The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Blot called JD ‘an idiot’. Should be replayed in years to come.
Sean Spicer was very good. I felt like turning off Bolt but then saw Spicer so watched that.
Following KD’s post this morning which referenced some of the personal issues around emigrating it might be useful if those researching it created a checklist of those.
Obviously everyone can figure out the issues in their immediate family network (ageing parents etc).
But there are a stack of practical issues at the other end, like:-
.1 Will I have a right to work there?
.2 What is the standard of education for my kids? Will I have to pay for it?
.3 What medical insurance will I need and, in fact, will I get it? Don’t move to the US without that fully covered. A one week hospital stay will break the bank.
.4 Will I manage linguistically and culturally? As KD says, this is not a two week tourist jaunt where you can manage by pointing at menus and showimg tuk-tuk drivers your hotel card.
.5 Will I lose out on benefits from Australia whilst over there, or upon return if I am away for years and choose to return?
Etc etc.
Up by 4.5%?
The inflated numbers are making Joe look bad
I silver lining finally there maybe; with no reported deaths, it’s hard to argue that it’s deadly.
Funding frozen & current licence fee to be abolished in 2027.
Eeyore-meets-Nietzschian obsessive hypochondriacs.
Struggling with that image.
As Ninoy Aquino would say if still alive, you’re not safe till you clear the runway.
As the judge has found, he MAY be capable of just about anything.
Best nuke him from orbit just to be sure.
Now there’s a massive topic for a PhD.
Were they turned into hypochondriacs by big gov or was it personal choice?
The Joker is probably not a very nice person but I feel ashamed an d disgusted. Same as when Trumble deported that US anti abortion dude.
The new head of the BBC believes he represents the viewers.
Ita believes she represents the staff.
BBC funding news. The ABC site has yet to make mention of it. What’s the bet with regards to how they spin it; some sort of chilling attack on free speech and an insult to democracy. Leaving it to 2027 means that Ken Starmer has time to change course if he wins so there is a worrying loophole still in place.
Add, in no particular order:
Munchausen by Proxy
Stockholm Syndrome
Chronic narcissism
Bruce said: Millions of Aussies have turned into Eeyore-meets-Nietzschian obsessive hypochondriacs.
Have to agree.
It’s sort of interesting though to realise we are living through one of those mass delusions that grip humanity now and again. Not very pleasant of course.
The great mass go along with it without thinking much. Just think, we are in the clutches of the equivalent of:
– soviet communism
– Nazi thinking
– we’re all doomed ’cause the oil will run out
– the millennium bug will crash all our computers
– tulips will make me rich
– I might buy a South Sea island and get rich
People are wondering if we will still have the Grand Slam in 2022 but it’s worse than this.
What about the Socceroos or Wallabies? Maybe even the cricket team.
If any competing country has an unvaxed/unboosted player that player will obviously have to be banned from playing here against our team.
So the Aus government bans a couple of, say, Japanese players for the Australian leg. Obviously Japan will retaliate by banning everybody in the Socceroos squad for the Japanese leg except the coach and masseuse.
ScoMo has, quite possibly, destroyed all international sport in Australia.
TE I would add jingoism in WWI to that
Saves on those government funds to the Institute of Sport in Canberra at least.
Anti-communism wasn’t necessarily a mass delusion.
At least Hitler let Jessie Owens compete.
Interesting that our most destructive PM ever is a nominal ‘conservative’. Fraser a close contender too.
From our current vantage point, we can see how successful the Soviets were with their program of cultural demoralisation of the West, which went on auto-pilot after the 1990, and we can see how Marxists and fellow travellers of various stripes have infested and white-anted our institutions.
Fake meat for the base. It will (a) never happen and (b) won’t work, since the base are fed up with him and his green spouse.
The situation for the Tories is worse than you think (New Statesman, 13 Jan)
Quite like here: green Libs vs Green Tories, except we’re forced to vote while they can stay at home and cuddle up to the dog.
100% Roger- the Soviets were hopeless at economics but absolutes pros at propaganda and infiltration.
Funding frozen & current licence fee to be abolished in 2027.
Fake meat for the base. It will (a) never happen and (b) won’t work, since the base are fed up with him and his green spouse.
correct- if they are serious do it right now
Now is not the time for a virus/zombie movie even if it’s from Korea not China.
Yes! Calli Johnson is right! Agsin.
I gave her an enlarged uptick.
Federal Minister (woman but didn’t catch the name).
“Just because he has a visa doesn’t mean he is guaranteed entry to Australia”.
Good to know if you are an inbound tourist.
Wsrning. Aomeone hsa awspped my ‘s’ snd ‘a’ keys.
That wimmin feral minister almost makes you sorry tits didn’t win in ’19. TBH I’m sorry tits didn’t win in ’16.
Welcome to the Pakistan of the South Western Pacific.
