What a djoke!

If it were up to Scott Morrison, or even Daniel Andrews, there is little doubt Novak Djokovic would be allowed to compete in the Australian Open. But we are in the midst of a mania where his presence, even if it presents ZERO risk to anyone else, is intolerable to the voting population so out he must go. This is our version of tossing virgins into volcanoes to placate the gods, and so it must be done.

Here is how Djokovic looks at it: Healthy Athletes Suddenly Fall Ill, Die After Forced Covid Injection – And The Media’s Silent.

So here we are: Djokovic visa cancelled in sensational twist.

It appears the dream of a 10th Aus Open title in 2022 is over.

With this as the added bit of diplomatic savour:

The matter has escalated in the last few hours with Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic now involved.

Shortly after 8am AEDT, Vucic announced he had spoken with Djokovic on the phone and told him: “Our authorities are doing everything to see that the harassment of the world’s best tennis player is brought to an end immediately.’

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews says the Morrison government would not apologise for the cancellation of Djokovic’s visa.

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January 6, 2022 5:52 pm

People are sick to death (ha ha) of elites ignoring the rules while we plebs have to put up with being crapped on. Simple as that. Frankly I don’t care about this guy, or footballers or cricketers or politicians. But they should have to follow the same rules as the rest if us. I say this as someone who is vaxxed but does not like the coercion or the bullying. I understand the arguments against the vaccinations. But unfortunately the rules apply……to everyone including elites.

January 6, 2022 6:03 pm

But unfortunately the rules apply……to everyone including elites

Alex, I’ll take Solzhenitsyn for zero dollars

January 6, 2022 6:10 pm

This is the end result of a compliant news media siding with the government against the people and allowing the government to lie its head off to gain/keep political power.

If the news media becomes an extension of government propaganda, it is almost impossible for democracy which respects the wishes of the people to exist.

Australian democracy is only a century old and it is already collapsing as governments conspire against their voters. The lure of endless power was irresistible.

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
January 6, 2022 6:39 pm

Simple answer, follow the money, always follow the money, and someone will make lots of it if he isn’t competing and the dreaded is just an excellent excuse, tilt, game over.

January 6, 2022 6:47 pm

But they should have to follow the same rules as the rest if us.


Now how is it that various elite personages -Hollywood and sports stars in particular – were permitted to enter & leave Australia during the course of 2021 whilst 45 000 + citizens stranded abroad who wished to return were denied?

Australians have been played for mugs by the elites and governments that were only too willing to accomodate them with “exemptions” and they’re generally still too stupid to realise it.

January 6, 2022 6:48 pm

There is a Mass Formation Psychosis, people are upset with Novak, when ALL the blame lays at our useless and woeful governments who can’t even get on the same page after 2 years.

Further, why is the federal government weighing in at all. The states have control of the borders.

January 6, 2022 6:55 pm

C’mon, man. The guy’s visa was reviewed and approved. Why is he different to the dozens of footballers, cricketers, and their wives and hangers on, who have crossed borders throughout all of last year. Just gotta punish someone, and if he’s a foreigner, all the better. And no real Ozzie watches tennis.

January 6, 2022 7:00 pm

But they should have to follow the same rules as the rest if us.

Fair enough. But if the “rules” allow exemption on the grounds of having antibodies to the virus establishing natural immunity – following a previous Covid infection – then Djokovic should be exempted, if that is what he is claiming.

This is, in my opinion, quite an important test case for this country, because exemptions have not been allowed in many workplaces because of lack of understanding of this basic immunological principle.

Cassie of Sydney
January 6, 2022 7:05 pm

January 6, 2022 at 6:10 pm”

You’ve said it best Tom. But the djoke is on us….I wrote this piece this morning but it applies here…

We have George Clooney and his missus swanning around Australia, as is Julia Roberts. Then there’s that sanctimonious hypocrite Sasha Baron Cohen (who only believes in free speech for some and takes pleasure in Facebook and Twitter censoring a former POTUS) and his ugly midget missus, the grotesque Isla Fisher. Natalie Portman was here, as was Bruce Jenner (a bloke who pretends to be a woman). Nicole Kidman has regularly flown in and out over the last two years. Neither Ms Kidman nor any of the above names have been forced to quarantine in tiny one bedroom dingy Meriton apartments in inner-city Sydney or Melbourne for fourteen days. No…no….no, they’ve been allowed to quarantine in spacious mansions. All of them have been given special provisions and dispensations whilst ordinary Australians have been denied permission to travel overseas or interstate (I can’t visit my father in Perth), ordinary Australians have seen their freedoms trashed and extinguished, ordinary Australians have been locked up by state governments, ordinary Australians have been brutalised by fascist police on the streets and so on. Personally, I don’t give a rat’s arse whether someone is vaccinated or not but my issue here are the double standards and that there is clearly a two tier society based on privilege and wealth…….rules for thee but not for me.

