Open Thread – Weekend 15 Jan 2022

The Lady of Shalott looking at Lancelot, John William Waterhouse, 1894

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January 15, 2022 12:02 am


Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
January 15, 2022 12:05 am

podium? right place right time.

January 15, 2022 12:31 am

Part way through watching the Dr Mike Yeadon video posted by Vicki at 3:54 Friday – wow!

Got to go and get some kip, another work day tomorrow, but I have to watch the rest of that video. The first hour and 6 minutes is enough to blow the whole covid lie out of the water. If you haven’t watched it and shared it already, do yourself and those you care about a big favour and watch and share it.

Will we make any impression on those who can and should stop this entire charade? Maybe, maybe not, but if we don’t do our best to stop it, we’re stuffed.

January 15, 2022 12:32 am

Sneaky Dover!

January 15, 2022 12:35 am

Looking at the header artwork for the thread, that’s a pretty intense gaze on the Lady of Shallott!

I always wonder about the models for classical paintings, who they were, how they ended up as models for what became works of art that long outlived them, works now hung in major galleries around the world to be admired by people centuries later.

January 15, 2022 12:40 am

US fast food chains are big business in China:


A consumer group called the China Consumer Association (CCA) on Wednesday called for a national boycott of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) because the restaurant chain is running a toy promotion that drives some Chinese customers into delirious buying frenzies.

KFC launched the promotion to celebrate the 35th anniversary of its extremely successful expansion into China. KFC was the first American fast food company to open restaurants in China, and today it is the most successful by a wide margin, boasting over 7,900 locations in 1,600 cities operated by a corporation called Yum China.

KFC has almost double the Chinese market share of runner-up McDonalds, and over three times as many locations. The main KFC restaurant in Beijing sprawls over 3,600 square feet and seats 500 people.

Kentucky Fried Chicken is, to sum up, a very big deal in China.

KFC’s Chinese locations include some local menu items not sold in American stores, and it runs some promotions unique to the Chinese market. Last week, the restaurant teamed up with a toy company called Pop Mart for its 35th anniversary celebration, offering “mystery boxes” containing special editions of a collectible doll called Dimoo.

Dimoo are plastic dolls of wide-eyed children dressed in fanciful costumes. The KFC Dimoo are dressed up as various items from the menu, plus a Dimoo of the company’s founder and longtime mascot, Colonel Sanders.

#KFC and toymaker #PopMart have joined hands to launch Dimoo&KFC toys, creating a frenzy on the internet, with consumers sharing photos or videos of dozens of fried chicken “family buckets” that they’ve bought to get the toys. #InvestinChina

— Invest in China (@investing_china) January 11, 2022

There are a lot of Dimoo to collect, and over the summer a secondary craze of “DIY Dimoo” swept China, as avid collectors began creating their own Dimoo or customizing the existing toys. In China, Dimoo are like Cabbage Patch Kids or Beanie Babies all over again. As with those earlier crazes, some fans are going overboard in their zeal to collect as many as possible.

KFC’s Happy Meal-style “mystery boxes” turned Dimoo collecting into a form of gambling, with huge mountains of fried chicken as the ante. The toys are only included with KFC’s “family bucket” meals, which cost 99 yuan (about $15.45).

The Colonel is apparently not as patriotic as the image suggests.

January 15, 2022 1:08 am

Ann Coulter always needs to be taken with a grain of salt, but I reckon she is on the money with this one:

Five underage girls had given police sworn statements that Epstein had sexually abused them, backed by 17 other witnesses, but when Krischer brought the case to the grand jury, weirdly, he allowed only one of the girls to testify — and then attacked her on the stand! (Epstein’s attorneys had helpfully provided Krischer’s office with the girl’s posts on MySpace, where she talked about boys and drinking, the little harlot.)

According to an extensive review by the Palm Beach Post, most of Krischer’s 2,800-page investigative file on the case consists of dirt against the teens — and against the police — given to him by Epstein’s lawyers. (Thanks, Epstein attorneys! Do we owe you anything?)

The grand jurors, who’d been meticulously kept in the dark by Krischer, ended up voting only for a single charge of “solicitation of prostitution” against Epstein in 2006. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years’ probation. No jail time, no record as a sex offender — no criminal record whatsoever.

According to Nexis, only one newspaper, the Palm Beach Post, reported at the time — or ever — that Palm Beach prosecutor Krischer gave Epstein probation for his years of child abuse.

Lotsa big names being covered up here.

January 15, 2022 2:22 am

Haven’t been commenting much. The “this country is a shithole” by people who never leave (shades of the “I’ll emigrate if Trump is elected”) and “the International Conspiracy” stuff, repeated over and over and over again, is tedious and boring.

Those who don’t like Australia – stop complaining and piss off. As for the others, I am yet to hear any constructive solutions.

Those who say things like ‘Australia is a shit streaked piss bowl’ need to lock into reality. In particular, which Nirvana on the planet do they prefer? Amazing how the discussion tapers off when they find out about the rest of the world. Not to mention that Austraslia is undoubtedly in the top five of places to live generally.

I tune out of here from time to time because reading some of the most privileged people on the planet behaving like toddlers (who have no sense of history) indicates better use of time.

Those endless, boring and repetetive comments along the lines of we’re doomed, and the people we don’t like should be strung up (with variants) don’t make for interesting reading.

January 15, 2022 3:23 am

France have announced that this weekend frivolous Brits will be welcome to visit again.
Ski resorts delighted.
So much for omicron.

January 15, 2022 4:10 am
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Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 15, 2022 4:45 am

Thanks Tom.
“Burly Chassis” … short, cackle.

January 15, 2022 5:00 am

Thank you Tom, a great array of funnies this morning.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 15, 2022 5:11 am

Thank you Tom. Gary Farvel for me today.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 15, 2022 5:26 am

Thank you Tom so much goodness in those cartoons today, loved Leak, Branco ( Donkey-Wokey’ s ass appears to have the eyes and dentition of AOC), Goodwyn (the Demonrats certainly only have the dregs to call on, old stinky dregs at that) and Kelley (the Demonrats have always been the slavers)

Anchor What
Anchor What
January 15, 2022 5:39 am

Branco also impishly included the sippy cup!

January 15, 2022 6:03 am

“The delivery of the Australian Open last year was a challenge but we got it done and it was a great event and I’m sure it’ll be the case again this year,” Mr Merlino said.

Except that, if you don’t have the world’s best players competing, the title will have all the mystique of a Paralympic Gold medal*.

* Not meant to be offensive, just realistic.

January 15, 2022 6:03 am

Haven’t been commenting much. The “this country is a shithole” by people who never leave (shades of the “I’ll emigrate if Trump is elected”) and “the International Conspiracy” stuff, repeated over and over and over again, is tedious and boring.

Those who don’t like Australia – stop complaining and piss off. As for the others, I am yet to hear any constructive solutions.

Those who say things like ‘Australia is a shit streaked piss bowl’ need to lock into reality. In particular, which Nirvana on the planet do they prefer? Amazing how the discussion tapers off when they find out about the rest of the world. Not to mention that Austraslia is undoubtedly in the top five of places to live generally.

I tune out of here from time to time because reading some of the most privileged people on the planet behaving like toddlers (who have no sense of history) indicates better use of time.

Those endless, boring and repetetive comments along the lines of we’re doomed, and the people we don’t like should be strung up (with variants) don’t make for interesting reading.

