John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
It is 1994. I have no money. I think I’m in love with Downapha. I go to to Bangkok to…
I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…
Yeah whatever
Question for any Hannity viewers.
Has he been anti any war in Ukraine?
Or not mention it much?
Dot says:
February 3, 2022 at 5:50 pm
Spam pizza, is that really different to a “ham” pizza from a non gourmet shop?
Dot, you have never tried SPAM, have you?
BBQed spam is nice.
Fuck, they’re huge.
I hope they were steamed.
Umm… no.
And I would say the same to JC if he wrote such a silly comment.
I never said anything about a tiff, Lizzie. My comment was about feelings and the desirability of not giving a fying fluck.
So what?
Butter churns and pots and pans are not natural.
I would say it is added in manufacturing. I wouldn’t worry about it, I’d worry about older antioxidants like TBHQ.
Which is still used in a lot of Asian products, like Taiwanese chips (“Lonely God”, which are delicious).
John H probably knows but look up the Krebs cycle and interestification.
IMO you only need essential proteins and fatty acids, the interaction of various monounsaturated band polyunsaturated fatty acid chains in your body is quite complex. You can have an anti-nutritive effect without knowing.
If you are worried about fatty acid nutrition, consume dairy, milk fat has a very complex fatty acid profile.
Don’t start me on the irrational fear of trans fats or the outdated stuff about seed oil being evil.
If you have English mustard on lamb, you are eating seed oil AND a lot of trans fats.
Dairy, olive oil, meat, moderate seed oil and avoid less safe preservatives.
In other words, eat as your (great?) grandparents did before they got old.
My guilty vegetarian pleasures are dried mango, apple butter and banana chips cooked on sunflower oil and seasoned with pepper.
I am not dead yet. Good BP, pulse, blood sugar. If you bring a”SEED OIL IS A TOOL OF THE GLOBALISTS!” placard to an anti mandate rally, you are not a “King”, you’re an utter tool.
Yeah, I have once, it is horrendous.
I like bully beef though…
Cooked breakfasts are very civilised. Not sure about a full English after some of the slop you get in some of the caffs in the old country. Probably draw the line at steak and eggs which was known to happen after we knocked off a killer during my limited station days.
“Hormel” pre packaged TV dinners are an abomination.
I think my fear of trans fats is very rational.
Greeks are bloody awesome. Straight in, seat, no COVID liturgy.
Not those trans fats.
Dot, you have never tried SPAM, have you
Yeah, I have once, it is horrendous.
Spam sushi is an island favourite, great for hangovers to. Best purchased at a service station.
I have more and bigger of all those things than all of youse.
Get over it.
February 3, 2022 at 6:04 pm
I like bully beef though…
Go to France and try some singe.
JWH you are a fraud. You don’t feel for anyone. Just are just going on again.
Arky has also mentioned here that his wife disliked him blogging. No disclosure there. And Cassie sent me a screen shot of Johanna’s lying; important that I mention that I have it, I think.
Otherwise, I have many had other personal conversations and my lips are absolutely sealed.
As for ‘Hyacinth’, that shows precisely where your opinions have always been, embedded in a very large piece of nonsense and fabrication about me here. I stand by the truth of every event and circumstance I have ever related here as part of a discouse on some matter or other. Years ago I altered the time-frame of it, precisely to turn doxxing obsessives like Johanna off the scent when being doxxed would have killed my husband’s career stone deawd. That is all. How dare you impugn my integrity and truth-telling: people who know me can vouch for it, which is more than can be said for some of the unknowns here who have far more ‘swiss cheese’ about them than I do.
I don’t expect to know everything about everyone on a blog, disclosures are up to individuals, and many do disclose, while others eschew doing so. No-one here knows everything about those who come here, but a certain level of integrity is required and I do have that.
Now I really have to get working on that submission, which will not write itself.
apologies for hurried comment, typos are obvious.
One further addition: If Hyacinth’s little gaggle of friends here actually cared for her state of mental health, then they would be counselling her to cease and desist with her ridiculous, childish behaviour. It has become more than tedious.
There is nothing preventing Hyacinth from starting her own blog where she can post her narcissistic tripe and rage against her so-called ‘haters’ till the cows come home.
I’m certain Dover would add the link.
Steak, egg and home made chips was my favourite dinner growing up. The chips were home made and deep fried rather than baked, of course. Frozen vegetables and TV meals were something you only saw on American TV shows.
JC, I know you love a nick-name, but I gotta ask.
Where the hell did “Driller” come from?
God i miss black pudding
Best fishing trip breakfast was – egg in the hole topped with crisp streaky bacon covered with a piece of fried bread.
Christ i get chest pain thinking about it, happy memories
Thanks for the tucker blogging, btw. It is very up-cheering to see others engage in the very thing that I am a ‘rat with a Gold Tooth’ about. It was sausage that nite, if I remember correctly.
Last nite it was a Chinese takeaway. And before that steak.
Fascinating stuff. 🙂
JWH – going on and on again. lol
Delta A says: February 3, 2022 at 6:01 pm
Unless he puts his money where his big mouth is,
then; Yes.
He got called, he failed.
Dover, are you getting sponsored by the NDIS?
There is nothing “mere” about “Tucker blogging”, ‘elf Nazis get massive erections about controlling other people and shills see public money like cartoon wolves, dollar signs in both eyes.
I repeat – FUCK OFF Hyacinth. Go and start your own blog. pet. There’s a good little girl.
A quite stunning takedown of Trudeau and his anti-truck rhetoric.
“Workers of the world unite!”
“No.. not you!”
For chucks steak JMH, it’s not that serious.
RUOK bloke?
You really do have the option to scroll past.
Many here scroll past some stuff by people they read regularly.
Why won’t they leave Christian schools alone?
[1:02 minutes]
Feb 3, 2022
ACL – Australian Christian Lobby
98.3K subscribers
Martyn Iles shares that there is a clear opposition to the knowledge of the truth.
Lol. It came from Driller himself.
