The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Blot called JD ‘an idiot’. Should be replayed in years to come.
Sean Spicer was very good. I felt like turning off Bolt but then saw Spicer so watched that.
Spot on Duncanm
Steve Jobs explicitly said he didn’t care about being first. Arguably Apple still follows this approach.
I’m thinking Google Pixel 6 Pro. I know it’s google, but it’s not like they don’t have all my data anyway.
Can we have this up in flashing lights please?
I grow weary of clickbait. But that’s just me. I understand that these stories are linked here for us to make up our own minds , so I don’t blame the “linker” at all.
However some of these internet doctors are just adding fuel to the “anti vaxx” fire.
Both arguably correct.
But Lotus was too slow to recognise that the Windows GUI environment was going to revolutionise consumer software.
The spreadsheet concept was created by an accountant who never bothered to IP it so 1-2-3 isn’t original. The graphical interface wasn’t developed by Microsoft or Apple. Neither stole the idea, it was provided to them by bods who didn’t see the commercial potential(Xerox Palo Alto). Microsoft purchased a DOS, didn’t steal it.
In my job we work on a lot of government projects – connected to hospitals, roads, universities etc.
Part of the bidding process is to outline all your plans for diversity, climate change, advancing Indigenous agenda etc. You cannot upset them or you can forget about winning bids.
Capitalism would normally have businesses trying to appeal to ordinary consumers. With so big a government it must now be aiming to appeal to the government.
Once upon a time the government also sought to appeal to the people so appealing to government was not so different to appealing to ordinary folks, but the long march through the institutions and the hermetic sealing off of government from the real world, creating a ‘Versailles’ where a wealthy elite reside in a country of their own, “ce pays-ci“.
No need when the I-drones think they are cool.
Remember “Imagineering”?
Run by Jodee Rich.
Basically marketed themselves as The Next Big Thing in tech in Australia.
All they did was assemble and rebadge Taiwanese computer componentry and snag the Australian distribution rights for some US software brands.
I recommend the Motorola Moto G series.
Vanilla Android. No bloat or forced Samsung style apps that use up valuable memory.
No CCP spyware unlike the no-names.
Good features for a good price.
I have had three over the past 10 years. Latest one is 4 years old and going strong.
I’ll get another one when it carks it.
At least worth a look.
Should I have offered Ted Bundy a brunch option?
This is how Woke spreads. A business has to demonstrate full Woke even if government is only 10% of it’s turnover.
So 100% of customers get the Woke treatment, and end up paying the Woke surcharge, even though they don’t want or need it.
Lazlo says:
February 3, 2022 at 11:58 pm
I am not aware of Abbott or Howard or Perrottet coming out loudly and publicly against the COVID mandates
They don’t need to ‘loudly come out’. Actions speak louder than words. We have no vaccine mandates in NSW for most of the populous. We do feel sorry for you in other states that do.
So Abbott, Howard & Perrottet have no responsibility to use their positions and influence to help all Australians. Australians Lazlo – or have you forgotten that concept already?
So Lazlo, you would be quite happy to see Victoria or another State under complete dictatorial control?
Because it’s not NSW??
How long do you think it would be before what happens in one State eventually spreads to the whole country? Given Scummos actions over the past 2 years, this is the most likely outcome.
Forget it.
If history tells us anything, it’s that some Quenthlanders (and adopted Quenthlanders) don’t leave Quenthland, which is of course the ‘last holdout’.
The same people that pilloried all residents of certain States for the actions of their government, then went all ‘well, er, um’ when their own turned out to be worse, thus demonstrating that they dislike having the standards they demand of other apply to themselves.
It’s all about Five Eyes, the League of Nations and SE Asia over there.
Unless you get a woke idiot calling the shots, it’s a box ticking exercise. Evaluation is usually done via panels, being a mix of project managers and assorted others. In other words – practical, sensible people. Straight up pinch a covid plan off the net, and you tick that box. Unless specified, they don’t give extra points for having a better covid plan, or, for that matter, climate change or diversity.
The exceptions are if your’e dealing with an agency that specifically is about climate change, diversity or aborigines, in which case bonus points probably exist for the relevant aspect. These items are mandatory, upon which the deciding factors are a mix of price and capability, which is what you should concentrate on. And if you get contractors on the panel, they won’t buy your bullshit. Public servants? Maybe, but don’t bet on it. It all depends on how close they are to the coal face.
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 4, 2022 at 5:42 am
“And please, don’t carry on like Sancho”
Oh fuck off Fat Tony..
Oh Oh – I’ve never been so insulted in all my life…
I’m gonna flounce…do I need a dress for a flounce – anyone know the correct etiquette?
We went for our first visit to NSW a couple of weekends ago and it was like a maoist hoedown, we couldn’t even go to our old favourite fish and chip shop, everyone checks in everywhere…including servos!?
Very disheartening.
You need help.
1. Never announce you are going to flounce.
2. Flouncing must be preceded by the pretension of righteous indignation on the grounds of unwarranted persecution and criticism.
3. The Flouncer is never at fault, it is always the fault of others that induces the flouncing so there must be copious text describing the offences of others and the innocence of the flouncer.
That will do for a start. Try points 1-3 and I will grade you on your Flouncing ability.
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 4, 2022 at 5:47 am
“In NSW we are not doing vaccine mandates. This is the government we voted for. If you are unhappy with your governments over this, then don’t vote for them. Simples.”
Well said.
Cassie – the discussion was not about what people voted for – and I wouldn’t assume that NSW is out of the woods on this issue just yet.
The discussion was over whether Abbott, Howard or Perrottet should be speaking up loudly and publicly about the COVID mandates and related travesties inflicted on the Australian people (note: Australian not NSW people). These 3 could have made themselves heard but haven’t. This means they support what’s going on or are too gutless to do or say anything.
Thanks, Barry. Unless i change carriers, i can only get Motorola G8 Power Lite, which only has a micro usb port. ouch. i’ll look at your suggestion and consider changing carriers.
Also dear NSW, when you come to QLD don’t “check in” at servos or the shops. You look like retards.
I had a Moto X Play with no dramas. Eventually ran out of memory (12 GB). I went to a Pixel 6 which is way more phone than I really need. Motorola got bought by the Chinese if that stuff bothers you.
Point 1 doesn’t fit in with the pattern of 2-3, John.
Bear, if China owns it now then it is probably no better than anything else. I might take the leap with the Google phone.
Apparently the unbelievable tyranny and government led mob of August – December last year was so traumatic that some NSW people have chosen to suppress the memory of it.