Agree it’s disgusting and boring- armchair bellyachers. The ones I really loathe are the FIFO critics.

January 15, 2022 6:05 am

Also I object to sweeping statements- Victorians this, Australians that. As if they asked everybody.

January 15, 2022 6:18 am

Those who don’t like Australia – stop complaining and piss off. As for the others, I am yet to hear any constructive solutions.

No constructive solutions?
This is what’s posted here on a daily basis.
Whoever posted this lacks basic comprehension skills.

January 15, 2022 6:23 am

Those who don’t like Australia – stop complaining and piss off.

Some have been desperately trying, to no avail. Hence the complaining.

January 15, 2022 6:25 am

I assumed Johanna was referring to lack of constructive solutions from the bellyachers. Agree that lots of people here post them.

January 15, 2022 6:25 am

Regardless of what ones thoughts are regard RATs, it shows that there’s zero accountability when it comes to the CHO’s (again).
I’m reading a research report this morning showing how many RATs are manufactured in Australia & are exported.
There’s a QLD company that’s been making these things since the end of 2020 & scaled up production last year.
They continually engaged with QLD health but were told repeatedly no thanks.
But Jeannette Young gets promoted.

January 15, 2022 6:29 am

I am yet to hear any constructive solutions.

The arrogance & misplaced self importance displayed in this statement borders on satire.

January 15, 2022 6:35 am

Mater says:
January 15, 2022 at 6:03 am

“The delivery of the Australian Open last year was a challenge but we got it done and it was a great event and I’m sure it’ll be the case again this year,” Mr Merlino said.

Except that, if you don’t have the world’s best players competing, the title will have all the mystique of a Paralympic Gold medal*.

* Not meant to be offensive, just realistic.

Would be interesting to see the #1 up against the winner of the Aus. Open next tournament.

January 15, 2022 6:38 am

I assumed Johanna was referring to lack of constructive solutions from the bellyachers.

Probably because there is none. What they have set in motion, cannot be stopped.

As I said yesterday, sit back and warm your hands as Australia burns. Like any fire in Australia, the insanity will need to burn out naturally, or will require an ‘act of God’ to intervene. Like any fire, it can possibly be shaped a little to protect some critical things, but the bulk of the destruction is preordained (and was from the very first brain fart lockdown).

Save your energy for looking after your family, and the heavy lifting which will follow.

January 15, 2022 6:41 am

tiresome and defeatist

January 15, 2022 6:42 am

What they have set in motion, cannot be stopped.

This is also true.
This is a feature of the most western democracies.
Not a bug.

January 15, 2022 6:50 am

From Glenn Greenwald’s substack this morning.

That the filibuster is an inherently racist tool, a relic of Jim Crow, is an odd position for Democrats to take given that just yesterday, they used the filibuster to block legislation proposed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). Indeed, Sen. Cruz’s bill not only attracted the votes of forty-nine out of fifty Republican Senators (the only exception was Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)), but also six Democratic Senators who face close races in 2022 and/or are from purple states: Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Catherine Cortez-Masto (D-NV), Mark Kelly (D-AZ), , Jacky Rosen (D-NV), Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Raphael Warnock (D-GA). That meant that Cruz had 55 votes for his bill — a clear majority. So why did it not pass? Because Senate Democrats invoked the racist Jim Crow relic in order to refuse to allow a vote on that bill unless it first attained 60 votes to close the debate. In other words, Democrats — on Thursday— used the filibuster to block Cruz’s bill despite its having the support of the majority of the Senate.

What makes the Democrats’ conduct here even more notable is the substance of Cruz’s bill that they blocked with the filibuster. Cruz sought to impose sanctions on the Russian pipeline company Nord Stream 2, which is constructing the pipeline that will allow Moscow to sell large amounts of cheap natural gas to Germany and to Europe more broadly. There are few more pressing priorities for the Kremlin, if there are any, than construction of this pipeline. So by blocking Cruz’s bill, Democrats not only used a racist filibuster, but they did so in order to protect Vladimir Putin and a vital Russian company from sanctions.

Will Maddow now say the Democrats are in Putin’s pocket?

January 15, 2022 6:55 am

tiresome and defeatist

True on both counts, but not wrong.

This insanity now has its own microclimate, which prevents external interference. Even those who started it couldn’t bring it under control, even if they wanted to.

If Morrison (or even Andrews) stood up today and said; “It’s no longer dangerous, stop testing and start living”, what do you think the petrified, hysterical Karen’s would do? Ignore that which now defines their lives?

No, the Karen’s need to start getting hungry and being denied their usual comforts before they will start weighting things up in a rational manner. Hence, it’s going to have to reach its logical conclusion.

January 15, 2022 6:56 am

The Cruz bill was pure theatre.
It’s amazing how the torching via Tucker a week ago got Cruz to pull his finger out.

January 15, 2022 7:14 am

“What they have set in motion cannot be stopped”,

No question about it. The idiotic queues lining up to be tested is testimony to it. The arm of the government – the media – is continuing the hysteria & the government can’t stop if.

Fools the lot of them.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 7:33 am

From Glenn Greenwald’s substack this morning.

Dems are the real racists, eh?
That entire piece is insane bullshit, notice that Rand Paul, the only credible Republican Senator, voted against Lyin’ Ted’s Bill.

January 15, 2022 7:33 am

Ahahaha! Thanks Dover!

For Cats not in the know, that’s a portrait of (a much younger) me in the middle of a project and the doorbell rings.

Glad you didn’t use the bunny boiler wailing in the boat version. 😀

January 15, 2022 7:35 am

January 15, 2022 at 6:38 am
Probably because there is none

Yes there is. Just not the feelgood fantasies that get all the attention.

January 15, 2022 7:44 am

Sancho Panzer says:
January 15, 2022 at 4:45 am
Thanks Tom.
“Burly Chassis” … short, cackle.

Thank you for your feedback. We will look into it.

Sorry! That report button is to close on an iPhone…

January 15, 2022 7:46 am

It’s a charming portrait Calli

January 15, 2022 7:46 am

For Cats not in the know, that’s a portrait of (a much younger) me in the middle of a project and the doorbell rings.

…reaching for the shotgun.

Or did that come much much and and then some later?

January 15, 2022 7:48 am

After two years watching celebrities and sportsmen flow freely across borders, the absurd fuss about Djokovic is just embarrassing. The guy has had covid, and is, by definition, immune.

January 15, 2022 7:50 am

Yes there is. Just not the feelgood fantasies that get all the attention.

I’m all ears, Bespoke, lay it on me.
I’m up for a challenge…if it’s workable!

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 7:50 am

He’s not immune.
Is immunity conferred by catching a Cold or the Flu?
Of course not.

January 15, 2022 7:58 am

Yes it is, Ed. They followed up people who had SARS1 and found that they still had antibodies eleven years after the infection.

January 15, 2022 7:58 am

I reckon I’ve aged well.

January 15, 2022 7:58 am

After two years watching celebrities and sportsmen flow freely across borders, the absurd fuss about Djokovic is just embarrassing.

And I dare say that if they dug into all of their visa declarations, social media posts and prior movements, with the same vigour, things might be even more embarrassing.

