More 5D chess… BlackRock Buying Panama Canal Ports for $22.8 Billion (4 Mar) The deal would provide U.S.-based private investment…
More 5D chess… BlackRock Buying Panama Canal Ports for $22.8 Billion (4 Mar) The deal would provide U.S.-based private investment…
Do you know a blonde called Lucy?
Arky old fruit, are you ok?
Trump Zelensky Parody
wise words
Keep in mind that temporary promotion in the field could be quite rapid.
Would you say that a Captain might have 250 men under his command, if he wasn’t much good, how easy would it be to lose 150 casualties?
Merry Christmas From The Terror Capital Of Australia
December 25, 2021
I wrote this for my blog 5 years ago today, 25th December 2016.
3 minutes audio
Or read below
Merry Christmas from Melbourne, Australia where today there was supposed to be a terrorist attack. Fortunately the would be Terrorists were very vocal about their desire and they have been arrested. Their plan was to set off a bomb in Federation Square and to gun down people at Flinders Street Railway Station and at St. Pauls Anglican Cathedral, all three are located on the same busy crossroad. Federation Square is where the first of the Reclaim Australia Rallies were held in 2015.
Once again we have been told by our worthless Politicians to go about our business without a care in the world, but what they really want us to do is to go about without a thought in our head. They want us to pretend that the Multicultural society that they have forced upon us isn’t failing right before our eyes. These latest bring the total to 80 that are currently in Victorian prisons on Terrorism related charges, yes they are all Muslims. And our Politicians are so so very proud of how successfully they have created a peaceful Multicultural society, but like everything Liberalism says it is simply another lie.
The only reason 80 of them sit in jail is because they have big mouths and we have been very lucky, how long will it be before we get our own Berlin moment?
Last week we had an African try to set a Service Station on fire, this is the link to a news report on Facebook with footage of him trying to set petrol on fire. Fortunately a Tradesmen saw what he was doing and used a fire extinguisher to drive him away. The Tradesmen then went to three Police stations to report it, at the first two he was hold they didn’t have the staff to deal with it and at the third he was told that they had better things to do with their time. Please look at the news report, it’s about 2 minutes long. Police are not investigating the incident because no property was damaged!
While not in Melbourne the Australian Christian Lobby had a van filled with gas cylinders driven into their building in Canberra last week. Fortunately it was at night and while the building suffered damage no one except the man who set the gas cylinders on fire was injured. All we have been told is that the man is 35 years old, an Australian national and he was seriously burned in the explosion that he set off. However the Police insist that it was not religiously, politically or ideologically motivated. Here we have another man with no name, no race, no religion and no motivation carrying out a terrorist act that the Authorities insist isn’t Terrorism.
The Liberal and Labor parties are parties of treason, they have created this problem without our approval or consent. This is their problem, created by them and maintained by them. They insist that all they want is for everyone to live in peace, because all of human history is a seemingly endless list of people being unable to live in peace but no they insist that this time it will work. They have not done any of this for our benefit, they have not done any of this for our Nations benefit, they have done it for their own ideological belief, they did it because they believe in Liberalism. They are traitors and the soon we get rid of them the safer we will be!
For those thinking it clever to run the โ lions led by donkeysโ lines remember the sheer pace of change which overtook the commanders.
The Poms nearly didnโt make a start on battleships on the grounds it would incur huge expense by making most of the existing fleet ( including some plate over wood conversions) obsolete.
For sheer pace of change this chaps career is instructive.
December 26, 2021 at 7:40 pm
The problem with this present military history topic, is that those Great War officers who rose to important staff positions prior to or during Wobbly Wobbly Too, had been relatively junior ranks during the initial round, and thus largely without the authority to affect the casualties referred to.
Blamey finished WW I as a Brigadier General, BGGS to the Australian Corps (Monash).White as a Major General, MGGS to 5th Army (Birdwood). I think they were the highest ranking WW I Australian staff officers to serve again in WW II. Gordon Bennett was also a Brigadier General, commanding a brigade, as also was Mackay.
The Scene:
NorthWestern France.
Not many battleships there, old boy.
Stupid people made stupid decisions, Diggers got killed, the coverup began by promoting the idiot.
But according to Top Ender , that never happened as far as he knows.
Top Ender is a published Military Historian.
Ed Casesays:
December 26, 2021 at 7:41 pm
The Canberra Air Disaster.
Would be Court Historians are still strugglinโ to find a credible explanation for that.
Apart from Sabotage, of course.
No oneโs going there.
Street, Gullett, Fairbairn, Brudenell White, several other senior figures.
Look up the history of the pilot, flying an aircraft with known peculiarities.
Ed, you’re clutching. 150 casualties (@ a ratio of killed:wounded, 1:2) was not a disaster at the time.
err, peoples, it could be alleged that I was somewhat “less than happy” with certain commenters last evening.
These things happen. ๐
Regrettable incidents being avoided, the inaugural “Rabz’ Radio Show” remains on course* for 7:00pm this Friday night.
I’ve (loosely) planned for specific themes each week in 2022, but next Friday, being New Year’s Eve, will be a free for all.
Tune in, turn on and drop out, even if your musical tastes might be (allegedlee) less than optimal. ๐
*Which will be nothing like the maiden and final voyage of the Titanic …
Mr Ed
Keep in mind that temporary promotion in the field could be quite rapid.
Would you say that a Captain might have 250 men under his command, if he wasnโt much good, how easy would it be to lose 150 casualties?
Closer to 200 at full strength, which was rare. And just as easy for a good captain, if caught in a German barrage. Artillery had little respect for human expertise. Neither did machine guns or gas.
Still haven’t been able to come up with even one name?
