The Five, which airs each weekday at 5pm in New York City, is often Fox News’s top-rating program on America’s…
The Five, which airs each weekday at 5pm in New York City, is often Fox News’s top-rating program on America’s…
Pot calling kettle black. Three paras is OK BTW.
As is almost every second suburban fire in Sydney lately.
Is it like it’s OK for our gas to be sold overseas but we can’t extract any for our use…
But people talk about how they’re sick of being told what to do by a branch of self-righteous, unelected, corporate…
The problem with spin is it’s possible to end up believing your own and spinning yourself straight out of office.
Arky the data coming out of Health depts everywhere has been distorted, manipulated and straight out made up. Every so called expert expounding their theories have lied and contradicted each other and themselves so many times. They get all their ducks lined up then another spanner is thrown in the works that disproves their previous statements. I have more credibility and I know nothing but my B.S. detectors have been going off for so long I don’t believe any of it. My sister’s BiL is giving up his medical practice, not having any boosters coz he knows now he’s been lied to. If the story keeps changing its B.S. Nothing about now is anything like the beginning. When they say now they never said something in the past you know its B.S. To insist is called lying. These days public figures are now called mistaken about something when in fact it is just plain lying and should be called lying.
On the menu tonight is execution by mortar fire and eaten by dogs.
It would get a few clicks on YouTube at least, wonder what the ratio would be like.
I sincerely pledge to keep driving my 2001 ford wagon.
4 covid ”medicines” selected up to Dec 16, 2021:
TGA Search results
Number of reports (cases): 94540
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 92829
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 711
You will get 50 people dying immediately after being vaccinated for every one who actually died because of, if you vaccinate a large chunk of the population. Just statistically, that is true. People die, all the time.
And it’s the same with the Covid deaths. Lots of people dying “with” not “from”, and didn’t they use that little statistical ruse. Again, running at around 50 to one.
That does not mean that I think it isn’t being under reported. I think it likely is. Just not at the rate of 700 actual deaths from vaccines within Australia to date.
Thanks Shy Ted.
With a curry chaser?
What’s happened to the shark pills?
What is liberalism?
This first part of this helpful essay outlines my understanding of it.
Progressivism, which the author also describes well in the second part, is not just liberalism gone to seed but another species of political thought altogether. return to March 2020 like a dog to vomit “temporary morgues being moved to remote QLD areas” everyone is going to die! 2000 cases! (Big fat zero in ICU they sad face)
Surprisingly this hysteria is now in direct contradiction to what the QLD government is now saying. Probably the first divergence in two years between media and government. The media are out on a limb a bit at this moment and should be show trialed and hanged for attempting creating mass hysteria During a Global Pandemic ™ as they love to say.
The current energy cost and supply crisis is the result of decades of ill-considered climate policy which has prioritised costly emissions reductions technologies while neglecting national security, security of supply and economic and social impacts.
I’d like to point out the fact the above crisis is happening is precisely what was intended to happen. High prices to cut down consumption.
This time government got it right. Unfortunately the result is now a looming social, economic and political crisis.
But the planet has been saved!
You will get 50 people dying immediately after being vaccinated for every one who actually died because of, if you vaccinate a large chunk of the population. Just statistically, that is true.
Wouldn’t you have to look at excess mortality to determine whether that’s right or not?
If a million Australians died immediately after being vaccinated, would you automatically conclude that only 20,000 of them had been killed by the vaccine?
Extreme scenario I know, but if there’s significant excess mortality in the figures following the vaccine campaign, mightn’t that prove that the vaccine is slightly more lethal than a 1 in 50 hypothesis would suggest?
Diverted to West Australia for the summer Beach and Surfing season.
Anything to protect loyal Sandgroperstanis from those deadly-dangerous Comrade Toothyfish…
(Apologies for gratuitous Grauniad…)
Have I got the swab analysis procedure right?
A bunch of swabs from different people are batched together. A little of each swab is mixed with a little from all the other swabs in that batch.
Then that amalgam is analysed.
If negative, all people in that batch are notified as negative.
If positive, all individual swabs have to be analysed and individuals get either a positive or negative result.
Hence with the rapid infestation of Omnicon in the population, many….many more batches have to default to individual analysis. This has caused the huge blow-out in notification times. It’s possibly why Premiers are flagging the move away from PCR to RAT.
I’m not a scientist, but mixing swabs seems suspect to me.
The question is, and always was, how do we prevent public officials and the idiot politicians from doing this ever again?
Sacking, plus forfeiture of superannuation rights, plus a ban on future receipt of taxpayer funds (possibly except the Old Age Pension).
Russia picking this moment to apply geopolitical brinksmanship thru a natural gas embargo isn’t doing’s hypothesis (nor the enviro-fascists’) any favours, either…
Probably the only way they ever could get the mass numbers they wanted (and sustaining the ‘panic’ demanded)…
Sacking, plus forfeiture of superannuation rights, plus a ban on future receipt of taxpayer funds (possibly except the Old Age Pension).
If, after a reasonable trial period, that doesn’t work, can we move to tying them to a grating in a public square and flogging them to death?
Why yes, yes you would.
The Brave New World of Athletes’ Heart Problems (29 Dec)
When medical staff are scared to enter vaccination injury reports into the system because they might lose their jobs you cannot trust the data at all.
Ultimately. Best by age groups.
But you can look at how many people are expected to die per day in Australia (around 300 from memory) and if half the population is run through a vaccination program over four or five months get a good idea of how many of them are expected to die within a reportable window.
Clearly the only way to tell for sure is to actually investigate each and every death that may be due to vaccination. Because the raw numbers are heavily mingled with hundreds of people who would have died anyway.
But isn’t moving disgraced Senior Bureaucrats and Polliemuppets from their comfortable working existence (and salaries) and incredibly generous super and benefits scenes to the relative penury of the rest of us and the strictures of the Old Age Pension, exactly that?
Sacking, plus forfeiture of superannuation rights, plus a ban on future receipt of taxpayer funds (possibly except the Old Age Pension).
Declare them outlaws.
A true patriot!
Fun fact.
I bought a car in 2001, which has long since gone.
The equivalent model still exists but obviously with a lot more features.