January 15, 2022 8:01 am

Djokovic breaks Serb quarantine/isolation laws, travels to foreign countries in breach of Serb isolation laws, breaches isolation to attend photo ops, falsifies Australian immigration documentation and covid vax declaration requirements – so after being made fools of in their own courts for attempting to deport Djokovic once, the inept Australian Govt goes all in a second time to deport Djoko on the grounds of…………. fears of inciting anti-vaxxers?!

FMD, the depth of incompetency in this Govt is bottomless.

January 15, 2022 8:01 am

Yes it is, Ed. They followed up people who had SARS1 and found that they still had antibodies eleven years after the infection.

They followed up on people who had the 1918 Spanish flu and 90 years later they still had antibodies.

January 15, 2022 8:02 am

Why is everyone so worried about Djokovic’s health anyway? He hasn’t got the bug, but he might get the bug?

It isn’t about the virus at all.

He had the hide to challenge their petty, stupid and ultimately tyrannical “vaccine” demands. And for that the Karens say he must pay.

Cassie of Sydney
January 15, 2022 8:03 am

“I tune out of here from time to time because reading some of the most privileged people on the planet behaving like toddlers (who have no sense of history) indicates better use of time.”

How do you know how “privileged” people are here? The truth is that you don’t know. People here who read this blog and/or comment have varied backgrounds and occupations…some privileged, some not.

As for accusing posters of “behaving like toddlers”, worth remembering that line when you next have a vicious and spiteful spray at Lizzie.

Cassie of Sydney
January 15, 2022 8:04 am

“It isn’t about the virus at all.”

Of course not.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:06 am

None of the Tennis players have been vaccinated, they’re not stupid, except for Djokovic, who is silly enough to boast about it.
If the saga gives people who are still awake a heads up to reject the Vax, it will have been well worth it.

January 15, 2022 8:07 am

Why is everyone so worried about Djokovic’s health anyway? He hasn’t got the bug, but he might get the bug?

He travelled into a State brimming with the bug, he doesn’t have the bug, but he’s being thrown out because he isn’t vaccinated against the bug.

Surely, if the bug was anything to worry about, an elite athlete, in his prime, earning millions of dollars solely from his physical ability, wouldn’t need encouragement to stay away?

It’s a shit show. One that severely insults my intelligence.

January 15, 2022 8:08 am

Makka beat me to it. “Health” and “anti-vaxx encouragement” appear to be the grounds of cancellation.

Both idiotic, when there was so much fertile soil there to till.

Did they really want the exploding cigar after all?

And in other news, I see Deadman made an appearance on the old thread. Worth a look.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:10 am

He had the hide to challenge their petty, stupid and ultimately tyrannical “vaccine” demands.

He did nothing of the sort, he snuck into Australia thru the back door.

And for that the Karens say he must pay.

“Karen” is a derogatory term for White women, used by blacks in America.

January 15, 2022 8:12 am


Of all the lobbying to adopt leftist tactics the ‘long road’ is left out.

Focus less on the top end for a start.

Cassie of Sydney
January 15, 2022 8:13 am

“He travelled into a State brimming with the bug, he doesn’t have the bug, but he’s being thrown out because he isn’t vaccinated against the bug.”

It’s Kafkaesque.

January 15, 2022 8:14 am

Joh had a point about positivity and defeat and privilege.

Something I have to remind myself of daily. Easy in some ways as I look out on a lily filled lake (but don’t have to worry about curses and silly mirrors) and roos lounging in the still-warm bunkers, their ears just above the rim like TV antennas.

I watched Dr Zhivago last night. People have lived through stupider times.

January 15, 2022 8:14 am

No, the Karen’s need to start getting hungry and being denied their usual comforts before they will start weighting things up in a rational manner. Hence, it’s going to have to reach its logical conclusion


Aka – ‘things will have to get worse before they get better’, and fortunately they are, as the corpse of the economy finally begins to noticeably smell (inflation and empty shelves now appearing). At the start, I said ‘ the medical effects will be serious (I was wrong, they weren’t) but the economic effects will be catastrophic (still think I got that one right). Unfortunately, I didnt predict the biggest downside – tyranny, 🙁

January 15, 2022 8:17 am

Good to see you, duk.

Cassie of Sydney
January 15, 2022 8:17 am

” Unfortunately, I didnt predict the biggest downside – tyranny, ?”

I don’t think any of us predicted it.

Nice to see you flyingduk.

January 15, 2022 8:17 am

None of the Tennis players have been vaccinated, they’re not stupid, except for Djokovic, who is silly enough to boast about it.

The disconnect between the hundreds of European sportsmen collapsing mid match and the dearth in Australia and the US suggests a different ‘vaccination’ experience in certain geographic locations.

January 15, 2022 8:18 am

Deadman and now Duk!


Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:18 am

It’s not fucking Kafkaesque.
He snuck into Australia thru the back door, now some people are proclaiming him a hero?

January 15, 2022 8:19 am

Nice to see you flyingduk.

morning !

But I must run – off to drive a neighbour for a PCR – he has finally developed symptoms after the rest of his house has. Sadly, I appear to be immune – this is my last chance I think.

January 15, 2022 8:20 am

flyingduk says:
January 15, 2022 at 8:14 am

Good morning Duk, very good to see you again!!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 15, 2022 8:20 am

Anchor What says:
January 15, 2022 at 5:39 am
Branco also impishly included the sippy cup!

That’s a very clever effort on Branco’s behalf. I wonder how many of the poorly read current generation will get it?

January 15, 2022 8:20 am

He’s no hero. He’s a naughty boy with a big mouth. Like his female equivalent, Hopkins.

We need naughty boys and girls to challenge our thinking.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:23 am

Hopkins in a Glowie.
Avi Yemeni looks like another Glowie.

January 15, 2022 8:23 am

He did nothing of the sort, he snuck into Australia thru the back door.

So why isn’t he being deported on those grounds, where evidence supposedly exists. Not some spurious concern about potentially upsetting anti-vaxxers? Could it be our laws are so shot full of holes they can’t survive a decent challenge?

It’s looking to me like some tenacious dude with a big checque book has exposed how lawfully pathetic these emergency laws really are. It’s taken a bloody foreigner to expose the sham. Where were our human rights legal champions these last 2 years? They have been in bed with our obnoxious Govts, state and federal.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 15, 2022 8:25 am

I think Ed’s got the Rona.
Did it come in through the ‘back door’ Ed?

Cassie of Sydney
January 15, 2022 8:27 am

“I watched Dr Zhivago last night. People have lived through stupider times.”

Of course they have….sadly human history is replete with worse situations but it doesn’t detract from the suffering and misery of people who’ve lost business through lockdowns, who’ve been separated from family and other loved ones, who haven’t been able to attend funerals because of tyrannical state governments, who’ve lost jobs because of their stance on vaccination (think “rickw”)…and I could go on.

Comparing “times” is relativism writ large. It’s something the left do all the time.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:28 am

So why isn’t he being deported on those grounds, where evidence supposedly exists.

Who cares?
The Minister has discretion, he’s used it.
End of story.
If you don’t like it, you can hand out How To Vote cards for Albanese.
He’s saying everybody from Birth to Death must be Fully Vaccinated.

January 15, 2022 8:30 am

Doesn’t ATAGI state that prior infection is considered immune for six months?

January 15, 2022 8:33 am

I need another lockdown, my privilege needs checking.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:34 am

What about that lineswoman he hit fair in the face with a fucking tennis ball traveling at 200 kph at the U.S. Open?
He got away with that, he shoulda been barred for Life.