Clearly, poison was involved.
Bullshit – there was never any suggestion of sabotage, and the simple, credible explanation was that Fairbairn had talked the R.A.A.F. pilot into letting him take the controls, the aircraft stalled, and was too close to the ground to recover.
Mr Ed
Stupid people made stupid decisions, Diggers got killed, the coverup began by promoting the idiot.
Come on Mr Ed, name us even one name.
And try to quote Top Ender accurately.
You make a solid point, Boambee John.
At the risk of looking foolish in a subject not my forte, I’m confident that if we are talking about the Western Front at least, the Brigs would have received their orders (objective/s, timing, frontages, supports, etc.) and had little influence outside their locality.
Sturdee was OK. He prepared the 8th Div pretty well, and without artillery or armour (and in the face of total air and naval superiority) they were the best formation defending in Malaya and Singapore. The Indians melted, the Aussies fought like tigers.
Savige did bloody well in the ME leading the 17th Bgd. I’m currently reading where that unit is being air lifted to Wau. Blamey regarded it as his best unit, which he’d kept at Milne Bay until the Allies had sufficient naval and air superiority to release it.
The general who may well fit the mould is a certain guy called MacArthur. In reading of his antics during 1942 in Australia I am less and less inclined to be positive about him.
Great stuff!
If a young lad isnโt wide eyed and exited by that their future is bleak.
Jesus Christ, get a grip people*. I love bashing C.L. by calling out “Fenians” every so often. but the “hate filled South..” Oh yea the north is just filled with love? There are a fair share of terrorists in the Ulsterite parties. Wasn’t part of the agreement they got some prisoners released too?
Look: Irish reunification is inevitable. All of this crapping on about the IRA, why did the UK give independence to Kenya and India but not Ireland?
The blunt answer is the Irish were not bloodthirsty enough and the UK didn’t have the nerve to beat up on Indians anymore. Why beat up on the IRA? There are plenty of Hamas and Fatah sympathisers here and in the UK anyway – as well as commie turds and traitors.
*Nothing about the immorality of invading Ireland from Strongbow and the Tudors, to occupying it until now. It is anti-civilisational for the Irish not to demand the UK leave, but it is a debate as to who is racing for the bottom the fastest, both are Marxist infiltrated hell holes now. (There is also a good argument for economic unification – it makes more sense than the Eurodollar or EMS).
Very happy to be a pureblood now.
Poor muggles.
If you’d like to know anything about the Wau-Salamaua campaign – ask away.
I won’t comment on the individual you mentioned, for fear of setting fire to the thread. There is plenty of archival info to dip into though.
Guy who has come up majorly in my estimation during reading the official history (at v5) is a certain Gen. Blamey, chief herder of cats. Especially of Churchill, Roosevelt, Curtin and the aforementioned Gen. D. MacArthur. Thankless task. Eisenhower had it easy by comparison.
Pilot error, Spacktard.
Lockheed Hudsons were known to be dangerous at low speed and altitude.
While the official inquiries wondered at the impossibility of the event, given the listed pilot’s experience and qualifications, Sir James Fairbairn was known to still be an active and enthusiastic pilot.
A young FLGOFF vs an Air Marshall wanting to have a go? Not inconceivable. Even if Fairbairn only sat in the right seat, but had control of the aircraft (the most charitable scenario), then his lack of familiarity with the machine would have doomed them all.
Fuck off with your poisoning theories, Grigory.
Try reading about his antics in the Philippines in early 1942 sometime – I can find nothing to be positive about the man. He knew, from his term as Chief of Staff of the Army of the United States that the relief of the Philippines was no longer the priority in the case of war with Japan, but he did not believe an amphibious Japanese invasion of the islands would succeed, citing Gallipoli as the example…
Pol – for goodness’ sake – we’ve had enough. Just think about your family at home.
It’s over, Squire. ๐
Jeebers, Dot. If I wasn’t about to watch Series 2 of The Wire (I know, I’m several decades slow; story of my life), I’d jump right into that topic.
Nothing specific from Ed. Ho hum.
On v5 p558 of the official history just now, Japs just arriving at Wau after ignoring the place for a year.
So I won’t ask, since I want to read about it first! ๐
Fuck off and chew on your trench mortar bombs, Grigory…
It is?
Not even the IRA themselves are seriously pushing for it, and they now have the resources, political capital and clout of an entire nation at their command…
There was an article in the Oz, 12/8/2020, that reported Prime Minister Bob Menzies Private Secretary as having early access to the crash site, and he reported Fairbairn’s body as still strapped into the pilots seat.
Last comment before retiring.
While Sir Thomas was not perfect (I can be specific at a later date), given the extraordinary situation with Curtin (& Shedden) & MacArthur, he did a better job than he has received credit for.
Sacrรฉ bleu! One of the above is not like the other two. ๐
“Hate filled south”.
The UK probably leaned on Ireland for it to be created under the relevant Act, but the Special Criminal Court has existed before the Diplock Courts, it even sentenced Irish citizens to death for terrorist offences. In the last few decades it has come down hard on the Real IRA (both Northerners and Southerners).
“Hate filled south”.
Come on, man.
Yes. Unless the demographics change dramatically.
I thought that would have been the case. Unfamiliarity with even a gentle-flying and forgiving aircraft can be lethal.
Dear FitzEd
The lesson is as in the incredible speed of change in the armed forces during the period of Victorian England through till WW2 at least.
If you want land based then from muzzle loading rifles to mg42s within less than 100 years.
From lancers to t34s
From balloons to B 52s.
And at each stage the militaries of every state struggled to find new doctrines or respond to oneโs forced on them.
Whatโs even funnier is you presume the winners were more poorly led than the losers.
