The bottom line is that Zelensky behaved like a petulant teenager in his meeting with Trump and Vance. By the…
The bottom line is that Zelensky behaved like a petulant teenager in his meeting with Trump and Vance. By the…
Besides the free falling polls and public backlash in Southport I reckon two tier Kier thinks he’s killing it.
Which deadshit? So many of them. King Tampon certainly doesn’t do Liz any credit.
I saw a picture of him on X and mentioned his full name here this morning. He’s a mentally ill…
I shouldn’t tell you baby boomers but you can get any book on annas archive, including this one. I’ve lost…
A ferry for…ants? 😀
Have fun and stay safe. I thought Marseilles was one of those “iffy” cities, or was it Toulouse?
Rate things are going Albo is going to move over and give Andrews the big chair.
Don’t worry Sancho. There is no golden goose. Just a goose that laid the golden egg. You wouldn’t be the first to stuff that one up.
Chinese Supermarkets in Queensland sell Alcohol.
The only proviso is that the Alcohol component of the purchase is no more than 75% of the total.
Obviously you’re not going to spend a whole helluva lot there, but Old Town instant coffee bags [15 bags to a big bag for $7] are excellent and they make reasonable crisps too.
Nah Marseilles is the iffiest, 40% iffy , in fact.
Toulouse is fine, was there in 2020.
Toulon is somewhat iffy, which I know from experience.
I’ll stay away from the banlieues and make sure I’m tucked up in my apartment before nightfall.
So I stocked up on booze today – got enough for a couple of weeks. I think the madness may have passed by then or it’ll be clear which places are more lenient about checking vaxx passports. And if not, well…I guess I’ll be saving some money. Great!
It’s almost comical how openly punitive McFuckface is being about this.
No one should be showing vax ID, vaxxed or unvaxxed.
Anyhow calli as all the smart people know I’m only pretending to be in Europe. 😉
March 2020 was a coup
Absolutely. A virus demands restrictions on gun and ammo sales across multiple states and jurisdictions?
To bad for the fucking arseholes that most gun shops had nothing left to sell by the time the restrictions came into effect.
Omicron isn’t letting go in France
Now 13.5 million cases.
I chatted briefly to a French lady at the restaurant in Ajaccio yesterday. She’d lived in the US for thirty years and returned to France four years ago, has a son and a grandchild in the US.
She’d lived in Florida and North Carolina but didn’t have a hint of a southern accent.
Tried very hard to pick my accent with no success.
Asked me if I was scared of covid. Obviously ‘no’ was the answer.
Toulon. That was the one.
Toulouse has the great snags.
13.5 million cases? Great! Soon everyone will have had it and they can all move on. The governments…less so.
“I thought Marseilles was one of those “iffy” cities, or was it Toulouse?”
Toulouse is only “iffy” if you’re a Jewish child walking into a school.
Watching Geraldine McEwan and Alan Rickman hamming it up in Robin Hood. Like Blackadder, it never gets old.
Bimbette reporter on CH9 news doesn’t know the difference between WWI & WWII
Yes, Cassie. I seemed to remember an atrocity there. Like the poor priest over near Rouen. France is truly blessed with its invaders.
Significant pats of the city are no-go’s for cops and ambos. It’s like the worst parrts of North Africa. A navy city. BUT, plenty of great food to be had.
Scratch any of Joe Kennedy’s clan and under the surface you will find a thick layer of anti-Semitism.
Craig Kelly at the Cali in Singleton:
UAP will do well but they are spread too thin; they should have concentrated on a few HOR seats and the senate and made sure of candidate validity.
Calli, Robin & Marion is worth a revisit
I’ll never forget that one.
Sudden withdrawal from alcohol can be deadly for an habitual drinker without treatment. Deadlier than covid, even.
Thanks for the warning. I’m hot-footing it to Thirsty Camel in the interests of robust good health.
Quality j’ism in exelsis. What sort of an imbecile would be remotely interested in this z-grade slow motion train wreck drooling cretinism?
Stop the bus, etc …
JP awakens himself:
I’ll never forget that one.”
I’ll never forgive that one.
Thanks to whoever pointed out the important distinction between a Golden Goose and a goose which lays a Golden Egg.
I’ve never eaten instant coffee bags as crisps before, Grigory.
Are they any good if sprinkled with ground gypsum?
Lizzie, take that cruise, don’t dare miss it. I’ve jaunted around Portugal/North African ports in a sister vessel — computer assisted fore-and-aft rig, rather than square-rigged one you’re contemplating — and it was by far the best two-week vacation ever.
Great food, no disco noise all night, small and civilised casino, well stocked library … and small enough to slip into weeny harbours.
