More 5D chess… BlackRock Buying Panama Canal Ports for $22.8 Billion (4 Mar) The deal would provide U.S.-based private investment…
More 5D chess… BlackRock Buying Panama Canal Ports for $22.8 Billion (4 Mar) The deal would provide U.S.-based private investment…
Do you know a blonde called Lucy?
Arky old fruit, are you ok?
Trump Zelensky Parody
wise words
Fully Vaccinated Australians may be developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome after latest Gov. figures reveal they are 10 times more likely to be infected with Omicron than the Unvaccinated
We must be in major low territory now, if this is any indication. Almost at March 2021 levels of fear.
Weekly close not here yet, but.
Tim Ferguson from DAAS.
Christopher Reeves.
A woman died – not from climate change – but from all that water that wasn’t supposed to be capable of filling our dams.
“The tinny was carrying five people when it overturned just after 12:30 on Wednesday.
It’s believed the boat unintentionally went over the Penrith Weir, a man-made ledge in the fast running river.”
Rachel Weisz is a hot babe.
Not entirely compos mentis, but hot.
Ivan Southall. We had to read “Ash Road” at school.
Didn’t realise until this moment his war service until this moment.
Already obtained a copy of Fly West (ebay), coz I’m a bit of a groupie regards Sunderlands.
Looking forward to swooning when the book arrives in the mail.
Anybody here able to edit wikipedia?
His DFC is not mentioned in the “Honours Received” section of his wikipedia page.
Had a little search to see if anything new had [popped up about the bloke who blew himself up.
Nil as far as I can tell.
Media being curiously incurious.
It was scuttled on a Bipartisan basis in 1967 and Repealed in 1973.
66 million people ain’t a tiny wee Country.
However, i’d be very surprised if U.K. immigrants have even been in the Top 4 Countries since 1973.
Tourist/ work Visas, yeah, Immigrants, No.
We need an Anthony Albanese Real Socialist Exposition. Aarse.
And maybe also the Plibersek Inclusive Socialist Stars. Aaarse and Piss.
I miss DAAS, they were fun.
Perry Mason?
Ed’s clearly never been to WA, which should be renamed Manchester.
Della Street never complained of Workplace Sexual Harassment, that’s for sure!
Michael J. Fox.
He’s in a wheelchair. Now.
Doctors And Professors Rapidly Respond, Warning of “Unintended Risks” When Following NICE Guidance to Treat Covid with Morphine and Midazolam
Murder Most Foul.
No, because I had to draw the line somewhere.
By the way, it’s Snickers he was known as in the Navy, not Sneakers.
We got to listen to “Ash Road” as a serial on the A.B.C…..
Knuckle Head, just stop. You know who I’m talking about.
AARSE is already taken as a domain.
Aarse news.
Anthony Albanese defends snubbing Scott Morrison at Australia Day ceremony (Sky News, 26 Jan)
If Albo had been a righty the MSM would be all over this.
What a turnaround. The news is reporting that Washington’s basketball team was 35 points down after the first half. They ended up winning by a few points.
Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese refused to shake Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s hand during the National Flag Raising and Citizenship Ceremony in Canberra.
Am I alone in starting to sense a little overconfidence in the coming election by Albansleazy? Till last week he was low profile, now he has made speeches praising China, the stupid pic with the bint who was AOTY and now this. This is their election to lose and Shorten fell into the same trap, the ALP shouldn’t underestimate Scomo if he gets a sniff he will run with it.
Sad to hear that. Parkinson’s is shitty.
The vaccines may cause it. (Obviously not in Michael Fox’s case.)
MIT scientist points to possible link between COVID vaccine and Parkinson’s (22 Jan)
Watch the Libs not bash this gimme over the fence.
Albo isn’t gonna die wondering.
This is his only shot, NewsCorp will run interference for him right up to Polling day, Fake Polls/PushPolling, Betti9ng Agencie rating the Coaltion at 10/1 against, but refusing to lay any bets, some Bunyip who bet $1,000,000 on Labor, we’ve seen it all before.
Gaslighting, Shock/Horror Scotty atrocities, whatever it takes.
I still say he’s pushing it uphill, Labor’s only chance to get to 36% Primary is to resurrect Kevin Rudd.
When your enemy is making a mistake, best not to interrupt him, no?
Crikey! La Gadsby is transitioning into Ted Bullpit.
Icon, genius, followers. Sure thing.
I need to get out more, developing a perverse taste for the Hobart Mercury.
Your opinion on Mr Manson please…
Obviously I dont want you to comment on the delicate petals who heard all this/participated in this/ and now seek to make money off this.
Its not like the poor delicate virgins saw any sort of warning signs at all.
The rest of Warner’s apartment was decorated with blood, swastikas, and clipped photos from porno mags. “There were vaginas everywhere,” says one person who visited the place. Others recall a spray-painted message above his bed reading “AIDS.” The carpets, furniture, and decorations were black, as were the curtains he used to blot the light out of every window nearly 24 hours a day.
Game of Thrones actress Esmé Bianco alleges that Warner frequently abused her verbally; deprived her of sleep and food; bit, cut, electrocuted, and whipped her without her consent; and raped her during their two years together. Bianco alleges that, in one horrifying episode, Warner wielded an ax and chased her around the apartment smashing holes in the walls after saying she was “crowding him.”
Ashley Morgan Smithline, who is suing him for sexual assault and unlawful imprisonment, among other charges, tells Rolling Stone that Warner repeatedly forced her to stay in the space — which was about the size of a department-store dressing room — for hours at a time when they were dating.
Bianco’s body shook and her eyes welled as she recounted that moment to about a half-dozen other women, including Walters, Smithline, actress Evan Rachel Wood, and model Sarah McNeilly*
Interviews with and legal filings by Warner’s accusers paint a picture of someone who conditioned women through flattery and dark humor before introducing a pattern of sexual and physical abuse. Accusers allege that he plied them with drugs and alcohol, controlled their eating and sleeping habits, and held them captive emotionally and physically until they submitted to his will. If they wanted to leave him, they say, he’d threaten to kill himself or, worse, them. They describe him as employing a cult-leader mentality that allowed him to hold complete power over them. “It was Brainwashing 101,” Smithline says.
Her legal filing states he invited her to his West Hollywood home for a photo session that turned ugly when he allegedly “pushed her onto his bed and pinned down her arms” and “bit her ear while grabbing her hand and placing it in his underwear.”
