Open Thread – Mon 31 Jan 2022

Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1558

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February 2, 2022 1:00 pm

Nine stands by its articles claiming the former SAS Captain either killed or ordered the killing of Afghans who had been detained through various missions.

RS was a corporal when he was awarded the VC and a Sergeant on retirement from SASR.

Good to see the journos are on top of their brief.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 2, 2022 1:05 pm

Senator Kimberley Kitching, Federal Labor’s spokeswoman for government accountability, was baffled at the Playschool-like training.

The Kimberly Kitching, who got her bottom smacked by the Royal Commission, and was rewarded with a Senate seat for not dropping the bruvvas into the manure?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 2, 2022 1:07 pm

Take away private health insurance and private schools and both systems will collapse.

Quite so.
Compare the pair.
Person 1 – Single taxpayer earning $200k. Pays $3k medicare plus a choice between the MLS of another $3k or private health cover at, say, $4k. If that person takes private cover they contribute $7k in insurance levies and premiums.
Person 2 – single taxpayer earning $90k without private cover pays $1800 in Medicare.
Yet we see Person 2 types ($1800 p.a. contributors) bleating about da fairness and calling Person 1 types ($7000 p.a. contributors) “freeloaders”.

February 2, 2022 1:12 pm

Depends on how you look see class. Money doesn’t buy class.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 1:13 pm

Senator Kimberley Kitching, Federal Labor’s spokeswoman for government accountability, was baffled at the Playschool-like training.

I’m confused. NBN is a Labor baby.

Is it just another punching bag against the sitting government? Or would Labor have preferred the NBN administrators be an actual Government Department rather than one in all but name? They never seem to complain about the Public Service eating all the taxes to no effective outcome, after all.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Senator Kitching may be many things. However she is correct.
Wtf is NBN doing by using taxpayer money to pay for executives to play with Lego?

It costs $60 or so to buy a Lego set in K-Mart.
Anyone want to bet the extra outlay for NBN Lego was a helluva lot more than $60 per executive?

February 2, 2022 1:17 pm

what I resent is this class envy bullshit, it’s the same with parents who choose to send their children to private schools, we pay our taxes and yet we also choose to pay for private health insurance and for choice in education. We save the public hospital and public school system.

Many Leftards get this wrong but we have three systems of schooling: Private, Non-Government (Catholic, Anglican etc) and State schools. The first two receive most* funds from Feds and a tiny bit from State. The State schools receive most from State and tiny bit from Government.

In State schools, there is NO obligation to pay a single cent in fees. Even if you go to Claremont SHS or North Ryde SHS. They are very elite schools, but public, and you don’t pay fees as a parent.

*Parents cop most of the bill in Private and Non-Government and the money those schools get from Governments is usually parent’s tax money anyway…

Just remember what happened in the 1960’s when a Catholic school (was it Bathurst?) asked for funding from the State to fix a toilet or something. State said school couldn’t open due to health, School said couldn’t afford to fix it. State said bad luck. Bishop got up and told all Catholic students to attend all State schools as all Catholic schools would have to close.

State shat itself at through of 1,000’s of students rocking up to schools. By Monday, the Catholic school got funding. Later that year Menzies was first government to start official funding

**Something like that…

In short, WE subsidise non-fee paying parents!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 2, 2022 1:17 pm

Two years without any increase in capacity and then they fired all the unvaxxed nurses.

I have a vague memory of some hunch-backed mong promising 4,000 ICU beds.
He was going to convert the Exhibition Buildings or Jeff’s Shed into massive ICU units I believe.
Now they get 500 people turn up requiring observation and medication twice daily and they are “in crisis”.
This whole “hospital crisis” is confected drama looking for a saviour.
And that saviour will be Albo, offering a Brazilian dollars for Elf about three weeks before the election.
I can see it now. The presser will start with a pleading Karen-nurse with circles painted under her eyes pleading “exhaustion”.
Albo will arrive with a bucket of cash.
And, instead of calling bullshit, ScoMo will validate the whole narrative by matching the offer.
Elf gouging will then become totally bipartisan.

February 2, 2022 1:17 pm

rant out/

Cassie of Sydney
February 2, 2022 1:21 pm

February 2, 2022 at 1:17 pm”

All correct….it was Goulburn.

February 2, 2022 1:28 pm

I had private health insurance most of my life however in 2007 we had a financial disaster and were in reduced circumstances and the private cover was one of the first things to go. Since then we’ve built back up to where we are relatively comfortable (no debt) but on a limited income. I looked at getting private health cover again but frankly I don’t know how anyone can afford it. For a mid level plan for my wife and myself it will cost just under $5000 a year, much of that is the penalty you pay for each year of not being insured. $5k is almost 10% of our pre tax income. It’s just not affordable so we’ll take our chances with the pubic system.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 2, 2022 1:31 pm

Senator Kitching may be many things. However she is correct.
Wtf is NBN doing by using taxpayer money to pay for executives to play with Lego?

Cheaper than Cartier watches?
And better for career prospects.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 2, 2022 1:31 pm

Mr Panzer:

Person 1 – Single taxpayer earning $200k. Pays $3k medicare plus a choice between the MLS of another $3k or private health cover
Person 2 – single taxpayer earning $90k without private cover pays $1800 in Medicare

Look, for a proper analysis we’re going to need to see boomer percentages.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 2, 2022 1:34 pm

Many Leftards get this wrong but we have three systems of schooling: Private, Non-Government (Catholic, Anglican etc) and State schools.

And home schooling.
Which is detested by the powers.
Gets no money at all, but the parents have to jump through all sorts of hoops.

February 2, 2022 1:37 pm

Remove all the sin tax maybe more will go private.

February 2, 2022 1:45 pm

Senator Kimberley Kitching, Federal Labor’s spokeswoman for government accountability, was baffled at the Playschool-like training.

yeh – well as an ex HSU heavy, she’d know all about executive waste and fraud.

At least the NBNCo waste wasn’t lining the executives’ pockets.

Delta A
Delta A
February 2, 2022 1:47 pm

Look, for a proper analysis we’re going to need to see boomer percentages.

This proud Boomer Woman has had private insurance for decades.

Does that help?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 2, 2022 1:49 pm

I recall years ago reading an article outlining some of the jiggery-pokery used to make it look like the NBN was going to be profitable. I seem to remember there being such tricks as basing calculations of weighted cost of capital appropriate to other government programs but which would not apply to NBN.

But it was lower.

Doubtless that would be one of many.

Then Trumble took over when Abbott got in and supposedly cleaned it up. He may have, although he was rather distracted at the time by not being the boss. But any changes he made can be things Labor can bang on about.

February 2, 2022 1:56 pm

I’m doing a book on the midget submarine raid on Sydney

Pop up to 6 Bradley Avenue at Bellevue Hill and wonder at the range those little pipsqueaks had. Blew the back porch off the place.

Health Insurance – been insured with HCF since the Beloved started work in 1970. He added me in, natch. We are now on a plan so old that I’m still insured for maternity as well as a raft of other things. When he enquired about updating it he was warned not to because it would cost more and we would get less.

It has been very good to us – many…many stays in private wards and the brain bleed alone repaid all our contributions.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 2, 2022 1:58 pm

The changes in weather are killing my arthritis.
As far as being covered for health DVA look after me.
However I am waiting surgery in the NSW pubic system as the doctor is a little petal worried about me karking it on the table.
I think a change of surgeon is in order.
Another embuggerance.
In the meantime my life is crap.
Other than that all good.

February 2, 2022 1:58 pm

Is there a tax on sin?

I suppose there would be since it earns a wage.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 2, 2022 1:58 pm

Don’t think you can call them ‘midget’ submarines any more.

They are called ‘differently sized’.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 2, 2022 2:00 pm

Well said Bespoke.

February 2, 2022 2:04 pm

This proud Boomer Woman

What tribe?

Descendance of Anne Bonny.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 2, 2022 2:05 pm

Look, for a proper analysis we’re going to need to see boomer percentages.

Oh, FFS, alright.
Just for you.
They are Siamese twins.
Gen Y Me’s.
Exactly the same age (obviously) and precisely the same health risk profile (except the one on the left got the belly button in the split).

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 2:09 pm

Pop up to 6 Bradley Avenue at Bellevue Hill and wonder at the range those little pipsqueaks had. Blew the back porch off the place.

The midget subs didn’t do the shore bombardment- That was the mother ship with its deck gun providing a distraction. Ditto the recce overflights prior to the attack.

The midget subs were only equipped with torpedoes for covert raids inside harbours and other coastal locations where a larger fleet submarine would be unable to manoeuvre.