January 15, 2022 8:35 am

Who cares?
The Minister has discretion, he’s used it.

Rubbish. The court is going to decide the legitimacy of both attempted cancellations by the Minister. So far the score is Djoko 1- Govt 0.

January 15, 2022 8:38 am

Cassie, I’m not being relativist, at least not in the way you think.

It’s purely personal and a way of avoiding self-pity and a defeatist attitude. In the same way I see guys like rickw and others doing their best in the circumstances.

I’ve already been called a Bolshevik at SincCat. Writ large or writ small, I’m pretty sure I’m not.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:38 am

The Court can’t overrule Ministerial Discretion.
Scotty wins again.
He’s played this issue like a Stradivarius.

January 15, 2022 8:39 am

Djokovic being an alleged intitled jerk is irrelevant. If he thinks he is it’s only extends to the pandering sycophants that surround him.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 15, 2022 8:40 am

Alex Hawke should be cooked goose in a day or so thanks to the Fed court.
I think there’s little chance a judge will allow the rationale given for cancelling the visa to stand.
How could they?
It sets a very low bar for refusal and would be wide open for future abuse by politicians.

January 15, 2022 8:40 am

Of all the lobbying to adopt leftist tactics the ‘long road’ is left out.

If you are suggesting a reverse ‘march through the institutions’, it’s not going to save us from the ramifications of the Covid insanity.

Even if feasible, that’s a Plough Horse. Covid’s a Racehorse.

That’s a long term strategy. Much hurt to be had before then.

January 15, 2022 8:41 am

Another top article in the Oz today by Steve Waterson with his monthly takedown contribution:

There were cynics who doubted the clowns who run this country could maintain their high standards of idiocy into this third year of pandemonium, but here they come again, tripping over their giant shoes as they enter the ring. Buffoons of that pedigree were never going to let us down.

True to their vision, we’re trapped in a miasma of bumbling incompetence, leavened with spiteful, vindictive meddling in our private lives. Polka-dotted bowler hats off to them, I say.

What a wacky week these crazy kids have delivered us. But before we luxuriate in the comic masterpiece of the Australian Open and the government’s removal of reigning champion Novak Djokovic late on Friday, we should pause to applaud the latest jewel in the crown of our leaders’ stupidity: the screamingly funny $1000 fine for not filing your positive rapid antigen test to the NSW government’s gnomes.

The early promise and backbone shown by the NSW Premier suggested he’d fluffed his lines, but normal nonsense programming was restored at the prompting of his Health Ministry halfwits and a couple of Sydney talkback windbags. Their barrage of uneducated blustering and bullying, echoed by the shrieking flock of Chicken Littles that nest in our print media, saw the Premier’s resolve evaporate like the morning mist.

Given his government has no idea who among its subjects has the RAT kits – (I bought a couple of packets a month ago – or did I?) – nor how many they have, or whether they’ve been used, correctly or otherwise, or by whom, or what result they gave, it seems unlikely that any fines will be collected. So, an unenforceable law to deal with an undetectable offence with a mighty but undeliverable penalty. If there’s a more amusing way of inviting contempt for the rules and their creators, I look forward to it.

You can see the appeal, though: at a grand a pop they only need to catch 11 million recalcitrants and – bingo! – that’s paid for the 58 million PCR tests we’ve conducted so far.

Besides, self-reporting has marvellous potential. In some US cities there have been calls to defund the police, but our jokers have gone one better and outsourced the role to the citizens. A simple command to report oneself on pain of punishment – why did no one think of that before?

“Hello, NSW police? I drove home on New Year’s Eve and used a breath-test machine to discover to my horror that I was marginally over the limit. Please suspend my licence for three months – oh, and there’s a cheque for $1500 in the post.”

Meanwhile, infections continue to climb, hundreds of thousands a day, boosted by the eager self-testers who uploaded their results to the health services website. So after nearly two years of kicking it, here’s where the can has ended up.

We should rejoice that the Omigod! variant is less deadly than Delta Force, apparently by 20 per cent, or 10 per cent, or 48 times less virulent, or 97 per cent weaker (I fear I’ve been reading too widely). I have no idea what these figures mean, or how they can possibly be calculated; and their vast range tells me nobody else does either. They’re no more trustworthy than the daily case numbers regurgitated by our media, whose very precision makes them suspect.

Does anyone with the tiniest shred of intelligence really believe we are tracking every infection? I know a dozen people who’ve had positive RAT results but have no intention of throwing themselves into the maw of a health bureaucracy that will order them into isolation. And if my experience is not unique, then there must be hundreds of thousands more live cases out there, many with mild or no symptoms, which means the latest instalment of Covid is even less deadly than we are told.

If so, we are now recording and overreacting to a disease no more dangerous than seasonal flu. The reborn urge to track contacts, to order isolation and quarantine, to mandate daily tests (impossible to source) in order to validate exemptions for critical services, is causing more chaos than at any time since the madness took possession of us.

Helpful messages pop up on phones after a visit to the pub, informing you that when you checked in, someone with Covid was there “around the same time”. Then you are advised to “monitor for symptoms”. Good Lord, now you mention it I do have extreme pain and fever, a sore throat and a blinding headache, plus I’ve lost my sense of smell. Thanks for the tip, NSW Health, I might never have noticed. What a pity you have no advice on how to treat it.

To those businesses that survived destructive and unnecessary lockdowns thanks to the fabulous largesse of our various JobKeeper programs, good luck getting through the pseudo (but every bit as harmful) lockdowns generated by the insane requirement for many healthy staff to stay at home – this time with no financial support.

In Victoria, the legal fun looks set to continue, featuring backflip after hilarious backflip. With their inept, confused and torturous mishandling of what looked, no matter what side you favour, to be a simple visa decision, the PM and his ministers have turned the modest success of his “Where the bloody hell are you?” campaign to attract overseas tourists into a triumphant “What the bloody hell are you doing here?” drive to dissuade them from coming.

News reports worldwide have focused on the battle to protect Australia from a Serbian tennis ace. I don’t know if we’re the laughing stock some critics say we are, but I doubt there are many potential visitors racing to their travel agents after viewing the fiasco we’ve created.

Lawyers say hard cases make bad laws; but bad laws also make hard cases. Some of us have clung from the start to the belief that an Australian passport holder should be allowed to enter Australia at any time, and that Australians should be allowed to move unchallenged around their nation. Many didn’t want our international borders to be closed at all, although the hysteria that discarded the world’s carefully prepared pandemic contingency plans put an end to that foolish dream.

So if those who have opposed the country’s brutal border closure now adopt the PM’s “rules are rules” platitude (as though the rules were dropped here from outer space, rather than born of his own unseemly and unending panic), we are valuing the internal coherence of a bad system over our desire to see a measured, reasonable response to an unvaccinated person seeking entry to a country where almost everyone is vaccinated.

Djokovic came here for our entertainment, and to enrich himself and his trophy cabinet, not to infect Australians with a disease he doesn’t have or to spread his simple-minded anti-vax message. The “Gotcha!” reaction to a couple of trivial form-filling errors and the embarrassing interview process he was subjected to show how thoroughly Covid paranoia has penetrated our institutions.

It’s not clear to me why anyone would fraudulently claim they hadn’t been to Spain in the fortnight before heading to Australia. I don’t believe such a visit is prohibited by our entry laws, which are designed to capture travel to more problematic places than the Costa del Sol.

