Flight Karen should have had been gaffer taped to the jump seat near the toilets for the full flight shame of it. Everyone gets a chance to upload footage of the gagged miscreant to YouTube when they go to the loo.
Hang on, isn’t it a worry that airlines all seem to have a ready supply of gaffer tape on hand.
December 26, 2021 10:24 am
An interesting post by John H. at 5:52 p.m. yesterday. Thanks, John.
December 26, 2021 10:25 am
Consenus is what you get when you have to do something about a problem but don’t know what to do and don’t want to be responsible for the result.
December 26, 2021 10:26 am
“That only works until you run out of fuel, then you crash.”
Please use technically correct terms, viz: “That is effective until such time as loss of propulsion due to lack of liquid combustibles supply results in controlled flight into terrain.”
See? sounds much nicer, dunnit? Don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings you know…
December 26, 2021 10:27 am
I’m just a humble grape miner tending to my underground vineyard.
incoherent rambler
December 26, 2021 10:30 am
Lead as the active ingredient
Where is the Pb chemist?
We have a gypsum problem.
December 26, 2021 10:35 am
Just flipped through the changes in this article on Jan 1. All red tape, woke BS like plastic sham and Dan’s tradie push or new taxes unless you are in the childcare industry which is about to get another sugar hit that will be eaten up in fee rises. Lastly they are tinkering with Veterans entitlements yet again and I’ll wager it won’t be for the better.
Unanticipated departure from controlled flight parameters.
December 26, 2021 10:44 am
Hope you all had a very merry Christmas.
No roast dinners for me – instead, we had a platter to graze on all day.
Crackers, ham, chicken, prawns, smoked salmon, chorizo, blue cheese, tasty cheddar, parmesan, mozzarella, artichoke hearts, roasted capsicum, semi-dried tomatoes, olives, pickled gurkins, macadamias, pistachios, peanuts, spicy capsicum dip, avocado dip.
Plenty of wine, apple cider (Somersby – just like sparkling apple juice, only alcoholic) and whisky to help wash it down.
Still plenty left over to continue with today… and if you’ll excuse me, I think I might just go and have a nibble or two…
Not all of the irish are Leprechauns and fun loving piss-pots:
In Ireland, Jew-hatred does not well up from the general public but seems clearly driven from the top down. These Goebbels-like attacks on Israel include salvos from several Sinn Fein members of parliament. One of them, Martin Browne, represents Tipperary and claims, falsely, that Israel created ISIS. Another, Matt Carthy representing Cavan-Monahan, has stated that Israel is the worst human rights offender on earth — presumably dwarfing China, North Korea, Venezuela and Iran.
Unanticipated rendezvous with Cumulogranite formation.
H B Bear
December 26, 2021 10:49 am
Good to see Nimbin get a mention in the shit towns list. I went to the “museum” there once and couldn’t wait to get home and have a shower. Fvckin’ hippies. The surrounding hinterland is magnificent.
From November 1, more items will be prohibited including single-use plastic straws, cutlery, stirrers, cotton buds, plates and bowls, expanded polystyrene food service items and microbeads
For the first time in many years, I decided to turn on the TV. Partly to see if it still worked as the aerial appears to hang at a strange angle from the chimney.
I’ll check out the start of the cricket….
Welcome to country crap
TV off again for another 10 years!
December 26, 2021 11:05 am
half the stories are the, exact, same as MSN .. they haven’t even bothered to alter the headings ……
Way back when things were fun, if you were working the Christmas Day shift and weren’t rat-arsed by the time company catered Christmas lunch arrived, you were doing it wrong.
In TV land, the PMG owned all the stuff used to get piccies from here to there and there were swathes of rules about booking and switching times and even rules about swearing on Order Wires.
Except on Christmas Day, when bureaucracy went out the window, to allow the speedy and efficient transmission of Christmas Goof Tapes.
Armstrong Advertising out of Melbourne (?) had the most slickly produced TV commercial fuck ups.
One year, BBC VT got Suzy Quatro to host theirs.
And another year, a small production company in the ACT making niche, direct to VHS content*,
stunned everyone with the most inventive … stuff.
*I don’t think I need to draw a picture.
December 26, 2021 11:08 am
“Unanticipated rendezvous with Cumulogranite formation.”
Much better.
Although “unanticipated” seems somewhat subjective, IMO – should the passenger list include Dan Andrews, Brad Hazzard et al, I find it hard to believe that “unanticipated” would be accurate for the plurality of us plebs…
“it was a brave yet very stupid lad that decided to take a leak on that monument.”
Not brave……stupid and in certain parts of the world actions still incur consequences. As for the length of the term……four years……well that might seem a tad excessive and the length of the prison term can be debated however we here in the west now live in a society where actions, particularly when those actions are perpetrated by those on the left, incur zero consequences. Just look at the stunts of Extinction Rebellion and other leftist activist groups, they rarely if ever receive any significant opprobrium, instead all they receive is a piddling fine, a slap on the wrist and a mild smirking rebuke from sympathetic judges and MSM scum.
I remember how last year, here in Sydney, two Greens’ staffers vandalised a statue of Captain Cook in Hyde Park. Note that neither of them were teenagers, instead both women were in their mid to late twenties and one works for that piece of Green garbage, David Shoebridge. Anyway, the police charged the two women and this is the punishment one of them received. Xiaoran Shi was fined a total of $1760 for wilfully damaging or defacing a protected place and possessing a graffiti implement. Xiaoran Shi was described by Deputy Chief Magistrate Michael Allen as “thoughtful, articulate and intelligent and said that she clearly feels passionately about the centuries-long struggle of indigenous Australians.”
Not a lot of punishment there. I doubt Xiaoran Shi has learnt anything or feels any remorse.
December 26, 2021 11:14 am
Around 46,000 at the MCG for the first hour of the Boxing Day Test and predictions the first-day crowd will get to 70,000.
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 11:16 am
I am a Lead Farmer, and I am deeply offended by Grigory’s wrongness and deliberate stupidity.
I will be along shortly to force-feed him some of my produce and demonstrate to him the errors of his Glowie ways…
H B Bear
December 26, 2021 11:23 am
Bit soon to write off the cricket. Give it a couple of hours. The Channel Stokes commentary can safely be given a miss. The ALBC remains OK and regular rotation means you rarely get aroused sufficiently to get up and turn it off.
December 26, 2021 11:24 am
Fvckin’ hippies.
One of the good things about Hobart is the cooler weather. Our hippies while, just as feral, don’t stink as much as the QLD and Northern NSW variety.
December 26, 2021 11:27 am
Sinn Fein and Jews. The IRA used to liaise with the PLO during their heyday so perhaps the ideology rubbed off as well as the terrorist training and arms shipments.
So how come allthese payments increased by more than the last, single, OAP indexed rate of $14.80 F/N (September 20), unless the cost-of-living index has sky-rocketed in the past 3 months, given the OAP fortnightly rate is greater than all three?
Youth Allowance payments for those living away from home will increase by $17.90 per fortnight to $537.40, while for those aged 18 or over living at home, it will be boosted by $12.40, raising their fortnightly payments to $371.60.
Older students on Austudy will also receive a $17.90 fortnightly boost, bringing those payments to $537.40.
Single parents with children will get an extra $23 per fortnight, bringing those payments to $688.20 every two weeks.
Dr Faustus
December 26, 2021 11:27 am
These Goebbels-like attacks on Israel include salvos from several Sinn Fein members of parliament.
Sinn Féin.
Think Australian Greens.
All the appeal of the Taliban…
December 26, 2021 11:28 am
I gather Czechlandia, or whatever it’s called this week, isn’t a fan of cultural imperialism.
Knuckle Dragger
December 26, 2021 11:34 am
Not brave……stupid and in certain parts of the world actions still incur consequences.
Piss on a monument commemorating the deaths of nine million of your countrymen fighting racial purists who invaded your land with the stated intent of lebensraum, and you deserve everything you get.
Prisons are prisons, and with a bit of luck this young fellow may develop a permanent balance problem once the rest of the crooks work out what he’s in for.
A pat on the hand and an earnest conversation with a counsellor using feelings charts, under the umbrella of ‘education’ will not get the job done.
December 26, 2021 11:34 am
I can live with laws banning damaging public and private property but to do so for political/social reasons has a slippery slope. And tends to advantage those in power.
Not a lot of punishment there. I doubt Xiaoran Shi has learnt anything or feels any remorse.
Methinx, the magistrate took her indigenous name & heritage into account when soaking the lettuce leaf in the marinade .. LOL!
December 26, 2021 11:39 am
A pat on the hand and an earnest conversation with a counsellor using feelings charts, under the umbrella of ‘education’ will not get the job done.
This is all you’ll get in most prisons knowdays.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 11:41 am
I can live with laws banning damaging public and private property but to do so for political/social reasons has a slippery slope.
What other sensible reasons could there be?
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 11:43 am
Sinn Féin.
Think Australian Greens
Worse- They still take their orders from whomever commands the IRA.
The Armalite-and-Ballot box strategy they devised in the 70s for Northern Ireland somehow worked out perfectly at home, for they are now the government…
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 11:44 am
What other sensible reasons could there be?
Protecting the nation’s Gypsum supply from you…
December 26, 2021 11:46 am
Winston Smith says:
December 26, 2021 at 7:01 am
A COVID paranoid female passenger on what is reported to be a Delta flight from Tampa to Atlanta Thursday attacked a man for not wearing a mask while he was eating. The man tried to explain to the woman he was eating and drinking, at one point holding up an uncapped water bottle. The man called the woman a Karen and a bitch as the two exchanged verbal assaults and profanities. The woman leaned in to attack the man, punching, scratching and even spitting on him, according to the man.
Great video!
Seriously, why are people in this state of mind on the loose? Does nobody actually care that they’re so deranged as to act like that? Once upon a time they’d have been “getting help” for their unhinged and wretched condition. Life can’t possibly be at all enjoyable for them.
December 26, 2021 11:47 am
Aaron says:
December 26, 2021 at 7:21 am
As the Government prepares the boosters, one wonders where from here?
Pfizer is useless, basically.
If they start kids off on this rubbish. they are insane.
I’d be more inclined to say it’s criminal to start kids off on any of this junk.
December 26, 2021 11:52 am
an earnest conversation with a counsellor using feelings charts
Or perhaps they pull out the big guns, the empathy dolls.
December 26, 2021 11:52 am
A lull…before the next phase of hospitality begins at 12 o’clock high.
Hope everyone is enjoying the season of food comas and general overindulgence.
The ankle biters are all in the pool pretending to be seals. The fridge is stacked to belch out another three courses in order (because the cook is OCD), and the drinks waiter has lined up and excellent range of imbibables.
Looks like hotel calli will have guests until at least twelfth night. No wonder – good food, soft beds and plenty of entertainment on tap.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 11:56 am
I’d be more inclined to say it’s criminal to start kids off on any of this junk.
If you believe the COVID/19 Pandemic is real, then eventually the kids will be old enough to contract this serious illness.
So why not inoculate them now?
Boambee John
December 26, 2021 12:01 pm
Mr Ed
So why not inoculate them now?
Indeed. There is nothing quite so sensible as to inject a so-called “vaccine” which does not provide any long term protection into youngsters who will not be at risk from this so-called “serious illness” for several years.
Fvck off fvckwit.
December 26, 2021 12:05 pm
“Seriously, why are people in this state of mind on the loose? “
Nut houses all got closed, and the inmates were left to “community care”.
Well, OK, the nut houses where the inmates are elected and get paid with taxes are still open, but all the rest got closed.
Delta A
December 26, 2021 12:05 pm
Good to see Nimbin get a mention in the shit towns list.
I loved Nimbin: the best street theatre in Australia.
Geriatric hippies spreading the love, the sounds of tibetan cymbals, bongo drums and wind-chimes, and the unique aromas of patchouli and pot.
I was a wife and mother in the 60s/70s. TBH, I didn’t know any ‘hippies’ at that time, so it was educational for me to see how the apparent other half lived. Entertaining, but I’m glad I never chose that lifestyle.
Delta A
December 26, 2021 12:10 pm
This via mh at DashCat:
Delta A
December 26, 2021 12:13 pm
Well, that was a big fail.
From the link:
A mother in Argentina has caused an uproar after announcing that her 3-year-old daughter has died shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
Miriam Suárez said her daughter Ámbar was vaccinated last week on December 15th and passed away a day later from sudden cardiac arrest.
The 3-year-old had received the jab because otherwise she would not have been allowed to go to kindergarten due to a vaccine mandate.
Coming to a kindy near you.
December 26, 2021 12:16 pm
Seriously, why are people in this state of mind on the loose?
“Sectioning” a person is quite a process and rightly so given their freedom is being taken away by state authority.
The better question to ask is why is she in that state of mind?
It’s covid hysteria whipped up by politicians for their own ends aided and abetted by the msm.
December 26, 2021 12:23 pm
“So why not inoculate them now?”
Err, the risk of hospitalisation for under 12’s is on the order of more 100 times greater for the vax than the actual disease (IIRC, it was 174 times).
So if they aren’t at significant risk from the disease when young, but are when older, why not let them develop natural immunity? You know, like we used to do by telling them to play with the kids that have chicken pox or mumps, so they don’t risk the damage from catching it later in life?
As a bonus, they can continue to have a social life and attend school.
And since, as per Florida stats, school teachers (where schools never closed) are no more likely to catch COVID than the general population, there is no additional risk to adults (other than the elderly and infirm, which we already knew).
Plus, according to the egg-spurts, vax immunity fades after 6 months (hence boosters) while seroimmunity tests reveal that natural immunity lasts at least 12 months for 80+% – for those that had a severe case, as much as 7 times more antibodies after this time.