February 2, 2022 2:10 pm

$60 billion and it’s still not finished

I was right.

February 2, 2022 2:11 pm

Someone mentioned Top Gun this morning.

Amazing fact


February 2, 2022 2:14 pm

That was the mother ship with its deck gun providing a distraction.

Another fact.

I so wanted those subs to have chambers to launch missiles. And you destroyed my desire for the impossible with facts.

Incidentally, they took the front off a shop up the road, too.

Bar Beach Swimmer
February 2, 2022 2:14 pm

Top Endersays:
February 1, 2022 at 2:40 pm
$10 a month, BBS? And this is through Foxtel direct?

Yes, TE. On the c/c statement it’s listed as Foxtel Management Pty North Ryde. We’re had it for about 3-4 years.

February 2, 2022 2:17 pm

I’m imagining that ship sitting off Dover Heights or wherever it was. It’s still a long way.

What was the range on those things anyway?

February 2, 2022 2:18 pm

Fat Tony,

It used to be when professional engineering jobs were advertised that among the qualifications was “eligible to be a Member of the Institute of Engineers” (now Engineers Australia IIRC). Is this still so?

February 2, 2022 2:19 pm

Fun sized submarines.

New meaning to Spinal Tap lyrics!

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

At least the NBNCo waste wasn’t lining the executives’ pockets.

Erm… um… you may review that statement after you appraise yourself of their salaries & have a quick dekko at the visible public performance of their…er… product.

February 2, 2022 2:21 pm

Regarding that new Trojan asteroid, it was one of the possible future Apollo missions to go to L4 or L5 and have a look at what was there. Apollo cancelled in favour of more people on welfare. They sure got those.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 2, 2022 2:24 pm

$60 billion and it’s still not finished

It’s worth remembering that the initial 2007 ALP NBN proposal – from Opposition – was going to cost $15 billion, with a $5 billion government contribution. Within two years that had blown out to $40 billion.

Millionaire public sectorists playing with Lego because ‘it’s what the private sector does’ is the least of Australia’s problems. In fact, it’s probably saving money keeping their hands off the levers.

February 2, 2022 2:28 pm

Institution of Engineers, Australia. Not Institute.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
February 2, 2022 2:28 pm

Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlsons commentary today is very good. I recommend it.

February 2, 2022 2:29 pm

The hunchback fascist is Top Gun.

Just ask it.

February 2, 2022 2:29 pm

I thought it was $4 bn?

An old crank who wrote awful high school maths textbooks funded a campaign for the same.

February 2, 2022 2:33 pm

Institution of Engineers, Australia. Not Institute.


Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 2, 2022 2:33 pm

I just saw a film clip of that woman Bari Weiss (who left the NYT because of the strait jacket of woke politics making it impossible to work) on Bill Maher’s show, saying more or less what we have been saying here regarding Covid, the growth of bureaucracy and the societal problems the lockdowns have created…and being roundly cheered by the left wing audience.

She makes the point that she knows people on the left who already think this but are afraid to say so for fear of being labeled right wing – which is to invite a flood of abuse and a drought of dead friendships on the left.

In about 6 months expect the left to start uttering it here as well.

And blame it all on the right.

February 2, 2022 2:34 pm

February 2, 2022 at 2:17 pm
I’m imagining that ship sitting off Dover Heights or wherever it was. It’s still a long way.

What was the range on those things anyway?

From what I could find (on wikipedia), the deck gun was:
Caliber: 5.5inch (14 centimeters)
Max firing rage: 17,000 yards (16,000 meters) at max elevation + 30 degrees

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
February 2, 2022 2:42 pm

A storm is about to hit Brisbane. Thank Christ!

February 2, 2022 2:43 pm

Wow. The Vic government is handing out/pushing the experimental medical procedure like it was candy. Just got this in email from the Vic govt via recruitment agency:

Hi Gab,
Your community is urgently calling out for COVID-19 vaccine administrators across Victoria.

On behalf of the Victorian Government, Hudson is seeking work-ready individuals to assist with vaccine administration at state-run vaccination centres.

Whether retired, or current employed, if any individual has prior experience as a Vet, Dentist, Beautician, Nurse or any profession that includes the administration of syringe injections, please consider prioritising your focus to assist your state and fellow Victorians at this time.

Whilst preferred, experience is not required. Teachers, Childcarers, Social Workers have applied successfully. If you application is successful, you will receive paid training in vaccination administration.

Please reach out to anyone who can help at this time to keep our communities safe.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 2, 2022 2:44 pm

The Institution of Engineers Australia goes by the name Engineers Australia.

Professional registration requirements are as follows:

Engineers Australia created the National Engineering Register (NER) as a platform for you to showcase your talent and experience to prospective employers. By joining, you place yourself in a directory of Australia’s most trusted professionals. Find out more below and join today.

National Engineering Register eligibility
NER applicants need to meet the following eligibility criteria:

A recognised qualification*
Five or more years of relevant full-time equivalent work experience in the last 10 years with at least 4 years of full-time equivalent post graduation experience
Demonstration of the following five competencies: deal with ethical issues; practice competently; develop safe and sustainable solutions; identify, assess and manage risk; use local engineering knowledge. Please refer to the relevant Stage 2 Competencies in the resource section below.
*Accredited qualification, EA Eligibility for Membership (Stage 1) outcome letter or EA Migration Skills Assessment (MSA) outcome letter.

February 2, 2022 2:47 pm

February 2, 2022 at 2:43 pm
Wow. The Vic government is handing out/pushing the experimental medical procedure like it was candy. Just got this in email from the Vic govt via recruitment agency:

Obviously they are going to mandate the boosters to everyone, so need more staff.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 2:49 pm

@ Mak-

Not one of those criteria seem to relate to qualifications or work experience in engineering.

Are you sure they didn’t accidentally link to HR Consultants Australia or Project Managers Australia?


February 2, 2022 2:50 pm

What I was asking is: Do advertised jobs still use the wording “eligible to join” the body?

February 2, 2022 2:53 pm

NER applicants need to meet the following eligibility criteria:

Mmm…wasn’t Yassmin Abdel-Magied EA’s pin-up girl a few years back?

Did she meet those criteria? I doubt it.

February 2, 2022 2:55 pm

Thanks Beertruk. Sixteen kilometres! They didn’t even need to eyeball Bondi Beach.

No wonder the place was blacked out.

In 1960, when my aunt bought her place in Willoughby (elevated position which once had a view to the Bridge) there were still vestiges of the blackout blinds on the windows. If a ship sat off Manly and lobbed in shells they would be in range. Sobering thought.

February 2, 2022 2:57 pm

Beauticians, eh.

Why don’t they advertise for intravenous drug users too? They at least have experience.

What a cock up. Why don’t people see it?

February 2, 2022 2:58 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
February 2, 2022 at 11:14 am
I’m sure the frighteners were put on SCOTUS too.
Roberts famously is believed to’ve had a meltdown.

Brucie you gullible twit, the story is fake. It’s bullshit. Stop posting crap like this. No one would have heard the conversation held behind padded doors.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 2, 2022 2:59 pm

Just mentioned that piece of movie trivia to the missus.
She called me a dickhead.

February 2, 2022 2:59 pm

Fresh off the expose showing NIH spent millions having sandflies eat dogs faces, the NIH has been caught out giving cocaine to dogs.
$US2.3mill worth.
An animal rights group has the hundreds of hours of footage.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 2, 2022 3:01 pm

It used to be when professional engineering jobs were advertised that among the qualifications was “eligible to be a Member of the Institute of Engineers” (now Engineers Australia IIRC). Is this still so?

That certainly used to be the case in simpler times.

Eligibility is now more of an art form than showing you understand the practice of your discipline.

Candidates for membership have a world of wokeness boxes to tick with EA before they get to sit down with industry ogres and explain themselves.

February 2, 2022 3:01 pm

You could get both poison jabs at once – botox and coof serum.

Lady, can we do a deal for you!

Just don’t mix them up.

February 2, 2022 3:01 pm

I’m sure the frighteners were put on SCOTUS too.

Clarence Thomas would have put the boot up the arse of anyone trying to pressure him.

February 2, 2022 3:01 pm

yes they do. In Qld they also require you to be on or eligible to be on the RPEQ.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 2, 2022 3:01 pm

I thought it was $4 bn?


Figure calculated on the back of a coaster on the aeroplane KRudd was flying on.