There was a discussion on the old blog about the now ex-prince Andrew and where things were headed over the Epstein saga. Not suprisingly, the FNQ wronglogist made what is possibly the worst prediction ever posted on the Cat. He suggested that the Brits would overlook Ex-prince bonking barely legals and or underage gals and in fact applaud him.
The subject then moved onto the moral ethics of say a 50 year old man attempting to leg-over barely legal girls. Driller and Adonis both argued that if the gal is over the age of consent then it’s a green light. Driller suggested it was fine drilling them. Hence Driller since then. I think he doesn’t like it but I’m not sure. 🙂
I can only assume that the luvvies at TheirABC have their power bills paid as part of their employment contract. Otherwise, how could they publish this rubbish:
I don’t know where to begin about this pack of lies.
Firstly, while they claim that prices have fallen a few percent in the last three years (I don’t know if that is true) they neglect to mention that they rose up to 50% in the preceding years. It’s just like what they do to temperature data.
Secondly, while we are paying US17.6 cents, they neglect to mention that in red states in the US people are paying less than half of that. A ranking with such a wide range is deceptive unless you include the actual numbers, which they didn’t.
Thirdly, there is no mention of the cost of taxpayer and consumer subsidies to ruinables. As for the opportunity cost of expensive power being prioritised over cheap power in grid management, it is incalculable, so they don’t mention it.
Usually, the lies are annoying but of little consequence in the big picture. These lies are immensely important to the economic future of this country and its people.
Sloppy and dishonest, but good enough for those driving what they imagine is the ‘energy revolution’ with our money.
Biggles, you don’t like Arky because you insulted him & he requested a meet with you & I think his intention was to get you to apologise to him or he was going to tear your stupid head off your shoulders.
You reversed quicker than the starship enterprise at warp 9.5 & your fear was palpable to all.
I gave you that advice albeit, worded differently
the thing is your’e not exactly being told to “be silent” and you bloody well know it
stfu woman means, stop with your whiny manipulative bullshit
and every uptick says the same thing.
just with fewer words
god gave you two ears and one mouth … use them in proportion
Read upthread. The bint brought me into it. I retaliated – as is my right, as Hyacinth claims is her right over and over and over again. I’ve had a complete gutful of her. Just giving back, which is well deserved, that’s all.
Welsh rarebit – melted cheese with beer, worcestershire sauce and English mustard poured over two slices of hot buttered toast washed & down with a pot of tea. Bacon doesn’t go astray on top but probably not as originally eaten.
For Catholic Cats (and anyone else who likes it. 😀 )
No tears and hanging onto mum…they already each have seven other mates.
I’ll second the fuck off.
Why should anyone here have to accede to some demented demand for a face to face meeting?
The best stouches have a Hatfield v McCoy character to them. If you can remember what started them – best to keep scrolling.
JMH, as one of the pilers on, I wouldn’t get too worried about it. Come on Hairy, we’re leaving.
Roger says:
February 3, 2022 at 5:00 pm
And the vegan hamburger patties. Hardly a lamb chop or steak to be seen but the vegan ‘meat’ was plentiful. Possible they had no resupply problems but far more likely the product wasn’t selling.
Show some respect.
Mrs Bucket
It’s fun watching the interwebs atm, with so many not knowing which way to swing, treading water in their own constant dribble about sweet FA … it’s happening everywhere … cat herders not having a clue about the security of their employment or the likelihood of a near future as dim sims …
indeed a most excellent documentary on Eastern European dairy products
Nearly breakfast time here.
Thought I might get a coffee and croissant at the station.
I’m off to Narbonne on the slow train.
I was going to go to Muceum yesterday, it looks a bit like the Melbourne museum so I was dubious. I wandered around Fort St Jean, why wasn’t the 13th century chapel open? You can go up top and cross a long footbridge over water to get to the new modern museum but the wind was mad and I’m a scaredycat (along the street outside the huge bins had toppled and blown along the footpath) so I thought I’d go round the long way at a lower elevation.
The deportation museum is tucked in at the base of the old fort so I went there as well, by the time I’d done it was too late for the other.
Only a couple of exhibits, some FFI memorabilia, the outfit someone wore home from Ravensbruck, the rest was photos of people and families and their little histories plus photos of the round ups and dynamiting of the quarter. There were little theatres where you could watch survivors tell their stories interposed with historical photos. I think they were all recorded around 2003.
Most of the French rounded up were sent back to Marseilles after being held at an old military camp in Frejus, around 600 were sent to Sachsenhausen, resistance members, prostitutes, homosexuals, vagabonds, those without papers. 100 returned.
The interviewees told of how barricades were erected around their suburb, being loaded into trams, then into cattle cars at the station, of fathers never seen again, of being dispossessed of their homes, of 12,000 French gendarmes who assisted in that dispossession.
But even worse was to come; Jewish men and women in late middle age who just looked so normal and nice and ordinary telling stories of unspeakable horror, about being packed so tightly into cattle cars they had to stand with their arms in the air and the only relief coming because people died, and so much more horror on horror, then coming home to French indifference and often great responsibility. Eighteen year old girls coming home to be heads of households because younger siblings had been hidden and there was no one else.
And they just did it.
When I was involved with schools the Catholics had (I hope they still do, too!) a policy of never refusing to enrol a child no matter how long it might take the parents to pay off the fees. Some independent Protestant schools may have a similar policy but I could never get Anglicans to adopt it, which was very shortsighted of them.
Daniel Andrews Despised by his own Party?
Feb 3, 2022
32.5K subscribers
Creator of ‘Battleground Melbourne’ Topher Field delivers inside information from inside the ALP on how despised the Victorian premier is within his own party.
‘Rules don’t matter when survival is on the line’ and Topher believes there are many waiting with a sharp knife to seize on the right opportunity to elevate their political position.
Watch the full interview: https://youtu.be/wi4EztGVaXk
Stairfall ?
Danfall ?
Let it be so.
Thanks Bruce. Great story. And a journalist who uses “pupils”!
My little granddaughter started today. Phoned and asked the usual questions. She was full of news, including one new friend. And she informed me that her daddy had made her the best and yummiest lunch in Australia.