Is that sufficient reason to oppose giving minors the jab?
December 26, 2021 12:28 pm
Week In Pictures
Thanks, Tom.
Got a giggle from the Lord of the Rings pic.
Interestingly, the 20th anniversary of the first movie came and went without a whimper of action at cinemas. Surely after 2 years of almost zero custom cinemas would be gagging at getting people into seats. A 20th anniversary pump up and subsequent marathon of three movies would put a few coins in cinema pockets, but no. Cinemas as we know them are just shills for big Hollywood and run almost as many agendas as the legacy media. Fuck them all.
December 26, 2021 12:28 pm
Well, I was disinvited from a social function yesterday purely because I am unvaxxed. While I respected the decision given the fear most people feel around the whole Covid drama, I did gently chide the hostess for leaving it to the very last moment to let me know I wasn’t welcome when my unvaxxed status is absolutely no secret and I work with her partner.
I will still give her the small gift I purchased for her. I bought it with her in mind and think it is something she will really like.
Vile old biden get’s pranked by a caller saying Let’s go Branden much to the outrage of the msm which cheered every outrageous slur against Trump. This is Salty’s take and his description of biden, his slut wife, predator pervert son is one of the best I’ve heard. His anger is palpable:
Three Tiers of Government is Two Too Many #1 (The Hun):
Melbourne’s councils frustrated and alarmed ratepayers and businesses during the second year of the pandemic but one stood out so much the state government was moved to intervene.
The City of Yarra racked up a litany of policy bungles from a controversial banana artwork to flying an “aromantics” flag to botching basic rubbish collections. The performance of the tone-deaf Greens-run council was considered so poor a municipal monitor was appointed to manage the administration.
Unsurprising, given that the Greens and reality are empirical opposites.
The decision to introduce fortnightly collection of recyclable rubbish, instead of weekly, angered many residents
One of Yarra’s solutions was to make friends with your neighbours and give them your rubbish.
A few months later the council moved to increase fees – by up to tenfold for some – for local sports club to use public grounds. Greens councillors seemed surprised at the ensuing outcry and were forced to back down.
That’s because none of them go outdoors. And:
Similarly, they seemed bewildered by small business owners firing up over the decision to crank up fees for cafes, bars and restaurants to convert car parks into outdoor dining areas
And the councillors are apparently underpaid:
Cr Sophie Wade – now the mayor – complained on social media about the “poor” councillor allowance she received for her public service.
And previous mayor Gabriella de Vietri sanctioned the flying of an “aromantics” flag on Richmond Town Hall. The baffling explanation was: “Yarra flies the Aromantic flag in recognition of Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, acknowledging those whose experience of romance is disconnected from normative societal expectations or who experience no romantic attraction”.
Or there was the $22,000 banana sculpture in Fitzroy that aimed to make Rose St more “pedestrian friendly”. One person was so angry he tried to saw it half. Or Yarra’s plan to pay $70,000 for six months’ to a “climate emergency” artist, which led to another backdown.
A well-oiled machine:
Even the vote for mayor last month took four attempts, with the online meetings becoming a bureaucratic nightmare and painful for the public to witness.
Yarra is the first Greens-dominated government anywhere in Australia, so its first 12 months of administration were seen as a test case of the party’s ability to govern.
Knuckle Dragger
December 26, 2021 12:38 pm
A Brunswick-based council also moved to limit the height of bike jumps. Residents were told jumps in public spaces had to kept below 40cm to ensure children’s safety.
Town Hall was also in the spotlight when it was revealed that, in the past five years, council meetings had been disrupted by almost 150 cases of councillor conflict of interest issues.
The council was also lashed for splashing $1.37m of ratepayers’ cash on a program to help lonely ethnic LGBTIQ+ people, asylum seekers and young Asian women at a time when city businesses were going to the wall because of continuous lockdowns.
And, with Darebin Council leading a crowded field in the Self-Important Stakes:
Darebin council angered its ratepayers by banning men from applying for a job as a streetsweeper – the advertisement called for a “non-male identified” person.
The council also tried to spearhead a ban on nuclear weapons, leaving residents baffled as to how an inner-city jurisdiction could achieve that.
Boroondara and Greater Dandenong councils were also in the firing line for splurging more than $6000 each on “strategic planning” meetings at fancy country clubs.
Ratepayers had to foot the bill for councillors’ accommodation and meals and asked why they could not meet at their town halls – for free.
At Port Phillip, councillors backed away from a controversial bid to spend $200,000 for a Rainbow Tick accreditation, even though they had earlier signed a campaign pledge to push ahead with the move.
The accreditation is given to organisations which “understand and implement LGBTQIA+ safe and inclusive service delivery”.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 12:39 pm
So if they aren’t at significant risk from the disease when young, but are when older, why not let them develop natural immunity?
Because they can be carriers and inadvertently kill Grandma.
You know, like we used to do by telling them to play with the kids that have chicken pox or mumps, so they don’t risk the damage from catching it later in life?
Never heard of that in my life.
The treatment for Chicken Pox and Mumps, both of which I had, over 50 years ago, was isolation at home until it was over.
As a bonus, they can continue to have a social life and attend school.
That’s the idea of vaccinating 5-11 year olds- they can continue attending School.
December 26, 2021 12:42 pm
Cr Sophie Wade – now the mayor – complained on social media about the “poor” councillor allowance she received for her public service.
She’ll be happy as mayor then.
The “allowance” for her “public service” has jumped from $28 869.50 to $89 324.40.
Grigory is still playing the “fake dumb conservative” in order to besmirch this blog.
The character is too dumb to be believable. That’s funny because the level of commitment Grogbogglery has committed to towards this character is rather extraordinary.
Boambee John
December 26, 2021 1:07 pm
Because they can be carriers and inadvertently kill Grandma.
Mr Ed regards his miserable life as so precious that he is happy to risk the lives and long term health of children in a desperate attempt to ensure that his life is not placed at risk.
He could simply self-isolate in the stable for the rest of his miserable life, but, no, he wants freedom to go anywhere at any time without being frightened by the presence of small children.
‘Elf ‘azzard seems to be cracking. Mugged by reality? Let’s hope so.
I dunno, could be more bullshit and kite flying pre lockdown number 4 (?) (I have lost count).
Top Ender
December 26, 2021 1:43 pm
The Sydney-to-Hobart race just had a special feature on women in the race.
Disappointing to see no special on transgenders.
I will write in to Channel 7.
Old Lefty
December 26, 2021 1:45 pm
Anyone who thinks Tolkien was a WAAAAAAYCIST should read his letter to a prospective German publisher in 1938 who asked about his racial characteristics.
I don’t have the text in front of me, but it was to the effect of ‘If you mean “Do I have J3wish ancestry?”, I must regretfully confess that I do not belong to that marvellous race. And if that is your attitude, I have no interest in any further dealings with you.’
December 26, 2021 1:50 pm
Skin suits kept in basements are at more risk from the German backpacker kept in the hole and mildew than from kids attending school you spastic Mong.
Vaccinating kids in a scientifically illiterate attempt to stop old vaccinated people dying from a disease is juju, not medicine.
December 26, 2021 1:52 pm
“Because they can be carriers and inadvertently kill Grandma.”
This is true for any number of diseases, including influenza – yet no other disease has provoked this draconian response, just “beware”‘s.
Besides which, have you asked Grandama what she wants, what she is prepared to risk to enjoy the company of her grandkids – I bet you haven’t. Cuddling and shamelessly spoiling grandkids is what most grandma’s want, from what I’ve seen. I can’t think of a single grandparent that would want to increase the risk to life and health of their grandkids by 100 times to keep themselves “safe” – not one. Sounds kind of selfish to me.
Ahh, Chrissy leftovers. The best.
And, evenbetter, attendance at Boxing Day elevenzes and backyard cricket is by host’s invitation only. No obligations.
December 26, 2021 2:06 pm
councillor allowance she received for her public service
Allowance and public service shouldn’t even go together. At what stage does the ‘allowance’ snuff out the mystique of ‘service’ to the public?
Seriously, why are people in this state of mind on the loose? Does nobody actually care that they’re so deranged as to act like that? Once upon a time they’d have been “getting help” for their unhinged and wretched condition. Life can’t possibly be at all enjoyable for them.
They’re on a Virtue High, Bushkid.
So convinced of their own moral righteousness that no rules can possible stop them from demanding perfection from all those who they see as inferior.
Looks like hotel calli will have guests until at least twelfth night. No wonder – good food, soft beds and plenty of entertainment on tap.
You’re not going to do that 7 veils dance again this year, are you?
You know how that went awry after too many of those Peach Trembles last year.
Ha ha! 9% alcohol never tasted so good or danced so badly!
December 26, 2021 2:23 pm
The bullshit spigot is set to full open in South Australia. The silly woman who warned against the viral contagions of pizza boxes and footballs now says (via AAP)
Nicola Spurrier said three jabs were needed to achieve the same level of protection against Omicron as two jabs against Delta.
“What we need to do now is put everything, every effort we can in our state to get the third dose into everybody as quickly as possible,” she said.
Sort of expecting SA’s Madam Moron to be on the New Year’s Honours list. That’s the way things work these days: Be of no use to anyone and watch your star ascend.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 2:36 pm
Besides which, have you asked Grandama what she wants, what she is prepared to risk to enjoy the company of her grandkids –
Grandma is short for old people.
Is Grandma cool with no 5-11 year olds getting vaxxed andthereby putting her life at risk?
I don’t think so.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 2:40 pm
Sort of expecting SA’s Madam Moron to be on the New Year’s Honours list. That’s the way things work these days: Be of no use to anyone and watch your star ascend.
It’s always worked like that.
Get a heap of men killed in France because you’re an idiot?
No worries, get promoted anyway amd end up a General in WW2.
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 2:43 pm
For the aviation nuts.
Ever since I found Paper Wings on Youtube, my respect for combat airmen (and particularly some of those who served in the Soviet Air Forces) has deepened.
Who has the bollocks to fly a ground attack aircraft whose gun routinely shakes the aircraft to pieces, cracks radios, deforms landing gear doors, pops canopies and de-installs entire instrukent panels?
Old Mate’s Memphis Belle video has got some incredible stats and factoids built into its presentation, too.
And his video on the Tupolev Tu-22 Blinder? Welp, you couldn’t make a better comedy up than the truth. And the perfectly deadpan Russian delivery makes it even crazier
Get a heap of men killed in France because you’re an idiot?
No worries, get promoted anyway amd end up a General in WW2.
And which ones were those, Grigory?
Pretty much every Staff-level officer on both sides of the conflict with WW1 experience were at best Company-Grade officers, and often lower.
Depending on which faction you pick, particularly the Red Army, practically all the experienced folks were dead or memory-holed.
Surely you have some leftover Christmas Beetle milk in your fridge. Fuck off back into your corner and chew on it, you utter mong.
Boambee John
December 26, 2021 2:52 pm
I don’t think so.
Mr Ed doesn’t think, he emotes, badly.
December 26, 2021 2:53 pm
I can’t think of a single grandparent that would want to increase the risk to life and health of their grandkids by 100 times to keep themselves “safe” – not one. Sounds kind of selfish to me.</blockquote
Always, ALWAYS look for the self interest motive in our grubby corrupt politicians. They don't give a rats about grandma or the kids. They simply don't want to be blamedfor granny popping off. That could mean a loss of access to the trough. A fate far worse than death for these parasites.
Sinn Fein and Jews. The IRA used to liaise with the PLO during their heyday so perhaps the ideology rubbed off as well as the terrorist training and arms shipments.”
Almost all European far-left political parties and groups liaised closely with the PLO back in the 1970s and 1980s….from the Italian Red Brigades to the Basque ETA to the Irish Sinn Fein to the German Baader-Meinhof Group. These European far-left groups would train in PLO camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. They would frequently work hand in hand to strike terror into European Jewish communities. From airline hijackings to Munich to Synagogue bombings to Lod massacre to Entebbe, almost all of these attacks on European Jews involved Europeans from the aforementioned far-left groups.
In October 1982 the Great Synagogue of Rome was attacked by armed Palestinian terrorists at the entrance to the Synagogue. This resulted in the murder of a 2-year-old toddler and 37 civilians were injured. The Italian government was warned about the attack. It did nothing.
As for Sinn Fein, a few months ago I read Tuvia Tenenbom’s The Taming of the Jew. Tuvia chronicles anti-Semitism in the British Isles, particularly in Ireland and particularly in Northern Ireland. It isn’t a pretty picture. The Catholic areas of Belfast and Londonderry are strewn with art work, banners and placards about “Free Palestine” and “From the River to the Sea”. When talking to people about Jews and Israel, Tuvia is shocked at the animosity. It’s sectarian, there is not nearly the same antipathy on the Protestant side towards Jews and Israel.
As an aside, whilst in hospital I finished reading an excellent book on the “The Troubles” called “Say Nothing”. It wasn’t light reading. It’s set around the murder of Jean McConville. …..and there’s no doubt, no doubt whatsoever, that Gerry Adams was involved.
Boambee John
December 26, 2021 3:31 pm
Under the “Peace Agreement” to end the northern “Troubles”, all IRA murderers were given amnesty, but the pursuit of former British soldiers continues.
Wasn’t Bill Clinton involved in negotiating that agreement?
December 26, 2021 3:32 pm
At some stage I might try a full post attempting to explain how health departments are supposed to calculate the sort of resources/ outcomes tradeoffs which underpin day to day operations.
For example ( real life) leaving a very elderly lady for weeks with a prolapsed anus until she could be slotted into surgery as a ( bottom of the list) appointment.