Next revised up to $40 bn when they realised they had forgot to multiply by how many houses there were in Australia. Adding that to the the $3.9 billion for salaries, incentives, bonuses, touring other nations to see what they have, stationary, office space, perks, rorts etc…

February 2, 2022 3:02 pm

She called me a dickhead.

No uptick for me then. 😀

February 2, 2022 3:03 pm

The NIH is a great example of what happens when you have zero transparency & zero accountability.
So is the Victorian government.

February 2, 2022 3:03 pm

Can I still donate blood if I haven’t been vaccinated?

Can my blood be kept separate?

February 2, 2022 3:06 pm

Seriously, once you see the impact on rodents, there is zero benefit on testing on any other animal.
Just stop being so tight & start paying humans for the trials.

February 2, 2022 3:08 pm

February 2, 2022 at 3:01 pm
yes they do. In Qld they also require you to be on or eligible to be on the RPEQ.

Thanks. That’s what I wanted.
So the implication is that you only need to be eligible to join, not to actually join and be a member.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 3:09 pm

Mmm…wasn’t Yassmin Abdel-Magied EA’s pin-up girl a few years back?

Did she meet those criteria?

Where there is a will, there is an entire Executive Committee of rule-benders, goalpost shifters and PR folks…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 2, 2022 3:10 pm

Soldier tells court of Ben Roberts-Smith’s Afghan kill order

Stephen Rice
NSW Editor
An hour ago February 2, 2022

An SAS soldier has described how he saw Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith order a fellow soldier to shoot an Afghan detainee during a raid on a Taliban compound in 2009, in a dramatic day of testimony at the defamation case brought by the war hero against Nine newspapers.

Mr Roberts-Smith alleges he was falsely accused of war crimes by Nine newspapers and its journalists when they said he was involved in six killings in Afghanistan.

In evidence at the renewed trial today, a soldier known as Person 41 told how he had been searching a room believed to have been used to make improvised explosive devices when he heard loud voices and a commotion outside in the courtyard. He said he saw Ben Roberts-Smith and a soldier identified as Person 4 and beyond them, squatting at a wall, an older Afghan male.

Ben Roberts-Smith and Person 4 approached Person 41 and asked to borrow the suppressor for his M4 assault rifle.

“I thought it was a strange request,” Person 41 said, but handed the suppressor to the soldier, thinking he was going to go into the tunnel, and needed it to muffle the noise in the confined space.

Person 4 fitted the suppressor to his rifle and he and Ben Roberts-Smith walked back the Afghan, the witness said.

“I then thought to myself – I think I knew what’s about to happen here,” the witness said.

Ben Roberts-Smith grabbed the man by the scruff of his shirt, marched him a couple of metres forward till he was in front of the other soldier, the witness said. He then kicked the behind the knees until he was kneeling down in front of Person 4.

Ben Roberts-Smith pointed to the Afghan man and said to Person 4: “Shoot him”, the witness said.

“As he said that and he stepped to the side, I didn’t wish to witness what was about to happen and I stepped back into the room.”

After stepping back inside the building, the soldier said he heard a single shot from a suppressed M4 rifle.

He says he stayed in the room for about 15 seconds.

“I thought, I’ll stay out of what just happened After a bit of time I stepped back out and I noticed Person 4 was the only one there at the time and there was a dead Afghan male at his feet.”

Person 4 was still standing in the same spot.

“I walked up to Person 4, I don’t believe anything was said. He removed the suppressor from his rifle and he gave it back to me.”

The suppressor was still warm from the shot, the witness said.

“I don’t recall Person 4 saying anything to me. He was just standing there and seemed to be in a bit of shock.”

Person 41 then fitted it back on his rifle and looked at the dead Afghan, who he could see had been shot once in the head, with a lot of blood flowing from the wound.

Person 41 earlier told the court he was deployed to Afghanistan four times and remains in the SAS.

February 2, 2022 3:11 pm

West Australia threatens $50,000 fine and jail for people who are ‘offensive’ to workers checking vax cards


Unvaccinated Lawyers Locked Out Of Courts, Unable to Fight Mandates in Western Australia

Building a hard class system where untouchable unvaccinated people are accused of crimes by the Good People, then are banned from having their peers defend them in court.

You’d have to go back to the early 1700’s to find this sort of ugly class nonsense codified into the law.

February 2, 2022 3:12 pm

Gab, vaccine administration – is that the same as giving injections?
I thought one had to be at least a qualified nurse to give injections.

February 2, 2022 3:13 pm

I am having trouble believing other elite soldiers take an illegal execution order seriously from a corporal.

February 2, 2022 3:14 pm

Eligibility is now more of an art form than showing you understand the practice of your discipline.

Candidates for membership have a world of wokeness boxes to tick with EA before they get to sit down with industry ogres and explain themselves.

Dr Faustus,
that is so sad. It seems to be applying to more and more professions these days.

February 2, 2022 3:14 pm

Mmm…wasn’t Yassmin Abdel-Magied EA’s pin-up girl a few years back?

Yassmin has been quiet of late, relatively. She has a website where you can check on which corporations have been credulous enough to sling money her way. Packed with sober testimonials.

“Yassmin is such a natural and gifted presenter – her fierce intelligence, her empathy and her humour made it one of the best stage presentations I’ve ever seen.”
— Women in Leadership Showcase

Worth a look for the pop psych insights it affords, it seems unusual for one person to have that many photos of themself.

February 2, 2022 3:15 pm

Jonathan Swan has a scoop that blasts Biden.
Looks like the Biden Administration was even more poorly prepared (if that’s possible).

February 2, 2022 3:19 pm

February 2, 2022 at 3:14 pm

It’s a horrid looking thing.
Whatever is on its head looks like it has been wound up too tight.

February 2, 2022 3:20 pm

Jonathan Swan has had a bizarre career since going to the US.
At the start of the Trump administration he was accused of being a Trump surrogate.
Then he started writing columns that were critical of Trump & ended up with one of Trumps poorer one on one interviews which became meme worthy.
Now he’s got a major anti Biden scoop that calls into question Biden’s competency.
Maybe he’s just good at getting people to talk?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 2, 2022 3:22 pm

She called me a dickhead.

No uptick for me then. ?

Someone is an uptickhead?

February 2, 2022 3:24 pm

Did people really think they were going to take all this protest and thinking-for-yourself stuff laying down?

The federal government will spend more than $60 million to combat violent extremism, targeting the rapid rise in conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 pandemic and fears for MPs safety.

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews announced the funding boost on Wednesday against the backdrop of an upcoming federal election, amid concerns this could act as a flashpoint for misinformation and hate.

The response also follows warnings from the nation’s security agencies about the threat posed by “single-issue” violent extremism, such as recent anti-lockdown protests.

It’s afraid!

February 2, 2022 3:25 pm
February 2, 2022 3:33 pm

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews announced the funding boost on Wednesday against the backdrop of an upcoming federal election, amid concerns this could act as a flashpoint for misinformation and hate.

It’s an old trick.

We got the AFP because someone threw an egg at Billy Hughes at Warwick railway station.

February 2, 2022 3:37 pm

fears for MPs safety.

Very real.

The safety of their seats, that is.

February 2, 2022 3:39 pm

Unqualified people administering serious injections, unvaccinated lawyers unable to defend clients, $50,000 fine/gaol for offending vax passport officials……..

No wonderful they are referring to extreme Covid laws overseas as “going full Australia.”

February 2, 2022 3:41 pm

Twitter tells me there was a lady doctor assaulted in Melbourne yesterday.
Am I late to this story?
I can’t remember seeing it on any of the legacy news websites.

February 2, 2022 3:41 pm

Cry bully stuff. They bully the demos, the demos fights back therefore an excuse to repress the demos.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 2, 2022 3:41 pm

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews

It had to be a ‘Karen’.

February 2, 2022 3:42 pm

Smack heads should be good at giving injections too.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 2, 2022 3:45 pm

February 2, 2022 at 3:03 pm
Can I still donate blood if I haven’t been vaccinated?

Can my blood be kept separate?

Hancock’s Half Hour had an episode on that very point.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 2, 2022 3:48 pm

It’s afraid!

I note from the clip just how much they want to associate the world of Starship Troopers with the Nazis, looking at the collar insignia Doogie Howser is wearing.

Granted they are Wehrmacht rather than specifically Nazi, but what do you think the average viewer at home sees?

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
February 2, 2022 3:48 pm

…Institute of Engineers (now Engineers Australia)…

Concerning new title, given the following :-

Vision Australia (formerly Institute for the Blind)
Hearing Australia (formerly Institute for the Deaf)
Able Australia (formerly the Deafblind Association) – they have clearly branched out due to competition!

