Today, in this hell we live in, the language of the penitent is no longer heard. Beyond unfashionable, it is…
Today, in this hell we live in, the language of the penitent is no longer heard. Beyond unfashionable, it is…
What does it mean to be a penitent? It means to be struck, suddenly, with the weight of your own…
It’s not a good look, I’ll say that.
Re any nuclear deal brokered by Russia with Iran: What does Russia get out of it beyond non-proliferation? From Iran?…
Garn: Every Real Estate Agent Ever: 2… | Garn.
Marlboro Red, you pussies.
Although, as a teenager I occasionally smoked Stuyvos, because you could buy packs of ten.
Thank goodness these guys don’t have their mitts on anything important. They’d be useless in an emergency.
Imagine if they managed to remember where the AK’s are buried.
A young rello stopped by the machinery sale the other day.
No bargains.
In other farm machinery news I drove past the John Deere distribution centre on the Ring Road the other day.
It is normally a sea of green.
One solitary small utility tractor sitting on it’s lonesome in the holding yard.
Powerful words.
Many factors in family in family violence but the most common one is close family and friends not intervening and abdicating the responsibility to the state. Same could be said about obesity and hording etc.
If Kamala gets on the SC I want the Reps to put up Ted Cruz.
LOL the Australian Human Rights commission?
What about our human right to have no coercion and informed consent for medical procedures? Sorry, they have lost any moral ‘high ground’.
Don’t forget 2dogs.
The grub probably collected a fee from the AHRC for appearing in that video.
And it shines a light on a bigger problem in the (ahem) “not for profit” sector.
The “raising awareness” charities.
They don’t actually do anything. They don’t build shelters or run education programs or sponsor support groups.
They just “raise awareness”.
Usually of the media or sporting personalities involved.
Incidentally, I did like that line, “When I found that violence against women was the biggest social problem in Australia today, I just had to get involved.”
Er … yes.
Don’t fret Razey.
It will be much better in Japan, I’m sure.
Nippon ichi ban!
And the JD backhoe I ordered in July remains a far off hope – not even a predicted delivery date.
Glenn Greenwald reminding the world that Ghislaine Maxwell was one of Chelsea Clinton’s wedding guests.
Bowling, Greeno !
132andBush says:
January 28, 2022 at 9:31 am
Farmer Gez says:
January 28, 2022 at 9:09 am
No but doesn’t surprise.
They picked a good time to sell up.
They sold a big parcel next to us.
Still probably one of the more savoury characters there I expect.
Asserting control in a situation where:
– it’s safe to do so
– it won’t be questioned
– every other area in life is beyond their control
They’re creepy and dangerous. I lived in a household where, come four o’clock, mum would hear the truck pull up, rush to the door and be swept off her feet with a big hello kiss. And sometimes a spin down the hall.
After tea, they would sit on the front step and dream of all the work they would do on the house when they could afford it.
The local milkbar just down the road from my primary School sold individual smokes for 6c ea. Paid with a silver and a brown coin.
Good times.
A.k.a. agitprop.
Straight out of the Marxist-Leninist handbook.
Despite Peter Ridd’s efforts, the Great Con about the Barrier Reef charges on unabated:
Lots of pork linked to ‘climate change’ and nasty farmers. That the Reef is miles offshore from runoff is neither here nor there. Oh, well, got to find jobs from those otherwise unemployable ‘marine biologists’ that James Cook churns out every year somehow.
Today many New Australians are showing similar ingenuity in bringing economic innovation to the Australian smoking experience.
Marlboro Red, you pussies
Ha! you forgot Camel. Picture of the factory on the packet.
Always back The-Little-Reef-That-Could. It’s a survivor.
So it was just “technical issues”, eh?
Very disappointing. My immediate thought was collectivists being idiots (again).
As for gas cooktops one of the leaders of the jihad against them is none other than that noxious loathsome yank Keneally. Why do these insufferable imbeciles think they have some singular right to control and stuff up peoples’ lives? Just sod off, you nongs, you’re too stupid to tell me how to live my life.
The old man used to get me to go buy Peter Jackson Dark Blue was I was a 12 year old at the corner shop.
The shop had no issues selling them to me. Those were the dayz.
The other thing about gas cooktops is…they’re simple. Pipe the gas, light it, adjust flow. Easy, repairable technology.
The sort of thing that “back to nature” types would applaud. If they were genuine that is.
Marlboro Red, you pussies.
Oh, to be still able to get Albany, Camel Lights, John Player Black…
All government-approved and taxed fags these days taste the same.
But, ah, the magic of the market! Bought a six-pack the other night and the little Indian chap behind the counter whipped out a pack of contraband Marlboro Lights and said “$20” — that’s $12+ less than Morrison Brands. It also means there are now six — SIX!!! — shops within three kilometres of my front gate selling black market darts.
If I include Willy, Newport and Yarraville, there’d be around two dozen known outlets.
Anyway, I responded that I could get them for $17 a pack from the Leb family store up the road. So that was the price we agreed on. (The Vietnamese family in Seddon make their own fags in the back room. They’re a bit of a rough smoke but at $35 for a 100, their “blue box deal” has its attractions.)
You’d think a party that professes to understand supply and demand would grasp that increasing prices draws fresh players into the market, in this case organised crime.
They might also notice that, if contraband vendors are competing on price, they’ve totally lost control.
Then again, SFLs
TheLastRefuge @TheLastRefuge2
· 51m
Trudeau is diagnosed with Trucker Avoidance Variant.
Quote Tweet
Justin Trudeau@JustinTrudeau
· 9h
Last night, I learned that I have been exposed to COVID-19. My rapid test result was negative. I am following @OttawaHealth rules and isolating for five days. I feel fine and will be working from home. Stay safe, everyone – and please get vaccinated.
You’re all pussies. I was a Chesterfield man.
The use of fire was the first crime against Gaia, so no.
This is true in other ways.
I once worked for a bloke who was totally confrontation averse. Any situation requiring a decision which had the slightest whiff of causing a footstamp from one of the footstampers on his “team” and he curl up into a ball.
