Posted on a previous thread about reading a history of World War 1 on the Western Front, that made the…
Posted on a previous thread about reading a history of World War 1 on the Western Front, that made the…
Crypto will bring Trump down. The next impeachment cycle, after mid terms, will be over crypto.
Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
I’m going to posit that you could gather every Nobel Laureate of the last 50 years and not one of them could make any sense out of that comment.
Reality, from a bloke intimately involved in the logistics of the matter, is that Grigs is again so wrong that if I had a means of dropping an SCT Logistics facility (as one mere example among many) in any capital city, comprising multiple warehouses full of everything from dunny roll to CV joints to dogfood, beer and Pepsi cans on its head, I would.
Fools being panicked by Grigs’ compadres among the media and bugman classes, combined with moronic transportation bureaucracies’ demands locally and internationally (e.g. You cannot move a single 20-foot container off the ports of Los Angeles or Long Beach unless you are unionised and your truck is less than 5 years old) and/or stevedore union fuckery in Oz because EBAs are still being negotiated, combined with China being dicks and hoarding every ISO container they can get, and Western corporates’ and merchants’ cultish devotion to just-in-time logistics, is what is causing shortages and inflations and so forth.
The loo paper folks never actually ran out in 2020- The previously well-tuned delivery systems of every retailer in the country shat themselves (deliberate choice of pun, Cats) because people did first, and panic-demand completely overwhelmed supply.
Fuck off and hoard your skinsuits somewhere else, Grigory.
The journalistic hive mind at work.
So much easier for them as individuals not to have to think or test a story by asking inconvenient questions.
This is a generation that has been spoon fed since Grade 1.
Only on your part. Unless Struth or his little sycophant Shit Dribbler decided to ask if I had had a clot shot and died…
Easy- You are over 2 months late in your assertion.
Next outburst of stupidity masquerading as a question?
Ed doesn’t like my comment.
In positive news from abroad, face masks provide a moderate protection against cold winds blowing.
They don’t prevent snow getting up your nose…
…But they do help to stop it getting chilled.
beginning of the end in the UK, no more free lateral flow tests for all the times and probably paywalled
In Rugby news I enjoyed reading today:
Israel Folau has dominated in his first game in his return to rugby in Japan’s League One, scoring two tries in Shining Arcs Tokyo-Bay Urayasu’s thrilling 24-23 win over Kobelco Kobe Steelers.
The 32-year old, who is hoping to return to international rugby for Tonga after World Rugby changed their eligibility laws in late 2021, took less than 15 minutes to announce his arrival in Japan, storming through opponents Kobe Steelers for Arcs’ first try of the match.
Ahh … back in Chelsea
Don’t jinx me Rex!. I should be too far south for snow, I plan to stick close to the Mediterranean for as long as possible before heading north to catch my plane home.
a non paywalled article, the tune re omicron has certainly changed dramatically since just before Christmas
Heehee! 😀
Is agreeing that omicron doesn’t attack the lungs an admission that delta and all the previous variants were all potentially life threatening illnesses that did, indeed, kill millions of people?
Re-read what you’ve written. The two things bear no logical relation to each other at all.
My place in Bangalore is assured.
Interesting Cricket Fact: Marnus Labuschagne‘s surname is not pronounced ‘La Boosh Nay’.
No, no. It’s pronounced in a way very similar to the dying gurgle of a hanged man. Two Seth Effricans have spent the afternoon pointing this out to us over beers.
1. Shut the borders.
2. Isolate the vulnerable.
3. Offer free and voluntary vaccines when they became available?
More to the point: Why weren’t treatments using repurposed drugs/drug cocktails of known safety and at least theoretical efficacy investigated with all speed while the “vaccines” were still in development?
“I’m from Missouri. Show me.”
I haven’t heard that expression in so long.
Thirty years.
I don’t miss it.
Whoa there, Sancho. General discussion was about new legislation to stop internet ‘bullying’. If things get removed, then only screen shots can prove they were said.
My thoughts are totally against any censorship or litigation that is outside the bounds of existing defamation laws that apply already to comments made non-anonymously about real people. I made this anti-censorship view clear to Arky and it was one of the reasons I walked away from here a while ago. Then I had an email conversation with Arky and realised how messed up he was over the site, and advised a short break. I came in then and said I wanted to leave and asked people to be kind to Arky, due to my private consversation with him. We had both been deeply hurt here. It happens.
As Hairy says to me over my obsession with a range of internet reviews of ‘Succession’ characters.
It is what it is, he says of some of the psychologising Nothing is ever simple in human relationships.
Perhaps that is because, as Shakespeare suggested for Hamlet, we are God’s work.
Because Pfizer would have lost out on a hundred billion dollars.
Labia change? I’m amused the guy who was breaking all the women’s swimming records got beaten into 5th place last week, by a lady who is transitioning into a man.