Well, here I am, back home, in 14 days self-isolation, having been forced to cut short our visit to Tassie to see our daughter on pain of being outcast from WA until at least the fifth of February.
I am absolutely grateful that we at least had three days with our daughter and were able to enjoy Christmas lunch with her at the Wrest Point in Hobart. However, spending Christmas night jammed into an aircraft to attempt to get home before the midnight cut-off was not my idea of fun. What absolute utter bastard would make the cut-off one minute past midnight on Christmas Day?
We landed at 9.20 pm and queued up for the police interrogation. Are we aware that we need to self-isolate for 14 days? Yes we are. We are we going to do that? We give our address. Who lives there? Just we two. Here, photograph this (holds up mobile). That gives your days for PCR testing. You must wear a mask when attending, even in the car when driving there. Download G2G Test on your phone (I already have it). You will be contacted.
Fifty-five minutes after landing, we stumble out into the heated evening (still 35ยฐ) air.
Today, I open the G2G Test app and find we’re both registered. We are required to fill in and submit a health report every day.
Later, both our phones simultaneously beep a warning sound. We open the app to find we need to submit a selfie. We are obviously being tracked because we are told our photo and location will be checked and we will be contacted if there are concerns.
I don’t know why they don’t just give us an ankle bracelet or microchip us! I feel incredibly resentful at all this shit … and then I find today we have ONE new case … ONE!
The blunt answer is the Irish were not bloodthirsty enough
Serious question Dot: are you on the drug which killed River Phoenix?
The Celtic descendants and Norman descendants do not even intermarry, Dot.
And that’s the native population.
If that isn’t hate (or at least long-running and deep societal contempt), I don’t know what is…
What make of header?
This is fine!
Let’s be real here. Has anyone from the Street or Packer families married any first Australians from Walgett or Brewarrina?
“Ah, you hate filled white dog…”
Boyne was a good start. Keep the pressure on Poms!
(Disclosure: one side of my family is Irish, the other Pom/Scot/Jamaican. Consequently I understand well that the only bunch dumber than Scots are the Irish.)
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 26, 2021 at 8:05 pm
Sir Vernon Sturdee
Lt. Gen. Stanley Savige
Sturdee was OK. He prepared the 8th Div pretty well, and without artillery or armour (and in the face of total air and naval superiority) they were the best formation defending in Malaya and Singapore. The Indians melted, the Aussies fought like tigers.
Sturdee’s greatest contribution to securing Australia was insisting that the 1st Corps return to Australia, rather than be diverted to Burma. He was a LTCOL at the end of WW I (CRE of a division, then an SO 2 at GHQ).
Our nurse might one up you.
Try having McClown change the rules while you are flying back from Filthbourne in WA airspace.
Less than 1/2 he from landing itโs โ 2 weeks lockup for youโ.
Because science.
The Irish clans are not that geographically, socially or economically disparate, Dot.
Probably not your best choice of example…
Rex A
then his lack of familiarity with the machine would have doomed them all.
And the known limitations of the pilot would have made recovery from a stall near impossible.
Letโs be real here. Has anyone from the Street or Packer families married any first Australians from Walgett or Brewarrina?
There are no first Australians. They were wiped out by the current mob of feckless bastards; they also did for the Mega Fauna. You’re a leftie, admit it.
The Irish even sit down to Norman/Celt as far as their political partyaffiliations. That was how the IRA coasted in on millennial disaffection and frustrations.
You normally don’t see politicised tribalism that deep outside Africa.
The Megafauna probably died off in the Younger Dryas event. The Younger Dryas also helps disprove some of the nonsense that Bill Gammage has made up and is pushed as fact these days.
Remember when David Leyonhjelm tried to point out the fact you mentioned? That was racist.
I remember being taught in school there were three waves of Aboriginal settlement.
When did that fact become memory holed or fact checked out of existence?
Desmond Tutu.
If you play the โ 120000 yearsโ game then the king sized kangaroos and Volvo sized wombats were obviously the livestock in Pascoes โ stone stockyardsโ.
We used to do that in Australia*, but being from recusant English stock makes me laugh at this nonsense.
*I don’t know. I wonder if this was part of some Paul Keating mythos that Don Watson pulled out of his rear end.
As long as I can remember all the serious research and facts is only whispered about, it’s just not politically correct. Like the “welcome to country” crap, only the approved narrative can be discussed or acknowledged.
I am not sure if anyone beyond a small minority realise Welcome to Country is a shakedown. $1000 to mumble some crap in an apparently dead language?
There might be some real (and no charge) Welcome to Country ceremonies, but I have seen some shockers, and they were paid to do it – from the taxpayer.
The Megafauna probably died off in the Younger Dryas event. The Younger Dryas also helps disprove some of the nonsense that Bill Gammage has made up and is pushed as fact these days.
The first people came to Australia 47000 years ago:
That was the cause of the Mega Fauna extinction.
The Younger Dryas had nothing to do with it. The YD occurred about 12000 years ago, after the current bunch arrived about 15000 years ago and exterminated the 2 previous groups. The current mob are from Sri Lanka; they are genetically identical to the Vedda people of Sri Lanka. Take a good look at Coon man.
Gammage is an idiot but has his supporters.
Remember when David Leyonhjelm tried to point out the fact you mentioned? That was racist.
What fact? Facts are not racist.
I remember being taught in school there were three waves of Aboriginal settlement.
Those 3 waves were made up of completely different groups. It is racist to lump them all together just because they were all black. In fact they warred continually amongst themselves.
When did that fact become memory holed or fact checked out of existence?
When the aboriginal activists gained control of the narrative and lied.