Too dangerous to send your sporting teams here, better go somewhere else for your matches. Sharjah looks good.
Well, yes.
But only because he thought it would be a demonstration of Aryan superiority over the blackfella.
Got to add this new story as well, since it is a perfect example of wet Tory hypocrisy crossed with intense ‘oh shit what do we do?’ hilarious panic.
Boris enlists Royal Navy as he launches ‘Operation Red Meat’ plan to save his job (Express, 17 Jan)
All internal pollsters’ hair is on fire sounds like. After letting tens of thousands of country shoppers sail unopposed into Britain for years and years now he says he’ll do something about it? Colour me cynical.
Boris had one job: deliver Brexit which he sort of did whilst keeping all the bits that the Tory base hates, like the ECJ, crazy EU Licence-Raj stuff and taxes. Then he turned into a Frankensteinian monster constructed of the worst bits of Malcolm Fraser, John Hewson and Malcolm Turnbull. Sheesh.
Well, that backfired, didn’t it?
Any more gnats to strain out while letting camels have free passage?
“…as is tradition”
Isn’t his wife (and hence him) a vegan or some sort of vegetarian?
I’m giving cheek on account of that weaponised uptick.
Otherwise I’d have let it be.
the ballot paper to write out allegations of coprophilia against political leaders.
What the?
Oh, Gawd no!
They think they have picked up on an intelligent sounding word. They see themselves as intelligent – the most intelligent.
Now they will use the word all over the place just to show how intelligent they are.
Expect to hear about the Great Barrier Reef having comorbidities, as does Venezuela (the reason the economy has tanked), white people, straight men, cicadas, and Thursdays.
And, of course, while it is true that the warming on the Earth has not been a great as the warmists were always saying, it is still serious because Gaia has comorbidities.
Dak Prescott demonstrates he is one of the worst game managers in the NFL.
The Dallas Cowboys need a decent qb to have any hope.
I gave her an enlarged uptick.
The NYT was probably a better paper back in ’72. Interesting article.
HONG KONG. June 21 —Laufaushan, a sleepy little village on the shore of Deep Bay in Hong Kong’s New Territories, men, woman and young children squat near the water’s edge opening oysters for the visitors who come on outings from the urban areas of this British colony.ratio is less because most refugees are aware that they will not be deported so many voluntarily report to police stations to speed up contact with friends or relatives.
As they chip away at the large flat gray shells, which do not pry open easily, they sometimes look across the water toward the other side of the hay four miles away and talk about another kind of visitor who conies to Laufaushan:
“They come when there is little moonlight and the weather is good.”
Refugees From Mainland
They are the refugees who swim from China across the waters of Deep Bay to Hong Kong. The escaping refugees spend four to eight hours in the water, dodging Chinese gunboats and battling the tides. ‘They usually swim to a beacon about midway between the two shores and then make for another beacon on the Hong Kong shoreline.
The large oysters of Laufaushan, which are cultivated, in beds extending far out into Deep Bay, are the delight of Hong Kong gourmets and the despair of the refugees because the refugees land with their arms and legs cut and bleeding from crawling across the oyster beds.
They sometimes suffer other injuries on their dangerous journey, One refugee who reached Hong Kong last week had been badly bitten by guard dog that was ordered to attack him by a Chinese border patrolman.
Deep Bay is on the western side of the isthmus through which the border runs. Refugees also swim across Mirs Bay, which is on the eastern side of the isthmus. A smaller number of refugees sail or row to Hong Kong, and a handful successfully cross the land border, which is heavily patrolled.
The influx of refugees this month is at a record level. More than 29 were picked up by police patrols or ‘voluntarily reported in at police stations in the New Territories during the first half of June. If the level remains the same for the rest of the month, the total will be higher than during May, 1971. when the largest number of refugees from China was recorded in a single month since the 1962 exodus.
On a single day this month, 69 refugees were detained for processing as “illegal immigrants,” — the British authorities do not use the word “refugees.” Of these, 45 were swimmers, 19 arrived by boat, and 5 came overland.
In the past, officials of voluntary organizations providing aid to refugees estimated that for every refugee reported by the police, three or four others slipped into Hong Kong undetected. Now they believe this ratio is less because most refugees sre aware that they will not be deported so many voluntarily report to police stations to speed up contact with frriends or relatives.
The officials now multiply the police totals by three. Almost 4,000 refugees were processed by the police last year; thus the officials estimate that about 12,000 actually entered Hong Kong. So far this year, about 1,800 have been formally recorded refugees; the unofficial total is put at 5,400.
Not all the swimmers reach their destination. Some are picked up by Chinese gunboats patrolling the two bays, others are attacked by sharks, and large number become exhausted and drown. Already this year. 59 bodies have been recovered in Hong Kong waters.