Also “rules” banning normal people from Hospitals were put in place in NSW long before QLD or WA were talking about them, and we’re supposed to forget the vicious trady shutdown then site “mandates” that were ordered in order to punish them for protesting?
Christian lobby groups don’t understand something that Morrison understands very well. In these days any politician who supports a position which some perceive is discriminatory against the alphabet soup people can potentially lose a huge number of votes in the under 35 age groups. Morrison is about power, not principle.
Yes at dumpster so he feels at home.
That’s the whole point. Are you an actual Cat?
I have not watched Bolta for some time, but came across this about the 215 Native Canadian children dead story that came out last year.
Trudeau really is a piece of shiet.
3. The Flouncer is never at fault, it is always the fault of others that induces the flouncing so there must be copious text describing the offences of others and the innocence of the flouncer.
And it must be written in a style redolent of Edward VIII’s abdication speech or President Eisenhower’s farewell to the nation, as befits the magnitude and solemnity of the occasion of the flouncer’s forswearing of EVER COMMENTING ON THIS SITE EVER AGAIN!!!
Plucked five water dragon hatchlings off the screen door.
Is the apocalypse upon us?
So what started this little bit of NSW revision, was Razey posting this video of a young mother explaining how she was rejected from entering emergency in a hospital with her two babies in Hobart because when she “checked in” and clicked “No” to the question “are you vaccinated” the system told her she couldn’t come in.
Immediately a couple of “principled” vaccinated people – one of whom just enjoyed a long and delightful stay in hospital herself, then started mocking Razey that he hasn’t even left his own country yet something, something HA.HA.HA.
He should follow their courageous and principled lead and cave in immediately like they did then pretend to be “against” all this stuff on the Internet while simultaneously telling stories about all their mask wearing on buses and vaccine passport usage.
That’s what the real upright principled people do.
Does it have swinging doors?
And a hoss trough out front?
And a piano player?
Finally, lefty journos are now hauling Biden administration spokespeople over the coals re Ukraine.
Not Biden (he’s in NY today showing his brain is porridge).
But the state department chap today got roasted.
This is good news.
look at the Xiaomi chinese androids.
Just make sure you get the right frequencies for Oz / your provider.
Jeebers, lefty journo’s are now asking Psaki for proof the ISIS chap blew himself & his family up and that it wasn’t US forces.
Looks like after the ISIS-K fakery, questions are being asked.
Pretty confident he’ll show up.
I mean, he pretty much has to after mouthing off last night about how it is poor form to refuse a personal meeting invitation, right?
Curled in the foetal position on the kitchen floor, clutching a throbbing head with two children under two beside me as I keened in despair, “I can’t do this, can’t.”
As Calli said, ‘you just crack on through it.’
Mrs Beertruk at times wanted to be committed to the ‘insane asylum.’ I escaped a lot, but not all of it because I was at work. To compensate, I would pack Mrs Beertuk off to the local golf club while I looked after the two little tykes for a few hours on the weekend.
Payoff and karma will come eventually years later when said kids grow up and have childern of their own. Which is for us now because No. 2 son is married and they have an almost 2 and a 1 year old with No.3 due in about two months. Hehehehe… 😉
What’s happened during the last 24 hours for journo’s to start doing their job?
Exactly. but with the third option: They support what’s going on but are too gutless to some out and say it.
Oh, I forgot to mention Ted.
The pass-phrase for security is “Commancheros like Dick”.
I hope self-explanatory. The existing judicial system isn’t reliable & robust enough to lay out the evidence gathered by Dr Fuellmich’s Corona Committee. Instead therefore, we will use a US-style “Grand Jury” proceeding. With a real judge (they’ve not been announced but you’ll cheer when you see who it is), real lawyers & lots of witnesses, it will BD shown u equivocally that what we’re living through is the product of ruthless planning over years & involves numerous individuals & stakeholder groups. Crimes against humanity have been & continue to be committed. Armed with this evidence, the jury – the watching world – decides if the evidence is weak, strong or compelling.
What’s the problem with the Exchange (other than the whole Port Melbourne nouveau-ish)? It didn’t really bother me after life in the Western Suburbs of Perth.
I got aksked to leave one night when it used to be Molly Bloom’s Plastic Paddy pub.
Longa time ago.
This arvo will be the first time I’ve been in there in fifteen years.
Speaking of vaccine restrictions in NSW.. I just sent another ‘please explain’ letter to the Arts minister asking him WTF the Art Gallery and Museum still restrict access, despite there being no regulation requiring such action.
I didn’t get the courtesy of a response last time
Maybe non-vaxxed taxpayers of NSW need to ask for a refund.
I was requested to take my patronage elsewhere for having too many holes in my T-shirt and on another occasion for eating an ice cream cone. Their loss.
The Biden war machine has no clothes.
Microsoft was built on a stolen idea too. Being first has never been important in IT. Being easier and being bigger is more important. Excel wasn’t even the best spreadsheet at the start.
I’ve always said , the first company with new tech may not be the best that wins through.
Back in the very early days of the internet (91 or so) dad and another computer chap designed and tried to get up a car sales website for dealers to trade stock.
However in the days of 56k modems the concept was DOA.
Fast forward 10 years and they might have had an in demand product.
First is often too soon.
February 4, 2022 at 10:38 am
What’s happened during the last 24 hours for journo’s to start doing their job?
Someone with a heavy eastern European accent has sent them some photos?
Imagine if this questioning re the Biden Ukraine stance (ie where’s the proof) was directly at Fauci.
He should have a look at Dr. Nagese’s Analysis of the Pfizer injury report first.
Anyone feel like a good laugh?
I got aksked to leave one night when it used to be Molly Bloom’s Plastic Paddy pub.
Longa time ago.
Had never seen that expression, but it’s a good one.
I once spoke to an executive from Guinness PLC (that English incorporated London Stock Exchange listed company running the brewing business founded by the Ulster Protestant Guinness family), and he said that “Irish pubs” had originated as a Guinness marketing exercise. They wanted to increase their lacklustre sales in England, and came up with the idea of an Irish themed pub chain pushing Guinness. However the marketing research was clear – the English wouldn’t go for a pub that was like a real Irish pub. So what had to be done was to design a quintessential English pub, then paint it green, put up a few shamrocks, and name it “Paddy O’Flaherty’s Genuinely Authentic Old Irish Boozer To Be Sure Begorrah!” or whatever.
Thus, the pseudo-Irish pub became a thing and spread round the world.
The Democrats have a very shallow talent pool going by that’s bloke’s performance.
In safe hands.
It’s anecdotal, and probably doesn’t apply to the whole of the Bay, but just visited one of the specialist shops here – no mask no check-in no worries.