Nor do I see why a multi-millionaire globetrotting celebrity, in a sport famous for mollycoddling its stars like newborn babies, would be filling out his own online visa application, doubtless one of dozens his minders arrange for him each year.

Trouble is, the principles of fair play are so much more difficult to defend when the super-entitled “victim”, backed by a phalanx of clever lawyers, is such an absolute tosser, and not that lovely Roger Federer. Maybe we should have another yes/no question on the visa application: Are you a dickhead? But until we do, we should not have indulged the mob howling for the expulsion of the world’s No.1 tennis player from what may be the only globally significant sporting event we will host this year. Anyone who believed Djokovic was more of a threat to public health than any of the thousands who would pay to watch him play is an idiot. He doesn’t dive into Young & Jackson for a post-game beer during the tournament; and, more importantly, he doesn’t have any Covid to transmit.

I imagine you have to be profoundly obsessive and self-centred to excel in any individual sport, although Djokovic does seem to wear an extra layer of charmlessness. His gloating Instagram post that he had secured a medical exemption to enter this hermit kingdom stung anyone impacted by our travel restrictions (and I speak as one of them, forbidden to visit my dying father or attend his funeral).

Nevertheless, Djokovic’s obstinacy may have done some good. He deserves no credit for it, as his motives were primarily mercenary, but perhaps his immigration farce will persuade a few more people to question the benefit of continuing these pointless prohibitions, though I won’t be holding my breath.

In a proper big top, the clowns appear between performers of genuine talent: tightrope walkers, lion tamers, trapeze artists, jugglers; but our cavalcade of stupidity looks set to go on and on, with no relief and no skills on display. If we’ve learned one thing from our politicians during the pandemic, it’s that a circus composed of clowns and nothing else is no laughing matter.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:41 am

Scotty has plenty of questions to answer over Brittany Higgins, that was the Government’s low point but I think he might be outta the Woods with his handling of the Djoker.

January 15, 2022 8:42 am

he shoulda been barred for Life.

Then wtf wasn’t he? I loathe the dude but if after all the clear supposedly legal breaches he has committed, this should be a cut and dry case. Yet clearly it is not. Meanwhile,ever present govt incompetence is on display showing when challenged they can’t legally enforce the laws we have been chained down with for 2 years. In that respect, perhaps we should be thanking Djoko for bank rolling this demolition.

January 15, 2022 8:43 am

You can get a waiver to immigrate here with HIV.

How is the now COVID immune Djokovic a health risk?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 15, 2022 8:45 am

Ed Case says:
January 15, 2022 at 8:34 am
What about that lineswoman he hit fair in the face with a fucking tennis ball traveling at 200 kph at the U.S. Open?
He got away with that, he shoulda been barred for Life.

Crap Ed?
Lineswoman was a diversity hire and couldn’t dodge a tennis ball coming her way on a tennis court.
Ever played at the net in men’s tennis Ed?
I used to hit the ball fair at the head of any twit who crowded the net.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:46 am

The Australian is trying to do a McMahon on the Morrison Government, Steve Waterson can’t find any reason why we can’t kick Djokovic out, so he blusters on for 2,000 words anyway.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:48 am

You can get a waiver to immigrate here with HIV.

HIV isn’t an infectious disease.
Back to the kiddies pool?

Cassie of Sydney
January 15, 2022 8:48 am

January 15, 2022 at 8:38 am
Cassie, I’m not being relativist, at least not in the way you think.

It’s purely personal and a way of avoiding self-pity and a defeatist attitude. In the same way I see guys like rickw and others doing their best in the circumstances.”

I don’t see much self-pity or defeatism here. I see justifiable anger at what has happened to this country over the last two years. I know a few Cats personally and I’m privy to what some of them are going through. It isn’t easy. I don’t regard their suffering as “self-pity”…..and I haven’t seen any “defeatism”. What I have seen is a lot of anger and fury…..and as far as I’m concerned it’s righteous anger. We’ve all been angry…including you. And why shouldn’t people here express their anger on these pages, so we’re supposed to come to the Cat and just write feel good crap to please the censorious. No thank you.

Cassie of Sydney
January 15, 2022 8:50 am

“HIV isn’t an infectious disease.”


January 15, 2022 8:50 am

You can see the appeal, though: at a grand a pop they only need to catch 11 million recalcitrants and – bingo! – that’s paid for the 58 million PCR tests we’ve conducted so far.

As Mrs Beeton says, “First, catch your recalcitrant.”.

Waterson reads the Cat. Or he has a good whack of observing the bleedin’ obvious. Shame our governments are incapable of this, despite all being Higher Edumacated.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:51 am

Meanwhile, ever present govt incompetence is on display showing blah blah blah …

Where’s the incompetence?
He’s booted, he’ll be outta the Country in a coupla days, provided he doesn’t claim Asylum.

Leon L.
Leon L.
January 15, 2022 8:52 am

Mater, you seem a bit down today.

When you submitted to the mandated treatment, you made a comment of falling back to the next line.
I think the battle of the “boosters” hasn’t yet been fought.
Plus Stairman Dan and Sneakers both said this week boosters will be ongoing for years. Not what most have in mind.

The EU this week has been talking down repeated “boosters” due to immune suppression.
Turning the Tables on Our Tyrants at American Thinker is worth a read.
Actually, if you agree it’s mass formation, the wall will crumble like the Berlin wall when it comes down.
The 30% locked in to the narrative are never going to change.
The battle of the “boosters” can be won. L

January 15, 2022 8:52 am

HIV isn’t an infectious disease.

Um, nurse, Ed needs his Clonazepam and Thorazine.

January 15, 2022 8:52 am

Cassie. The key word was “personal”.

I’m not in the habit of projecting my fears and doubts onto others.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 15, 2022 8:55 am


Those who say things like ‘Australia is a shit streaked piss bowl’ need to lock into reality. In particular, which Nirvana on the planet do they prefer? Amazing how the discussion tapers off when they find out about the rest of the world. Not to mention that Austraslia is undoubtedly in the top five of places to live generally.

Well said, the whole post. Either fight back, or p1ss orf.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:58 am

Fauci was in on the ground floor of the HIV-AIDS hoax too.
Remember AZT?
Fauci was a huge investor, everyone who took it is long dead.

January 15, 2022 8:59 am

to mention that Austraslia is undoubtedly in the top five of places to live generally.

Right now?

January 15, 2022 8:59 am

January 15, 2022 at 2:22 am
Haven’t been commenting much

Good work! Keep it up!

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 8:59 am

Dot in 2060:
Everyone needs to Take Their Boosters, now!

January 15, 2022 9:06 am

Where’s the incompetence?

Between your fkg ears, dick Ed.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 9:08 am

Denis Rancourt:

Scientist Denis Rancourt returns to discuss his new paper which demonstrates that a pandemic did not occur. Whereas in some countries there was little to no excess mortality, in others like the USA, the 1 million excess deaths can be attributed directly to the government health measures and pandemic-response policies. He sees no evidence for a virulent respiratory disease. The U.S. is decoupling from China with whom it is in an economic war. As a result, there’s going to be huge inflation which will wipe out the savings of ordinary people. He sees “COVID19” as being war measures applied to completely control domestic populations in the shadow of the U.S.-China geopolitical and geoeconomic conflict that will last at least a decade and even risk hot war. A totalitarian system is being put into place to get rid of democracy, and it has the potential to last a really long time. All countries must apply these measures in the context of this global war to ensure stability against unrest among their own populations. He thinks Western elites want an e-currency that will take over the world and gobble up any completing digital currencies, and which also cannot be circumvented. We also discuss resistance and non-compliance.