Funny aside: Very few passengers on the ship, no more than 200 at a guess. Ex and I found ourselves sharing a table with a very, very toffy Pommy couple. They seemed very reserved, almost as if they didn’t like Australians.
Eventually it came out: They’d done a house-swap deal with an Australian couple, who got to stay in their baronnial estate.
And they got …. a brick-veneer in wonderful multi-cultural Melton.
That had me laughing my head off, which probably didn’t encourage any revival of tender feelings for Australians.
Oh, bollocks. I’d be long dead (as well as most of my contemporaries) if that was the case.
rosie says:
January 30, 2022 at 6:51 pm
I see srr and sycophants took exception to me doing what indolent does all the time
That’s always the way with you Tokyo Rosie – anyone who disagrees with you is a troll or a sycophant or in my case, you accused me of being Memory Vault and stated I had some sort of “thing” going for calli.
There’s a lot of good people on here, and plenty who have the odd outburst. I think most act in good faith.
But you are just plain nasty & vindictive. There is no cure for that.
Sudden withdrawal from alcohol can be deadly for an habitual drinker without treatment
I stopped imbibing alcohol the day I was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the Liver & told I’d be dead within 3 months if I didn’t .. I’d spent the previous 10 years on “skid row” living rough and drinking whatever including meths .. I was neither offered or sort any form of “treatment” other than medical for the Cirrhosis .. the ongoing withdrawal symptoms (3 years) weren’t pleasant but none came close to being deadly..
Ok, who picked black brain-eating fungus for 2022?
Doctors find black mould growing on man’s brain: ‘Can’t believe you’re alive’ (28 Jan)
That’s Costa Rica off the bucket list.
If you weren’t gloating about a death why did you mention it at all?
Certainly came across as gloating.
I was surprised. I expect you are better than that.
January 30, 2022 at 8:30 pm”
Kol hakavod to you for coming through.
OK, I will do my best to pass the plus seventy-five test! Roar up and down a few spiral staircases, which I am used to, for we had one in our beach house a few years ago. Given that a very trendy young French couple on the Hurtigruten cruise to the Arctic circle from Norway asked to be seated next to us because the couple they were seated with were ‘too old’, I think maybe I will still make it. We ended up great pals and they even invited us to their pad in Paris – for a stay sometime. We sort of collect these invitations, never really taking them up though. As with Natalyia (Natasha), single-travelling wife of a Russian oil oligrarch we met on Grigs fave, the enormous Ovation of the Seas, who still sends me Christmas pics of their out of Moscow ‘dacha’, and says we’re welcome to stay in their holiday apartment in Montenegro. That’s the travelling life for you. 🙂
As for Rosie’s intrepid adventures, onya girl. You are doing so well and impressing us all as well as doing something great for yourself.
It’s almost comical how openly punitive McFuckface is being about this.
He thinks he is still in the Navy, and can follow the line that “The floggings will continue until morale improves”? Is is possible for an electorate to mutiny?
ps Rosie. Please stay safe.
Marseilles has never been a good place for a single woman at night.
Don’t forget too it is the home of the ‘pull the girl by the hair and beat her up’ striped t-shirt dance.
They practice it on the streets beforehand.
Come on, man! A 14 year long “”irrational” boom”?
Why the fuck? You were diagnosed with it a few weeks ago.
Famine leaves Afghanistan ‘hanging by a thread’
By Christina Lamb
The Sunday Times
48 minutes ago January 30, 2022
No Comments
At the age of eight, Fatima’s future is decided. Her eyes limpid and far away, her clothes tattered emerald green, she would, she says, “like to go to school and study”. Instead, she has been sold in marriage to a man she has not met, to buy bread and time for her starving family.
I wonder how much Christina Lamb gave the family from her generous salary and allowances to help them?
What’s the point of a bucket list if you become totally risk averse?
Just because it hasn’t happened before (14 years) doesn’t mean it can’t happen, Dot.
In any event I don’t believe in bubbles and bullshit like that. At some stage, people may end up realizing BTC isn’t worth what they thought.
Well done.
That deserves a drink.
I’ll have it if you don’t want it.
History suggests that an asset class being valued above zero for 14 years with no fraud possible and limited supply; that it has intrinsic value.
He’s a numbers man. 40 people get it a year in those sub-tropical regions which therefore means he’s odds on to get it if he visits.
Wasn’t there an A.B.C. camera crew in Ethiopia, filming starving children, and who got quite hot under the collar, when it was suggested they could have loaded the children into their vehicle and taken them to the nearest U.N. aid post?
Do you have fungus-brain syndrome too Dot?
Seems very infectious lately.
Turns brains into black sludge, I hear.
