On the gnome and the titan — I listened to Andrew Klavan’s view on the contretemps and his view was…
On the gnome and the titan — I listened to Andrew Klavan’s view on the contretemps and his view was…
I don’t think they like salty stuff. Did this at my old dad’s place last year, since he had* a…
There’s an new Alien movie? Is it any good? Is Ripley played by a bloke in a dress?
Bang on. You can’t fault that statement. “It’s inappropriate to give dessert to a child who has had no meal”
Sneaky, sneaky….
Look away for five minutes.
Drugs not working.
Hahaha. Clowns like this are now a dime a dozen in Australia: his attempt to gotcha an LNP cabinet minister has backfired spectacularly:(Paywallian):
Tom says:
January 31, 2022 at 12:50 am
I suppose he put the house in his wife’s name before the proceedings?
What is Frydenberg supposed to do, cop it sweet and pay the bills for a lawsuit he never wanted or started?
Liking him or not has nothing to do with it.
Seriously, some people have no idea what the outcome might be when they start some idiotic action.
Top ten
Rafa looks inevitable against the skinny ruski with the Lenin forehead
Nadal!!! What an epic in five sets.
“This” close, Chief!
The next time that Biden shows up with an ice cream, a reporter needs to ask him how much it cost, rather than what flavour it is.
He won’t have the slightest clue.
Dear Dover0beach
Gosh it’s tomorrow already.
UK Worldometers cases deaths and tests to last Monday:
tomorrowday after tomorrow.Excess all-cause mortality by age group for England and Wales to Friday 14 January 2022, week 2:
Next update Wednesday Oz time.
Politicians are geniuses when it comes to the value of money.
Flash the plastic at taxpayer expense. Print more currency. Build a bigger trough.
These are the golden rules.
stay home if you feel sick
MPs Launch Investigation into Government Covid Propaganda After Psychologists Criticise Nudge Unit For “Grossly Unethical Tactics” of Fear
MPs Launch Investigation into Government Covid Propaganda After Psychologists Criticise Nudge Unit For “Grossly Unethical Tactics” of Fear – The Daily Sceptic
The Government’s “grossly unethical” uses of its “nudge unit” stoked fear among the public during the pandemic, psychologists have said – prompting MPs to launch an investigation into the Government’s Covid propaganda.
photo of Saint Laurent Marseilles after the quarter was destroyed.
‘I’m unf—ing cancellable’: Kid Rock has message for haters; will not play at venues with vaxx mandates
I’m actually staying in a replacement block, directly below Saint Laurent church
an interesting story of racial purification with the French government under Petain having dirty hands.
October 22, 2021
Senator Rand Paul annihilates Fauci by exposing (again) his lies about GAIN OF FUNCTION.
video – https://gettr.com/post/peu5usc3c6
Just Some Lady That You Used To Know
Jan 25
Dr. #RobertMalone Claims COVID Vaccines Can Permanently Damage Children’s Brains, Hearts, Immune Systems
Dr. Robert Malone Claims COVID Vaccines Can Permanently Damage Children’s Brains, Hearts, Immune Systems
“They may damage their brains, their heart, their immune system, and their ability to have children in the future. Many of these damages cannot be repaired,” Malone said.
video – https://nationalfile.com/dr-robert-malone-claims-covid-vaccines-can-permanently-damage-childrens-brains-hearts-immune-systems/?ff_source=Email&ff_medium=newsletter-NF&ff_campaign=dailyam&ff_content=national-file
Our children have been betrayed
[answer to her question – it was a quick & easy way into a jet setting life for low lifes]
Biden admin torched over bombshell footage: ‘Literally breaking the law’
Update from the corespondents: “Mask mandates are useless in Canada’s capital, Ottawa. Hotels and malls are allowing people to be maskless. In my hotel alone, there are hundreds of maskless people like myself. And the staff are respectful and don’t even bother asking anyone to wear one.
video – https://gettr.com/post/prddpyaef2
‘Stand Up To Racism’ walked away when Robinson’s film started with quotes from survivors about their race based child sexual exploitation.
video – https://gettr.com/post/prgq9z7644
40 YEARS of Govt & Police backed Child Sex Slavery … and laughing, “Pizza!”, doesn’t make it not be so. It further enables it.
BreadMaker ??
Replying to @Callum
Imagine the awful red pill moment of those who discover that all this time they were part of the problem.
Literally running interference so 11 year old girls could be systematically gathered and sold.
Hopefully they were the ones who went there with good intentions, but instead got the lesson they had been missing all this time.
Replying to @Callum
These middle class virtue signalling idiots probably dont even know anything about the work Tommy does. They are just out there screaming racism because thats what the BBC and Guardian told them.
They are protecting paedophiles and corrupt police and local authorities.
Benjamin Harnwell
Jan 29
Great old-school investigative journalism. @DrJulesGomes digs deep and exposes the rotten nexus between the NWO honorary chaplain (#NotMyPope), George Soros and Google — and their concerted attempt to funnel millions into fake ‘Catholic’ media to suppress the truth about covid vaccines. Plus great quotes from me!