It costs roughly $2,000 less than the list price of the equivalent model twenty years ago.
Thanks, slothful car industry subsidies.
Timothy N
If, after a reasonable trial period, that doesn’t work, can we move to tying them to a grating in a public square and flogging them to death?
Being a bit of a traditionalist, I think we could usefully revive the old practice of “Flogging around the Fleet”. However, instead of the culprit being rowed form ship to ship, and receiving 50 lashes at each ship, we could mount the grating on a trailer, and take the culprit on a tour of capital cities, 50 lashes at each should finish the job.
PS, To modify an old naval adage, “The floggings will continue until performance improves”. The rush of political and public service resignations will in themselves improve and focus performance.
If, after a reasonable trial period, that doesn’t work, can we move to tying them to a grating in a public square and flogging them to death?
We should cut straight to this approach.
Redress the bastardry and set an example for future generations of bureaucrats and politicians.
George Christensen’s poll on Dictator of the Year:
Compare that to your phone from the same time.
Gee, you were ripped off when you bought that flip phone, eh?
Yes, you’ve got it.
It’s a longstanding technique where the probability of a positive is low.
It’s pretty simple calculation. For example if the probability of a positive is 1%, then if you start with 100 samples and mix lots of 25 samples and batch test the 4 resulting lots, you on average only have to test 28 samples per hundred original samples. So you speed things up by a factor of 3.6.
Nothing sinister. In common use for years in screening programs.
Rapidly breaks down if the expectation of a positive result gets higher.
When they say now they never said something in the past you know its B.S. To insist is called lying. These days public figures are now called mistaken about something when in fact it is just plain lying and should be called lying.
Elwood Blues’ line, “it wasn’t lies, it was just bullshit”, is now accepted as a valid public policy initiative by vaxx-worshippers.
I was talking to a vaxx-worshipper, and I can’t remember exactly which falsehood by government I asked her to justify. She didn’t dispute that it was a falsehood. “But they have to do that to encourage people to get vaccinated” was the response.
Quelle surprise — not!
Yes, I know it’s The Grauniad, but even so …
Polls like that are fun, since they tend not to give what lefties want.
Guardian ‘Person of the Year’ Poll Deactivated After J.K. Rowling Takes Lead (29 Dec)
Who knew so many Guardian readers are knuckle-dragging neanderthals who think people who menstruate are female?
I thought this was only done when you knew what you were dealing with or did they already know?
However, instead of the culprit being rowed form ship to ship, and receiving 50 lashes at each ship, we could mount the grating on a trailer, and take the culprit on a tour of capital cities, 50 lashes at each should finish the job.
Good idea, but regional towns deserve a lookin as well.
Perhaps cities and towns can bid for hosting rights, like with the Olympics.
Boris Johnson explains that the “double jab” vaccine didn’t work:
Prediction: governments are already lumping double jabbed in as “unvaccinated” when talking about omicron during press conferences.
Unperson them. Their heads unpersoned from their bodies. I bags to have first go.
Who saw that coming?
Funny sort of “immunity” and “vaccine”, isn’t it?
Also The Guardian receives millions of dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, surely they should have to label these ‘articles’ as paid promotions.
Invalid comparison alert!
Mobile phone technology was emerging and relatively new in 2001, and would be expected to get cheaper over time.
Car technology was mature by then (apart from a few display gadgets most of the basic technology on that car had existed for 50-100 years).
Also, unlike the imported car, my Nokia had zero % tariffs levied on it.
Rex Anger:
But this is a political problem that was seen coming and was ignored.
Europe is in a mess of its own making – they took the easy way out by acceding to Greens demands to not use their own resources and had to buy from an entity that has been an enemy for 70 years.
Definitely relies on having a known target and a test with high specificity . False positives will quickly erode any efficiency gains.
In was surprised when the I heard the line “90% of people in ICU are unvaccinated” from the NSW premier. Surely the media woukd be making much hay of that…strange. And just who are these ancient anti vaxxers in NSW ending up on ICU right now? Where do these people live? Talk about based and committed age 86.
Then I heard the exact same line again from America, then from the UK.
Oh. It’s a marketing campaign.
Fortunately Boris has given the game away: they’re all casually calling double jabbed ‘unvaccinated’ as they now sell the third installment (of eight+).
The PM revealed that 90 per cent of intensive care patients across the country have not had the top-up dose
I suppose it would be unscientific and anti vaxxer to ask the gap in time between the second jab and infection for those now testing positive.
Hard to put forward the concept that people who were only recently double jabbed needed a topper. We won’t be told this of course. Impure thoughts.
Prepare for the third dose to be mandatorised, as WA already has said it will be, and to go through the ringer again. Vaccine passports will go red, job will be threatened again, public shame ritual will be turned up to eleven again.
Signals coming from everywhere, not least of which they’ve already started talking about mere double jabbed in terms of “unprotected” and lumping them in with single dose and unvaccinated.
How many will you accept?
‘Let it burn’: fire damages Old Parliament House
Picture: Police form a blockade at the entrance of Old Parliament House, which was damaged in a blaze today. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
A fire has been extinguished at Australia’s Old Parliament House in Canberra, inflicting major damage to the entrance of the historic building with a standoff emerging between authorities and protesters.
A line of police formed a blockade at the bottom of the steps leading to the Museum of Australian Democracy with witnesses saying protesters were yelling that the site was on their sovereign land.
Initial reports are that Old Parliament House was evacuated shortly before midday and that the flames, which were billowing out of the front of the building, took about 15 minutes to put out with some heard chanting “let it burn”.
The cause of the fire has not been established, but authorities are expected to investigate with some witnesses saying it was not deliberate.
Recent protests have seen the Museum shut down in the past weeks and there was a small fire at the building before Christmas which scorched the front door.
The Museum’s director Daryl Karp said at the time the protesters had lit a fire that got out of control, although she said she did not believe it was their intention to inflict any damage.
Resources Minister Keith Pitt took to social media, declaring that “no matter what your cause, setting old Parliament House on fire and endangering all those inside is not the answer.”
“Expect full force of the law to be applied. Australians have no tolerance for this behaviour. Hope everyone is safe,” he said.