Like the muslims in Burma, international opinion is likely to remain uninterested despite the best efforts of the press to conjure up another Live Aid moment.
Um…all I know about Lat Am. is maybe half of Brazilian chicks have been exposed to toxoplasma gondii.
Cat ladies?
Seems unlikely.
Unless you mean this.
Spot on Oco. Particularly your point regarding the Covid nonsense creating a window of opportunity to create massive and illegal breaking of voting laws regarding everything from vote harvesting and drop boxes to extending the allowed period for voting, to cleaning of voter rolls as “emergency procedures”. What they did is being addressed, albeit slowly, by the state courts and legislatures the Dems don’t control.
Some examples:
Wisconsin Judge Bans Ballot Drop Boxes, Says Election Officials Broke The Law
Court ruling puts mail-in voting on hold in Pennsylvania
Louisiana Decides to Suspend Use of Soros-Funded Voter Roll Clean-Up Sytem – ERIC
AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers Drops 88 Bills: “We Are Going Back to In-Person One Day One Vote NO MACHINES And Paper Ballots With Watermarks”
Will they cheat again? Of course. But the Covid fiasco provided them a huge opportunity to do so that they are unlikely to see again.
Whoever made the point that the RINOs didn’t help the situation because they wanted Trump gone are spot on as well. That was another huge enabling factor which will of course happen again to some degree, but hopefully Trump is merely playing a stalking horse role for now absorbing all the Dem attention and treachery and the Reps insert their real candidate later in the process.
What is the intrinsic value , Dot? It’s too volatile to be a unit of account and if it isn’t a currency then how can you use it as a store of value? Also, here’s the point someone made recently, which I agree with.
To paraphrase as I forget where it came from.
“There is nothing about BTC other than price information. There is essentially nothing else.
For an asset such as BTC a price fall doesn’t have the effect of making it cheaper and therefore increasingly more attractive (with falling prices). BTC price falls makes it less attractive and perversely more expensive.
The reason is because the only information about the thing is the price. That’s it. ”
I don’t recall where it came from, but I totally agree.
Good Lord! I hope not.
You would find me a great disappointment. 😀
What’s the intrinsic value of 1 AUD?
The volatility of BTC is simply indicative of the USD volatility.
If you can’t explain the intrinsic value of fiat; then why would you use it as a store of value?
The fact is wealthy people use land or equities to store wealth – younger people use crypto (and crazy old me uses philately and art [and poor old beat up CAD 🙁 ]).
Cash is simply there ready to go for arbitrage opportunities, or if you have a squirrel like mentality.
…and numismatics…you can consider it a form of art collection too. I would kill for a Lion and Una.
Might have been Ellie.
She’s a “have a thing for” type. Saucy wench.
Thanks. Noted at the 14 mins mark that Craig said that the TGA and the BoM will be called to account, or words to that effect. The last person to suggest a BoM audit was Tony Abbott, and he was sacked the next day.
Yep, Indolant doesn’t post of deaths where no one in the public knows the cause, as, “FROM COVID”.
That’s what rosie does to mock & terrorise the Un-Jabbed, as she does here –
So what does, “before indolent gets a chance to post it”, mean, when you know everyone knows Indolent doesn’t post Pro-Jab Propaganda as fact?
It means you chose to make a sick joke about a man who died because he refused to be Jabbed.
But you’ll be right, won’t you rosie.
Long gone are the days of the old Cat when it was valuable because no one let anyone get away with lies, not even their friends.
Now it’s just non-stop The Tribe spitting on those who won’t bow to The Tribe, and most other who don’t want to become the spat upon, keeping schtum & letting the bullshitters rule the court.
And as usual, you wait for what you lie about to be buried deep in the threads before posting your lies, so few will bother to go back & check that what you assert is anywhere what was actually said … so here’s the truth, you lover of the lie –
s”rr says:
January 30, 2022 at 1:27 am
‘rosie says:
January 30, 2022 at 12:09 am
before indolent gets a chance to post it, at new York post’
“There are unconfirmed reports LaMay died due to COVID-19 complications. KHQ is working to verify that information.”
“His Facebook page was deleted last week when he fell ill with COVID-19 and was put on a ventilator.”
So, ‘rosie/notafan of the truth’, is again cackling over the death of someone who refused to goose-step in line with the UN Agenda/what she sells.
‘Of’ or ‘With’ Covid aside, we don’t know the details of his illness let alone his treatment but we’re told he was put on a ventilator, something that’s now long been know to be a hurry along to death.
In other words, a “complication” “due to” Covid.
Patients not being allowed to have any of the variety of other, safe treatments, with near 100% success rates, could be considered another “complication” “due to” Covid.