Cruel, but allowing dozens of younger patients to be treated first and giving the best “ life years” bang for the buck.
Diseases that affect kids and youth are generally prioritised for the same reason. Curing one 10 year old has statistically dozens of times the outcome impact of curing an 80 year old.
Covid seems to have inverted this in a really, really fundamental way.
Few people in the multitude of health departments seem to be addressing this issue.
It may be the amounts of projected hospital resources diverted for covid justifies this, but the most extreme disruptions have been caused by “ preparing” for spikes rather than having them.
Sancho Panzer
December 26, 2021 3:38 pm
Knuckle Draggersays:
December 26, 2021 at 8:38 am
*decent cricketer*
Those last two letters fell off the original post. Just like Burns’ head used to fall off its line to the off side, exposing a huge front pad.
Two immutable rules of life:-
1. No Malcolm should be given the keys to The Lodge;
2. No Burns should ever open the batting in Test Crickit.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 3:45 pm
Beats me how Ben Stokes is allowed into Australia.
He put a bloke in a coma outside a nightclub a couple of years ago and gets a visa anyway?
Compare that to Tyson Fury, opined that homosexuals probably aren’t going anywhere pleasant in the Afterlife, stripped of the Heavyweight Title.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 26, 2021 3:46 pm
Perth power outages leave thousands without air-con on hottest Christmas Day on record
Staff writersPerthNow
December 26, 2021 9:06AM
WA News
Thousands of homes are still without power as network outages continue to impact suburbs across Perth.
Temperatures are expected to peak again on Boxing Day, with a record breaking maximum of 44 degrees predicted.
Perth’s south-east is worst affected by the outages, with more than 4000 properties still without electricity in suburbs including Roleystone, Martin, Karragullen, Canning, Kelmscott and Armadale.
Close to 1000 homes are also affected in Wellard, Baldivis, Casuarina, Oldbury and Mardella, while other suburbs such as North Perth, Rockingham, Dalkeith, Scarborough, Beckenham, Cloverdale and Darlington also have outages.
Western Power crews are expected to head out to affected suburbs today to try to restore power, however Western Power has not listed restoration times for any of the suburbs.
On Saturday, crews were forced to delay repairs planned for the electricity network because of fire danger warnings in place.
Temperatures across Perth soared on Christmas Day, with Jandakot and Pearce both recording a sweltering 43.3C about 4pm — making them Perth’s hottest locations.
Top Ender
December 26, 2021 3:49 pm
Get a heap of men killed in France because you’re an idiot? No worries, get promoted anyway amd end up a General in WW2.
Could we have some names of these people please?
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 3:51 pm
Are you saying it never happened?
December 26, 2021 3:54 pm
Cassie, I saw a number of anti-Jewish “street art” walls in Belfast.
I really got the poops and made my thoughts quite plain to the guide – what the hell is this sh*t doing here? I thought the “troubles” were between the Catholics and Protestants! I find it offensive in the extreme and, quite frankly, ridiculous. You are doing yourselves no favours, none.
A sheepish look. A mumbled, it’s about other struggles too. To which I called bullshit.
The place was grotesque enough already with its stench of bigotry. The anti-semitism was the rancid icing on the cake. Couldn’t get back to Dublin fast enough.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 26, 2021 3:58 pm
How French Foreign Legion veterans see out their days: making wine at a 17th century Provençal château
Peter Conradi, Puyloubier
Saturday December 25 2021, 5.00pm GMT, The Sunday Times
Deep in the Provençal countryside, veterans of the Foreign Legion are spending their twilight years making wine and olive oil.
They are France’s answer to the Chelsea pensioners — except that their retirements are spent on a 544-acre estate with a 17th-century chateau, vineyard and olive groves.
The Domaine Capitaine Danjou, close to Aix-en-Provence, was established in 1954 to cope with a flood of legionnaires injured in Indochina and initially had close to 400 residents. Officially known as the Institution des invalides de la Légion étrangère, it is home these days to just 80 veterans, either in need of convalescence or rehabilitation or simply a roof over their heads; the youngest is 36, the oldest 96.
A recent visit to the domaine in Puyloubier, 25 miles north of the legion’s recruiting centre in Aubagne, offered a glimpse into a unique establishment whose residents come from dozens of different countries.
There are no women among them, as still remains the case with the institution in which they served.
“We don’t receive any subsidies, and it is the vines that provide the majority of the money we need to keep everything running,” said the director, Lieutenant-Colonel Olivier Madonna, 54, as we sat in his grand office, its walls covered in legion memorabilia.
This year, the domaine produced 160,000 bottles — down from the usual 200,000 because of frost and hail — about half of which ended up on the tables of legion messes, with the rest bought by the public.
Some residents make mugs, figurines and other souvenirs that are on sale in an on-site shop, while others bind commemorative books. The institution also receives donations and bequests.
The domaine takes its name from Jean Danjou, one of the legion’s greatest heroes, who was killed during Napoleon III’s adventures in Mexico in 1863. Every April 30, in one of the highpoints of the military calendar, the wooden prosthetic hand Danjou designed for himself is taken out of its case and put on parade.
The legion, which today has nearly 9,000 members and is deployed in some of the world’s trouble spots, such as Africa’s Sahel region, was set up in 1831 by King Louis Philippe and has always been open to all, regardless of nationality. Its motto is Legio Patria Nostra (the legion is our Fatherland) but its members’ loyalty is to France.
Though renowned for giving a second chance to those trying to escape a dubious past, these days it is choosier about its new recruits — it rejects those with serious criminal records. Traditionally, everyone who signs the initial five-year contract is given a new name on joining and allowed to reclaim their old one only after a year. Some prefer to keep the new identity.
The nationalities of those who serve in the legion have changed over the decades — as has the ethnic composition of the veterans in Puyloubier.
“After the Second World War, the Germans were in the majority; then we had a period with a lot of Russians and Romanians,” said Madonna. “At present the legion is more oriented to Nepalese, Malagasy and Brazilians. In a few years, they are the ones whom we will see living here.”
Despite its name, about 10 per cent of Foreign Legion are Frenchmen — though, to comply with its statutes, they have to join under a fictional nationality, usually Belgian, Swiss, Canadian or that of another French-speaking country.
Any veteran who has left the legion with a certificate of good conduct, and is prepared to live a bachelor existence, may reside at Puyloubier
Before the legion bought the domaine, which lies near the slopes of Mont Sainte-Victoire, the land was used for growing wheat. It quickly became clear that making wine would be much more lucrative, although the result was initially pretty rough.
“Everyone used to say the wine was excellent but the first glass was enough to give you an ulcer,” admitted Jean Jacques Lalande, 65, who spent 40 years in the legion and is now in charge of the cave. That began to change, however, after a chance meeting slightly more than 15 years ago between one of Madonna’s predecessors and Philippe Baly, co-owner of the prestigious Château Coutet, near Bordeaux.
December 26, 2021 4:01 pm
On “killing grandma” I would lose my life tomorrow in a trade between my grandchildren and me. As would most grandparents.
Our politicians know this. It isn’t about “saving” us.
Our adult children have been convinced that we are somehow at risk, and they don’t want to be “the one” who gave granny covid. We could just as easily get the stupid thing up the street, something that appears to have slipped their minds.
The look on my parent’s faces as they watched their little great grandies play was priceless. You know, they suddenly had a spring in their step just from hearing the laughter and little squeaky voices.
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 4:05 pm
Are you saying it never happened?
Grease your deflection weasels more thoroughly, Grigory.
You cheapskate.
This was your ambit. You prove it.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 4:05 pm
I thought the “troubles” were between the Catholics and Protestants!
It was murky.
MI6 were running Adam’s 2/IC, MartinMcGuiness, even Adams couldn’t deny that.
Likely to have run Adams as well.
That said, both the native Irish of Ireland and the English settlers in the north were mindlessly brutal.
Whether the English brought their brutality over the water with them in the 16th C., unsure.
December 26, 2021 4:05 pm
Under the “Peace Agreement” to end the northern “Troubles”, all IRA murderers were given amnesty, but the pursuit of former British soldiers continues.
The Juggernaut
Footballer Mukhaled Al-Raqadi dies after heart attack in warm-up
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 4:10 pm
The place was grotesque enough already with its stench of bigotry. The anti-semitism was the rancid icing on the cake. Couldn’t get back to Dublin fast enough.
The IRA was always a pack of Marxist arseholes. Blessed with a pleasant accent, a romanticised backstory fit to make even the most hardened of Revolution Groupies swoon and being the beneficiaries of several generations of anti-British sentiment from rich Irish emigrants.
December 26, 2021 4:12 pm
I can’t think of a single grandparent that would want to increase the risk to life and health of their grandkids by 100 times to keep themselves “safe” – not one. Sounds kind of selfish to me.
Practically every old person has bought into this nightmare. That’s why Labor in WA and Qld romped home in their elections.
It’s not so much that the over 70s are that much more hysterical than the 25 year olds it’s that over 70s typically vote conservative whereas under 25s typically vote left. Politically, the hysteria amongst the 25 year olds is irrelevant as they’re not changing their vote, the 70 year olds are.
An absolute catastrophe.
Sancho Panzer
December 26, 2021 4:12 pm
And a hearty “Covfefe!” to men of goodwill everywhere.
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 4:13 pm
MI6 were running Adam’s 2/IC, MartinMcGuiness, even Adams couldn’t deny that.
Likely to have run Adams as well.
How’s that, Grigs?
Insider knowledge from fellow Glowies?
Knowing that the inner leadership of the IRA remains unknown and unbreached, do you really, honestly think they would have taken on anyone other than the most politically reliable of public faces?
You clearly aren’t finishing your Christmas Beetle milk. If you don’t, Mother won’t let you have any gypsum pudding…
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 4:14 pm
Politically, the hysteria amongst the 25 year olds is irrelevant
Are they not developing sufficient sickness from all their mental traumas and weakness for your preference, Chad Thunderbrain?
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 4:15 pm
And a hearty “Covfefe!” to men of goodwill everywhere.
…And I have a sudden urge to shout this as loudly as I can, smash my earthenware mug and demand another!
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 26, 2021 4:16 pm
The IRA was always a pack of Marxist arseholes
Wasn’t that their aim for an independent Ireland? A Marxist republic?
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 4:21 pm
Wasn’t that their aim for an independent Ireland? A Marxist republic?
Unified, preferably.
But hey, when you’re finally In Charge do the aspirations and ideals in your mission statement really matter?
Animal Farm is a case-study in the infinitely mutable rhetoric of demagogues. Particularly of the Marxist persuasion
No Animal Shall Sleep In A Bed immediately became No Animal Shall Sleep In A Bed With Sheets
“That’s why Labor in WA and Qld romped home in their elections.”
I also suspect that having ineffectual and Labor lite Liberal party oppositions also helped Labor romp home in both states.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 4:29 pm
Politically, the hysteria amongst the 25 year olds is irrelevant as they’re not changing their vote, the 70 year olds are.
An absolute catastrophe.
As Keating once said, always back Self Interest and don’t discount pure spite either.
How right he was.
Top Ender
December 26, 2021 4:31 pm
Ed, there were incompetent officers in WWI, but I personally don’t know of any who were demonstrably so, and promoted to general by WWII.
Please enlighten me with a name or three.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 26, 2021 4:34 pm
I also suspect that having ineffectual and Labor lite Liberal party oppositions also helped Labor romp home in both states.
I’ve voted Liberal in the Wild West since the days of Charles Court – I can’t even remember the name of the current leader, or the name of the fool who presided over the latest election fiasco.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 4:35 pm
No, it didn’t.
The Liberal Party couldn’t credibly attack McGowan from the Left or Right, they just had to cop it in the shorts.
Same with the LNP in QLD, Anna P. made all the running, they had no choice but to go along.
Never underestimate the stupidity, venality and meanness of old people in general.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 4:38 pm
Ed, there were incompetent officers in WWI, but I personally don’t know of any who were demonstrably so
Well, if you don’t know of any why are you agreeing with me that there were incompetent officers?
Anchor What
December 26, 2021 4:46 pm
Never underestimate the stupidity, venality and meanness of old people in general.
None of the Labor Premiers are old, though.
December 26, 2021 4:47 pm
rich Irish emigrants.
And their kids, the plastic paddies. Father of a former flame was just such a useless unit. Talk to him about Ireland and it was clear he knew less about the situation than he did of his pudenda, which he hadn’t seen beneath the overhang of a beer-distended belly since Adam was a boy.
And, yes, he despised Israel and Heebroos generally, making the same false equivalence between Irish gangsters pretending to be freedom fighters and Arab criminals doing likewise.
I once put it to him that the Jews can’t be all bad as they blew up the King David Hotel with a lot of Poms inside. Didn’t mollify him in the least.
Actuarially he must be of an age where many things start to ache. I hope it hurts now and gets worse.
December 26, 2021 4:49 pm
Yes I expect that’s why Federal government is trying to push ‘soft touch’ and no lockdowns – all the tourists and foreign students they were expecting back when the boarder opened haven’t come and aren’t planning to. That’s what happens when the world sees footage of your cops beating people in the streets, invading their homes and shooting at protesters. Australia has gone from a foreign imagine of laid back paradise to authoritarian shit hole, that will lock you up for fear of a virus.
December 26, 2021 5:03 pm
December 26, 2021 at 4:49 pm
Yes I expect that’s why Federal government is trying to push ‘soft touch’ and no lockdowns – all the tourists and foreign students they were expecting back when the boarder opened haven’t come and aren’t planning to. That’s what happens when the world sees footage of your cops beating people in the streets, invading their homes and shooting at protesters. Australia has gone from a foreign imagine of laid back paradise to authoritarian shit hole, that will lock you up for fear of a virus.