One more to go, and we’re all out of “first days”.
There’s a few here who really need to have a Bex and a lie down and reflect on themselves. I normally scroll past the abuse and madness but there’s so much that it takes up huge slabs of the page. There’s no need for it, if you don’t like or aren’t interested in what someone says just ignore it.
I’ve accused people on other sites of TDS but there’s a sort of derangement here that I don’t understand. It’s getting to the point where I’m about to bail. Dover’s done a great job but the constant invective and sniping just makes coming worth less everyday. Unless you insulting, narcissistic, obsessives get control over your emotions the site will be reduced to a few of you throwing shit at each other, like monkeys in a cage.
So go ahead, hang shit on me, insult me, I don’t care but it’s sad to see what could have been a wonderful site, turned into a place where simians hurl their shit at each other.
Belgian unsalted butter is the Duck’s Nuts..
Sold here as Eco-Farms Absolute Organic [Product of Belgium].
We await with bated breath for the BIG announcement, Bear. LOL.
It’s bad enough with declining grammar standards but please use paragraph’s.
Word walls are so last year.
The Dominatrix site is the next one on the left.
Could’ve fooled me.
(Link will take a while to load, it’s on the Wayback Machine. Electricity prices are still in line with it, mine is currently 36c/kWh from memory. Germany is now well over 50 c/kWh.)
Don’t take yourself so seriously, Sherlock.
To make that a little easier, I’ll let you in on a secret.
Salvatore, Struth, srr, Bundyrum, Twostix, and probably a half dozen others, are wacky creations of Sancho’s.
Keep it under your hat, pal.
with pineapple
Groogs, butter war is over. Fuck off.
Amen to that.
I hope to get a variety of views on matters of politics, energy, climate, covid, history, technology and more from a centre/right POV, in a mature, adult manner. Been lurking and rarely commenting for ages to that end.
Some of the invective is very childish and repulsive. I expect better of those who can mount a strong argument or debate yet resort to cheap personal abuse.
I’d rather not, if it’s okay with you.
Perhaps if you tendered out?
Henrietta Cohen, she knew the Gestapo was after her so she hid her little daughters aged 3 and 14 months, along with her mother, on a farm.
She got picked up with her mother in law (her husband avoided deportation) mother in law went straight to the chambers.
After the war she was reunited with her family and she had four more children. At the time of her death she also had 33 grandchildren.
That’s how to do it.
I can remember complaining when I was paying 18c per kwh. Not that long ago. 5 years.
Spam and pineapple cooked on a BBQ, Matrix.
Give it a go.
You see what they did there?
14c per kWh on the early 2000s iirc.
February 3, 2022 at 6:52 pm”
I think you’ve said it best.
“That’s how to do it.”
Absolutely. Thanks for that story Rosie.
I suspect household elec rates are kept artificially low and small businesses are screwed.
The unit cost for power consumed is one thing. As a single person household in the West, what you notice is the fixed costs before you even hit the switch. That ALPBC piece was so bad even The Ponds Institute wouldn’t put their name to it.
There’s a few here who really need to have a Bex and a lie down and reflect on themselves
DMT baby, DMT.
Well that’s it. I’ve had enough. I’m outta here.
Goodbye cruel blog.
I shall never return.
Or at least not until tomorrow, when you can enjoy my charm, intelligence, wit and very large penis.
JC at 6:27.
Well, it appears that was off the mark.
I have always thought “age of consent” thing wouldn’t play into public opinion in the UK.
Even if she was over the legal age by a few months, the general attitude would be, “FMD, he lives off the public purse and he is running around rooting girls younger than his daughters”.
In the minds of the public it is a moral and ethical argument rather than a legal one.
Anyway, the tribe has spoken.
Including his mum and big brother.
He will spend the rest of his days minding the deer herd and counting the Royal Rocks on Balmoral Estate.
Bruce of Newcastle says:
February 3, 2022 at 6:57 pm
…..mine is currently 36c/kWh from memory.
Received my account just a few days ago. Two rates and top one is 18.98c/kWh. Lower one is 15.88c.
Via Red Energy. I’m in Brisbane metro.
I know, I know. Let’s not have anymore blog stoushes for the rest of the evening. I’m swearing off for evening.
It’s the 3rd of Feb & Skynews has not been on for a single second in my house during 2022.
Tis good to expunge it.
Bear, Is the Ponds Institute related to Pond’s Cream?
15.88 cents is very good
Or at least not until tomorrow, when you can enjoy my charm, intelligence, wit and very large penis.
Probably old but only heard it the other day from filthy NY comic Aaron Berg:
You know how I got my penis to be 7 inches long ?
I folded it in half.
all the spam talk is making my mouth water.
as a teenager we always had a can of spam in the cupboard
spam sanger is an awesome thing
If Rita says anything good it’s tweeted so why waste hours getting through all the filler.
Miltonf says:
February 3, 2022 at 7:19 pm
Plus Qantas points ($1=1 point) if I pay on time.
It’s Remarkablesays:
Get a grip.
By praising Snickers Scotty has made it harder for McGowan to campaign against him in the West.
Remember, Snickers just won 90% of the Seats on a He Kept Us Safe slogan.
The last thing Liberal Federal MPs in the West want is Scotty attacking Snickers over the Lockdowns.
DOH Whistleblower Says Covid Inflated for Profit ‘He went for gunshot wounds and was coded as COVID’
Feb 3, 2022
Project Veritas
1.46M subscribers
COVID Cases Inflated for Profit: ‘The Guy Went in for Multiple Gunshot Wounds and he was Coded as COVID’
• Jeanne Stagg, a whistleblower who worked in Inpatient Utilization Management, approached Project Veritas after seeing cases coded as COVID-19 that she says should not have COVID-19 listed as the “primary diagnosis.”
• Stagg: “I’ve tried to raise awareness to my leadership and even with the Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Department, and it just kind of fell on deaf ears.”
• The Chief Medical Officer for United Healthcare of Louisiana (Medicaid) opined in a recorded phone conversation that the Medicaid rate for reimbursement of COVID-19 patients, which is faster and significantly higher, could be the motivation for the improper “primary diagnosis” codes.