Anthony Albanese said the fire was a concern. “Old Parliament House is, of course, a very historic building,” he told 6PR. “I had the great honour of working for Tom Uren in that building. It’s used by school groups, it’s used for educational purposes as well as for functions. It’s an important building and I just hope that there is only minimal damage.”
Ummm, yeah?
Um, set on fire again? By who?
LOL, News corpse finally forced to cover it on the second time and tellingly from elected representatives, only 2 members have condemned, both National Party:
So I know some pretty smug vaccine covidians who lined up very first to get vaccinated and be Good People and get “immunity” to covid – as they smugly said way back these vaccine would give to the tune on 98%, and according to Science! right now, just a few months later are once again as ‘unvaccinated’ as I am.
People who slag off about the Australian car industry don’t seem to be aware that Toyota had no trouble selling Camrys, Aurions or Corollas built at Altona. Camrys were also exported to the middle east.
Holdens were exported to South Africa and Rhodesia.
Did we just have a Reichstag fire with anti-vaxers as the designated culprits?
It’s political, so you don’t expect a slanging match?
A vaccine, yes.
These are not vaccines, were never proven to be vaccines, and were not long term tested, and what animals were tested with it, died.
The suppliers were indemnified.
People taking these concoctions were not in any way rational.
Especially when coercion was involved by the hostage takers.
It certainly was not.
Before covid it was well established that vaccination only helped the person vaccinated.
So the young taking it was not rational at all for any reason, especially for the other reasons above.
Nice warm and fuzzy delusion there, but not what the experts are saying as the healthy and young die of old age diseases already.
They have well explained what these poisons do and our hospitals are filled with the result.
That’s why once credible doctors won’t say a bad word about the vaccines and would rather kill people that lose their jobs.
The 4000 nurses screaming it from the rooftops?!
Let’s face it, you don’t want to hear evidence.
There is overwhelming evidence.
When government and the medical profession become one, Nuremberg codes end up being written.
We are in a post Christian world and many of our doctors have no Christian values.
They are godless imports.
Arky, trying to play the sensible middle of the road guy doesn’t work in these situations.
Instead you come off as trying to delude small children and pacify yourself.
Can we be adults about this?
It’s more likely than not. Very much more likely.
Sometimes the truth may be hard to accept but we do nobody any favours by telling them it’s all going to be fine.
In the very first week of the so called pandemic we were told two weeks to flatten the curve.
At the very same time they started building concentration camps they knew would not be completed for two years.
Explain that?
Are you really suggesting it’s over soon?
They are still doing it and increasing the tyranny.
There is right and there is wrong.
Points must be argued to establish which is which.
Sitting down handing out flowers and singing Kumbaya and saying “you’ll be right” to the dying is bullshit.
Adults can work out what right and wrong are when they let their egos go and class identities and realise the truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.
So one way, (I would argue the only way) to do as you suggest Arky, and stop doing this to us, is to admit what they are doing to us first.
You’ll never fix what you can’t admit is even happening.
Michael Smith News – Adrian Roberts, who commanded the Armoured Personnel Carrier Squadron, at the Battle of Long Tan, has gone to God – aged 82.
The building houses the Museum of Australian Democracy
Definitely should be in a museum, fuck all of it left in the present day.
Yep seen few Commodores or were they Opals.
Holdens were exported all over the world, often just badged as chevs
Toyota was not as willing to play the games as GM and Ford…
Yes it was a quality product out of Altona too .
Nothing is stopping GM, Ford or any auto manufacturer starting up here.
Expensive electricity for starters
Payroll tax
The Holdens stood out in SA. The place was dominated by small EU cars
Even Dunstan had a valiant iirc
Sovereign risk (Covid has highlighted this one)
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
December 30, 2021 at 2:21 pm
Michael Smith News – Adrian Roberts, who commanded the Armoured Personnel Carrier Squadron, at the Battle of Long Tan, has gone to God – aged 82.
The APC’s 50 cal did tremendous damage to the NVA pinning down our boys and the
excellent sustained accurate fire from NZ artillery kept them from being overrun before the carriers chopped the bastards up.
What a contrast to the weak and futile leaders we now have in both countries.
Razey, if you are out there:
You were asking and praying for mass non-compliance.
It seems you have it- SA and WA spokesmongs and Premiers alike have been complaining in the last 48-56 hours about folks not answering their phones when ordered to isolate cos ‘close contacts.’ Contact Tracing does not work when people recognise it is a de facto honour system and its administrators are dishonourable folk.
Struth would and should be celebrating this too, if he weren’t sopreoccupied with wishing death-by-bloodclot on his self-decided Class Enemies and being a miserable old sod with a messiah complex…
Visited new GP. The previous had decided to give the unvvaxxened special handling.
So I thought “Feet. Vote!”
New GP did not mention or ask about the gough or the enjabenening.
As soon as he can take credit then flip the next day and say it’s all futile I tell ya.
Actually I didn’t think that. I thought “well f— you c—, I’m gonna do my best to damage your business. mutter mutter ….”
I wasn’t a stock broker, Ranga.
Keep deluding yourself that you made the decision as a result of being “wational”. You didn’t weigh the two choices and outcomes resulting in your final decision and outcome. You had every single bit of information in front of you and figured it all out from a weighted decision tree. The fuck you did!
And mandating every 3 months will be a bridge too far for many other than the most dedicated bed wetting vaxtard.
Oh lord Sanchez is the Nafink imbecile still at it? It’s unbearable. I really don’t know how you can be nice to him as it’s like talking to a log.
Top Endersays:
December 30, 2021 at 2:02 pm
‘Let it burn’: fire damages Old Parliament House
Picture: Police form a blockade at the entrance of Old Parliament House, which was damaged in a blaze today. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
A fire has been extinguished at Australia’s Old Parliament House in Canberra, inflicting major damage to the entrance of the historic building with a standoff emerging between authorities and protesters.
A line of police formed a blockade at the bottom of the steps leading to the Museum of Australian Democracy with witnesses saying protesters were yelling that the site was on their sovereign land.