Pretty much exactly what I’ve heard from overseas, Australia was seen as laid back, great place to be. Now? Totalitarian police state. People saw that footage everywhere
Delta A
December 26, 2021 5:08 pm
Is Grandma cool with no 5-11 year olds getting vaxxed andthereby putting her life at risk?
I don’t think so.
Grandmas: one more thing that Ed Case knows nothing about.
H B Bear
December 26, 2021 5:09 pm
The Aussie larrikin dies under a hail of rubber bullets.
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 5:09 pm
Well, if you don’t know of any why are you agreeing with me that there were incompetent officers?
He’s not, Grigory.
He’s questioning your assertion that such folk who had proven to be incapable of sound leadership innthe First World War reached General Staff positions in the Second.
Keep up with your own ambits, you mong.
Bruce of Newcastle
December 26, 2021 5:09 pm
Goat gets the honours, fractionally in front of his captain.
Well done that spinner on day 1 at the MCG!
December 26, 2021 5:11 pm
I also suspect that having ineffectual and Labor lite Liberal party oppositions also helped Labor romp home in both states.
The situation in QLD:
The Liberals were leading on 2pp from mid-2019 – Sept 2020 and on primary vote from well before,
and Palaszczuk was on the nose. Then Palaszczuk started the “I saved you from covid” campaign and the polling started to turn in Labor’s favour. It certainly didn’t help that the Liberals had a backroom leadership implosion which, of course, got into the press, making them look like they were unprepared to govern. Frecklington also had a lacklustre performance in the leadership debates. Absent the covid factor, it was certainly the Liberals’ election to lose.
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 5:11 pm
Never underestimate the stupidity, venality and meanness of old people in general.
We don’t, Grigory.
Which is why nobody extends you any slack or benefit of the doubt.
No go away and eat your mutton pudding…
Top Ender
December 26, 2021 5:11 pm
Ed, here you were:
Ed Case says:
December 26, 2021 at 2:40 pm
It’s always worked like that.
Get a heap of men killed in France because you’re an idiot?
No worries, get promoted anyway amd end up a General in WW2.
So, what you have to do, to defend your statement, is name a soldier who:
a. Got a heap of men killed in France because he was an idiot, AND
b. Got promoted anyway – implying the idiocy was ignored – and ended up a General in WW2.
you could back down and admit you were wrong.
Delta A
December 26, 2021 5:15 pm
If I knew a 5 – 11 yo who was scheduled to be vaccinated (for covid) I would do everything in my power to dissuade his/her parent from allowing it.
My daughter kept her children home from school on the mass vax days. I thoroughly approved. And if one of them wants a grandma hug or kiss, I’m always ready to oblige.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 5:17 pm
I could do a lot of things, Top Ender.
But, hey, if you want to claim no knowledge of incompetent Australian Officers in the Great War, that’s okay with me.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 26, 2021 5:17 pm
St Vincent’s Hospital apologises after 400 sent Covid text wrongly telling them they are negative
Melissa Iaria and Rhiannon TuffieldNCA NewsWire
Sun, 26 December 2021 12:56PM
Hundreds of people have wrongly been sent a text message telling them they are Covid negative, when they are positive.
St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney issued an apology on Boxing Day, saying the situation was believed to have been caused by human error.
“SydPath last night incorrectly messaged more than 400 people, advising them they had tested negative to Covid,” the hospital said in a statement on Sunday.
“These people had tested positive to Covid.
“As soon as we became aware of the issue this morning, SydPath immediately commenced a process to contact impacted people.”
The hospital said an emergency response team was now investigating the cause of this mistake, which is believed to have been human error.
“We sincerely apologise to all those impacted,” the hospital continued.
It comes as NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard warned “we’re all going to get Omicron”, as cases in the state hit a new high of 6934 infections.
It follows the state’s previous record of 6288 infections on Christmas Day, up from 5612 on Friday.
Mr Hazzard on Sunday urged people to get vaccinated and warned everyone would come into contact with the Omicron variant.
“Bottom line here is that we would expect that pretty well everybody in NSW at some point will get Omicron,” he said.
The IRA ratbagerie towards the end was Monty Pythonesque but still lethal as the discredited political leadership secretely encouraged the crazies after their US support evaporated.
Violence was their only tool after even the media (but not the BBC) gave up on the ‘heroic freedom fighter men of the people’) nonsense and demanded peace and honest negotiations.
An in-law who was an Asst Commissioner for Public Order seconded to CI in Northern Ireland told me that so many agencies had penetrated the IRA that it became counter productive.
The crazies went further underground and committed the horrendous atrocities at the end of the conflict in a bizarre attempt to recreate IRA power and exert new leadership. They scurried off to the safety of the hate ruled South once their strategy failed so spectacularly.
He claimed that agendas in the UK were never truly coordinated and agencies, or even powerful bureaucratic individuals, pursued their own agendas often as a simple power grab.
He is a calm man but glows with rage when discussing the IRA political wing, their US enablers and political supporters, the Foreign Office and opportunist UK Labour pollies.
His special contempt is reserved for the BBC and the South.
Fortunately for him, he was on secondment when Cressida Dick’s goons shot the young Brazilian kid following the Underground bombings, thus initiating her fail upwards career.
Boambee John
December 26, 2021 5:23 pm
Ed Casesays:
December 26, 2021 at 3:51 pm
Are you saying it never happened?
Just asking for evidence, rather than your usual Fitzsimian styke creative assertions.
Anchor What
December 26, 2021 5:24 pm
News Report:
The new “big telescope” launched into orbit might find “planets with atmosphere” – wow!
Just stop hyperventilating about Earth and Climate Change you idiots, and you’ll find that breathing is quite ok right here.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 5:24 pm
Top Ender is a Court Historian.
Everybody’s got to make a living, i’m not knocking that, but I don’t take his pronouncements seriously.
To wit: I’m unaware of any Incompetent Officers in the First A.I.F.
Top Ender.
Gibraltar has a population of 33,000 people. It is essentially a military base with very strong controls over residents. It is easy to isolate and lockdown. By March 2021, it had a 100 % Covid Vaccination rate. Booster doses started on October 1st and 76 % of the population is now “boosted”.
In regard to Cases per Million, it is NUMBER 4 on World Rankings (Total – 7,900)
In regard to Deaths per Million, it is NUMBER 11 on World Rankings (Total = 100)
In regard to Tests per Million, it is NUMBER 2 on World Rankings
In Total — Gibraltar has had 7,900 cases which is 24 % of the population and 100 deaths attributed to Covid which is 0.3 % of population.
CASES = 24 % DEATHS (attributed to Covid) = 0.3 % of Population
The cruise ship was isolated in Japan while they just waited until viral collapse occurred. The Japanese were criticised for leaving the ship to its fate with effectively zero interventions.
Total Cases = 712 Deaths 13 Total on Board = 3,711 (inc Passengers and Crew)
CASES = 19 % DEATHS (attributed to Covid) = 0.35 % of Population
So, the Diamond Princess outcome where mostly elderly people were trapped in a cruise ship was almost EXACTLY the same as Gibraltar — a military base where there is great discipline and control of the population using maximum Public Health interventions.
The conclusions we can reach from this comparison are clear. Public Health measures did almost nothing to prevent the outcomes of the virus.
But worse still, Public Heath measures may have caused huge amounts of morbidity and mortality from delayed presentations and delayed diagnoses, from psychological impacts, from economic impacts, from vaccine adverse events.
Top Ender
December 26, 2021 5:28 pm
Oh dear Ed.
Look, I’ll make it easier for you:
So, what you have to do, to defend your statement, is name a soldier who:
a. Got a heap of men killed in France because he was an idiot, AND
b. Got promoted anyway – implying the idiocy was ignored – and ended up a General in WW2.
So 1. idiot officer, AND 2. got promoted in spite of the idiocy, AND 3. ended up a General in WW2.
You seem to be saying you know of such a person but you won’t name them.
Boambee John
December 26, 2021 5:30 pm
Ed Casesays:
December 26, 2021 at 4:38 pm
Ed, there were incompetent officers in WWI, but I personally don’t know of any who were demonstrably so
Well, if you don’t know of any why are you agreeing with me that there were incompetent officers?
Deflection. Incompetent leaders will always be there to be weeded out when the shooting starts. The question was which incompetent WW I leaders went on to become generals in WW II?
December 26, 2021 5:33 pm
Is Grandma cool with no 5-11 year olds getting vaxxed andthereby putting her life at risk?
I don’t think so.
Poisoning children will not protect “grandma”. All it would do is poison children.
Ed, there were incompetent officers in WWI, but I personally don’t know of any who were demonstrably so
What TE actually wrote:
Ed, there were incompetent officers in WWI, but I personally don’t know of any who were demonstrably so, and promoted to general by WWII.
Don’t be like Ed. Don’t be a tool.
This type of dickheadsmanship is why many reflexively scroll past Ed.
Justifiably so.
Boambee John
December 26, 2021 5:35 pm
Ed Casesays:
December 26, 2021 at 5:17 pm
I could do a lot of things, Top Ender.
But, hey, if you want to claim no knowledge of incompetent Australian Officers in the Great War, that’s okay with me.
Double deflection.
Basically, Mr Ed made up a statement, and when challenged to justify it, is attempting to walk away from it without conceding that he made a gaffe of Fitzsimian proportions.
Fvck off fvckwit.
December 26, 2021 5:39 pm
Perhaps we could make it easier for FitzEd the millinery historian by throwing round WW2 generals names till he shouts “ white whaaaaaale”?
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 5:41 pm
I could do a lot of things, Top Ender.
But, hey, if you want to claim no knowledge of incompetent Australian Officers in the Great War, that’s okay with me.
You missed the latest mutation.
Grigs has now tried to throw in Australian officers, where his original ambit was a generalisation (honk).
Grigs baby, you peaked during the latter-year’s Theodore Detmers-was-a-Japanese-Submarine-Pirate debacle.
Please, in the spirit of Christmas, give up.
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 5:43 pm
The question was which incompetent WW I leaders went on to become generals in WW II?
A question Grigs still fails/outright refuses to answer.
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 5:44 pm
Please, in the spirit of Christmas, give up.
You can’t be so sorely lacking in friends or at least basic human contact that you have to turn up here and be a moron to attract negative attention towards yourself on a daily basis.
December 26, 2021 5:46 pm
IMO what will happen is they will lower the standards for students and “skilled” visas. We certainly weren’t getting their best before, wait till we start getting the second of the second best…
December 26, 2021 5:52 pm
December 26, 2021 at 5:46 pm
IMO what will happen is they will lower the standards for students and “skilled” visas. We certainly weren’t getting their best before, wait till we start getting the second of the second best…
Sadly I reckon you’re on the money there.
December 26, 2021 5:53 pm
Has anyone listened to Mark Steyn’s Christmas? Just beautiful.
December 26, 2021 5:58 pm
Predictions from 1900 . What people would see 100 years hence.
… Hot and Cold Air from Spigots. And no chimneys!
Hot or cold air will be turned on from spigots to regulate the temperature of a house as we now turn on hot or cold water from spigots to regulate the temperature of the bath. Central plants will supply this cool air and heat to the city house in the same way as now our gas or electricity is furnished. Rising early to build the furnace fire will be a task of the olden times. Homes will have no chimneys, because no smoke will be created within their walls.
Maccas and KFC?
Ready-cooked Meals will be Bought from establishments similar to our bakeries of to-day.
They will purchase materials in tremendous wholesale quantities and sell the cooked foods at a price much lower than the cost of individual cooking.
Uber? Not quite but close.
Food will be served hot or cold to private houses in pneumatic tubes or automobile wagons.
The meal being over, the dishes used will be packed and return to the cooking establishments where they will be washed.
St Vincent’s Hospital apologises after 400 sent Covid text wrongly telling them they are negative
Meanwhile useless health bureaucrats scold the proles for not doing the right thing.
December 26, 2021 6:01 pm
Predictions from 1900 . What people would see 100 years hence.
Pretty good. I wouldn’t like to guess what there will be in 100 years from now.
December 26, 2021 6:02 pm
“The look on my parent’s faces as they watched their little great grandies play was priceless.”
Contrast with the sad sacks with no ability to see and touch their relatives as they slowly fade away. I wouldn’t be surprised to know they might have been able to survive it, had they been given the ability to see and touch their “immortality” (ie, kids and grandkids) – some of them, anyway. Attitude is so very important when you are unwell, a fact we seem to have neglected. You need a reason to keep going, and seeing the grandkids smile and hearing them squeal with laughter is a fine medicine for anything that ails you. And even should it fail to help keep you alive, you can at least depart this world with a smile on your dial.
Oh come on
December 26, 2021 6:02 pm
the AMA has supported the WA Government’s response to the current outbreak, it has hit out at the possibility of bringing forward the state’s border reopening.
“I definitely do not think it’s an idea to open the borders earlier. The borders are not redundant,” Mr Duncan-Smith said.
“We’re dealing with Delta. What’s out there on our doorstep is Omicron and we need a slow burn through society.
“The date should not be bought forward. We need to protect our children.
“We have zero per cent of our five- to 11-year-olds vaccinated, and that doesn’t start till January the 10th.”
1) the Delta/OMG/”slow-burn” comment demonstrates this man knows nothing of what he’s talking about, or he’s fear-mongering
2) protect our children from what? Again, knows nothing or is fear-mongering
3) our children need protecting from sick fucks like him, who just can’t wait to inject experimental drugs that are known to cause serious injury to children into children to “protect” them from a mild illness
Why is the AMA consulted on public health matters at all? It is a glorified trade union. It is a pressure group. Its overriding objective is to forward the interests of its members – the public interest be damned. The AMA is an utterly contemptuous, disgraceful organisation. It is a living, breathing contradiction of the Hippocratic Oath.