Walters has said she tried to block out the incident, and that Warner deluged her with adoring text messages soon afterward. That August, she became his personal assistant. At industry events, Walters’ lawsuit alleges, Warner would “offer her up” to his friends, encouraging her to “please his friends in whatever way they desired.”
Doe claims in the suit that Warner once “forced [her] to perform oral sex on him” while she cried. On a subsequent visit to his apartment, Warner “forcibly pushed her to the ground,” the suit says. “With her face down on the carpet, and his hands on top of her, Warner raped Ms. Doe,….
* If only someone could explain how a weedy munter like him managed to fall into such quality gash…..
Avoiding the Curse of Latham.
JC, this is what you’re good at, so why put so much effort into being an arsehole?
Bruce I’m not playing the video because I immediately recognised the face and name of that woman who promoted such ludicrous ideas as vaccines causing most children to be born with ASD cases by some decadal 2o3o or similiar date. “Perfect set up for Parkinson’s” Stupid thing to say given most cases of Parkinson’s are regarded as idiopathic.
“Am I alone in starting to sense a little overconfidence in the coming election by Albansleazy? Till last week he was low profile, now he has made speeches praising China, the stupid pic with the bint who was AOTY and now this. This is their election to lose and Shorten fell into the same trap, the ALP shouldn’t underestimate Scomo if he gets a sniff he will run with it.”
I’m thinking that too.
So they walk into a room decorated in some weird pathological way and continued to stay there. Idiots.
1. Never praise women, never offer flattery and humour because you are grooming them.
2. Never offer women drink or drugs because they are incapable of saying No.
3. Never say you will top yourself because that is blackmail.
It’s going to be several years before many people from developed countries want to immigrate here. People tend to leave authoritarian hell-holes; they don’t move TO them.
Kiwi refugees will be the exception. Australia looks relatively liberal compared to NZ.
Any truth in the rumour that the new partner has chosen new curtains, and got a removal firm on retainer?
Australian Lamb: The Lost Country of the Pacific
UN Predicts Sharp Decline in Working Age Population for Japan and Europe Beginning 2025
He was fun! He managed to display both his virility and his insanity in a single handshake.
Of course JWH is more than 20 years older than he is. Not a good look Mark, torturing oldies.
He’s improved a lot since then, but I still love “a conga line of suckholes”. What a fine spray!
January 26, 2022 at 6:54 pm
Am I alone in starting to sense a little overconfidence in the coming election by Albansleazy? This is their election to lose ……. the ALP shouldn’t underestimate Scomo if he gets a sniff he will run with it.
No, you’re not alone. The past few days have been a bad look and he’s playing far too much to the Left. They will vote for him no matter what. He needs to ensure he secures the middle ground and he won’t do that sucking up to China and other dumb stuff. The middle ground look very likely to abandon the LNP and may bleed off to the UAP, One Nation etc and that could be very bad news in the Senate for Labor. If UAP etc gain any seats in the HoR, the problem is amplified.
Also, Morrison and the LNP don’t deserve our votes but you are 100% correct that Morrison is a rat cunning purebred politician – he will exploit every/any mis-step Albo makes.
I withdraw my comment that Morrison is rat cunning. He isn’t. He’s as dumb as a box of rocks (haha Rockdoctor 🙂 ) but as a politician, he will exploit every Albo mis-step.
Sometime in the initial few months of the two weeks to flatten the curve Australians began putting back on the shelf anything marked “Made in China” & paying whatever they had to for a non-chinese substitute.
Australians were prepared to pay more to avoid anything Made in China.
That feeling is dormant, easily rekindled.
Praising the Communist Chinese Economic Miracle may not be the vote winner Albo believes it to be.
I’d like to see a coalition minority government reliant on UAP MPs that support the government in return for ending any federal Covid-related mandates and restrictions. They could also demand the Commonwealth withhold federal grants to states that impose state mandates and restrictions.
I wouldn’t mind a minority ALP govt on the same basis, but I doubt federal Labor would make that deal.
I’ve got it KD.
Milo Kerrigan.
Don’t tell JC.
Any political party mentioned removing state of emergency powers from the states??
Or even their own?
They cant give up their precccccioooousssssssss
Speedbox, he’s a very good campaigner.
Problematic for him is that he has to avoid being cornered into campaigning on his record.
Albo kneeling before China may be of considerable assistance to Slomo in this regard.
Have vaxx mandates been introduced for university students in any state? They don’t seem to have been in WA so far…
He doesn’t have to be cunning, all he needs to do is let Albanese be himself.
That alone will turn off the Female Vote.
And his new Partnuh?
Puh-leeeze, what happnied to his Ol’ Pudnuh?
Can anyone else see two glaring howlers (by omission or not) here?
No, because smart people will still be required in 5 years time.
Sure, not many Uni Students qualify as Smart People, but that little problem can be solved further down The Track.
So wait. It is being asserted that FLATTERY and HUMOUR are used to condition people.
Honestly, how weak willed are the accusers?
Be too much to ask that ScoMo calls Albo out for druidism.
Which he, or his handlers, are fully into.
Net zero “net zero” now!
Should Scotty be dumb enough to take your advice and make Albanese’s KowTowing to Xi an Issue, the howls of Raaaacismmmm!!!! will hound him all the way to defeat.
Imagine if Manson gets cancelled and has no money after copious amounts of cocaine and playing Slaaneshi warbands in Warhamm$$er.
As to Mr Warner and Mr Manson, they’re horrible people, they’re horrible people.
Hobart Uni. No vax no access to campus. Masks mandatory.
Chinese voters don’t want politics explained to them in words of one syllable, that’s an insult to their intelligence.
Scotty has no reason to humiliate our #1 Trading Partner, so he won’t do that either.
This is being proffered as something new in Hollyweird and the muzak industry.
Doesn’t Director’s Right’s Reserved mean anything? After all, *Gandalf* explained to us small folk what it meant.*
*It meant good rain came at a price. A price no one dare talk about. A few pig farmers however…
Unfortunately for ScoMo he is a known dud this time around. “We’re not Liars” just won’t cut it again without Peanut Head at the helm.
“I’d like to see a coalition minority government reliant on UAP MPs that support the government in return for ending any federal Covid-related mandates and restrictions. They could also demand the Commonwealth withhold federal grants to states that impose state mandates and restrictions.
I wouldn’t mind a minority ALP govt on the same basis, but I doubt federal Labor would make that deal.”