These bastards should have every bit of government support they no doubt get, stopped and then arrested and thrown in jail for insurrection. If some dickhead with Moose antlers on his head can get 5 years for sitting in that kunt pelosi’s chair then these bastards can get 10 years for setting old parliament house on fire. When the fuck are we going to stop mucking around with these scumbags.
Comment from the thread about Ghislaine’s conviction:
Hillary just called the Suicide Hotline saying she’d like to place an order.
I don’t believe that number exceeds 50, unless there is widespread manipulation of the data collection, which while possible requires evidence before making that assumption or estimating the magnitude.
Evidence won’t be found. See the attached, which is an updated version of something I posted a long time ago. It doesn’t prove that there’s data manipulation, but doesn’t exclude that possibility either.
Note the following:
Doctors assessing if the death is from a natural cause unrelated to the COVID-19 vaccine should ask themselves these
• Has the vaccine directly caused the death?
• Has the vaccine caused a side effect or complication that has caused or significantly hastened the person’s death?
• Is there a need to reference the COVID-vaccine and/or a vaccine-related complication on the cause of death certificate?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes/possibly/probably/likely or unclear the doctor should seek advice from
the Coronial Registrar, Coroners Court of Queensland during business hours on (07) 3738 7050 or after hours on (07)
3738 7166.
Got that? Even if the answer to “Has the vaccine directly caused the death” is “yes”, the doctor isn’t just to put “COVID Vaxx” as the cause of death – the doctor is to “seek advice” from the government.
Maybe that’s quite innocent, but it doesn’t prima facie look like it.
Palm Island receives a range of general and specialist health services residents of Australian towns outside of (very) major regional centres could only dream about.
The morgue container is bullshit poor bugger me theatre.
You and Struth are the only folk who wood routinely end up spitting chips at him…
Ha! Ha!
A refrigerated container is good at holding many more things that need to be kept cold than Nosferaflu victims…
Is just me, or is the cause and nature of the protesters trying to burn down on Old Parliament House being buried waaaaay down in all the news reports?
It might be a new phenomenon to you Milton but private sector jobs need to be economically sustainable and should not be costing the taxpayer over 50k per job.
It’s that sort of thinking that sent Argentina into the shithole bin.
Don’t be like the resident Argentinian economist and thought leader , Arkemedes . It just ends up impoverishing everyone.
Rex stop stoush trolling all the time. Add some value.
You aren’t far off. The single paragraph admission that protestors have been gathering in advance of the 50th anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy on Australia Day, kinda gives it away, if you know how to read between the lines.
Ditto the reported calls of ‘Let It Burn!’ And the fact they had a police line between the ‘protestors’ and the firies…
Alan Moran’s latest on Climate Change bullshit:
You didn’t weigh the two choices and outcomes resulting in your final decision and outcome.
Hey everybody, we’ve got a mind reader on the blog!
Come on JC, tell me what number I’m thinking of.
You had every single bit of information in front of you and figured it all out from a weighted decision tree. The fuck you did!
Very few people have that luxury for any decision they make in life. That doesn’t mean that their decisions aren’t rational.
If Arky can’t take a little pushback then he shouldn’t start, Rex.
You first!
The Herd – [Burn Down The] Parliament
Oh yes.
Export Holdens.
Regular as clockwork, every six months, the motoring media would run a fellatio report about “The Colonel” conquering the world with “world class” Holdens.
The numbers where infinitesimally small, and sold at loss-leader prices.
Not content with soaking the taxpayer for common-or-garden auto welfare, they also got stuck into export development and export expansion funding as well.
Yes it was a quality product out of Altona.
Altona, the epicentre of excellence.
The Herd – The King is Dead
I dunno, bespoke. I swear I could hear Arky cackling with goblin-like glee last night as he wound up JC.
It was a good change. 🙂
“‘Let it burn’: fire damages Old Parliament House”
Umm….perhaps Scumbag Morrison could find the ticker to condemn the fire and the protesters yelling “let it burn”.
Watch him say nothing.
Unpredictable – the Herd – Sufisisterz
No, not just you.
I a person didn’t dig hard to understand, one might be left with the impression that the protester are anti-mandate, etc (given they are the most recent protests in the MSN).
To me, it’s deliberately vague. I dare say they’d be happy if people left with the wrong assumption.
If a person…
Jizz Lane (h/t Dot) isn’t going to Arkancide.
She is going away for a long time with no ability to get unfiltered messages to the outside.
Why bother doing her in?
If she had a bucket to tip, she would have done it at trial.
Truth is, I doubt she had access to Epstein’s blackmail vault anyway.
I wonder who holds that material now.
The only time I was ever angry was when he dishonestly pretended to have some authority over the blog when it’s not his. He has as much authority as any other commenter here. He tried to do this twice, but never again. Aside from that why would he get me angry when there hasn’t been a single argument he’s ever won against me?
Daily Mail leading with article on “protestors” at Old Parliament House.
Lots of pix of the usual suspects.
2020 – The Herd
[great official clip]
The Herd – 2020 with lyrics
I understood you were a broker. Fuck off, using the same method you do. You said you wanted to travel back to the States, so took the Jab. Not a lot of thought went into that. If anything it was you that was delusional. Just coz you couldn’t see the bullshit doesn’t mean lots of other can’t. I did weigh the choices. A choice between a vax that’s never worked before and now suddenly does with no testing, not using other thing that may work, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and zinc being banned. Did that not set off bells ringing in that empty head of yours. Just those few things against something that was having very little effect in Australia. But no, once again you double, triple down. Nobody can be right but me attitude.
Export Holdens were to the 1990’s what the Government Aircraft Factory Nomads were to the 1960’s.
The hopelessly uncompetitive and highly subsidised masquerading as the Great White Hope of Strayan manufacturing.
Both pumped up by a gullible media.
Ha! ha!
Erasing Women: Trans ‘Jeopardy!’ Contestant Takes Crown for Highest-Earning Female Win Streak
Is nothing sacred. Bloody women will be getting prostate cancer next.
Shame if something should happen to that ramshackle tent (cough) embassy (cough)across the road.
Can you still hear the droning?
Am I, because I believe the choice to vax is binary? Go figure.