Refugees picked up in the Deep Bay area are Laken to Yuenlong police station, where they are held for four days. This detention is aimed at providing Immigration Department officials with sufficient time to process them in accordance with regulations. The refugees are given cholera and smallpox shots, which are required for all visitors, and are permitted to get in touch with friends or relatives.
Periodically, some Hong Kong newspapers have expressed reservations about the open?door policy toward refugees. The South China Morning Post said in a recent editorial that the policy could “contain the seeds of future trouble.” It was commenting on the case of a former Red Guard who twice had been in trouble with the police here.
“For the best?hearted of reasons, Hong Kong is reluctant to send back illegal immigrants who reach its shores,” the editorial said. “Yet should these refugees, later become involved in unlawful activities, they cannot then he deported. They must remain a burden on the Hong Kong community and public purse.”
It proposed that the Government take a keener interest in how the newcomers adapt to life in Hong Kong and perhaps do more to assist their integration, “especially by way of making employment and training information more widely known.”
The refugees who reach the colony today are driven less by political considerations than by a desire lo taste some of the fruits of the freer Hong Kong life they have heard. about.
Many of those recently inter viewed said they left becaus, they feared being drafted into labor battalions, which, they said, were being sent to Hainan Island.
I find this promo chilling beyond words.
It has it all — (apparent) teen lesbians, head-wrapped nurse “of colour”, and a happy-happy joy-joy message that’s it’s OK for kids to go behind their parents’ backs (or even against their express wishes) and get vaccinated.
You turgid little man, you.
I am literally throbbing with unimpressedness, right now…
January 17, 2022 at 9:19 am
No worries Eyrie.
Some people are feeling a bit liverish today.
Makes me seem quite cheerful in comparison.
Notional Victorian lesbian teenage girls invented by unimaginative box-ticking [Stop That!] bugwymmynses need to get out more…
My first thought was: “Crisis actor”.
Nothing about what you see, hear or read in the mainstream media about this is reliable. Watch, listen and/or read what they spruik – but only to know what the “enemy” is thinking, and what ideas they are planting in vulnerable and already-primed minds. It’s all a massive psyop.
See how it’s all connected.
Always was.
I heard on the ABC news this morning that the head of the WEF – that unelected and unwanted body of self-selected uber-wealthy would-be dictators – is urging all world leaders to ensure “their” populations are fully vaccinated against covid. This in the apparently waning risk from the ‘rona. Got to keep their name out there in the public consciousness so that the sheep will be familiar with it, and just accept their edicts as coming from a body with actual credibility and authority. They have neither!
Remember, these are the mongrels who are telling the world that WE will own nothing and WE will be happy, that WE need to eat bugs, and that WE shouldn’t eat meat or use electricity. THEY, of course, being the smart ones dedicated to bettering our lives, will be exempt from eating bugs or doing without.
Notional Victorian lesbian teenage girls invented by unimaginative box-ticking [Stop That!] bugwymmynses need to get out more…
Mrs Thatcher was correct re governments causing much evil. It’s the licence to actually take people’s money against their will. Like theft.
I thought the WEF was a conspiracy theory?
One that the ABC quotes approvingly.
Yes the WEF is truly evil and wants a reversion to feudalism. Is there a link to the Club of Rome?
Notional Victorian lesbian teenage girls invented by unimaginative box-ticking [Stop That!] bugwymmynses need to get out more…
It’s the same tactic they use for abortions and ‘sex changes’.
Awful pricks. Awful, subversive pricks.
My parents haven’t let me.
Fuck off.
Celine Dion cancels North American tour over ongoing health concerns
Oh yair? Wonder what that’s all about.
H B Bearsays:
January 17, 2022 at 10:18 am
You mean facts change according to the narrative?
Only a cynic would suggest that.
Or a realist.
Will trans indigenous people feel left out by the ad in Victoria?
I am feeling a little bit contrarian today.
I will be most disappointment if I get upticks of any size our colour.
To be a teenage lesbian in Victoria, you have to be vaccinated?
I guess this also applies – or soon will – to access to transgender ‘therapy’ and abortion. You have to inoculate your kids to this kind of peer/social pressure. I have started this with my eldest.
How does ex-PM Julia pronounce “uptick”?
I wonder …
Prepare to die from a new variant of Corona Cringe.
January 17, 2022 at 10:49 am
Oh boy, anyone see the BBC funding news?
No, please explain.
BJ, they are going to phase out cream biscuits on the BBC tea trollies before 2027.
So who upticked me when I pacifically aksked you not to?
They do things big in Texas.
Even the lefties.
Taliban pepper-spray demonstrators calling for women’s rights in Afghanistan
Seriously, though – isn’t this an indication that the Taliban have moderated to some extent? Yes, it’s bad. However, consider what they would have done to such protesters during their previous spell in power. The fact is that most of Afghan society is closer to the Taliban position than that of the protesters when it comes to women’s rights. The West needs to come to grips with this and stop trying to save these people from themselves.
Top of the page!