My view is that it’s herd behaviour – if one is doing it, all do it. Also fear of fines where police are doing their thing. The last thing I want is a little struggling business here being fined because of moi roights.
It isn’t state vs state. That’s just silly.
NSW observations….about 90% don’t check in any more.
Masks in a lot of places though.
Went to vote in a by-election the other day and forgot the mask. Pressed on regardless, and they let me complete the process with nary a question or poisonous look. Most small shops/businesses are ignoring as much as they can get away with.
Different story in government sections in the ACT. Masks, gloves in some places, and a lot of QR genuflecting etc before you’re allowed in.
Then again, it is the ACT, where govern me harder, daddy! is what they really like.
H B Bearsays:
February 4, 2022 at 10:49 am
I was requested to take my patronage elsewhere for having too many holes in my T-shirt and on another occasion for eating an ice cream cone. Their loss.
They were ok with the no pants thing, though?
lotocoti, TIK has a video on the origins of the Communist party on his channel.
Fantastically well researched & referenced.
The socialists were knowingly trying to trick the mob from the start (as they were full blown communists but knew that shit wouldn’t fly).
Lol, Lotocoti.
The need a Fact 10
There will be no obesity epidemic under socialism. However, populations will be at different stages of starvation depending on government dictat.
As I said, can’t even play Bridge. And carers are being sacked for not being jabbed, which is think is because of a government mandate because they want to keep the funding. So there is a vaccine mandate in NSW, just more subtle than elsewhere.
The Beer Whisperer says:
February 4, 2022 at 10:00 am
Part of the bidding process is to outline all your plans for diversity, climate change, advancing Indigenous agenda etc. You cannot upset them or you can forget about winning bids. Unless you get a woke idiot calling the shots, it’s a box ticking exercise. Evaluation is usually done via panels, being a mix of project managers and assorted others. In other words – practical, sensible people.
Evaluation is usually done via panels, but those panels are directed by the procurement lead but more importantly, the weighting of the categories determines success in securing the work. In government sector price is now as little as 30% of the weighting and that isn’t dependent on it being a ‘green’ project. Most major infrastructure jobs have a specific weighting on local participation (using local suppliers), how many apprentices (inc indigenous aspects) plus of course your methodology, capability and prior experience. With the inclusion of new requirements, price is being squeezed downwards in ‘importance’. Price used to be a minimum of 50% (and often more) on big projects – but no longer.
Things like diversity, modern slavery avoidance, climate change etc are box ticking in regard to simple compliance but beware the others. Weighting applied to each category is the critical item and many agencies don’t reveal the weighting these days, only the categories to be assessed. That change is deliberate.
By the way, the trend these days is for panel members to complete their initial evaluation of a bid separately from the other panel members to produce a raw dataset that is moderated at subsequent panel meetings.
Life used to be so simple – best price won. Those days are long gone.
So many work-arounds.
H B – If it was an anatomical candle you’d’ve been ok.
Gwyneth Paltrow Takes a Bite Out of Her Vagina Candle in Uber Eats Super Bowl Commercial (3 Feb)
Well at least it isn’t an onion. Biting an onion with the skin on is a crash and burn offense.
The winner, though, is the ACT.
There was a story at TheirABC yesterday about how 80% of people are still using the ACT government’s check-in app – even though it has been disabled. Technically, the rules say that people should check in using the app, but as the government has admitted that it is not working prosecutions are unlikely, to say the least.
The rest of this depressing article was about how the bureaucrats are casting around for ways to use the app, since it is evidently so popular.
Government refunding visa application fees to international students to encourage more to come.
That’s around $630 per applicant.
The brother of a friend of mine was killed in an I.R.A. bombing – the friends hobby became starting fights in a certain pseudo – Irish pub, patronized by I.R.A. supporters, in Perth.
Government refunding visa application fees to international students to encourage more to come.
They still pay $50k per year up front.
Last night in the UK, the BBC (BBC2 actually) gave a healthy black female unvaccinated person a platform to speak.
So not some anti vaxxer from central casting.
It’s like it’s opposite day with journalists today.
“Immediately a couple of “principled” vaccinated people – one of whom just enjoyed a long and delightful stay in hospital herself, then started mocking Razey that he hasn’t even left his own country yet something, something HA.HA.HA.
He should follow their courageous and principled lead and cave in immediately like they did then pretend to be “against” all this stuff on the Internet while simultaneously telling stories about all their mask wearing on buses and vaccine passport usage.
That’s what the real upright principled people do.”
There are many people here who have decided to get jabbed…for various reasons. What I find interesting is that there’s a level of sanctimonious intolerance that’s emanating from those who’ve chosen not to be jabbed (not all) and so everyday they come here and they sneer, they mock and they ridicule those who have been jabbed….because, you know, that’s what real upright and principled people do.
You know full well that I and others have said, time and time again, that we don’t believe that the jabs should be compulsory AND that we don’t believe in mandates but you choose to be sanctimonious and selective. How unsurprising.
As for “Razey”, given his history of unsavoury bile, he would have lasted five minutes on Sinc’s blog. Anyway a few weeks ago he proudly told us he was moving to Japan because, as he told us, he regards this country as a “shithole”. I’m simply following up as to whether he’s left or not.
Dress codes seem to have died on the vine. The last time I had problems was either a London strip pub in the 90s or the Weld Club for a Friday lunch.
Uni fees.
They pay upfront.
Now I have to find the complete list of socially useless jobs.
(Roll to the top for the really big laugh.)
the friends hobby became starting fights in a certain pseudo – Irish pub, patronized by I.R.A. supporters, in Perth.
The names Nick Spanos and Stephen Melrose aren’t widely known these days. They were two Australians holidaying in Europe with their girlfriends. They had got a British hire car and crossed the Channel, and in Holland they were gunned down by the IRA in front of their girlfriends.
The IRA claimed that it was a “mistake” and they’d thought Spanos and Melrose were British soldiers, and that they didn’t want to kill people who had nothing to do with the Irish conflict. Yeah, right – three weeks after Spanos and Melrose had been killed an IRA psychopath fired a mortar at an airliner coming in to land at Heathrow. Obviously everyone on board was known to be a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary.
An Australian of Greek descent is holidaying in Holland and gets shot by some Irish who claim they thought he was British. It sounds like the leadup to a bad ethnic stereotype joke, except that it wasn’t the slightest bit funny.
Whatever one says about the Ulster Protestant militias at least they didn’t do world-wide random killing tours.
If it were the education alone they’re paying for it wouldn’t be worth it.
They are to me. I have never forgotten that outrage.