Trans Male Swimmer Beats UPenn Trans Female Swimmer Lia Thomas (8 Jan)
It’s carnage! Especially of women’s lady bits. The plastic surgeon won gold.
think of the commissions
Kazakh Prez gives shoot to kill orders to stop arsonists and looters.
A bit late, but it’s the only way to stop a Color Revolution.
Search string: hydroxychloroquine covid
Data range: 01/01/20-30/06/2020
975 articles on pubmed.
Undoubtedly many more studies, at least double because pubmed does not index all journals and the search string is restricted because they weren’t just looking at HCQ. Another problem is that it isn’t possible to set up a full study overnight, there can be many hurdles to even getting approval for a study so it can take months to get the ball rolling.
BTW the other day I read about the potential of hesperidin, a compound in citrus fruits, which offers some benefits re covid. I’ve known about the general health value of hesperidin which is why I like oranges and try to eat some of the pith. Pity about all the fructose.
I can understand that, liz. Threatening people on threads, pretending you own the site, choosing sides in stoushes… thought leadership is a tough gig. It drains you if you’re not careful.
Can a human absorb any hesperidin at all and doesn’t the pith contain an anti nutritive factor?
This segment has been brought to you by Sandvik 80 grit trade professional.
Has anyone done in depth research of nutrition of COVID patients and COVID deaths?
It would be fascinating stuff (yes I am a nerd).
Dickless uptick for JC
It’s not a colour revolution it’s an LPG revolution.
Price controls are always so much fun!
Until you can’t afford them.
Huge Arky fan here, so don’t get me wrong, I’m not bagging the guy.
But …
Arky always took what appeared to be the winning side in stoushes, earning him little respec’.
The hounds turned on him when he initiated his own stoush, which was no surprise, except perhaps to Arky.
“We had both been deeply hurt here”
Lizzie, Arky was more than capable of dishing it out here. He was no innocent. I remember the very nasty pile on he instigated of me back in March 2020. It lasted a whole afternoon….over a comment I wrote where I accurately described three women punching each other up over toilet paper at a Woolworths as “scum, peasants, trash”. He accused me of racism. I was deeply hurt by that. My comment had nothing to do with their race, it was about their behaviour.
Agreed, hence I fear that (to mangle a quote) The Victorian Government can remain irrational longer than I can remain solvent.
That got this lady in trouble. After which ever since she has being laying waste to the Cathedral.
Mainstream Media Is “Being Swallowed” By Joe Rogan (8 Jan)
He goes on. Interesting datum that Rogan gets as many views per show as the top four Fox shows combined. Suck on that Murdoch kiddies.
I don’t think people realise the level of mental illness in the US.
All you have to do to see it is watch Kitchen Nightmares & watch these restaurant owners serve up absolute abominations & then are shocked when Ramsay is critical.
The comments made by Arky on why comments were closed on his articles or why he might allow some where just nasty.
Jen Psaki denied U.S. involvement at a Presser the other day, without even being asked.
As Bismarck is quoted as saying:
Arky deleting comments and saying mean things is all water under the bridge. The poor bugger has had his house burned and lost all his beloved tools, and probably a whole lot more. He has absented himself from the blog for his own mental health, which I think is a wise choice.
Let it rest. Please.
The research undoubtedly exists. Largely hidden from the public and medical profession only thinks about those problematic vaccines. Shouldn’t be too hard to find. Can you use Google advanced search? (:
I came across the hesperidin jazz a few days ago. I’ll try to track that down for you. …
With omicron now dominant I’m not worried.
Be careful, people doing their own research have exposed themselves to risks because they filled themselves up with zinc and risked a copper deficiency, or took bucket loads of D without adding magnesium and K2 to the mix.
The Biden Administration really is in a bind over Russian.
Every day is one day closer to Nord Stream 2 opening.
Meaning every day is one day closer to less gas transiting the Ukraine.
Biden needs a stable client state Ukraine because if it falls apart they have no control over what could leak out of the place.
Hence the US interference in Kazakhstan to draw at least some Russian resources away from its western borders.
Fuck off, Grigory.
I’m sure the CIA is having a wonderful time in Kazakhstan. Which should nicely distract them from chasing old ladies with US flags in the States. But the reason the revolution has occurred is that the people are fed up with the wankers running the place (exhibit A: a Mr Nazarbayev) and they went nuts when the government lifted price controls on LPG last week, which tripled the cost of filling their cars. Not being a rich country that was a big pain in their pockets.
Then, of course the government did backflip and pike on the price controls., but by then it was too late. The Islamic kiddies are the wild card in this. If they can get a degree of momentum the whole thing could become quite interesting. Afghanistan is only over on the other side of neighbouring Uzbekistan, with porous borders, it would be a quick drive for unemployed ferals to get to the action.
More power to Rogan. He is an adventurous and intelligent chap that deserves his success. I disagree with him about “functional training” with kettle bells. Untrained people taking that up are going to get injured.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has extended the state’s pandemic declaration for another three months under new contentious public health laws.