Well almost….
An unwillingness to transgress against common decency (and good taste) forbids me from divulging what my first thought was.
Someone on the thread said it was a parody.
Babylon Bee will have to become more extreme to keep up.
Is that where you give someone a hot meat injection?
Sorry, not sorry (but still scurries away).
Ed Casesays:
January 17, 2022 at 6:20 am
Labor will be up in arms this morning
Eddie’s girl is already on the job and she’s vewy, vewy angwy.
like that obnoxious add re joining foreign affairies- ‘hi buddy I’m off for my paleo banana bread’.
Melbourne police pepper-spray grandmothers calling for freedom in Australia.
***Evil Chuckling Intensifies***
I didn’t think about that comparison. We definitely shouldn’t be throwing stones after what’s happened here over the last couple of years.
So who upticked me when I pacifically aksked you not to?
Ok glowie.
and … another one
Sportsbet have the ALP at 1.45 & LNP at 2.65.
The beasts. Cream bickies on the tea trolley would be the only benefit the lowly techs get.
My lone wolf “rebel without a cause” persona is shattered.
Courier-Mail front page headline: Return of Serb.
Well, to soften the blow, they are negotiating a £12 per week bikkie allowance to spend at your discretion, and installing lockable bickie lockers.
Excellent news. My uptick is quivering in anticipation.
How’s things working out for you Scotty?
A good subbie is worth his weight in gold.
And for most of them that is quite a lot.
that’s what I call ABC Bubblewrap
It’s about belonging to the group. A clear signal; if you are a bold, rebellious young person and part of the cool crowd, you are vaccinated..
A few punters have posted this on the twitter box.
Approx. 50% of black adults in DC are not vaccinated.
This weekend the DC vax mandate comes into play were no vax passport & ID you can’t get into bars, restaurants, cinemas or any federal building eg museums.
Monday is the MLK holiday & there’s more than a few celebrations planned in the DC area meaning at lot of black out of towners coming to participate.
So on the MLK long weekend, there are going to be a lot of black people denied entry to a lot of places in DC.
File under “you can’t make this shit up”.
WolfmanOz says:
January 17, 2022 at 10:48 am
Very occasionally, rarely, a MSM journalist will ask a pertinent question. A few days ago during the daily live media conference, the Health Minister here in Qld was asked how many of those who were reported deceased overnight, were vaccinated. The answer: all of them. (the obvious implication being that vaccination doesn’t work ‘as advertised’.)
Today, the same Minister was asked of the seven reported deaths from covid overnight, how many were triple vaxxed. The answer: one of the seven. (The Minister looked none too pleased at the question given that being triple vaxxed is supposedly our salvation. The Minister moved on to another ‘journalist’).
Generally, the MSM have been snivelling compliant lapdogs of the government. The MSM have utterly cast-off any journalistic credibility and are merely note-takers to the extent that their function could just as easily be done by machine, or simply abandoned to the government’s media department.
But every now and then, like the reported sighting of a unicorn, one MSM journalist will ask a question that is ‘off script’. Be warned: this occurrence is sooo rare and fleeting that if you are waiting for it to occur again, you should pack your lunch and a cold drink. You may be waiting a very long time.
What’s a glowie?
Not were.
Federal agent, particularly one working undercover.
A lot of teens have blind obedience and loyalty to the state apparatus, because for many it has raised them from babies – starting with bonding with their government funded nannies changing their nappies and feeding them in tens of thousands of ‘early learning’ centres. It has equal mindshare and authority over them as their weekend and evenings ‘parents’ do.
That should worry anyone over 40, because they are nothing like you and they are as differently wired mentally and culturally to you as a foreigner is. You don’t understand them, but the state does.
Who do trust?
This guy or those personally invested in the Govts & Companies pushing this shit?
Jan 1
This video got mRNA gene-therapy inventor Dr Robert Malone @rwmalonemd banned from Twitter.
“We have a government that is out of control.”
“They don’t care.”
Isn’t it illegal for the FDA to give approval to a drug that doesn’t exist?
He speaks the truth. That’s why they are silencing him.
Spread this video far and wide.
@serremmy follows back patriots ??
Posted on 4:31 AM · Jan 1st, 2022
The UnZud Herald got it in fust.
Returning Serb? Novak Djokovic fate to be announced imminently
Rex is a Fed?
It appears that Australian Rugby teams are desperate for sponsors.
“The Queensland Rugby Union has today announced La Banditerra as official tortilla of the QRU and the Queensland Reds.”
I am not buying in until Allens is announced as the official jelly bean.
Yes the WEF is truly evil and wants a reversion to feudalism
About 90% of Australians would be just fine with that. They don’t want freedom and responsibility for their own circumstances, they just want a tolerable master and being able to whinge.
In a one party state like QLD, smart J’ismists know their next career opportunity could be with a Ministerial Media Unit, but only if they ask the right questions.