“Nick Spanos “
At the time I was friendly with one of his cousins. It was dreadful.
“Whatever one says about the Ulster Protestant militias at least they didn’t do world-wide random killing tours.”
They made a few of those…the murderous bastards.
The “peace process” has really been an exercise in self-humiliation for the British.
Fight over blood donations reaches Prime Minister (3 Feb)
The problem with blood donations is they’re usually voluntary. So if you piss off half the population with insane leftist ideology they will no longer volunteer.
The ABC fact-checks some claim about the Canadian trucker convoy, which must be confusing for the ABC News hive mind as the ABC has largely ignored the story.
It’s such a bullshit fact-check, stolen from Snopes, about the size of the convoy. They give a range of “reported numbers” then fact check the largest number provided (50,000) – the source of this number is not clear.
SCIENCE!!!! at work.
You must isolate for 14 days to stop the spread, because thats SCIENCE!!!
Until we pass an arbitrary threshold of positive cases in which case the SCIENCE!!!! says 7 days isolation is enough.
Anyone questioning the SCIENCE!!! is a white supremacist.
Premier defies calls to halve isolation period
Under WA’s current arrangements, close contacts are defined as those who have had face-to-face contact or shared a small space with a positive COVID-19 case for any amount of time.
This week, two cases at BHP’s Yandi site in the Pilbara initially put more than 70 people into isolation.
Of those, 18 close contacts have been required to isolate for the full two weeks despite having all returned negative PCR tests.
A further 24 people are in isolation at 29Metals’ Golden Grove mine at Yalgoo after one confirmed case at the Mid West mine. The company has not disclosed how many of those are close contacts.
The WA government has said it would reduce the isolation period to seven days when there was a higher caseload of COVID-19 in the community but has not disclosed what the caseload threshold will be.
Blokes are being quarantined in their dongas.
Thats literally smaller than some prison cells.
For 14 days.
The group of BHP close contacts currently in isolation at Yandi are allowed to smoke and sit outside their rooms but not interact with each other, and they must exercise in their rooms. Internal television channels will air mindfulness exercises and daily gym classes are being provided online, said the company.
What morally repugnant dwarfs we have in charge.
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 4, 2022 at 11:22 am
There are many people here who have decided to get jabbed…for various reasons. What I find interesting is that there’s a level of sanctimonious intolerance that’s emanating from those who’ve chosen not to be jabbed (not all) and so everyday they come here and they sneer, they mock and they ridicule those who have been jabbed….because, you know, that’s what real upright and principled people do.
My family (there are 3 generations of us in the one house & the grandkids not at home have their own places, kids etc) have got the “jab” Work mandates & avoiding 2nd class citizen status – they have lives to lead.
This caused some problems between me & them. We don’t argue about it any more – I explained that I will be the one looking after them if they get sick & avenging them if they die.
From news.com.au
These people are total retards.
Defence Minister Peter Dutton has revealed the Morrison Government war-gamed deploying the army in the early stages of the pandemic to “turn people away from hospitals” in the event of a mass outbreak.
In a chilling revelation, Mr Dutton has detailed the terrifying options the national security committee of cabinet was forced to consider as it prepared for the nation’s health system to be overwhelmed.
Defending the Prime Minister’s record on pandemic management, Mr Dutton said the entire cabinet was forced to contemplate the unthinkable and Mr Morrison had shown leadership.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the closest “Rasey” will come to moving to Japan is walking past some sushi in the local BP fridge.
And it looks like Caroline Wilson is costing her employers at least some money.
“Timothy Neilsonsays:
February 4, 2022 at 11:29 am”
Further to that, the IRA, the PLO, Fatah and other Palestinian terrorist scum groups were and remain very good buddies. IRA fighters went to Jordan and Syria to train during the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
As a clarification to my earlier post, work offered by a government department that deals in some social aspect, may apply weighting to social elements that apply to them.
For example, a tender offered by say, the Qld Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships department, are virtually certain to apply a specific weighting to the number of a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people employed (inc apprenticeships) on a project directly impacting them. Ditto for how many people with a disability you will engage if doing something for the Disability Services section.
And in the future, social elements (all aspects of inclusion etc) may extend beyond mere box ticking. I know of one tender that had a 5% weighting applied for social practice and policy for an run-of-the-mill low level infrastructure project from a government department not usually aligned directly with social issues. The fact that any weighting was applicable may be a pointer to the way things are going.
If government work is your thing, you will have to get on board with this stuff otherwise you’ll miss out.
Ace seems agitated today.
Be interesting to know what the IRA and Sinn Fein think about the current Irish amnesty for country shoppers push in Dublin. The Irish green-progs have their canonical doctrine that immigrants from nasty places like Afghanistan are holy to Gaia, or something. The IRA might find those people slightly less nice than even the Orangemen. I wonder if there will be biff? Popcorn futures in Ireland may rise.
These people are total retards.
Retards in search of a Churchill Moment whilst having watched to many zombie apocalypse movies.
What’s news?
Protestors in Canberra moved on:
Brunch works although it’s a little on the guy side, but if you want to use it then that’s fine with me.
I went to get a coffee this morning and they were all chewing and their jaws were moving . In the morning it’s just disgusting.
Clearly if you want to camp in Canberra you should do it an embassy.
The names Nick Spanos and Stephen Melrose aren’t widely known these days. They were two Australians holidaying in Europe with their girlfriends. They had got a British hire car and crossed the Channel, and in Holland they were gunned down by the IRA in front of their girlfriends.
The IRA claimed that it was a “mistake”
A lady friend of mines dad was in the troubles.
Got himself on camera shooting a reporter by accident in the middle of a firefight (reporter ran round the corner with a microphone in his outstretched arm pointing it at him)
But he told her that the 2 chaps shots fathers had been troopers in Ireland and were deliberately targeted.
Never known if that was correct or not though.
Manners. Please.
Not on any panel I’ve been on, going back 30 years, State and Federal.
Usually the track record of the company was important, as was the likelihood of them having the expertise and financial viability to realistically deliver the project.
That said, I know that a lot of government contracts have been awarded without the panel having done due diligence, or to the chairman’s brother-in-law’s cousin. But that is corruption or negligence, and since contracting out became all da rage in the 1980s, squillions of dollars were outsourced via people who were untrained, indifferent, corrupt, or just plain stupid.
Somebody should write a book, or a thesis, about the government IT outsourcing debacles of the last 30 years. It’s an absolute horror story. The worst thing is, they never seem to learn from their mistakes, and nobody is ever held responsible. Least of all the Minister, who once upon a time would have had to resign over things like the Queensland Health payroll fustercluck.