I’ve discussed this 58 fucking times and it still gets regurgitated. As punishment go and read Jane Austen’s best novel.
New post, a challenge, and my pledge to you.
Main page.
Janes best novel?
Wasnโt that Love Actually?
Megafauna yum!
Being dinner for 1.5 million years will neatly extinctify quite a few species.
Ask the dodos.
That means I have to read them all, Senpai.*
*They’re all demonic, evil shit.
Actually I thought the top enders and Tasmanian indigenous were from the 1st and 2nd waves.
Come on, man!
Have you read European history? Let alone that of Ireland? England? Wales? Scotland? Germany? France? Italy?
Must not bend over and send photo of my own arse…
Nevermind it’s completely made up, only about 50 years old.
Young Aborigines now are learning some of this stuff is ancient but it is in fact modern and fake.
Not even 50 years old – first preformed in Perth in 1976.
Actually I thought the top enders and Tasmanian indigenous were from the 1st and 2nd waves.
They were: the Negritos and the Murrayians (who were essentially the Ainu from Japan). The Negritos were essentially made extinct in Australia by the 2nd lot, the Murrayians, who in turn were driven by the current mob, the Carpentarians, to Tasmania and only saved by the rising sea waters which cut off Tasmania.
More on the Mega Fauna. This was the largest man made extinction of animals:
The Australian collection of megafauna some 50,000 years ago included 1,000-pound kangaroos, 2-ton wombats, 25-foot-long lizards, 400-pound flightless birds, 300-pound marsupial lions and Volkswagen-sized tortoises. More than 85 percent of Australia’s mammals, birds and reptiles weighing over 100 pounds went extinct shortly after the arrival of the first humans, said Miller.
The ocean sediment core showed the southwest is one of the few regions on the Australian continent that had dense forests both 45,000 years ago and today, making it a hotbed for biodiversity, said Miller, also associate director of CU Boulder’s Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research.
“It’s a region with some of the earliest evidence of humans on the continent, and where we would expect a lot of animals to have lived,” Miller said. “Because of the density of trees and shrubs, it could have been one of their last holdouts some 45,000 years ago. There is no evidence of significant climate change during the time of the megafauna extinction.”
What shits me is the bestowing of superior, even mystical, environmental credentials on the dreamers. In fact they were butchers and continent destroyers.
I had to google that. LoL.
Well done, Bushie.
Aborigines as magic pixie people.
One of the stupidest conceits peddled by the wise mongs in universities and government.
Every โ raceโ on earth has been an extinction event for the biggest sources of protein.
You’ll be off Bruce Pascoe’s Christmas card list..
In the same way a cat who knows it isn’t allowed on the kitchen bench will jump off when it hears you coming, but doesn’t realise the thud of itself landing on the floor is a dead giveaway.
Or the four year old who patiently explains to you that a ‘bad man’ ran into the room, knocked over the flower arrangement and ran out again.
That sort of cunning.
He was long dead by the time that article came out.
The Australian has no credibility on any contentious history.
‘The only thing that Fairbairn had ever flown were Great War Biplanes.
There isn’t a chance in hell he pulled rank and took over the controls of a modern airliner.
You’ve also taken a cheap shot at General MacArthur.
The facts were: General Wainwright was ordered by Macarthur to keep fighting and not surrender.
Once MacArthur was gone he told the others that Macarthur had ordered them to surrender, and surrender he did.
That’s the origin of the Dugout Doug B.S..
Wainwright committed Treason, when he was liberated in 1945 Truman promoted him and presented him with the Medal Of Honor.
So, he failed upward.
He wasn ‘t the only one, General Mark Clark was also incompetent, he got promoted for failure too.
What make of header?
JD self propelled, about 20 years old, 8,000 hours. Brother in laws. He picked it up at a clearing sale for $16k. I reckon he got a bargain, itโs done a lot of work but itโs been well looked after. He spent a bit of $ and time going through it. So far so good!
Finally Mr Ed has come up with some names.
Neither of them Australian.
1. It’s not contentious.
2. As opposed to… you?
3. Name an Australian general in WW2 who was promoted to that rank for incompetence during WW1.
I’ve done enough reading to back up that ‘cheap shot” – something you appear curiously incapable of doing.
Who would like to be FitzEds subordinate when things got rough.
โ ok captain, Iโm off to supreme HQ, I order you to fight to the last man/ bullet.
If you donโt then you are a traitor..
Toodle pip..
Great stuff!
If a young lad isnโt wide eyed and exited by that their future is bleak.
They were very impressed, particularly liked the auger deploying at the flick of a switch, very transformer like. They also appreciated how well it worked having been given a few heads to manually extract the grain from on the kitchen table!
Military historian Ed Case at 7.55:
Also Ed, just now and trying to make the same point:
Different world war, different hemispheres, different countries, different adjoining oceans and different people.
Seriously, this is Monty-level history. Right before your very eyes.
Yes, two of our friends flying from Perth to Tassie, landed to find WA had changed from “Very low” to “Low” and they were going to have to quarantine on return. They were due to come back before Christmas but thought “What the hell”, so they stayed until the death knock and flew home with us.
We just had an SMS from them to say, “OMG, this isn’t even the end of Day 1!!” We said, “Well, we have to have a PCR test within 48 hours, so we’ve delayed it until tomorrow so at least we can have a day out!” ๐
My wife and I had “The Talk” today (aka Don’t piss me off; Don’t be nasty to me; I can’t stand you any more …”) so all good.
Too right.
And forget the interchange of terrorists and political operatives.
The Bwitish Army was inextricably linked to a number of Orange terrorist attacks, to the point where the question of official sanction of these activities from Whitehall must be suspected.