Yeah but silly little details like that, or even having the cause of death confirmed, mean diddly squat to rosie/notafan of the truth. All that matters to her is making jokes out of people who refuse to bend the knee to the UN.”
calli says:
January 30, 2022 at 9:09 pm
you accused me of being Memory Vault and stated I had some sort of “thing” going for calli.
Good Lord! I hope not.
You would find me a great disappointment. ?
More likely, you would find me a great disappointment.
Thing is calli, you have never been nasty, vindictive or even short-tempered with any of us clowns on this site. And there’s been plenty of times when you would have been justified to use “righteous anger “.
I always read your posts – always.
Moebius art:
Today I learned that JFK recorded everything in his Oval office too.
But unlike Nixon who had 8 years, JFK had just under 3 years of tapes.
And they’re taking their sweet time declassifying them.
is a brazillion a lot?
My compatriot, Señor Nadal, is turning into a sweat puddle at the tennis.
“mh says:
January 30, 2022 at 6:50 pm
Premier hints third jab mandate on horizon
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has criticised anti-vaxxers, labelling them “wrong”, while hinting it will only be a matter of time before a third-jab mandate is implemented.
The state reported 10,589 new infections and 20 deaths on Sunday.
Currently only 31 per cent of Victorians have received a booster shot, despite hundreds of thousands of appointments now being available and 2.1 million people now eligible.
Mr Andrews said movement around third dose mandates would likely happen in the next week or so.
“I think it’s only a matter of time before the relevant federal agencies confirm that it is three doses to be protected,” he said.
“There’s already been some mandating done for third doses, and there will be more.
“Those who are not vaccinated have made the wrong choice. They’ve made a choice that puts so many other people at risk. I could not be more clear about that.”
So now the narrative has flipped again.
The vaxxed are once again at risk from the unvaxxed.
This is getting silly.”
calli says:
January 30, 2022 at 9:13 pm
Might have been Ellie.
She’s a “have a thing for” type. Saucy wench.
Nah, it was Tokyo Rosie. I’d just had a tongue-in-cheek go at her for referring to Struth as St Ruth – how it was a violation of Catholicism to mock someone as a Saint. Along those lines.
I don’t think she appreciated it.
Dunno, because the AUD’s value is measured both as a unit of account and relative value ie against other currencies. Today, the 1 Aud buys 70 cents US for instance.
No it’s not. No way. Implied vol for BTC is 75%. Implied vol for the USD against say the Aussie is around 10%. Both implieds are for around a year.
I can’t because I don’t believe the definition correctly applies to currencies – especially fiat. You can use it as a store of value, but with inflation it loses value.
Younger people are often inexperienced.
Hmm. So sciency. The government makes science at the government owned science factory.
After seeing boatloads of fit young Afghan men lobbing into Australia and many other Western countries with nary a woman or child to be seen among the passengers, I have to admit that I am finding it hard to feel sorry for the starving mob left in Afghanistan.
Their young men refused to defend the place against the Taliban, relying on foreign soldiers to do the hard yards and then either fled the place or turned their coats five minutes after the last US plane took off from Kabul.
Cowards is not too strong a word in my opinion.
In 2008, what was the implied volatility for the AUD?
BTC is legal tender in Japan and it is being adopted in places with joke central banks.
This would be beautiful with market set or limited currency supply.
Yeah right.
Not satisfied with $80 billion or so in weapons, the Taliban start a propaganda campaign so the West will fund their domestic agenda. Of course our ridiculous governments will cave and our hard-earned dollars will be heading straight to the Mullahs.
They know an easy mark when they see one.
Connect_The_Dots ?????????
Jan 29
If you watch this and don’t share it, delete me. Not kidding….
Unarmed men who refuse to fight well armed fanatics are smart, in the least.
Unarmed civilians with no body armour against well armed fanatics are called target practice.
I’ve nothing but the most withering of contempt for those douche nozzles, but it’s a bit hard on the women and kids they left behind.
Leaked Database Shows U.S. Military Disease Skyrocketing After Covid-19 Inoculations
Data leaked from the Defense Health Agencies Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows skyrocketing levels of disease among military personnel. Percentage Increase Over The Last Five Years ?H
I sense a lot of McCain voters here.
After seeing boatloads of fit young Afghan men lobbing into Australia and many other Western countries
Traditionally this is called an invasion.
Jan 29
Hippies for censorship
Neil Young’s grumpy war on Joe Rogan is a betrayal of everything he once stood for.
(Let’s also discuss Young’s huge conflict of interest in owning a ton of Pfizer stock…)
Hippies for censorship
Neil Young’s grumpy war on Joe Rogan is a betrayal of everything he once stood for.