Lock downs won’t be on the cards but forced injections will be.
Which is why it is a well established that Grigory rogers kittens, is aroused by the smell of formaldehyde, gypsum and flensing knives, and lives in abject fear of birds…
Cassie says:
1. your comment was a cheap shot at the aboriginal woman who had a trolley full of toilet paper.
She was attacked by 2 polynesian women who claimed the right to take her shopping.
So she did nothing wrong.
2. Arky arced up over your calling the polynesian women trash & etc., because kiwis suffer Stockholm Syndrome and tell themselves that polynesians are like their cuddly pets.
Here’s a few facts for you:
Toilet paper is an hygienic necessity.We’ve got a Supply Chain crisis now, the shelves are bare of paper products because many of the factories have shut down.
If some witches bail you up in the supermarket and try to take your shopping because there’s none left, are you going to hand it over?
I thought they were hilarious. Good for him.
“1. your comment was a cheap shot at the aboriginal woman who had a trolley full of toilet paper.
She was attacked by 2 polynesian women who claimed the right to take her shopping.
So she did nothing wrong.”
Listen Dick Ed. There was no aboriginal woman involved and there were no Polynesian women involved. Now fuck .
Now fuck off Dick Ed.
There were dozens of posts about various toilet paper videos.
Arky thought it would great fun to focus only on Cassie’s comment to the exclusion of all others.
Which he did all day.
Pure bullying behaviour.
Bruce says:
You’re confusing the CIA with the FBI, Bruce.
Which is why the Government issued Shoot To Kill orders, Bruce.
Do you have a problem with the Police and Army in Kazakhstan shooting Islamic State terrorists, Bruce?
People have such short memories.
How few people remember the IPA & Tim Wilson’s campaign to stop raising the status of local councils a few years back.
Could you imagine councils passing COVID rules & regulations?
It was one of the only decent things the IPA did during the last decade.
Ta for that link to applicant submissions for Novak. Very enlightening in a number of ways, the tennis Australia rep who signed off on the exemption was named, the Vic government one not so but they did put his credentials up. A search of the net though had only had 1 person with the title and specialisation but no surprise his background is supressed unless you are a Linkedin member which I aren’t. I’d say I might be over target there. All I’ll have to say if him, he has extensive research in infectious diseases so seems sound.
Going on a limb here, looking more and more political and probably being driven from the PM’s office knee jerking to the negative sentiment. FFS even I can work out if you are going to go after someone who will stand their ground dot every i and cross every t. My guess is they never expected him to fight.
January 9, 2022 at 9:41 pm
It was one of the only decent things the IPA did during the last decade.”
Yep…they’re usually all talk and no action…..maybe with Roskam gone they might just find some spine.
No we don’t, Grigory.
Fuck off.
Actually a few of the books they had really convinced some friends to stop worrying about gerballing and have deep respect for the heritage of our fastly eroding rights.
Islamic State is not active in Kazakhstan, Grigory.
Unless you are privy some some Glowie information that is meant to make your controlled opposition sound plausible…*
*Not that even a 250-point IQ transplant would make your degree of retardation reversible.
do youse ever say, go to a barbie and use the Aerogard or Bushman’s?
you know all up and down yr legs
a bit on the back of yr neck
squint and pucker and a squirt in the face
then later after the beers have worn off and you wake up off the couch and go to bed …do you recall the sticky, clammy, creepy feeling of the sheets that keeps you tossing and turning…?
yeah, that’s The Cat open thread today.
vitamin K and bullies and don’t mention Folau … racists
the fuck is wrong with you people ?
I’m gone for like 48 hrs and you’ve turned into humourless borg
Ex the Russian transplants, Kazakhstan is muslim.
Sling enough resources at one small group (like the CIA has done) and they’ll do anything.
Once the resourcing stops, that one small group will fade away.
Also keep in mind the US is funding 5,000 private contractors still in Afghanistan which is only a short plane ride to Kazakhstan.
Doesn’t take much to stir the pot.
Resistance is Voltage divided by Current…
No, Ed, I am not.
Please do not be naive.
John Brennan is the species type.
Popcorn prices are up. I do not like people killing each other though since once that happens they no longer get any more opportunities to repent.
There’s just a faint glimmer of hope that the Djoker affair may lead to the resignation of Scumo for pressuring officials.
I also recall you being less than pleasant to charming contributor Ellie on Old Catallaxy.
More than a few White Knights joined the Pile On too, a bigger deal than Arky accusing you of Racism, i’d say?
She’ll never fuck you bro.
Largely hypothetical but I am banned from the local pub here in Perth. Back to drinking in the ghetto for me. I fully expect to be banned from the cafe too at some stage this year too.
I might start work on a diary.