Were you molested by a cow as a child?
HB Bear. Thank you for the laugh.
So what had to be done was to design a quintessential English pub, then paint it green, put up a few shamrocks, and name it “Paddy O’Flaherty’s Genuinely Authentic Old Irish Boozer To Be Sure Begorrah!”
I was at an Irish Pub in Thailand talking to the owner: “I see you got the base model Irish pub package, one can of Guinness and an illuminated shamrock!” Laughing: “Yes!”
The Jacks have relocated the campers to the Canberra Showgrounds – which is gated and some 10+ clicks from Parliament House. It doesn’t take too much intelligence to work out their next steps as there is supposed to be a huge rally outside Old Parliament House tomorrow.
Heh! Ok .
johanna- you don’t need to work for government to have an IT project run off the rails. Some of the greatest FU I have seen (or were involved in) had IT nerds as major players.
As Rickw points out – too many zombie apocalypse movies.
However, if this is true, they really did believe they had a problem. This heartens me. It means that some of the response, at least at the beginning, was done in good faith.
This doesn’t negate subsequent decisions in the slightest though.
Only “Parent 1” and “Parent 2”? Why only two?
Traditionally ‘two’ was because there were two sexes involved in making a child, and you had one of each. But since the activists have done their all to have such matters written out of human families then why would it be limited to two?
?? Tiff ??
The left is losing and scared shitless. As it should be.
Do they do the same thing at sperm banks?
Jack Posobiec ??
Finally some good news
Facebook loses users for the first time EVER: Shares plummet 20%, wiping $200BN off value of parent-firm Meta after it revealed 500,000 fewer daily log-ins and declining profits – Zuckerberg’s personal wealth takes $29BN hit
Zuckerberg blames TikTok after Facebook loses users for the first time
Facebook reported a nearly half-million drop in users during the last three months of 2021, with only 1.93 billion users logging in daily. Zuckerberg attributed the decline to the TikTok boom.
calli says:
February 4, 2022 at 12:11 pm
Defence Minister Peter Dutton has revealed the Morrison Government war-gamed deploying the army in the early stages of the pandemic to “turn people away from hospitals” in the event of a mass outbreak.
As Rickw points out – too many zombie apocalypse movies.
However, if this is true, they really did believe they had a problem. This heartens me. It means that some of the response, at least at the beginning, was done in good faith.
If this was discussed, it makes one wonder what they were told about the virus and by whom and for what purpose.
The names Nick Spanos and Stephen Melrose aren’t widely known these days. They were two Australians holidaying in Europe with their girlfriends. They had got a British hire car and crossed the Channel, and in Holland they were gunned down by the IRA in front of their girlfriends.
The IRA claimed that it was a “mistake”
The evil was on both sides.
The death of these three was no mistake.
Further to that, the IRA, the PLO, Fatah and other Palestinian terrorist scum groups were and remain very good buddies. IRA fighters went to Jordan and Syria to train during the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
Correct Cassie. If you go to Belfast you’ll see murals in the Nationalist sections glorifying Palestinian terrorism.
Conversely in the Loyalist areas you’ll often see outside Orange Lodges or inside the pubs, along with the Union Jacks and other Anglosphere flags, the Israeli flag.
Pauline’s latest cartoon:
I think this illustrates the extent to which the political class and their advisors in the public service, all live entirely inside the artificial reality bubble of the MSM.
They obviously swallowed all the crap from China, from the left in the USA and from Ferguson in the UK.
None of them have any contact with the real world.
Fake Jabs amongst politicians & ‘influencers’ were so plentiful they became too boring to share, but as more normal, misled people suffer & die and the ‘influencers’ & polies keep kicking & selling the evil, one has cause to wonder ….
PandaRolling?Athena Farm?
Seems that our illustrious police forces target the oldies….. safer.
I ended up getting a Google Pixel 6 Pro, but what’s disturbing is finding out that Optus and other carriers have been forced to get bank accounts for direct payment.
While I’d normally disbelieve Optus, this segues perfectly into the federal government’s digital identity agenda.
Eliminating cash one way at a time, or an excuse to eliminate cash altogether? Whichever way, I smell a dirty great rat.
So when are the ACT pigs going to remove the First Nations camp?
They obviously swallowed all the crap from China, from the left in the USA and from Ferguson in the UK.
Despite having real world data and experience at their fingertips via Ruby Princess that would have allowed a massive and highly beneficial course correction.
This look like the golden turkey for 2022…
They flash the directors ‘credits” its like “oh, what a bunch of crappy flicks”..
How odd. I was under the impression that 100% of nursing home residents are vaccinated and 100% of the staff are also…since any unvaxxed staff have been sacked.
Australian Defence Force personnel may be brought into COVID-19 affected aged care homes to support staff (Sky News, 4 Feb)
OTOH maybe Dutton is sending in the troops to give the oldies ivermectin.
OTOH maybe Dutton is sending in the troops to give the oldies ivermectin.
More likely Midolazam to bump them off. Saves on pension payments.
Neilson at 11:00.
I spoke to someone involved with the instal of those things about twenty years ago.
They were installing one per dayaround the world.
It was almost totally pre-fab, right down to the quaint Oirish accoutrements ‘casually strewn’ around the ‘pub’.
Signs, whisky jugs, newspaper clippings, books, posters, loight fittings, the lot.
All arrived in containers and departure from the agreed scheme was frowned upon and required an uptick from HQ.
Even the paint colours and finishes were precisely stipulated.
“Correct Cassie. If you go to Belfast you’ll see murals in the Nationalist sections glorifying Palestinian terrorism.
Conversely in the Loyalist areas you’ll often see outside Orange Lodges or inside the pubs, along with the Union Jacks and other Anglosphere flags, the Israeli flag.”
A great video.
Now compare this with Scumo’s injection, which seems more believable. Trust Scumo to not get the memo and actually get injected with that shit! Greg hunt standing by like an expectant father, smiling as he thinks of all this kickbacks rolling into his bank account:
The Beer whisperer says:
February 4, 2022 at 12:29 pm
I ended up getting a Google Pixel 6 Pro, but what’s disturbing is finding out that Optus and other carriers have been forced to get bank accounts for direct payment.
That happened to me with Optus a month ago – got another mobile phone on my account with them but thsi time Optus insisted on direct payment.
I am getting to the stage where I think having a phone will not be worth it.
I know those square jawed, flint-eyed Queenssslanders think they are the only ones “resisting” the QR check-ins.
Australia wide, it is being more honoured in the breach than the observance.