I said to one of my colleagues (who was not usually renowned for his deep insights), “What the fuck is wrong with him? He can’t make the most basic decision.”
Colleague : “You’ve met his missus, right?”
Me : “Yeah. So what’s she got to do with it?”
Colleague : “He would get nothing but confrontation every waking moment at home. Work is a refuge from that.”
This is Flash Cat.
The Furniture Store is over there.
I despair sometimes at the poor choice of art, food, real state and smokes hear.
Lucky for you I’m a compassionate guy.
He’s hiding from the truck convoy. honk honk.
Omicron BA2.
Don’t worry until it gets to Omicron BA Baracus.
He’s hiding from the truck convoy.
Trudeau is a train man, all the way.
Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should.
And Marlboro red as a substitute — but only in the American-made soft packs of 20.
Turdbull would have smoked Alpine.
Virginia Slims
Russian Black
Tell that to my gas combo boiler.
Replaced nearly all the main bits over two years and it is still as reliable as a Post Office biro.
January 28, 2022 at 9:44 am
Many factors in family in family violence but the most common one is close family and friends not intervening and abdicating the responsibility to the state. Same could be said about obesity and hording etc.
That sort of talk got me banned at the gruinaid.
“Leave him”, and “if its your friend/family member intervene and help” is a form of hate speech.
And some of the responses were of the pitiful “but i love him and just want him to change” variety…
Turdbull would have smoked Alpine.
He’d smoke whatever his dreadful wife told him to smoke.
Say what you like about truck convoys, they work.
Spelt “Alpyne”.
Pity we’ve never had anything like that here in Australia.
Pity the fool!
Re Mick Trumble
Both areff and pancho are right.
Or Consulate.
After tea, they would sit on the front step and dream of all the work they would do on the house when they could afford it.
Literally me and the other half yesterday.
Except out the back, before dinner.
Sold off a pile of long service leave & holidays and will be stalking the market for a gem.
Spelt “Alpyne”.
More like All-Pyne.
Rabz, the trouble is, they’re too stupid to realise they’re too stupid to tell us how to live our lives.
Sancho Panzer says:
January 28, 2022 at 10:29 am
Sorry. This is Flash Cat. The Furniture Store is over there.
Sometimes we should acknowledge a great response. Credit where it’s due. Outstanding Sancho. 🙂
Took me a while to work out what she was talking about. At first I thought there was something wrong with her eyes (a not unknown reaction).
Woman in Australia reports experiencing awkward ‘headlight’ issue after getting Pfizer vaccine
I wonder what the long term effect might be. Lymph nodes respond to inflamation.
They are successful ‘stupid’ nanny’s but what do you call those unable to push back?
Inspiring visuals from Canada:
And trudouche thinks its an alt right minority.
Started with nicking the odd Camel off the old man.
When working on the racetrack, it was cool to smoke Marlboro. Not lights you pussies, just Marlboro.
When I went bush, too far too nip into town, smoked Log Cabin rollies. Drum was for carnies and poofs.
When I stopped in the mid nineties, was smoking Sterling.
As I stated on an earlier smoko thread, when clubbing and pubbing, Sobranie Cocktails were trez chic.
Areff, if you scroll down, it might be Berlin and a tractor protest.
If so, good on them whether Canada or Germany.
Omicron is sooooo sneaky it has cooked up a new variant that is so sly nobody notices it. Still, always best to panic.
Calli, actually now that you mention it, all those flashing lights do suggest tractors rather than trucks.
See, you can’t believe what you find on the Web, as Brett Sutton is at pains to assure us
Damn straight.
White Ox, only if you just got out of prison.
Was out and about today and came across a mint version of this old beauty. Right hand drive of course. Was able to speak to the owner, who was close to eighty, his dad bought it brand new. Current owner and his son restored it. Forest green , fully carpeted interior. Same colour in the plush seat covers. Full duco.
When he started her up, ooooooooooooooohhhhhhh she purrrrrrrrrrrrrrred. What a Beauty.
Gez at 9:58
What did you think of the price?
I am hearing some of the parcels sold at overs.
Way overs.
If it is Germany, it’s just as heartening. Perhaps more so, given the German propensity for obedience and order. Much like Canadians, really, but from a different mindset.
If they’re jack of it then others won’t be far behind.
I don’t know what Turnbull was smoking, but he acts like it ain’t tobacco.
I like the smell of drum. Am I a phag?
Only if you inhale.
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a virus that wasn’t there
It wasn’t there again today
I wish, I wish it’d go away
(Apology to Mr Mearns.)
Matrix was carnie.
I’m taking that as a sign.
A sign of more wind turbines popping up in the WD.
I never had sex with THAT woman!
The worst sex is carnie sex.
Tell us more bern.
Then again …
If you lived in the US, you reached for Lucky Strike!
Chinaman in Footscray used to sell tax-free Silk Cut at a good price. It was worth the drive, but the business has since changed hands and I don’t know if the buttlegging continues.
Not so much about buying jobs as buying votes.
Several marginal seats in the region depend upon tourism and government must be seen to be doing something.
Had a chat with a mate this morning who reckons half the builders in Geelong are cooked. Also said there’s huge numbers of small players walking away from near paid off equipment. Lots of trucks, earthmoving plant, trailers etc. getting taken back by the finance companies with very little owing.
I don’t have any connections to verify any of it, but judging by the industrial areas near where I live it’s entirely plausible.
I fear what they’re genuine about is forwards to Year Zero.
The sort of thing that “back to nature” types would applaud. If they were genuine that is.
They won’t be happy until they can live in a 6 star compound while the great unwashed have to live in Mogadishu type conditions.
The North Korean model.
Direct air capture machines suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Are they part of the solution to climate change?
This is at the ABC news site so prepare yourself. Sciencey Cats should put down their mid-morning coffee before reading to prevent accidents.
On a barren lava plateau in Iceland stands an entirely new kind of industrial facility that sucks carbon dioxide from the air and traps it in stone.