Chris M
Chris M
January 6, 2022 7:06 pm

The mutant twin arms of govt and media have succeeded in dividing Australians.

Just step back for a moment and consider how utterly trivial and stupid a point this disagreement is about.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
January 6, 2022 7:10 pm

So the Djoker gets his visa, gets his exemption then arrives and gets fucked over by the covid karens and their petty bureaucrats in government. Even though for the last 2 years you gave a free pass for hollyweird mongs, second rate singers, a trannie on reality tv and brain dead football retards.

I hope he lawyers up and arse fucks the whole rotten country.

Cassie of Sydney
January 6, 2022 7:11 pm

“I hope he lawyers up and arse fucks the whole rotten country.”

Liberty quote.

January 6, 2022 7:15 pm

That’s the problem with making exceptions to the rules.
I heard on tv tonight that 3 tennis players have already been
granted exemption.
So why not the Djoker…..
Not that I give a rats arse…..

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 6, 2022 7:30 pm

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews

This girl hit the names jackpot.
Could be canny politics by Scotty, the Kiwis are filthy over Dutton sending their Murderers home and they’ve got a big enough presence in Bonner and Dickson and probably quite a few other seats to flip the Election.
Plus it’s a Big Fuck You to Andrews and it makes it more unlikely that the Djoker will break Margaret Court’s Wins Record.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 6, 2022 7:36 pm

The Djoker is the only NoVaxxer that ever got an exemption, it was quickly cancelled so there’s some consistency to the decision.
Clooney, Kidman and all the rest claim to have been Vaxxed, tho I don ‘t believe it.
Great guy, he could just claim he got Jabbed like all the other arseholes and there woulda bin no fuss.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 6, 2022 7:58 pm

I wouldn’t care to piss off the Serbians. I think some wars started there.

January 6, 2022 8:04 pm

Pyrrhic victory at best for scomo. He’s lucky that Albo is so bereft of new campaign ideas he’s regurgitated very fast trains for the umpteenth time. Once everyone has had a dose of this and realises it’s not the bogeyman the corrupt media keep hyping, this will look a very shortsighted decision.

imperium regeneratio
imperium regeneratio
January 6, 2022 8:40 pm

Despite the optics, this is a positive outcome.

Full retard invective is indicative of impending narrative collapse.

GeneJunk buyers remorse by the compliance class must be traversed.

Joker 1 Bugman 0

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
January 6, 2022 8:58 pm

Brian Mitchell MP:

If other players were granted exemptions but Djokovic was denied one, the obvious question is why was he treated differently. If he’s been singled out and State power wielded against him just because it’s politically popular, that’s a dangerous road for our country

Tim Blair:

The Prime Minister claims Djokovic wasn’t singled out, then explains exactly why and how Djokovic was singled out:

Scott Morrison this morning denied Djokovic was “singled out” by border officials. But he did say the tennis champion could himself be to blame for bringing “significant attention” to himself through “public statements” before he arrived in Australia …

“When you get people making public statements, of what they say they have and what they are going to do and what their claims are, they draw significant attention to themselves.

“Anyone who does that – whether they are a celebrity, a politician, a tennis player, a journalist, whoever does that – they can expect to be asked questions more than others before you,” he said.

“That is how Border Force works. They are not singled out at all.”

He just said they are. Also, why should a procedural matter involving visas and medical status be influenced in any way at all by “public statements”?


Ed Case
Ed Case
January 6, 2022 9:02 pm

MasterStroke by Scotty.
He’s nailed the Djoker, all the fools who got DoubleVaxxed & Boostered have a reason to vote Liberal now.
Albanese is left eating his dust.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
January 6, 2022 9:58 pm

Ed Case says:
January 6, 2022 at 9:02 pm

MasterStroke by Scotty.
He’s nailed the Djoker,

By Master Stroke i am surmising you mean “incredible fuck up”, Djoker wouldn’t confirm or deny his status which had been in the media in southern bumfuckistan for months, his personal views aside he compiled with requirements to enter Ozghanistan.