Premier hints third jab mandate on horizon
By increasing the number of jabs to be officially vaccinated, eventually a very large percentage of the population will be unvaccinated, even though they have had 3 or more jabs.
So when the real problems caused by these “vaccines” start becoming apparent, the arseholes will say they are mostly the unvaccinated and then bring in more restrictions (fascism).
All this shit is not going to go away peacefully – those POSs in power have too much to lose if everything they have done or enabled becomes public knowledge.
No. They are cowards. Soon to be slaves or dead.
I heard a few more adverse reaction anecdotes today; from boosters; all Pfizer IIRC.
The problem is people are not reporting their events and the political machine is lying about how many that are reported anyway and gaslighting anyone who brings them up.
I can’t recall, but I guess it was very high, but what’s the point?
No biggie, but prices is not based on BTC on it’s own. Transactions are either hedged or they done immediately and the new owner likely converts directly to Yen.
Also Panama uses the Dollar to settle internal transactions, Dot.
Pizzas are yum, even frozen ones.
Ah McCain you’ve done it again!
Today I learned that JFK recorded everything in his Oval office too.
But unlike Nixon who had 8 years, JFK had just under 3 years of tapes.
And they’re taking their sweet time declassifying them.
Trump 2024?
It’s time for them to move onto something that doesn’t lose so much value.
Bruce you are uttering deplorable words.
Dot says:
January 30, 2022 at 9:36 pm
…Unarmed civilians with no body armour against well armed fanatics are called target practice.
That might be so, Dot, but what decent man would piss off to another country and leave his family behind?
Okay. BTC basically halved since Nov, Dot.
BTC since 2008 – 0 to 40 k USD.
1 USD since 1913: 0.036 cents.
I’m quoting Seymour Hersh’s book “The Dark Side of Camelot” but, IIRC, those tapes were declassified over twenty years, beginning in the mid 1970’s.
Dot, you cannot run an economy on BTC as it’s too volatile. Please.
They released another bunch in 2021.
That depends on what the trade-off is. Are they going to kill you and leave your family no worse off than you would treat them, or would be permitted to treat them under the regime?
These guys likely aren’t angels, they’re not emotionally supportive kings on instagram supporting their wife’s active wear line, no doubt some really aren’t refugees.
Thanks for that nice compliment Dot! I like Maccas too from time to time.
Must try the new Dominos outlet which recently replaced our local Vietnamese fish & chip shop.
Never thought I’d see Bruce troll for SRR but there you go.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
I think BTC holders have been flushed out.
They’ve only left them behind temporarily.
The lies about starvation aren’t to solicit money for Aid, that’s sooooo 20th Century.
They’re bringing them here, for a better life.
Too bad about my aspirations for a better life, though.
What the hell is happening with crypto, JC?
Tulip time?
“Too volatile but we shouldn’t have sticky wages”
Come on, man!
Dot says:
January 30, 2022 at 9:58 pm
That might be so, Dot, but what decent man would piss off to another country and leave his family behind?
That depends on what the trade-off is. Are they going to kill you and leave your family no worse off than you would treat them, or would be permitted to treat them under the regime?
We may have different definitions of what a decent man is.
Daily Mail. All right, which of you lot was it?
Dot , we have sticky wages. How would that work in a BTC regime?
Crypto is worth zero. 🙂
No, they just introduced apartheid to Australia. I will never forget.
‘Tweren’t me.
I’m far hairier than he. (Flowing beard for starters)
Sky’s new Blame Game is obviously aiming for the arts faculty lounge demographic.
Why does the MSM label those of us that are pro-choice anti-vaxxers?
This is deplorable behaviour and unAustralian.
Anyone would think they are pro fascist yobs.
Looks like it.
Feels like it.
Smells like it.
Tastes like it.
Definitely shit!
Supported by The Science™
An American woman has been arrested and charged with organising and leading an all-female battalion of the Islamic State group.
Allison Fluke-Ekren, a mother who once lived in Kansas, allegedly trained women and children to use AK-47 assault rifles and suicide vests in Syria.
She is also suspected of recruiting operatives for a potential future attack on a US college campus.
Thursday is when I get paid a pittance pension from DVA.
It’s all a bit hazy.
Did the fellow have someone else’s shoes on?
Was my missus driving?
Only a fool forgets.
The fascists can kiss my arse.
BTC would operate like the gold price adjustment/specie flow model.
Anyway, don’t read Nathan Lewis, despite being correct about gold (it’s good!), he’s an anti economics crank and poison.
“Germany’s current account surplus is why the EU is stagnant, also, the BOP was always nonsense”
Nonsense on mile high stilts.