The list goes on, but the thrust is clear…

February 2, 2022 3:48 pm

Doesn’t matter whether Justine’s daddy is Fidel or Pierre. Both evil Marxist trash that have done great damage.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 2, 2022 3:48 pm


Building a hard class system where untouchable unvaccinated people are accused of crimes by the Good People, then are banned from having their peers defend them in court.

You’d have to go back to the early 1700’s to find this sort of ugly class nonsense codified into the law.

As a former Navy lawyer, McClown seems dedicated to the philosophy of “March the guilty bastard in”.

February 2, 2022 3:53 pm

Whilst preferred, experience is not required. Teachers, Childcarers, Social Workers have applied successfully. If you application is successful, you will receive paid training in vaccination administration.

Wasted my time becoming a paramedic then.

I assume they are full bottle on advanced life support, CPR and the use of adrenaline in the event of an emergency then?

None of this is legal without the pure evil that is the emergency powers to shelter behind.
And not one state/territory (or the Feds) have shown the slightest interest in depriving themselves of those powers.

Dictatorial scum.

February 2, 2022 3:59 pm

The fact that doctors get investigated for treating patients & the same with lawyers for representing people adds the list of why Australia is a shit stained latrine.

February 2, 2022 4:05 pm

Heaviest rainfalls for 120 years in the Kimberley.

Prof. Flim Flammery was unavailable for comment.

February 2, 2022 4:19 pm

That 60 million dollars is going to be used to buy, facebook and Google, etc – to make up for the funds lost when “they”decide to ban UAP and One Nation’s advertising from “their” platforms for “hate” and “misinformation” right before the election.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 2, 2022 4:25 pm

Banning lawyers from the courts should raise a few eyebrows, even in the Hermit Kingdom. I note the lights are still out on the codpiece.

February 2, 2022 4:26 pm

Looks like RIO will be sending their male employees to re-education camps to placate the eternally offended feminazis and Karens in their workforce. Must get the ESG score up. Have fun lads.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 2, 2022 4:26 pm

Rain means whatever you want it to mean.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

the company’s file will be marked “don’t bother”.

Don’t bank on that Calli.
A tax audit on me found everything smooth to the exact cent.
So much so that the ATO auditor-in-charge of that section wrote a footnote that my bookkeeping & compliance was equal to the best & neatest they’d ever seen.

Three weeks later a pair of ATO officers (from a different regional office) turned up out of the blue & commenced an even more intense & thorough audit. They had no idea I’d just been audited & were stunned that they’d been sent to audit someone who’d just passed with flying colours.

A few days into it, when they realised the previous audit really did happen & did come up no trumps, & they’d accepted that I was a fair dinkum bloke with no intent to dodge taxes (yeah sure I am) they became quite chatty over tea & biscuits (I make a point of smoking with auditors) and went on with lots of inside stories on auditing in general & their personal views on tax law & so on & so forth, etc. etc. etc.
Something I found to be quite instructive.

Cassie of Sydney
February 2, 2022 4:35 pm

“The federal government will spend more than $60 million to combat violent extremism, targeting the rapid rise in conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 pandemic and fears for MPs safety.

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews announced the funding boost on Wednesday against the backdrop of an upcoming federal election, amid concerns this could act as a flashpoint for misinformation and hate.

The response also follows warnings from the nation’s security agencies about the threat posed by “single-issue” violent extremism, such as recent anti-lockdown protests.”

Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrkkkkk….I hate, loathe and despise this so called Coalition government.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Smokoing with auditors (curses to spellwrecker)
That was the year I had Four (4) tax audits.

February 2, 2022 4:37 pm


My hunch, and that’s all it is, is that Jonathon Swan is a leftwing twat like his dad and this reporting about the uselessness of the Brandon administration is just a Johnnie come lately story to make the little prick appear even handed. There’s nothing in the story that we didn’t know or could surmisea about just incompetent the Brandons are. You could have been living off-grid for the past year and you’d know this is the most useless administration in the nations history. He tells us nothing and it’s all said when the story is done and dusted and the impact has been felt.

The little swine made a a huge song and dance about 1000 people a day dying of covid when he interview the Orange oaf. Under the Brandons, 2500 are dying per day. Has he said anything about this or approached the Brandons? No. He’s a little swine, just like his useless father.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 2, 2022 4:39 pm

Ruh roh. They’ve benched Whoopi.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

The response also follows warnings from the nation’s security agencies about the threat posed by “single-issue” violent extremism, such as recent anti-lockdown protests.”

Have “the nation’s security agencies” got any … y’know.. actual examples of violent extremism?

Any violence they jerk their thumb at regards anti-lockdown protests wasn’t by protestors of any stripe.

Have they got anything at all?

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 2, 2022 4:41 pm

For the record I did not send that SloMo text.

February 2, 2022 4:48 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
February 2, 2022 at 11:07 am

Those height markers on retail establishments aren’t uncommon here. I notice them mostly on petrol station exit doors to indicate the height of the perpetrator as he scuttles. Our ones actually are coloured with a different hue for each (I guess) 10 cm. Reasonably subtle, I guess, if one doesn’t know what it is.

If the attendant the other day was attentive enough he would have been able to ascertain the height of the stripped-down fuel purchaser as he walked out.

February 2, 2022 4:48 pm


You did NOT have four tax audits. You had one audit, which subsequently led to other matters they felt needed to be investigated. You did NOT have four different case leaders at the ATO investigating you for different matters. You had one arsehole making your life difficult. Furthermore, if you had decent representation, the attorney would have stopped them in their tracks for harassment. I’ll say this in the least hurtful manner without an ounce of exaggeration. You’re the biggest blowhard south of the equator . STFU and go dust the bar, you idiot.

February 2, 2022 4:48 pm

amid concerns this could act as a flashpoint for misinformation and hate.

They are worried, and they should be. Calling disapproval of the government hate tells us all something. And calling doubts about the official narrative misinformation confirms it. We are dealing with tyrants, and stupid tyrants at that.

Cassie of Sydney
February 2, 2022 4:51 pm

February 2, 2022 at 4:19 pm
That 60 million dollars is going to be used to buy, facebook and Google, etc – to make up for the funds lost when “they”decide to ban UAP and One Nation’s advertising from “their” platforms for “hate” and “misinformation” right before the election.”


Ed Case
Ed Case
February 2, 2022 4:53 pm

The response also follows warnings from the nation’s security agencies about the threat posed by “single-issue” violent extremism, such as recent anti-lockdown protests.”

Let’s not PussyFoot around the Bush here.
The Security Agencies are talking White Extremism, and if you consider Vaccine Hesitancy to be extremism then we’re off to the races.
However, with Coaliotion Governments, they talk tough and do nothing which is what every sensible human being wants.
Problems will only arise if a Labor Government is elected, because, make no mistake about it,
Albanese will vaccinate you by force if necessary.

February 2, 2022 4:54 pm

Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrkkkkk….I hate, loathe and despise this so called Coalition government.

The fucking coalition deserves electoral oblivion. Obnoxious arseholes.

February 2, 2022 4:57 pm

JC, sure we saw it play it as you say.
But I think it’s great that he got his mitts on a genuine source document.
And that proves the administration was still in la la land up until the week before.
Which we knew, but now it’s there in black & white.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

You had one audit, which subsequently led to other matters they felt needed to be investigated.


You did NOT have four different case leaders at the ATO investigating you for different matters.

STFU & stay in your lane.
You’re the pussy to trembles in terrifying fear of them. (Stick to that, you may be good at it)

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

That 60 million dollars is going to be used to buy, facebook and Google, etc – to make up for the funds lost when “they”decide to ban UAP and One Nation’s advertising from “their” platforms for “hate” and “misinformation” right before the election.”

Anyone know why the UAP shindig in Port Lincoln was shut down by the cops yesterday?
From what I could see, about five police cars turned up to ensure Clive & Craig didn’t get to solicit for votes that “don’t belong to them.”

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 2, 2022 5:01 pm

I am having trouble believing other elite soldiers take an illegal execution order seriously from a corporal.

Channel Nine has 9 or 10 more SAS witnesses who will presumably support witness 41’s testimony.
Unfortunately, they may be unavailable due to Snickers’s lockdown backflip.

February 2, 2022 5:02 pm

You lowrent, blowhard, Driller. You had one audit. One! Go impress the beer bellies. Almost no one believes you here. Fuck off and go dust the bar.

February 2, 2022 5:02 pm

Albanese will vaccinate you by force if necessary.

If he tries, he will find out all about hate.