• “Oh, yes. Yeah. I would think that there’s some motivation that it’s driving higher rates of reimbursement or quicker reimbursement, or something, because otherwise there’s no reason to put, you know, something like that as a leading diagnosis in an asymptom– basically asymptomatic patients,” said Dr. Morial, Chief Medical Officer for United Healthcare of Louisiana.
• The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals has suspended utilization review which is the process of determining whether health care is medically necessary for a patient or an insured individual. The whistleblower says this could be a major contributing factor to spikes in COVID numbers, which then influence public health decisions.
[Baton Rouge, La. – Feb. 2, 2022] A source who works for United Healthcare of Louisiana’s Inpatient Utilization Management Department is blowing the whistle on COVID-19 cases possibly being inflated for financial incentive. The brazen instance of such potential abuse was a patient who had multiple gunshot wounds with his primary diagnosis listed as COVID-19.
United Healthcare of Louisiana is the states’ Medicaid arm, and as the whistleblower Jeanne Stagg points out in a conversation with the Chief Medical Officer of United Healthcare of Louisiana, Dr. Julie Morial, there are several financial incentives for hospitals to prefer to code patients as COVID-19 hospitalizations.
“Well maybe that’s… maybe that’s driving some of the motivation,” said Dr. Morial before stating that the Medicaid rate for reimbursement of COVID-19 patients is both higher and faster.
Project Veritas also published footage of a leadership call within United Healthcare of Louisiana wherein the whistleblower’s attempt to discuss the improper primary diagnoses she is seeing was dismissed.
A major element of this story is the fact that recent actions by public officials have allowed the problem to persist, and the whistleblower believes erroneous codes could be the cause of COVID-19 spikes which influence major public health decisions.
A health plan advisory, which announced that all utilization management for all medical hospitalizations [including but not limited to initial service authorization and concurrent reviews], must be suspended was the action taken — which is in question.
“Now, this is not specific to COVID-19. This is every single hospital admission. We’re not allowed to do medical necessity review. So, it gives the hospitals free reign to admit anything they want. Code it however they want,” says the whistleblower, Jeanne Stagg.
United Healthcare of Louisiana’s Dr. Morial was contacted for comment on this story and said, “When I see a patient, and if a patient is presenting other symptoms that aren’t suggestive of a COVID infection, even though they may test positive for COVID, that’s not my primary diagnosis.”
Damn! I’m with Red and paying 32.23 and 19.65. But I am in Victoria!
More supply chain issues.
My Coles delivery later this evening.
They are out of the Ginger Ninja juice to be replaced with Raspberry Beret juice.
What the hell is that?
As a llow-IQ Ieftard simpleton who believes in every passing political fad from global warmening to BLM’s use of “equity” to end 50 years of racial equality in America, Test captain Pat Cummins appears to be the main wagger of the tail of the dog at Cricket Australia who wants truth-telling banned so everyone can get a prize and team excellence is abolished.
Because CA, like Australia, has zero leadership, Cummins looks set to get Justin Langer sacked to suck the dicks of the millenials in the team who don’t like the dominance that won the hit-and-giggle world cup and the Ashes.
What a clown show!
I know for a fact that there are many hi-rise in Melbourne that pay nowhere near retail for energy.
like $0.1 /kWh
I’m with red energy in vicco. Think it’s 25 c per kWh
I usually let the nuttier conspiracist comments go through to the keeper, but as this one has apparently been agreed with by some commenters, it’s time for a reality check.
No elected politician who has spent his whole adult life climbing the greasy pole, and got to the top, is ever going to intentionally lose an election.
Anyone who claims otherwise needs to get back to charting contrails, as they have missed the real threat that we are facing..
Miltonf, biggles didn’t accede to a face meeting but Arky did have the right to ask.
Tom, there have been a range of former Patriots players complaining about Belichick disciplinarian ways.
Young players don’t realise that structure and discipline are the only things separating 99% of the cattle playing professional sport.
spam, cheese and pickles in a lightly toasted sanger with whole egg mayo.
chipotle cucumber
Bruce of Newcastle says:
February 3, 2022 at 6:57 pm
…..mine is currently 36c/kWh from memory.
My quarterly bill from AGL came in yesterday .. 27.6 cents/kWh .. (all hours same rate)
+ $77.41 supply charge for 90 days(86.01/day)
Justin Langer is a dud.
Have a look at the bowlers he’s got.
If Don Bradman hadda had bowlers like Cummins, Starc and Hazlewood in the 1930s, he woulda averaged 180.
This is something as spooky as spooky can be:
In the last 15 minutes on my Facebook feed I have received unsolicited posts concerning Spam and Poilus, neither subject of which I have ever googled or discussed on-line anywhere anytime, except that both topics have been touched on this here Open Thread in the last hour or two.
Well, at least there was no mention of peanut butter.
We will see, Johanna. Right now, Scummo is handing the election to Albo on a silver platter. I very much doubt Morrison will lift his game between now and May (if that happens to be the month of doom!)
February 3, 2022 at 7:35 pm”
Spooky Wooky
God i miss black pudding
as that the weapon of choice in Ecky-thump?
If Don Bradman hadda had bowlers like Cummins, Starc and Hazlewood in the 1930s, he woulda averaged 180.
How would the identity of the bowlers have affected Bradman’s own batting average?
God i miss black pudding
Was that the weapon of choice in Ecky-thump?
More twaddle.
Anyone getting to the NFL has 1 in 200,000 skills.
Treat them like cattle and they’ll act like cattle.
One of the reasons The Patriots is the most hated team in the NFL.
Don’t take yourself so seriously, Sherlock.
To make that a little easier, I’ll let you in on a secret.
Salvatore, Struth, srr, Bundyrum, Twostix, and probably a half dozen others, are wacky creations of Sancho’s.
Keep it under your hat, pal.
Dick Ed was a failed attempt to set up a troll-bot. We ended up with a troll-clot instead.
incoherent ramblersays:
February 3, 2022 at 7:10 pm
Well that’s it. I’ve had enough. I’m outta here.