I wouldn’t worry about it, Rabz.
Life’s too bloody short to be concerned over spilled milk.
Unless you’re a cat…
Have we seen his body thrashin’ round?
Have we seen his pulse rate goin’ down?
Have we seen him in compulsive throws?
Have we said “I’ll have one of those”? ๐
Someone who complains about WW1 failures being promoted in WW2, but believes Joe Burns should still be in the Test side.
Wasting your time reading The Diaries Of Chips Channon isn’t going to tell you much about the Battle of The Phillipines.
Or the Canberra Air Disaster.
He had continued flying as a civilian, owned his own aircraft, and had the reputation of being an expert pilot.
Yes. Didn’t he blame an Aussie unit for retreating during an attack, when it was a US unit that panicked, and the Aussies took their objective for them?
The majority realise it, but are too polite (or scared of being called whyte supremamacissstophobes) to call it out…
Dead, dead, dead. Outside the Viper Club in LA 31/10/93.
28 Years ago. I spent 13 weeks traversing the States in ’93, arriving on March 28 in LA (just in time to watch the Oscars the following day) and getting back to Sydney on June 30 (which is of incidental, but scene setting relevance – quite frankly I’d never heard of him).
Could anyone seriously imagine an Ozzie Rock Band penning a similar song about the (allegedlee tragic drug induced) death of the latest Hollyweird Star(let) nowadays?
The Silly Moaning Haemorrhoid and the ALPBC would be onto them like a pack of ravenous hyenas furiously scavenging on the carcase of a rotting Zebra.
This is what we have lost, peoples.
It isn’t right, is it? ๐
Hellborg had
Hellborg had
The ichor of Tzeench in his veins
Just as planned…
Sorry rabzie you’ll have to nerd it up about 150% to commune with Rex and myself.
I’m still stuck in Tassie because I have to be here for 14 days, having come from NSW, where I had to be for 14 days because I had come from overseas. I flew to NSW because my flight to Perth had been cancelled due to WA government policies.
On Christmas eve, WA Police approved my G2G pass. On Boxing day they cancelled it. Dover doesn’t approve of the word I would use to describe the WA government and police, so I won’t use it. Rest assured I won’t forget the way we are being treated.
Grigory, fuck off back into your corner and go chew on your Japanese invasion force.
If you come out any time in the next half hour, expect to be smacked on the nose with a copy of The Australian and sent back to write 100 times on the side of a battleship Lockheed Hudsons have bad stall behaviour on landing.
However, he had no type familiarity with Lockheed Hudsons. Nor the Super-Electra on which the type was based.
Gammage reckons there were tree lined avenues.
His book ignores basic forest and floodplain ecology. The first chapter is full of howlers.
Just bought some gold and silver from the mint. The receipt looks like an ATO receipt. Hmmmm.
Anyway, thoughts on Mars Coin?
Excellent piece of graffiti appeared shortly after in a Melbourne pub toilet to commemorate the event and the TISM tribute song:-
With the texta trailing off the half finished letter ‘N’, tracing an erratic line down to the top of the urinal.
IIRC you’ve done about 60 or so days of hotel imprisonment over the last two years for the crime of either having a job or having enough saved money to take a holiday?
The way you have been treated is appalling and it has saved no additional lives.
None of us need reminding here but tens if not hundreds of thousands of civil servants see the lockdowns and shut down of offices as the best thing since Al Gore invented the internet.
How is eWay even still a “thing”?! Dude LMFAO, it’s almost 2022.
I find it a little hard to believe aboriginals killed those huge animals. Hereโs why.
Why didnโt these massive extinction events occur in Africa too? Also, if this is the oldest continent it could also be possible we had the most settled wildlife, yet our original owners caused the extinction of the big fuckers but only here and not Africa?
Superlative grammar.
Pol – I was actually quoting someone else, for goodness’ sake …
So you’ll refuse to allow me admittance to yours and Rex’s Kampuchean jungle fastness over a mere misunderstanding?
Break out those mighty birds … ๐
From Wiki:-
Anyone who thinks stall recovery is all about throttles is destined to end up in a smoking hole in the ground in short order.
Very interesting.
Australia Post accept We Chat Pay and Alipay.
Bit tough on the other passengers and aircrew, though.
The ice machine only works effectively for two people, and Dot’s too cheap to buy a bigger one until the next End of Financial Year Sale…
When did Headmaster disclose this startling piece of information?
There is but one Kairos Fateweaver, but he does have two heads.
From memory, didn’t that crash mark the beginning of the end for Bob Menzies first reign as Prime Minister?
KP – she was always a fine looking woman with a mighty set of lungs …
The film clip is definitive – Iggy’s soaking up the sun in some Arizonan garden and poor li’l Kate is in a bar somewhere wondering where the f*ck he is …
I dunno, Grigs.
Why not check the wiki’s cited source(s) provided?
Like this one?
Or this?
An STS I assume.
I do pre season R&M on JDs as a bit of a side business.
Forty odd years ago my first ride on a header was on one of these. Connor Shea
And you are damned lucky that I am lenient about the 30 minutes, Grigory.
But you still need to fuck off into your corner and eat your Wright Cyclone. Including all the propellor blades…
Second source should be:
The Connor Shea
So, dot, either I have to spend a year playing damn fool games in order to understand your allusions , or I just scroll past.
Not a difficult choice.
@ Dot-
The Machine Spirits are…Confused.
Just watched Anthony Bourdain in Laos while reading Street Without Joy.
What a weird coincidence.
I just had to share. People hiding in a Kampuchean jungle, it could be more than just coincidence.
There’s a classic….