Francis Defends Google-Funded Fact Checker
Jan 19
WARNING: Official data suggests the Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and certain CANCERs.
Official data suggests the Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
An in-depth investigation of 5 months worth of official UK Government data published by the UK Health Security Agency seems to confirm predictions previously ma
David Vance ???
Unspeakable evil!
[in Western Australia]
Come now, cancers?
How long is it since triple vax?
Pls be serious if you want to be taken seriously.
Gonna Be Biblical ?????????
True The Vote has spent the last several months since late last year collecting more than 27 terabytes of geospatial and temporal data—a total of 10 trillion cell phone pings—between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6 in targeted areas in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
“From this we have thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona,” True The Vote’s document says.
“According to the data, each trafficker went to an average of 23 ballot dropboxes.”
True The Vote Conducting Massive Clandestine Voter Fraud Investigation
Election integrity group True The Vote has been conducting a months-long massive and clandestine voter fraud investigation into 2020.
Tim Gill
*Trump had a lil’ get together yesterday & as usual, a PACKED house!! How’s Biden’s attendance numbers of those who want to hear what he has to say??
You better believe it!
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
Andy Davey.
BlueskyGettr (Athena)
Perth Australia? you can buy groceries at Aldi, but must be vaccinated to take a bottle of wine through the same register ??
#endthemandates #fightforfreedom #truckerconvoy2022
img – https://gettr.com/post/preogeb166
Gary Varvel.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Bob Moran.
Not mincing words here …
LoraConnor ??????
Jan 5
U.S./ German Trial Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, indictes and names Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab before a Polish Parliament Hearing as criminal conspirators of the global pandemic that has caused endless suffering and the deaths of millions of innocent victims around the world.
He denounces Agenda 2030 for what it is; a tyrannycal plan to own and control everything and us!
video – https://gettr.com/post/pm3p3tfc8b
Scroll down to the end –
“Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a condition that leads to the loss of immune cells and leaves individuals susceptible to other infections and the development of certain types of cancers. In other words, it completely decimates the immune system.”
Darren of Plymouth ??
“The minute they hand you that vaccine passport, every right that you have is transformed into a privilege contingent upon your obedience to arbitrary government dictates. It will make you a slave!”
Robert Kennedy Jr.
video – https://gettr.com/post/prbmff85e1
Today in No Evidence of Voter Fraud:
Dinesh D’Souza Releases Movie Trailer for “2000 Mules” Exposing Ballot Traffickers Who Stole the 2020 Election.
NewsCorp are replacing Albo?
It was always going to happen close to the Election.
January 31, 2022 at 12:50 am
Hahaha. Clowns like this are now a dime a dozen in Australia: his attempt to gotcha an LNP cabinet minister has backfired spectacularly:(Paywallian):”
Michael Staidle should ask his friend Simon Holmes a Court to put the money up.
Okay, but how do you get a legal bill of between $1 and $2 million dollars?
Presumably Staindl’s legals were gratis, but what about Josh?
Were his blokes wearing solid Gold capes and shoes?
Human headlines.
Meghan and Harry Join Joe Rogan Protest, Demand Spotify Make ‘Changes’ on COVID ‘Misinformation’ (30 Jan)
Sure to work, although there’s this one teensy tiny problem…
Harry and Meghan fail to deliver on $30 million Spotify deal (25 Jan)
Ooh, embarassment! To expect those two to actually do some work is beyond the pale.
Started to watch the clip of Craig Kelly that someone put up on the old thread. Craig started well but then had a question from the audience, the bloke asking was a UAP candidate for somewhere. Anyway the bloke started carrying on about paedophilia charges for some prominent people and I turned off. I am interested in these things and want any proven offenders punished but I don’t want to listen to long rants about someone’s favourite hangup at a political rally about freedom. The UAP are the best hope of causing a change in our politics but getting sidetracked like this by candidates is not the way to go.
Cranks aways sabotage momentum, sfw. Extremely frustrating.
Where’s the evidence that Holmes ‘a Court was behind Staindl’s suit?
The bottom line is that at least 58% in Kooyong don’t want Josh as the Member.
All Homes ‘a Court is doing is draining votes away from someone who could tip Josh out.
That’s right.
All the Covid panic pushers need do is sit back and watch the conspiracy whack jobs destroy the anti mandate argument from the inside.
January 31, 2022 at 6:40 am
Started to watch the clip of Craig Kelly that someone put up on the old thread. Craig started well but then had a question from the audience, the bloke asking was a UAP candidate for somewhere. Anyway the bloke started carrying on about paedophilia charges for some prominent people and I turned off. I am interested in these things and want any proven offenders punished but I don’t want to listen to long rants about someone’s favourite hangup at a political rally about freedom. The UAP are the best hope of causing a change in our politics but getting sidetracked like this by candidates is not the way to go.”