December 26, 2021 6:10 pm
You need a reason to keep going, and seeing the grandkids smile and hearing them squeal with laughter is a fine medicine for anything that ails you.
Yes. This is where blind faith in “science” and skepticism (fear?) of the human spirit will take you. “Science” is a euphemism for the State. The Nanny State. Climate “science”, another. The state displacing known and inherited wisdom. Courtesy of our Socialist public education system.
December 26, 2021 6:11 pm
NEW – 3 football players died of heart attacks in the last 5 days.
– Croatian Marin Cacic, 23 years old.
– Algerian Soufiane Lokar, 30 years old.
– Omani Makhlid Al Raqadi, 29 years old.
Knuckle Dragger
December 26, 2021 6:12 pm
Come back! You’ve got the globally recognised military historian and author, as well as far more knowledgable Cats over a barrel!
Ahahahaaaaa hahaha.
December 26, 2021 6:12 pm
Keep this date in mind. The least interesting day recorded. 🙂
The Least Interesting Day in History was April 11, 1954
crazy facts
That, according to software developers True Knowledge. The search engine project collects facts, and of the more than 300 million facts it has collected, just two occurred on this date: a soccer player named Jack Shufflebotham died and a Turkish academic named Abdullah Atalar was born. And for more weird historical facts, here are the 28 Most Enduring Myths in American History.
“They simply don’t want to be blamed for granny popping off.”
Just so, Macca.
I will quote Dan Bongino again, and ask how many see it the same way – I certainly do!
Yes, COVID has killed many people.
Yes, it will kill many more.
Yes, I might be one of them.
But if, as a result of the above, I cower under my bed seeing no-one and going nowhere, then I am as good as dead anyway.
I chose to live – and I’m not looking back.
Boambee John
December 26, 2021 6:24 pm
Has Mr Ed retired to the stable for his grooming session?
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and veteran of South Africa’s struggle against white minority rule, has died aged 90, the presidency says.
“The passing of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu is another chapter of bereavement in our nation’s farewell to a generation of outstanding South Africans who have bequeathed us a liberated South Africa,” President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Sunday.
December 26, 2021 6:25 pm
December 26, 2021 at 3:54 pm
I have even less desire to visit Ireland know.
Old School Conservative
December 26, 2021 6:25 pm
Two of my family felt crook recently and got tested for covid so as to not be the cause of illness to other family members at Christmas lunches.
No results after several days. Huge angst.
The incompetence of the testing regime has done more to turn my kids and in-laws into booster-hesitant and anti-government mandates than my hours of logical argument.
The St Vincent’s stuff up will add to their disillusionment.
Am I a bad guy for saying “GOOD”?
That’s the bare bones of one of human history’s grate romances (in song), right there.
“He was a wallee
She was a fille”
December 26, 2021 6:40 pm
The Least Interesting Day in History was April 11, 1954
Not anymore! LOL
December 26, 2021 6:42 pm
“Has Mr Ed retired to the stable for his grooming session?”
Perhaps he’s been talking too much and become a little horse.
Tintarella di Luna
December 26, 2021 6:44 pm
St Vincent’s Hospital apologises after 400 sent Covid text wrongly telling them they are negative
Meanwhile useless health bureaucrats scold the proles for not doing the right thing.
Quite, jupes
At 5:05 this evening I received a text from NSW Health telling me that today 26-12-2021 I visited Coles Budgewoi at the same time as a COVID positive person. That I am to keep watch for any symptoms and if I have any symptoms I am to have a COVID test.
The problem with that is that Budgewoi Coles is 109 Kilometres from my home, which I have not left since 4:30pm on Christmas Eve.
And I am supposed to have had jabs and boosters based on advice from this government shitshow. Thank you very much but no thanks.
Delta A
December 26, 2021 6:48 pm
My two granddaughters have just been informed that they’ve lost their (part time) jobs after the historic town pub where they worked has been told that they are allowed to operate at only 15% capacity. Unable to operate at that level, the pub has closed.
The girls are, of course, very upset, but mindful that they are luckier than the full time employees who have families and mortgages etc.
Strange, though, that there is no capacity limit on gaming rooms and pokies. Seems the dreaded covid doesn’t bother businesses that hand over stacks of moolah to the government.
December 26, 2021 6:53 pm
Ed’s talent for prevaricating when a straightforward question or fact is presented to him suggests he once practiced in preparation for a career in politics but, for some reason or another that I’m too charitable to speculate upon here, was passed over.
Yep. My sister and brother in law are due to fly to Hobart tomorrow morning for a much needed holiday. On Friday morning, they had their compulsory Covid tests at Homebush so as to enter Tasmania. They waited two hours in a car to have a test. They still haven’t received the results. Much much angst.
As the phone # you supply is self entered I suspect somebody put in your phone number instead of theirs. Before I replaced my phone a few ago my Qld check-in app had me signing in as Dr Stephen Miles with the phone number of his electoral office 🙂
December 26, 2021 6:57 pm
Action packed day for the little bloke and his mate:
Horse riding.
Getting to run a mob of sheep through the foot bath three times.
A bit of time doing some drawings and paintings of their exploits.
Driving in the ute in the paddock sitting on my knee.
A ride in the header.
A bush walk.
Cheese and biscuits by the river.
Pretty tired and sunburned at the end of it all.
December 26, 2021 6:57 pm
That should read few weeks ago
December 26, 2021 6:57 pm
Words fail me.
That’s a first.
Rex Anger
December 26, 2021 6:59 pm
Last seen wandering off in his floppy clown shoes
And false nose…
Ode to Grigs being shoved out the airlock yet again today:
Absent the covid factor, it was certainly the Liberals’ election to lose.
And they didn’t disappoint.
Bruce of Newcastle
December 26, 2021 7:08 pm
Archbishop Desmond Tutu dies aged 90
He arguably did more good than evil, but is in for a difficult time explaining himself to the Supreme Judge methinks.
December 26, 2021 7:10 pm
Since the outbreak of the ChinaVirus
I’ve never checked in (only manually with false name and number)
Never worn a mask (actually did for about 2 minutes before I rang my GP and got exemption)
Never been tested
Have not been vaccinated.
It is my earnest desire to maintain the status quo in 2022.
I feel for those above (Tinta’s example) being hassled because of checking in.
December 26, 2021 7:11 pm
Delta A
We are misgoverned by 3rd rate spivs and chancers.
Who apparently think we don’t notice their awful double standards and corruption and instead think they are cunning.
Tintarella di Luna
December 26, 2021 7:12 pm
December 26, 2021 at 6:56 pm
As the phone # you supply is self entered I suspect somebody put in your phone number instead of theirs. Before I replaced my phone a few ago my Qld check-in app had me signing in as Dr Stephen Miles with the phone number of his electoral office
Oh Diogenes that is just beautiful — I have always wanted to put in the phone number of the local knockshop but haven’t had the time to look through the personal ads in the local paper which we don’t get anymore anyhow.
H B Bear
December 26, 2021 7:20 pm
rickw at 6:57 – farms are great for kids provided they do not get killed and/or kill themselves. The holiday trips to the Pilbara in the school holidays still provide plenty of stories for me and a few mates (one of which now heads up ALPBC Rural for WA, although that is probably just a coincidence).
Miss Anthropist
December 26, 2021 7:22 pm
I don’t know why Ed felt the need to slag off at me and other old people. Only a lowy dog would do that sort of thing.
Shame Ed.
December 26, 2021 7:24 pm
Sir Vernon Sturdee, C.G.S. in WWII – I know nothing of his Great War service, so make no judgement.
Lt. Gen. Stanley Savige (by end of WWII) was criticised in WWII, but much of that was politically based.
Sir William Bridgeford – again, I’m aware of his second war service, but not the first.
Knuckle Dragger
December 26, 2021 7:26 pm
Outstanding. That young chap will remember today, and all those days like it spent with you for the rest of his life.
Which is, having done that myself with a five year old boy, the point.
December 26, 2021 7:27 pm
Who was the CGS or Deputy killed in the Canberra plane crash in 1940?
December 26, 2021 7:33 pm
Pretty good. I wouldn’t like to guess what there will be in 100 years from now.
Conservative politicians still searching for a spine.
Gin and tonic.
Knuckle Dragger
December 26, 2021 7:33 pm
Who was the CGS or Deputy killed in the Canberra plane crash in 1940?
Brigadier General Edmund Case MM DSC. He was removed from both Palestine and the Western Front as a Captain for repeatedly ordering the wrong maps, and consequently drafting orders to invade England.
In the interwar years he was given the portfolio of Brasso before failing upwards to the abovementioned rank. Apparently he took over the pilot’s seat and controls on that fateful flight as – although he’d never flown a plane before – he was rather upset at not seeing Dubbo Zoo on the journey and wanted to look at the giraffes.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 7:34 pm
Brudenell White.
Had a brilliant career.
December 26, 2021 7:35 pm
General Sir Cyril Brudenell Bingham White according to Wiki, Muddy.
December 26, 2021 7:36 pm
Perhaps I have the wrong one. Great name though.
Not too many Cyrils about these days.
December 26, 2021 7:38 pm
Nor Cecils. And Cedrics.
December 26, 2021 7:39 pm
Gee that shut you all up. 😀
December 26, 2021 7:39 pm
Rabz says:
December 26, 2021 at 6:20 pm
Top Ender is a Court Historian
And Eddles is a Court Jester … ?
Special Ed is the blogs very own Lucilia cuprina
December 26, 2021 7:40 pm
The problem with this present military history topic, is that those Great War officers who rose to important staff positions prior to or during Wobbly Wobbly Too, had been relatively junior ranks during the initial round, and thus largely without the authority to affect the casualties referred to.
December 26, 2021 7:41 pm
It was actually Ernst Hartmann swooping out of the sun in a borrowed Nipponese Kowasaki which shot down the generals plane.
He’d disguised himself as a albino giraffe to lull them into torpedo range.
Ed Case
December 26, 2021 7:41 pm
The Canberra Air Disaster.
Would be Court Historians are still strugglin’ to find a credible explanation for that.
Apart from Sabotage, of course.
No one’s going there.
Street, Gullett, Fairbairn, Brudenell White, several other senior figures.
Boambee John
December 26, 2021 7:44 pm
December 26, 2021 at 7:27 pm
Who was the CGS or Deputy killed in the Canberra plane crash in 1940?
Brudenell White, CGS.
December 26, 2021 7:44 pm
You’ve missed your calling, Knuckles.
Yes, thank you folks – Sir Brudenell White. I could have looked it up, but, well … nah.
Flight Karen should have had been gaffer taped to the jump seat near the toilets for the full flight shame of it. Everyone gets a chance to upload footage of the gagged miscreant to YouTube when they go to the loo.
Hang on, isn’t it a worry that airlines all seem to have a ready supply of gaffer tape on hand.
An interesting post by John H. at 5:52 p.m. yesterday. Thanks, John.
Consenus is what you get when you have to do something about a problem but don’t know what to do and don’t want to be responsible for the result.
“That only works until you run out of fuel, then you crash.”
Please use technically correct terms, viz: “That is effective until such time as loss of propulsion due to lack of liquid combustibles supply results in controlled flight into terrain.”
See? sounds much nicer, dunnit? Don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings you know…
I’m just a humble grape miner tending to my underground vineyard.
Where is the Pb chemist?
We have a gypsum problem.
Just flipped through the changes in this article on Jan 1. All red tape, woke BS like plastic sham and Dan’s tradie push or new taxes unless you are in the childcare industry which is about to get another sugar hit that will be eaten up in fee rises. Lastly they are tinkering with Veterans entitlements yet again and I’ll wager it won’t be for the better.
Australia, you are in it…
Unanticipated departure from controlled flight parameters.
Hope you all had a very merry Christmas.
No roast dinners for me – instead, we had a platter to graze on all day.
Crackers, ham, chicken, prawns, smoked salmon, chorizo, blue cheese, tasty cheddar, parmesan, mozzarella, artichoke hearts, roasted capsicum, semi-dried tomatoes, olives, pickled gurkins, macadamias, pistachios, peanuts, spicy capsicum dip, avocado dip.
Plenty of wine, apple cider (Somersby – just like sparkling apple juice, only alcoholic) and whisky to help wash it down.
Still plenty left over to continue with today… and if you’ll excuse me, I think I might just go and have a nibble or two…
Not all of the irish are Leprechauns and fun loving piss-pots:
In Ireland, Jew-hatred does not well up from the general public but seems clearly driven from the top down. These Goebbels-like attacks on Israel include salvos from several Sinn Fein members of parliament. One of them, Martin Browne, represents Tipperary and claims, falsely, that Israel created ISIS. Another, Matt Carthy representing Cavan-Monahan, has stated that Israel is the worst human rights offender on earth — presumably dwarfing China, North Korea, Venezuela and Iran.
Unanticipated rendezvous with Cumulogranite formation.
Good to see Nimbin get a mention in the shit towns list. I went to the “museum” there once and couldn’t wait to get home and have a shower. Fvckin’ hippies. The surrounding hinterland is magnificent.
RA tests and syringes are excluded?
as expected, shortly after available lift approached zero, so did our altitude
For the first time in many years, I decided to turn on the TV. Partly to see if it still worked as the aerial appears to hang at a strange angle from the chimney.
I’ll check out the start of the cricket….
Welcome to country crap
TV off again for another 10 years!
Way back when things were fun, if you were working the Christmas Day shift and weren’t rat-arsed by the time company catered Christmas lunch arrived, you were doing it wrong.