Cassie of Sydney
January 15, 2022 9:09 am

“I’m not in the habit of projecting my fears and doubts onto others.”

I know that Calli.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 15, 2022 9:10 am

Slept in on a dark drizzly morning so I haven’t had time to scroll back to see if this has already been raised:

“A very small group chose to follow their own way and it kind of makes the majority look like they’re all fools or something.” Stefanos Tsitsipas, new favourite to take out the AO.

He doesn’t realise it but he’s accurately summarised the case against mandatory vaccinations and argued for Novak’s stance on freedom of travel.

January 15, 2022 9:10 am

Lockdown and lack of decent Policing has been at the forefront of innovation in Los Angeles.

Perhaps this will be a coming attraction here.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 15, 2022 9:11 am

Ed Casesays:
January 15, 2022 at 8:23 am
Hopkins in a Glowie.
Avi Yemeni looks like another Glowie.

Takes one to know one?

PS, update your understanding of the vernacular, language changes, as do the meanings of words.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 15, 2022 9:12 am

HIV isn’t an infectious disease.

Peak Groogs? Just a common or garden variety troll.

January 15, 2022 9:13 am

Welcome back Duk!

January 15, 2022 9:13 am

Welcome back Duk.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 15, 2022 9:13 am


Where were our human rights legal champions these last 2 years? They have been in bed with our obnoxious Govts, state and federal.

Not quite, they were always campaigners for a particular (Green/fascist Left) side of politics.

January 15, 2022 9:18 am

My Pillow overnight were de-banked!

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 9:18 am

Takes one to know one?

You said it.

PS, update your understanding of the vernacular, language changes, as do the meanings of words.

You’re invoking the Macquarie Dictionary as a credible source now?

Glowie/FedPoster/Agents Provocateur, take your pick, it’s the same thing.

January 15, 2022 9:18 am

Everything’s going great guys! I’m so happy with everything! What an excellent country and joyous time to be alive if you have a young family!

January 15, 2022 9:22 am

Those who don’t like Australia – stop complaining and piss off. As for the others, I am yet to hear any constructive solutions.

better — stay here and fix it.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 15, 2022 9:24 am

I used to hit the ball fair at the head of any twit who crowded the net.

Yup. When I played squash I used to whack the ball at full speed into my opponent if he was stupid enough to position himself in front of me.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 15, 2022 9:24 am

Australia is a shit streaked piss bow

wrong wrong.

Australia is a piss stained shithole.

January 15, 2022 9:25 am

My Pillow overnight were de-banked!

What a great country, he should stay there and fix it.

January 15, 2022 9:25 am

Everybody has something to be frustrated about but to go out every day seeking an excuse to ‘rage’ about is a sign of a no life Karen.

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
January 15, 2022 9:27 am

Novak Djokovic is being interviewed by Border Force officials this morning before he is set to front court, then be escorted into immigration detention.
He has a mammoth weekend ahead battling Immigration Minister Alex Hawke’s decision on Friday night to cancel the Serbian sportsman’s visa for a second time, with the Australian Open due to begin on Monday……

The legal team is set to front the Federal Court by video link at 10.15am, with the hearing having been transferred to Justice David O’Callaghan in the Federal Court.
The bulk of the hearing will occur on Sunday, after a mention on Saturday……..

At Friday’s late-night court hearing, Djokovic’s lawyer Nick Wood SC criticised the timing of Mr Hawke’s decision and said every minute was “extremely precious” for the men’s tennis world No.1, who as the top seed is set to play his first match of the Australian Open on Monday.
“We are where we are because of the time the minister has taken,” Mr Wood said.
“We are moving as fast as we can.”
In a preview of what will be debated in front of Justice O’Callaghan, Mr Wood revealed one of the reasons Djokovic’s visa was cancelled was the concern over the Serb “exciting anti-vax sentiment” if he was allowed to stay in Australia.
Mr Wood described the reasoning as “patently irrational”, saying the decision did not consider whether removing Djokovic from the country would have a similar effect……

January 15, 2022 9:27 am

It’s my party and I’ll rage if I want to!

So there!

January 15, 2022 9:30 am

The tennis player has been canceled for the same reason that AHPRA sent out an notice explaining it will be canceling doctors and nurses licenses who don’t Amway upsell the vaccine and the army is in charge of rolling it out, and the media are propaganda rags who will critisise the government but won’t critisise the war…

The Commonwealth government has been treating the vaccine rollout like a psuedo wartime effort and is using the same levers it has during a war to batter anyone with influence who threatens the war effort into submission.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 9:31 am

I used to hit the ball fair at the head of any twit who crowded the net.

3 Cheers for both of you, then?
Ever been to a Pro Tournament?
These guys have pinpoint control.
The lineswoman was sitting in her chair and Djokovic slammed a ball in her direction at 220 kph during a break in play.
Totally unexpected.
Hit her fair in the face.
He was immediately disqualified, shoulda been Barred For Life.
At least Alex Hawke has made some amends for this poor woman.
Good on him.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 15, 2022 9:32 am

Here’s a constructive solution.
Novak teams up with the tennis players’ union to get the AO officially renamed “Asia Pacific Open” and moved permanently to the Phillipines.

January 15, 2022 9:33 am

Maybe we should have another yes/no question on the visa application: Are you a dickhead?

I’m very grateful that wasn’t on the form.

January 15, 2022 9:33 am

So despite Tassie’s draconian Covid laws.. I have pretty concrete evidence that one or more friends of mine picked up the ‘rona in Hobart.

They live in apparently ‘awash’ Sydney.. but did not pick it up here.

January 15, 2022 9:36 am
January 15, 2022 9:36 am

calli says:
January 15, 2022 at 9:27 am

It’s my party and I’ll rage if I want to!

So there!

Calli, I did not know your alter ego was Leslie Gore

January 15, 2022 9:37 am

Mater, you seem a bit down today.

Not really.

Nah, facing up to the likely result is liberating and actually has the opposite effect. My fight is far from done, but it’ll only shape the situation, not stop it.

Even if we win ‘the Battle of the Boosters’, the precedents set during this event are appalling. The weaknesses in the Australian psyche and our system are now evident and obvious. Getting rid of the ‘vaccinated economy’ is but a small element.

I’m realistic enough to know we are not going to snap back to what we were.
I’m practical enough to plan for that. Some bells can’t be unrung.

I’m in great spirits, and will be putting my shoulder to the wheel at every opportunity…to SHAPE the inevitable outcome as best I can.

Let’s be honest, though. Omicron is the perfect ‘booster’ and is the ideal excuse to bring this to an end. Yet what are seeing? People fighting for RATs and queuing in record numbers to confirm they have it. It is litmus test for people’s ability to let go of their anxiety. Their inability to do so has surprised both myself, and even the most optimistic around me. The ‘Battle of the Boosters’ might be a closer run thing than I had hoped. It is the next Battleline, whether it holds is still in doubt.

January 15, 2022 9:37 am

A Karen is someone who goes on a blog and starts telling everyone else what to talk about.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 9:40 am

A Karen is someone else who goes on a blog and starts telling everyone else what to talk about.