No, federal Labor will just make a deal with the Greens.
And then we’re really stuffed.
Let’s see if I can sum up AUstralia Day in the media:
*COVID protests of 50k+ which were reported as 1k. “Invasion Day” protests of maybe 5k reported as in the tens of thousnds
*Some idiot in Melbourne desecrated a statue of Captain Cook who wasn’t even near Australia in 1788.
*White saviours are the ones demanding the date change. Every social post I saw not celebrating Australia was
*Albo snubs the PM and then denies he did it to “be like Grace” instead claiming he won’t shake hands because “health advice” and then poses with Tame for photos with no social distancing or masks
*”Happy Australia Day” is the most offensive thing you can ever say
Meanwhile in the real world, people were out with family and friends
National debt heading towards one trillion dollars doesn’t help. Don’t expect any talk of Beazley Black Holes.
Very fake and gay. Who decided this? A bunch of oldies staffing the tills in the refectory? Some dudes with all forms of HIV? Marxist law “professors”?
You know the only people against it would be some Chads in commerce…and some reasonable science people in maths, stats, Chem, Phys and bio sciences.
Albanese KowTowing to Xi doesn’t hurt him at all, it’s not 1966 anymore, but where’s he going with it?
Probably hoping for a Gotcha on Scotty, C/- the Murdoch Press, so let’s give him some rope rather than react like Bull Connor on a sugar binge
Just because you (think) your immune doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a successful tactic.
Sacré bleu! Ozzies in Frogistan in WW1 had an impeccable understanding of the language of lerve, it seems:
Magnifique. 🙂
Probably this guy. Well schooled in managerial weasel speak and all out king of the kids. The sort of kids that go in for gender studies that is. So yes, fake and gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that of course.
Groogs, have you been putting mutton in the bong again?
bespoke, I am not immune, I can’t stop. I’m Mr Farenheit.
Back in the olden days this was known as ‘wooing’.
I was considering buying a Snickers Bar at the checkout today, sort of lumpy, choccy covered, about 3 inches long, but … nah.
Opted for a KitKat.
The Commonwealth ought to be able to pass legislation outlawing state vaxx mandates on the basis that they contravene Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (which prohibits medical experimentation on humans without their free consent), of which Australia is a signatory. S.51(xxix) as currently interpreted should apply.
I’m not entirely sure the script for “net zero” wasn’t the price Boris & Biden insisted upon for AUKUS.
(This is not an absolution of Slomo)
The only logical place – multiple unexplained millions, Eddles, following the well trodden path of luminaries such as Hawkey, Keato, Richo, Boob Carr and St Jacinda Horseface.
That NY Post article on Hefner was just trash.
It noted that a model took cocaine and the “leg spreader” quaaludes.
It never said, she was forced to take them, or that the male guests were sober.
“I took drugs and I was a whore, who can I blame?”
Albanese is going after you with Compulsory Vaccination Squads and Scotty ain’t.
That’s all the information voters need this time around.
They could and should do this.
However, this would mean they also were admitting two things:
1. They acted illegally to start with.
2. They were wrong
Point 2 is the most important, politicians never admit they were wrong.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure says:
January 26, 2022 at 7:33 pm
Speedbox, he’s a very good campaigner. Problematic for him is that he has to avoid being cornered into campaigning on his record.
Yes, agreed. That’s why I say that he’s not terribly bright but a good politician. Agree that Albo needs to corner Morrison on his record. Droning on about China and sucking up to the Labor faithful aren’t helpful to secure the disenfranchised LNP voters. The Labor approach should be to capture as many votes as possible from the disenfranchised and minimise bleed to the minor parties. That may be an obvious statement but the opportunity to decimate the LNPs voter base is brim full. Potentially hundreds of thousands of votes up for grabs. Every extra seat in the Senate will be worth its weight in gold – not to mention minimising the potential loss of a seat in the HoR.
It is precisely why this nonsense seems to be unending.
Miranda Devine can blow me.
Hell will freeze over before I forget Miranda was as smarmy and mean spirited as Vinegar Tits.
We “neocons”, have long memories. She just stopped short of using Thrillarys’ “basket of deplorables” against us.
Also, The Goat-Fucking Defence, is NO defence.
Change of signage in Shopping Centres today.
Basically., everyone that was going to fall for Vaxxing is already shot up, so the rest are going to have to wear masks until Bacterial Pneumonia carries them off.
A long and detailed tour of the myths and realities involving Hypatia can be found here. The site is also worth bookmarking.
Yes, we’d need the ALP and the Greens to maintain their numbers, with the UAP pinching a few seats from the coalition to make such an arrangement possible. I suppose it’s possible the UAP could pinch a few suburban/rural Labor seats and strengthen their hand.
A party that opposes Covid mandates and restrictions either in government or holding the balance of power – that’s what I want and I’m a single-issue voter this cycle.
Named after the legendary seventies rock god, Quay Lude …
See also Andie McDowell’s dóttir, Madge Quaalude. 🙂
Dot says:
January 26, 2022 at 7:49 pm
Hobart Uni. No vax no access to campus. Masks mandatory
Bet they all roll over and get their tummies tickled.
If they had any brains (yeah, I know – Uni students), they would refuse and let the Uni have no students.
I don’t think it would take too long for the Uni dickheads to change that policy.
So over the last few days we’ve had a glimpse of the real Albo, member for Grayndler, the far-left, progressive electorate here in Sydney.
Cosying up to China
Refusing to the condemn the BDS boycott of the Sydney Festival
Refusing to condemn Grubby Tame’s rudeness
Refusing to shake Morrison’s hand today
The reality of PM Albo will not be pretty.
It’s just the Liverpool Pathway all over again.
The Brit NHS just wants you to die so they can close the file and give the bed to another possible victim. Anyone in hospital MUST have a trusted relative closely monitoring care if the patient is unable. It’s just so easy to tick “DNR “or “DoubleEuthPlusGood” instead of “Ham Sandwiches for Lunch” on your chart by mistake.
Fat Tony says:
January 26, 2022 at 8:05 pm
If they had any brains (yeah, I know – Uni students), they would refuse and let the Uni have no students.
I don’t think it would take too long for the Uni dickheads to change that policy.
Doubt it. If you are enrolled, the Uni gets the tertiary fee whether you turn up or not.
They won’t now, but after an election in which neither side wins a governing majority, anything and everything will be up for negotiation.