It certainly wouldn’t have a dollar sign in front of it, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, but charging tax advice at 1,000 bucks an hour. 🙂
Go back to what I said, Neilson. I agree that people don’t have that luxury and people also can’t be bothered to make a decision with any depth of thought. This is why I suggested vaxxing or not was a decision primarily based on fear. Oh no, I was told, that wasn’t possible because those who responded were so rational.
And please, no 30 paragraph responses as it’s so boring.
Good analysis:
Kim Potter Conviction: A Blatant Miscarriage of Justice
To the extent that Potter ought to bear responsibility for unintentionally killing Wright, that responsibility is at worst based on negligence, the unknowing creation of an unjustified risk, and subject her to merely civil liability. Absent a conscious disregard of risk, for which no evidence exists in this case, her conduct cannot qualify as recklessness raising criminal liability.
This and the Derek Chauvin case are 2 of the worst injustices in recent times. And the 2 victims were 2 absolute mongrels.
Going back to the states looked like a possibility at the time and would have been if the vax had covered the next variant.
Going back was one reason. Not getting terribly ill was another as a result of smoking. Also, I believed that in getting the vax I was helping out other strayans in my own way.
Primarily though, it was fear of getting very ill.
ssr, thanks for the Herd reminders. I’d forgotten we had homegrown mildly funky Kevin Rudd fanboi fellatio artists.
Eric Weinstein came to the conclusion that Epstein was a Mossad asset that was put in place as the last resort if the West abandoned Israel.
How to Make Your Own VPN (And Why You Would Want to)
Weekly data published just before Christmas by the UK’s Health Security Agency shows the effectiveness of both the Pfizer and Moderna boosters against symptomatic diseases is lower for the Omicron than the Delta variant across all periods after the injection
In response, the Health Dept advised that as Minister Hunt had, without consultation, purchased 147 million doses from WEF partner Pfizer, inoculations will remain compulsory until the stock is exhausted.
“It is an environmental consideration”, the spokesman explained. “Just imagine the risks to ground water if we tip this lethal shit into landfill”.
Can you still hear the droning?
In Altona proper one hears only the sound of rejoicing and the cooing of contented babies.
In North Altona, the odd gunshot, foul Arabic oaths and the rumble of Chrysler 300s arriving home from the scene of the crime.
It would have been interesting to see where the subsidies would have landed if indeed we had kept the carmaking scam going to the present time. Car prices haven’t budged in real terms for perhaps 20 years. I think Dot or someone here had suggested this to be the case.
If the domestic producers couldn’t freeze costs such as wages, then the subsidies would be through the roof by now. I can’t imagine unions taking real pay cuts, can you? Subsidies would be through the roof and tariffs would be higher . We could very well be seeing import quotas again. Lord, we’re fucking lucky that garbage is now behind us.
Drove 2 cars into the ground when I was younger, one was a HZ Holden and the other a Jap car of similar age, Mitsubishi.
Jap car had electronic ignition, OHC and was relatively maintenance light. Replacing the shockys was easy being McPherson strut. Blew a couple of head gaskets and replacing them was more time intensive.
The HZ which I did love, by comparison was still running contact breaker points with ballast resistor which needed regular checks then tweak the timing, still had push rods and when I had to replace a ball joint pulling the wishbone suspension apart was an epic itself.
The only thing I’ll say for the Holden was simplicity for the engine & drive train. The Jap motor could be very fiddly at times especially the carby.
Australia needs to face the fact that it’s an economic shit hole.
Has anyone figured out where the money came from? He was supposedly worth 500 biggies, but that sort of money doesn’t grow on trees. Some have suggested that Maxwell gave him a bundle to hide, which is why Jizzer hung around him. Dunno.
Look at this.
It hasn’t aged well considering they now say ten weeks.
Blind Faith at best rolling up to indulge these arseholes.
Boosters are great.
I said
[First quoting JC’s comment to ranga:]You didn’t weigh the two choices and outcomes resulting in your final decision and outcome.
[To which I responded:] Hey everybody, we’ve got a mind reader on the blog!
JC’s response to my comment, Hey everybody, we’ve got a mind reader on the blog! was:
Am I, because I believe the choice to vax is binary? Go figure.
Err, no, not because of that. Because of the content of your statement which I expressly quoted and expressly responded.
I blame the state education system. JC was allowed to spend far too much time at Melbourne High smacking around weedy little punks like Jon Faine (not that that was a bad thing in itself) and not enough learning reading comprehension.
I can’t imagine unions taking real pay cuts, can you?
We have known for sure, one way or the other, if Judge Mordy (ex ALP preselection hopeful and failed St Kilda first 18 aspirant — the latter almost as objectionable as the first) hadn’t denied the Toyota workers the opportunity to vote on a revised labour package.
It’s a shit hole full stop, with cretins ‘in charge’.
Sorry if my little tale yesterday about the auto industry left the impression I was directing it all at the unions.
That wasn’t the intent.
Management were part of the same FDH* club.
I worked for a second tier component supplier. We only had four customers in Straya (Ford, Olden, Toyota and Miss Ubishi).
We had about a fucking dozen “sales and marketing” guys.
Remember, you sell your part into each successive model maybe once every five years (these were core mechanical parts unaffected by “facelift” model changes) and it doesn’t get changed out on a whim.
The tier one assemblers would then send you weekly forecasts of build quantities and you supplied accordingly.
So what did these sales guys do?
They sure as shit didn’t sell anything because sales quantities were locked in.
And the once every five year bids for model changes were generally led by the CEO, supported by techo types and costing drones.
What did these “sales” guys do exactly?
Answer. They ate subsidies.
* = Fat, Dumb and Happy
It’s was, “Burn Down The Parliament”, that brought them to my mind (and they were still singing it public at least as recently as 2019), but to me they were mostly good driving music the kids & I could agree on.
It isn’t fear me not taking the shot. I just don’t see it necessary plus like I said up thread a dislike of emotional blackmail.
Welp, unless you were having fun too last night, you sounded fairly unimpressed at all of us for daring to differ over trade protection as a general concept, which turned into a tete-a-tete over car manufacturing (a universally agreed-mess, even if the details were quibbled) and then into lobsters and finally degenerated into Ecky-thoomping each other over banjos and crab puns.
