Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
“Jack the Insider” whines about protesters copying the themes of overseas protest movements while ripping off the standard CNN NPC sledge by describing them as QAnon adherents.
Yeah, this guy’s an insider, all right. He’s inside a stained, full length rain coat and you don’t want to know what he’s jacking.
Dr Faustussays:
February 2, 2022 at 6:31 pm
So the implication is that you only need to be eligible to join, not to actually join and be a member.
Is this because there is no legal power to mandate being a member? Any legal people?
There is no requirement for an engineer to join Engineers Australia, but membership gives additional professional qualifications beyond the degree.
An employer can mandate whatever qualifications they want. If they need to hire a Chartered Engineer, they can demand membership. If they are happy to employ a graduate engineer with similar experience, but without the membership etc, they can do exactly that. Lots do.
Can be a problem in Queensland, where you may need to register as a professional engineer to legally practice.
Membership of Engineers Australia has no legal status in Queensland. If you wish to sign off any engineering design, you must be an RPEQ.
If you are outside Qld and doing engineering work for Qld, you must be an RPEQ.
Obviously, in Qld, Engineering Graduates must work under the supervision of an RPEQ (doing engineering work) and their work is to be signed off by an RPEQ.
Engineering Australia has a “pathway “process for attaining NER (National Engineering Register) status, which then allows RPEQ.
As I mentioned above, membership of Engineers Australia has value if you are a foreign engineer and wish to have your qualifications recognised in Australia.
Engineers Australia also has the above-mentioned pathway process for Engineering Graduates to gain admission to the NER, then RPEQ etc.
I think most of the other States are in the process of bringing in their equivalent of RPEQ.
The requirement “eligible for membership of Engineers Australia ” is intended to ensure that the applicant’s engineering degree is recognised in Australia & is real.
Head Prefect, why do you go on about Sal?
Why not go & watch Donald duck on your $750 a month bullshit tv bill you annoying bastard?
I knew that without ever knowing that. Because Jack is your typical know-it-all wanker with no self-awareness, not that it would matter for such people.
Bozo the Clown gifts Keir Starmer the opportunity to look Prime Ministerial.
If I had a $750 a month phone internet bill I’d make one phone call asking for a better deal or else.
Jack the Insider is the j’ismist equivalent of that old derro to be found in every front bar of every pub across Australia.
Because you are a vastly inferior target, and Sal gives back as good as he gets (to the mutual satisfaction of all stoushing parties).
Thanks for the info regarding Professional Engineers.
Fat Tony “I should have added that I am a proud ToowoombaWoomba man”
Me too. How about a beer at Fibbers when the ban on us unvaxxed at pubs is lifted?
Keep the Woomba love down boys.
Jack the Insider. Just another full of shit wanker. If you’re so smart Jack, how come no-one has a clue what you are talking about?
Eyrie says:
February 2, 2022 at 7:36 pm
Thanks for the info regarding Professional Engineers.
Fat Tony “I should have added that I am a proud ToowoombaWoomba man”
Me too. How about a beer at Fibbers when the ban on us unvaxxed at pubs is lifted?
Good for that – might be a while or maybe at the Wellcamp “Camp “…
Miss Anthropistsays:
February 2, 2022 at 6:40 pm
What if the corporal was of Austrian extraction?
Hmmmm, yerssss. Following unlawful orders from such a personage does not offer an encouraging precedent.
Just grab and esky with some ice and beer of you choice, set up across the road at the local park 🙂
A few guys from our work crew did exactly that. Get to enjoy the fresh air and not overpay a discriminating business.
I think thats the best response!
Rex Angersays:
February 2, 2022 at 7:13 pm
Crud- I thought the reporting was about efforts to ‘Move On’ the tent embassy escalating and then spiralling into craziness.
The different treatment of the two protest groups should (but probably won’t) raise a few legal eyebrows.
MikeNewZ ???
Jan 24
Big Pharma are at War with our Health, have Captured our Regulatory Agencies and have Committed Crimes Against Humanity. #pierrekory #nzpol
Timothy Neilson says: February 2, 2022 at 5:14 pm
You’re not wrong! All involved conceded it was a most irregular set of coincidences.
First one, a “Records” audit, then a PPS audit, then a Super audit, fourth one a comprehensive income tax audit – by this time plenty got said from my end, (“This is going too far, unfair pressure, blah blah blah), followed up by some sternly worded letters to the ATO – (which they probably used for dunny paper.)