Quite so sfw….and who are those “prominent people”? Oh let me guess….a former senior judge? The father of a famous Oz actress? A well known Catholic prelate? All of this pedophilia rubbish belongs in the loon bin but these nonsensical allegations follow the same vein as the Carl Beech fantastic stories in the UK……and which led to innocent people’s lives being ruined…..
They are….
1. Untrue
2. Defamatory and dangerous
3. Distracts parties on the right from genuine issues
4. Gives the left and MSM valid reasons to belittle and target minor right-wing parties as havens for conspiracy mongers, the unhinged and the whacko.
Did Kelly slap the nonsense down? Because that’s what he should have done….it should be vigorously denounced by Kelly and the UAP.
“and want any proven offenders punished but I don’t want to listen to long rants about someone’s favourite hangup at a political rally about freedom”
And hang-ups they are. I’ve written here several times that as soon as someone rants on about “pedophile conspiracies”…..it’s time to run a mile……because it’s nonsense.
We all want proven offenders to be punished…but the key word is proven because it is by and large bunkum.
And by the way, the other night I was accused by a well known conspiratorial nong who posts here of focusing on “George Pell”. Well George Pell was an innocent man and as far as I’m concerned one innocent man or woman who is falsely persecuted, charged, prosecuted and imprisoned for any reason IS ONE TOO MANY.
Cassie, I didn’t wait to see Craigs response, I don’t have the time or patience to sit through rants. We’re at a cusp and the forces against the UAP, LDP etc are powerful and well funded. They’ll pounce on things like this and paint everyone who opposes the uniparty as foil hat wearers.
” They’ll pounce on things like this and paint everyone who opposes the uniparty as foil hat wearers.”
Love the art!
The modern equivalent is one of those clickbait “when you see it” photos.
A fair bit of ‘too many open tabs and not enough sleep’ last night I see.
I am still not convinced Bosi isn’t a spook.
January 31, 2022 at 7:32 am
I am still not convinced Bosi isn’t a spook.”
What makes you say that?
‘the bloke started carrying on about paedophilia charges for some prominent people’
Oh Jesus wept, again with this bullshit. Is the banned Anne a UAP candidate yet?
This will ruin legitimate challenges to the dickheads currently pulling the levers. Surely Kelly et al would be aware of this.
Because ‘paedophile’ is one of the (deservedly) most repulsive terms going around does NOT mean you throw it in the direction of anyone you dislike.
Report it. Report it with evidence to back it or fuck off.
Omicron is destroying the Covid panic merchants by sheer experience. It’s easier to count families who haven’t had the coof in local towns.
The RAT testing of school kids will be the final nail in Vic. The ultimate use of coercive power in pursuit of the pointless.
If they find 5-10% of the kids positive, what happens next?
Are schools expected to run full classes and remote learning simultaneously?
Will the family of the infected kid then be automatically reported and expected to drop work immediately?
Disaster Dan creates another shit fest.
Easy, ask big fat Clive. Although I think he’s lying.
Mr.Ed, it’s early in the day for you to be sundowning.
“Because ‘paedophile’ is one of the (deservedly) most repulsive terms going around does NOT mean you throw it in the direction of anyone you dislike.
Report it. Report it with evidence to back it or fuck off.”
Liberty quote.
On another – yet related – note, it pleases me to see Mr Staindl on the hook for up to $2 million because of bullshit accusations without proof.
Mr Staindl evidently thought Frydenburg’s legal would be ‘covered by the government’, thus displaying the lifelong greenie’s worldview that gummint is a free and endless Amazon River of money.
I am led to understand that the unkempt appearance of recycled poverty is popular with the well-to-do 20-somethings living in Toorak and Malvern granny flats. Mr Staindl’s ‘sacrifice to the cause’ will now have that realistic edge to it.
That is beautiful.
This is the turd.. https://www.theage.com.au/national/cbd-melbourne-activist-has-morrison-in-his-sights-20200406-p54hmc.html
even after losing the Frydenburg case, he went after Morrison.
Thanks DP for that Worldometer link and All Causes Mortality chart.
The first shows pretty much what we all know – it’s run out of puff. Spiking cases and flat-lining deaths. The second, once averaged out over the two years, will show a slight rise in some age groups and something-nothing in others.
But, ooooooooh! Those biiiiiig spikes! Reeeeeeee! Let’s ruin ourselves by panicking.
that’s not how elections work in this country headcase.
79% don’t want the greens, and 83% don’t want Labor.
Who do you suggest should have been elected?
This is what I used to say at my old club. KD.
An instructor was adopting students as surrogates for his childless wife and himself.
It raised genuine concerns that the club wasn’t set with necessary safeguards or part of its mandate.
Polarized the place and nothing constructive came out of it.
Of course, the pretence will be that the vaxx has stopped the thing – vaxx formulations for an iteration that was well over the horizon before the next one came along. And the idiocy of “boosters” for same.
What has happened is that the natural world has prevailed. And hubristic “pseudoscience” can’t handle the fact.