Nothing surer. Gillard on steroids.
Is this a state government decision or a decision of the university?
Presumably you have to provide proof of vaxx to enrol or remain enrolled.
This absolute trash gets taught in universities.
Deborah Rose Bird was an absolute American bullshit artist who projected American guilt about native Americans onto Australia.
Hobbles Danaiyarri was also shitting out nonsense at a prodigious rate.
I have bolded some howlers, read this nonsense if you can stomach it.
This chapter presents an account of British explorer Captain James Cook’s discovery of Australia as recorded the memory of Hobbles Danaiyarri, an Aboriginal cultural custodian and cattle-station stockman. According to Indigenous oral traditions, the discovery of Australia is depicted as a recurring cycle of destruction, violence, and dispossession where Cook himself reappears across space and time as the mythological symbol of the insensitivity and greed of England. Danaiyarri’s account suggests that history itself is part of Australia’s imperial legacy.
Keywords: James Cook, Hobbles Danaiyarri, Australia, England, imperial legacy, British explorer, geographical discovery
Right. Well, I’m speaking today. I’m named Hobbles Danaiyarri. And I got a bit of troubling. Long way back beginning, I think, right back beginning. (p.28) When him been start, that Captain Cook, still thinking about to get more land. From London and Big England, that’s his country. Lotta man in Big England, and they start there and looking for nother land. And get the sailing boat and get a lotta people and have a look at it: Australia. And when that Captain Cook been come through down to Sydney Harbour, well he’s the one been hit the Sydney Harbour. And lotta people, lotta women, lotta children, they’re owning that city. That’s his country. And he don’t askem, that man. Too frightened. He never look whitefella coming longa his place and start a fight. And he don’t askem for land. He don’t say ‘good day’. No. He say to him, ask him, ‘this your country?’ ‘Yeah, this my country.’ ‘Ah, yeah!’ He didn’t askem really. ‘Pretty country,’ Captain Cook reckoned. ‘It’s a good country. Any more people around here?’ ‘Yeah, plenty people round here in Sydney Harbour!’ That mob still in the bush, looking for a bit of fish and tucker. And lot of food old people getem.
He got a bit of jetty. And putem out those people, takem out them guns, and bullock, and man. And roll up all his swag and a bit of food, everything. Captain Cook been shooting there for, I think, nearly three weeks’ time. Shooting all, all the people. Women get shot, kids been get knocked out. That means Captain Cook getting ready for the country, going to try to take it away. But he’s the one been start up shooting them there now. Three weeks’ time and pack his gear and put it in the sailing boat and keep going right round follow the sea. Every pocket him go in and have a look around on another people. Same thing. Shooting right round like that and every pocket some fellow been running away.
When him got to Darwin, that’s the biggest place. Lot of people been there, another people. He’s belong to Darwin mob. People been born in this country. Whatever building up in Darwin now, he belong to Aboriginal. Darwin only been sit down no house, nothing. There the people been havem lotta food again. Lotta fish and lotta tucker. Getembad [get], people been getembad anything, crocodile, anything. Makembad [make] spear. And Captain Cook come up, see that old fellow sit down makembad spear there, hunting fish. And he don’t ask him. Same thing. Ask him one bit of a story: ‘By Christ, that’s good land here. Your country, it’s big one? Many people around here?’ ‘Oh, lotta people round here. We big mob people here,’ he said. ‘Big big mob Aboriginal people. This we country. We never look whitefella come through here. That’s first time you coming. We can be ready for you. Got a big mob spear. We don’t want whitefella!’ He start to hear that story. Captain Cook been hear that story. ‘Get ready for this, old (p.29) fellow. We might start here!’ [He] Start to put the bullet in the magazine, start to shooting people, same like Sydney. And everything: ‘Really beautiful country,’ Captain Cook reckoned. ‘That’s why I’m cleaning up people, take it away. And after that I’m going to sailing boat, pack up gear, and gone [keep going, enjoy freedom of movement].’ He gone every bit of pocket and leave that sailing boat there and walk around. He might see two or four or six people on that country. Country for that every one of them people. Captain Cook been jealous [envious]. And he clean up and they been come running around.
When him been shooting and going back, straight back. Follow that sea right around again. Right over to Sydney Harbour. Straight back. Captain Cook reckoned, ‘I been want to clean that people right up. That’s good country. I like to put my building there. I like to put my horses there. I like to put my cattle there. I going to take all my book to make a bit of an office in Sydney Harbour.’
All right. When him been start to building Sydney Harbour, that means he get all the books from London, Big England. Bring a lot of man, coming back again and bring lotta horse and lotta man longa big sailing boat. Loading boat. Bring lotta horse and bring lotta rifle, bullock.
‘When that people been settle down, if you can see people little bit cheeky [hostile], you might be hitem them. And if you ready, all right, come up with the horses. Some of them no good, fight for land!’ They been fight for land. No good whitefella come up here, he’ll have to reckon with these blackfellas. And some of those whitefellas been get a spear [killed by it]. That’s one big country longa Northern Territory. They been get a spear. When that old people come up, gotem horse, and that Captain Cook been sendem over. Sendem over here shooting lotta people. Some couldn’t get a man, followem up, and that’s why these Aboriginal people make an army. They been shooting all over, people gotem horse. Horse been galloping all over Australia, hunting all those people. Still, people been running away, still. Can’t catch up. Horse can’t gallop over rough place or them caves. And this country, sandstone country, people been plantem meself [hiding themselves] there.
That’s right. We been ready for whitefellas all right. They don’t wantem come up whitefellas through here. And they been really, really cranky [angry], my people. They been knock some of them whitefellas now straight away. Hitem with spear, killem. They been fight whitefella. Blackfella been fight, and another whitefella been shot the whole lot. Because they been have (p.30) a spear, and whitefella been have a rifle. That been beat him. If whitefella been come up got no bit of a gun, couldn’t been roundem up, killing all the people. They never been give him fair go. I know Captain Cook been little bit wrong for these people. ‘This no more blackfella country. No more. Belong to me fellow [it’s our] country,’ he said. That means, to bring all buildings, houses. They bring all the buildings now. ‘I’m going to put my place. Anywhere I can put him.’ He start to put this station. Him bring lotta book from Big England right here now. They got that book for Captain Cook from England. And that’s his law, book belong Captain Cook, they bring it Sydney Harbour. And lotta government got it in there from Big England.