The world’s first commercial direct air capture (DAC) plant is designed to remove thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gas every year and then inject it deep underground. Technology like this has been mooted for years but faced huge engineering challenges and, until recently, was dismissed as a costly fantasy. Experts say DAC could become a trillion-dollar global industry — if it can be deployed at scale.
So how does DAC work, what’s the future of the carbon removal industry, and is this an opportunity for renewables-rich Australia?
Hence the war on chefs, as they’ll scream blue murder at losing gas more than at a punter complaining that his rare steak is undercooked.
My Dad was a bit of a woose. Harmless, every bodies mate. My Uncle related a time when they were having a beer after work on Friday night when Dad slammed the dunny door on a guy that used to beat his wife after getting tanked up. Dad slammed the door in his face, guy falls over holding his face, Dad picks him up throws him into the urinal and flushes it, then walks out. After about ten minutes guy comes out still bleeding, black eye. Someone across the bar calls out “Missus sort you out this time”. Dad actually looked quite a bit like George McFly.
Bluey, can you elaborate? Is this to do with having to hire women with no building experience to manage builders or some other diabolical Andrews brain fart?
Excuse me Magda her Humungous, I can’t see the Horizon when you stand in front of me.
Gas heating cooking has been identified as a target by the foreign interests that direct the local left here.
AKA vegetation.
I haven’t had a smoke for just on 13 years. How I miss it. On the way out, I was rolling my own with the aromatic Pommy tobacco Old Holborn.
My mentor in the 1980s (a theatre director named Gunduz Kalic) had also been an Old Holborn smoker before he gave up – he used to borrow my pouch to pretend he was still smoking and inhale the aroma.
Both us are serious addicts who’ve gone cold Turkey. I’m glad I stopped. Beats the hell out of coughing.
Comment of the day.
Looks like the readers of the Oz agree with the young lady who doesn’t want to wear a jumper promoting gay stuff. 848 comments so far and haven’t seen one disagreeing with her stance.
2000 characters remaining
Can’t see why any sporting teams need to “promote” any political idea.
Jonny Reacher
When are some people going to learn that Politics and Sport do not mix .
I am seriously considering cancelling my Fox Sports subscription due to the social engineering practices of the AFL and NRL with
Rugby Union trying to catch up
Local club football is shaping as the least intrusive way to enjoy a game of football and support your local community .
John of the Gangoni Nation
This is what happens when organisations feel it necessary to promote external causes.
The AFLW’s sole concern should be playing football, not lecturing the people about causes.
If organisations aren’t careful they end up spending more time on side issues rather than their primary function.
Everyone has different thoughts on all topics which is exactly why big organisations and large corporations shouldn’t impose one particular message on everyone. Just get on with playing the game.
The AFL caused this in the first place. Maybe they should stay focussed on football issues and stop trying to be the woke thought police for society.
What has football to do with woke politics ?
How sad that sport, the arts and so much of life is now tribalised by the politics of correctness, wokeness and so much else. If only it could all be left to one side and a sports match played purely the love of the sport alone. Admire this girl for her personal decision.
There should be a choice of jumpers for the players. The club is discriminating against one person for another group. Not very inclusive. Why is our society now shaming or putting most people in the community in an awkward position if they don’t want to stand up every single time in public for LGBT people? Where has “equality for all” gone? I totally support everyone’s right to live how they desire and feel comfortable with as long as it does not infringe other peoples rights. I don’t shout my sexual orientation from the rooftops, it is my own private business, not for public discussion or display. I have worked with and have friends who are of a LGBT orientation but that has nothing to do with how we work together and socialise. We just spend quality time together enjoying each other’s company and don’t shout from the rooftops what we each do behind closed doors. Let’s get back to being a “community “ again.
Another reason why politics of all types should be kept out of sport.
The woke administrators of sport are showing once again how clueless they are.
Cat’s Whisker
Why would any football club have anything that advocates political views? Stick to sport.
Does she know what happened to Israel Folau? What beliefs does she have that differ from his? None I bet. First time I agreed with a Muslim about anything. She would find the majority of Australians agree with her but the majority has no say in Australia.
As people have noted here, a major intended consequence of the hoax is destruction of the tourist industry.
I’ve been to the beach everyday except Australia Day this week. The water and weather have been magnificent. It’s low tide (very low tide) at the moment. It’s a mixture of bright umbrellas, new (Christmas present?) sun shelters, bodies, exposed rocks, sandy pools and small waves.
In the distance we’ve got eight coal ships waiting to dock. That’s a magnificent sight too.
Good to hear bbs! Love the Hunter region
Imagine the outcry if she was a devout Christian.
For the moment she gets a pass.
Marvellous imagery that.
Deserves more than a thumbs up.
The order of woke issues is starting to take form.
Mozzie stuff has a higher ranking than gay stuff.
Eating meat led to smaller stomachs, bigger brains
These two Lefty academics have been writing a series of essays at UnHerd about how the Left has betrayed its principles * during covid. Here’s their latest on mandatory vaccination.
* I’ve long said the prog-left will betray any principle if it furthers the cause. Still, it’s somewhat heartening, at least, to see some on that side of politics prepared to call their fellows out.
I wonder what the long term effect might be. Lymph nodes respond to inflamation
That happened to a close relo of mine. She had her prostaglandin level checked. Was told it’s supposed to be between 0-550; her’s was 3000+.
She’s been seeing a cranial osteopath for about 2 months who is working on her inflammation and the last blood test (last week) was down to 370. (She had AZ).
My mate reckons it’s mostly to do with contracting to build at x price, but the cost of materials since the contract have spiked enough that they can’t do the build without losing money. Some are trying to build the newer contracts first to cover the costs, but others are just walking away.
Mostly the small players are affected, like usual. The requirement for diversity/equity is, as far as I know, only for government contracts.
As twitter reminds us, the last time there was a black SCOTUS nominee, Biden voted no.
A pallet of White King Lemon and it’d be practically bran nue.
Only for as long as they remain useful for agitprop purposes.
Then they’ll be dropped like the feminists have been. And indeed the gays, it would seem.