Huge self awareness Fail there!

January 15, 2022 9:41 am

Oh! da irony.

January 15, 2022 9:43 am

Their inability to do so has surprised both myself, and even the most optimistic around me.

Yes. I have had the horrible experience of explaining, watching the light of understanding dawn in the eyes, and then have it shut down and return to anxiety. All in a matter of seconds.

Anxiety can be comforting. It absolves one from action or further questioning, like a security blanket. It becomes the state of being, not a momentary diversion.

It’s also dangerous when it’s on a national scale and it is nudged towards a scapegoat. Again, history informs us.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 9:46 am

Interesting article on emergency breathing techniques for Firefighters :

January 15, 2022 9:47 am

And I dare say that if they dug into all of their visa declarations, social media posts and prior movements, with the same vigour, things might be even more embarrassing.

This and the fact they have found a backbone on immigration matters because it is easy, no pesky MSM stories of impending doom when repatriated to home country (that they have been visiting anyway) or shilling activists/pro-bono lawyers lining up to take on the case.

As for the Djoker himself well his story seems holier than a hanger at Kandahar Airport. I don’t defend him as there would be some arrogance in his actions. However it is the consistency that seems the missing here again and seems to be the whole way through. That’s what is getting under my skin.

January 15, 2022 9:47 am

Ed you’re a good solid contrarian but keep it real.

Shit posting then losing the subsequent argument is different than someone saying ‘I order everyone to stop talking about anything I don’t like, because.’.

I’m always nice to you and this is how you repay me.

January 15, 2022 9:48 am

Nut Case is such a Tosser he could wank for Australia!

January 15, 2022 9:49 am

It’s ok bespoke, I didn’t mean you. I think you posted something interesting once.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 15, 2022 9:50 am
incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 15, 2022 9:51 am

He couldn’t Grey. He is too quick.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 15, 2022 9:51 am

HT at 7:47.

Sorry! That report button is to close on an iPhone…

How dare you!

January 15, 2022 9:53 am

Omicron is the perfect ‘booster’ and is the ideal excuse to bring this to an end.

“We will now be doing this instead of that because that was based upon
modelling/advice/bullshit-formerly-known-as-The-Science, which is no longer appropriate in the current situation.”
That’s all it would take.
Two days of excitement politically,
a bit longer for those who revelled in playing Rose* in their very own version of Titanic.
* Not to be confused with Our Rosie.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 15, 2022 9:54 am

GreyRanga says:
January 15, 2022 at 9:48 am
Nut Case is such a Tosser he could wank for Australia!

Tough call Ranga, it’s a class field.
Only a wrist injuries and dehydration would keep Scumo, TaliDan, McClown and Tail Gunner from taking the title.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 15, 2022 9:57 am

I suspect Ed comes off on a short run with plenty of wrist action.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 15, 2022 9:58 am

Tough call Ranga, it’s a class field.

some gypsum on the track may influence the result!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 15, 2022 10:00 am

A quick check of the Covid numbers today fails to reveal Novak in the positive cases, hospitalised or dead.
He’s the undead.

January 15, 2022 10:01 am

Professor Good says speaking loudly or singing, not wearing masks or possible biological factors could help explain why some family members contract COVID and others don’t.

“There might well be other things that we haven’t fully understood yet why some people do emit more of the virus when they breathe than others,” he says.

“I wouldn’t underestimate the possibility of biological differences.

“There’s still research ongoing to address that.”

Professor Good says some people may have previously had the virus unknowingly and been asymptomatic so they’ve developed stronger immunity.

Singing and speaking loudly
No mask

Very “sciencey”. I suppose sleeping in the same bed wasn’t an issue. And let’s not talk about smooching and intercourse because that would completely blow that theory out of the water. Unless kinky and masks, but best not to go there.

He’s on safer ground with natural immunity, of course. Unless he’s an annoying tennis player and then has none.

There was some work on blood type back in 2020, with A being more susceptible and O less so. Haven’t seen anything since. Must be old and busted. Neanderthal genes are the new hotness.

January 15, 2022 10:03 am

Novax is Omicron’s Chuck Norris.

Omicron is too sick to either confirm or deny.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 15, 2022 10:05 am

Neanderthal genes are the new hotness.

Well I must be hot.
I am often called a neanderthal. [Wait there is more] And a macho pig.

January 15, 2022 10:05 am

“Interesting article on emergency breathing techniques for Firefighters”

That has been known since BA was first used, just some useless research for low talented people looking to publish a paper. Nothing new there at all, dunno why anyone would find it interesting.

January 15, 2022 10:06 am

Mater, you seem a bit down today.

I’ll add:

I said yesterday that you can only do your job properly in war, if you resign yourself to death.

It doesn’t necessarily mean you roll over and play dead.

January 15, 2022 10:07 am

You give me way to much credit, Twostix.
But thanks anyway.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 15, 2022 10:10 am

Ed Casesays:
January 15, 2022 at 8:48 am
You can get a waiver to immigrate here with HIV.

HIV isn’t an infectious disease.

ROFLMAO! Stop digging Dick, you are too far down to throw the dirt out of the hole, it’s falling on you.

January 15, 2022 10:11 am
incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 15, 2022 10:11 am

I said yesterday that you can only do your job properly in war, if you resign yourself to death.

Outnumbered 5 to 1.

I’m taking a break.
I shot my 5.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 10:12 am

Hears a solution. Go and hang yourself you dumb cunt. Australia doesn’t need fuckwits like you.

Go away, FedPoster.

January 15, 2022 10:12 am

Charming Razey.

January 15, 2022 10:13 am

Twostix says:
January 15, 2022 at 9:37 am
A Karen is someone who goes on a blog and starts telling everyone else what to talk about.

“It’s your job to entertain me”

If the fat slob isn’t abusing the other woman and her family too at times, she’s asking others to entertain her. Motel living must be really interesting.

January 15, 2022 10:16 am

Another thing that pisses me off is that arsehole scummo always has an army dude in the background at his press conferences & he is always ready to spout off.
Methinks it is a subtle tell to say ‘I am in charge & I have the military behind me’
Who the fk is that bald guy anyway?

January 15, 2022 10:16 am

Let’s be honest, though. Omicron is the perfect ‘booster’ and is the ideal excuse to bring this to an end. Yet what are seeing? People fighting for RATs and queuing in record numbers to confirm they have it. It is litmus test for people’s ability to let go of their anxiety.

It turns out that I may well have a case.
Only symptoms are vertigo, tiredness and a mild headache for the last week. If this is the worst it can do, then it’ll be a soda. Quite comfortable, really.

Best thing is that I can get it over and done with, and then be the immune member of the family who is available to help others. To hell with testing. I’ll maybe get that done after I’m over it so I can get my medical record stamped, but as long as I’m staying out of other people’s faces, it’s none of anybody’s business and I’m hanged if I going to get lectured by some officious wanker, about things I’m already doing.

Oh, and there’s some interesting stuff on youtube. Currently watching a doco about Russians living by hunting and fishing in Siberia. They had me when they said “You are not a hunter, without a dog”. That’s my culture.
They say that they are too far from Moscow to be bothered by the government. That is how I would like to be.

It’s called “Happy People” . Look it up.

So, currently following the FLCCC protocol as much as possible. Smashing the vitamins, dosing with mectin and snorting Pividone-Iodine. Not working too hard. I’ll let you know.