I’m late to this whole story, but wtf about this plot twist?
Palaszczuk on the run over integrity
There was a media feeding frenzy in Brisbane last week, with the Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk under intense media pressure, not over Covid-19, but the issue of integrity.
The issue of Omicron was put on the backburner by Brisbane’s press gallery, as newsrooms were more interested in chasing claims of a stolen laptop, secret files deleted and two bombshell resignations.
The drama started last Monday, after The Australian’s Michael McKenna broke the news that Queensland’s Integrity Commissioner Nikola Stepanov had quit midway through her second term.
It follows allegations that the Public Service Commission raided Stepanov’s office, took her laptop and wiped its contents without consent.
Palaszczuk was visibly irritated when her Monday Covid press conference was hijacked by questions about the mystery laptop.
What was on it? Why was it seized? What was deleted? Is there a cover-up? Was Stepanov closing in on a major political scandal? Was she pushed?
Australia is a shit stained latrine of corruption.
At least in other countries you just hand over the cash.
In Australia, corruption has a symbiotic relationship with the system.
Bruce of Newcastle posted about Megan and Harry criticising Spotify over Joe Rogan and Covid misinformation.
The Courier Mail has an article about it which appears to be from the Sun and has this bit :
“Ivermectin a drug usually taken to treat parasitic infestations in animals.
In January 2022, 270 scientists, physicians, professors, doctors, and healthcare workers wrote an open letter to Spotify”.
Two bits of misinformation right there. Anybody who mentions only animal treatment in relation to Ivermectin and not Noble prize and extensive human use is peddling misinformation. The 270 is also misinformation.
The long term consequences of the genetic therapies will sort out the covid nazis.
Nice little conflict you’ve got going there.
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet supplies IT services through the PSC to the QIC. So of hampers you if you’re trying to dig up dirt.
Hold up.
The sheer chaos might convince people this nonsense has gone too far and gone on for far too long.
And yet Dictator Dan gets away with way, way worse.
Had a bit of chuckle.
We are talking about victorians here. They Love lockdowns, mandates and the fascist hunchback c*nt. They will ask for more!
I understand why paedophilia accusations are filling the atrocity vacuum.
You can no longer get traction from homosexuality or sexual deviancy which today’s society has normalised, so it’s the only one left apart from bestiality. And being a “red” or even a “nazi” is now laughable. People just don’t care.
But children, now. That’s a rich seam to exploit. And while all the smoke gets blown around the “prominent figures” no one looks at the real wickedness going on in remote communities and sometimes under our own noses.
See ya Razey.
Send a post from Tokyo when you get there. You’re still going, right? It wasn’t all mouth, right?
This is disingenuous bullshit of course. The bloke transferred ownership of the house before the case was heard.
Israel: A Profile in Vaccine failure and a Warning to the World
The Israeli data now definitively proves “vaccination” is the problem not the answer.
The combined evidence on early treatments and “vaccinations” tells us that the phrase “conspiracy theory” has one word too many.
Where’s Australia’s truck convoy?
Breaking News: He’s a Green. He’s a liar.
I’m shocked!
It always staggers them when they discover there can be consequences to themselves personally. It would have been a good day ‘at the office’ top have embarked on his vexatious path to ruin Friedeggenburger’s career and leaving him to pick up the pieces of his life, but having to pay for doing so – where the innocent (in this at least) guy is spared and the malicious is punished – is a tragedy.
As usual for one of these people, he needs other people’s money. But publicity is their natural element. In all areas of their antics there are bodies involved in economic matters, scientific, ordinary people with jobs, and so on, but these activists thrive in a thin film of publicity that surrounds them and corrupt the signals they send to each other. They themselves are alien to economics, science, hoi polloi.
They are a virus.
If kids don’t supply RAT test results or not all required, what’s next?
Banning them from school.
Siblings asked to leave as well.
Visits from VicPlod to cuff kids and escort them off the school grounds.
Why I Don’t Date Liberal Women
Specifically White Liberal Women! Black Guys They See Us As Pets and Trauma Bonding Buddies
We tried that in Oz 6 months ago, 2 trucks turned up.
There were never any “consequences”, Lode.
If he lost, so what? There was nothing to lose. These creatures don’t value reputation or “good name” like we do. They are beyond such bourgeois attitudes.
He got some notoriety, Frydenberg tied up in a malicious case, and the public questioning whether he was qualified to be in parliament.
Until delinquency of this type is punished by prison time, it will continue. And always from the same source.
Why do you think they built the concentration camps?
Your Word of the Day, Cats:
From Leon’s link to American Thinker just above.
Worlds worst twitter boxer.
Dr Julia Baird
GUYS WE DID IT!!!! Raffa too but also, that took a LOT of magical thinking on behalf of all of us at home peering between fingers, hiding behind cushions, cleaning cupboards, crossing ankles, timing bathroom trips for that guy to win. Well done all.