Grigory, I operate 130-odd tonne pieces of hardware that, under dynamic braking can generate sufficient retarding force to slow a trailing load of 2500 tons of assorted solid and liquid masses from 110km/h to walking pace on a steep downhill grade within a few minutes.
Your retardation could bring a fully loaded 30,000 tonne iron ore train AND all 3 of its powering locos to a complete halt from 80km/h in a single sentence.
Go to bed.
So there’s no limit to how many people an Islamic State terrorist can kill without being shot dead, in your opinion, since he must always have the opportunity to repent?
January 9, 2022 at 9:46 pm
do youse ever say, go to a barbie and use the Aerogard or Bushman’s?
You are complaining about boring while complaining about the after effect of Aerogard? You boring little tit.
Like in physically holding someone down? Don’t think so.
Pulling an Austria may be a possibility in threatening fines/jail. In that case we could sneak across into NSW.
Hey Ed,
do you type everything the crystal skull tells you to type ?
Did you get a KnockBack, Dot?
What Does This Mean?
Go to Bing & (not at work or around SJW’s), search –
“american culture is centered around”
Does anyone why that’s been the result for over a day?
An impatient music fan was arrested after being accused of making a bomb threat to try and jump the line to get into a free Doja Cat concert in Indianapolis on Saturday night.
Grigory dreams of being knocked back by someone with a pulse.
Being rejected by your own skinsuits is pretty rough…
Expert explains the “awakening” of radical Islamists in Kazakhstan (6 Jan)
It only takes a few AKs and suddenly a bunch of innocent mosque attendees magically morph into the newly powerful “Islamic State In Kazakhstan”*.
* Kazakhs, please send your 1/8th zakat to me for the copyright on this name.
No Bong John, not boring … stupid
tell us another zinc/copper story
Because some dickhead within the tunnels of BigTech thought it was funny to muck with the algorithm to generate some fake outrage and further the myth that all non-Democrat pressure factions within the USA are.systemically racist.
Next question?
Razey says:
Exactly like that!
3 experienced blokes will restrain anybody, one nurse gives the shot, rinse and repeat at the next house.
Add in an armed Cop with Shoot to Kill Orders and a coupla teams will vax an entire suburb in a fortnite.
Zinc deficiency is common in the obese & elderly. The exact demographic most impacted by covid. There may be something to this.
A convenient excuse to send the Spetsnatz and Airborne troops in to prop up a client state. Indeed…
There’s just a faint glimmer of hope that the Djoker affair may lead to the resignation of Scumo for pressuring officials.
Yes please! Our Political Arsehole Class need to be caught up with!
Might get the first shot in. But most would be ready for the next shot, wont be as easy. They better be prepared for their life to end. Doesn’t seem worth the trouble if a number of them meet their maker.
To be as stupid as you I would need to consume an oz of New Guinea Gold, a field of green meanies, and a carton of Jack Daniels.
Grigory can have mine.
The prospect of actual human contact (for the first time in…forever) seems to excite him.
Just remember to wash the viscera off and hide the evidence before they doorknock you this time, eh Grigory?
Of course ole’ DickEars will come out looking like second coming of Jesus.
Who owns Bing, srr?
Don’t pretend you don’t know.
so is death
spooky right?
No doubt Langley thinks that too. It’s fun to watch this stuff and imagine what is going on in the corridors of the alphabet agencies. In this case it’s nice that Putin is distracted from Ukraine and that the CIA is likewise distracted from domestic farting about. The cherry on top would be if Joe handballs the press relations on this kerfuffle to Kamala. That would be most entertaining!
Remember Brittany Higgins?
Scotty claimed to have never been told that a rape had happened in a Minister’s Office even tho his minders were talking to the victim a coupla days later.
He’ll keep on Weaseling and take them off the cliff with him, unfortunately.
The MSM are in a bind tho.
Do they attack Scotty or go with the AntiVaxxers Bad narrative.
So far it’s been the latter, tho if they can land a few kicks on Scotty’s head, they will.
But most would be ready for the next shot, wont be as easy. They better be prepared for their life to end. Doesn’t seem worth the trouble if a number of them meet their maker.
Some citizens may decide if they are going to Hell they will have an Honour Guard.
Listen Bong John … you cant do humour so you shouldn’t try
you just build a mountain of alleged facts and climb to the top
I’m watching the 3 part Mark Felton series on the last days of Himmler.
It’s incredible more is known & documented & freely available about the end of WWII than what’s freely available about January 6th.
Zinc deficiency is endemic to all people who don’t eat Red Meat as the main part of their diet, which is nearly everybody.
In both cases, the Official Story is BullShit
The entire Official Story of Hitler’s last days in the Bunker was written by Hugh Trevor -Roper from the account told to him by eyewitness and Test Pilot Hannah Ritsch.
Ritsch was the only person there to survive the War and she later denounced Trevor-Roper’s account as lies.
I wasn’t being funny. I was being truthful.