What were we all even angry at each other about, again?
The Epstein operation was self funding after a short period of time.
Les Wexner gave him 100mill to manage & Epstein lifted him for 20mill in fees over a decade for having the funds in a cash or cash-like option.
That was the scam, times 100.
Just like Madoff, no-one knew of Epstein taking Ackman or Loeb style positions in anything & after 20 years that’s almost impossible not to pop up on some register somewhere.
Neilson the decision to take the vax was/is binary and primarily based on fear. What other prime motivation could there be?
As for mind reading, you’re the worst offender here with literally boring paragraphs of such concocted swill.
I don’t believe he was worth as much as claimed.
But in answer to that question … blackmail.
One of his first big breaks was Leslie Wexner (Victoria’s Secret, Abercrombie and Fitch) just signing across assets to Epstein because “great business adviser”.
JC, have you ever heard of a Jewish rag-trade guy giving away shit to anybody because “top business guy”?
Epstein became very adept at entrapment and record keeping.
One recurring theme in docos about him was his obsession with having cameras everywhere and massive monitoring and recording rooms in his houses.
I reckon the MO was to set someone up with an overage girl, then later on go with “OMG! She was only 15 and someone recorded it. But I can fix it for you.”
What odds Wexner was introduced to a wannabe Victoria’s Secret model for an “audition” and she turned out to be underage?
My motivation is simple. I enjoy being an intractable disappointment to Palaszczuk and Morrison.
That’s right ‘bern.
For a mover and shaker, Epstein was unbelievably quiet around the markets.
Blackmail is still my #1 theory.
I think some were blackmailed for cold hard cash, and others for the networks they opened up.
Yea, but where did 500 million come from? Don’t forget the depraved fucker had a
1. A huge mansion in NYC. It’s one of the biggest in the city.
2. The Florida joint
3. The island
4. The Arizona place
5 The private jet which isn’t cheap to run.
All up, his running expenses would have been huge.
Sorry was thinking more along the lines of The droner from Altona, as in The Lying Slapper.
Oh, and then we had a Birdstrike. 🙂
And got a look at proper (Treasury-grade, even) magical economic thinking and fiscal fruit-loopery.
And we cheered and got stuck in…
It’s the disgusting mandates that is the biggest issue.
Bern, Sanchez
I reckon his running expenses would would have been a million a month or much more.
All up, his running expenses would have been huge.
Maybe it wasn’t self funding.
You add up those assets & it needed so start up funding.
so much start up funding.
‘bern, JC.
The thing is, Wexner didn’t just assign assets to Epstein to manage for a fee.
He actually signed title to assets across to Epstein.
As I say, find me a Jewish rag-trade guy who does that without something else going on in the background, and I will have him stuffed and mounted and put in a glass display case
Yes indeed, and if wasn’t for the clowns creating smoke the consensus on this would have been seen a long time ago.
He actually signed title to assets across to Epstein.
I thought it was the overcharging of fees on the money he managed.
Anyway, having Comey’s kid on try the case demonstrated the whole scam can keep going on forever.
Don’t be surprised if Bird reappears later tonight. I saw on some of the minor threads yesterday some new names appear with unremarkable contents then no more. Either they were probing actions or he is setting up a bank of aliases for future use. Didn’t really dawn on me till I woke up this morning and saw the mess everywhere.
He’s vewy vewy wiley.
Those who know a lot about Australian made vehicles may care to comment.
My uncle spent a lifetime in the car trade. He told me, many decades ago now, that the Australian automotive industry had done an experiment.
They got a whole lot of cars, half badged Ford and half badged Toyota. [I think. May have been Datsun, or some other Japanese make.]
They got a whole lot of people to test drive one of the “Fords” and one of the “Toyotas”. They told the people that the “Toyota” was a new Japanese built model being tested against the local product. They were careful to have an exact split of people driving the “Ford” first and people driving the “Toyota” first, so that there was no effect from the order of the driving.
Substantially more drivers reported that the Japanese car was much better than the number who reported that the Australian car was better.
In fact the cars were all identical Australian made Fords.
That is, it was clear that the public had a preconception that Japanese made was better than local made, and that preconception could distort their perception of reality.
The result of the test doesn’t prove that the preconception was necessarily wrong, but it would be interesting to know just how much our local industry suffered wrongly from the preconception.
You know, the house on 71st street was sold to an Australian banking dude, who I think works or worked for Gold Sack ( I think, not sure). He’s renovating.. as he should. I think I recall reading that the taxes on the house were around 300K a year. This dude’s running expenses were fucking huge.
It’s an angry looking house.
Sounds like Rex’s personal office nightmare.
Turn up, clock in, do fuck-all at the desk (because you can only wash your coffee cup, dust your immediate vicinity and reload the printer and fax machine so many times), smoko, lunch, clock out and go home. Knowing the home time that you don’t really have a position to contribute to or compete for your company.
In an extraordinary Covid development I find myself in agreement with the AMA.
Knowing the whole time…
I think that is reason not fear. As I said a while back I don’t blame anyone for having the jab for their own reasons. Fear is not one of my reasons. Around Carnbra you’ve got more chance of dying from being rear ended whether from bad drivers or a plethora of homos. Is plethora the collective name for homos, might be good for the Catictionary.
Give me some sets of high-res Technicolor photos of four-five billionaires with their happy face on and up to their nuts in a girl who they are later led to believe was underage and those funds are taken care of.
I think Epstein was probably smart enough to make it look like the blackmailer was a third party and he (Epstein) was doing the victim a favour by handling it and keeping the victim away from traceable transactions with unsavoury underworld characters.
Probably portrayed himself as a blackmail victim as well.
How do you reckon he got that sweet plea deal in Florida in 2008 without goat photos?
There’s more to owning a car than test driving a freaking car around the block. Those preconceived ideas, as you described them, were based on fact. Japanese cars are well made if a little boring.
Notwithstanding any of that, those jobs weren’t self sustaining whereas a job with Toyota Japan is. Silence please.
In my case, I’m quite prepared to accept that. Throughout most of 2020 I quite freely admit that I was s–t scared of the Wuhan pathogen escapee.