In TV land, the PMG owned all the stuff used to get piccies from here to there and there were swathes of rules about booking and switching times and even rules about swearing on Order Wires.
Except on Christmas Day, when bureaucracy went out the window, to allow the speedy and efficient transmission of Christmas Goof Tapes.
Armstrong Advertising out of Melbourne (?) had the most slickly produced TV commercial fuck ups.
One year, BBC VT got Suzy Quatro to host theirs.
And another year, a small production company in the ACT making niche, direct to VHS content*,
stunned everyone with the most inventive … stuff.
*I don’t think I need to draw a picture.
“Unanticipated rendezvous with Cumulogranite formation.”
Much better.
Although “unanticipated” seems somewhat subjective, IMO – should the passenger list include Dan Andrews, Brad Hazzard et al, I find it hard to believe that “unanticipated” would be accurate for the plurality of us plebs…
“it was a brave yet very stupid lad that decided to take a leak on that monument.”
Not brave……stupid and in certain parts of the world actions still incur consequences. As for the length of the term……four years……well that might seem a tad excessive and the length of the prison term can be debated however we here in the west now live in a society where actions, particularly when those actions are perpetrated by those on the left, incur zero consequences. Just look at the stunts of Extinction Rebellion and other leftist activist groups, they rarely if ever receive any significant opprobrium, instead all they receive is a piddling fine, a slap on the wrist and a mild smirking rebuke from sympathetic judges and MSM scum.
I remember how last year, here in Sydney, two Greens’ staffers vandalised a statue of Captain Cook in Hyde Park. Note that neither of them were teenagers, instead both women were in their mid to late twenties and one works for that piece of Green garbage, David Shoebridge. Anyway, the police charged the two women and this is the punishment one of them received. Xiaoran Shi was fined a total of $1760 for wilfully damaging or defacing a protected place and possessing a graffiti implement. Xiaoran Shi was described by Deputy Chief Magistrate Michael Allen as “thoughtful, articulate and intelligent and said that she clearly feels passionately about the centuries-long struggle of indigenous Australians.”
Not a lot of punishment there. I doubt Xiaoran Shi has learnt anything or feels any remorse.
Around 46,000 at the MCG for the first hour of the Boxing Day Test and predictions the first-day crowd will get to 70,000.
I am a Lead Farmer, and I am deeply offended by Grigory’s wrongness and deliberate stupidity.
I will be along shortly to force-feed him some of my produce and demonstrate to him the errors of his Glowie ways…
Bit soon to write off the cricket. Give it a couple of hours. The Channel Stokes commentary can safely be given a miss. The ALBC remains OK and regular rotation means you rarely get aroused sufficiently to get up and turn it off.
One of the good things about Hobart is the cooler weather. Our hippies while, just as feral, don’t stink as much as the QLD and Northern NSW variety.
Sinn Fein and Jews. The IRA used to liaise with the PLO during their heyday so perhaps the ideology rubbed off as well as the terrorist training and arms shipments.
So how come allthese payments increased by more than the last, single, OAP indexed rate of $14.80 F/N (September 20), unless the cost-of-living index has sky-rocketed in the past 3 months, given the OAP fortnightly rate is greater than all three?
Youth Allowance payments for those living away from home will increase by $17.90 per fortnight to $537.40, while for those aged 18 or over living at home, it will be boosted by $12.40, raising their fortnightly payments to $371.60.
Older students on Austudy will also receive a $17.90 fortnightly boost, bringing those payments to $537.40.
Single parents with children will get an extra $23 per fortnight, bringing those payments to $688.20 every two weeks.
Sinn Féin.
Think Australian Greens.
All the appeal of the Taliban…
I gather Czechlandia, or whatever it’s called this week, isn’t a fan of cultural imperialism.
Piss on a monument commemorating the deaths of nine million of your countrymen fighting racial purists who invaded your land with the stated intent of lebensraum, and you deserve everything you get.
Prisons are prisons, and with a bit of luck this young fellow may develop a permanent balance problem once the rest of the crooks work out what he’s in for.
A pat on the hand and an earnest conversation with a counsellor using feelings charts, under the umbrella of ‘education’ will not get the job done.
I can live with laws banning damaging public and private property but to do so for political/social reasons has a slippery slope. And tends to advantage those in power.
Not a lot of punishment there. I doubt Xiaoran Shi has learnt anything or feels any remorse.
Methinx, the magistrate took her indigenous name & heritage into account when soaking the lettuce leaf in the marinade .. LOL!
This is all you’ll get in most prisons knowdays.
What other sensible reasons could there be?
Worse- They still take their orders from whomever commands the IRA.
The Armalite-and-Ballot box strategy they devised in the 70s for Northern Ireland somehow worked out perfectly at home, for they are now the government…
Protecting the nation’s Gypsum supply from you…
Winston Smith says:
December 26, 2021 at 7:01 am
A COVID paranoid female passenger on what is reported to be a Delta flight from Tampa to Atlanta Thursday attacked a man for not wearing a mask while he was eating. The man tried to explain to the woman he was eating and drinking, at one point holding up an uncapped water bottle. The man called the woman a Karen and a bitch as the two exchanged verbal assaults and profanities. The woman leaned in to attack the man, punching, scratching and even spitting on him, according to the man.
Great video!
Seriously, why are people in this state of mind on the loose? Does nobody actually care that they’re so deranged as to act like that? Once upon a time they’d have been “getting help” for their unhinged and wretched condition. Life can’t possibly be at all enjoyable for them.
I’d be more inclined to say it’s criminal to start kids off on any of this junk.
Or perhaps they pull out the big guns, the empathy dolls.
A lull…before the next phase of hospitality begins at 12 o’clock high.
Hope everyone is enjoying the season of food comas and general overindulgence.
The ankle biters are all in the pool pretending to be seals. The fridge is stacked to belch out another three courses in order (because the cook is OCD), and the drinks waiter has lined up and excellent range of imbibables.
Looks like hotel calli will have guests until at least twelfth night. No wonder – good food, soft beds and plenty of entertainment on tap.
If you believe the COVID/19 Pandemic is real, then eventually the kids will be old enough to contract this serious illness.
So why not inoculate them now?
Mr Ed
So why not inoculate them now?
Indeed. There is nothing quite so sensible as to inject a so-called “vaccine” which does not provide any long term protection into youngsters who will not be at risk from this so-called “serious illness” for several years.
Fvck off fvckwit.
“Seriously, why are people in this state of mind on the loose? “
Nut houses all got closed, and the inmates were left to “community care”.
Well, OK, the nut houses where the inmates are elected and get paid with taxes are still open, but all the rest got closed.
I loved Nimbin: the best street theatre in Australia.
Geriatric hippies spreading the love, the sounds of tibetan cymbals, bongo drums and wind-chimes, and the unique aromas of patchouli and pot.
I was a wife and mother in the 60s/70s. TBH, I didn’t know any ‘hippies’ at that time, so it was educational for me to see how the apparent other half lived. Entertaining, but I’m glad I never chose that lifestyle.
This via mh at DashCat:
Well, that was a big fail.
From the link:
Coming to a kindy near you.
“Sectioning” a person is quite a process and rightly so given their freedom is being taken away by state authority.
The better question to ask is why is she in that state of mind?
It’s covid hysteria whipped up by politicians for their own ends aided and abetted by the msm.
“So why not inoculate them now?”
Err, the risk of hospitalisation for under 12’s is on the order of more 100 times greater for the vax than the actual disease (IIRC, it was 174 times).
So if they aren’t at significant risk from the disease when young, but are when older, why not let them develop natural immunity? You know, like we used to do by telling them to play with the kids that have chicken pox or mumps, so they don’t risk the damage from catching it later in life?
As a bonus, they can continue to have a social life and attend school.
And since, as per Florida stats, school teachers (where schools never closed) are no more likely to catch COVID than the general population, there is no additional risk to adults (other than the elderly and infirm, which we already knew).
Plus, according to the egg-spurts, vax immunity fades after 6 months (hence boosters) while seroimmunity tests reveal that natural immunity lasts at least 12 months for 80+% – for those that had a severe case, as much as 7 times more antibodies after this time.
Is that sufficient reason to oppose giving minors the jab?
Week In Pictures
Thanks, Tom.
Got a giggle from the Lord of the Rings pic.
Interestingly, the 20th anniversary of the first movie came and went without a whimper of action at cinemas. Surely after 2 years of almost zero custom cinemas would be gagging at getting people into seats. A 20th anniversary pump up and subsequent marathon of three movies would put a few coins in cinema pockets, but no. Cinemas as we know them are just shills for big Hollywood and run almost as many agendas as the legacy media. Fuck them all.
Well, I was disinvited from a social function yesterday purely because I am unvaxxed. While I respected the decision given the fear most people feel around the whole Covid drama, I did gently chide the hostess for leaving it to the very last moment to let me know I wasn’t welcome when my unvaxxed status is absolutely no secret and I work with her partner.
I will still give her the small gift I purchased for her. I bought it with her in mind and think it is something she will really like.
Vile old biden get’s pranked by a caller saying Let’s go Branden much to the outrage of the msm which cheered every outrageous slur against Trump. This is Salty’s take and his description of biden, his slut wife, predator pervert son is one of the best I’ve heard. His anger is palpable:
Three Tiers of Government is Two Too Many #1 (The Hun):
Unsurprising, given that the Greens and reality are empirical opposites.
That’s because none of them go outdoors. And:
And the councillors are apparently underpaid:
A well-oiled machine:
And, with Darebin Council leading a crowded field in the Self-Important Stakes:
Because they can be carriers and inadvertently kill Grandma.
Never heard of that in my life.
The treatment for Chicken Pox and Mumps, both of which I had, over 50 years ago, was isolation at home until it was over.
That’s the idea of vaccinating 5-11 year olds- they can continue attending School.
She’ll be happy as mayor then.
The “allowance” for her “public service” has jumped from $28 869.50 to $89 324.40.
Not bad for a side gig, eh Sophie?
Myron Gaines is Federal informant.
The crimes he was involved with? Human trafficking. It is in court documents. The receipts are out there.
His real name is Amrou Fudl. He is Arab, not African American. He comes from a very wealthy background.
His business partner has a very silly stage name and purported to be younger than his real age in order to appear to be more successful.
The chances of these clowns being self made millionaire real estate investors is slim to zero.
Cuck Jack Murphy and Fat & Fraud are a good reason to unsubscribe and stop watching Tim Pool.
LOTR movies are now seen as unwoke and racist. All those heroic white people and nasty black orcs.
Grigory is still playing the “fake dumb conservative” in order to besmirch this blog.
The character is too dumb to be believable. That’s funny because the level of commitment Grogbogglery has committed to towards this character is rather extraordinary.
Because they can be carriers and inadvertently kill Grandma.
Mr Ed regards his miserable life as so precious that he is happy to risk the lives and long term health of children in a desperate attempt to ensure that his life is not placed at risk.
He could simply self-isolate in the stable for the rest of his miserable life, but, no, he wants freedom to go anywhere at any time without being frightened by the presence of small children.
Oh, and, fvck off fvckwit!
Level of…you find an adjective or verb, I have run out of mine.
Transgenderism destroyed in one of the memes from WIP today:
‘If gender is just a social construct why do you need surgery?’
Bruce of N
LOTR movies are now seen as unwoke and racist. All those heroic white people and nasty black orcs.
Wait until someone notices that the ships bringing the evil southrons had lateen rigged sails. An obvious dog whistle for Ayrabbs!
Stand by for an England middle order collapse in 3…2…1…
‘Elf ‘azzard seems to be cracking. Mugged by reality? Let’s hope so.
I dunno, could be more bullshit and kite flying pre lockdown number 4 (?) (I have lost count).
The Sydney-to-Hobart race just had a special feature on women in the race.
Disappointing to see no special on transgenders.
I will write in to Channel 7.
Anyone who thinks Tolkien was a WAAAAAAYCIST should read his letter to a prospective German publisher in 1938 who asked about his racial characteristics.
I don’t have the text in front of me, but it was to the effect of ‘If you mean “Do I have J3wish ancestry?”, I must regretfully confess that I do not belong to that marvellous race. And if that is your attitude, I have no interest in any further dealings with you.’
Skin suits kept in basements are at more risk from the German backpacker kept in the hole and mildew than from kids attending school you spastic Mong.
Vaccinating kids in a scientifically illiterate attempt to stop old vaccinated people dying from a disease is juju, not medicine.
“Because they can be carriers and inadvertently kill Grandma.”
This is true for any number of diseases, including influenza – yet no other disease has provoked this draconian response, just “beware”‘s.
Besides which, have you asked Grandama what she wants, what she is prepared to risk to enjoy the company of her grandkids – I bet you haven’t. Cuddling and shamelessly spoiling grandkids is what most grandma’s want, from what I’ve seen. I can’t think of a single grandparent that would want to increase the risk to life and health of their grandkids by 100 times to keep themselves “safe” – not one. Sounds kind of selfish to me.
Ahh, Chrissy leftovers. The best.
And, evenbetter, attendance at Boxing Day elevenzes and backyard cricket is by host’s invitation only. No obligations.
councillor allowance she received for her public service
Allowance and public service shouldn’t even go together. At what stage does the ‘allowance’ snuff out the mystique of ‘service’ to the public?
They’re on a Virtue High, Bushkid.
So convinced of their own moral righteousness that no rules can possible stop them from demanding perfection from all those who they see as inferior.
You’re not going to do that 7 veils dance again this year, are you?
You know how that went awry after too many of those Peach Trembles last year.
Ha ha! 9% alcohol never tasted so good or danced so badly!