Rembert the nice lady at work who was always pushing for some charity donation or organizing some work social get together.
Harmless right!
They are in charge now.
Just like making fried slices to clean out the leftover bacon grease in the pan (assuming you hadn’t fried your eggs in it first)…
Inconvenient truth…
Study: Voters value honesty in their politicians above all else in the UK (Phys.org, 27 Jan)
The Left are much more practiced liars, so they rarely get caught in lies (and when they do the MSM covers it up anyway). So righty pollies shouldn’t try to lie, as it’s bad for their prospects. They aren’t any good at it and the punters hate them when they’re inevitably caught doing so.
Start with not lying about Covid or climate change please.
A lot of Flanneries in the Western District today.
Have been on the northern edge, watching Beeac and Colac cop it, but now it’s my turn.
Very tropical.
Glad we finished harvest the other day.
Meat: The high protein, low residue taste bomb.
lady decries the caddish antics of a good looking chap rooting randoms on tinder.
Complains the app makes it too easy for Chads to dump and pump.
Why do dating apps bring out the worst in men?
Nancy Jo Sales
Apps like Tinder and Hinge give straight men unfettered access to women – and a new sense of boldness through a seemingly endless set of options
It needs a fisking.
If you’ve managed to live your life so that you’ve somehow avoided the “West Elm Caleb” saga that’s unfolded over the last week, then you’re probably a happier, less perplexed person because of it. And if you’re a single straight woman who uses dating apps and have never dated a young man who resembles West Elm Caleb, then that is nothing less than a miracle.
If you chase Chads on a hook up site whats your intrinsic value love?
In brief: West Elm Caleb is a guy, 25, who got outed on TikTok for allegedly dating multiple women he met on dating apps, all at the same time, leading them on and then ghosting them. “Back in my day we just called that a fuckboy,” said my friend Amelia, 29. Yes, I know. Back in 2015, I wrote a story for Vanity Fair entitled Tinder and the Dawn of the Dating Apocalypse in which I reported: “A ‘fuckboy’ is a young man who sleeps with women without any intention of having a relationship with them or perhaps even walking them to the door post-sex.”
Dating she probably means up the bum first date, never a healthy basis for a long term relationship.
Again, whats your intrinsic worth to this chap, you are a random who said yes to a root.
That story caused an infamously crazy reaction on the part of Tinder, which tweeted at me more than 30 times in one night, so offended were they that I had talked to actual users about their dissatisfaction with the newly launched, now multibillion-dollar app. Tinder was mad because, among other things, I dared to suggest that dating apps (including Bumble and Hinge, where West Elm Caleb met his matches) were exacerbating bad behavior on the part of straight men. Which is what is missing in the many think pieces that have come out about West Elm Caleb: the problem is the design of the technology itself.
Mmmmyesss, the tech is the problem. Not the cavalcade of ho’s all chasing the top 10% blokes, revealing that womens sexual choices are, if anything, shallower than mens.
No, dating apps didn’t invent misogyny or womanizers. But they did give straight men – unvetted men – unfettered access to women. They gave them a new sense of boldness through a seemingly endless set of options. They gave them the ability to decide with the flick of a finger whether a woman was “hot or not” enough for them to date or have sex with. They gave them the ability to create false identities who can’t be held accountable.
Chad gets to finger his way through the “staceys” at no cost to himself.
And how “accountable’ do you desire your one night stand to be?
The effect of all this on straight male psychology is something I’ve discussed with psychologists, feminists, evolutionary biologists and other experts throughout the making of a documentary film and the reporting of several more articles and a book. But you don’t have to have a PhD to see that dating apps privilege the male gaze and give straight men an outsized idea of their power in their dealings with women. In the opinion of another young woman friend: “They have ruined men.”
No love, the ability of ladies to compete for Chad unfettered by old social mores or circles of friends has naturally led to Chad finding out his golden cock doent need to ‘settle”.
No, I don’t think West Elm Caleb deserved to be doxed or harassed by the people who sought to take revenge on his behavior – no one deserves that. It is wrong. But I’m not surprised that some women rose up against this character, using him as a scapegoat for what they have been enduring in the realm of dating now for years; I’m just surprised it took this long. “West Elm Caleb is a pandemic,” said Molly, 34. “He’s everywhere. Except there’s no vaccine.”
Ladies who gave it away shocked to find out how they are valued… film at 11…
Without any change in the toxic dating culture being created by these apps – or the men they’re turning into fuckboys – women have been turning to each other for solidarity online. “What I’m seeing more and more on TikTok is women finding out they’re being cheated on or dating the same guy,” said Lana, 28, “and then pushing back. I have seen girls post, like, ‘If your husband is named Joe with blond hair and tattoos and was just on a business trip in Vegas, he’s cheating on you.’ I also saw a girl who found out her boyfriend of like six months was dating two other girls, and they all ambushed him at the same place. They all looked the same too, ugh.”
Women are trying to find a new way to increase their value once they have given away the flange to Chad. This is by actually finding out what the bloke is like/does. The sort of thing which was front ended into relationships in the before time..
“Honestly, women should boycott these apps,” said Breanna, 30. “I don’t know what benefit they bring – other than make us more accessible to trash men with bad intentions. I’m telling everyone I know to delete the apps. They’re not worth it and no one I know has met anyone worth a damn on them anyway.”
Breanna has looked at the oncoming wall and is afraid.
But removing the app would mean she didnt get to have 100 betas a day reaffirming shes desirable whom she can discard for one more shot at Chad.
January 28, 2022 at 12:02 pm
These two Lefty academics have been writing a series of essays at UnHerd about how the Left has betrayed its principles * during covid. Here’s their latest on mandatory vaccination.
* I’ve long said the prog-left will betray any principle if it furthers the cause. Still, it’s somewhat heartening, at least, to see some on that side of politics prepared to call their fellows out.
Peter Baldwin is now posting regular articles at http://www.polciv.org , worth a visit to see that there are still some rational people on the left. Not all of them have become full-blown fascists. (Hello munty!)