Goodbye cruel blog.
I shall never return.
Or at least not until tomorrow, when you can enjoy my charm, intelligence, wit and very large penis.
Hang on, I thought you were a woman!
Ed, you’re my favorite poster and I’m always nice to you, but again with the attacks.
I’m happy that you like my funny comment the other day about rosie being leigh lowe, but I’d prefer you didn’t steal my material and use it against me. If you don’t mind.
Coffee and a smoke is the breakfast of heterosexual champions.
Dick Ed
By praising Snickers Scotty has made it harder for McGowan to campaign against him in the West.
You seem to have remarkably little insight into the ALP and its methods.
Perhaps read some Sun Tzu? Know thine enemy?
Place on Bondi Road does breakfasts. Proper Breakfast. Liver, black pudding, whatever. No kidney though.
MurrayGoulburn’s Leongatha butter factory used to have 42 wrapper designs I was once told. I doubt they had 42 recipes. It’s all in the marketing.
Facebook’s cookies are pretty aggressive. There are applications designed especially to prevent Facebook from tracking your movements around the net.
How well those apps work is anyone’s guess, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Facebook’s algorithms aren’t reading every word we write and read on this blog and every other website we visit.
Was using Pacific Hydro in Victoria when I renovated my house for power, 18c a KW and off peak 9c. Bills were very cheap, even when the central gas heating was used with the fans going constantly in winter. Used Click for the gas but they turned out to be very dodgy with undisclosed fees they try on till you used their T&C’s against them, avoid them at all costs. Wonder how many just pay without scrutinising bills?
NSW we used Red Energy when living there 25c/kw and 15c/KW off peak. Was still a third less than Ergon and we used reverse cycle air con on heat a lot from May to September.
Never open any links from Hormel Foods.
It’s bound to be SPAM.
Picked out an old electricity bill from 2010 to compare with the latest one from 2021. It is difficult to do a direct comparison because of changes to supply charges and different rate changes for domestic, commercial and controlled load (hot water).
Overall cost in 2010 was 18.34c/kWh.
Overall cost in 2021 was 29.52c/kWh.
Had to go find an electricity bill to confirm, which required disengaging VPN since Goolag Mail goes into conniptions if I have it on when accessing their server. They’re utterly anal. (My electricity bill isn’t attached to a Goolag email, but my email software does all my emails at once, which then causes Gmail to go berko if the VPN is active. None of the other email servers care. Another reason to detest Goolag.)
Ah, here we go. Actual Cafe Bruce rate is $0.34859/kWh plus $0.17666/kWh for off peak HWS. Add $0.97273/day supply charge. If you prorate the supply charge onto the per kWh rate it is 31.5% more, at least for me.
They then discount by 30% because I pay my bill on time, so technically you could reduce those numbers accordingly.
After swings and roundabouts, yes I get charged about 36c/kWh except for the off peak hot water. Thanks Greenies.
Have I ever mentioned we don’t pay anything for power where I live?
/ in the middle of nowhere
Greased cupcake tin.
Line each pit with bacon, crack an egg inside, garnish with cheese of whatever if you’re fancy.
Awesome hot or cold out of the alfoil wrapper a few days later.
How do you spell “excruciating?”
Very handy for anyone doing keto…calli, you about?
Since we’re all cuddly, sweety, kissy and wanting to reveal our most intimate secrets…
I’m paying 19.657c general, and 12.848c for controlled-load-1 electrickery in metro Sydney.
The real killer is the supply charge, 80c daily, before using the first microwatt.
The lesson I learnt after habitual ripping-offery is to shop around, and often.
Just like telcos, electicity providers cannibalise the small players and quietly jack up prices, in classic, u-beaut, ozzy-matey oligopoly fashion.
IMO, AGL, Origin and Red are to be avoided at all costs, plenty of much cheaper alternatives.
Updated Standard 11 again this week. There is a lot of fluff in the course caught by site inductions but the first aid component is a particular waste of time, all sites I know of need of a separate stand alone senior first aid course. Seems the biggest issues in the industry now seem to be Gen snowflake, LOL. Stories of others taking offence for allegedly those trespassed were abundant. SSE’s job is already difficult now he has to deal with managing through his Supers this stuff.
Looking at my Site Supervisor course, I do that before April and it is only a refresher. Will hear more then I suppose.
Where did he learn that attitude from?!
Sad but stupid:
Texas mother regrets vote for Biden after teen daughter killed by illegal immigrant: ‘I want to know why’
Gates divorced
Bezos divorced
Jack Dorsey resigned
Zucker sacked
Maddow taking a break
Cuomo bros train wreck
You could name heaps more.
Not a single one of these things you would expect of the people who most people would believe that they control the narrative, they realise that they no longer control the narrative.
And I’d hazard a guess that a lot more is about to come out too!
Good point nkp
I think one of my children had a ‘two year old tantrum’ once.
I love two year olds, my favourite age, everything is new and wonderful and they can tell you all about it .
I can tell her why. Because biden wants the illegal immigrant’s vote, to make up for losing your daughter’s.
Living in one of the couple of king maker electoral seats, last election I was absolutely swarmed with polls on my phone. Back then I hung up on them all.
Here we go again. But nearly three years later boy aren’t things different. I’ve grown so much!
To start with, to my surprise as I responded to my first ever phone poll, I now identify as a 30 year old woman, with a high school education, working full time but making less than 60k a year who utterly loathes social housing but lean toward voting labor.
I’m going to enjoy this.
These LWNJ’s cant even make simple calculations about the impact on the future from their idiotic decisions they make based on ‘mah feelings’. It’s not until they are personally impacted that they realise, by which time it’s too late. LWNJs should be banned from any decision making.
Buddy Holly & The Crickets “That’ll Be The Day” on The Ed Sullivan Show
63yrs ago today it ended.
Last telephone poll I was a Green female voter who didn’t like the Labor Party, or strangely, the Greens.
Hopefully caused confusion up at Cosmic Central.
As an aside, the French are very adept at distancing themselves from the evil that was done in world war two, it was the Nazis, it was the Vichy Government.