I was closely following the dispute about the significance of the virus between epidemiologist and statistician Prof. John Ioannidis & the “Black Swan” man and polemicist Nassim Taleb. Taleb vehemently urged the observance of the Precautionary Principle, while Ioannidis was cautious about the severity of COVID.
I thought Taleb’s argument was the one to follow, and couldn’t wait for vaccinologists to develop a vaccine. At that stage, like many others, I knew little about the science of vaccines, virology or immunology.
I recall urging people on this very blog to take the virus seriously, and chided poor Lizzie in her determination to pursue overseas holidays.
I was wrong. It took the emergence of evidence of the early adverse reactions to the gene therapy “vaccines” to cause me to go into research overdrive into the vagaries of vaccine development. It did not take too long to discover the brilliant and courageous opposition of not only Ioannidis, but Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Geert VanDen Bossche, Sucharit Bhakdi, Tess Lawrie, Bret Weinstein, Jessica Rowe, Pierre Kory, Prof. Christian Perrone, Mike Yeodan, Beda Stadler and so so many others.
Yes, I was driven by fear in the early stages. I am still driven by fear, but now it is the fear of seeing my family and friends suffer from the threat posed by a medical experiment enforced by an ignorant and negligent government and medical advisers, and promoted by a negligent and stupid media.
I don’t know what to believe about Dershowitz.
The stooge waspromising tales of cosmic skulduggery.
And thought he was being a very good boy by sticking to his economics line. That said line mimicked the characteristics of the copper wire windings in an exploded traction motor clearly didn’t seem to matter to him, however…
Toyota’s lasted underground longer then any other brand.
So somebody only becomes a close contact if they come up and see your etchings?
Shorter National Cabinet – “We want lots of cases. But not lots and lots of cases.”
What a joke. If this was an actual Kabuki theatre I would want my money back.
I think I do. I reckon that Queen’s Land American sheila is a bullshit artist. Dersh was doing his lawyerly duty and that’s it. I don’t believe a thing she says.
PS, the BBC had Dershowitz on their coverage of the verdict & didn’t say anything about he was the one who got the Florida prosecutor to agree to the incredible deal Epstein got.
Might have been a little bit of both.
He definitely signed across some real estate assets.
Maybe the liquid assets were put under management.
Either way, Jeffrey was clipping the ticket on the pass through with zero value add.
Dunno JC.
Dershowitz would be the perfect target.
Incredible legal mind.
Part of so many networks.
Epstein used him for access.
In regard to Oz being stuffed, a small case study.
Recently treated myself to a four-wheel indulgence. Never owned a V8 but came across a low-mileage 2001 Mercedes E430 in great nick (apart from three small hail dents and a tiny front-quarter dent a puller will fix in minutes), bought it on impulse and, according to the mechanic who checked it out yesterday, acquired a mechanically sound vehicle with just a few minor issues — new rocker cover gasket (no big deal) and minor cosmetics in need of fixing, two of which are the driver’s and passenger’s side windows. They go down just fine but, sometimes not always, stutter back up to fully closed.
So, in case the silicon spray I picked up this morning at Dirt Cheap doesn’t set things right, I checked local parts for replacement in-door mechanisms: as much as $280 apiece.
Ordered from the US: $60.
Terrible thing when you have to buy yourself your own Christmas present. But having floored it yesterday (legally, sort of, as I had a one-day VicRoads permit), I think it will keep on giving. Pedal down and whoosh. Almost ended up in the back seat. Why ever did I wait so long when I could have had a V8?
The people he touched financially are as sharp as. They have first rate lawyers checking contracts. Epstein would be able to bullshit them.
Also, he was never an account that came up on the street to pursue. I’ve asked other dudes from other banks and no one had heard of him despite him saying he was very big in the currency markets.
That was bullshit as the currency markets are pretty big and it would be harder to trace if you’re being honest about your activities.
Sorry JC, I don’t get this.
My decision not to get vaccinated was absolutely based on principle. I saw early (after they made it clear that we’d be locked up until a vaccine was found) that getting vaccinated would contribute to the government’s ability to force the non-compliant to do so. I value freedom of choice and bodily autonomy, and decided not to add to the critical mass required by the government to institute this horrific outcome. Yes, I failed, but that doesn’t change the motivation behind my choice. I have talked to many other Cats in person (and non-Cats, too). This stance is not unusual. I’ve been upfront about this on the Cat since March 2020, so it’s undeniable.
Fear (of the vaccine or Covid) was almost the furthest thing in my mind. You know my history, and you know that personal fear takes a distant second place to my principles, integrity and values. It played no part in any of my actions over the last two years. I am not alone. I’m sorry, but the vax/no vax is not a binary choice of fear of one or the other. Other motivations exist/ed.
My stance was both rational and principled, as was my decision to change tack after the anticipated vaccine economy came into being (despite my efforts against it).
Epstein was just a much more successful version of Abe Saffron.
If I was an unscrupulous celestial organisation for example I’d have a couple of honey pot houses near Aussie units wired for sound/ vid.
Drugs & sex, nubiles etc.
In 20 years I’d own the courts & pollies.
And Epstein is dead because his stash of goods wasn’t as well hidden as he thought.
I’ve asked other dudes from other banks and no one had heard of him despite him saying he was very big in the currency markets.
No one in Weinstein or Thiel’s universe could find a single person who dealt with him.
Universities, not units thanks spellwrecker.
We want future professionals not housoes
Let me ask you this.
If the vaccine was 100% safe and proven to be so. Highlight the last point, 100% proven, would you have taken the vax without much ado? All that needs to occur in this case if for the fear fact to step down to zero and I can’t see it as a problem.
But, sure I also believe you about the mandate opposition.
Time to rant, and as I have no where else except into the ether, I will do it here. I exist in a nursing home in Brisbane. After spending most of the last 18 months locked down, no visitors, no personal contact outside, I finally organised to see my daughter and grandson at a huge open air park tomorrow. Today at midday these bloody clowns have locked us down again. I can no longer do this, but have no where else to go other than the river as I can not swim. At my wits end. End of rant.
Fair enough, but I think the fear factor applies to most people.