Gilruth,2 he’s the one been in Darwin, nother government bloke took over from Captain Cook. Lotta man there, man from Big England. Same book he been havem. And that Captain Cook, when them two stations [Darwin and Sydney] been get big enough, that means all belong to Captain Cook.
Right. And my people been start to work around, old people. And really frighten for the white people coming from Big England. They didn’t ask. And they been really, really sad, poor buggers. And when that Gilruth, well Gilruth [had] the same book from the Captain Cook. All right. Anybody sick, anybody sick in the guts or in the head, Captain Cook orders: Don’t give him medicine. ‘Don’t give him medicine. When they getting crook [sick] old people, you killem him first. When they on the job, that’s right, you can have them on the job. But don’t payem him. Let him work for free. While we run that station. Any children come round, you can have the stockman killem him. We’ll still hold that people and don’t letem go. Any man come sick, boy, anything like that, blind man, don’t give him medicine. You take him in a dry gully and knock him [kill him]. And after that, women, women got a bit of a baby, don’t let him grow that baby. Just kill that baby. And whatever man been work, people round there eating tucker, tucker with the kerosene, flour with the kerosene [food placed in discarded kerosene tins]’….
And still that book never finish. He still belong to Gilruth and Gilruth been have that book from Captain Cook. That’s why grow along and building up. And that man, this one Gilruth, said to all the people, Aboriginal: ‘This not your land. This mine. This here my building. Here my cattle and horse. This (p.31) my land.’ Really, belong to him [Aboriginal people], it’s just for Aboriginal. But that book was go new way, coverem over.
Same book. Not only one book, book all over. And he still got it today. Sort of a, cut at one end [truncated]. But still we got it today. But I think that was finished now for the Captain Cook. And belong to Gilruth. That time been gone. It’s finished now. But really, it [the land] belongs to Aboriginal people. Captain Cook and Gilruth, that two fellow been on Darwin, been on Sydney Harbour, all right. I think you two fellow been stealing this country. You, Captain Cook, and Gilruth. They really crook men. Steal it and make it them land. Because why Gilruth didn’t ask them what people been live over to Darwin. And Captain Cook went longa Sydney Harbour and people been live over there. And why didn’t you ask them? You, Captain Cook, when you come through. When that Captain Cook been bring you bit of a man in Darwin, put your manager, company. Because I know you Gilruth, in Darwin. He’s the manager. I think they been take the wrong book. Steal. Kill my people no reason. You, Captain Cook, and Gilruth, you kill my people. You been look around, see the land now. People been here, really got their own culture. All around Australia. Really Australia, because Aboriginal people with different, different language. Different, different language, lot of people.
And right up to Gurindji now we remember for you two fellow Captain Cook and Gilruth. I know. Why didn’t you look after London and Big England? Why didn’t you stop your government, Captain Cook? You’re the one been bring him out now, all your government from Big England. You been bring that law. My law only one. Your law keep changing. I know you keep changing lotta law. You, Captain Cook, you the one been bringing in new lotta man. Why didn’t you give me fair go for my people? Why didn’t you give it me fair go? Should have askem about the story. Same thing, I might go on another place, I must askem. I might stay for couple of days. You know. That’s for the me fellow Aboriginal people. But you, Captain Cook, I know you been stealing country belong to me fellow. Australia, what we call Australia, that’s for Aboriginal people. But him been take it away. You been take that land, you been take the mineral, take the gold, everything. Take it up to this Big England.
err, Bazza, I wasn’t aware that the NHS was good for anything other than murdering old people.
It’s what it does best.
World Class! Let’s celebrate it’s unparalleled murderous incompetence in an Olympic opening ceremony and during a schlockdown by banging pots and pans together outside our hovels at 6:00pm every evening*, proles!
*Yes, they really did this – in 2020.
Ed Case says:
January 26, 2022 at 7:58 pm
Albanese is going after you with Compulsory Vaccination Squads and Scotty ain’t.
That’s all the information voters need this time around.
Ed, I don’t normally bother with your stuff but, in this case, could you please remove your head from up your own arse and shove it up a cow’s arse (to maintain balance in the Universe).
For the short period that your head is not encased in an arsehole, have a look around and see the 90+%
“vaccinated” around you. A very large proportion of these were not raped, sorry “vaccinated” by choice.
So, for you to claim that Scotty ain’t forcing “vaccination” on the population, shows what a fucked-in-the-head individual you are. Scummo even said originally that these “vaccines” will be as mandatory as is possible – and the canute was correct.
I have not been “vaccinated” and have no intention of doing so.
World Class! Let’s celebrate it’s unparalleled murderous incompetence in an Olympic opening ceremony and during a schlockdown by banging pots and pans together outside our hovels at 6:00pm every evening*, proles!
Sadly, Australian health bureaucracies hold the NHS is high esteem, and adopt many of their initiatives. Queensland ran with the Liverpool Pathway for several years until it began to smell so bad that they were forced to rebrand it.
PML was pretty good last night pointing out rub and tug’s energy defects, but tonight he’s got hildebrand on; hildebrand declares in respect of the left’s undermining of Australia Day that he’s not really a rah rah Aussie patriot and PML let him vomit on instead of walking over and smacking the smarmy turd in his fashionably lean, unshaven gob.
Wouldn’t surprise me if she turns out to be much smarter and more competent though.
Goose Morristeen on wechat (before the regrettable relabelling imbroglio):
“Me not Xi, I tells ya! :)”
Speedbox says:
January 26, 2022 at 8:08 pm
Fat Tony says:
January 26, 2022 at 8:05 pm
If they had any brains (yeah, I know – Uni students), they would refuse and let the Uni have no students.
I don’t think it would take too long for the Uni dickheads to change that policy.
Doubt it. If you are enrolled, the Uni gets the tertiary fee whether you turn up or not.
So they should comply their way out of tyranny??
So give your honest opinion of what would happen if nobody turned up to the University.
For any truckies, trainies (yes, trainies, not trannies), hard partying trannies, students doing all nighters, people who drink too much Red Bull…other party animals who imbibe sleep liberating stimulants…
Severe Sleep Deprivation Causes Hallucinations and a Gradual Progression Toward Psychosis With Increasing Time Awake
What shocked me is there is no guarantee that waking psychosis will go away with rest and recovery!
I was just watching the ‘Santos Adelaide Festival of Cycling’ (correct name Eastern States funded festival of cycling held in Adelaide).