February 2, 2022 5:05 pm

It’s like all the re-writing of history re Kennedy & Vietnam.
Since more tapes of the Kennedy Whitehouse have been released, he was telling Lodge to select the new head of South Vietnam for change of management the US was planning.
Sure, it makes no difference now, but it’s important stuff.

February 2, 2022 5:05 pm

feelthebern says:
February 2, 2022 at 4:57 pm

JC, sure we saw it play it as you say.
But I think it’s great that he got his mitts on a genuine source document.
And that proves the administration was still in la la land up until the week before.
Which we knew, but now it’s there in black & white.

Sure. We also need to ask ourselves if this dickweed would have published the story at a point when it would have done maximum damage to the Brandons. I don’t think so, but that’s just an opinion. And by the way, Trump handled the interview pretty badly, I believe. He should have carved the little fuckhead.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Dunning Krugman: Stay in your lane.
You may be a fuckwit, you may be a moron, you are likely a coward.
You may even be this page’s champion queer-eye-for-the-straight-guy poster of clothing & dollhouse photos.
You are however, on this topic, very wrong.

It just makes you look like what you are: A stupid low-rent troll.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 2, 2022 5:07 pm

Are you The Incredible Hulk, bud?
Because unless you are, 3 experienced security guards are going to hold you down while Nursie gives you a jab.
Start playing up and they’ll pepper spray you for your trouble too.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
February 2, 2022 5:07 pm

This is simply the self-defence argument. However, in that instance, you’re not agreeing with abortion, deliberately intending its death, but with simply doing what is necessary to save the mother.

This is why abortion of the pregnancy shouldn’t be conflated with abortion of the foetus. Regardless of people’s opinions on abortions before 22 weeks, there is absolutely no justification for abortion of the foetus when it is potentially viable outside the womb. We don’t kill kids because their parents have abandoned them.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 2, 2022 5:09 pm

Interesting BBS. Looks as if you have a Foxtel pack that doesn’t exist.

February 2, 2022 5:10 pm

So the implication is that you only need to be eligible to join, not to actually join and be a member.

Is this because there is no legal power to mandate being a member? Any legal people?

February 2, 2022 5:11 pm


Do you have 10 K handy for a bet. I would like to see 4 separately identifiable requests for an audit by four different ATO auditors on four different matter. Also, seeing you’re so certain, you’d offer odds.

Stay in you lane is one of the stupidest comments anyone could make. Trust you to pick up something dense like that.

It would also mean there would be nothing for you to do other than clean the toilets and dust off the unused bar. You’re such a fucking moron. Only generational inbreeding could produce an idiot like you.

Anchor What
Anchor What
February 2, 2022 5:12 pm

When fighting the Taliban and the village people who are their proxies/comrades, there are no normal rules of war. For normal rules they have to (i) wear uniforms, (ii) fight in some sort of formation.
In WW2 if people were found out of uniform and engaged in guerilla warfare they were usually shot out of hand.
We now have the lawyers running ROE and that’s probably why the predominant meme is “big western countries can’t win in Afghanistan (etc) – they’ll get sick of it and leave. Defeated.”
Annie Hall: Come quickly, there’s a big black spider in my bath!
(Woodie arrives and kills the spider)
Annie Hall: Aargh! You’ve killed it!
Woodie: What did you want me to do? Rehabilitate it?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 5:13 pm

I see Grigory’s pretending at being a conservative again this week.

Also, who the fuck is ‘Snickers?’

For all his other failings as a grief troll, Grigs sure can maintain his own ‘meme’ well beyond its point of decay…

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 2, 2022 5:14 pm

JFK gets the blame for the murder of the Diems, but he never had any control over the CIA, he told one of his Ambassadors that in 1961.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 2, 2022 5:14 pm

Almost no one believes you here.

It would be unusual to have four tax audits in a year, but not impossible.
The ATO could do a GST audit. Then a different ATO team could do an income tax audit. Then another ATO team could audit the PAYG deductions from employees’ wages. It would take only one stuffup of the type Salvatore describes for another ATO team to do a second income tax audit, which would make four in all. And that wouldn’t be extraordinary. The ATO’s organisation structure uses a number of types of criteria for demarcation, so someone might be on the radar for an industry-based ATO unit and also just crop up coincidentally in a division dealing generically with businesses of a particular size.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 2, 2022 5:15 pm

We always hear about lefties breaking from the herd and joining the right. And you would expect that on the right.

How often does it happen the other way around? I would speculate that people in frightened situations – perhaps aging and fearing they lack resources for old age, or who suddenly find themselves reliant on the state in the form of pensions after debilitating accidents, turning to the state for succour and wishing its ability to provide for them to be fortified. Desperate people.

How many from a new embrace of collectivism?

February 2, 2022 5:18 pm


A decent attorney would immediately complain/appeal of harassment with four different audits. The ATO would likely retreat.

Also, the odds of that happening in one year are tiny. I think it’s worth the bet that he’s blowharding.

February 2, 2022 5:18 pm

Top Ender, all those packages are for new subscribers.
The back end of Fox is a disaster with dozens of discontinued packages still going.
When they were tarting the thing up pre COVID for an IPO they had around 20% of income coming from legacy subscriptions.

February 2, 2022 5:25 pm

Speaking of tax, I was told a story last week about an accountant being sued by client for not advising him to pay out more dividends over the years before the tax rate on companies was stepped down.
I wonder how many billions of franking credits weren’t utilised in smaller companies.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 2, 2022 5:26 pm

… Grigs sure can maintain his own ‘meme’ well beyond its point of decay…

but enough about Mother.

February 2, 2022 5:27 pm

Occasionally, there are just no words……

I will let this unhinged, desperate and weird description of the protesters in Canberra today. BTW “Jack the Insider” knows damn well what people are protesting about… but calling THEM “eugenicists” is rather sick:

This is the Jack the Insider column in The Australian, posted later in the day:

Numbers were down, ratings were poor. Rather than shift the battlelines to Covid vaccinations for children, which seemed the logical next step, anti-vaxxers have jumped the shark, embracing the sovereign citizen movement on the basis that if you don’t like the laws of the state, you can simply make up your own.

A mob assembled outside the National Press Club on Tuesday, briefly blocking the Prime Minister’s access to the venue. The PM’s speech went ahead and afterwards, the crowd was kept away with a strident few charging Comm Car One and giving the PM a gob full through the passenger window.

The mob in Canberra who tried to block the Prime Minister’s access to the National Press Club on Tuesday have been invariably called anti-vaxxers in the media but this is only half true. It’s a human potpourri of grievance based on the gamut of conspiracy theories, Woodstock for Q-cooked middle-aged saddos who spent much of Monday afternoon in the nation’s capital, shouting at an empty building.

If this was a protest about vaccine mandates it would make sense, but nothing makes sense about this mob. Take a look at any one of their interminable ‘lives’ and it will not take long before the word ‘paedophile’ is not just uttered but shrieked, along with gnarled accusatory fingers pointed at the windows of the parliament.

A man yells abuse at Scott Morrison through his car window. Picture: NCA/Gary Ramage Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
A man yells abuse at Scott Morrison through his car window. Picture: NCA/Gary Ramage Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Stay watching the footage for long enough and you’ll hear blubbering about satanic rituals, and the torture of children which only they can see. Police preventing them from storming public buildings are labelled with spit-speckled vehemence, “paedophile protectors.”

This is not Q-Anon although it retains the cult’s broad bizarre claims. It is Q-Anon Australian-style, replete with the red ensign waving while the blue ensign appears alongside it, upside down, the international semaphoric symbol of distress. Q-Australia’s adherents don’t babble about the Clintons or the Obamas. Rather they impute Scott Morrison, Greg Hunt, and Dan Andrews.

The organiser of what’s become known as the Canberra freedom convoy calls himself Ironbark Thunderbolt. Not content with the admittedly impressive sobriquet, Mr Thunderbolt was running around last year serving fake legal documents on Prime Minister Scott Morrison, signing them as “Post-Master General-Commander-in-Chief, Terra Australis-New Holland-and Surrounding Waters, known commonly as Australia.”

His real name is the not-quite-so-exciting James Edward Greer.

Those who have become used to sov-cit legal mumbo jumbo which turns out to be just about everyone from the Governor-General to a 16-year-old girl working a shift at the local pharmacy accused of treason, will recognise the gibberish:

“Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.”

The Canberra assembly began as a lazy pinch of Canada’s truck convoy to Ottawa. For a little while the Australian protest even appropriated the Canadian moniker for protesters – “Yellow Vests” which in turn had been swiped from the French – but the colour coding doesn’t quite cut it in Australia where the preferred nomenclature is fluoro.