When you see someone holding a camera near one of those codes, there is a fair chance they are just engaging in a bit of street theatre to prevent some Karen harassing an already overworked business owner.
How do I know this?
For no other reason than most folks wouldn’t know this & I still luv cowboys/indians stuff .. LOL!
The Battle of Bear Valley near Nogales, AZ was a small engagement fought between a band of Yaquis and a detachment of United States Army soldiers 9 January 1918, and considered the final battle of the Indian Wars
The Yaquis worked in Arizona and purchased weapons and ammunition to fight the Mexican army in order to establish their independence in the State of Sonora. The 10th Cavalry rode from Fort Huachuca, the Yaqui fired on them in a short violent skirmish. After the battle, one of the Yaqui stated that they had only fired on the Buffalo Soldiers because they thought they were Mexican.
The Federal Judge sentenced 10 of then to 30 days in jail which might have been preferable to being returned to Mexico to face death sentences.
Just for you.
I thought this was obvious. Completely contrived so much that I never visited any again if possible. They may have well just scattered some feathers around the joint and called it a duck.
johanna says:
February 4, 2022 at 12:02 pm
Not on any panel I’ve been on, going back 30 years, State and Federal. Usually the track record of the company was important, as was the likelihood of them having the expertise and financial viability to realistically deliver the project.
Perhaps IT operates differently (sounds like it does).
The relative importance of a company’s experience, capability and financial viability has assumed much greater importance with regard to infrastructure projects and many goods/services. However, this was not always the case and price was always the dominant (>50%) weighting.
Price weighting in major infrastructure projects was often 60-65%. Less than 10 years ago a very senior ‘procurement director’ in a govt department told me that the bidding company’s experience could be “assumed”. I shit you not.
Fortunately, the elements of capability etc have grown in relevance and weighting because an emphasis on price sometimes resulted in a contractor later proven to be incapable/unsuitable. Govt is slow to learn but they did eventually learn their lesson on this.
Social aspects are now also muscling in for a slice of the formal evaluation pie and this is purely govt driven. The methodology/capability elements can’t be downgraded so the price weighting is now reduced.
Cassie at 11:22
He’s already left.
Hasn’t he?
I mean he was busting to get out and there was no legal impediment if he was leaving permanently, so I am assuming he is sitting in his Sumo underpants, sipping a sake and enjoying the view of Mt Fuji as we speak.
Getting tough out there. BoJo is now “embattled” and Andrew O’Keefe has been reduced to “beleaguered” as he disappears down the S-bend.
This is a thing. A real thing. Misophonia (iNews UK):
But it’s not all bad news:
Just tolerate it, JC. It will do you good.
No; such a scenario was never on the cards here.
A massive and stupid over-reaction that reveals much about their attitude towards the public.
My granny apparently used to have serried rows of kookaburras on her fence in Turramurra.
Love of nature is partially heritable, study of twins shows (Phys.org, 3 Feb)
I don’t have a twin but my inner Sinny CEO younger brother recently sent me a photo of his baby bluetongues. He’d had two lady blue tongues inhabiting his tiny 2nd floor garden for years, fed on blueberries and strawberries, until recently getting a male from our elderly dad. Result: progeny! His new kiddies are more blessed than any baby bluetongues are at Cafe Bruce, since the kookas usually eat them.
I’m also tired of Morrison, Dutton & Co’s propensity to call in the army to deal with problems they’ve presided over, the long predicted crisis in aged care staffing being the latest.
It’s a lazy response and it’s not the purpose of the army, whether reserve or full time.
February 4, 2022 at 12:29 pm
So when are the ACT pigs going to remove the First Nations camp?
On the twelfth …
of never.
But more seriously, does this blatantly different application of the law to the two groups give a lawyer any argument for dismissal of charges against any of them because the law has not been applied equally?
Squirrel news.
Japanese squirrels can consume ‘poisonous’ mushrooms (3 Feb)
Man kept ‘attack squirrel’ high on meth to take down rivals – police in armed raid (27 Jan)
Tough beasties. No wonder squirrels are squirrelly. (I especially like the photo in the first story. Yum!)
Those rules are still in place.
RNS hospital (and I assume all the other NSW hospitals) are under “code red” which prevents me from escorting my wife to her medical appointments in the hospital.
They will “allow” me to walk her to the waiting room and then exit the hospital, where I am “allowed” to participate in the medical discussion by speakerphone. Then I am “allowed” to go back to the waiting room and collect her.
And a big Fuck You to all the residents of NSW who think this is a normal situation.
Bitter? Me? No way.
Banning a man from supporting his wife during tough times is just the new normal we were warned about.
Well they can stick the new normal where the sun don’t shine.
This old man will burn and rave at close of day;
I will not go gentle into that good night.
I will rage, rage against the dying of the light. (h/t a famous Welsh drinker)
ABCcess has Benny Law and his fag hag on “ discussing” Joe Rogan.
In a shocking development they both think he should be banned.
Also preemptive bannings of all wrongthink.
As they quote Cathedral “ fact checks” and crow some of his guests have also been banned by others.
So 2 tax eaters whining about a chap who produces a product in demand.
Lazlo says:
February 3, 2022 at 11:58 pm
I am not aware of Abbott or Howard or Perrottet coming out loudly and publicly against the COVID mandates
They don’t need to ‘loudly come out’. Actions speak louder than words. We have no vaccine mandates in NSW for most of the populous. We do feel sorry for you in other states that do.
Lazlo – from the preceding, it appears that not everyone in NSW agrees with you.
And don’t forget that we are all just a pen stroke away from having all our freedoms abolished.
Correct Cassie. If you go to Belfast you’ll see murals in the Nationalist sections glorifying Palestinian terrorism.
Conversely in the Loyalist areas you’ll often see outside Orange Lodges or inside the pubs, along with the Union Jacks and other Anglosphere flags, the Israeli flag.
Give it a break Timothy.
IRA evil and Loyalist and Orange Orders are the good guys?
None of them are or were, all scumbags.
If you don’t like vaccine segregation that’s exactly the type of society the Orange Orders ran in Ulster for decades.
Funny how terrorism and religious bigotry go hand in hand in many parts of the world.
This should fix JC’s Misophonia.
and, you’re welcome. 😀
I am getting to the stage where I think having a phone will not be worth it.
This morning I got a .. “Happy 4th anniversary” msg from my phone service ..
it also detailed my account usage for all of the 4 years .. 16 calls .. 2gb data & 425 msgs ..
I know I’m not much of a phone person but an average of 4 calls a year .. woof, woof!
On the bright side I only pay $12 a month and my unused data rolls over .. I have 178gb banked .. LOL!