Danny C
Yesterday in Geneva, Switzerland, protesters held a white march to offer their condolences to young souls, carrying little white coffins that represented the Swiss children who tragically died after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. #saveourchildren
Look at the document and bear in mind that Omicron didn’t really start to sweep across the state till late December.
It’s over and they know it’s over. The rest is face saving for rancid premiers and the money changers in medicine.
Guardian Australia quoting Jason Falinski as saying that whoever referred to Scotty as a horrible person and a Psycho should resign.
Given that Falinski is a backbencher, that sounds like a heads up that Falinski is gunning for Scotty.
I like the kids idea of tracking Musk and other billionaires. Even more so if it is Bezos, Gates, heads of Apple, Google, Twitter etc. How could they object when most of their businesses are into tracking the rest of us.
Plus will turn up interesting gatherings where you see some of the popping up at same place.
I also like the idea of extending it to the wokest of the climate change enthusiasts. For example Di Caprio.
I think the kid could turn it into a good subscriber business with customers like TMZ, New Idea, Forbes etc.
Oh do shut up choo choo man, go drive a train you annoying know it all arsehole.
Poor shit dribbler.
Never likes getting dosed with his own ‘medicine.’
AFP blackshirts protecting Australia from old ladies with unacceptable views:
Going to be one hell of a squaring off. All of Vikpol to be processed and now all of AFP.
NSW hospital ICU rates defy forecast (DT, 2 Feb)
The models are always wrong because they always put in stupid parameters plucked out of their hysterical fascist anuses.
time for a Victory Dance!
@ 55 seconds in
Good luck.
Please keep us informed. Home schooling will be of interest to many.
Plus one Sgt from Mt Barker Police in the Adelaide Hills …. I won’t be forgetting that one!
Yep, it’s got a going through Ray Martin’s rubbish bin vibe going on. Hats off.
Is the minister who gladys said scomo was a psycho a bloke or a sheila?
Have you got a list duk?
I’m gonna call that the Taxpayers Fallacy
Kennedy said ‘forgive your enemies, but remember their names…’
I think he was 1/2 right, especially here, because they aren’t MY enemies, they are my CHILDRENS enemies …. so yes, I do have a list, and I will NEVER forget.
Of course Morro’s a psycho and whatever. They all are. Every one of them in cabinet, including whoever sent the SMS to Gladys. Who is also a psycho. Plus most MPs with any ambition.
I don’t see how you could possess the kind of will to power required to either manoeuvre yourself into a position of political leadership, or consider yourself a contender, without also having some kind of malignant personality disorder.
To follow up NSW data to make it up to date.
Just over one million reported cases from 26th Nov and the death rate is 0.082%.
Over twelve times better than Delta.
I didn’t know that.
If the coffin lid wasn’t already nailed shut on my vote, it is now.
Fat Bigoted Slug.
And also of our our grandchildren.
I have made this promise to never forget before……..but never with such conviction and such cause.
That’s only the beginning. Just wait and see the damage these experimental gene therapies will bring on.
It doesn’t matter much if neither of them gave the text message to Van Onselen.
flyingduk says: February 2, 2022 at 8:18 pm
That’s a very fair call flyingduk, a very fair call.
The GayBC/Arseholes Broadcasting Communism as open apologists for terrorism and genocide:
Listening to latest Tim Pool. Discussing the Canadian truckers. Cops have been calling tow truck companies to tow the trucks. Seems the tow truck companies are not interested in helping.
Surely by now we should have had an article in The Australian about the truck issue as major news in North America. I think we know why not getting much publicity here.
Something nice, I’ll bet.
Surf ‘n Turf is my guess.
I have a possible explanation for the attention from the ATO.
Is it possible that a disgruntled backpacker-barmaid from a few years ago has graduated and now works in ATO audit?
PREVIEW: Scientific Nonce Advocacy
The Lotus Eaters – Published January 31, 2022 140 Views
Rumble — Harry and Carl look into the pro-paedo Twitter thread and article USA Today tried to have scrubbed from the internet.
Full video: https://www.lotuseaters.com/premium-video-scientific-nonce-advocasy
Railway washed away…
Highways cut…
Hope you WA guys are stocked up.