I was watching because I enjoy criterion racing.
It’s the middle of the week of racing but they once again trotted out the sparkling white blackfella with a bit of Zinc Cream to play with his sicks and babble on about recently invented cultural heritage for 15 MINUTES.
And. they wonder why……
Both probably.
Here is the relevant page. They helpfully include a link to upload your status. Presumably the swipe cards will not work until they are associated with a piece of documentation somehow.
The Commonwealth ought to be able to pass legislation outlawing state vaxx mandates on the basis that they contravene Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (which prohibits medical experimentation on humans without their free consent), of which Australia is a signatory. S.51(xxix) as currently interpreted should apply.
ON pretty much put up this legislation and the Liberals didn’t support it.
Pogria says:
January 26, 2022 at 8:01 pm
Laws are letters to Santa Claus unless they are actually enforced.
A piece of paper only means something if people care to recognise it.
I’m curious because, seeing as though I’m currently unemployable due to my vaxx status, I decided to bite the bullet and enrol in the JD course at UWA. I’ve been worried a vaxx mandate might be imposed on students and have been checking the uni’s Covid FAQ for students page, but this doesn’t look like it’s been updated since the end of 2020 (bar the addition of an indoor mask mandate in line with state govt rules).
What’s the deal with all the Random Capitals in your posts?
Is English your second (or later) language?
Has his own show on Sky this year as does that monumental blockhead Piers Morgan.
The sort of irrelevant infuriating shit that finally leads to long term subscriptions being renounced in disgust.
Talk about giving your rapidly diminishing audience exactly what they don’t want, FFS.
The Mudrock kiddies seem to possess about the same level of mass meeja smarts as good ol’ “you only get one in your life”* Bondy.
*Those familiar with the life and times of the Goanna will recognise the quotelet.
Clearly the solution is over the counter Modafinil, problem solved. Makes pod living more palatable too due to not needing a bedroom.
And two, why the fuck did a psychiatry journal publish something so much in the realm of “No Shit Sherlock”.
Liberals didn’t support it.
Shows what a shitshow the Libs are – hanging is too good for these scum (Labour as well).
My preference is crucifixion, preferably in winter so they can hang around for another day or so.
Plasmamortar says:
January 26, 2022 at 8:30 pm
Laws are letters to Santa Claus unless they are actually enforced.
A piece of paper only means something if people care to recognise it.
You talking about the Australian Constitution?
Citation needed! (Derp).
January 26, 2022 at 8:01 pm”
All correct Pogria.
I shouldn’t be so forgiving….I’m not usually!
Hobbles Danaiyarri was telling the touching tale about how Ned Kelly was never hanged, but had gone to the Northern Territory to teach the Aborigines how to make tea and damper, and how John Kennedy’s spirit had gone to the same place to “teach the blackfella’s about their rights.”
but as a politician, he will exploit every Albo mis-step.
Essentially whichever of these Mongs out-missteps the other Mong loses the crown to Mong Island.
Then we sittem down and feastem on some tasty Blackfella roadsidem wombat, we tellsa ya. Takem that, big fella England!
January 26, 2022 at 8:20 pm
PML was pretty good last night pointing out rub and tug’s energy defects, but tonight he’s got hildebrand on; hildebrand declares in respect of the left’s undermining of Australia Day that he’s not really a rah rah Aussie patriot and PML let him vomit on instead of walking over and smacking the smarmy turd in his fashionably lean, unshaven gob.”
Why do you watch Fatty Paul?
As for Hildebrand, I think he’s a secret conservative. He won’t come out of the closet because he’s a chicken.
“We partem big olympic dam tribe. You can takem that to the bank, big england merchant banker…”
Not really secret. Ever see him on the witches coven on Channel Ten?
“Not really secret. Ever see him on the witches coven on Channel Ten?”
I’ve seen snippets.
I don’t mind Joe….apparently he’s been good on 2GB. The thing is, Joe can think outside the box.
Ha ha, course you do.
Here’s another example of your “Work”:
That’s #GarageNazi/London Taxi Driver level stuff.
Sure you’re not a FedPoster, Tony?
And I’m a secret Swahili Chieftain. 😕
Them tweakers man, they do funny shit after a few months. Seen it happen. Nasty business.
The sillier myths are exposed, as is entirely desirable. The basic story is confirmed, with reports by the admittedly partisan ppl on the spot. And the decline of Alexandria, as a centre of what was as close to science as Greek thought got, closely matched the rise of Christianity. It was a contest between faith and reason, and reason lost. Politics also had a lot to do with it, and was not on the side of reason. It never is.
To be fair, the Christians subsequently did lay some stress on reason, but not for centuries.
“And I’m a secret Swahili Chieftain. ?”
Well you can identify as one.
Hypatia never existed.
The entire story makes no sense.
In the 1600 years since then, how many female Astronomers/Physicists/Philosophers/ Polymaths have shown up?
I’ll tell you:
And Hypatia never showed up either.
Cass, indeed I do, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays when my chances of seeing anyone I know are pretty much zero.
Kind of, I thought they used that during the toilet paper shortage though?
The Kiwi’s, flying Short Sunderland flying boats, p!ssed it in….
The Germans called the Sunderland “the flying porcupine”, very difficult to shoot down with plenty of defensive armament. I believe the difficulty in shooting down came from most projectiles simply passing through the thing and doing no apparent damage. Plenty of action reports detail beaching Sunderlands “with a hull that looked like a colander”.
Hasn’t that been a constant human failing which may or may not have much to do with religion? If lack of religion was the key to advancement then over the 70 plus years of its existence, the Soviet Union should have been a scientific and economic powerhouse.
Don’t think there is a Swahili tribe, just the language.
/apostrophe man
Danger Dan’s Australian’s of the year:
And as always, whenever apostrophe man gets off the short leash the probability of making a mistake approaches one.
So give your honest opinion of what would happen if nobody turned up to the University.
You mean like during the assorted lockdowns when people weren’t allowed to go? In that case, same as before, online learning and fees will still be payable.
Alternatively, if you mean that people refuse to attend Uni, drop out and go fruit picking as a permanent career, then I think you’re on drugs. Never happen.
Seeing as you mentioned Hobart Uni, it is relevant that 84.7% of adults aged 20-24 are double vaxxed in Tasmania. Bear in mind that not ‘everyone’ attends Uni (about 60% do) and, the 20-24 age group would be typical of those who do attend, so restrictions on non-vaxxed will have little impact.