Which can be an entre to the really big bux in a Department Media Unit.
The gold ring is Director of Department Communications – Network Anchor money territory.
Anyone know how to change the size of the text on a Brave webpage? Running Win 10.
I accidently leaned on the lower left side of the keyboard the other day and the text is enlarged but only on this website, both home and open forum pages. TIA.
Yes, and I would add that many of us live in the most wonderful country in the world. The fact that it is a prison island escapes notice.
5 vaxxed, two not. All in their 80s or 90s.
About 90% of Australians would be just fine with that. They don’t want freedom and responsibility for their own circumstances, they just want a tolerable master and being able to whinge.
more sweeping statements
Eyrie, take it from a digital immigrant – simply lean on the other side of the keyboard.
Interesting, Cheers.
try Ctrl + (ie hold down control key then press +) to shrink do ctrl – , to get back to normal size ctrl+0
I didn’t hear nassty little Yvette say this, but if she did, she misspoke.
It’s messaging, obviously, so it’s in the ear of the beholder. But I’m getting the clear impression that Lex Luthor is shifting the Queensland narrative away from ‘jabbing for immunity’ and towards ‘vaccination as preservative of the elderly’:
Not sure about the basis for 24x, but the rest of the message seems to be compressed into something with a lot more science behind it than The Science.
Perhaps I’m just being hopeful.
lotocoti says:
January 17, 2022 at 1:03 pm
Sadly, that’s correct. It is self-evident that Australian journalists appear solely driven with their eyes on the next career opportunity. Honest, accurate reporting be damned – I want to be the next Communications Director.
In Australia, the journalistic Code of Ethics, adopted in 1998 by the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance has the following as item 1.
1. Report and interpret honestly, striving for accuracy, fairness and disclosure of all essential facts. Do not suppress relevant available facts, or give distorting emphasis. Do your utmost to give a fair opportunity for reply.
There is a demonstrable lack of compliance with this fundamental tenet. In fact, casual disregard is more accurate.
‘Rex is a Fed?’
The Cat’s Donnie Brasco.
Dr Faustus says:
January 17, 2022 at 1:16 pm
I didn’t hear nassty little Yvette say this, but if she did, she misspoke.
Curious. I’m certain I heard her say one was triple jabbed.
The two biggest employers of j’isms in Melbourne are Dan’s meeja unit and the AFL.
I would hazard a guess that their ABC might make up the podium.
So, if you work outside that triumvirate, your best chance of security of tenure within the inner circle is to toe (tow?) the line.
Diogenes, thanks muchly, that works.
His recent “[Omocron] is just another virus” comment would suggest so.
If that proves to be the case, it’s one of the advantanges of having an experienced clinician as CHO rather than someone who couldn’t even hack it as a GP.
Are you still here?
I thought you were leaving for Thailand.
Access journalism.
It says nice things or it doesn’t get the access.
My precious.
Line up!
Where to put my toes?
The video by the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria (YACVIC) features two teenage girls who go on a post-lockdown date to see a movie – but when asked to show their vaccination certificate, one says “my parents haven’t let me get vaccinated yet”.
“I mean, you’re over 14. You don’t actually need to get their permission,” the other girl says. “Wanna go do it now – go on a vax date?”
Episode 2: the newly jabbed chick has a massive stroke and spends the next several months in rehab trying to re-learn how to walk and talk.
Seriously, though – isn’t this an indication that the Taliban have moderated to some extent?
Very brave women nevertheless.
The AFL is a prime example.
You have to be AFL accredited to get access to press conferences etc.
Report anything critical of AFL HQ and your diplomatic immunity will be revoked. The protection racket actually extends to the inner circle of footy j’isms themselves.
One of the j’isms took a sudden extended break mid-season with “issues”.
Wide speculation on social meeja about the unsavoury nature of the issues, but not a whisper of it from The J’ism Club.
If, on the other hand, someone wants an example made of a player (say Tex Walker), once it gets green-lighted, the coverage will go for weeks and will be unrelenting.
Seriously, though – isn’t this an indication that the Taliban have moderated to some extent?
Considering they have the 3 biometric data bases that the CIA left behind that has everyone who worked with the US, the Taliban have all the time in the world.
They’re not running down to fuck one goat.
They’re walking down to fuck them all.
I’ll take a GP any day over someone with a Doctorate in Public Health Policy.
Much consternation at the co-op after the QLD 2017 state election when the ABC’s chief state political correspondent, Chris O’Brien (up until that point affectionately known as “Cobby”) was poached by the Premier’s media unit.
One week he was covering the election, a week or two later he had an office with a river view in the swanky new 1 William Street.
I don’t think they call him “Cobby” anymore.
‘I thought you were leaving for Thailand.’
Ivory Coast. Great weather. The people have excellent teeth.
He’s a fugazi?
I always thought O’Brien was one of the better ABC journalists.