The first step against the elf tyrants is to get people from all sides of politics to realize that the enjabbenening is political issue, not a health issue.
The envvaxxenening induced illnesses and occasional(so far) death are less of problem than the worldwide tyranny of elf nazimorons and fascist political leaders.
History hints at the fate of fascist politicians.
The elf nazimorons are a greater danger. The world is now like a big Jonestown.
On induction cooktops.
The maximum power draw is a significant issue in a domestic setting. If you install one as a replacement for gas you’ll be adding at least 50amps to your switchboard load.
It will mean a dedicated supply circuit to your stovetop – similar to your oven. Depending on what else you are running, this may, or may not also involve a new switchboard and power supply to the house.
But if you live in an apartment, probably forget it. Providing 50A for (say) 10 kitchens would almost certainly involve major power supply upgrades. For (say) 20 kitchens, you’d be looking at new transformers in the street and everything that goes with distribution power control and protection.
That’s why new res developments still go in with gas cooktops.
Luckily, if you are a professor, these are boring details for lesser folk with dirty fingernails to take care of.
Yes, I’ve popped over there a couple of times recently, BJ.
Worth a look.
Here’s a great idea for the Dept of Immigration: all visa applicants should pass a test where they have to swim the length of a 50 m pool.
‘It’s not their fault’: Risk factors behind South Asian migrant beach drownings (Phys.org, 27 Jan)
Of course it’s their fault. They can’t swim. So if they go into the surf at Bondi and drown it’s their own silly fault.
The most lethal of the species are the “Women of XYZ Pty Ltd”.
Ostensibly a support, networking and mentoring group but in reality they make the Cosa Nostra look like a Rotary Club.
Mercenaries who play the feminist equality card at every turn, usually to achieve personal gain via inequality of opportunity.
And the worst thing about these 50-ish frumps?
They are adept at kicking the ladder away on aspiring youngsters once the frumps have reached the top.
On smoking.
A big shout out for Old Holborn hand rolling tobacco.
Flavour + Michael Trumble wouldn’t be seen dead with a roll-up.
Most of Jonestown took the kool-aid willingly. The unbelievers were forced.
Seeing some parallels here……
Natural causes.
Whereas eating Whiskas led to bigger stomachs and smaller brains.
Brain size found to have decreased in domesticated cats (Phys.org, 27 Jan)
Chasing birds, lizards and mice is a lot of hard work. Much easier to train a waiter.
39 ‘covid deaths’ today in Victoria.
Curiously, there seems to be no mention of the departed who were vaxxed, according to whatever definition prevails today.
You almost feel they’re not being entirely frank.
Quite so.
I looked at the forecast last night which gave 80% chance of rain in the morning.
I thought this would be a band of storms which might give us 15 minutes of showers.
Solid from 7:00 until now with no signs of letting up.
Surely powerful wahmen would be immune to the shallow blandishments
of Chads looking to snap some garters?
Can we declare the farce over yet??
China Won’t Disturb Its Citizens’ ‘Normal Life’ to Meet Carbon Goals
Still on smokes. Ardath for the housos. Super cheap, so loosely packed you took one long drag and they were done. Also had to carry the pack upside down and open very carefully as loose tobacco would cascade out of the pack. Always made sure you opened the pack on a smooth surface so you could sweep the loose stuff back into the pack.
Direct Air Capture. Classic solution to a problem that doesn’t exist except in places like Iceland ie: bugger all trees.
At what point does news.com.au have to disclose a financial or in-kind agreement with Nadia Bartel.
Frank and Earnest were both unavailable for comment.
The old man used to get me to go buy Peter Jackson Dark Blue was I was a 12 year old at the corner shop.
The shop had no issues selling them to me. Those were the dayz.
Was sent down to the shop by the Old Man and me mum to buy Rothmans. Think I was about 10 or 11 back then.
Also going to school, the bus driver smoked while driving the school bus and two or three of the year ten girls smoked Wild Woodbines. I think because they were the cheapest at about 25-30 cents a packet.
In high school, our Ag teacher smoked a pipe in the classroom.
You know things have really gone to shit when the Chyner gubbmint sounds more rational than the Ostrayan gubbmint.
I agree + 1,000
January 28, 2022 at 12:33 pm
39 ‘covid deaths’ today in Victoria.
Curiously, there seems to be no mention of the departed who were vaxxed, according to whatever definition prevails today.
You almost feel they’re not being entirely frank.
Don’t know about you guys, but I see no impact on the average numbers of death in Victoria since 2019 to dec 2021.
Roughly 3500 victorians die each month, and nothing has changed.
More proof of government lies.
true — what’s the probably with a couple of extra lazy dollars on a cooktop in your $60k kitchen renovation?
Good short segment on Tucker with a Canadian truckie just now, I’m sure it will be on youtube later. Truckie said he didn’t even need to use his phone to scan a QR code at the US/Canadian border, the border official said his phone had already pinged immigration with all his details, he could go through. Total big brother already exists folks. Of course, all innocent people have nothing to fear, do we?
Jim Jones transcript.
The tape is available as well.
Awful listening.
Jones: It’s far, far harder to have to walk through every day, die slowly — and from the time you’re a child ’til the time you get gray, you’re dying. (Pause) (Tape edit) Dishonest, and I’m sure that they’ll — they’ll pay for it. They — They’ll pay for it. This is a revolutionary suicide. This is not a self-destructive suicide. So they’ll pay for this. They brought this upon us. And they’ll pay for that. I — I leave that destiny to them.
Jones: (Pleading) I, with respect, die with a degree of dignity. Lay down your life with dignity. Don’t lay down with tears and agony. There’s nothing to death. It’s like Mac [Jim McElvane] said, it’s just stepping over into another plane. Don’t be — Don’t be this way. Stop this hysterics. This is not the way for people who are Socialists or Communists to die. No way for us to die. We must die with some dignity. We must die with some dignity. (Pause) We will have no choice. Now we have some choice. (Tape edit) Do you think they’re gonna stand — allow this to be done and allow us to get by with this? You must be insane. (Pause) Look children, it’s just something to put you to rest. (Tape edit) (Despairing tone) Oh, God.