While the Canadian truck convoy blocked streets and briefly caused mayhem in the Canadian capital last weekend, in Australia, the parliamentary lawns have become home to just a handful of trucks and at least one of those went only for a sneaky peek and then took off to Melbourne. It turns out truck drivers have jobs, things to do, better places to be. This forced a quick rebranding of the Truck Convoy to Canberra to now become the Convoy for Freedom.

One of the predictable solicitations for cash was a Go Fund Me which had raised more than $100,000 as of Sunday. I watched as convoy members en route asked for help with petrol money from the fundraiser and found their comments were subsequently removed and their social media identities blocked from making further comment. The fund drive has now been frozen by Go Fund Me until such a time as the drive’s organisers can provide a proper accounting of how they will disperse the donated funds.

A police officer speak to a man during the Canberra protest. Picture: NCA/Gary Ramage
A police officer speak to a man during the Canberra protest. Picture: NCA/Gary Ramage
As the non-articulated vehicles began to gather at the nation’s capital on Monday, an even more motley group descended on Sydney’s Surry Hills Police Station. They had flagged their visit on social media and like clockwork turned up at the assigned hour – ten o’clock in the morning, and began muttering about paedophiles outside the cop shop. Sov-cits are unerringly punctual.

Before long an acting sergeant and a young constable appeared. The leader of the protest, Steve Sukkar, announced to the cops that his group was heading to the NSW Parliament to affect the arrests of Premier Dom Perrotet and Health Minister Brad Hazzard and with them in irons, they would be moving on to arrest Gladys Berejiklian at her home.

The two cops shrugged their shoulders which Sukkar et al took as permission to go forth and apprehend the ne’er-do-wells. They marched to the parliament only to find themselves locked out with a small contingent of police lining Macquarie Street. Foiled, Sukkar and his mob earnestly went from police officer to police officer, most of them young cops not long out of the academy, sticking smartphones in their faces, issuing fake arrest warrants, telling them in sov-cit legal babble that every cop present was “guilty of aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise.” For those wondering, Sukkar is a hairdresser.

The protesters lacked the will and the athleticism to scale the two-metre-high fence outside the New South Wales Parliament. No arrests were made and a new government of hairdressers by hairdressers for hairdressers was not installed.

The protesters among these mobs who may still have some tenuous connection to reality must surely be uncomfortable having to reconcile the endless calls for donations and the utterance of mad conspiracies, like the one put about by an elderly woman in Canberra on Monday who smugly pronounced Covid vaccines and Covid tests were dastardly means of subcutaneously placing nano tracking devices into the general populace.

“The technology is something we’ve never seen before,” she said, with the certainty of someone who’d been given unfettered access to Elon Musk’s man cave, “Then they start controlling our thoughts through 5G waves.”

The mob at Canberra will continue to grow for now, with their ragbag collection of gripes and dispersal of sov-cit paper terrorism. They can call it freedom, they can make casual allusions to apartheid and Nazi Germany, and they almost always do but the fact remains what they continue to try and persuade people to do is casually discard the rights of the elderly, those with chronic illness and the immunocompromised and hurl them all onto the pandemic scrap heap.

Pull the conspiracist’s veil from it and it is eugenics by indifference, and they are all guilty of it. Every single one of them.

Peter Hoysted is Jack the Insider: a highly placed, dedicated servant of the nation with close ties to leading figures in politics, business and the union movement.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 2, 2022 5:28 pm

Is there a putsch underway in the Liberal Party to replace Morrison as the leader? His public shaming with the revelation of Gladys said that he is untrustworthy, and a cabinet minister calling him a psycho, could be seen as an attempt to ditch him before the election.

I’m sure that there’s more than a few backbenchers and ministers who don’t want to face unemployment in a few month’s time.

I can’t link to the video as Rumble videos are now banned here.

February 2, 2022 5:30 pm

Should read:

“I will let this unhinged, desperate and weird description of the protesters in Canberra today speak for itself”

February 2, 2022 5:30 pm

Jamie Kah had only three rides booked at Melbourne’s Sandown Park today and won on two of them.

She’ll probably win the Melbourne jockeys premiership again this year – she’s currently running seventh in the award, even though she missed the lucrative 2021 spring carnival as a result of suspension by Racing Victoria doing the bidding of fuhrer Daniel Andrews for breaking a 9pm curfew last year and attending an evening party when she was having boyfriend problems.

To cowtow to the Andrews regime, RV has banned her from winning this year’s premiership even though, along with Sydney’s James McDonald, she’s the best jockey in Australia and the best chick jockey in the world.

Sensibly, Kah loathes the media, especially the racing media, a bunch of fascists who cheered on lockdowns and the deprivation of liberty to millions of Australians in 2020 and 2021 and which, to a man, has lampooned top WA jockey Willy Pike’decision to move to Sydney to avoid the McClown regime’s insistence that he get the jab – a condition of being allowed to keep working in the West.

Delta A
Delta A
February 2, 2022 5:32 pm

From what I could see, about five police cars turned up to ensure Clive & Craig didn’t get to solicit for votes that “don’t belong to them.

This is scary: cops turning up to close down free speech which goes against the narrative. And it can happen anywhere, to anyone: just ask flyingduk. His experience was particularly worrying for me because the person who sent police to shut him up is my state rep.

He’ll be placed last on my state ballot slip.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 2, 2022 5:33 pm

According to Alice Workman on page 2 of the Oz, someone told her that Falinski will replace Scotty.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 5:36 pm

So the implication is that you only need to be eligible to join, not to actually join and be a member.

Is this because there is no legal power to mandate being a member?

Voluntary associations like peak bodies expect and would like to hope that you will spend large on their preferred credential(s) or further associations and accrediting bodies, but will force themselves to ‘be satisfied’ and take your membership fee if you at least promise you will at some stage

When this Anger was a member of the Australian and New Zealand Sleep Science Association (ANZSSA), he was expected to undergo and maintain a registered credential with the US Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists. It was a comprehensive examination of your technical skills and background knowledge, and was to be renewed every 5 years. Or, if you could get the Continuing Education Credits recognised (i.e. points awarded for sitting through bullshit lectures and being bored out of your brain at so many Sleep Conferences in the 5 years), you could maintain it indefinitely.

My registration runs out in May 2023, and despite my bosses’ bluster and insistence on everyone having it, neither of them did. Ditto, only about 4 of the 10 Scientists in my unit were ticketed.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 2, 2022 5:37 pm

I am having trouble believing other elite soldiers take an illegal execution order seriously from a corporal.

I don’t know about anyone else on this site, but anyone ever giving me a order like that would be told to do his own dirty work.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 2, 2022 5:39 pm

From what I could see, about five police cars turned up to ensure Clive & Craig didn’t get to solicit for votes that “don’t belong to them.

It sure looks that way as “The meeting was authorised and all appropriate protocols were followed,” Mr Palmer said.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 5:40 pm

Sensibly, Kah loathes the media, especially the racing media, a bunch of fascists who cheered on lockdowns and the deprivation of liberty to millions of Australians in 2020 and 2021 and which, to a man, has lampooned top WA jockey Willy Pike’decision to move to Sydney to avoid the McClown regime’s insistence that he get the jab – a condition of being allowed to keep working in the West.

So the next time I see and hear certain Victorians (and Queensssssslanders) bewailing Pony Girl or Stairman Dan’s mandates as being the last word in evil evilness, please do forgive me if I roll my eyes and sarcastically declare ‘Welcome to my world, bitches!’



February 2, 2022 5:40 pm

Jack the insider is pure distilled max strength Canbra.

February 2, 2022 5:41 pm

DC Homeland Security & Emergency Management

If you’re hitting the grocery store to prepare for winter weather, please just buy what you need and leave some for others!

You may have noticed empty shelves in some stores due to national supply chain issues, but there is no need to buy more than you normally would

February 2, 2022 5:43 pm

Is there a putsch underway in the Liberal Party to replace Morrison as the leader?
They got any talent who might lead them to victory? They’d probably replace him with some soft cock lefty.

February 2, 2022 5:43 pm

Has that soft canbra pubic service look about him

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 5:44 pm

Pony Girl or Stairman Dan’s mandates

Which, if I have recalled correctly, are not yet blanket dictates on more or less their entire populations as yet…

Welcome to McClown world. Come for the cream pies, stay for the visual gags. Oh, make sure you watch out for the banana peels, and whatever you do, don’t sniff anyone’s lapel flower…


February 2, 2022 5:47 pm

So the implication is that you only need to be eligible to join, not to actually join and be a member.