Perhaps it was just ‘tone’, but he seemed pretty cynical about everyone and everything in government.
Top part of the world.
It is even more impressive if you say Côte d’Ivoire with a Clouseau accent.
Was someone here toying with the idea of Democratic Republic of Congo at one stage?
Pro tip.
If it has “Democratic” in the title, chances are that it isn’t.
Not doubting you.
But it appears she was wrong if she did.
So now the courts have confirmed a minister is all powerful, can the ABC stop running the infomercials for the “ISIS brides” to be brought home?
Not all agents of chaos are on LockDan’s, Sneakers’ or Scotty’s payrolls…. 😉
Furthermore, the Nano-wriggler legions are very happy to be private agents and have vociferously resisted all attempts to nationalise them by fiat, force or frippery.
So did I, Faustus. And given the demise of state 7:30 Reports his coverage was welcome.
The Premier evidently thought he was pretty good too! Or at least that it would be advantageous to her to neutralise him thus.
And who the hell is Donnoe Brasco?
Just quietly, I don’t think you’ll be able to slip out of it that easily.
Rex, take your boots off.
This is a Japanese restaurant.
Now would a great time for a paparazzi to photo Israel Folau eating a tortilla.
Not a China shoppe?
My wife has a vewwy good fwiend with a PhD in Public Health Policy.
How about someone with an MBBS and an MBA?
Because that’s what Lex’s illustrious predecessor had.
She’s more qualified to be the the governor than she was to be the CHO.
What makes you so certain I slipped in easily?
Ita will have crapped her Camilla Franks.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration says international travellers vaccinated with Russia’s Sputnik vaccine will be considered fully vaccinated and can travel to Australia.
So what’s the hold up with the other body approving Novavax?
Work took me there in the late 1970’s when it was owned by Joseph Mobutu and called Zaire.
In formal Shithole terminology it was then classified as: ‘Unattended, bring your own paper’.
Has gone badly downhill since.
BBC/ABC reporting on businesses ruined by LockDans : “Nimble and smart businesses which pivot quickly will survive.”
BBC/ABC reporting on a funding freeze : “OMG! Existential crisis for public broadcasting! There is no fat left to cut! We are down to bone!”
Dr F.
Yes, if you are looking for a shithole upgrade, draw a big red cross through West Africa.
Good for raking in big short term expat $ and get out ASAP.
Today I learned that the Mormoms are one of the biggest owners of farmland in the US.
The sheer quantities of Pfizer and AZ floating about in this country, going off…
Accurate, depending on the sect…
Seriously, they get into bidding wars with Bill Gates for assets.
God he’s a pig.
Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, People’s Republic of the Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of the Congo. That last one might be made up. So many shitholes to choose from.
Parts of Queensland were apparently quite hazy today. Tongan ash cloud moved over it this morning:
Some reports of a second eruption a couple of hours ago.
they just want a tolerable master and being able to whinge.
Those might be the difficult bits to negotiate with their new overlords/feudal masters.
Pandemic of the Vaccinated.
No thanks. I prefer to fit my oxygen mask on before I worry about anyone else. And if it was you, Hazzard, I wouldn’t bother giving you a hand at all. Bloated political big mouths should be avoided at all costs.
January 17, 2022 at 2:36 pm
Today I learned that the Mormoms are one of the biggest owners of farmland in the US.”
The Mormon Church also owns most of Las Vegas.
It’s eerie that Eyrie ended up as Eerie!
It’s thousands and thousands of vaccinated hypocrondriac whackos turning up at emergency departments with sore throats and the flu that are “overwhelming” hospitals.
It’s Brad Hazzard who fired hundreds of doctors and nurses in the middle of “omicron” and green lighted ‘RAT tests” without altering his isolation rules that has caused the chaos.
Unvaccinated people have been staying as far away from these death mills, testing sites and this entire apparatus, as is humanly possible for the last two years. The demagoguery and naked abuse from government officials toward a hidden, innocent minority is the most vile at and a the highest level evil that’s been seen in 70 years.
He is a fat fascist asthmatic meglomaniac psychopath pig.
‘Give a damn about someone other than yourself’: NSW Health Minister blasts the unvaxxed as Omicron surge leaves hospital staff ‘exhausted’
Outside the weird “fax utopia” that is Australia, it is becoming evident that the more vaccinations one has, the worse the severity of consequent infection of Covid – even of the innocuous Omicron. I suspect this is also happening in Australia.
Of similar concern is the common description of those who are double vaccinated, but have not had a booster, as “unvaccinated”. This is certainly occurring overseas, and is likely happening here. A duplicitous sleight of hand which encourages false accusations that the unvaccinated are filling up the hospitals.
Ha! that should read “vax utopia”! My computer has an evil sense of humour.
But getting vaxxed doesn’t help them. They are as much at risk from people who have been vaccinated.