How that crackpot ever got to write for Cato or Heritage is truly embarrassing for those institutions.
Wot ‘e said!
I’m reading an account of some of the more monumental lurks ever pulled on D.V.A – the bloke who left three widows behind would have to be up there…
ANZMI had some classics. If you can find it on the net these days.
I knew a few of them. Shonky bastards made it harder for everyone.
Big if true
Looks like Dinseh D’Souza is a producer so it will likely be reliable, even if his personal style I find grating.
Yes I understand that the gold specie worked well, but the drawdowns in terms of sudden recessions were pretty bad.
Look, as you know I have doubts about BTC, but I’m more optimistic about a digital currency being introduced by the central banks. China is about to float its own this year I think and the two central banks – the ECB and the Fed are working on something. Even the RBA is looking into it.
This is potentially a huge threat to the banking system if people are allowed to have accounts with the central banks. I have a lot of US bank stocks and I’m worried for the longer term.
I clashed with two of those arzeholes in my time in the A.D.F. – I pizzed myself laughing, loud and long, when they turned up on ANZMI….
I live in a part of the world where there are a lot of ex – servicemen, from various countries live. “Clearance Divers” “Special Air Service Regiment ” scoundrels don’t last very long at all…
Forced into closing down/dormancy because someone in a Brisbane RSL decided they didn’t like the ANZMI crew overmuch, entrapped them with the help of a few mates and took them to court.
The matter is still being fought.
I thought they did good work, but there will always be folks who dislike whatever they deem to be ‘Tall Poppies’ or gatekeepers.
Indolent says:
January 30, 2022 at 10:21 pm
They’re a confused rabble, but they aren’t the Liars. NSW has acted nothing like Victoria, so there’s that.
No, they just introduced apartheid to Australia. I will never forget.
The same in Queensland – I am now a second class citizen.
Over 50 years of working, to be rendered a 2nd class citizen by a fucking parasite called Pony Girl.
The fascist canute who inherited a safe Labour seat from Daddy and has never worked a day in her whole fucking useless parasitic life.
So I have retired now – coulda kept working for quite a few more years, but fuck ém. There’s $1000 / week less income tax going into their (Feds) kitty, and I’ll drain whatever I can out of the “system”.
Also won’t be putting the $5000+ per year into the health system (Medicare levy & surcharge).
Also I am an organ donor – but probably for not much longer.
Tim Blair in the Tele, and apropos of Gracie Tame’s Morrison-related tanty the other day:
‘It was nice of The Bangles to lend her that jacket, though.’
Friend of mine was wounded in an ambush in Vietnam. He became a fairly reclusive soul, lived alone in the Wheatbelt – I valued his friendship. He rang one night in some distress – someone in the Eastern States was claiming to have been wounded in the same ambush, was making a claim on DVA, and citing said friend as witness. (He must have thought they would never track down said friend…)
I had the sheer, sadistic joy of ringing back said friend and telling him “Your mate “M***** Q****, has got his name all over ANZMI as a ” scoundrel.” You don’t worry about him.”
Tony it is morally acceptable to take welfare now, you have been coerced out of a job for a joke medical therapy.
Don’t you hold back now – you tell us exactly what you think!
And didn’t the ANZMI website just disappear overnight?
I linked a iirc fairly conservative new york post article made a comment about indolent.
As usual fat faulty can’t help himself not missant
How you got gloating from that is beyond me.
I was making a point about all the rubbish that gets a pass here
I don’t revel in the deaths of others.
<blockquoteI’d spent the previous 10 years on “skid row” living rough and drinking whatever including meths ..
That must’ve been a tough time, Shatterzzz, as well as the three years of drying out. There’s a fair dose of hearbreak and misery in that lot. All credit to you now as a granddad and blog writer.
Hairy’s just watching a Foxtel show made in Baku about Baku – lots of shots of the place in the late 30’s and then all of the history of how they avoided armageddon about three times over as the Allies, the Germans and the Ruskies all considered blowing the town to smithereens as the war advanced and retreated. But it survived.
Biggest oil producing town in Russia, supplying 70% of oil requirements in WW2.
I noticed in those early shots of people going about their business, enjoying life on the lakeshore etc, that the young women were all absolutely beautiful, with fine bone structure and raven hair. It’s good to know that they didn’t become incinerated; lucky break. I couldn’t bear watching the whole thing.
Looks like my cafe ban comes into force tomorrow. A dark day for democracy in Australia.
Baku is the capital city of Azerbaijan.
First impressions of Marseilles
Went to mass at St Laurent, Gothic Church with incredibly bare interior
Turns out it was dynamited by the Germans in 1943, along with its PP who refused to leave and was only restored in 1996.