Is there a primer on these digital currencies? One that describes both the risks and benefits honestly?Assume I’m a Japanese officer just stepping out of the Greenland jungles where an unfortunate navigational error left me stranded in 1943.
Bloody Bourdain – one does not “hide” in a Kampuchean Jungle, one “languishes”, FFS …
Sacrรฉ bleu … ๐
Why didnโt these massive extinction events occur in Africa too? Also, if this is the oldest continent it could also be possible we had the most settled wildlife, yet our original owners caused the extinction of the big fuckers but only here and not Africa?
Stop pretending you’re interested in old stuff head prefect. These animals are like old movie actresses: beyond your ken. There were man-made extinctions in Africa and North America. It’s just that the animals in Australia were different and unique and big and slow. Anyway as I have explained before and will again for the 92nd fucking time, it’s not me saying it, it’s these smarties:
I’m so outraged, we need to go back to the City of his birth for a gratuitous semi-musical lecture from one of his also deceased contemporaries …
Ah well, Fabre est suae quisque fortunae as I always say.
We’re all in the same boat
Fishing in the same hole
Wondering where the same time goes
We’re all in the same boat
Guten Abend, Standartenfรผhrer Schwab – being as he is, a German engineer and economist*, born 30 years too late.
But yeah, hiding in plain sight, they clearly are not, eh Jacquie Jackee ๐
*German engineers this planet might be able to live with, German economists, no, no, no. Combine them both and it’s off to the showers.
snap, Miss
An Austrian and a German marched into a pub.
The barman saidโฆ
Something about moustaches?
Sancho, didn’t Flea from RHCP threaten to punch out TISM after “He’ll never be an ol man river” because he was a friend of Phoenix? The part I remember is TISM taunting him basically saying come on have a go.
Can’t find any reference to it but I do remember it.
New Zealand okays euthanasia for COVID patients
Does anyone know much about the relationship between Thailand and Japan at the start of WW2 and is happy to impart their knowledge here?
Asking for a friend.
(Ha. As if I have a friend.)
Here you go, Miss A:
Short Summary: Thailand was run by a series of juntas during the 1930s, increasingly Fascist in nature. They chose alliance with Japan, partly as a means of stymieing French efforts to push them around using what is now Vietnam. From 1941 to late 1944, Thailand actively aided Japanese military actions and logistics, despite a significant British-supported resistance effort centred around the deposed Thai monarchy.
Post-1945, the UK considered them Japanese collaborators and wished to deal with them as a defeated power, but the USA went all-out to court, rehabilitate and economically restore them during its big anti-colonialism bender. As such, the dictatorship never faced the same consequences as other Axis governments.
Yea like Flannery. Flannery, in his “opus”, basically said the same thing. Color me skeptical on this alone.
Danke her Anger.
Everyday a school day on the Cat.
Flannery is quite possibly the biggest fucktard of the modern generation.
Heโs like some weird mutant child born from the loins of Al Gore and Dr Faucci.
Yeah. That was an aspect I too was unaware of.
I just figured Thailand was another occupied State under the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Not one of its (relatively few) active collaborators.
You’re paying for my mind bleach, ‘dillo!
When the supply chain issues catch up, that is… ๐
Miss A hope recovery is going well.
It was alluded to in The Street Without Joy. I knew little about it except for France and Thailand having some dust ups.
No doubt Gab will translate for us.
And will confirm that obumbrata means ‘rat-arsed’.
The Burma Thai railway project might be instructive when considering Japanese influence in the region. They werenโt exactly out there โwinning hearts and mindsโ.
Thais or renamed Kingdom of Siam had one of the many Military Govt’s the country has had for better part of modern times. King was ineffective and in Switzerland but wished to remain neutral. PM and army had other ideas being fiercely Nationalist. As it was the Japs just waltzed in anyway landing mostly in southern Thailand to hit British Malaya on a different front. Nationalist Government in Bangkok just threw their lot in with axis at that stage.
At first Thais warmed to the Asia for Asians theme of the Japanese as the Thai’s had been humiliated by the French and even entered into deals with the British at their own expense over the previous 2 centuries. That was till the Japanese brutality put the population offside sometime around 1943.
I’ll have a look around but there is a great book on the history of the region (Incl Khamer, Cochinchina, Anam and Tonkin Kingdoms that I read years ago when I was there a lot. The King Never Smiles, on the last and probably the most revered King, Rama IX is a good read has some insights into the years before he had the throne thrusted on him in 1947. Both books are banned there so if planning a trip don’t take them, Lรจse-majestรฉ is actively prosecuted there still.
If you ever plan to visit, JEATH Museum at Kanchanaburi was set up by a Buddhist Monk who wanted to give all sides a fair hearing for WWII though he doesn’t pull any punches about the atrocities committed. Spend a few hours and read all the displays.
โฆThe current mob are from Sri Lankaโฆ
Genetic relationship between Indian tribes and Australian Aboriginals
A K Roychoudhury
PMID: 6479999 DOI: 10.1159/000153487
Using gene frequency data of ten blood group and protein loci (A1A2BO, MNSs, Rh, P, Lu, Fy, Hp, Tf, Hb beta and Gm) the genetic relationships of three tribes, namely, the Toda, Irula, Kurumba in south India and one tribe, namely, the Veddah in Sri Lanka with the Aboriginals in Malay, New Guinea and Australia were studied by genetic distance analysis. The tribes in south India and Sri Lanka are genetically closer to one another than to the Aboriginals in southeast Asia and Oceania. Despite their morphological similarity there is no genetic evidence to suggest that the Indian tribes and Australian Aboriginals are biologically related.
Massacres, rapes and debauchery tend to do that to populations.