Inductive reasoning tells me that any reactance to the borg will result in considerable impedance to current progress!
Interesting video.
Why would the Ukraine government be harassing Kazak’s (in the Ukraine) organizing protests from there? I thought they hated Russia?
Report from the COVID unit: It´s full of the triple vaxxed people
nice try
MP Craig Kelly: “This is the PANDEMIC of vaccinated” Here are the numbers folks. NOT DISPUTED – Official Data..
Plenty who were in the bunker survived not only the war, but for decades afterward.
Parody accounts should keep their bullshit to a level where it is plausible.
Attention. This is a Captain Obvious announcement.
Ed is a retired taxi driver.
Evening Cyclone Tiffany. She’ll give the northern Cape a touch up tomorrow.
Not in Hitler’s inner Circle.
In any case, Trevor Ropers accounts of Hitler’s last days came from interviews with Hannah Ritsch, there’s never been any dispute over that.
Ritsch agreed with Trevor-Roper’s history in general, but she said that he lied about the specifics.
I could say the same about your comments, and i’d be right.
Bong John,
I know you can do words and you can have a decent shot at facts too (as long as you can get get run up) , but seriously unless you’ve worked on a building site then leave badinage to the experts.
Spoke about crikkit stuff with some people who could be said to be in the know about such things this arvo. Odds on to be:
The Fat Paki stays in the XI, but as an opener with Midget Fuckstick;
Harris goes;
Boland stays;
Hazlewood (if fit) returns, and if so:
Starc goes.
See what happens.
Ambulances have been going all day on the nearby main road, must be all those vaccinatees taking one for the team.
No ‘Wadey’;
No ‘Paino*’ and especially
No ‘Burnsy’.
*Not his actual nickname.
Carbohydrates don’t kill people, Grigory.
Gypsum does. The question is of dosage.
Any mass of over 10 tonnes is reputed to be instantly lethal
He’s so cute when he projects, isn’t he? 🙂
Traudl Junge, Yitlah’s private secretary was in his ‘inner circle’ for years, including at conferences, meetings etc with the rest of those dickheads.
She volunteered to stay with him after most of his admin staff were bundled off south of Berlin as Konev and Zhukov’s armies were breaking into its suburbs. She watched him and Eva Braun walk into his office for the last time, heard the shot and also watched him being carried out and into the garden outside the bunker, where Hitler and his misso were set alight.
She found her way to what would become one of the non-Soviet zones, was quite talkative to a lot of interested people and ended up with decent speaking roles in several WWII docos in the late 1970s.
Sal, wasn’t Trevor -Roper one of the historians who came unstuck over whether the “Hitler Diaries” were authentic?
I have worked on a building site. Not for long, just to earn some quick bucks during the break. Worst day was in the Qld December summer removing all the rubbish from the rooftop of a partially burnt shopping centre complex.
You aint no expert at humour. Too repetitive. Try something different.
Also, Hannah Ritsch the ladeeeee test pilot was a fervent, devoted Nazi.
Of course she would lie her goose-stepping box off if anyone was critical of Hoitlah. It would ruin the noble ‘dying at the head of his troops in the final victory over Bolshevism’ thing he had going at the end.
Why ask Sal?
Trevor-Roper was hoaxed on the Hitler Diaries, simple as that.
His Histories were sound, but Hannah Ritsch was his only informant on Hitler’s last days and she said that he lied about what she had told him.
Someone needs to do a Downfall rant starring Grigs as Adolf, raging about who’s been lying about his bunker.
In his bunker…
Grigs backpedalling and redirecting his gypsum-fuelled wrongology in a frantic (and futile) effort to stave off yet another self-inflicted beclownment.
If I didn’t enjoy my job so much, I’d smile at his failures all the way back to Perth tomorrow instead… 🙂
Looking her up on the internet, it seems she lived, very quietly, in Australia for a couple of years…
Hannah Ritsch,was also World Glider Champion several times and also the first person to fly a helicopter indoors, which she demonstrated to some skeptical American Businessmen in the 1930s
There’s a great photo of Hannah Ritsch and a group of female helicopter pilots honoured by JFK at the White House in 1961.
The Sun’s Benefits Are Way More than Vitamin D
While I am no fan of this channel he makes some good points in this video. The infra red idea is very interesting. There is evidence that near infra red therapy has many therapeutic benefits. More broadly only last night I read the below.
Keep in mind this article is from Sweden. Not entirely applicable to Aus but I still think we could ease up on the sun phobia message.
On the Relationship Between Sun Exposure and All-Cause Mortality
Increasing sun exposure is related to lower prevalence of death in cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes, and other noncancer non-CVD. In this chapter we aim to make a short update on the knowledge regarding sun exposure and all-cause mortality. Data support the hypothesis that low sun exposure habits are a major risk factor for all-cause mortality. Low sun exposure is related to an increased risk of death due to CVD and noncancer/non-CVD, and a minor reduction in risk of cancer. Active sun exposure habits have a dual effect; it increases the incidence of skin cancer, but also improves the prognosis in terms of all-cause mortality. In a low solar intensity region, we should carefully assess both risk and benefits of sun exposure in order to obtain balanced recommendations.