No it was many of your parents and grandparents, that joined the gendarmes, that thought clearing out the scum from the ports and blowing up their homes so they couldn’t come back was a good idea, who wrote letters informing that x is a member of the marquis, y is a Jew.
One of the unanswered questions from the demolition of the old port homes was who made the big bucks from the redevelopment (mentioned in a vid at the museum) .
February 3, 2022 at 8:08 pm
Best fishing trip breakfast was – egg in the hole topped with crisp streaky bacon covered with a piece of fried bread.
Greased cupcake tin.
Line each pit with bacon, crack an egg inside, garnish with cheese of whatever if you’re fancy.
Awesome hot or cold out of the alfoil wrapper a few days later.
Egg and bacon pie. Line the pie tin with pastry, fill with raw eggs and diced bacon mixed together, bake. Great cold with lashings of tomato sauce.
The last pole call I got, I was a gay trans female majoring in Human reactions to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks.
We have a 10kw solar panel setup on the farm. AGL pays us $0.20 a kw for excess energy our system has, & we pay them $0.39 a kw for what we buy back overnight & when the sun doesn’t shine. We understand from others that this is quite a good deal!
It annoys me that we still suffer “blackouts” during the day when the lines are under repair, since our solar energy is apparently dangerous to the workers on the line. I believe that this can be overcome, but our system is quite old & it’s probably expensive to correct.
We are not unhappy with our set up, but it is clear that the energy companies set things up to suit themselves.
Last telephone poll I got, I was a twenty something Arts graduate who’d never voted anything other then Green in my life.
It was a little challenging as the questions rolled in to quickly think of the best possible answers that would help corrupt the poll in the best possible way.
In a way, on consideration, responding to these polls is more powerful than my vote. Just a few thousand of us are chosen to respond to the polls, compared to hundreds of thousands who vote. And the poll responses dictate much of what the election will be fought about. Isn’t that weird?
People above have ,entiomed ration packs and their contents.
Kindly desist.
This isn’t that sort of blog.
I had to eat snake, monkeys, large lizards and other stuff.
Probably why I am so virile. And modest.
Anything except bum nuts. There is a line.
My granddaughter is two and is a bundle of giggles, mischief and curiosity. Plus looks like her granny. .
kW is a measure of power. kWh is a measure of energy- 1000W of power over an hour.
Energy is what they sell you
Care of Mr Thompson.
Sup Ye At The Teats Of Art
Count the blinks.
and then there was so much dog poo in Marseilles
and it was sunny
and then we went on a boat
wait! … no, a ferry
and then it was windy
and all the poor people got kicked out
which was nice
and I had coffee
Nice story from The Daily Telegraph…
“Cardinal George Pell blesses former PM Tony Abbott’s new CBD offices
Liberal luminaries including John Howard and Dominic Perrottet joined together in prayer as Cardinal George Pell blessed Tony Abbott’s new digs.
James Morrow
Alright, so it wasn’t quite American fire and brimstone preacher Billy Graham sitting down for a deep and meaningful with Roman Catholic pontiff Pope John Paul II.
But a blessing by Cardinal George Pell upon the new CBD digs of former prime minister Tony Abbott and all who work within its walls did perhaps more to bridge the old Catholic-Protestant divide in Australian public life since James Scullin was sent to the Lodge.
Midway through the evening, a jovial affair that saw fellow former PM John Howard pop in as well as current NSW Premier Dom Perrottet and a number of other Liberal luminaries, His Eminence asked those assembled to pause and bow their heads.
After a few words of wisdom and a reading from St Paul essentially urging everyone to get to work and stick to their knitting – good advice for people of all faiths, or none, really – guests were asked to join in saying those familiar words, “Our Father, who art in heaven …”.
But while the room’s Catholic faction stopped at “and deliver us from evil”, the Anglicans continued, as is their tradition: “ … for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever …”.
Predictable ecumenical hilarity ensued, with both camps having such a laugh at the old tribal divide rearing its head that the Cardinal had to settle the crowd like an unruly classroom before getting a unanimous “Amen”.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
February 3, 2022 at 9:12 pm
Thank you Cassie.
Couldn’t care less. What happened to Pell was abysmal, at last he got a rigged trial, the national cabinet has stolen billions of hours of freedom without due process, just fear and political theatre.
People are a bit snarky on here tonight.
I was going to share some extremely hilarious stories of me projectile vomiting after eating eggs.
Perhaps some other time.
I’m surprised there wasn’t a biblical cataclysmic event with those people there.
Shakes one’s faith a bit.
“It Doesn’t Matter Anymore,” written by Paul Anka, was recorded by Buddy Holly on October 21, 1958 in the same session as “True Love Ways, ” “Raining in My Heart,” and “Moondreams” with Dick Jacobs’ orchestra. Released on January 5, 1959 on the Coral label, backed with “Raining In My Heart” it became a hit shortly after Holly died in a plane crash on February 3
February 3, 2022 at 9:18 pm
Liberal luminaries including John Howard and Dominic Perrottet joined together in prayer as Cardinal George Pell blessed Tony Abbott’s new digs.
Couldn’t care less. What happened to Pell was abysmal, at last he got a rigged trial, the national cabinet has stolen billions of hours of freedom without due process, just fear and political theatre.”
Geez…I’m trying to upload some uplifting stuff to make people feel good.
Sev says …
Electrickery rates quoted by other Cats are a bit scary.
I went back and checked my previous bill with Origin from 12 months ago. Previous rate was 19.87c/kWh and daily supply charge of 92.5c whereas my top rate with Red Energy is 18.98c and daily charge of 85c.
In the grand scheme I didn’t save a lot by changing but holy crap, the rates are a lot better than some. Commiserations.
As I was saying –
cocktail recipes might help
Matrix, I’ll see your chipotle cucumber and raise you with chilli pickled onions.
Which reminds me, I need to go and get some more pickled onions tomorrow.
“cocktail recipes might help”
Hmm…don’t have any cocktail recipes….have lots of butter recipes.
David Vance ???
Twitter stock performance last 6 months!