Shame about maritime unions killing coastal shipping.
Sancho Panzer says: February 2, 2022 at 8:37 pm
Of course, that will improve when Albo’s new Merchant Navy is working hand in glove with Wharfies.
FMD. Watching the Paul Murray circus, News Corp has appointed Joe Hildebrand as chief delegate on Sky News for bringing over swinging voters to the Liars-Greenfilth coalition. What a cheap whore — just like Scott Morrison.
Don’t care! Was worth it! 😀
Oh, OK.
So it isn’t possible a disgruntled ex-employee might have called the ATO.
I mean, you said the other day you had a few entanglements with FWA.
It just occurred to me that one of the co-respondents to one of your FWA matters might have an axe to grind.
February 2, 2022 at 7:36 pm
Fat Tony “I should have added that I am a proud ToowoombaWoomba man”
Me too. How about a beer at Fibbers when the ban on us unvaxxed at pubs is lifted?
I am sure there are a couple of pubs here in Toowoomba who turn a blind eye or are not as strict on the unjabbed turning up for a beer. Went to one the other week and was not checked.
No-one is checking any of that shit anywhere as far as I can tell.
Not even Bunnings.
Sancho Panzer says: February 2, 2022 at 8:48 pm
No, it is not possible.
I repeat my comment from some time ago.
You’re not as smart as you may believe you are.
Go & read what I frigging well wrote – then try to reconcile that with your above couple of clueless fishing casts.
Welp, it ceetainly exposed a few decades’ worth of cost-cutting by the various authorities responsible for the maintenance of the cross-Nullarbor roads and railway.
Smarter cookies would be looking to proper upgrades and improvements for both, beyond the immediate demands of reinstatement and reopening.
But then again, we are in Australia… 🙁
Seems Setka and his wife are at it again. Article from the Oz headline :
“Union leader John Setka faces new abuse allegations from estranged wife Emma Walters”
There is still an outstanding assault case involving the pair in August last year.
Then there were the 30 charges dropped against him on 2019.
Whenever compiling a list of failures by VIPOL their lack of action against him and his union should be included.
Add said lack of action to a very long list, beginning with Julia Gilliard and that little lurk, and go on with Kathy Sheriff’s allegations…
Claire Lehmann copies all the elites & tweets about spotify stock dropping.
Spotify then rallies & she deletes tweet.
Pile on ensues.
Then she reposts original tweet saying sorry, she got it wrong.
How desperate is Lehmann to be accepted?
I know of a bloke in Toowoomba you can have a drink with.
Ex chalkie and Viet Nam Veteran, though he is really modest about his achievements.
You guys might like him.
I’ll give you his number.
These aren’t separate and distinct audits you dodo brain. You complete muppet.
Sanchez is most probably right. It was either a disgruntled former employee working at the ATO and or simply a disgruntled employee sobbing you in. You’re not exactly the most liked person around drills.
Talking about likeable people , how’s Mark L Canberra? How are those biceps travelling ?
Drills , you’re such a muppet.
Miss Anthropistsays:
February 2, 2022 at 8:59 pm
I know who you mean.
Sorry, but NFI.
Wow, how’s this for sleuthing. Drills, I just figured out who dobbed you in. It was the burnt toast guy. You know, you came on here and boasted about firing the dude who burnt your morning toast. It was him! Sanchez, thanks for putting me in the right direction on this one.
Sheer desperation, “Russian Actors” now behind Canadian trucking protest:
I like the kids idea of tracking Musk and other billionaires. Even more so if it is Bezos, Gates, heads of Apple, Google, Twitter etc. How could they object when most of their businesses are into tracking the rest of us.
Guys, Elon is not like the others. He’s been thoroughly red pilled. If the little wanker had tried to blackmail some of the others he’d probably have met with an unfortunate accident by now. FMD how stupid can someone be?
“these three things be wary of, a wolf with cubs, a man with power and a woman’s sense of wrong ”
(Threes – a well known Filk song)
Yeah, privacy always was the problem with the aviation ADSB system. The problem did not exist with the old Mode C transponder system because it did not give a unique identifier for each radar return and the identifier was a temporary transaction on the radio with ATC.
Beertruk, you are invited too. Yeah we could find a spot but I’d like to celebrate the collapse of he narrative by going to a pub.