The entire quarter was dymanited and many inhabitants interned. Mostly descendants of Neapolitan immigrants, who make up many of the names of the world war one dead whose names adorn the shattered and put back together honour role in the church.
I had lunch on the former Greek agora with a view of that famous church on the hill.
A few rough heads drinking in the square but plenty of normies too.
Oh and I got asked to do a reading at mass, I politely declined.
The big museum is just across the way, no doubt not open tomorrow but I shall go.
I also spotted a fragonard shop so might be an opportunity to buy a few light weight gifts for family at home.
Thanks Cassie for the reminder about Toulouse, I can vividly recall certain details of that atrocity.
Dear Mr Staindll – climate change activist. Please accept my personal cheque for one million dollars, to help with your legal costs – Zimbabwean dollars…
The circumstances of Frydenburg’s mother’s alleged ‘Hungarian citizenship ‘ are so distressing the man should be ashamed he went there.
Not feeling very sympathetic.
Welfare is just the return of your taxes. My pension and NDIS would be a few years of taxes. I probably owe them a bit for the surgery and 9 months of hospitalisation. 🙂
Perhaps started with honourable intent, but the suspicion is that they got a little over-zealous and cut corners on corroboration.
“I don’t remember him at all” from a single witness in his 70’s about events from fifty years ago is a bit fraught.
Unforced error.
Self-inflicted wound.
He broke the golden rule of litigation.
Crimea River.
I’d normally be asleep at this hour on Sunday night, but I can’t take my eyes off the epic men’s tennis final in Melbourne.
Blokes who wear medals they didn’t earn and invent a military past are more to be pitied than anything.
Fuck, we’ve all pumped up our own tyres on CVs (without necessarily lying), but what sort of sad case struts around with misappropriated medals?
The optics weren’t good.
But if it happened as you say you were judged unfairly.
And a bit harshly.
rosie says:
January 30, 2022 at 11:38 pm
I linked a iirc fairly conservative new york post article made a comment about indolent.
As usual fat faulty can’t help himself not missant
Go fuck yourself Tokyo Rosie – you’re one sick bitch
First Newspoll out for 2022 in Teh Paywallian. SloMo probably wishes he had gone to Hawaii instead.
I’m well aware that I have no rights to my own views, own thoughts, own observations or even my own location
For these I must bow to the prophets of catallaxy.
I see someone still earnestly and truthfully scrolls all my posts.
You’re a fuckwit then.
And a liar.
At every stage his lawyer would have explained the potential for award of costs.
Oh, yeah.
No doubt the mysterious perfesser who told him Friedenberg was locked in Hungarian.
Surely he signed an affidavit or stat dec to that effect before you launched on this folly?
Didn’t he?
Superb weather here.
Got a bit sunburnt yesterday 🙂
I’m at a loss why this is the low season.
So low my accommodation was half price.
Sancho Panzer,
Lots of people with medals they didn’t earn. They got them anyway.
I know a few with more than 10 on their group that embarrassed them.
But they had been issued and they had to put them up.
I have no medals. Sent them back last year in protest at the rising tide of fascism in this country and the part the Defence Forces are laying in it.
Miss A.
That is exactly what happened.
It was a link, the like of which Indolent links to twenty times a day and simply making that point.
Someone found “gloating” in there and it suddenly became fact.
Classic verballing.
Possibly not Faulty, but out of the Faulty playbook.
it’s stunning and awesome
unlike the sheilas … I’ve seen Pomeranians chase balls with more vigor that the wymynsys
Couldn’t do his homework.
Hungarian Jews were stripped of their citizenship and rendered stateless.
Many years after the war and long after Mrs Frydenberg senior had emigrated to Australia Hungary ‘restored’ citizenship rights to Jews.
Mrs Frydenburg didn’t know iirc and did not stoop to pick up that pathetic offer in any case.
sancho and rosie … doubles against everybody
Then there is this doozey …
So, his court action, by his own admission, was vexatious and frivolous, because it was motivated by politic emnity rather than any real concerns over citizenship.
I hope Frydenberg puts the deadshit in the poorhouse. It might act as some sort of brake on half-arsed lawfare.
With swampies increasing using lawfare in pursuit of their aims bankrupting a few for costs will be important, unlike the CFMEU which can just continue to laugh it off.
Oh dear someone got tangled in the tether tennis set.
Miss A.
Are you saying that protocol dictates that you must wear all medals awarded, or none at all?
As the Americans say
Thank you for your service Miss.
Exactly Bear.
That is why I hope Frydenberg takes this fuckwit to the cleaners.
Where’s your doubles partner, Matrix?
ANZMI were giving the impression of lax corroboration, as mentioned upthread.