It was a scientific Powerhouse and it built an incredible number of planes and tanks during the Secret Rearmament 1925 to 1941, but in the end The Battle of Stalingrad killed the USSR, it just took 45 years to die.
Bluddee hell – I’d never seen or heard of these things before – a Short Sunderland flying boat.
Nowhere near as aesthetically pleasing as a good ol’ P51, though. 🙂
Mr Ed, Remain silent.
BANGKOK! Jan 25 (Reuters) – Thailand’s narcotics board on Tuesday said it would remove cannabis from its drugs list, paving the way for households to grow the plant.
Thailand became the first Southeast Asian country to legalise marijuana in 2018 for medical use and research.
Under the new rule, people can grow cannabis plants at home after notifying their local government, but the cannabis cannot be used for commercial purposes without further licenses, Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul told reporters.
The rule must be published in the official Royal Gazette and 120 days must pass before home cannabis plants will become legal.
How so, Eddles?
A comforting thought, the older elements of the millennials have started hitting 40. Wonder how the ethos copes with middle age.
The moral to be drawn from the rise of Christianity is that you need the ignorant mob on your side because they’ve got the numbers, but you can’t let them be in charge because they are ignorant and stupid.
Wokism hasn’t yet evolved to the second insight.
Yep. The Russians built tanks in 1925 that were not obsolete in 1941. Apparently.
Also, they built so many tanks and believed in the concept of combined mobile operations so, so much that they executed its chief proponent, Marshal Tuchayevsky.
And Stalingrad was the end of ‘the USSR’ (which didn’t even exist at the time), not the beginning of the end for Germany. Well I never.
Ed. How many Russian tanks were exported to the Queensland jacks?
Hint: Bert Ironmonger is not part of the answer.
Ed Case says:
January 26, 2022 at 9:04 pm
The Battle of Stalingrad killed the USSR, it just took 45 years to die.
I can’t work it out. I can give you more wheelchair dude names, but – unlike my previous suggestions – any more would just be silly.
A man who held up a bank to withdraw his own money has been hailed as a hero by Lebanese furious at being prevented from accessing their savings amid a financial collapse.
Abdallah Assaii is accused of holding seven staff hostage at a bank in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley last week, dousing them in petrol and threatening to set them alight unless they gave him $US50,000 cash ($70,000) from his account.
You reckon that’s going to stop him?
Lysenko? The soviet union did have a religion. Marxism.
“The Battle of Stalingrad killed the USSR, it just took 45 years to die.”
LOL. That’s a corker.
Lysenko is exactly my point. We on the Right love to refer to Marxism is a religion, but in reality its an ideology. The green left is religious though.
And the religion mutated with the fall of the soviet union, but it’s still with us and taking over the West.
Probably not JC but I’m thinking of calling it a night (go and watch the tennis) and can’t be bothered writing a long dissertation on why its ‘nonsense’. Maybe I’ll write a guest post about it another day. I sent one in today discussing Ukraine/Russia so that may appear in the next day or so.
knuckle head… This guy.. yes him.
The green left are Marxist.
Tim James has been chosen by Party Members as the Liberal candidate for the Willoughby by-election.
Tim has a strong blend of private and public sector experience, he is the Executive General Manager at the Menzies Research Centre and former CEO of the national medicines peak body, and has worked at KPMG, law firm Allens, and served as an in-house counsel and strategic policy manager for Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson.
January 26, 2022 at 9:20 pm
Probably not JC but I’m thinking of calling it a night (go and watch the tennis) and can’t be bothered writing a long dissertation on why its ‘nonsense’. Maybe I’ll write a guest post about it another day. I sent one in today discussing Ukraine/Russia so that may appear in the next day or so.”
I look forward to reading them Speedbox.
I’m not so sure. Marxism was always for massive increases in industrial production and economic advancement. The Green left to me appear to resemble the green wing of the nazi party. Same house but different rooms as Dover once nicely suggested.
I said Alcott! He was on the list!
You were right. Looking at the pics, Alcott is certainly an interior designer if he’s ditched that ladeeee.
An Elton John relationship homage.
An ideology is just a religion without a God. It might be benevolent, like Buddhism or not, like Marxism.
Chantelle Otten, sexologist.
How big is the wheelchair tennis scene anyway?
I wonder where Mater and Sancho are? I hope they’re okay.
They were for industrial production in Russia, but not in the West. They’ve bitterly opposed nuclear power in the West while supporting it in the soviet union.
Way more to Science in the USSR than Lysenko.
The Abiotic Theory of Oil, for example, means that Russia’s only problems were overproduction.
Stalingrad was the key to starving the Red Army of fuel.
Sure, they won in the end, but at what cost?
3 million Trained Soldiers?
Where were they going to get their replacements from?
Nowhere, it was Game Over for the SU in 1943, it just struggled after that.
Tim has a strong blend of private and public sector experience
Another swamp creature?
Knuckle head stop mentioning his name. That’s why I didn’t post it.
Looking forward to reading your post, Speedbox.
Bullshit. Less then half that number.
The Tesla of biotech… I’m sure it’s going to upset some people here. 🙂
The Russians lost about 1.1 million men in Stalingrad, of which 13,000 were executed by themselves. They had a population of about 104 million in 1943, down to 98 million in 1946.
In 1945 they had over 400 fully equipped divisions, which is over 5 million fighting men.
Guess they just magicked them up.
It’s very demoralising on Australia Day to witness people holding their phones up to QR at a takeaway or a service station.
Sad huh.
Gez, hope your harvest went well. Also hope it wasn’t wheat, the silent killer. 🙂
Gibbon rated the rise of Christianity as a factor in the fall of Rome. I think he was wrong about that. No doubt in centuries to come historians will ascribe the fall of the West to the rise of wokism. They’ll be wrong too.
When the dominant paradigm starts to fall apart, usually from corruption, alternative superstitions rise.
But really doc, did the Roman Empire really fall? Sure, leadership in Europe has been held by several players and for the past 100 odd years by the US. These are the children of the Roman Empire. The British Empire for instance was a modern remake. There were all the others that preceded it too.
Of course he was wrong, the “barbarians” were often Christian anyway and the East reconquered a lot of the Empire (which it admittedly lost again quickly). It took over 250 years at least for the empire to truly decline after Constantine. Diocletian faced a lot of problems and solved not enough of them.