Roughly when did these ATO audits take place?
She is the Lorraine Calluzo of the intellectual dark web.
“How ’bout dis humididee…?!”
They would be terrified. If the truckers wind up removing Sparkles it can happen to anyone.
Did someone accuse me of Sundowning?
No, we won’t invite Numbers although it did cross my mind from time to time to go and have a beer with him.
Here we go “Threes”
Only every other day, Grigs.
Do keep up…
Beertruksays: February 2, 2022 at 8:49 pm
Beery, pubs are way too big an asset to play fast & loose with the law.
The penalty for non-compliance is such that nobody with even two functioning brain cells is going to risk a liquor breach.
However, the law is such that all persons entering a pub do not have to be individually scrutinised for (a) QR check-in & (b) confirmation of fully vaccinated status.
Pubs have to make a reasonable effort to ensure all patrons have complied.
(This is not the same as an obligation to prevent the entry of unvaccinated)
That said, while I & everybody I know is able to demonstrate we’re making a reasonable effort, nobody will tolerate an actual unvaccinated (if detected) in the venue.
QR scanning on the other hand, is pretty much dead & buried. Nobody checks or cares.
Sal, the ATO introduced a Taxpayer Rights Charter a few years ago.
Among other things, excessive and vexatious auditing was addressed in that.
Depends when the audit took place.
He’d probably present you with a signed copy of his book – did you know he’d written a book?
The other option is a scorned lover. Payback through the ATO. It happens.
I saw that tweet yesterday. It was pointed out immediately that the decline began before the Rogan kerfuffle. She’s become a trainwreck. Her tweets seem entirely designed to troll her critics.
Sundowning is a myth. So you’re a myth Ed. Sundowning was a term to describe the “agitation” dementia patients experienced around sundown, which just happens to be the time they are most frequently being set upon by the staff for food, visitors, and bathing. It was believed to be related to circadian rhythms but when I looked at the data the “agitation” also occurred during other times when the patients were being attended too by staff. “Agitation” is a euphemism for the sad fact that people with dementia can become real assholes.
Sure anything’s possible. Four audits and driller having a scorned lover. The chances aren’t zero, John H. However, I still going with the burnt toast dude. I can feel it in my jam and Danish butter.
I love to have a beer with Numbers,
I love to have a beer with Num.
We drink in moderation,
He whinges lefty bullshit and we kick his bum.
We drink at the Town & Country,
Where the atmosphere is great.
I love to have a beer with Numbers,
But he’s not me mate!
Cops have been calling tow truck companies to tow the trucks. Seems the tow truck companies are not interested in helping.
Cops are so smart! I imagine the cops gleefully escorted a few heavy tow units to the protest only to have them also shut down and join in!
Journalists don’t like Rogan because he is far more successful, entertaining, richer, non-partisan, and popular than they can ever hope to be.
Dunning Krugman, what is this bullshit you’re making up about burnt toast?
Given his past of always complaining about staff, which suggests he is lousy at choosing employees or is an asshole boss, the burnt toast option is more likely JC. I threw in the scorned lover because that is a common dob in at the ATO.
I dunno, JC.
I can’t help but think the Australian Death Gluten has got into your synapses.
Furthermore, what’s wrong with Australian butter?
Guys, Elon is not like the others. He’s been thoroughly red pilled.
I was following a Tesla on the Hume today. Acceleration after slowly down for roadworks was incredible. I didn’t see him pulled over on the side of the road so I can assume the thing happily belted along at +110km/hr for around 2 hours straight.
Once upon a time there was good supremacy and bad supremacy…
The Israeli Bill to Preserve Demographic Jewish Supremacy
Seems that the new witness in the Ben Roberts Smith case has been granted a “certificate against self incrimination.” How usual is that?
All reasonable points John H. I discount the scorned lover angle simply because of who he is. He mentioned a while back how he spent Xmas eve by himself and how quiet the store front was.
Culinary experiment. Tried to make apple butter to try to be West Virginian.
Um, it’s nice but its basically very thick, only slightly wet, caramelised and spiced apple sauce.
I guess you use it like a jam?
Very energy intensive 4 days, over 72 hours slow cooked.
I realise that JC is joking about the toast guy being a lover scorned.
But the possibilities for ATO tip-offs are endless.