Dick Ed
The bottom line is that at least 58% in Kooyong don’t want Josh as the Member.
If 58% of Kooyong voters didn’t want Josh as their member, he wouldn’t be their member. And if they have changed their mind since the last election, he won’t be after the next.
All of which has nothing to do with a vexatious lawsuit against him, and the costs thereof.
Sexist bitch. The standard you walk past, goddammit!
If society continues on its current trajectory spearheaded by the left, paedophilia will be a thing of the past because it will be normalised. The nascent phase began with the ”ethicists” and the homo community (especially back in the ’70s), the DSM will next normalise it as a ”condition” but it won’t gain traction until Hollyweird begins to promote it in order to normalise it. I give it ten years or so.
Raffa didn’t meet or beat the world’s best player.
Barty won on her merits but Nadal’s victory will always be tainted by the Novak fiasco.
After all, ”love is love”, right?
Anything other colour to add to this tale of Joshie’s utter bastardry?
The Malvern Star got a double puncture?
Simon the pet tortoise went off his lettuce?
When you have 19 yr olds being touted as “underage” for outrageous outraging against “people we don’t like”, the normalisation of sex with children may still have a way to go.
The press, the lefties and the agitators will have to decide. It’s their fork in the road, not ours.
he issued bankruptcy proceedings on Christmas Eve
Best time to do it.
Either that or the Thursday before Easter.
If I was going to potentially bankrupt someone, I’d send out the notification on Christmas Eve as well.
If someone was going to bankrupt me, I would appreciate their timing if I got the email on the Monday after any one of Collingwood’s 27 Grand Final losses.
‘When you have 19 yr olds being touted as “underage” for outrageous outraging’
Or 24 year olds.
*cough* None *cough*
They decided many years ago.
Let’s be mature about pedophilia | Madeleine van der Bruggen | TEDxSittardGeleen
FitzSimons full of ‘nauseating hypocrisy’
Sky News host Rowan Dean says sanctimonious blowhards like Peter FitzSimons are full of nauseating hypocrisy.
AFLW player Haneen Zreika did not wear the Giants’ pride jersey because it went against her Muslim faith, with Mr FitzSimons writing that it was a “non event” in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Mr FitzSimons, however, penned upwards of 30 columns criticising former rugby player Israel Folau for expressing his views on homosexuality.
He was also quiet when former boxer Anthony Mundine expressed medieval views about homosexuals in 2018, according to fellow Outsiders host James Morrow.
“Why? Because Mundine, like Zreika, is a Muslim, and sanctimonious blowhards like FitzSimons are too gutless to criticise them,” Mr Dean said.
“You know what takes our breath away, Peter FitzSimons? Nauseating hypocrisy.”
Sky News
George Christensen Interview with Prof. Mattias Desmet about his explanation for the pandemic-induced societal insanity we see all around us which he calls ‘mass formation’.
What Has Caused COVID Madness? — with Prof. Mattias Desmet
Farmer Gez
Agree about the tennis.
As things stand, and having denigrated the no.1, there is a sense in which:
‘Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.’
And by and large its the normies who are having children, not the chattering classes (twittering classes?). There will be a battle over the children but it’s about control not sex. In fact it’s already begun.
Yeah…like the grifter who reckons Epstein “groomed” her.
Ah yes, 24 year old “Our Kate” Upton was “pre pubescent”. Utter insanity.
Razey, that’s fringe stuff. What Gab is talking about is normalisation, as in mainstream acceptance.
This won’t happen, if it does happen, over law suits and cakes. It will happen over dead bodies.
Remember Gillian Triggs’s “If only we could control what is said around the dinner table”?
Spoiling my breakfast by monitoring Nanny Mitchell, mainstream media’s 3AW to see if he knows where Canada is and also, if he knows where Canberra is. I suspect the word “convoy” has been deleted from his vocabulary!
Bandana Man and his toxic missus are frightened of Islam. Really frightened.
After all, they were eye witnesses to the Paris atrocities several years ago and live Tweeted* the action.
They know.
* from their apartment two arrondissements away.
FitzSimons has also been silent on Mundine being charged with breaching the Public Health Orders.
But couldn’t stop gushing about the citizen journalist who snapped Tony Abbott riding his bike.
Being a hypocrite is a feature of his working, not a bug.
It will be sold as a regular, run of the mill human right.
A Brisbane school is requiring parents to sign a contract that states their children will identify as their birth gender or face being excluded from the school.
Citipointe Christian College, in Carindale, gave parents little more than a week before school returns to consider its new contract, which also proclaims beliefs that homosexuality and bisexuality are destructive to society.
The contract sparked outrage at the weekend, with more than 15,000 people signing an online petition calling on the Prep to Year 12 school to recall the amendments.
Chuckle. Sums up my attitude to Covid and RATs.
Simple. Don’t send your kids there.
‘homosexuality and bisexuality are destructive to society’
Bisexuality is fine.
As long as both chicks are hot.
I suspect the word “convoy” has been deleted from his vocabulary!