Rockdoctor thanks for the info.
that Queensland CHO telling the triple vaxxed over 60s to go out and enjoy themselves
ok fine
tell us the one again about how zinc supplements will will cause copper deficiencies.
or, or
the one about Grandpa Maverick and how things never worked out for him
Compare and contrast the truncated career of Blake Ferguson in Japanese Rugby.
TC Tiffany, as mentioned earlier by RD.
Tiffany scores a 10 on the Hot/Crazy matrix, so nobody say she’s fat.
Did you [gasp] Goooogle that, Zulu?
Odd thing.
Rome was packed, long queues for the popular restaurants, St Peter’s square crowded but here is very very quite.
Yesterday there were a few eating out but today colder and windy, I have the ‘best pizza in cagliari’ to myself.
Which is why I don’t do any of that.
Wolf Alice – Beautifully Unconventional
It may have been someone here who put up a link to this band. If so thanks. I very much like their music.
You realise that comments after 11.00 p.m. attract Tariff 2 rates?
Of course you do. Look at your former profession. How silly of me.
Why would you want to fly a chopper inside, Ed?
Which probably means it is time for Lizzie to stop soft-soaping it and making plaintive pleas for his return.
there was a TC Tiffany in 1998
… the lungs on that
People can be very selective about who they beg to return.
Emma knows better than the CHO though
The lungs on this. Great song from the 70’s. She also sings.
Baby It’s You
I can’t recall the name of the restaurant but the maitre d’ was a hilarious bozo. We scored a table outside as I guess, we passed muster, but just. A short and slightly overweight American couple show up and he literally couldn’t even look at them. He was so disgusted that when he spoke he’d look at them from the side. He finally allowed them to sit, but I heard them ask for a table outside and he nodded his head and told them curtly there was only room for them inside. Later on, I went to go the toilet and they were in a empty area on their own. A gorgeous gal goes to him for a table and he’s all over her. Naturally she and her pals get a table outside. They had a fabulous pasta dish.
Ah yes.
Booby It’s You.
Great clip.
It’s called cacio e pepe.
Most people love it.
But not all.
Begging is so unbecoming.
You have a point you wish to make?
He’s an excellent motorcyclist but I don’t know how he has survived for so long. He has had serious accidents but keeps on living. The other mystery is how he escapes jail time. 897k subscribers so he is very popular. Some of the videos of his rides are great but the constant wheel stands become boring.
Lol JC, nice to pick and choose, he didn’t reject them completely though, not running Studio 54.
My host has a recommendations list but his six top picks for the Castello area are all victims of covid.
Perhaps they’ll be back for the summer.
A few shoppers have rolled in now.
I didn’t order the bistecca di cavallo, only made that mistake once.
It’s a livink.
You would have to say the young lady fills out the puffy shirt well.
Never to be forgiven for disrespecting Sancho’s pasta recommendation
I had polpo the other day.
That was nice. No idea what it was 😉
He spent a lot of time looking at his reservations sheet. They must have booked through the hotel otherwise there was no way they would get a table,
Horse meat! Europeans are totally disgusting. They literally eat anything. There’s some part of Switzerland bordering Germany where they eat dog.
Horse meat is okay but I wouldn’t eat dog.
Mum gave the horse meat the tick of approval because exclusive herbivore.
Very lean though.
Eating horse meat is equivalent to cannibalism. You can’t eat a beautiful animal like that.
Though dog meat couldn’t be worse that ‘wurstel’.
From the Oz. Curious, I’ve often thought Paul Hasluck was one of the better Prime Minsters this country may have had.
Goats testicles.
I did.
It was in a sausage and I held out no hopes for it’s recovery.
I think you meant goat tentacles Sancho.
Horses have no affection whatsoever for their slaves (“owners”).
Eat them. Cows have more sentience.
I agree JC.
I love Hungary, but they also love ponies.
On a plate.
A bridge too far for me.
Well this explains why, Mr. ‘Invest, Invest In Biotech,’ JC puts so much venom into libelling Mr. ‘I Sue Pharmaceutical Companies For A Living’, Kennedy –
Joe Rogan
December 29, 2021
RT @FatEmperor: Here’s a nephew of the great John F Kennedy – LISTEN CAREFULLY:
Posted on 8:56 AM · Dec 29th, 2021
Jan 6
Replying to @joerogan
Please have him on your show Joe, there was an amazing interview on London Real back in May of 2020 where RFK educated me beyond belief about how evil big Pharma is.