On arrival he was made a covid football pariah for political gain with the Karens and disaster porn fanbois in the media

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
January 6, 2022 10:39 pm

But we are in the midst of a mania where his presence, even if it presents ZERO risk to anyone else, is intolerable to the voting population so out he must go.
Steve, I think you’ve made a mistake in assuming the extent of Batflu Panic breakdown in the general population.
The Twitter Karens, Lisa Wilkinsons and tubthumping premiers are a minority at the top of the power pyramid. They might get lotsa likes and backslapping from their bien-pensant chums, but they are also living in a bubble. Ivory tower, silos, echo chambers, the swamp- Albrechtsen’s “anywheres”, reinforced by everyone they depend upon, and unaffected-even strengthenmed- by the chaos they impose on others. They have supporters, who are usually just like them- unempathetic, married well, superannuated well.
The genuine opposition- the Riccardo Bosi’s, the Babylon Bee, the UAP and LDP- they’re a minority at the bottom. Might be dedicated to overthrowing the powers that be, might be flirting with satire and sedition, but a long range from connecting any hits (maybe, come the election, we’ll see). They have plenty of fans and confreres, even if it’s a bit lonely when it comes to the overnight vigils.
But the huge fillet o’folk in the middle, I believe, are deeply pissed off with the last two years living on their knees, and can immediately see the contradictions and corruptions which are created and wielded by the Lizard People. The evidence for this high volume, low-impact mindset is everywhere in social media if you care to look- the cafe line where no-one was jabbed. The contractors losing leading hand s to arbitrary and ever-changing orders. The QR evasion, the mask noncompliance. They own the businesses which are haunted by arbitrary compliance, unreliable calendars and dissapearing margins. Yes, they see the a-list celebs and are not impressed. They see the AFL pretttyboys and wags traversing the counrty at will. They know that Andrews has got overseas for a well-earned escape. They know that McGowan has got a raging erection behind his security detail, and he doesn’t know or regard the mask “meh” which is evident. They know that Palaszczk makes her own arrangements for getting to Japan and back, via a swank quarantine villa. And they are the ones who are constantly having plans torn up, oldies dying alone and children proffered for fresh sacrifice, families torn apart by the ever-changing and ever-increasing emergency requirements.
Novak Djokovic is one of us in the middle. He works with his hands, he is an employer.
He is successful, by hard work. If he suddenly stops work, he’s in trouble.
He does not court Twitter fame. He makes modest announcements- i’d wager that a media manager, or his wife, composes the posts. Like us, and unlike the luvvies, he does not lecture or stoush.
He made an application to enter- it was granted- like us, he was shocked to have the deal reneged at the eleventh hour.
Win, lose, withdraw or deport, Djokovic comes out of this with his standing enhanced.
Remember, it was not that long ago when he slapped a ball in anger and it took out a young ballperson. The witches bayed for his blood then, and it passed, because he’s obviously a nice bloke. Christ knows I don’t think I could endure his penchant for five-set resurrections and keep my wrath, or ego, in deuce.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
January 6, 2022 10:40 pm

So, anyway, intolerable to the voting population? Nope. It’s just that Sco Mo is a bedwetter.

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
January 6, 2022 10:50 pm

I hope this debacle contributes to Vic losing big sporting events such as Aus Open, F1, MotoGP etc. Plenty of other places in the region who would do backflips to get such events.

January 7, 2022 12:43 am

I hope this debacle contributes to Vic losing big sporting events such as Aus Open, F1, MotoGP etc. Plenty of other places in the region who would do backflips to get such events.

I hope Australia loses everything. As long a bread and circuses continue here and there , nothing will change. Australians need to have their collective noses rubbed in it.

bobby b
bobby b
January 7, 2022 5:22 am

The Karens love this because those filthy NoVaxxers ought not be coming into their country!

The NoVaxxers love this because an elite got caught.

Everybody hates him! Poor guy is toast for just wanting to play tennis.

January 7, 2022 5:32 am
January 7, 2022 7:37 am

Excellent analysis by Mirko Bagaric in the Oz today.

I wonder how many here still subscribe to that Leftist rag dressed in Conservative clothing?

January 7, 2022 8:18 am

Ratbag Nadal chimes in.

Rafael Nadal on Novak Djokovic: ‘He made his own decisions… But there are some consequences’

Someone should mention that he has a minor conflict of interest here.

I seriously wonder how many of the top “vaccinated” players have actually had it or, like some politicians we could name, arranged for the lid to be accidentally left on the syringe.