From Wiki:
“Convoy” is a 1975 novelty song performed by C. W. McCall (a character co-created and voiced by Bill Fries, along with Chip Davis) that became a number-one song on both the country and pop charts in the US and is listed 98th among Rolling Stone magazine’s 100 Greatest Country Songs of All Time.
Some lyrics:
‘Cause we got a little ol’ convoy
Rockin’ through the night.
Yeah, we got a little ol’ convoy,
Ain’t she a beautiful sight?
Come on and join our convoy
Ain’t nothin’ gonna get in our way.
We gonna roll this truckin’ convoy
‘Cross the U-S-A.
Who knows a DJ who would play the song?
I can envisage the age of consent here being lowered to 15, given the right circumstances. It would have to come from a female Labor Premier, but not from Qld where the price would be deemed too high. Either NSW or Vic would be the first to lead the way, most likely Vic, with other States to follow eventually. The Libs would offer little to no resistance.
I agree, but most of us never thought ‘normal’ people would accept an experimental medical procedure just in order to work, yet here we are…
From the last thread concerning the bankrupt climate activist who sued Frydenberg:
Sancho Panzersays:
January 31, 2022 at 12:23 am
Then there is this doozey …
Mr Staindl, a prominent climate change activist, said he had acted on what he had “perceived” to be Mr Frydenberg’s falsehoods over climate. He said when questions had arisen over Mr Frydenberg’s citizenship, he received a report from a Hungarian professor who said Mr Frydenberg had a Hungarian bloodline and therefore citizenship.
So, his court action, by his own admission, was vexatious and frivolous, because it was motivated by politic emnity rather than any real concerns over citizenship.
I hope Frydenberg puts the deadshit in the poorhouse. It might act as some sort of brake on half-arsed lawfare.
This is a good result. It shows what you have to do to the left: crush the bastards.
SA might also be first.
Anecdotal? Yeah….
Both my aunt and uncle were the first to get the clot shot + boosted. Now both have early onset dementia.
Absolutely. You know, even 15 years ago, people never bought into the idea of ”gays” getting married. It’ll never happen, they said and yet here we are. The same will be true of the normalisation of pedos.
Wouldn’t surprise me, the Catholics and other denominations are very wet.
Australia died when they allowed these perverts to ‘marry’.
how many of those send their kids to the school?
Cassie earlier:-
Because said conspiratorial nong hasn’t been quite able to come to terms with Pell’s exoneration by the High Court.
To be fair, he does have red shoes.
And likes pizza.
Perhaps it’s time the non-state schools who wish to be autonomous rejected all levels of state funding. Not impossible. Same goes for churches who, if not wishing to be vassals of the state, might choose to reject funding under the auspices of ‘heritage’ preservation or some such.
Quite frankly I am more worried about the digital identity bill and never ending emergency powers, but carry on.
Prof. Desmet has been outspoken on the irrationality of societal responses to the pandemic since its early days and formulated the psychological concept of ‘mass formation’ to explain that irrationality.
Propaganda around disease seems to be able to tap into a deep seated fear that is present in many individuals. The German propaganda of the 1930’s around the disease risk posed by Jews served as a solid foundation for the Holocaust. Yet this irrational fear of disease propaganda is often forgotten due it being supplanted with more conventional and well known conspiracy propaganda. The later conspiracy propaganda ultimately found a home among Germans because the foundational fear was based on disease.
how many of those send their kids to the school?
Zero, just a flash outrage mob.
Probably somewhere between zero and none.
I assumed he was already there.
You’re not still in this – what’s the word? – “shithole” are you Razey?
Say it ain’t so.
Remember when homosexuals just wanted toleration?
The state has no business in defining what marriage is.
There are two Islamic colleges in the vicinity that would have the same policy.
The “outrage” is very selective.
From duncanm says:
January 31, 2022 at 8:17 am
Obviously unwise to trust anything from Mr Staindl, but if Freydenberg is holding off recovering legitimate costs from this POS for electoral reasons, it better be on his own dime.
It was personal litigation, and as I understand personally funded.
Frydenberg’s costs had better not somehow turn up on the public tab to avoid the political horrors of selling up the very calculating Mr Staindl. It will be noticed and broadcast – probably by Staindl himself.
Either NSW or Vic would be the first to lead the way, most likely Vic, with other States to follow eventually. The Libs would offer little to no resistance.
Overall the swamp is pretty strategic. They wedge issues in where the cost is lowest, allow acclimatisation and then introduce elsewhere after the public has developed a false sense of security “that wasn’t to bad was it?”.
By all means fight that fight.
But naming “high profile” members of “worldwide pedo rings” sans evidence is disgusting.
Nearly as bad as the crime itself.
We’ve had a couple of serial offenders here and at the Old Cat.
The next time might be their last.
If Staindl is made bankrupt then his trustee can get the house unless the wife paid full value.If you are going to go bankrupt you need to transfer assets years in advance a la Allan Bknd6
On the Australian Open.