From Adam’s blog, the new “wellness centre” donga units being built will have a gas connection to their ventilation outlet. That’s a thoughtful touch, they can gas people in their units without troubling them to walk to a gas chamber.
From Shy Ted – Yeah, about those “Wellness Centres” they’re building.
Just like the Australian Open.
Only 50% of seating was allowed to be filled.
Then the Aussies started moving through the rounds and 65% became the new limit.
Then Ash Barty and Kyrios/Kokkinasis made the finals and The Science changed to 80%.
With nary a curious journalist in sight.
I have observed the slow walk to the entrance so that there is no-one behind them to observe their walk past the theatre of the absurd
The schadenfreude is so delicious……..
“Police lay new charges against former TV star Andrew O’Keefe
Former Channel 7 star Andrew O’Keefe has been hit with new charges today after a woman claimed he choked and attacked her in his inner city apartment last week.
Police have charged former Deal or No Deal host Andrew O’Keefe with possession of cannabis after a woman claimed he choked and attacked her in his inner city apartment last week.
The disgraced Channel 7 star has been in custody at Silverwater Jail since last Wednesday after he was denied bail over an attack on a woman at his CBD penthouse.
Police allege an argument erupted between the pair, who were discussing a business deal, with O’Keefe allegedly assaulting the woman.
He was charged with two counts of intentionally choking a person without consent, three counts of common assault and one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
In a bail application last week, the court heard the alleged victim’s injuries were “significant”, including marks to her face and legs and scratch marks across her chest.
However, his lawyer Sharon Ramsden told the court that O’Keefe had sustained “substantial” injuries in the disagreement with the complainant and that self-defence could not be ruled out.
O’Keefe’s case was mentioned again on Friday, where prosecutors laid an additional charge of possess prohibited drug against him, after they allegedly found 1.5 grams of cannabis at his Kent Street apartment on January 27.
Neither O’Keefe nor his lawyer appeared before the court on Friday, with prosecutors foreshadowing an additional charge related to the contravention of an AVO would be laid before next week.
In an email to the court, Ms Ramsden asked the matter be adjourned to next Friday, with the prosecution foreshadowing a detention application would be made on the same date.
The court heard pleas would be entered for the charges during his appearance next week, and that a hearing date would likely be fixed.
After 17 years with Channel 7, his contract was not renewed and he left the network in February last year.
As John Kehoe from the AFR reports today, 60% of the aged care deaths from/with COVID in NSW since the beginning of 2020 have been those in palliative care.
And that 60k people in NSW aged care facilities die every year.
Since the beginning of 2020 there have been 1487 deaths from/with COVID in NSW.
Most of the population don’t realise how minute these COVID death numbers are in the scheme of things.
Give it a break Timothy.
IRA evil and Loyalist and Orange Orders are the good guys?
None of them are or were, all scumbags.
I was just confirming that there’s a definite divide between the two sides on the Israel/”Palestinian” question.
A predictable one actually. Sinn Fein still have a yearly commemoration in Dublin at the statue of Sean Russell, the Nazi collaborator who died aboard a German U-Boat on his way to Ireland after having been trained in explosives by Hitler’s forces.
You’re right, of course, as was Pogria, that there were many horrendous acts from both sides. This discussion started in relation to IRA supporters in Australia. I’m not aware that there are people in Australia who are part of any cheer squad for the activities of the Ulster Freedom Fighters or any of their ilk, nor that any Protestant militia ever killed any Australians, which is why the focus was on the lowlife who barrack for the IRA from a safe 12,000 mile distance.
God only knows what the effect would be on unit morale. Is this why you enlisted?
On the phone thing, I use Kogan Mobile. I’m a small user with an older iPhone so don’t use much data but I prepay only $120 per annum which gives 130Gb per annum of data and unlimited calls/text.
Even the bigger plans for those who use lots of data are cheap. The biggest offers 500Gb and is only $300 per year including unlimited calls/text.
Kogan utilises the Optus network.
I’m so old, or perhaps naive, that I can remember a time when the idea of people agreeing to be choked was unimaginable.
Timothy Neilson,
I knew what you meant. My linking to the Quinn Brothers murder was not a rebuke of anyone, or anything that has been said about the Irish filth of both sides, on this thread.
As we all remembered the wicked murders of Nick Spanos and Stephen Melrose, I wanted everyone to remember the three brothers whose lives had only just begun. I vividly remember the photos of the gaping black hole that was the boys bedroom. Also, justice was not done in both cases.
Speedbox says:
February 4, 2022 at 1:47 pm
Kogan utilises the Optus network.
Speedbox – what are Kogan like to deal with.
I’ve found Optus to be an even bigger bunch of dickheads than Telstra.
“I was just confirming that there’s a definite divide between the two sides on the Israel/”Palestinian” question.
A predictable one actually. Sinn Fein still have a yearly commemoration in Dublin at the statue of Sean Russell, the Nazi collaborator who died aboard a German U-Boat on his way to Ireland after having been trained in explosives by Hitler’s forces.”
Part of a pattern. Remember De Valera visited the German Embassy to offer condolences upon hearing of Adolf Hitler’s death.
Kogan are okay, but you’ll never get rid of them once you buy.
Maybe “unsubscribe” has a use-by date.
I’m struggling to come up with a scenario where I would do this by accident.
‘Good morning Vicar, lovely day for it. Oh shit, sorry.’
“we are all just a pen stroke away from having all our freedoms abolished.”
Another reason so many professional influencers/popular bloggers are so busy yammering about any bit of popular old trivia, history and/or trying to kick off & keep cat fights going … can’t have people simply, quietly, plainly seeing where we’re at, lest they all join the truckers.
I’ve bought several things off Kogan over the past few years, TV, computer, monitor .. never had a problem .. delivery is average .. very rarely what is promised but, usually, within 2 weeks .. no complaints from me ……
Someone mentioned anniversaries.
Happy 6 month anniversary to this blog, and many thanks to the owner.
Onward we go.
It seems the defence minister has found a new role for the emasculated ADF.
Peter Dutton says if troops are needed to staff aged care homes ‘that’s what we will do’
Tucker Carlson informs that Michelle Malkin has been banned by Air BnB – for associating with unapproved persons.
Air BnB then wrote to her family, to inform them they’re also banned, as she may try to sneak into an Air BnB with them.
The loyalist , too, would have strategic support bases, no, eg, the lodges?
(That would be what the MSM would say if she was a lefty.)
The world’s Governments are maiming & murdering men, women & children, now.
Right to redress via Rule of Law has been abolished.
There was a proposal – defeated – to fly the Irish flag at half mast, in Phoenix Park, on hearing of Hitler’s death.