?London Real: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – My Fight Against Mandatory Vaccinations, Big Pharma, And
?Show London Real, Ep Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – My Fight Against Mandatory Vaccinations, Big Pharma, And Dr. Fauci – May 7, 2020
Posted on 2:36 PM · Jan 6th, 2022
I thought it was Chinese and other Asians that ate dog, but not so.
Not content to steal Jewish money hidden from the nazis, they also dog.
The only honourable meat to eat is something which you have kill yourself.
In the bullring with cape, very tight pants and sword.
Mostly sword.
Never had a problem with horse meat, but the eating of sheep is a disgusting habit, with no hope of redemption.
Horses are the most beautiful, svelte creatures on earth. It’s a major sin to eat the fuckers. God would be really pissed if you barbecued a hind leg.
It helps if you spell the woman’s name correctly, Grigory.
Hanna Reitsch was the renowned German lady test pilot, who flew the Focke-Achgelis Fa.61 within the confines of the Berlin Deutchslandhalle during the 1938 International Automobile Exhibition.
Not for the benefit of some ‘skeptical American businessmen,’ troll. A propagandistic showing-off of German aeronautical engineering, in the same vein that the Kim family in North Korea and Chairman Winnie Xi Pooh like to paint up their nuclear missile transporter-erector-launchers and parade them thru town.
Hanna Ritsch is likely any number of German women, or most probably a figment of Grigory’s fevered imagination.
Or maybe boar you kill yourself.
With the bare hands.
(Bare hands holding the 12 gauge).
Now I wanna visit IKEA again… 🙂
Is there nothing a Sancho can’t do.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a bull fight but have never been in Spain during bull fight season.
Don’t annoy the USAF.
IED Factories Destroyed By JDAMS
***Frantic Tunnelling Intensifies***
You don’t need to go to Spain for that, Rosie.
Just sneakily drop your second-string stud or rodeo animal (preferably Brahman- Those things are mean)* in with your neighbour’s prize stud bull when the cows are in season. Then sit back with popcorn. From a distance outside rifle-calibre range, of course…
*Be sure to remove all eartags and distinguishing markings first.
JC might want to look into that Japanese team doing outstanding work with stem cells. Already trialed for vision with limited success but for a blind person even a minute recovery of vision is a huge plus. If they get the stem cell technology right for Parkinson’s, and they are working very hard on that, it will be a huge win. But JC is probably already knows about them.
Alterntely, you might find you have accidentally gifted your neighbour some useful genetics should the bulls not give a shit about each other…
I can’t blame the fucker. In fact I support him.
Get a load of these morons
Sounds like a tunofun Rex.
You will need a 12 gauge, if you want to deal with the boar with the bare hands…
There’s an old joke about an English tourist in Spain, who orders the “dish of machismo” from the menu – the grilled testicles of a bull, killed that day, in the arena. When the testicles are served, they are of no great size.
Questioning this fact, said tourist is advised by the waiter “It is regrettable, Senor, but the bull is not always the loser…”
We saw a bullfight in Spain in the ’90’s (which is hardly surprising as I am Spanish).
It is a lot longer than any brief film clip will lead you to believe.
I commentated for Mrs Panzer in Bruce McAvaney style, and invented quite a lot of statistics and nomenclature (the guys on horses were called “horsadors” and the guys who put the sharp sticks into the shoulders of the bull were called “stickadors”).
Stickadors were the bravest.
The bull is still pretty up for the fight. They run at it but kind of diverge to one side, and then jump past the bull’s head and insert the sticks in the upper neck/shoulder.
I remember this much.
The first matador took a few attempts to drop the bull.
Muted crowd reception. Golf clap.
The second matador dropped his with one stroke.
Crowd went nuts.
A lot of locals there. Not just tourists.
This was in Seville.
But unforgettable.
This is actually true.
We missed the bullfight in Madrid.
I asked the girl at reception if there was a bullfight on that night.
“Sorry, no” she says. “It was last night”
“Oh? Who won?”
“Sir. I thin the bull … he is never win.”
Hmmm… Svelte…
I think this one may be one of those instances like when Sal (or is it cohenite) and JC have major tete a tetes over who is the prettier screen siren out of Sophia Loren or Monica Belluci.
I’d make further quips on the matter, but I would prefer not to get horsewhipped. So I’ll hoof it for now…
JC at 11:58.
Next level crazy.
Now, that is getting your beef served rare.
It’s lunacy on a grand scale.
Don’t fucking interrupt me when I am throwing out the baby with the bathwater!
This is the danger.
Some legitimate questions about these vaccines morphs into mistrust of all medical advances which have saved and/or improved billions of lives.
The minor Kennedy is a grifter and an opportunist, chiseling a living out of ambulance chaser lawsuits, and now sees the opportunity to increase his revenue base off the back of this pandemic.
But he’s Teddy’s nephew, so …
How much coke do you reckon they gave the bull?
In future I shall refrain from interruption.
Please be advised I am not a windmill.