The bullshit spigot is set to full open in South Australia. The silly woman who warned against the viral contagions of pizza boxes and footballs now says (via AAP)
Nicola Spurrier said three jabs were needed to achieve the same level of protection against Omicron as two jabs against Delta.
“What we need to do now is put everything, every effort we can in our state to get the third dose into everybody as quickly as possible,” she said.
Sort of expecting SA’s Madam Moron to be on the New Year’s Honours list. That’s the way things work these days: Be of no use to anyone and watch your star ascend.
Grandma is short for old people.
Is Grandma cool with no 5-11 year olds getting vaxxed andthereby putting her life at risk?
I don’t think so.
It’s always worked like that.
Get a heap of men killed in France because you’re an idiot?
No worries, get promoted anyway amd end up a General in WW2.
For the aviation nuts.
Ever since I found Paper Wings on Youtube, my respect for combat airmen (and particularly some of those who served in the Soviet Air Forces) has deepened.
Who has the bollocks to fly a ground attack aircraft whose gun routinely shakes the aircraft to pieces, cracks radios, deforms landing gear doors, pops canopies and de-installs entire instrukent panels?
Ex Soviet Mig-27 pilots, that’s who…
Old Mate’s Memphis Belle video has got some incredible stats and factoids built into its presentation, too.
And his video on the Tupolev Tu-22 Blinder? Welp, you couldn’t make a better comedy up than the truth. And the perfectly deadpan Russian delivery makes it even crazier
Beta flips out at Sydney:
And which ones were those, Grigory?
Pretty much every Staff-level officer on both sides of the conflict with WW1 experience were at best Company-Grade officers, and often lower.
Depending on which faction you pick, particularly the Red Army, practically all the experienced folks were dead or memory-holed.
Surely you have some leftover Christmas Beetle milk in your fridge. Fuck off back into your corner and chew on it, you utter mong.
I don’t think so.
Mr Ed doesn’t think, he emotes, badly.
Quote and bolding fail. Meh.
I’m waiting for Grogarly’s words of wisdom..
Sinn Fein and Jews. The IRA used to liaise with the PLO during their heyday so perhaps the ideology rubbed off as well as the terrorist training and arms shipments.”
Almost all European far-left political parties and groups liaised closely with the PLO back in the 1970s and 1980s….from the Italian Red Brigades to the Basque ETA to the Irish Sinn Fein to the German Baader-Meinhof Group. These European far-left groups would train in PLO camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. They would frequently work hand in hand to strike terror into European Jewish communities. From airline hijackings to Munich to Synagogue bombings to Lod massacre to Entebbe, almost all of these attacks on European Jews involved Europeans from the aforementioned far-left groups.
In October 1982 the Great Synagogue of Rome was attacked by armed Palestinian terrorists at the entrance to the Synagogue. This resulted in the murder of a 2-year-old toddler and 37 civilians were injured. The Italian government was warned about the attack. It did nothing.
As for Sinn Fein, a few months ago I read Tuvia Tenenbom’s The Taming of the Jew. Tuvia chronicles anti-Semitism in the British Isles, particularly in Ireland and particularly in Northern Ireland. It isn’t a pretty picture. The Catholic areas of Belfast and Londonderry are strewn with art work, banners and placards about “Free Palestine” and “From the River to the Sea”. When talking to people about Jews and Israel, Tuvia is shocked at the animosity. It’s sectarian, there is not nearly the same antipathy on the Protestant side towards Jews and Israel.
As an aside, whilst in hospital I finished reading an excellent book on the “The Troubles” called “Say Nothing”. It wasn’t light reading. It’s set around the murder of Jean McConville. …..and there’s no doubt, no doubt whatsoever, that Gerry Adams was involved.
Under the “Peace Agreement” to end the northern “Troubles”, all IRA murderers were given amnesty, but the pursuit of former British soldiers continues.
Wasn’t Bill Clinton involved in negotiating that agreement?
At some stage I might try a full post attempting to explain how health departments are supposed to calculate the sort of resources/ outcomes tradeoffs which underpin day to day operations.
For example ( real life) leaving a very elderly lady for weeks with a prolapsed anus until she could be slotted into surgery as a ( bottom of the list) appointment.
Cruel, but allowing dozens of younger patients to be treated first and giving the best “ life years” bang for the buck.
Diseases that affect kids and youth are generally prioritised for the same reason. Curing one 10 year old has statistically dozens of times the outcome impact of curing an 80 year old.
Covid seems to have inverted this in a really, really fundamental way.
Few people in the multitude of health departments seem to be addressing this issue.
It may be the amounts of projected hospital resources diverted for covid justifies this, but the most extreme disruptions have been caused by “ preparing” for spikes rather than having them.
Two immutable rules of life:-
1. No Malcolm should be given the keys to The Lodge;
2. No Burns should ever open the batting in Test Crickit.
Beats me how Ben Stokes is allowed into Australia.
He put a bloke in a coma outside a nightclub a couple of years ago and gets a visa anyway?
Compare that to Tyson Fury, opined that homosexuals probably aren’t going anywhere pleasant in the Afterlife, stripped of the Heavyweight Title.
Get a heap of men killed in France because you’re an idiot? No worries, get promoted anyway amd end up a General in WW2.
Could we have some names of these people please?
Are you saying it never happened?
Cassie, I saw a number of anti-Jewish “street art” walls in Belfast.
I really got the poops and made my thoughts quite plain to the guide – what the hell is this sh*t doing here? I thought the “troubles” were between the Catholics and Protestants! I find it offensive in the extreme and, quite frankly, ridiculous. You are doing yourselves no favours, none.
A sheepish look. A mumbled, it’s about other struggles too. To which I called bullshit.
The place was grotesque enough already with its stench of bigotry. The anti-semitism was the rancid icing on the cake. Couldn’t get back to Dublin fast enough.
On “killing grandma” I would lose my life tomorrow in a trade between my grandchildren and me. As would most grandparents.
Our politicians know this. It isn’t about “saving” us.
Our adult children have been convinced that we are somehow at risk, and they don’t want to be “the one” who gave granny covid. We could just as easily get the stupid thing up the street, something that appears to have slipped their minds.
The look on my parent’s faces as they watched their little great grandies play was priceless. You know, they suddenly had a spring in their step just from hearing the laughter and little squeaky voices.
Grease your deflection weasels more thoroughly, Grigory.
You cheapskate.
This was your ambit. You prove it.
It was murky.
MI6 were running Adam’s 2/IC, MartinMcGuiness, even Adams couldn’t deny that.
Likely to have run Adams as well.
That said, both the native Irish of Ireland and the English settlers in the north were mindlessly brutal.
Whether the English brought their brutality over the water with them in the 16th C., unsure.
This is nation destroying idiocy.
Another day, another coincidence:
The IRA was always a pack of Marxist arseholes. Blessed with a pleasant accent, a romanticised backstory fit to make even the most hardened of Revolution Groupies swoon and being the beneficiaries of several generations of anti-British sentiment from rich Irish emigrants.
Practically every old person has bought into this nightmare. That’s why Labor in WA and Qld romped home in their elections.
It’s not so much that the over 70s are that much more hysterical than the 25 year olds it’s that over 70s typically vote conservative whereas under 25s typically vote left. Politically, the hysteria amongst the 25 year olds is irrelevant as they’re not changing their vote, the 70 year olds are.
An absolute catastrophe.
And a hearty “Covfefe!” to men of goodwill everywhere.
How’s that, Grigs?
Insider knowledge from fellow Glowies?
Knowing that the inner leadership of the IRA remains unknown and unbreached, do you really, honestly think they would have taken on anyone other than the most politically reliable of public faces?
You clearly aren’t finishing your Christmas Beetle milk. If you don’t, Mother won’t let you have any gypsum pudding…
Are they not developing sufficient sickness from all their mental traumas and weakness for your preference, Chad Thunderbrain?
…And I have a sudden urge to shout this as loudly as I can, smash my earthenware mug and demand another!
Wasn’t that their aim for an independent Ireland? A Marxist republic?
Unified, preferably.
But hey, when you’re finally In Charge do the aspirations and ideals in your mission statement really matter?
Animal Farm is a case-study in the infinitely mutable rhetoric of demagogues. Particularly of the Marxist persuasion
No Animal Shall Sleep In A Bed immediately became No Animal Shall Sleep In A Bed With Sheets
Four Legs Good, Two Legs
BadBetter and so forth…“That’s why Labor in WA and Qld romped home in their elections.”
I also suspect that having ineffectual and Labor lite Liberal party oppositions also helped Labor romp home in both states.
As Keating once said, always back Self Interest and don’t discount pure spite either.
How right he was.
Ed, there were incompetent officers in WWI, but I personally don’t know of any who were demonstrably so, and promoted to general by WWII.
Please enlighten me with a name or three.
I’ve voted Liberal in the Wild West since the days of Charles Court – I can’t even remember the name of the current leader, or the name of the fool who presided over the latest election fiasco.
No, it didn’t.
The Liberal Party couldn’t credibly attack McGowan from the Left or Right, they just had to cop it in the shorts.
Same with the LNP in QLD, Anna P. made all the running, they had no choice but to go along.
Never underestimate the stupidity, venality and meanness of old people in general.
Well, if you don’t know of any why are you agreeing with me that there were incompetent officers?
Never underestimate the stupidity, venality and meanness of old people in general.
None of the Labor Premiers are old, though.
rich Irish emigrants.
And their kids, the plastic paddies. Father of a former flame was just such a useless unit. Talk to him about Ireland and it was clear he knew less about the situation than he did of his pudenda, which he hadn’t seen beneath the overhang of a beer-distended belly since Adam was a boy.
And, yes, he despised Israel and Heebroos generally, making the same false equivalence between Irish gangsters pretending to be freedom fighters and Arab criminals doing likewise.
I once put it to him that the Jews can’t be all bad as they blew up the King David Hotel with a lot of Poms inside. Didn’t mollify him in the least.
Actuarially he must be of an age where many things start to ache. I hope it hurts now and gets worse.
Yes I expect that’s why Federal government is trying to push ‘soft touch’ and no lockdowns – all the tourists and foreign students they were expecting back when the boarder opened haven’t come and aren’t planning to. That’s what happens when the world sees footage of your cops beating people in the streets, invading their homes and shooting at protesters. Australia has gone from a foreign imagine of laid back paradise to authoritarian shit hole, that will lock you up for fear of a virus.
Pretty much exactly what I’ve heard from overseas, Australia was seen as laid back, great place to be. Now? Totalitarian police state. People saw that footage everywhere
Grandmas: one more thing that Ed Case knows nothing about.
The Aussie larrikin dies under a hail of rubber bullets.
He’s not, Grigory.
He’s questioning your assertion that such folk who had proven to be incapable of sound leadership innthe First World War reached General Staff positions in the Second.
Keep up with your own ambits, you mong.
Goat gets the honours, fractionally in front of his captain.
Well done that spinner on day 1 at the MCG!
The situation in QLD:
The Liberals were leading on 2pp from mid-2019 – Sept 2020 and on primary vote from well before,
and Palaszczuk was on the nose. Then Palaszczuk started the “I saved you from covid” campaign and the polling started to turn in Labor’s favour. It certainly didn’t help that the Liberals had a backroom leadership implosion which, of course, got into the press, making them look like they were unprepared to govern. Frecklington also had a lacklustre performance in the leadership debates. Absent the covid factor, it was certainly the Liberals’ election to lose.
We don’t, Grigory.
Which is why nobody extends you any slack or benefit of the doubt.
No go away and eat your mutton pudding…
Ed, here you were:
Ed Case says:
December 26, 2021 at 2:40 pm
It’s always worked like that.
Get a heap of men killed in France because you’re an idiot?
No worries, get promoted anyway amd end up a General in WW2.
So, what you have to do, to defend your statement, is name a soldier who:
a. Got a heap of men killed in France because he was an idiot, AND
b. Got promoted anyway – implying the idiocy was ignored – and ended up a General in WW2.
you could back down and admit you were wrong.
If I knew a 5 – 11 yo who was scheduled to be vaccinated (for covid) I would do everything in my power to dissuade his/her parent from allowing it.
My daughter kept her children home from school on the mass vax days. I thoroughly approved. And if one of them wants a grandma hug or kiss, I’m always ready to oblige.
I could do a lot of things, Top Ender.
But, hey, if you want to claim no knowledge of incompetent Australian Officers in the Great War, that’s okay with me.
Ed Case has backed down & deferred.
Top Ender has middle-stumped Ed Case.
Or in Ed’s lingua franca, he’s been pwned by Top Ender.
The IRA ratbagerie towards the end was Monty Pythonesque but still lethal as the discredited political leadership secretely encouraged the crazies after their US support evaporated.
Violence was their only tool after even the media (but not the BBC) gave up on the ‘heroic freedom fighter men of the people’) nonsense and demanded peace and honest negotiations.
An in-law who was an Asst Commissioner for Public Order seconded to CI in Northern Ireland told me that so many agencies had penetrated the IRA that it became counter productive.
The crazies went further underground and committed the horrendous atrocities at the end of the conflict in a bizarre attempt to recreate IRA power and exert new leadership. They scurried off to the safety of the hate ruled South once their strategy failed so spectacularly.
He claimed that agendas in the UK were never truly coordinated and agencies, or even powerful bureaucratic individuals, pursued their own agendas often as a simple power grab.
He is a calm man but glows with rage when discussing the IRA political wing, their US enablers and political supporters, the Foreign Office and opportunist UK Labour pollies.
His special contempt is reserved for the BBC and the South.
Fortunately for him, he was on secondment when Cressida Dick’s goons shot the young Brazilian kid following the Underground bombings, thus initiating her fail upwards career.
Ed Casesays:
December 26, 2021 at 3:51 pm
Are you saying it never happened?