This is risky enough.
However, some of the write-ups they were publishing seemed quite scathing, unnecessarily so.
Some of it seemed to be of the nature of:
“Mr. Brown is reported to have attended a picnic race meeting in Central NSW where he claimed to have been a Corporal who served Nine years in the army, from 1963 to 1972.”
“ANZMI has investigated and found Mr Brown served from Sept 1963 until Jan 1972, or Eight years & 4 months. He was not a Corporal but a Lance-Corporal. He is therefore a scumbag who has misrepresented his time in the army and misrepresented his terminal rank.
He is scum and has been attending meetings of an RSL club, he should be pelted with manure as scum like this have no place in society”
Iirc I got into a ‘discussion’ with one of Australia’s literary treasures on Facebook over the Frydenberg nonsense when it first was floated.
In the end I blocked them, because they were an antisemitic moron.
Looks like we’re Googlin’ our own cartoons this morning.
The overlap between “Anti-Semitic moron” and “Greenie loon” is yuuuge.
Oh yes ‘they’ were that too.
hi sancho.
just reminding you that your gibber won’t work on me.
so go on … dig another hole with your mouth
Fully vaxed Matrix?
Surely not?
sancho, you and rosie are one dumb-fuck
nom, nom, nom
Samcho Pamzer,
If you are still serving you have to wear all your medals. When in the uniforms they should be on as per dress regulations. Otherwise you are in strife.
If you are a civilian you can do what you like. What are they going to do, charge you?
Wearing medals you aren’t entitled to is a Commomwealth offence though.
On the other hand it is not unknown for people, usually male, to big themselves up to get a tan boot. Not just service or ex service people.
Good luck to them.
Thanks Miss A.
The thing that struck me when I saw Keith Payne’s medals/awards in the AWM is that the AO seems to trump the VC.
There have been a few cases that seemed pedantic but the people involved should have known better.
Some of the WW2 conmen you just had to admire their inventiveness.
Lots of women beaters in the files of ANZMI. And other scum.
To be honest having had training and experience as an investigator it hasn’t been hard to smell a rat.
I used to drink with a bloke dressed as a Commando Lt Col on a couple of AMZAC Days. Out of curiosity. He fooled people at Randwick Barracks. I saw him after he had been caught out and been through court. Ruined his business career and personal life. Scots Old Boy I think.
Samcho Pamzer,
The only thing that trumps the VC is the Order Of The Garter.
Or perhaps not getting a posthumous one.
Ha ha.
Should be a special medal for pulling that stunt alone.
Unless you are a total narcissist, most people would sweat bullets all day, shitting themselves that the next bloke they talk to would tumble them.
I guess they can always fall back on “still don’t like talking about it” when it comes to the details.
Just the way Payne’s awards were displayed, the AO was to the right of the VC, with everything else to the left.
Maybe it was just for display purposes.
I think the AO is a medallion worn on a ribbon around the neck, with a lapel pin for day-to-day showing off.
It was no great imposition. I enjoyed most of it.
Sancho Pamzer,
The ones on a riband are not worn on a rack. I’m not sure if they areworn with ribbons. And they all come with a lapel pin.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they got the precedence wrong at the AWM as it is in Canberra.
The Army has a S.M. Protocol now. They can handle it.
Last time I pulled the AWM up for getting something wrong they didn’t appreciate it much. But they fixed it.
As an aside the AWM had a director who was a fair dinkum hero and one of the best soldiers I ever encountered. He was bumped a few years ago for a political. Not long after he suicided. Not saying the two were connected. Not at all.
You couldn’t make up this sort of thing.
Just how dumb is this joker?
He possibly got GST on gambling entirely wrong and is now paying a steep price. GST is a devil of a thing to figure out as you well know.
That faux commando was beaut. Cool as a cucumber.
A step too far going to Randwick Officers Mess and making the juniors buy his drinks. More than once
He used to keep me amused..
Hey, I wasn’t paying for his drinks nor a serving copper.
You couldn’t make this up!
Rafael Nadal:
Having just completed a Six-hour slugfest tennis match, he’s now on an exercise bike & riding it at least as hard as I could.
He’s laughing & looking as fresh as if he’s on an extended holiday and has just woken from a long sleep.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
January 30, 2022 at 10:18 pm
Daily Mail. All right, which of you lot was it?
Cheeky moment man waltzes into a service station NAKED – before casually paying for his fuel and walking out
A middle-aged man has been filmed walking into a Sydney petrol station naked
The bizarre incident took place at Edgecliff BP on Thursday during the day
Footage shows the man nonchalantly paying for fuel in the nude then leaving
Wot? No mask? The eeeevvvvilll individual!