Is this because there is no legal power to mandate being a member?

Rex, that wasn’t what I was getting at. The job is advertised must have xxx qualifications. I.e engineering degree from a university and be eligible to be a member of Engineers Australia.
Is this because an employer cannot mandate membership? What law prevents that?.

February 2, 2022 5:49 pm

Jack the House Nigger.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 2, 2022 5:50 pm

Graham Hood, the Qantas pilot sacked for not getting the jab, gave a good speech at the Parliament House Freedom Rally. I liked his suggestion that Parliament House be washed out with Ivermectin to remove all the parasites who live there.

Epic speech by Qantas pilot Graham Hood at Parliament House Freedom Protest

Leon L.
Leon L.
February 2, 2022 5:52 pm

There was a link to a powerline article earlier about VP Mike Pence and how he had no option but to accept the electoral college votes.
From the outset, those at Powerline have been blind, deaf and dumb to the malfeasance of November 2 last year.

Mike Pence is a uniparty member.
Political divides along party lines existed 20+ years ago.
Not anymore.
The Treachery of VP Mike Pence Explained

Worth a read. General Michael Flynn was the key player.
Trump’s covid response – assigned to Mike Pence.
I think Trump needs to be admired.
Given the number of uniparty “GOP”congressmen, Trump did very well.
Best US President in my lifetime.

February 2, 2022 5:53 pm

Look, it’s wrong, but it’s also very funny.

This teenage little dick has set a up a Twitter bot that reports or Elon Musk’s jetting around.

Musk offered the kid 5 K to stop. The kid upped his offer to 50K and is also about to twitter bot other billionaires’ flights.

February 2, 2022 5:54 pm

Best US President in my lifetime.

At least since George Washington.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
February 2, 2022 5:55 pm

Jack The Insider is an opinionated blowhard who long ago, if ever, stopped backing up his claims with anything more than poor attempts at wit.

He’s about as accurate as the average drunk punter at the local, at best.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 2, 2022 5:56 pm

You’re the biggest blowhard south of the equator . STFU and go dust the bar, you idiot.

South of the equator?
Sal, JC is saying you’re not world class.
You’re not going to just take that lying down, are you?

February 2, 2022 5:59 pm

My tax audit was in 2006. Not a peep since.

Yes, the lot was squeaky clean. I wasn’t particularly “frightened” of them, but they were rather belligerent and gung-ho. Unpleasant. It’s horrible when people assume you’re guilty and the “people” have the power to make your life a misery.

The culture may have changed. At the time, I thought my case was a department cost centre and they wasted valuable resources on nothing, so I was a write off.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 5:59 pm

Is this because an employer cannot mandate membership? What law prevents that?.

It’s not an eforceable legal demand or requirement.

It’s a set of specific exclusion criteria, aimed at promoting folks who either are or intend to be professional association members / credential holders. In the assumption that said folks are more capable because of the additional study and examinations they’ve done.

When I went into Sleep Science jobs, a specific criterion (albeit generously written) was that a potential employee had, or was going to try to obtain the Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) credential I was referencing above. The reason being, this ticket is about as rigorous an examination of the skills and knowledge in the field as you can get. But not everyone has it, particularly (as my bosses demonstrated in my example) where you have a lot of people with a long time in the job, but lacking technical rigour.

Now, a Public Service employer is about as much a big, fat, vulnerable target of a discrimination lawsuit as you can get. Plus it has all of its transparency and redress mechanisms. So, while the RPSGT is a big deal and an essential criteria, the option of ‘work towards obtaining’ was written in, so as to allow a wider range of applicants. Ditto the basic education requirements (Degree in [non-specific] Science, Medical Sciences or Nursing, or prior experience in a Nursing role, etc.).

February 2, 2022 6:00 pm

Old bloke says:
February 2, 2022 at 5:28 pm
I’m sure that there’s more than a few backbenchers and ministers who don’t want to face unemployment in a few month’s time.

Even the most dim-witted LNP MP would be aware that if their electoral margin is less than, say, 5%, their goose is almost certainly cooked. Those LNP who would otherwise have thought themselves invulnerable on margins of 6-9% would be doing whatever they can to shore up the voter numbers. Suddenly terribly busy in their electoral offices attending to the requirements of the individual voters. Every vote is suddenly important.

The call on forecast electoral material and volunteer requirements would be desperate at LNP headquarters from those seats not to mention pleas to the government for any spare grant money to build a community (something).

February 2, 2022 6:03 pm

The mob at Canberra will continue to grow for now, with their ragbag collection of gripes and dispersal of sov-cit paper terrorism. They can call it freedom, they can make casual allusions to apartheid and Nazi Germany, and they almost always do but the fact remains what they continue to try and persuade people to do is casually discard the rights of the elderly, those with chronic illness and the immunocompromised and hurl them all onto the pandemic scrap heap.

Pull the conspiracist’s veil from it and it is eugenics by indifference, and they are all guilty of it. Every single one of them.

Let me translate:

“I am an old man now and I support unlimited power being used against everyone who isn’t me to stop me catching a cold”.

It’s not 2020 anymore “Jack”, and we remember you playing the same emotional blackmail “HAHAHA conspiracy theorist dumbies” back then when it was “Just two weeks YOU SELFISH BASTARDS”.

February 2, 2022 6:04 pm

They’re really gunning for the big guy; because right now he personifies toxic masculinity, defending Western values against islam and therein left values generally. They’ve got one anonymous yank and former SAS witnesses plus his ex missus who is a woman scorned which in or immediately after divorce proceedings is the worst enemy you can wish for: it’s the fucking turdball times so be warned:

Ben Roberts-Smith ‘ordered Australian soldier to execute unarmed Afghan man’, court hears

Peter Costello CEO of nein also has a lot to answer for.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 2, 2022 6:05 pm

Is Salvatore another of Sancho Panzer’s wacky Queensland creations?
All the signs are there.

February 2, 2022 6:06 pm

It’s horrible when people assume you’re guilty and the “people” have the power to make your life a misery.

The bureaucratic nightmare foreseen by Kafka in The Trial & The Castle.

The title of The Trial in the original German is Der Prozess.

While that does mean ‘litigation’ in German, it brings with it overtones of new meaning in English.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 6:07 pm

All the signs are there.

Only those nazi-style traffic paddles you keep waving…

February 2, 2022 6:08 pm

“Jack the insider” parasite, mocking people who work.

In early 2021, “Jack” wrote the same shit about the “weirdos” who started turning up and protesting outside state parliaments “5G, Sov-citizens HAHAHA FRINGE LOONIES”.

And we all know how that turned out.

The problem is they’re in Canberra now Jack.

So be careful, or we may all end up in Canberra next, all those people who turned up outside parliaments late last year, all there in one spot. And people will finally see just exactly what you parasites do there, and you’ll only have the gay AFP to help you.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 2, 2022 6:08 pm

Peter Costello CEO of nein also has a lot to answer for.

Such as?
Roberts-Smith initiated Defamation proceedings, not Channel 9.
Are you proposing that Roberts-Smith be excluded from public criticism?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 6:11 pm

Are you proposing that Roberts-Smith be excluded from public criticism?

Wow, Grigory! That polished finish on your cerebrum is so bright, I can see it all the way from atop King’s Park in Sandgropia!

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 2, 2022 6:16 pm

So be careful, or we may all end up in Canberra next, all those people who turned up outside parliaments late last year, all there in one spot. And people will finally see just exactly what you parasites do there, and you’ll only have the gay AFP to help you.

That’s loony stuff.
Sure, the guy is a shill for TPTB, but he’s gotta eat, and no one is taking him seriously anyway.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 6:19 pm

Sure, the guy is a shill for TPTB, but he’s gotta eat, and no one is taking him seriously anyway

So why are you defending him, Grigs?

Thought it was a cheap and easy ambit?

This Cat deserves a better class of troll…

Delta A
Delta A
February 2, 2022 6:21 pm

What a ridiculous, dog’s-breakfast of a system is the SA back-to-school plan.

Years 0ne and two, which includes the little newbies, started today. Every other year, apart from 10 and 12, starts in two weeks… I think. The teachers were going to strike against this mish-mash, but couldn’t get themselves organised in time.

So, 13 yo grandie is, very reluctantly, back at school. 15 yo is planning to sleep in until 10.00am. Don’t fancy her chances, but I’m sure several of her peer group have the same idea. 10 yo (almost aspy) grandson has to log in for on-line classes. Student teacher 19 yo grandie thought she would supervise his learning, thereby gaining good experience.