Dude, tell us what we could do for you. More scotch? 🙂
Rex Angersays:
December 30, 2021 at 4:12 pm
Rex, usure of veracity of the below as I got it 3rd hand but wouldn’t be surprised if true. They are out there…
There was a guy let go by one of the mining majors who apparently worked or ahem occupied a position of work like that. Apparently hard to find always and with an excuse was in the field when found. Liked to sit in office with lights off, people would just walk past assuming he wasn’t in. Till one of the Superintendents caught on. They checked his log on times, actually went through the key logging data and on the GPS system of the company vehicle. They found this guy had done virtually nothing for a year before anyone noticed but in a bloated bureaucratic organisation that the company was he had used that to slip through the cracks.
If a covid close contact is now only close contact if you live with them, does that mean that we will not longer be required to QR code into the shops? (maybe just into our own homes?)
I don’t know Mater’s age but he may well have been retired by then.
Using today’s definition of a casual contact exactly none of the 10 people Dirty Pierrre ACTUALLY GAVE Covid to would be a casual contact.
I wonder if that occurred to Sneakers?
Dude, tell us what we could do for you. More scotch? ?
Well ty. JC more scotch is always welcome. but the only thing that could help would be if I could get my house and car back from ex so that I would not need to be here. As someone once told me, life is a bitch, then you marry one, lol
Not if I suspected it would lead to the government ‘getting critical mass’ and forcing a medicine procedure on people, no I wouldn’t have.
I don’t think your scenario would have changed my stance one iota, because it wouldn’t have changed what I thought was going to occur. The safety (or otherwise) of the vaccine didn’t come into my decision making process, as I said above.
I think the government is incredibly evil for forcing unproven vaccines on an entire population, but that’s not a reflection of personal fear. Just an observation based on principle and a life full of situational risk assessment and management.
This whole close/casual contact in NSW is a fucking joke.
Over the past few weeks I’ve been pinged twice as a close contact meaning I’ve had to self isolate until a PCR result came back negative.
Or I could have gone about my business & risked a with a 10-12k fine.
Now that’s done.
I’ve been pinged as a casual contact about half a dozen times too.
Using the past tense as if it’s over. Nothing is over. You’ll need to battle this every 3 months.
In the end everyone will need to join the ‘unvax’d’, meaning those who have chosen not to take the Xth ‘booster’, not just those who have never taken one.
I look forward to anti-boosters rejoining the ranks.
Today at midday these bloody clowns have locked us down again.
The f***ing c***s.
Am I right in understanding that Qld has zero patients in ICU with Covid?
Observations of Mongyang.
Dropped the son and heir off at the airport, where he flew out to Brisvegas to spend a week with The Skank prior to returning home.
Went to the CBD after for stuff. Almost deserted at 3.00 p.m. the number of shops, businesses etc closed down and boarded was striking. Pedestrians could wander across roads freely, whereas in former times you’d take your life in your hands doing so.
10% maskage in the street, 30% in indoor environments.
On the way back, burst through traffic to make sure I’d seen what I thought I had, then followed that Datto 120Y down Dynon Road, through Footiscray and all the way under the bridge to Willy.
unvax’d = never vax’d + Xth anti-vaxer
Car manufacture isn’t entirely dead in Australia.
Brabham make the outstanding BT62 (race version) or the BT62R (road version) but they are a tad expensive at upwards of $1.5m or thereabouts depending on configuration. Manufactured in Adelaide.
Alternatively, the H2X Warrego is a hydrogen powered ute that uses the Ford Ranger as a donor body. Costs up to $250k depending on configuration. Yikes!
There are a handful of others – including ‘kit’ cars such as Westfield Sportscars and replica makers for the GT40 and Cobra.
Separately, I guess the Luxury Car Tax is now supposed to protect those manufacturers. (might be wrong about that). The Government collected about $700m in LCT in 2020/21.
The last two years have demonstrated that QLD & Victoria have effectively done nothing – apart from putting in place a huge administrative state – to ramp up capacity for medical treatment.
Australia really is Atlas Shrugged in real life.
I said “change tack after the anticipated vaccine economy came into being”.
Changing tack doesn’t mean lowering the sails.
Wivenhoe – Rant on, that’s why we’re all here! It’s not you, it’s the world, which has gone mad. But there’s much in between the mad bits which is still fun. Lately I’ve been pottering around in Civ V Beyond Earth trying to avoid siege worms. They’re irritating. Much like CHOs and health ministers.
As I said, fair enough Mater. You need to also keep in mind that a lot of people who’ve been vaxed are also 100% against the mandates . I am, totally.
Am I right in understanding that Qld has zero patients in ICU with Covid?
Not sure Timothy, But if there is one, you would have it blasted all over. this whole thing is rubbish. Like the staff can come in every day, go home, go out for dinner, engage in nefarios activities all night, for all we know, then walk back in and do it all again, but I can not walk around the block.
Send your email details to Dover who hopefully will on-send them to me. I’ll send you another load of Scotch like last time.
mc, your asking such a question raises doubt in my mind as to the authenticity of your love for our leaders.
I’ve been pinged as a casual contact about half a dozen times too.
Stop going to brothels.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 30, 2021 at 4:49 pm
Laughing, Bruce. Are they related to those nanno wriggler things?
Is there anyway for a layman to get out of jury duty. Lying but not getting caught out is fine too.
The prosecutor in the jizz lane trial is get this.. James Comey’s daughter.
Send your email details to Dover who hopefully will on-send them to me. I’ll send you another load of Scotch like last time.
Well ty JC that is always nice, but really not necessary. The e-mail is still the same as last time, the address has changed. obviosly Dover has the e-mail and is welcome to forward it to any whom ask for it. The address will be sent to those that i trust, like yourself.
Thanks Winenhoe, But I can’t recall the email dets so it would be hard to find.
The prosecutor in the jizz lane trial is get this.. James Comey’s daughter.
A very shallow swamp!
BLM shirt might do it.
Thanks Winenhoe, But I can’t recall the email dets so it would be hard to find.
No problem JC, those things happen when you have a life, but dover is welcome to forward if he has time.
jabbing the kids is the sickest, gravest crime against humanity in history…considering the number world wide.