Children crying
Jones: Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, please. Mother, please, please, please. Don’t — don’t do this. Don’t do this. Lay down your life with your child. But don’t do this.
Woman 14: We’re doing all of this for you.
Jones: Free at last. Peace. Keep your emotions down. Keep your emotions down. Children, it will not hurt. If you’ll be — if you’ll be quiet. If you’ll be quiet.
The CCP has an unspoken pact with the Chinese people instituterd after Tiananmen:
We promise to increase your living standards and you promise to obey.
If he breaks that pact all bets are off.
nor nationally.. though the real concern with these charts is what caused the slight excess deaths around May’21?
All the identified causes are down – so its something else.
I still remember Mr Formosa , my grade 4 teacher going through the pipe lighting & smoking ritual and smiokingafter lunch .
It’s funny though, other than a small celebratory cigar for no 3 grandson 9 months ago, I haven’t smoked in over a year, nor felt the need. After a period of stupidvision for the 3 dozen kids who showed up @ school, and the rest of the time spent performing administrivia today I am craving a cigar.
I thought I had a term’s work, but the contract says 6 months – happy days.
sniff, sniff. I love the smell of chaos in the morning.
THE Alice Springs Town Council have penned a letter to more than 40 of Australia’s most influential political leaders in a desperate plea to help take back control of the spiralling rates of crime and anti-social behaviour facing the town.
Mayor Matt Paterson sent the letter on Thursday evening after council members came to the conclusion the town had reached a “breaking point”.
Among the dozens of recipients of the strongly worded letter was the Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt, Education Minister Alan Tudge, the Territory’s four senators and the Chief Minister Michael Gunner.
“I write this letter as the Mayor of Alice Springs; the Mayor of a town at breaking point,” the message reads.
“Currently, every day, residents are having their businesses destroyed, cars stolen and smashed, houses broken into and are being assaulted walking to their cars from dinner.
“This is not an exaggeration. Intruders are breaking into people’s houses, getting into young children’s bedrooms while they and their parents sleep. People no longer feel safe in their own homes.
“We’ve had tragic deaths and near misses as a result of crime in our community. Frankly, we are at the end of the road.”
Mr Paterson, elected to the town’s top job in September last year, said the town was living in fear and residents and business owners were “fed up”.
“We’re just asking for some help from some people to get this under control,” he said.
“Right now, people don’t feel safe in their own homes because they’re continuously being broken into.
“It needs to stop. It’s not OK.”
The 30-year-old father said he’d rather being talking about positive things in the community, but there was a desperate need for people to see the situation facing Alice Springs.
“This letter isn’t about politics. Quite frankly, I don’t care on which side of the political aisle you sit on,” the message continued.
“I am reaching out because something needs to change immediately. I’m fed up, business owners are fed up and our residents are fed up.
“I don’t have all the answers, but I truly believe collaboration is the key to success. The entire community, all individuals and our institutions must work together if we are to succeed. Please accept this as an invitation; I am urging you to come to Alice Springs to witness this first-hand.”
The letter comes as the latest NT Police crime statistics indicates a troubling state of affairs for the town of 30,000 people.
Crimes against property increased by more than 30 per cent for the 12-month period ending November 2021.
That included a 29.68 per cent surge in house break-ins and a shocking 67.6 per cent increase in commercial break-ins.
There was a total of 6084 property-related offences in the 12-month period and 2,166 crimes against the person recorded.
NT News with comments open if you can climb the paywall
Police beatings?
I understand his frustrations, but perhaps he should have sent the letter to local magistrates?
If they don’t give you an age category (e.g. 70-79) or comorbidity they are misleading and deceiving the public; the vaccination status is really telling us nothing at all given the daily fluctuations in the proportions.
But Roger, their cause is power, and that means winning at all costs.
As I’ve long said, they don’t have principles, only strategic positions.
It brings a Blazing Saddles scene to mind.
Victoria stopped doing this some time ago.
Speaking as a subject matter expert (my first job was opening up the local Shell at 6am for 2 hours before going to school, late 70’s I would think), the other end of the scale – the least prestigious – think ‘Four Crown Port’ in a flagon end – was the ‘Red Trent’ 20 pack.
The desperate ‘out of fags’ smokers who would be waiting for you to open up the shop at 6am so they could ward off the smokers equivalent of the DT’s were always after Red Trents. There was nothing cheaper – they were short (not ‘King Size’) and a pack of 20 was about 85c.
By comparison, petrol was about 26 cpl at the time too.
The most telling line:-
“This isn’t about politics”.
Ho, ho, ho.
When they say that, it most certainly is.
Watch for those actually responsible (Gunner and co) to get a free pass whilst it gets turned into a “doooo something” issue for the Federal LNP.
Marlboro were/are horrible cigarettes.
Absolutely DB. This raw number business is one step removed from propaganda.
Thinking about Biden and Clarence Thomas, ‘show business for ugly people’ comes to mind. A piece of shit has more worth than the old thief .
Because gay pride is in the news, Norm Macdonald on Gay Pride:
Diogenes – You’ve escaped! That’s worthy of celebration also.
This of course is the infamous Central Coast Council which happens to be bankrupt.
Central Coast Council suspended, public inquiry ordered into financial woes (26 Apr)
Oh and for Australia Day…
Central Coast Council won’t fly Australian flag as it may ‘offend’ people (24 Jan)
If I lived in Woy Woy migrating to the Peoples’ Republic of Ponygirl would look good too.
Does Gunner’s government have a policy of “diverting” juvenile indigenous offenders from custodial sentences? Most state governments do. Which gives magistrates license to indulge such offenders well beyond what an habitual repeat offender who happens to be white could expect. The price of such indulgence is high both for the communities effected and, in the longer run, for the offenders.
It’s quiet here.
Too quiet.
Quick Dick Mc Dick on trucks, trucking and truckers
Funny as usual.