It was heartwarming to see all four singles finalists lavish praise on Craig Tiley – who would normally expect formal thanks along with the staff, volunteers and ballkids.
It’s almost as if they were circling the wagons around his role in the Djokovic Debacle.
KD, my favourite quote on the subject was from Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear.
Some media type asked him if he was bigoted against homosexuals.
“Not at all,” he responded. “I love lesbians on the internet”.
The left whatever tried and failed to normalise sex with children back in the 70s, they got big push back from parents.
As long as Christianity influence remains strong they won’t get a look in.
Christianity was what revolutionised Roman attitudes to sex with children (as liberal as you could get).
Rechristianising the west is what people should be focusing on
It takes quite some courage to overlook goading.
Like a pretty girl, the rules do not apply.
Come now, cancers?
How long is it since triple vax?
Pls be serious if you want to be taken seriously.
US Military DMED database. Younger than usual population on average. 300% increase in cancer diagnoses compared to previous annual over 5 years and that was for the first 10 months of 2021.
Rubbish, most none religious and atheist are against it to, rosie.
That supports what Dr Ryan Cole was saying by mid 2021. Screw with your immune system at your peril.
This is what is funny.
The lawyers who ran with this are over it.
Moved on.
But Staindll thinks they are his besties.
Fellow traveller eco-warriors.
So, with the bankruptcy winding up notice in his trembling hand on Christmas Eve, he rings his lawyer:-
“I need somebody to doooo something!”.
Lawyer : “Yeah. Right. Look I’m just heading off to Sorrento. The office closed until the 18th January. Tell you what. Why don’t you call one of our junior associates in bankruptcy then? Merry Christmas!”
Exquisite timing.
Reaching back into the mist of time, I seem to remember that Bond, Alan Bond managed to scalp a fair chunk from his trustee via a marriage separation settlement with Mrs Bond.
From duncanm’s link it appears the well-advised Mr Staindl’s convenient loss of house was in settlement of a “personal issue”.
Tragic, as well as naive.
Mr Staindl is broke so does that mean the lawyers get stiffed, or is it wrong to pick a side. Pity they can’t both lose.
I agree from an historic standpoint, rosie. I also think, as Christianity is the sum of the Law and the Prophets, that children were to be treated differently to the ancient world norm in Israel too.
It was their cruelty to children that was railed against by the Almighty, amongst other things.
The west has been built on these two great pillars of faith. Regardless of an individual’s faith, the inheritance stands. As products of this tremendous wealth, it is no surprise to me that both atheist and agnostic abhor the commodification of children also.
The cynical suggested that that separation was artificial – purely designed as an exercise in asset preservation…
Last night I watched the doco “a Day in Auschwitz”, on SBS. It was followed by a doco on Nuremberg which I also watched. The Nuremberg doco wasn’t bad, It was rehashed scenes from better docos, but!!!, the last five minutes was spent on predicting the rise of far Right extremism which will lead to another round of War, complete with ancient footage of German Neo Nazis and, wait for it!, footage of President Trump. They even mentioned the Jan 6 riots and how Nationalist talk can lead to future uprising.
Wasn’t there a mining entrepreneur who failed in an effort to “put the house in his wife’s name, the consideration being natural love and affection?”
About this time two years ago, Pelosi was telling everyone to go to China town & hug an Asian person.
Cynics everywhere did that.
Although I think Bond actually did make off with
a bimbosomeone for whom Age Isn’t An Issue, We’re Very Much In Love.Bankruptcy laws have changed.
20 years ago a horrible fellow I knew planned to enter the bankruptcy sausage machine so went on a trip to the US a month or so before.
He & his missus ripped up 20k on the Amex on that last trip.
Which Amex settled for pennies on the dollar.
That doesn’t happen anymore.
Dr Faustus says:
January 31, 2022 at 9:49 am
It’s almost as if they were circling the wagons around his role in the Djokovic Debacle.
No doubt about that. Under normal circumstances you would expect the CEO of Tennis Australia and Director of the Australian Open to say ‘a few words’. Thank his staff personally etc. Apparently not.
The Bengals beat the Chiefs and are into the Super Bowl.
T.T. rings a bell..
or perhaps every kid should get a fixed amount (voucher) for their education which they may cash at any school of their family’s choosing?
This is a helluva achievement by Burrow & Bengals.
Only the 2nd time in 20 years the Heisman Trophy winner has gone to a Super Bowl.
Unsurprising because the best prospects get drafted to the worst team/teams.
So in two seasons, Burrow has taken the Bengals from the worst team in the NFL to the big one.
Listening to ALPBC – sounds like Sneakers vaccine apartheid will have a few issues today.
Death threats, ghost researchers and sock puppets: Inside the weird, wild world of dodgy academic research
Bad science is a curse.
Interesting article, which strangely doesn’t spot an issue with ‘climate science’ – arguably the most corrupted branch of the family.
‘climate science’ is not part of science.