Facebook stock performance last 24 hours!
The sooner Silicon Valley is financially razed to the ground the better.
img img
Hehe, last phone poll I got took me about ten minutes of questions before I worked out it was a Lib push poll. And I’m fairly switched on. Eventually the questions were big on cash cards for Centrelinkers and abos. Nope, totally unimportant towards next election according to this voter. Maybe ask about something meaningful next time like net zero or country shoppers.
They obviously have to camouflage their polls to seduce the punter to actually answer. It’s that bad.
“Thank you Cassie.”
Pleasure P….tis nice to see Cardinal Pell being given the honour he deserves. Having just finished Gerard Henderson’s book on the persecution of Pell, it gives me comfort.
David Vance ???
No one should be surprised that Facebook would behave like this. Silicon Valley is the enemy of freedom loving people.
? GETTR News ?
US truckers slam Facebook for removing page organizing DC freedom convoy: ‘Censorship at its finest’
Jeremy Johnson, an admin for the ‘Convoy to D.C. 2022’ Facebook page, said he is being silenced and has reached out to a civil rights attorney to discuss possible next steps.
Those Chil Pickled Onions.
Who stocks them?
I would choose Putin over Trudeau any day of the week.
Putin Bans Mandatory Vaccinations in Russia: ‘We Are a Free Country’ – Soren Dreier
No one should be forced to get a jab. Pressure, where people may lose their jobs, is NOT acceptable,” Putin said during a recent speech. Arabnews.com reports: Putin said Wednesday…
Bloody Mary made with V8 hot and spicy is superb.
Fehlbergs are awesome. The jalapenos are crunchy and the chilli cucumbers are very tasty.
I have no idea who they are except what they say on their webpage. Aussies apparently.
Good on them.
Miss Anthropist says:
February 3, 2022 at 9:18 pm
People are a bit snarky on here tonight.
I was going to share some extremely hilarious stories of me projectile vomiting after eating eggs.
Perhaps some other time.
Yeah – you can add the bit about “bum nuts ” at that time.
Waiter: Would madame care for some freshly sliced tongue in aspic?
Madame: Good God, no! I could never eat anything that came out of an animal’s mouth! … Just give me one of those hard-boiled eggs instead.
How is refusing passports to an entire cohort of adult women, coz they may intend to travel to procure an abortion, different to refusing to allow girls to leave the country if it is suspected their parents are taking them overseas to have their private parts hacked off?
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 3, 2022 at 9:23 pm
February 3, 2022 at 9:18 pm
Couldn’t care less. What happened to Pell was abysmal, at last he got a rigged trial, the national cabinet has stolen billions of hours of freedom without due process, just fear and political theatre.”
Geez…I’m trying to upload some uplifting stuff to make people feel good.
Try some funny cat videos instead – add funny dog ones too or you’ll start another internecine war…
This Courier Mail article today is one I am keeping and think might be of interest. My rejected comment below.
3 FEB Covid Qld: Latest case numbers amid major booster change
Queensland has recorded 8643 Covid-19 cases and nine more deaths, as a Gold Coast study has revealed just how widespread unknown community transmission is, with figures showing nine out of 10 positive cases didn’t even know they had the virus.
Queensland has recorded 8643 new cases of Covid-19 and nine deaths as a two-day study which involved randomly testing people showed just how widespread unknown community transmission was.
Four of the deaths were in aged care and all were over 60 years old, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has revealed.
Of the nine deaths, one person was in their 60s, two in the 70s, three in the 80s, one in 90s and two over the age of 100. Three people were unvaccinated, one had one dose, four were double vaccinated and one person was triple vaccinated.
Chief Health officer Dr John Gerrard said a study on the Gold Coast to “get a better idea of what is really happening” with Covid-19 revealed that on January 22, when the virus was peaking on the coast, 117 randomised households were visited and tests performed on an individual.
Of those 117 people tested, 20 came back positive – one in six. Only four of the 20 reported having any symptoms, Dr Gerrard said.
“There were people walking around the Gold Coast who had no idea they had Covid-19,” he said.
Dr Gerrard said two among the 20 knew they were positive, meaning 18 did not know they were positive.
“To recap, four out of five had no symptoms and nine out of 10 did not know they were positive,” he said.
“It is quite extraordinary.
“There are people walking around the Gold Coast who had no idea they were infected.
“A lot of people that have been infected are completely unaware they were infected. That number is significant.”
He said that cemented the reason masks were so important.
Dr Gerrard said authorities were still “planning for the worst” in preparing for potential future waves, especially in winter.
“Clearly the virus is much more widespread than the collected data has suggested,” he said.
“At this stage we still don’t know the total number of people in Queensland and on the Gold Coast who have been infected.”
He tipped one third of the state had been infected.
He said a repeated study of 143 households repeated a week later found that 11 people were positive and six had symptoms. Only two already knew they had Covid.
He said it indicated the pandemic peak had passed on the Gold Coast.
Dr Gerrard said it was therefore likely there was a significant number of the population who had already been infected but didn’t know it.
Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said the state now had a much better understanding of the prevalence of Covid in the community.
It is expected one in 13 people on the Gold Coast are positive.
Ms D’Ath urged people to get tested if they had symptoms, and that testing lines were no longer as bad as they were earlier last month.
She said she was concerned that there were people in the study who had been symptomatic, but who hadn’t been tested.
There are 749 people in public hospitals and 47 in intensive care.
There are 89.71 per cent of people with two doses of the vaccine and 34 per cent of children aged 5-11 have one dose.
It comes as hundreds of thousands of Australians aged 16 and 17 have been given the green light to get their Covid-19 booster three months after their second dose.
Almost 90 per cent of teenagers in this group have already received their second dose of the vaccine, with at least two-thirds to be eligible for their booster from Tuesday.
Ms D’Ath said vaccinations would be available from state clinics from today.
She hit out at the Commonwealth’s establishment of an aged care taskforce, declaring it knew what the problems were.
“We’ve had a Royal Commission, the recommendations are there and the Commonwealth knows what needs to be done,” she said.