He ends with a few salient points re the “Freedom Convoy”, which are at least worth skipping through to, even if you don’t watch the full video.
NB: In Australia it’s “Truckies”, I get a bit sick of people Americanising our lingo.
Skip to the 6:30 mark for convoy comments.
They should be doing the opposite. They should be breaking down by age, all comorbidites, whether already terminal, vaccination extent and vaccination type.
Everything else is lying.
Alas dear reader, he married her..
As I put it to him early on, and this is an exact quote: “I may be a wild and untameable trauma-twitchy anarcha-feminist fundamentally personally and politically opposed to het partnership as a social organizing principle, but I’m also not a fucking fool.”
Im not joking here… The urban bugman hubby is literally a dumpster diver who is paid by taxpayers to teach about it.
This is conflated farce.
For years the climate disasteratii have alternated between gasps of awe at the CCP’s commitment to Green Energy and apologising for its obvious bullshit.
Unfortunately the West absolutely thrives on cognitive dissonance.
Little Bloke crook the last 24 hours after spending the day at the pool.
COVID Rating?
20 x worse.
We need to completely shut down Australia immediately!
The author sounded like a fundamentally unattractive person.
Not in terms of perceived appearance, but so full of front and bluster and bullshit, there is absolutely no real room for relationship in her psyche at all.
This person has killed three people over 48 years and was on the streets until just now:
Triple killer Regina Kaye Arthurell, formerly known as Reginald, has been arrested over a series of alleged sexual touching incidents.
Outback killer Regina Kaye Arthurell has been arrested over a series of alleged sexual touching incidents at a southwest Sydney facility.
The 75-year-old was arrested at Campbelltown this morning after a 55-year-old man known to her reported the allegations to police.
Arthurell was subject to an Extended Supervision Order after being released from custody in November 2020.
She had served 24 years behind bars for the murder of her fiance.
Arthurell was incarcerated as Reginald Kenneth Arthurell but transitioned to a woman behind bars.
In 1997 she bashed her fiancee Venet Mulhall to death with a piece of wood at their home in Coonabarabran.
She was on parole for manslaughter at the time, having killed her stepfather Thomas Thornton with a carving knife in 1974 and robbed and killed 19-year-old Ross Browning in 1981.
Arthurell remains at Campbelltown police station and is expected to be charged later on Friday.
Daily Tele
I haven’t looked lately, but that used to be on the DHHS website.
vewy vewy quiet
New hanson cartoon.
Triple killer Regina Kaye Arthurell, formerly known as Reginald, has been arrested over a series of alleged sexual touching incidents.
Reg is a looker.
In Dannograd
Black clouds uber alles.
Here you go.
Deaths by gender x age grouping (10 year intervals).
The Labor party is so weak and pathetic it doesn’t even have the guts to tell us that they hate our country and its history.
While millions of Australians hit the beach and sparked up the BBQ yesterday, Labor’s frontbench were busy hiding from the spotlight.
Anthony Albanese couldn’t bear saying the three simple words: “Happy Australia Day”. Instead, he declared “Australia’s best days are ahead of us”. The man even refused to shake the Prime Minister’s hand at the Flag Raising Ceremony in Canberra after former Australian of the Year Grace Tame’s petulant performance the day before.
Could you be any more unAustralian, mate?
Next was Tanya Plibersek who wrote “January 26 in my electorate: celebrating and learning about our history at Yabun Festival and welcoming our newest citizens to our great city.”
Then came Tony Burke. Tony was more than happy to say, “Happy Indian Republic Day” but refused to say, “Happy Australia Day”. Instead, good old Tony wrote about his excitement of “welcoming new citizens”.
New South Wales Labor leader Chris Minns made sure everyone knew he had “a moving start to the day, joining the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council at the WugulOra Ceremony” and “welcoming new Australians to our community”.
Victorian Labor leader Dan Andrews avoided social media altogether.
While Annastacia Palaszczuk said she “pledges my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey” – a most ironic statement given she has trashed the rights and liberties of people trying to cross the border and see their dying loved ones on countless occasions over the last two years.
Australia, these are the sort of people you’ll get running our government if you vote Labor.
They flat-out REFUSE to utter the simple statement “Happy Australia Day”.
They always talk about the history of our Aboriginal brothers and sisters but NEVER discuss the unparalleled humanitarianism of Governor Sir Arthur Phillip or the incredible bravery of Captain Cook.
And instead of coming clean with the Australian people about their intention to change the date of Australia Day, they just avoid the question altogether.
Why? So, they still have a chance of getting a slice of the patriot vote at the upcoming election.
Although weak modern Liberals like Dave Sharma and Trent Zimmerman aren’t much better than Labor, many of our allies in the Liberal-National party weren’t ashamed of our national day of celebration.
BoN, this is plain silly. You’ve got a bunch of creeps who attained their positions by a fine mixture of arse- licking and treachery. You can’t expect them to abandon a winning strategy.
“Triple killer Regina Kaye Arthurell, formerly known as Reginald, has been arrested over a series of alleged sexual touching incidents.
The 75-year-old was arrested at Campbelltown this morning after a 55-year-old man known to HIM reported the allegations to police.
Arthurell was subject to an Extended Supervision Order after being released from custody in November 2020.
HE had served 24 years behind bars for the murder of HIS fiance.
Arthurell was incarcerated as Reginald Kenneth Arthurell but transitioned to a woman behind bars.
In 1997 HE bashed HIS fiancee Venet Mulhall to death with a piece of wood at their home in Coonabarabran.
HE was on parole for manslaughter at the time, having killed HIS stepfather Thomas Thornton with a carving knife in 1974 and robbed and killed 19-year-old Ross Browning in 1981.
Arthurell remains at Campbelltown police station and is expected to be charged later on Friday.”
HE…HE…..HE. This was inevitable. The fact is that HE shouldn’t have been on the street. HE IS A MAN and a dangerous one at that. I am tired of this sinister gaslighting by the MSM.
And if found guilty, where’s Reggie going to be sent? To a female prison?
Clown world.
Quick calc.