Iโve still got some tourist brochures here from Sri Lanka from the 1980โs. You would swear the photos were taken in the Northern Territory.
It’s frequently impossible to tell Hispanics from middle easterners.
Iโm going to be blunt here. No offence meant.
Pure blooded Aboriginal people have very distinct features. Almost neolithic. Itโs prominent in the forehead and jawline.
They arenโt Polynesian or Asian. Totally different group altogether.
My guess is that they are a bunch of very early Indian immigrants, sans the urge to set-up petrol station franchises and curry restaurants.
The genetics on this issue is interesting because of the migration from the Caucasus region into India only several thousand years ago changed the genetic make up with a distinct north-south distribution. Then it became weird because cultural factors led to gene fixation within certain populations that can even be tracked down to caste relationships. So a relatively recent population change in India and consequently Sri Lanka may have washed out the genetic linkages.
I’d be more interested in the Andaman Islands and the presence of Denisovan genes that are present in SE Asia.
As for the Australian aborigines current genetic studies point to one set of migrations circa 60,000 years ago as the sole founding population. Perhaps, there is a strange language penetration issue from northern Australia @ 6,000 years ago which begs for the entrance of another population as a possibility but for that to hold at only 6,000 years we should see a genetic cline north-south in the continent which doesn’t exist. What the gene studies indicate is that after the initial wave and the spread of the population throughout the continent genes became fixed with specific geographic regions. If there were other waves in Australia it is reasonable to expect that just as with the Denisovans and Neandertals there should be evidence of genetic admixture. There isn’t. BTW Australian aborigines look nothing like the Ainu.
Humans definitely wiped out the megafauna or at least played a major role in that. It makes sense because top of the food chain animals would have had no fear of humans and so made easy prey.
BTW the claim of being the oldest civilisation. FFS what about the San!? Early known human grouping in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. So anywhere from 120,000-300,000 years ago.
The simple truth is that cultural and genetic isolation is an invitation to ossification morphologically, culturally, and cognitively. If the current genetic studies are true the Australian aborigines have been the most genetically and culturally isolated people in the world. Draw your own conclusions.
Keep in mind that paleoanthropology has a distinct habit of contradicting itself and the data is so sparse speculations exist that in other domains would be rejected as lacking empirical support. That is also true of the genetic studies. Wilson et al did the early genetic studies and argued a single tribe out of Africa with no interbreeding with archaic sapiens yet now we know of Neandertals and Denisovans plus studies pointing to “ghost” populations of archaic sapiens. So those early genetic studies(1990s) are now apparently wrong. You have been warned.
Sorry for the rant but I’m bored tonight.
Iโm going to โgo out on a limb hereโ and make an observation.
How many bearded Mexicans do you know? Sure, some of them grow a moustache and stuff, but very few go โfull beardโ.
Evolution requires trade. Innovation requires trade. Wealth requires trade.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Matt Pritchett.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Chip Bok.
Matt Margolis.
Thanks Tom.
Looks like Mark Knight slipped a Valiant Charger into the line up.
Daily Tele:
Hundreds of foreigners have been kicked out of Australia in the past year for crimes such as murder, ยญinvolvement in child sex cases, drug offences and assaults, and domestic violence.
Almost 1000 visas were cancelled and 785 applications rejected on bad character grounds in 2020-21, according to Department of Home ยญAffairs figures.
There were almost 200 cancellations for drug offences, 108 for assaults, 102 for child sex matters and 81 for murder. Other crimes included rape, robbery, fraud and deception.
NSW had the most visa cancellations with 383, followed by Queensland (186), Victoria (156), Western Australia (148), South Australia (54), and Tasmania, Northern Territory and the ACT each with fewer than 10.
New Zealand citizens were the top group with 402 kicked out, followed by British citizens (101), Vietnamese (60), Chinese (37), Fijians (19), Sudanese and Iraqis (each 16), and Indians and Malaysians (each 15).
Since 2014, the number of visa cancellations on character grounds has risen substantially due to a mandatory cancellation provision introduced to the Migration Act.
The amendment allowed the immigration minister to ยญrequire a state or territory agency to disclose personal ยญinformation relevant to the character test, and gave lower thresholds for cancelling temporary visas. It also bolstered ministerial powers for general visa cancellation.
There were only 76 visa cancellations and 83 rejected applications in 2013-14, but this rose to 1278 and 631 respectively by 2016-17. Since then the number has hovered between 900 and 1000.
Visa holders and applicants may fail the character test for having substantial criminal records, escaping from immigration detention or being a member of or having links with an organisation the minister reasonably suspects of being involved in criminal conduct.
John Howard was interviewed by Tom Switzer on the latter’s ABC RN program, and was generally sensible in his assessments.
Except: he suffers from Trump Derangement.
He said that Trump’s handling of the pandemic was woeful.
I thought his handling of it was much the same as Florida governor De Santis.
He said that Trump not accepting the result of the 2020 election was awful.
The Democrats never accepted Trump as a legitimate President, and their behaviour has been disgusting. They showed in all four years of his term that nothing was beyond them, and the evidence for malfeasance before, during and after the actual election is damning.
Taiwan makes some high quality woodworking machines and the US makes precision tools but for entry/budget level there is no avoiding Chinese made. As for tech such as routers to drones, a compromise can had with the hardware made in China but the software and design all open source.
As always itโs down to personal circumstances and interest.
Tom, thank you for the cartoons, a great start of hopefully a day of doing nothing.
I’m coming to the conclusion that John Howard should keep his mouth shut or he will end up being as detested by his former voters as is Kevin07. His Trump Derangement is a good indicator of his lack of judgment in inflicting Turnbull on us, that other lunatic PM of our recent past.