However, Ms D’Ath said the taskforce would be welcomed if it was able to urgently fix problems in the sector’s Covid-19 response.
My Rejected comment :
Plus remember about 90% double jabbed and a lot triple jabbed. Those dying with Covid based on today’s article are average mid 80,’s and as we know with co-morbidities. CHO says probably 1 in 3 had it which means the number of deaths, ICU and hospitalisations are even less concerning per million. Can we get back to normal now and remove restrictions designed to coerce vaccination when they have clearly not stopped the spread. To think people have lost their jobs and freedom of movement over this is ridiculous. “To recap, four out of five had no symptoms and nine out of 10 did not know they were positive”.
Miss A – They’re a Coles stock item. Along with currawong mince and cockie bread. Because of the rain this week the latter were extremely keen at Cafe Bruce all day, which was a problem since I was running out. Plus all the noisy miners came for refueling too, they’ve been elsewhere lately, until today. Got to go stock up tomorrow at the Coles bird food emporium.
Cassie of Sydney:
February 3, 2022 at 9:12 pm
Cheers Cassie.
Can fascist, mandate loving trash actually be Christian?
The relative risk of coronary heart disease associated with an absolute increase of 2 percent in the intake of trans fatty acids was… 1.93 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.43 to 2.61) in the Nurses’ Health Study.
This is my favorite study of the bunch. Check out its results.
It reports no statistically significant association between total fat intake and risk of cornary heart disease.
It reports no statistically significant association between animal fat intake and risk of cornary heart disease.
It reports no statistically significant association between saturated fat intake and risk of cornary heart disease.
It reports no statistically significant association between cholesterol intake and risk of cornary heart disease.
The reported association between trans fat and coronary heart disease is only statistically significant for the highest consumption of trans fats — but it’s still a very weak statistical association (relative risk = 1.53).
This study basically reports that all we’ve been told about the association between fat consumption and heart disease is not supported by data collected from 90,000 nurses over a period of 20 years. So either the study data is wrong or the public health establishment has been wrong about fat consumption being associated with heart disease risk. If the study data is wrong, then I doubt the trans fat result. If the public health establishment is wrong then why should we believe it about trans fat when it has been generally wrong about fat consumption for the last two or three decades?
P, we shouldn’t forget the others who died that fateful day, the day that the music died.
Ritche Valens
Big Bopper
Fehlbergs also make “Sandwich Stackers”, which are pickled cubes sliced lengthwise, and a couple of millimetres thick and about 10 cm long. As the name suggests, they are great, tangy and crunchy, in sandwiches or burgers.
I also love their chili pickled onions, though I sometimes make my own. Hardly worth the effort, though.
Woolies stock Fehlbergs products, at least here in Perth they do.
cukes, not bloody cubes
hot buttered whisky
“Can fascist, mandate loving trash actually be Christian?”
What trash? Are you referring to Pell, Abbott, Howard and Perrottet? No, none of them are trash. But I tell what you what they are…they’re far more Christian and decent than you.
Oh and how’s your move to Japan going?
Thank you Bruce Of Newcastle.
You are a treasure.
Beertruk’s recommended pickle onions I’ve be eyeing off for a while.
Our local IGA has them … I think Wollies does too
“Cheers Cassie.
Thanks, I comforted that Cardinal Pell is out and about.
Razey says:
February 3, 2022 at 9:49 pm
Can fascist, mandate loving trash actually be Christian?
No – they are doing the work of the Evil One.
Servants of Satan.
They have the old saying “Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven”.
Thing is, they won’t be ruling in Hell.
Yep. Abbott, Howard and Perrottet will rot in hell for what they did to us.
Waylon Jennings was supposed to have been on that aircraft, but he gave up his seat to someone else…
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 3, 2022 at 9:54 pm
I wasn’t aware that Cardinal Pell was “fascist, mandate loving trash ” so please don’t lump him in with the rest.
The rest of that group are – if they weren’t, they would be coming out strongly and publicly against the mandates.
Those Chil Pickled Onions.
Who stocks them?
Coles and/or Woolies. If the Fehlburgs are out of stock I’ll get the Three 3s brand.
3 days ago my crew and I were sacked for not taking the Covid jabs after 42 years of loyalty ..so I am selling one of the work utes to keep my guys in wages for a couple of months ..I don’t bludge off my useless government
Screw you
Yep. Abbott, Howard and Perrottet will rot in hell for what they did to us.
Howard disarmed this country – allowing the scum to take over. The greatest traitor this country has ever known.
Parrottet should have hit all the mandates etc on the head – instead he is pussying his way out of doing it.
Abbott’s history is coulda, shoulda but didn’t.
Tell me how this Triumvirate should be admired and not condemned as Servants of Satan.
Staff member today was massively sick because booster shot yesterday, so much so had to be picked up, couldn’t possibly drive, and she’s been getting migraines which largely she hadn’t had prior to the first jab.
What’s happening is disgraceful.
Australia will never recover from this.
Rosie in Narbonne…
Narbonne facts
It is on the Canal du midi ( linking the Mediterranean and the Atlantic)
It has a Roman road running through it
It has a food market that shits all over The Queen Victoria market in Melbourne
Yes DOT, a friend put me onto that Framingham contradiction long ago. It is conveniently ignored. Ancel Keys needs to be exhumed and hung.
There is a fat in dairy, Conjugated linoleic acid, a trans fat, that has been shown to be cardioprotective and possibly has other health benefits. Bodybuilders like it but the data on hypertrophy is very limited. Low fat diary is one of the most ridiculous, stupid, dangerous ideas ever promoted by governments and medicine. They took out the fat and threw in the sugar. FMD.
Never disarmed me – two high powered rifles- one a .303 – , a .22, and a 12 gauge shotgun, all quite legal.
I had my second jab on Friday. Saturday felt like crap, very bad headache. Rang a mate, he had a remedy handy. Worked a treat.
Australia has fallen.. 1 year and 3 year old children refused hospital care due to mother being unvaccinated.!
* ahem * and: Roger Peterson.
And Cassies Liberal mates support McClown.
Fuck you.