Sal mentioned a few weeks ago that he offered cash for some stuff from a chain of appliance stores and they knocked it back.
Pro tip.
The world is full of Karens willing to ring a hotline. A tradie mate of mine who loves cash has a rule. Keep the cash tight among your regular suppliers. Don’t spray it around everywhere. The ATO love cash economy tip-offs.
Dunno. Should I ask as I don’t eat much butter?
I don’t get the connection in terms of what the silent killer has to do with the burnt toast dude.
Home for ten minutes.
Text from heir to the empire. Secondhand mail from someone at his work at the pub.
‘There’s heaps of meat at Woolies.’ Some trucks must have got through, Christ knows how.
Off to the shops, ready for a punch on in the chicken aisle.
Where is Mater?
His last post Maters Mischief #8 was January 9.
We need his valuable contributions.
John H.
I’d always though you were okay, & not a wanker.
Clearly I was wrong.
Danish butter?
Fucking really JC?
I banned Lurpak from the house.
Western Star is quality Strayan butter and shits all over the Danish stuff.
Danish cows are big girls who stay inside in winter.
Buy butter from tough Strayan cows!
So Sal.
Roughly when did these audits take place?
Devondale is the king of butters.
Sanchez, if he offered cash to the burnt toast dude then, let’s say, Driller was probably toast. I wonder when he had the audit quartet.
Drills, what when was the audit quartet?
It’s been out the back since November.
This is not the last time I will try and be helpful.
February 2, 2022 at 8:59 pm
Claire Lehmann copies all the elites & tweets about spotify stock dropping.
Spotify then rallies & she deletes tweet.
Pile on ensues.
Then she reposts original tweet saying sorry, she got it wrong.
How desperate is Lehmann to be accepted?”
Lehmann goes with the wind…..she’s a fair-weather friend. She only ever parrots the official narrative because she wants to be accepted by the cathedral. She doesn’t dare step out away from the plantation of group think. I’ve always been rather unimpressed by Lehmann.
She can’t be relied on. Ask Andy Ngo.
Gratuitous toast references was my first red flag… 😉
That’s it. Lurpak and it comes in a silver foil.
I allow her a little freedom to choose. Jeez, let’s not be positively Taliban about freaking butter.
Western Star is quality Strayan butter and shits all over the Danish stuff.”
Yep…I like Western Star but my fave is Allowrie (another great Oz butter)…both salted and unsalted. I use Allowrie for all my baking.
Fair enough.
I am not kidding.
Australian butter is the best in the world.
Must be some great steaks
Big fight breaks out at Golden Corral
Short video
Eyrie, thanks Matey.
The celebrations will be similar to V-E and V-J day.
Sancho, are you seriously suggesting that I got a tax audit because my intended purchase of a couple of spatulas fell over coz Robin’s Kitchen only accepts credit card payments?
Seriously? 😛
Today I learned it is illegal for unions in the US to organise the unionisation of work places in a co-ordinated manner across state lines if the are targeting one business.
An organiser who is targeting the slave warehouses that Amazon runs has been questioned by the DOJ to see if he/they are breaching any laws.
Bugger! Blockquote went to custard
(Which, coincidentally can be quite nice with certain sweet bread bits in it…)
Dunning Krugman, last warning, tone it down.
You’re held to a lower standard than anybody else, coz you’re nothing but a discredited bigmouth blowhard wanker who makes juvenile posts as a matter of course.
However that indulgence of you by adults has a limit.
So tone down the wankery, you’re out of your league.
Western Star.
That just proves the point.
Australian dairy is tops.
Anyone buying Danish butter is a TrAItoR and should be tried by The People for TrEAsOn.
Banes court for foreign butter user.
Death or exile.
Beertruk says:
February 2, 2022 at 8:49 pm
Beertruk – are you a proud ToowoombaWoomba man too?
Of course not.
I take it the audits were years ago.
We were canvassing possible dob-in scenarios, and that is one of many possible areas of exposure.
BTW, when was the audit?
Fat Tony seems to have assumed Beery’s gender.
Tread warily Tony, this is dangerous ground.
I’ll say.
Drills, so that I get this right. Is that some sort of threat, because if it is, I’m always open to a threat. You squalid sack of shit.
Given their reputation, I can’t help but think they don’t eat butter.