1,939 deaths recorded in Vic.
86.4% aged over 70.
11.6% aged 50 – 70.
2.0% aged under 50.
Are journalists actually starting to ask real questions?
But booster.
I now smoke Marlboro. Never could stand them before.
I used to enjoy coming back of leave with the duty free Sobranies my parents brought back for me.
I’d share the poofy cocktail ones and keep the blacks for myself.
On tours of Butterworth I used to carry a spare pack of Rough Riders for bludgers. Nobody came a second time.
George Christensen wore a shirt covered in Australian flags. He had a crack at the Brisbane Lions AFL team for saying Australia Day is “not a day to celebrate”. And of course, he wished Australians a Happy Australia Day.
After the Adelaide Football Club said the 26th of January “evokes distress among many people in our community”, Senator Alex Antic wrote, “Remember when the Adelaide Football Club used to concentrate on winning football games? The AFL is now ? world. Happy AUSTRALIA DAY to everyone else!”
Onya, mate!
While Defence Minister Peter Dutton wrote, “Happy Australia Day! Today, on 26 January, we celebrate what we have achieved together as Australians, our resilience, our prosperity, and our mateship. However you’re celebrating today, I hope you can take a moment to reflect on the achievements of our great country and how lucky we all are.”
Bang on, Dutts! How lucky we are indeed…
(also from Cohenite’s link)
The problem here is that Christensen is on the way out while Antic’s position won’t earn him any support from the ranks of the SA Libs. Dutton is a standout on the front bench but one is not enough.
Freedom Convoy spokesman Benjamin Dichter joins Tucker Carlson to discuss the huge trucker protest as it makes its way to Ottawa.
I would like to see age stats by year of birth (ungrouped) for 55 to 75.
I suspect there is an age breakpoint where things go wild.
Gimme raw uncollated data, without the quality adjustments please.
The bastards are worse than BoM.
People offended by their own country should be ignored, at best, and feel lucky it’s not worse.
DHHS only shows 10 year breaks on the round numbers.
I will summarise and post them later when I get on the Big Compuda.
Too hard on the Nokia.
And women there, many of whom come from hideous, dysfunctional backgrounds including being assaulted sexually and physically will be at risk…again.
The hard cases won’t be though. They know how to look after themselves.
It would be great to see 3-4 key co-mordities listed too.
Of the 39 deaths under 50, I am betting that a large number were:- .1 obese and/or
.2 had out of control diabetes and/or
.3 had some sort of heart/lung issue.
And I note that Pauline’s toon takes a cheap shot at him when there are many…many others that she could go.
Mrs D’s coven are livid with council & judging by the FB community pages she is a member of so are many locals (we lived up closer to you).
The difference between the Sunshine Coast Council & Central Coast are like comparing a lump of gold, with a lump of manure.
But we finally got our quarantine bill last Monday – we were released on 8 August.
On their ABCcess this morning I caught a bit of an interview with the spokeshog for the Australian Olympic Committee (or whoever organised the trips).
Lot of “our athletes are all familiar with the differing protocols between countries as they have flow round the world competing in various events”….
There you have the embodiment of entitlement.
It’s only been five months since we were glued to our screens watching our Olympians take on the world in Tokyo during the Summer Games.
Now, 44 athletes are making their way to Beijing to represent Australia, but it seems the toughest hurdle will be arriving – and staying – COVID-free.
Guest: Matt Carroll, CEO of the Australian Olympic Committee
I see the @rseholes who rule us have extended the mask bullsh*t until the end of February.
It has all but destroyed stitch n’ bitch, as it’s in a community centre, and has made churchgoing a thing to endure rather than a delight.
They have succeeded in ruining joy outside the home, especially for those who live alone and cherish such opportunities to socialise. And there seems no end in sight.
The idiots who are working so hard to dehumanise us had better watch out.
It works both ways and makes it easier for their victims to throw them on the fire. It has happened in the past and won’t be any different this time around.
In the end, eveyone will say ‘I was always against the mandates’. Just like most germans were always against the Nazis.
Divisive politics.
They have created US and THEM because THEY think it works to their electoral benefit.
US is not impressed.
Tumbrils, seating for the ladies doing their knitting all proceeding on schedule.
The elf nazimorons will probably be thrown to wolves by their political enablers, just like the german SA.
Which is good. It saves some construction work.
Looking at the COVID updates on twitter and each State’s health departments are telling everyone to get a booster. Bizarrely most of the updates are when you can get your booster after recovering from COVID. So, to them, a person who has been double vaccinated and recovered from COVID should be rushing to get a booster.
QLD CHO spreading false information that a booster adds to your immunity after recovering from COVID.
Of the 18 people aged under 65 who died from the virus this week, nine were not fully vaccinated, eight have received two doses and only three had received a third dose.
So it wasn’t revealed how many were actually, truly, unvaxxed?
Another rough calculation.
Since Omicron hit, your chances of dying is about 0.1% of known cases. We know the true number of positives is double or triple this.
Before Omicron it’s 1.0% with cases far better tracked.
So you’re at least ten times better off now than before.
Long mandate not long Covid.
Was just talking to a nurse from a major hospital. Said just got over Covid. Was not aware he even had it and only found out because partner tested positive. He had multiple RAT tests that were negative but only a PCR showed him positive. Even then felt like nothing.
He works in a large general ward but they are extremely Covid conscious with RATS, PPE and sanitisers etc. Of the 70 people that cover that ward over different shits he understands 11 have had the virus. He says they are getting it out in the community.
The utter degradation of State health and our top politicians being turned into bad Amway style salesmen, “always be closing!”, is one of the most cringe things about this whole ordeal.
I like it.
I wonder when the effects of Long Mandate on people’s mental and physical health will be studied and evaluated?
And its cost to the public in terms of treatment.
I know a medico who at the 4th day in bed after the “booster”
They are hoping that the virus naturally subsides so they claim victory for the mask mandate. “See! We saved you”. The reality of course, is that there is no evidence whatsoever that masks have worked anywhere to stop the spread.