Just asking for evidence, rather than your usual Fitzsimian styke creative assertions.
News Report:
The new “big telescope” launched into orbit might find “planets with atmosphere” – wow!
Just stop hyperventilating about Earth and Climate Change you idiots, and you’ll find that breathing is quite ok right here.
Top Ender is a Court Historian.
Everybody’s got to make a living, i’m not knocking that, but I don’t take his pronouncements seriously.
To wit:
I’m unaware of any Incompetent Officers in the First A.I.F.
Top Ender.
Gibraltar has a population of 33,000 people. It is essentially a military base with very strong controls over residents. It is easy to isolate and lockdown. By March 2021, it had a 100 % Covid Vaccination rate. Booster doses started on October 1st and 76 % of the population is now “boosted”.
In regard to Cases per Million, it is NUMBER 4 on World Rankings (Total – 7,900)
In regard to Deaths per Million, it is NUMBER 11 on World Rankings (Total = 100)
In regard to Tests per Million, it is NUMBER 2 on World Rankings
In Total — Gibraltar has had 7,900 cases which is 24 % of the population and 100 deaths attributed to Covid which is 0.3 % of population.
CASES = 24 % DEATHS (attributed to Covid) = 0.3 % of Population
The cruise ship was isolated in Japan while they just waited until viral collapse occurred. The Japanese were criticised for leaving the ship to its fate with effectively zero interventions.
Total Cases = 712 Deaths 13 Total on Board = 3,711 (inc Passengers and Crew)
CASES = 19 % DEATHS (attributed to Covid) = 0.35 % of Population
So, the Diamond Princess outcome where mostly elderly people were trapped in a cruise ship was almost EXACTLY the same as Gibraltar — a military base where there is great discipline and control of the population using maximum Public Health interventions.
The conclusions we can reach from this comparison are clear. Public Health measures did almost nothing to prevent the outcomes of the virus.
But worse still, Public Heath measures may have caused huge amounts of morbidity and mortality from delayed presentations and delayed diagnoses, from psychological impacts, from economic impacts, from vaccine adverse events.
Oh dear Ed.
Look, I’ll make it easier for you:
So, what you have to do, to defend your statement, is name a soldier who:
a. Got a heap of men killed in France because he was an idiot, AND
b. Got promoted anyway – implying the idiocy was ignored – and ended up a General in WW2.
So 1. idiot officer, AND 2. got promoted in spite of the idiocy, AND 3. ended up a General in WW2.
You seem to be saying you know of such a person but you won’t name them.
Ed Casesays:
December 26, 2021 at 4:38 pm
Ed, there were incompetent officers in WWI, but I personally don’t know of any who were demonstrably so
Well, if you don’t know of any why are you agreeing with me that there were incompetent officers?
Deflection. Incompetent leaders will always be there to be weeded out when the shooting starts. The question was which incompetent WW I leaders went on to become generals in WW II?
Poisoning children will not protect “grandma”. All it would do is poison children.
Let’s go to the tape:
Ed claims TE said:
What TE actually wrote:
Don’t be like Ed. Don’t be a tool.
This type of dickheadsmanship is why many reflexively scroll past Ed.
Justifiably so.
Ed Casesays:
December 26, 2021 at 5:17 pm
I could do a lot of things, Top Ender.
But, hey, if you want to claim no knowledge of incompetent Australian Officers in the Great War, that’s okay with me.
Double deflection.
Basically, Mr Ed made up a statement, and when challenged to justify it, is attempting to walk away from it without conceding that he made a gaffe of Fitzsimian proportions.
Fvck off fvckwit.
Perhaps we could make it easier for FitzEd the millinery historian by throwing round WW2 generals names till he shouts “ white whaaaaaale”?
You missed the latest mutation.
Grigs has now tried to throw in Australian officers, where his original ambit was a generalisation (honk).
Grigs baby, you peaked during the latter-year’s Theodore Detmers-was-a-Japanese-Submarine-Pirate debacle.
Please, in the spirit of Christmas, give up.
A question Grigs still fails/outright refuses to answer.
You can’t be so sorely lacking in friends or at least basic human contact that you have to turn up here and be a moron to attract negative attention towards yourself on a daily basis.
IMO what will happen is they will lower the standards for students and “skilled” visas. We certainly weren’t getting their best before, wait till we start getting the second of the second best…
Sadly I reckon you’re on the money there.
Has anyone listened to Mark Steyn’s Christmas? Just beautiful.
Predictions from 1900 . What people would see 100 years hence.
… Hot and Cold Air from Spigots. And no chimneys!
Maccas and KFC?
Uber? Not quite but close.
More here:
Steve Sailer.
Meanwhile useless health bureaucrats scold the proles for not doing the right thing.
Pretty good. I wouldn’t like to guess what there will be in 100 years from now.
“The look on my parent’s faces as they watched their little great grandies play was priceless.”
Contrast with the sad sacks with no ability to see and touch their relatives as they slowly fade away. I wouldn’t be surprised to know they might have been able to survive it, had they been given the ability to see and touch their “immortality” (ie, kids and grandkids) – some of them, anyway. Attitude is so very important when you are unwell, a fact we seem to have neglected. You need a reason to keep going, and seeing the grandkids smile and hearing them squeal with laughter is a fine medicine for anything that ails you. And even should it fail to help keep you alive, you can at least depart this world with a smile on your dial.
1) the Delta/OMG/”slow-burn” comment demonstrates this man knows nothing of what he’s talking about, or he’s fear-mongering
2) protect our children from what? Again, knows nothing or is fear-mongering
3) our children need protecting from sick fucks like him, who just can’t wait to inject experimental drugs that are known to cause serious injury to children into children to “protect” them from a mild illness
Why is the AMA consulted on public health matters at all? It is a glorified trade union. It is a pressure group. Its overriding objective is to forward the interests of its members – the public interest be damned. The AMA is an utterly contemptuous, disgraceful organisation. It is a living, breathing contradiction of the Hippocratic Oath.
Yes. This is where blind faith in “science” and skepticism (fear?) of the human spirit will take you. “Science” is a euphemism for the State. The Nanny State. Climate “science”, another. The state displacing known and inherited wisdom. Courtesy of our Socialist public education system.
NEW – 3 football players died of heart attacks in the last 5 days.
– Croatian Marin Cacic, 23 years old.
– Algerian Soufiane Lokar, 30 years old.
– Omani Makhlid Al Raqadi, 29 years old.
Come back! You’ve got the globally recognised military historian and author, as well as far more knowledgable Cats over a barrel!
Ahahahaaaaa hahaha.
Keep this date in mind. The least interesting day recorded. 🙂
And Eddles is a Court Jester … 🙁
“They simply don’t want to be blamed for granny popping off.”
Just so, Macca.
I will quote Dan Bongino again, and ask how many see it the same way – I certainly do!
Yes, COVID has killed many people.
Yes, it will kill many more.
Yes, I might be one of them.
But if, as a result of the above, I cower under my bed seeing no-one and going nowhere, then I am as good as dead anyway.
I chose to live – and I’m not looking back.
Has Mr Ed retired to the stable for his grooming session?
I have even less desire to visit Ireland know.
Two of my family felt crook recently and got tested for covid so as to not be the cause of illness to other family members at Christmas lunches.
No results after several days. Huge angst.
The incompetence of the testing regime has done more to turn my kids and in-laws into booster-hesitant and anti-government mandates than my hours of logical argument.
The St Vincent’s stuff up will add to their disillusionment.
Am I a bad guy for saying “GOOD”?
“Hey, Mademoiselle Janey Birkin, I’m Jack Shufflebotham, an English roundball player who just so happens to think that you’re a hot bit o’ that!”
la Birkin: “Sacré bleu!”
Better make it four footballers.
Egypt this time.
Last seen wandering off in his floppy clown shoes
Jamie Kah rides a treble at Caulfield.
And false nose…
That’s the bare bones of one of human history’s grate romances (in song), right there.
“He was a wallee
She was a fille”
Not anymore! LOL
“Has Mr Ed retired to the stable for his grooming session?”
Perhaps he’s been talking too much and become a little horse.
Quite, jupes
At 5:05 this evening I received a text from NSW Health telling me that today 26-12-2021 I visited Coles Budgewoi at the same time as a COVID positive person. That I am to keep watch for any symptoms and if I have any symptoms I am to have a COVID test.
The problem with that is that Budgewoi Coles is 109 Kilometres from my home, which I have not left since 4:30pm on Christmas Eve.
And I am supposed to have had jabs and boosters based on advice from this government shitshow. Thank you very much but no thanks.
My two granddaughters have just been informed that they’ve lost their (part time) jobs after the historic town pub where they worked has been told that they are allowed to operate at only 15% capacity. Unable to operate at that level, the pub has closed.
The girls are, of course, very upset, but mindful that they are luckier than the full time employees who have families and mortgages etc.
Strange, though, that there is no capacity limit on gaming rooms and pokies. Seems the dreaded covid doesn’t bother businesses that hand over stacks of moolah to the government.
Ed’s talent for prevaricating when a straightforward question or fact is presented to him suggests he once practiced in preparation for a career in politics but, for some reason or another that I’m too charitable to speculate upon here, was passed over.
Labor, I’d venture to suggest.
“No results after several days. Huge angst.”
Yep. My sister and brother in law are due to fly to Hobart tomorrow morning for a much needed holiday. On Friday morning, they had their compulsory Covid tests at Homebush so as to enter Tasmania. They waited two hours in a car to have a test. They still haven’t received the results. Much much angst.
“Delta Asays:
December 26, 2021 at 6:48 pm”
Words fail me.
Not the Greens?
As the phone # you supply is self entered I suspect somebody put in your phone number instead of theirs. Before I replaced my phone a few ago my Qld check-in app had me signing in as Dr Stephen Miles with the phone number of his electoral office 🙂
Action packed day for the little bloke and his mate:
Horse riding.
Getting to run a mob of sheep through the foot bath three times.
A bit of time doing some drawings and paintings of their exploits.
Driving in the ute in the paddock sitting on my knee.
A ride in the header.
A bush walk.
Cheese and biscuits by the river.
Pretty tired and sunburned at the end of it all.
That should read few weeks ago
That’s a first.
Ode to Grigs being shoved out the airlock yet again today:
Absent the covid factor, it was certainly the Liberals’ election to lose.
And they didn’t disappoint.
He arguably did more good than evil, but is in for a difficult time explaining himself to the Supreme Judge methinks.
Since the outbreak of the ChinaVirus
I’ve never checked in (only manually with false name and number)
Never worn a mask (actually did for about 2 minutes before I rang my GP and got exemption)
Never been tested
Have not been vaccinated.
It is my earnest desire to maintain the status quo in 2022.
I feel for those above (Tinta’s example) being hassled because of checking in.
Delta A
We are misgoverned by 3rd rate spivs and chancers.
Who apparently think we don’t notice their awful double standards and corruption and instead think they are cunning.
Oh Diogenes that is just beautiful — I have always wanted to put in the phone number of the local knockshop but haven’t had the time to look through the personal ads in the local paper which we don’t get anymore anyhow.
rickw at 6:57 – farms are great for kids provided they do not get killed and/or kill themselves. The holiday trips to the Pilbara in the school holidays still provide plenty of stories for me and a few mates (one of which now heads up ALPBC Rural for WA, although that is probably just a coincidence).
I don’t know why Ed felt the need to slag off at me and other old people. Only a lowy dog would do that sort of thing.
Shame Ed.
Sir Vernon Sturdee, C.G.S. in WWII – I know nothing of his Great War service, so make no judgement.
Lt. Gen. Stanley Savige (by end of WWII) was criticised in WWII, but much of that was politically based.
Sir William Bridgeford – again, I’m aware of his second war service, but not the first.
Outstanding. That young chap will remember today, and all those days like it spent with you for the rest of his life.
Which is, having done that myself with a five year old boy, the point.
Who was the CGS or Deputy killed in the Canberra plane crash in 1940?
Conservative politicians still searching for a spine.
Gin and tonic.
Brigadier General Edmund Case MM DSC. He was removed from both Palestine and the Western Front as a Captain for repeatedly ordering the wrong maps, and consequently drafting orders to invade England.
In the interwar years he was given the portfolio of Brasso before failing upwards to the abovementioned rank. Apparently he took over the pilot’s seat and controls on that fateful flight as – although he’d never flown a plane before – he was rather upset at not seeing Dubbo Zoo on the journey and wanted to look at the giraffes.
Brudenell White.
Had a brilliant career.
General Sir Cyril Brudenell Bingham White according to Wiki, Muddy.
Perhaps I have the wrong one. Great name though.
Not too many Cyrils about these days.
Nor Cecils. And Cedrics.
Gee that shut you all up. 😀
Special Ed is the blogs very own Lucilia cuprina
The problem with this present military history topic, is that those Great War officers who rose to important staff positions prior to or during Wobbly Wobbly Too, had been relatively junior ranks during the initial round, and thus largely without the authority to affect the casualties referred to.
It was actually Ernst Hartmann swooping out of the sun in a borrowed Nipponese Kowasaki which shot down the generals plane.
He’d disguised himself as a albino giraffe to lull them into torpedo range.
The Canberra Air Disaster.
Would be Court Historians are still strugglin’ to find a credible explanation for that.
Apart from Sabotage, of course.
No one’s going there.
Street, Gullett, Fairbairn, Brudenell White, several other senior figures.
December 26, 2021 at 7:27 pm
Who was the CGS or Deputy killed in the Canberra plane crash in 1940?
Brudenell White, CGS.
You’ve missed your calling, Knuckles.
Yes, thank you folks – Sir Brudenell White. I could have looked it up, but, well … nah.