Any collection of Pashtuns, Chechens, Uzbeks and so forth who are that hard-bitten, ornery, vicious, zealous and just plain mean have to have been raised since birth on an unbroken diet of margarine…
You were wrong every time.
There wasn’t a dob-in.
I know what a dob-in audit looks like. I’ve had two of those.
Miss Anthropist says:
February 2, 2022 at 8:59 pm
I know of a bloke in Toowoomba you can have a drink with.
Ex chalkie and Viet Nam Veteran, though he is really modest about his achievements.
You guys might like him.
I’ll give you his number.
Yeah right…in what fucking universe do you think that’ll happen??? 🙁
Remember when the DNC was the party fighting Boeing for their sin of paying staff 1.5x minimum wage but wanting to be in a right to work state?
Now under the Biden administration, the DOJ is targeting union organisers trying to protect workers who have timed piss breaks just to protect the margins of the worlds second richest man who just happens to own the very DNC friendly Washington Post.
Seriously, when did the audit quartet take place.
JC at his finest
@ 1:40 in
Good catch Bern.
Only if they have standing. 🙂
Allowrie owned by Thai company KCG
have you tried Tatura ?
Beertruk – are you a proud ToowoombaWoomba man too?
Expat New South Welshman from Grafton now living in Toowoomba.
Last posting in the Army was to Oakey in 1995.
Been here ever since apart from a stint at Fairbairn / Queenbeyan from 2000 to end of 2001.
Okay smarty, your bluff is called.
Put up or shut up time.
I’ll forecast now: You won’t have the balls to back your bluster.
You know what a dob-in audit looks like?
FMD, Queensland ATO auditors must be dim.
One of my old schoolmates spent his whole career in the ATO (and AFP).
One golden rule.
“Never let them know why you are there and what you are looking for.
All sorts of stuff drops out of the trees unexpectedly.”
Of course, they identify themselves and say broadly what they want to look at, but they won’t say precisely what they suspect or have been tipped off about.
Tatura butter?
All Friesians.
Not creamy enough.
But not as bad as Lurpak.
Driller, isn’t that the other way around. You made the threat so you need to see it through. It was a threat, right? You turgid disgrace of a human.
Sancho Panzer says: February 2, 2022 at 10:00 pm
Where did anybody say this was Qld?
They are.
Never mind what your pundu mate tells you, it isn’t hard to work out what triggered an audit.
Keep in mind an audit usually involves a fortnight on site, that’s two weeks of morning & afternoon smokos with them, plus the formal questioning during (their idea of) the workday.
FMD the DOJ/FBI are the brown shirts.
Go against the donors to the administration and look out.
It’s worse than the IRS under Lois Lerner during the Obama years targeting conservative NFP’s.
That’s how he could tell. They wouldn’t say it was a tip off. All perfectly logical. I mean, if you’re looking to audit high net worth individuals, you can’t go past Sal Hilton from FNQ.
I thought Lurpak was supposed to be cool because of solidarity with Denmark over the Mohammed cartoons, or something like that.
That Action Bunnies is pretty good, Plasmamortar.
But is it ASDFMovie good?
Ha ha.
Speaking of tax dodging.
Dan Murphy’s ad on TV.
Set in the 1800’s.
“Dan” opening a shipment of “vegetables” which turns out to be French wine.
Implying he dodged duty.
Back last century before Dan sold to Woollies, they got done over for duty and sales tax dodging.
It was NSW when Driller was working in Sydney as a private equity guy backing pub businesses.
What year was the audit conducted Sal, and which tax years did it cover?
Not a hard question.
Explain, using as many words as you need to, why an exact date is relevant.
February 2, 2022 at 9:59 pm
Allowrie (another great Oz butter)
Allowrie owned by Thai company KCG
have you tried Tatura ?”
I didn’t know that. Anyway, Allowrie is a good butter and it’s made here in Oz, unlike Lurpak, which is made in Denmark and whilst Lurpak isn’t bad, I fail to see why I should buy a Danish butter when Oz produces great butter.
The best butter I have ever eaten was in Somerset….along with the best cheddar ever.
Lurpak apologised to Muslims globally.
All the big Danish companies did.
Sal is Justin Hemmes?
Sorry for the doxxing Justin.
Sal Hilton.. Kind of has a ring to it. Not quite Baron Hilton, but almost there.
I’d say they’re on a similar level ?