If the hospital staff are exhausted perhaps you should not be pushing those who are not vaxxed out the door.
For two years him and the rest of his rabid pack have been spreading fibs (or just errors if we are feeling charitable) about this damn thing. The vaccines have been the biggest lie of all, as they have again and again revised what the benefits of it are supposed to be. They have stubbornly refused to engage or debate with anyone.
And are the hospitals actually under pressure?
How deluded is this man that he thinks stamping his feet and hissing at us through gritted teeth.
He is a politician. The epitome of the amoral, the ignorant, and the self-serving.
Add to that he is a Covid fabulist.
In what universe could he possibly think that anyone will be persuaded by his ridiculous posturing, standing on his credibility?
Pfizer’s CEO explained that two jabs is ineffective against Omicron.
So who is lying?
Governments said they knew everything there is to know about these drugs when they ordered every man woman and child in Australia to take them. The TGA says so right on its website.
Except apparently they didn’t know that they wear off after a few months and don’t handle variants at all, but they know with certainty that they’re completely safe and there will be no long term effects.
The problem is, when they say ‘well how could we have known?’ is that by time Australia was ‘mandating’ two jabs mid last year, Israel, months ahead in their program, was telling everyone who would listen all of the above.
Yes – & the malice is infecting the population at large. I had to “set right” a lawyer friend who was complaining that the courts were full of the unvaccinated”!!! How the hell would she know???
In any case, the line was designed to offend me, as she knows I am unvaccinated. Didn’t work, and she “copped a mouthful”in return.
In NSW 93.8% of people are double vaxxed. Let’s be generous and wind that back to, say 90%, at the time of infection.
So, 6/20 (30%) of deaths are drawn from the unvaxxed 10% of the population, and 14/20 (70%) are drawn from the vaxxed 90% of the population.
Having said that, the numbers are so low rendering them statically unlikely to support any conclusion either way.
The proportions for Queensland are almost identical.
2/7 (29%) of deaths unvaxxed. 5/7 (71%) of deaths vaxxed. Total vax % 88.5%.
In a way you can’t blame these terrified people. They have never been given any useful information about early treatment at home with over-the-counter products (aspirin, anti-histamines, Betadine gargle, & nasal steroids. A bit late for vitamins, but Quercetin & zinc would be useful). The GPs won’t allow them into consulting rooms & send them off to hospital.
“Death mills”?
Isn’t it just a mild sniffle?
I’m old enough to remember the olden days back in November when getting vaccinated was a requirement for all healthy young people, they said, because the vaccine Stops The Spread(tm) and you’re saving grandma by getting vaccinated and so not passing it on.
Remember all that completely made up bullshit? Vaccinated people are 20, 30, 80 times less likely to spread Covid! Pandemic of the Unvaccinated! They lied.
And this wasn’t just government huff and puff that was ignored by the public. My young nephew was fired from his job because of the mandate, and while telling him he was going to have to go, his fat dickhead boss viciously abused him as an anti-vaxxer, and used that exact ever-changing ‘statistic’ and slogan – lifted from the Courier Mail that morning undoubtedly, as to why he and all others “like him” should be fired and run out of society.
You know that the world is now completely upside-down when people like Russell Brand are a voice for rationality.
“They’re Inserting Covid Passport Microchips WHERE?” This Is CRAZY!!
A politician blasting others for only thinking of themselves?
I need a new ironing meter.
“How’s things working out for you Scotty?”
Och! If I give her any more, she’ll blow, Capt’n!
I canna change the laws o’ physics!
Beam me up Scotty, this country sucks!
It’s been stuck on 93.8% for months and months. And double vaxxed 95.1%
Which causes me to infer that 1.3% had such a bad reaction from the first dose that even despite the fascist monstering, loss of job, unable to travel or see family they could not dare get the second dose.
Safe, not, and effective, not.
Oops, the 95.1% is the single vaxed number.
I explained the ratio, quips and arguments of the Djokovic cases to a custodian here at work today after he chirped some anti Djokovic propaganda soma.
To put it mildy, he was fucking gobsmacked.
Totally astonished. Jaws agape like a stunned mullet.
The chances are the general public don’t really know either.
So much for the crocodile Dundee myth.
twostix says:
January 17, 2022 at 3:06 pm
Pfizer’s CEO explained that two jabs is ineffective against Omicron.
Yes, that was a ‘startling’ comment by him.
Pfizer’s chief executive has revealed that two doses of its current Covid-19 vaccine offer “very limited protection, if any” against the Omicron variant. Albert Bourla made the comments in an interview with Yahoo Finance after the company announced a new Omicron-specific version of the vaccine would be ready by March, with doses already being manufactured. “We know that the two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection, if any,” Dr Bourla said.
“The three doses with a booster, they offer reasonable protection against hospitalisation and deaths – against deaths, I think, very good, and less protection against infection. Now we are working on a new version of our vaccine, the 1.1, let me put it that way, that will cover Omicron as well. Of course we are waiting to have the final results, [but] the vaccine will be ready in March.”