It belongs to “The Science™”.
Great stuff.
The truth is the EU/NATO is now the communist bloc.
NHS workers will no longer need the jabbening.
I see you have been rounding out numbers.
I would proffer a value of Zero point Nil Nada Zip Nought Nix Zilch Cypher None Diddly
The bankruptcy court should order him to work in an underground coal mine for twenty years to pay back the money. It’d be fitting. The ferals who block coal trains can go on shift with him. Manacles and chains would be suitable attire.
Flip side.
I knew a bloke who once worked as an sales rep for an Australian exporter.
Company goes bust while he is in the Middle East.
He thinks, “Fuck it. I’m out of a job. May as well have a bit of fun on the way home.”
Partied it up on the Amex.
Imagine his horror when he found out about the “joint and several liability” clause in the Corporate Amex contract.
I tried to avoid Corporate Amex like the plague after that.
Phrase of the day:-
Frydenberg Schadenfreude.
Didn’t watch the tennis presentations. I hope that Rafa thanked SloMo and the Federal Court. Unfortunately for him his record will always carry a *.
And Russia is now literally the Fatherland. History seems to repeat very Twainishly sometimes.
That NHS news is from the Telegraph in the UK.
Redefining, sure, but when the marriage acts here used the word marriage, they used the ordinary meaning of marriage as recognised by the community for millenia.
Will the happenings in England put pressure on our dim witted politicians and public?
Amex bit of a sui generis in the world of credit cards. Never got much assistance from US card issuers when dealing with bankruptcy in the UK in the mid 90s. They just wrote off fraud as the cost of doing business and push the cost across to everyone else.
In Integrity news:
Spotify to add advisories to podcasts discussing COVID-19 after Joe Rogan controversy
Neil Young (who?);
Joni Mitchell (too wrinkly);
James Blunt (chuckle);
Harry and Meghan – Faaark!!!
Best not to own your own home if you plan to be a strawman. Kangaroo Court is the gold standard.
A revolution unlike any that we have seen in the past…….maybe? Ask the truckies of Canada & all the average working class people who have been undermined and thrown under the bus by governments and bureaucratic bunglers.
For this proposition see:
2013 Groundhog day redux.
Democrats trying to gin up thermo-nuclear war with Russia via the Ukraine because Russia don’t let fags get married.
Libertarians explaining that the gangsters in Canberra can redefine the word ‘marriage’ via legislation.
I wonder how many of those 15,000 people who signed the petition actually send their kids to the school….
More confected outraged outrage, perhaps?
Game on: Australia opens Hypersonic Research Precinct to develop missiles faster than the speed of sound
$14 million?
At the fore.
Game On.
Vlad, Emperor Xi, and Phat Phuc will be reaching for clean underwear.
There’s a chicken and egg problem with that.
Rejecting state funds doesn’t remove the vast web of totalitarian regulations that the state places on completely privately funded private schools.
So you end up with no funds and being bossed about by the government anyway.
This is a terrible argument generally. Re trans, is the argument also that the state has no buiness defining what man and woman is? At best, this a weak defence, at worst, it is simply capitulation.
BTW, re the normalisation of paedophilia, although I think the confusion re LGB and marriage is important, it’s what’s going on re trans that is the litmus because there we see actual harm to children being celebrated for ideological reasons.
Climate Science is part of the whole environmental science thing, basically the gender studies of the science world. Shame really because modelling the climate is a worthy goal.
Seems Hazza & Megs haven’t been creating much content.
It was Howard that made the distinction more explicit that sparked the challenge, Dover.
Look I’m agnostic on SSM, not you or the state can say what my marriage means to me and my wife. Everyone regardless of what group they identify with has some deviation on what it means.
Atmospheric physics is a good start.
None of the climax scientimists would be able to handle the math.
Dr Faustus says:
January 31, 2022 at 11:04 am
Staffed by 60 people, the purpose-built facility was unveiled by the Minister for Defence Peter Dutton to advance the understanding and use of hypersonic technology through flight test vehicles.
Ok, so that $14m will pay the wages of 60 for about 2 years. Then what?
Bellis had been working for Al Jazeera in Afghanistan, but said she didn’t realise she was pregnant until she was at the media company’s headquarters in Doha, Qatar.
It is illegal to be pregnant and unmarried in Qatar, so Bellis kept her pregnancy secret as she prepared to return to New Zealand.
Two points.
One, will Saint Lisa Wilkinson critique Ardern regarding this?
Two, Qatar will be hosting the 2022 World Cup, will the sister hood be calling for a boycott?
Might have been better off putting the $14m on the last at Eagle Farm…
The thing is marriage has, since time immemorial, been a res publica – a public matter – not a private one. The modern notion that the purpose of marriage does not extend beyond the self-interest of a husband and wife is really where we – by which I mean conservatives or traditionalists – started losing the argument on marriage, well before ssm was contemplated.
How does it feel to have a booster and still fear the walking dead?
Asking for a Dan.