Devondale is a Saputo brand
public and listed in Canadia
Butter is food from heaven….everything tastes better with a little butter on it and butter is good for you.
One of my favourite things, since childhood, it was something inherited from my mother’s family, was really good bread (baguette or good sliced bread) spread with really good salted butter and topped with finely sliced onion. Absolutely delicious.
Right there, proves my point. Not everyone is good at choosing staff so what’s the big deal about that? One criticism of you and you have a go at me. Classic indicator of narcissism which supports my second possibility.
The exact date doesn’t matter.
I am trying to establish which version of the ATO’s Taxpayer Charter would apply at the time the audit took place.
Trying to help.
You probably don’t have much of a case but always worth having up your sleeve.
You’re not Aviation Corp are you?
Lithium, the ingredient in renewables, particularly batteries and EVs, is up 500%. Those chunks are smart:
We sometimes make it ourselves in the T*******x.
Magnificent made and eaten fresh.
But don’t use homogenised cream.
It won’t split.
Western Star is a Fronterra brand
New Zealand public company
I have this uncomfortable image of Sal sitting at a desk, surrounded by half a dozen Matrix agents.
“Misterrrr Aannndersehhhhn, which do you prefer? Plaid or Tartan?”
“Oh, errrr… That’s smoko, Auditor-Agent Smiff!”
And as the whole team traipses out, Auditor Smiff removes his sunglasses and launches into a famous diatribe…
Hell hath no fury, like a Public Servant bored…
Herald, Tele and Courier all currently have a long article under title Pfizer jab plan for under 5’s. It has articles about each states cases and deaths plus stuff from PM talk not related to Covid. Not one mentions ages of deaths or comorbidities except a child in Qld.
Look at the headline for Qld and then look at 2nd para
Queensland has reported another 16 coronavirus deaths – including a child under 10 – as the state’s daily case numbers rise to 9630.
Chief health officer Dr John Gerrard said the child had a very serious and rare underlying inherited medical condition.
Yet happy to include in death stats as helps the fear factor.
The Australian press are leading us down the path to more jabs because they are hyping the deaths and scare campaign without putting the deaths into context against normal deaths. With the millions who have had Covid it is not surprising some of those, especially the elderly in aged care, are dying having had Covid in past 30 days. They have lots of reporters but apparently no investigative journalists.
Not too bad an article up on Daily Mail summarising Rogan interviews with McCullough and Malone.
If you go to Fire Door in Sydney, you can buy their wood smoked butter on the way out.
To die for.
A giant beat-up by Greg Sheridan in the Paywallian:
Sheridan has very little else in the way of facts. Most of the rest of it is filler to justify by byline.
Danish butter*.
*May contain nanowrigglers.
Army aviation??
Look at the headline for Qld and then look at 2nd para
Queensland has reported another 16 coronavirus deaths – including a child under 10 – as the state’s daily case numbers rise to 9630.
Chief health officer Dr John Gerrard said the child had a very serious and rare underlying inherited medical condition.
What an absolute digrace.
The best milk and cream is from a Victorian dairy….Schulz dairy. I buy their non-homogenised milk, their cream and their quark soft cheese from a shop here in Paddington. Delicious products.
What’s your meat status, KD?
Pre-emptive “Phrasing ?”
No. You missed the point.
I’ll reserve final judgement. However you’re not off to a good start.
Crikey, you’d have to have almost no staff to avoid the occasional brush with FWA.
Keep in mind there hasn’t been a FWA complaint against me since I stopped hiring pommy backpackers – Six years ago.
Before that it was about five per year, which isn’t too bad.
…But asdf’s fart jokes are better. 🙂
Earlier, Driller mentioned how the ATO audited the superannuation distribution. I’m curious, was it possible the ATO even looked into employer super payments as far back as say 2000. I wasn’t here then. Does anyone know? I thought super became an ATO supervisory responsibility much later.
“Sheridan has very little else in the way of facts. Most of the rest of it is filler to justify by byline.”
I call Sheridan the “Dribbler”…….he only ever dribbles shit. He is another whose opinion is always dependent on which way the wind is blowing.
“We sometimes make it ourselves in the T*******x.
Magnificent made and eaten fresh.
But don’t use homogenised cream.
It won’t split.”
I’ve always wanted to make my own. Will give it a go and thank for the tip re. cream.