January 15, 2022 10:16 am

Again, history informs us.
History? I see ve haf a reader. Ve haf had your kind before. Zey did not last long!

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 15, 2022 10:17 am

You’re invoking the Macquarie Dictionary as a credible source now?

Listen, Dick Ed, we all know that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, but even you should have been able to discern the recent common usage of “Karen”, and it is not what you seem to think is the only possible use.

January 15, 2022 10:18 am

Good grief! A call to write something positive has really brought out the angst.

Here’s something positive. You’re above the ground not under it.

If you’re so angry, go to the demos scheduled for today. Keep plugging away at friends and relations, don’t cut them. Stay strong and fearless in the face of their negativity and doomsaying. Work out ways to get around the system, create and nurture like minded networks in TRW. And try not to treat people who differ from you marginally but are in essence on your side like a silly Life of Brian sketch.

That’s not telling you what to say here. It’s an encouragement on how to be out there.

Cassie of Sydney
January 15, 2022 10:20 am

“Hears a solution. Go and hang yourself you dumb cunt. Australia doesn’t need fuckwits like you.”

Nasty…..I’m no fan of Johanna but this is uncalled for.

January 15, 2022 10:21 am

You entertain me, JC.

I couldn’t do without your rational and positive commentary.

It’s been inspirational and I think Makka would agree.

January 15, 2022 10:22 am

Spot on Calli- and say out loud it’s bullshit, a manufactured crisis. That’s what I do if people insist on bringing up the subject.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 15, 2022 10:23 am

Here’s an extremely likely Timeline:
1. Some RedWings in Border Force decide to embarrass the Government, detain Djoker, cancel his Visa on a Friday night during New Years break.
2. Djokjer’s lawyers get a Hearing in The Family Court!!.
[The Family Court is on holidays until February, people have been waiting 5 years for a Hearing in Disputed Cases.]
3.The Government plays a Dead Bat, offers no Defence.
Round One to the Redwings.
4. Immigration Minister cancels Djoker’s Visa the following Friday, gets the Hearing moved outta the Family Court [FFS], Labor Shills squawk like headless chooks.
5. Scotty wins again for Australia, Labor Shills crying into Red Bandannas.

January 15, 2022 10:24 am

emergency breathing techniques for Firefighters

The only breathing technique I remember when fumbling around for the emergency release in a Free Air unit whilst wearing a Fearnaught Suit was You can’t.

January 15, 2022 10:26 am

“Hears a solution. Go and hang yourself you dumb cunt. Australia doesn’t need fuckwits like you.”


January 15, 2022 10:26 am

Who the fk is that bald guy anyway?

LT GEN Frewen.

Mate who served reckons he is an average officer, not outstanding really in any way. I reckon he’ll be the next Chief of Army though.

January 15, 2022 10:28 am

Hah! Revenge is a dish best served cold and all that.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 15, 2022 10:28 am
January 15, 2022 10:28 am

Mater says:
January 15, 2022 at 10:06 am
Mater, you seem a bit down today.
I’ll add:

I said yesterday that you can only do your job properly in war, if you resign yourself to death.

Was thinking yesterday of my Grandfather.
Went through both world wars, ended up fairly senior. There is a description – by a well-known and fairly cynical war correspondent of the old boy under fire. There was no way that you would have known – from his actions or attitude – that bullets from enemy aircraft were passing through the building.
The old boy had order his officers to set a better example for their troops, and he believed in leading by example.

The same man, when diagnosed with throat cancer, after the war, told his Doctor that he wasn’t “afraid of bloody cancer”.

I can only think that he had had a lot of time to think about the inevitability of death, while on the Western Front.

Me? I don’t feel afraid of death, now. I am afraid of the pain involved in some ways of dying, but being dead? Well either way, that is Heaven or Nothing (my money is on the former) so nothing to worry about in either case. My biggest concern is for members of my family who would be hurt and less able to care for themselves, in my absence.

January 15, 2022 10:30 am

No, the Karen’s need to start getting hungry and being denied their usual comforts before they will start weighting things up in a rational manner

nothing brings Gestalt Karen more satisfaction than the prospect of impoverishing you first.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 15, 2022 10:32 am


Here’s something positive. You’re above the ground not under it.

As one of my golfing mates said when he heard me complaining about a worse than usual day on the course, “If you’re standing up looking down at the grass, not lying down looking up at the roots, it’s a good day on the course”.

January 15, 2022 10:36 am

Hoping to head up the NSW from Vicco later this month. Will be interesting to see if it’s less up tight about the China bug. One thing I’ve noticed in the past, it’s much easier to bring your dog to places down here than in greater Sydney eg Everglades at Leura or Jenolan Caves. Dogs at the Lavender Farm at Hepburn or the You Yangs- no worries.

January 15, 2022 10:39 am

Currently watching a doco about Russians living by hunting and fishing in Siberia. They had me when they said “You are not a hunter, without a dog”. That’s my culture.
They say that they are too far from Moscow to be bothered by the government. That is how I would like to be.

my thoughts, and soon to be actions, exactly. Already have a start on the dogs. 😉

I have started watching the doco. Thank God it’s in English! That helps to enjoy it more. It is becoming harder and harder in Oz to find a place where you are left alone. Will not stop me from trying.

If all goes as I am hoping, I will soon be able to quote Martin Luther King.

January 15, 2022 10:40 am

Scumo starting to let once previous banned workers back to help move food supplies is quite simple, he knows hungry people will start burning & breaking things.
I despise the libs & the bastard leading them & that doesn’t mean I will be voting for the liars.

January 15, 2022 10:41 am

Nah, facing up to the likely result is liberating and actually has the opposite effect.

Being blackpilled frees the mind.
Been there since mid 2020.

January 15, 2022 10:42 am

“Getting old is not for the weak”-step mum, that’s dealing with autoimmune problems and a husband that hasn’t fully been cleared of cancer yet and surrounded by hostile natives.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 15, 2022 10:43 am

Again, history informs us.

If we read it. If we read.
If we understand what was written.

One of the BIG jump starters for human advancement was inter-generational messaging using the written word.

January 15, 2022 10:43 am

Had breakfast this morning with a French bird who you’d officially classify as an ex.
We’ve agreed that if either of us get omicron we’ll have a pash session to ensure the other gets it.
Considering she’s gorgeous I’m going to get the better end of the deal.

January 15, 2022 10:46 am

Farmer Gez says:
January 15, 2022 at 10:28 am
Three elephant stamps for this effort.

That was good, this is even better.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 15, 2022 10:46 am

ftb, I can help you friend out with my infection.

January 15, 2022 10:47 am

French bird had a different take on our Serbian friend.
She said that considering hoops she’s had to jump through for years to maintain her visa & get citizenship, he can go get fucked for not dotting all the i’s & crossing all the t’s regardless of the intentions of the government to make him an example.
Considering that’s her lived experience, it’s quite a reasonable take.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 15, 2022 10:47 am

Has anybody seen my ‘r’.
I’ve dropped one somewhere.

January 15, 2022 10:48 am

2. Djokjer’s lawyers get a Hearing in The Family Court!!.

Um, lay off the bath salts and ahyausca.

1 2 3 9
  1. Rarely a word said in the media. Why is it when it’s a choice between Communism and Freedom, our media…

  2. Had convo with husband about this earlier today. Drove past a tyre store closed down and so got to talking…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x