All I can say is that I will happily support anyone playing against Nadal.

Cassie of Sydney
January 7, 2022 8:59 am

“I wonder how many here still subscribe to that Leftist rag dressed in Conservative clothing?”

Well said. Not me! Got rid of it a year ago. Haven’t missed it.

January 7, 2022 9:04 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
January 7, 2022 at 8:59 am
“I wonder how many here still subscribe to that Leftist rag dressed in Conservative clothing?”

Well said. Not me! Got rid of it a year ago. Haven’t missed it.

I was going to cancel a few months ago but they did a half price deal for 12 months.

Currently, there’s still enough good articles/content to justify it . . . despite the general lurch to the left.

January 7, 2022 9:08 am

Pane et circenses.
Leave the decision to an impartial magistrate, this way both levels of government can claim clean hands when Novaxx is finally allowed to take his 21st Grand Slam.
A lot of trouble, aggravation, heartache and even diplomatic incidents on the way which they hope will be forgotten while the majority of the brainwashed bay for blood in the most incredible mass psychosis event since Krystalnacht.

January 7, 2022 10:06 am

the Morrison government would not apologise for the cancellation of Djokovic’s visa

Morristeen and his preposterous clownshow of a government are about to be cancelled by the electorate, although I’m not so hopeful about the same happening to that grotesque deformed jug eared imbecile in Victoria.

Quite frankly, the Djoker should simply up and leave while vowing never to return. His treatment has been appalling and he’s clearly being singled out for his views, as opposed to anything else – for example, you won’t see any of the loathsome Hollyweirdos who’ve been granted “exemptions” questioning various governments’ bat flu narratives.

It’s petty, vindictive, pathetic and entirely unsurprising behaviour from the world class z-grade fascist imbeciles who’ve been overseeing the destruction of this country and our way of life.

What a Djoke.

bobby b
bobby b
January 7, 2022 10:17 am

Used to be, my conservative friends all wanted to visit Australia and my liberal friends didn’t.

Now, it’s completely reversed.

Y’all became Canada seemingly overnight.

January 7, 2022 10:39 am

if he wins his case, given that being deported would jeopardise his tens of millions of dollars a year income, would he be able to sue our government for a billion or so dollars?

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 7, 2022 11:01 am

Bobby b,
I only care insomuch as it an egregious state of affairs.
While I wish that tennis player no ill will he is otherwise of little consequence to me.
Some of us are fair minded. Perhaps you yourself could consider this before bandying all sorts of accusations about.

Helen Davidson (nmrn)
Helen Davidson (nmrn)
January 7, 2022 11:20 am

if he wins his case, given that being deported would jeopardise his tens of millions of dollars a year income, would he be able to sue our government for a billion or so dollars?

Even if he doesn’t “win”, hopefully he sues Tennis Australia for reimbursement of all the expenses of flying here with his entourage. They’re the ones that told him it was alright to come.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 7, 2022 12:31 pm

If the volcano needs a sacrifice then this is the way. You cannot argue with the science nor the minister for magic. Every member of Hogwarts knows this.

January 7, 2022 12:31 pm

“Even if he doesn’t “win”, hopefully he sues Tennis Australia for reimbursement of all the expenses of flying here with his entourage. They’re the ones that told him it was alright to come.”

Nah – surely there is some disease or another that there is a vax for and that an opponent has not gotten. So next time, agree to play with a non-refundable appearance fee up front, then pull out at the last minute citing concerns about “dangerous diseases” and lack of vaccination. Turn about is fair play, innit?

January 7, 2022 12:35 pm

I demand to know the names of the other players who were exempted so they can also be shamed and thrown out? Or so Rocket Rod Laver can organise the Booing Squad courtside when they play their matches as mentioned in yesterday’s Hun.

After all rules are rules, right? If the Djoker doesn’t get special treatment then neither should anyone else.

January 7, 2022 12:41 pm

He’s won nine Opens. Surely that’s enough. Be a good boy and go home son.

January 7, 2022 1:00 pm

Shirley, this is a minor issue? .. after all, the oracle of 2GB, the dapto dish-licker, has not joined the chorus for or against .. and if the taxi driver hasn’t opined on matters BAT FLU then it can’t be important …..!

January 7, 2022 5:18 pm
  1. IDF now killing Hezbollah leaders at such an accelerating rate that soon they will only know who their leaders are…

  2. Their primary concern might be the prospect of a successful prosecution and how that would affect his international travel. It’s…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x