since the Tyrants were forces for reform.
I’d say there’s no point obeying criminals, since you’re judged by the company you keep and the criminals never prevail for long.
My Mother Told Me… I was quite alright.
When I find her (or she finds me), the world will tremble!
Welp, you are more than welcome to leave us Grigory, if you think it will save your Glowie arse…
OK- Now having seen the ‘Mare of Steel’ in context, I declare ‘How Dare You?!’
Closely followed by a dose of minor sads, since (following my usual understanding of iron horses), no Mares of Steel until at least the end of April for me… 🙁
Don’t know where this is but it’s been picked up in America.
After a coffee shop is targeted by the Australian police for not enforcing the vaxx pass, it’s customers defend the store.
From the “we’ve known this for years” collection.
47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects
New study shows vaccines must be given monthly to be effective against Omicron