When will the new variant be ready?
The one it doesn’t work against.
The issue isn’t whether the numbers are “stuck”.
The question is simple proportionality, is it not?
It is completely lacking in context to say 14 out of 20 were vaxxed, when that is drawing from 90% of the population.
As I said, I think the numbers are so low as to render them statistically insignificant either way, but just continuing to trot out raw numbers, ignoring the contextual cohorts they are drawn from, is not very sciency, don’t you agree?
When JC is here next, ask him to explain the Wall St expression, “talking up your book”.
Maybe I’m getting a little morose after the Djokovic debacle, but this song about the years going by seems to be “right on the mark” at the moment:
Alan Jackson, “The older I get”:
C’mon rick, post your plans here so the clever, comfortable, people can spend their days ridiculing you.
Right now I’m working on fabricating and erecting a shed in a mates backyard. On the tools. Also gives me an opportunity to get out of the house and go to “work”. The Little Bloke reckons that something is amiss, me being home is not normal.
Working on options for consultancy work based primarily out of Dubai. Basically go sojourning there until sanity returns to Australia plus an evacuation point for the kids of they decide to go mandatory on them here.
Any time now Calli, any time now. Got to keep this show on the road. A bottomless pit of ‘government’ money, shrill spruiking by assorted Ministers, advisers and Karens not to mention the shaming of those who object.
This could be milked for years.
Either that, or the vaccine injured. There’ve been some horror stories about that.
Holy shiit. Do my eyes deceive me? And after what I said this morning about the MSM.
Australia’s medicines regulator has confirmed the first cases of rare heart inflammation after booster vaccines. As of January 9, there have been six reports of likely myocarditis – four after Pfizer and two after Moderna – and 12 reports of likely pericarditis – 10 after Pfizer and two after Moderna – after a third or booster dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, according to the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) most recent safety update.
“The TGA is monitoring the safety of booster vaccine doses in adults,” the regulator said.
“It is not expected that the types of side effects will be different to first and second vaccine doses based on the results of clinical trials, and observations from regulators overseas where more booster doses have been given.”
Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, or inflammation of the lining around the heart, are serious but rare side effects associated with mRNA vaccines.
According to the TGA, myocarditis – which it describes as “very rare” – is reported in about one to two out of every 100,000 people who receive Pfizer and two to three out of 100,000 who receive Moderna. But it is more common after the second dose in teenage boys at 12 cases per 100,000 for Pfizer and 17 per 100,000 for Moderna, and young men under 30 at six per 100,000 for Pfizer and 12 per 100,000 for Moderna.
Prepare yourselves for a shock. Look at the address!! Is the tide possibly turning?
I’d be more interested in the 6 unvaxxed. Did these unfortunate people have their third jab sometime over the past fortnight and suffered one of those “rare” adverse events from which they died?
In NSW, if you die from a vaxxine injury which was inflicted sometime in the previous 14 days, your death is recorded as a Covid death, and your status as unvaxxed.
The published vaxxed / unvaxed statistics are totally meaningless.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
I quite like Kinshasa, only place I ever had a “Near Miss” wrt to personal security outside of London.
The Congo river is something else, amazing, huge.
If you have hydrocarbons experience, the Middle East is a fairly logical and relatively civilised option.
A toe in the water with options kept open is the smart thing to do.
I had a couple of (ahem) “career sabbaticals” over the journey.
It can be disconcerting on the trapeze without a net while it is going on, but they all ended in bigger and better things.
The first one involved a company relocation after I had been there ten years which was a wrench at the time but, on reflection, it was the jolt out of inertia that I needed.
If they had their third jab how would they be classified as unvaxxed?
Panzer, you get your second jab today, you’re not classified as double jabbed immediately.
It’s the vaxxophiles who need that chat with JC. “Safe and effective.” LOL
Yes, exactly that.
NSW and Canada record vaxxine injury deaths within fourteen days of receiving the jab as unvaxxed deaths. If they died two weeks and one day after the jab, then their death is recorded as a vaxxed patient.
I don’t know if other states use the same method of recording deaths, I suspect they do as it’s the recommended procedure from the pharma companies.
Real Mark Latham
Stupid Morrison thought the tennis was his Tampa.
This guy has got to go.
Seems he really is that stupid.
“Anyone know how to change the size of the text on a Brave webpage?”
No guarantees, but <CTRL>+ normally embiggens, while <CTRL>- smallifies.
PS rickw.
When I worked with seconding ex-pats into various parts of the world, we never discriminated against applicants.
Never, ever.
But those looking to relocate families with tuition fees, larger accommodation, yada, yada were more expensive than single blokes.
Or more correctly “unaccompanied”.
Same with the third jab.
You’re not boosted immediately.