Doctors receive a government fee of $1,000 plus expenses for every euthanasia death they perform.
Always follow the money, that new Mercedes isnโt going to pay for itself!
His Trump Derangement is a good indicator of his lack of judgment in inflicting Turnbull on us, that other lunatic PM of our recent past.
His 1996 gun buyback wasnโt exactly good judgement either.
Iโm coming to the conclusion that John Howard should keep his mouth shut or he will end up being as detested by his former voters as is Kevin07. His Trump Derangement is a good indicator of his lack of judgment in inflicting Turnbull on us, that other lunatic PM of our recent past.
I already detest him.
The garden gnome needs to STFU and crawl back into his irrelevancy. I reckon much of what’s destroyed the nation of Australia can be traced back to that muppet.
hoWARd was one of the 3 ‘amigos’ with bLIAR and Bush filth.
Migration chart featuring Howard. Big ‘Straya , never approved by the public.
PETER HITCHENS: After two years of mass hysteria, are we finally coming to our senses?
How many bearded Mexicans do I know of?
How about Cheech and Chong .
Covid jab teams ‘could go door-to-door to homes of unvaccinated in low uptake areas’
“Encourage”. Is that the last step before “force”?
I doubt that chart accounts for the massaging of figures either. For example, did you know if you leave the country for more than six months you’re counted as having left permanently?
Maurice Newman in the Daily Telegraph:
Much of post-war Marxismโs success has been through the media, where it has won ideological control of editorial writing, book reviews and student newspapers.
Key positions in radio, television and film are now filled with sympathetic presenters, actors and producers.
Today, mainstream and social media along with Hollywood and the arts are dominated by leftwing propagandists.
After 60 years of assiduous cultivation, the Marxist takeover of our bureaucracies is all but complete.
They have become self-serving collectives, bent on ideological outcomes for which they have no popular mandate. Even the military has been suborned.
Defence Department personnel were recently encouraged to hold morning teas for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia.
It is believed Chinaโs defence establishment passed up the opportunity.
Being panicked by the media and endorsed by government ministers into hating the unvaccinated will do that.
First Things
The communist Chinese may be all sorts of totalitarians but they are not stupid. That quality belongs to our elites.
โThe mood in the country is hardening against people who refuse to be vaccinated.
Lot a folk I know, who are jabbed, aren’t too happy with the idea of boosters which weren’t in the original plan …….
A token conservative interviewing a faux conservative.
Without commenting on whether a Mexican has ever grown a beard, it was Chong (Irish/Chinese cross) who had the beard.
Cheech, the actual Mexican, while he had one helluva Mexican moustache, did not have a beard.
Can we please stop referring to the โelitesโ as โelitesโ. As Zemmour stated, we were โborn free into a civilisationโ that โbelieves men are equal in dignityโ.
The โeliteโ may have more wealth, but it is us who assign them power and status. Those who give them, can take them away.
So can we please think of a better word to replace โeliteโ, that better describes their current function in society. Then perhaps we can get that description in use.
We could simply change the definition, as has occurred frequently recently, however, that is partly what got us into this mess.
We need a word that will provoke a realisation of who they are and what they stand for in the wider population.
132, I’m going with the XA Falcon in Knight’s ‘toon.
Not much of the original plan has survived.
Unsurprisingly, given there was never much of an original plan beyond Flatten the Curve and Weโre All In This Together – and the discovery that the Australian Constitution means no one is responsible for anything.
LOL. Slippery Nicky on 21 Dec, on the TP USA conference.
Ass holes! or is that reserved for JC.
Howard is the PM who needs to do the most to protect his legacy. All the rest already had it trashed before being thrown out of office – either by their own party or the electorate.
As a sitting PM who lost his own seat, his place in history is assured.
I actually thought it was a 180B sss.
Lords Paramount?
But seriously…the term is not ascribing an innate value to these people that others don’t possess. The term is sociological and descriptive and refers to the loose knit class that holds great wealth and therefore wields disproportionate power and influence in a society.
If anything, its use today is accompanied with a sneer.
Excepting the High Court, who have the grave responsibility of misinterpreting the Constitution.
“Can we please stop referring to the โelitesโ as โelitesโ.”
I prefer the word “parasites“.
Certainly better than losing your trousers.
Nah, it’s got the XA paint blackouts, mc, and Mark lives to feature the Aussie iron.
Have a toy 180B coupe from when I was a kid in stamped metal including the seats. Missing a tyre unfortunately.
is it tony heller’s rumble vids not going through here or …
A Constitution that requires the High Court to interpret it is not worth having. At least when the Privy Council was the highest, they had no skin in the game so therefore were more realistic with outcomes as not having to wait for the next dinner invite.
“Maurice Newman in the Daily Telegraph:”
Maurice is the epitome of what’s wrong with the right in this country. Remember he was appointed Chair of the ABC by Howard…..and what did he do? Nada, zilch, nothing. Maurice talks the talk but he doesn’t walk the talk.
Perhaps I’m being too harsh……don’t get me wrong, I like Maurice, he speaks a lot of sense about cultural issues but I suspect he’s probably aware, like Roskam, that it’s far too late.
Good to see you feeling a little better Cassie.
tonyheller at Rumble, why can’t his videos be posted here?
“As a sitting PM who lost his own seat, his place in history is assured.”
I don’t blame Howard for that…..the boundaries of his seat Bennelong had moved demographically so far west over thirty-five years, Krudd put up that scab McSpew to run against him and Labor and GetUp used the “waaaacist” smears against him…..plus, being PM, he couldn’t spend a whole lot of time in his seat.
The problem was that Howard should have handed over to Costello…..in his final year as PM he became riddled with narcissism.