Took the kids to a movie tonight.
Cinema advertising, in order:
This venue is supported by Screen Australia, ie LGBTIQ, ROP & BIPOC films which show on Gala Night only.*
Haulage company.
Fuel company.
Australiaday.org.au, ie Change The Date You Horrible White People.*
Vaccinate for W.A.*
Clifford the Big Red Dog movie.
(ads marked * are paid for by the taxpayer, written and directed by The Cathedral.)
Clearly we have to catch omicron as soon as we can. This is an order coming straight from the top!
Also, Dave, mate, how’s those jabs workin’ for ya?
Do not ask what your country can do for Omicron. Ask what Omicron can do for your country.
Waiting for museo crypt to open at 16.00.
And sancho insisted siesta was Spanish. Though Sardinia was Spanish territory for four hundred years so I guess that’s an excuse.
I enjoyed the bullfighting antidotes.
Not sure if I’m going to get to Spain as planned. They were insisting on rapido tamponis from Italy and I’m reluctant.
William Hall
December 17, 2021
75 members of Congress own stock in Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson.
Let that sink in…
December 5, 2021
Over 40,000 protesters have taken to the streets to march in Vienna, Austria today after the country went back into lockdown and became first in the world to make COVID vaccination compulsory.
[video] https://gettr.com/post/pir7sq99c3
Oh, Mrs Faulty.
Water is wet, days end in ‘Y’ and politicians are all allegedly (until conclusively proven or proven otherwise) corrupt and profiteering gangsters.
Also- Red Shoes are a bugger of a thing to keep clean and well-polished. Unless you are a gorgeous young female with excellent taste in Doc Martens or Vans, avoid at all costs.
Especially at election time…
What is ‘soft-soaping’?
Australia’s Governor-General David Hurley has contracted COVID-19.
When is COVID going to do its job properly and start killing some of our corrupt elite?!
Why Even Atheists Should Teach Their Children about God
I disagree with the premiss but the overall theory has merit.
And so what has happened to Tom’s ‘Toons?
Sex and the City is now woke crap, says Spiked magazine….link
Hey Sancho, surprise!
JC, take a liver pill. You’re choleric. Doubtless feeling drained, I’d say.
For the record: I have never threatened anyone on threads. I don’t pretend to own this site. I don’t ‘choose sides’ in stouches and that’s because I think ‘stouches’ are stupid, (especially your ongoing late nite hatreds, which till this moment I have never criticised you for, although they deserve some scorn for being senseless bullying, something that pulls this site down). Basically, JC, I like you and enjoy your capacity here to deflect hardball against yourself, to piss off the tall-poppy choppers, and to throw juicy pieces of meat to some of the hounds. But you are a man, and I am not. Thus the playing field is different. I simply protect my own opinions, which I have every right to hold and express, and as for ‘thought leadership’, that’s just sheer bullshit which can be levelled against anyone who says anything serious here.
The main issue for me in particular and the site in general is bullying, of the genuine sort not the leftist version. I hope that at its extremes it is now ended here. It can wreck lives that are under stress; note too that Arky also lost his beloved A Model in his house fire.
Cassie can recall, rightly, one nasty pile-on she has experienced here and which still hurts and stings her. I sympathise, because that’s what pile-ons do. I have received more pile-ons here than I can count, largely because tall poppy syndrome is alive and well amongst the envious and apparently I am this sort of poppy to some, or a good substitute for those feeling nippy. If I ever fight, it has been in protection of myself from wild and unwarranted attacks that often stem from fake memes about me. Everyone talks of their own life and journey here, btw. The ‘me’ meme is fruitcake stuff, similar to the ‘thought leader’ slur. Just another mode of pile-on.
I believe the correct spelling might be ‘stoushes’. Can’t start a row over that. 🙂
“General discussion” my ass, L. Sinc set numerwang strait when he played the same card.
Similar experience for us at a Seville bullfight, Sancho. I wrote about it here in one of the travelogues I used to make. Nearest thing to ever comprehending what it was like to be present in the Roman Coloseum on killing days as most of the crowd were locals enjoying a pleasant afternoon on a Saturday. There is a gruesome ritual to it all. British tourist guy in front of us stood up after the second kill of the day, declared that he’d had enough of this, and departed.
Fighting the bull must be a hangover from one of the oldest of human concerns in Europe: viz the cave Temples of the Bull in Lascaux during the last Ice Age. In a sense, I can see what Hemingway saw in it.
As the pundits online note, the TV series ‘Succession’ reprises some moments from American dynastic family histories. In one scene, Kendall, the heir apparent, cruels his pitch completely in a repeat of Teddy Kennedy’s Chappaquiddick car crash with Mary Jo Kopechne left to drown. And that is still such a piece of cultural literacy that I didn’t need to check the spelling on either of those two names.
Teddy, like Kendall, was protected from all charges by his familial name.