Didn’t work as she’d hoped, which is understandable: he is marvellously adept at avoiding anything other than earthquakes and the resultant tsunamis and Fireman Sam.

Therefore, Daughter is calling in the Big Guns. At 9.00 am tomorrow, 10 yo will be presenting here, with his lunchbox, water bottle and much trepidation.

Granny is back on the chalk! Abandon hope all who … well no, not really. But you can be assured that he and I shall – ultimately – have a most productive day.

Cassie of Sydney
February 2, 2022 6:24 pm

““Jack the insider””

He’s a far-left progressive dickhead whose shtick for the Oz is always the same…..his latest cause is attacking people as anti-vaxxers and anti-lockdowners. Before Covid his shtick was attacking the Catholic church in Victoria.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 6:26 pm

The teachers were going to strike against this mish-mash, but couldn’t get themselves organised in time

Doesn’t say much about their union…

…But I will say that a protest against disorganisation failed to materliase because of disorganisation is pretty damned funny. 🙂

But you can be assured that he and I shall – ultimately – have a most productive day.

Or else? 🙂

February 2, 2022 6:27 pm

Roberts-Smith initiated Defamation proceedings, not Channel 9.

Yes donut, that’s what people who are defamed do.

Are you proposing that Roberts-Smith be excluded from public criticism?

I described why BRS is being persecuted by the woke media, nien and the abc. This is not just about BRS, it’s about the emasculation of the ADF and masculinity generally. Something you won’t have to worry about donut.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 2, 2022 6:27 pm

Eyrie says:
February 2, 2022 at 2:18 pm
Fat Tony,

It used to be when professional engineering jobs were advertised that among the qualifications was “eligible to be a Member of the Institute of Engineers” (now Engineers Australia IIRC). Is this still so?
Sorry for the late reply – been moving furniture for grandkids…

I haven’t looked for any jobs for a few years but that generally was the requirement. Probably to weed out some of the foreign “engineers ” who had dodgy qualifications. Membership requires Engineers Australia to assess their qualifications & experience.

I ditched Engineers Australia a few years ago – too Lefty.

I have RPEQ (Registered Professional Engineer of Qld) and on the NER (National Engineering Register) – these are proper legal-type qualifications allowing sign-off of designs etc. Being a Member of Engineers Australia has no real authority.

February 2, 2022 6:28 pm

Just another rancid canbra turd. The place is full of them – most pollimuppets, the pubes (Lotsa ‘doctors’), the germalist.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 2, 2022 6:29 pm

Fat Tony says:
February 2, 2022 at 6:27 pm
Eyrie says:
February 2, 2022 at 2:18 pm

I should have added that I am a proud ToowoombaWoomba man

February 2, 2022 6:30 pm

Half breed, born and bred in the US, chunk skank decides to compete for the chunks and not the yanks:

Teen phenom at centre of USA vs China feud

February 2, 2022 6:30 pm

Ruh roh. They’ve benched Whoopi.

Latest snapshot of that grand hierarchy of victimology indicates that Jewish trumps fat black dyke with learning disabilities then. This week.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 2, 2022 6:31 pm

So the implication is that you only need to be eligible to join, not to actually join and be a member.

Is this because there is no legal power to mandate being a member? Any legal people?

There is no requirement for an engineer to join Engineers Australia, but membership gives additional professional qualifications beyond the degree.

An employer can mandate whatever qualifications they want. If they need to hire a Chartered Engineer, they can demand membership. If they are happy to employ a graduate engineer with similar experience, but without the membership etc, they can do exactly that. Lots do.

Can be a problem in Queensland, where you may need to register as a professional engineer to legally practice.

Delta A
Delta A
February 2, 2022 6:33 pm

But you can be assured that he and I shall – ultimately – have a most productive day.

Or else?

Nailed it, Rex.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 6:36 pm

@ Delta A-

Glorious. 🙂

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 2, 2022 6:40 pm

What if the corporal was of Austrian extraction?

February 2, 2022 6:45 pm
February 2, 2022 6:45 pm

You did NOT have four tax audits. You had one audit, which subsequently led to other matters they felt needed to be investigated

JC , the Mrs and her sister used to own a takeaway shop, which is a real mess for GST and the rules are inconsistent. I did the books for the girls.

Before we knew we were being audited the ATO sent in mystery shoppers to make sure everything was being rung up properly (ie receipt matched order – we were good).

The accountant told us on the Monday we were being audited for GST, and then called on the Wednesday to say we were being audited for income tax. After the GST audit we got a cheque for @ 2500 for overpayment of GST. We were good for income tax.

It seems the ATO did this for every shop in the main street of town.

February 2, 2022 6:51 pm

AFP blackshirts protecting Australia from old ladies with unacceptable views:

February 2, 2022 6:54 pm


Sure, and 100% credible. The village idiot reckons he had four, which is what I’m highlighting.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 2, 2022 6:55 pm

What if the corporal was of Austrian extraction?

Chucking a hand grenade into his hutchie would be an interesting exercise?

February 2, 2022 6:56 pm

The filth have started beating up Canberra protesters. Looks like they’re copying Melbourne rather than Brisbane in how they’re going to respond to protest – including bringing in black clad tacticool fags to stand around looking tough.

The AFP were famously soft growing up in Canberra, if they’re going down that route it means that the Melbourne / Andrews CCP / Safe Cities influence is in Canberra and the inside the federal bureaucracy which is a worry.

February 2, 2022 6:59 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
February 2, 2022 at 5:56 pm

You’re the biggest blowhard south of the equator . STFU and go dust the bar, you idiot.

South of the equator?
Sal, JC is saying you’re not world class.
You’re not going to just take that lying down, are you?

You’re right Sanchez. My mistake. I’m also thinking that it’s quite possible that the imbecile could score 45 audits in a year after those claims he made about GST and being unable to fill in a jobkeeper form because he runs an exceedlingly complex business. What an absolute abortion of a comment thread by the imbecile.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 2, 2022 7:03 pm

rosie says: February 2, 2022 at 6:45 pm
what’s the current UAP position on priestly celibacy?

Well, that didn’t keep well.
Fat Bastard: an Australian ornament.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 2, 2022 7:03 pm


February 2, 2022 at 5:25 pm

Speaking of tax, I was told a story last week about an accountant being sued by client for not advising him to pay out more dividends over the years before the tax rate on companies was stepped down.
I wonder how many billions of franking credits weren’t utilised in smaller companies.

It is probably more complicated than the face value claims.
It would depend on marginal tax rates of shareholders in each year and it may benefit one shareholder and disadvantage another.
If the company fits under the SME threshold, but unexpectedly busts it in later years, that is a complicator too.
And remember, it is only the difference in tax rates, not the full franking credit value.
This often happens when people change lawyers/accountants. New guy throws his hands up and says old guy is a fuck up on roller skates.

February 2, 2022 7:09 pm

OK – this really is starting to become extremely suspicious – just received news that my ophthalmologist (who was in my year at school) has died, allegedly of bat flu.

Terrible news, he was a great bloke and an absolute professional, leaves behind a grieving family as well.

Can’t help wondering if his and my other erstwhile mate’s recent death were actually due to something else.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 2, 2022 7:13 pm

Crud- I thought the reporting was about efforts to ‘Move On’ the tent embassy escalating and then spiralling into craziness.

I was wrong… 🙁

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 2, 2022 7:17 pm

rosie says:
February 2, 2022 at 6:45 pm
what’s the current UAP position on priestly celibacy?

More to the point, what the hell is Lizzie & Hairy cooking for dinner?

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 2, 2022 7:18 pm

Thanks supply chain crisis. I have just bought some reusable paper towels.

Think about that.

February 2, 2022 7:20 pm

You’d have to go back to the early 1700’s to find this sort of ugly class nonsense codified into the law

A little birdy told me that in Vik they can’t find prosecutors so they’re asking the freshies and interns to step up.

Somebody has to do the DPP/OPP/State dirty-work

…you only have to go back to 20th century Russia or Germany for that

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 2, 2022 7:20 pm

No wonder the filth wear face nappies all the time.
I doubt their parents are proud of them.

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 2, 2022 7:21 pm


1 8 9 10 11 12 20
  1. Hopefully they discover that the meteorite killed the Wagyl and we can all just get on with fixing bridges over…

  2. My personal belief is that – predictably – you are whistling past the graveyard. No personal animosity, but look at…

  3. That tells you everything you need to know about politics. Laybore are experts at this it would seem. What a…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x