You’re not Aviation Corp are you?
I was posted to Oakey Log Bn which then changed its name to Aviation Support Group Wokrshop. Which was originally the old 5 Base Worshop. Or as a mate who was avionics use to call it ‘the sheltered workshop.’
I made a batch of scones just after New Year. With chantilly cream.
Except that the cream was a little old. On day one, we all agreed that the cream was pretty good, albeit oddly lumpy.
The next day, it had bowed to the inevitable and become quite sweet and vanilla-ry butter.
We ate it with the jam anyway.
Drills, you’re running out of countries since you started telling us who you exclude as potential employees.
Only the other day, you mentioned you exclude Danish backpackers. Today.. now we learn you exclude Brits. It’s one nationality a week with you. You slob.
But don’t use homogenised cream.
Do you mean ‘homogenised milk?’
Same part of the country which produces Western Star.
The WS shareholders might be Kiwi, but the cows are decidely Aussie.
Crikey Panzer, it’s not as if I was without professional advice at time of a tax audit.
Sticking it to the ATO, while a pleasurable dream, isn’t as simple as it may look.
The paperwork on a tax audit can run to zillions of pages.
Condensing it on this blog is not going to help much.
Especially as there wasn’t any problem. I wasn’t quivering in terrifying fear of them.
They did their job, wasted lots of their time, came up no trumps.
Like most anyone, I’ve got far better things to do than to score a moral win (over some jerkoff at the ATO) via a couple of sternly worded letters & apologies.
If it comforts you, after a later audit in another year, the ATO did send me a multi-page letter which was surprisingly grovelling & apologetic in nature, re their past exuberance in flogging a dead horse by pointlessly subjecting me to repeat audits.
My read of it was that the auditor was new, was no longer at the ATO, & during their time at the ATO had engaged in ..er.. exuberant but erroneous pursuit of audited entities.
You appear to prefer out-doorsey milk gals rather than indoor ones. Why Sanchez?
I mean pure cream.
I know homogenised is the term commonly used for milk, but it is the process of pressurisation which inhibits fats and buttermilk splitting.
Which is precisely what you want to make butter.
Russia has imposed a two-month ban on the export of ammonium nitrate
You make butter in Twostix?
All sorts of PHRASING, right there.
I also like Meander Valley products.
Yep. Very yummy — an organic dairy just south of Timboon in the Otways foothills in southwest Victoria. They have their marketing and distribution well organised.
Meat status.
Chicken and pork now reside (temporarily, as the heir will return shortly) in the fridge.
Postponed hunting down the chubby neighbour for pot roast. For a day or two, at least.
Grass JC.
They eat grass.
Rather than grain fed.
Lurpak cows eat … death gluten.
Bullshit. The ATO would never even go close to making such a suggestion or inference.
Another statement you won’t be able to back up, you stupid flog.
Stay in your lane.
Salt of the Earth.
Got a spare flying suit?
Size 7xl?
I have also noticed that unhomogenised milk lasts much longer than homogenised milk.
awesome … there’s a place around the corner.
will give it a try.
besides that, Aldi butter is pretty damn good too.
Which country was it then, Driller. Was it Dutch?
And calm down as this is all in good spirits, no one wants to see you upset drills. You narcissistic psychopath.
Correct Tom.
They have done a top job of getting their branded products into supermarkets and have sales channels outside that.
My only complaint is they have both Friesians and Jerseys.
The cream (and butter) from Jersey milk is superior IMHO.
About 50% more butterfat.
They didn’t need to.
FMD, where do you live?
You really don’t know much about Australia, or the system here.
It’s not as these people are anonymous.
The slut at the ATO had only the year before been running a carpet shop near where my accountant lived.
The year after the audit she was applying for jobs managing motels along the Bruce Highway.
Btw Dunning Krugman (you’re well named) Mandatory employer Superannuation contributions came into force in 1992.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
February 2, 2022 at 9:18 pm
Sal, if they don’t ask, I don’t show identification papers.
I also dont have any apps on my phone…if I bother to take my phone anywhere.
There was a bar in Ruthven street a couple of weeks ago that got shut down. They got a visit and fines the first time then the second time the rozzers turned up and shut them down. The bar skited on fakebook about it which drew the ire of the rozzers the second time.
That letter Sal.
Does it have a date on it?