Apologies – mistaken initials – query was re Timothy post.
Most news items about Andrew O’Keefe omit any reference to his hosting of “The Chase”.
Surely not because production was significantly delayed 3 times because of O’Keefe’s issues?
Still, I don’t want to kick a man when he’s down. Get well soon Andrew. Cop what’s coming your way and devote the rest of your working life to feeding the homeless.
I’m trying to imagine my old R.S.M. running an aged care home..
Irish Hitler supporters.
Lord Haw Haw and matched by Mosley or maybe a certain royal David.
The same could be said of the Spanish, Swiss, Swedish, Serb or many collaborators right throughout Europe.
Not a very compelling point.
Fat Tony says:
February 4, 2022 at 1:56 pm
Ok FT. But it’s a pretty simple process and I’ve never had reason to engage directly with them. Pay your money, they send you a code, activate via the internet, done.
Forget about phone bills for the next 12 months (they send reminder for renewal) or you can also do annual auto-renew if you wish.
You retain your existing phone number or they will give you choices of a new one via new SIM. I also understand they offer diversion from a pre-existing number to the new number but haven’t needed to look into that. My whole family are on Kogan (5 phones) and have been for about 6 years and no disruption to existing mobile numbers or network (Bris metro).
The only trick is this: if you renew manually each year, wait until near the last day of the current term because on renewal, their system doesn’t recognise the renewal from the forthcoming expiry date – renewal applies immediately. So, if the 1st manual renewal reminder is sent, say 1 month before expiry and you renew then, you’ve reduced your previous term by that month. Alternatively, auto-renew on anniversary.
Jack Posobiec ??
Truckers have PARALYZED the government of Canada
Do not overlook the importance of this
We are in an inflection point
Oh, I forgot the Italians.
I deal with both companies.
Baderer and worserer than each other.
How about the Romanians in WWII?
Go to sleep fighting with the Germans.
The next morning, fighting with the Russians.
When you see someone holding a camera near one of those codes, there is a fair chance they are just engaging in a bit of street theatre to prevent some Karen harassing an already overworked business owner.
How do I know this?
I know this because my phone has no internet connection or data allowance, I have been using it to check in since the app was introduced in WA.
February 4, 2022 at 2:08 pm
The loyalist , too, would have strategic support bases, no, eg, the lodges?
Not sure what you’re saying. If you’re suggesting that there’s some sort of Protestant paramilitary support group in Australia that’s certainly news to me.
If you just mean that there are people in the lodges who approve of the activities of the UFF or the like, I’ve no idea. There’s no reason to assume so as far as I can see. Being Protestant and Loyalist doesn’t mean being a terrorist supporter any more than being a Catholic and a Nationalist does. All I’m saying is that there are people in Australia prancing around as a cheer squad for the IRA, and that that’s repellent. I’ve never actually encountered the converse, despite growing up in very much a British-descended Protestant environment.
(To be clear, I’ve met quite a few people who are bigoted against Catholics, but they’ve almost invariably been atheists from a formerly Protestant background, for whom antagonism towards Irish Catholics seems to have filled the void left by the loss of actual Christian faith.)
The pre-Egyptian calendar with 6 very long months.
Cringefest country.
Why not important another 400,000 Africans? Aren’t they doing a good job? What happened to the last 400,000?
Tennis Australia is in debt to Vic.gov to the tune of $40Mill.
This way Vic.gov might at least get some of the interest paid, if not any principal.
Aussie cops covering themselves in glory, again!
Peter Dutton says if troops are needed to staff aged care homes ‘that’s what we will do’
So what about qualifications? .. doesn’t most employment in aged care require some qualified training/Tafe accreditation and if not why not just use the those in the dole queues .. or is it just .. the old folk needing care are gonna die shortly anyway so we can skip the, usual, specialist care ….. just this once ..!
Adalia Brand
Feb 3
??Dr David Martin exposes Trudeau; Canada gets a kick back every time that Pfizer or Moderna shots are given.
He literally has a price on your heads Canada.
“It’s racketeering!”
I’m saying is that there are people in Australia prancing around as a cheer squad for the IRA,
Haven’t run into any in my travels, not all that common.
Many people of Irish descent still think that Northern Ireland is a confected state with little justification for being kept apart from the rest of the island.
When the WHO formally declares a “pandemic”, countries like ours have signed articles that we will immediately engage our WHO approved pandemic response plans. There are scenarios covering the various possibilities. These idiots are just engaged in creating hollywood style imagery in people’s head that they were personally discussing the Grave Threat and all of the Very Grave things they’ll have to do.
In reality it was a gay zoom meeting and bugman from the Dept of Health was read off the scenarios and what powers they’d have to engage to do it (biosecurity act, etc).
Iron Cove, here’s a link to his twitter thread.
He had a column linked to it before but that’s been deleted.
I assumed it was to an AFR column, but that might not be the case.
Farmer Gezsays:
February 4, 2022 at 2:17 pm
Irish Hitler supporters.
Lord Haw Haw and matched by Mosley or maybe a certain royal David.
The same could be said of the Spanish, Swiss, Swedish, Serb or many collaborators right throughout Europe.
Not a very compelling point.
How many organisations in the world still have an annual commemoration at the statue of a Nazi collaborator, or anything like that?
Have Sinn Fein or the IRA ever renounced their wartime activities in support of the Nazis?
It’s no accident that the Loyalist/Nationalist divide on Israel/”Palestinians” breaks the way it does.
Victorians have this weird thing where they think that we’ve all basically been in the same boat as them for the last two years and we’re all just lying about it.
Kind of like how North Koreans do.
Welcome to SE QLD August 2021. LOL.
twostix, this all came from the Saudi conference.
Pamela Williams wrote a column how Josh was there for a G something finance conference & they all were shocked from what they were seeing from China & Italy.
Many people of Irish descent still think that Northern Ireland is a confected state with little justification for being kept apart from the rest of the island.
Are they vehemently opposed to East Timor having broken away from Indonesia?
In a last-ditch effort to get its #HumanRights narrative under control, Chinese regime officials are arresting dissidents and reining in social media chatter. The goal? To prevent people from speaking out during the #WinterGames.
Probably Jane Halton and our illustrious Federal Health Minister, the purpose is Agenda 2030.
That Saudi conference preceded the WHO saying it was the end of the world.
“Many people of Irish descent still think that Northern Ireland is a confected state with little justification for being kept apart from the rest of the island.”
I’m sure Ulster Protestants would disagree….and Northern Ireland isn’t a “state”, it’s akin to a province with devolved government.