It helps if you use the same definitions as everyone else. Etymology is instructive.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
January 26, 2022 at 9:36 pm
3 million Trained Soldiers?
Bullshit. Less then half that number.
And the Soviet definition of a “trained soldier” was rather more relaxed than the western definition at that time.
Didn’t they offer amnesty to all the non political Gulag prisoners if they joined the army?
The Red army that swept into Eastern and Central Europe was stuffed to the gills with rapist, murderers and other scumbags.
No JC, Rome lived on through the English, French and Germans (of all people). Their kingly lines go back to succession over the Empire.
Over 50% of English words have latin roots.
We’re all Romans. More so the eastern Christians or Romanoi.
It’s not who you think.
A delicious malted beverage.
A family suing for just compensation.
Shaun Micallef.
That’s my point. The Roman Empire lived on and continues to. It’s buckling in the outer reaches – the US- but hopefully it will come back.
Big harvest thanks JC.
Lentils were the winner. Record yields and top prices.
What’s the going rate for a Range Rover these days? I might get one and swan around Sorrento for a week or two.
Ed Case says:
January 26, 2022 at 8:45 pm
That’s #GarageNazi/London Taxi Driver level stuff.
Sure you’re not a FedPoster, Tony?
Damn it Ed – you’re too good for me. There is no shame being outed/doxxed by such a clever chap.
Now go fuck yourself and don’t bother me again.
January 26, 2022 at 7:53 pm
Very fake and gay. Who decided this?
Probably this guy.
Maybe, but you clearly don’t know him. Yes, he’s a middle class pinko, but he’s actually an inspirational leader and very competent administrator. If he was our worst problem among the “progressives” we’d have little if anything to fear from politics.
I dunno, but I’m sure you’ll be able to afford both. Let me know if you’re “swanning” around there. 🙂
That reminds me of an amusing story I read some time ago Back in the 50’s Australia was Christian Dior’s largest export market. I’m pretty sure it had a lot to do with the wool cheque during that era.
We just need to get eastern empire back, which is Turkey and the Levant (except Israel). We should be fine then.
Eddles – I’m not a fan of counterfactuals.
Stalingrad killed the krauts stone cold dead. Have you not heard of Bagration? It was an even bigger humiliation than Stalingrad. Army Group Centre finally making it to Moscow, although not as they would have liked.
Yes, Russia was on its knees at the end of WW2, yet there was no one at the time willing to take them on (Patton having had a mysterious fatal accident and all that).
The West’s cowardice in mid ’45 was both understandable and unforgivable.
No one was going to take on the Red Dragon from the West again, in any kind of hurry, even if they had the most advanced military on the planet at the time (which the Anglo-Americans had).
Not to mention the fact that the Japs still hadn’t been subdued in the East.
Waiting many, many decades for communism to collapse was wrong and condemned millions to serfdom and early deaths. However, MAD* had its own unique logic.
Yet here we are and collectivism remains as hideous a threat to humanity as it has since 1917.
It just still hasn’t been implemented correctly, it seems, although the chinamen are doing their very best to implement IngSoc “with Chinese characteristics”.
*No, not that one.
We’ve got family in the Portsea area JC.
Unfortunately they’re buried at the Quarantine Station.
Really, we go for a power walk around there and I’ve seen the old graves. Can you disclose a name as I’ll look for it. Some of then are very sad as it was kids about 5 to 10 years of age.
Don’t have a reference, but I’ve seen “Bagration” cited as the greatest defeat in German military history – just under half a million German casualties.
Just came across Jordan Petersen’s Twitter account. From there saw he just appeared on Joe Rogan. Broke the record at 4hrs and 13 mins ! Not listened to it yet.
No, clearly I don’t know him. I have however gotten to know enough of his administrative style. Inspirational leadership is not a phrase that seems applicable either but the I don’t get enthused by the standard boilerplate and motherhood statements he is known for, those emails he continuously spams people with. Siccing the students onto the anti gay marriage people that had the audacity book a seminar room does not speak highly of the mans character, particularly when he chose to use the “some of my best friends are black but how about those darkies” formulation. Pretty weaselly in fact for an adult to do that in his official capacity, almost childish you might say.
LibDems lead Senate candidate in WA!
me and Pete did a 12 hour day today.
might not be a real person but, I’m real tired
Both migrant parents gone and siblings with two little boys alone on the dock.
Ticonderoga – look under H.
Dropped in to see what’s happening.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
January 26, 2022 at 10:11 pm
From Wiki:
This was by far the greatest Soviet victory in numerical terms. The Red Army recaptured a vast amount of Soviet territory and occupied some Baltic and Polish territories whose population had suffered greatly under the German occupation. The advancing Soviets found cities destroyed, villages depopulated, and much of the population killed or deported by the occupiers. To show the outside world the magnitude of the victory, some 57,000 German prisoners, taken from the encirclement east of Minsk, were paraded through Moscow: even marching quickly and twenty abreast, they took 90 minutes to pass.
The German army never recovered from the materiel and manpower losses sustained during this time, having lost about a quarter of its Eastern Front manpower, exceeding even the percentage of loss at Stalingrad (about 17 full divisions). These losses included many experienced soldiers, NCOs and commissioned officers, which at this stage of the war the Wehrmacht could not replace. An indication of the completeness of the Soviet victory is that 31 of the 47 German divisional or corps commanders involved were killed or captured.
Fact Check: True.
There are many northern beach suburbs where you can’t buy real estate unless you have a British passport. I have a daughter living amongst them and they are OK though some have strange habits, I’ve been shopping there and it’s not unusual to see their womenfolk pushing their shopping trolleys around the suburban supermarkets wearing their bikinis.
That’s just an observation, not a complaint.
Which state?
I think he means a Vaccination Certificate
Up to the early seventies Sunderlands flew out of Rose Bay to Norfolk Island.
Or Lord Howe.
One or the other.
Every day a school day. I always thought, up until now, that bagration were those horrible Devon sandwiches you had on day one of an exercise.
I bought one of Lisa Simpson’s Tiger -Repelling rocks.
Then I got bitten by a tiger anyway.
just as well I had the rock.
…the bite woulda been much worserer without it.
Awful people awful people
Something something it’s the size of their steeple….
A long and detailed tour of the myths and realities involving Hypatia
Thanks for posting DB.
Fascinating how so many cultures recorded their history.
The ones that didn’t were very backward.